Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Devastating News from Cousin Amy

We are grieved to announce that the rumors about Amy (Duggar) King's parents are true. The niece of Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar informed Entertainment Tonight that her parents have filed for a divorce.

"It has been quite the year to be a Duggar," Amy told ET.  "The family has gone through a lot of heartache this year, but we will get through it. Right now, I just have to take lessons from all I've gone through this year and focus on my marriage."

Deanna Duggar, Amy's mother and Jim Bob's only sister, and Terry Jordan, Amy's father, split on December 20th, after nine years of marriage. Amy says her dad broke the news to her through a text message on Christmas, and while she is "devastated," she says her parents have had an "on/off relationship for a long time."

The newlywed Duggar cousin told ET that she is leaning on her husband, Dillon King, during this difficult time. We know she and her family would appreciate your prayers.


  1. So sorry to hear this! Love and prayers Amy we love you!

  2. Sorry to hear about your parents. Prayers for your family.

  3. This title scared me - like her husband died or she had a miscarriage - I don't think her parent's divorcing is "devastating" to reader's of this blog.

    1. I thought the same

    2. It may not be devastating to us, but it certainly may be devastating to Amy.

    3. God hates divorce. God only allowed it because of the hardness of our hearts.

    4. Devastating news for Amy and on Christmas day?? Her parents should have told her before or after.. THAT wasn't a very good present! Prayers for your family and may 2016 bring peace to all.

  4. After reading headlines, I really thought someone had died... Yes, divorce is a painfull thing, but devastating?! Please, choose your words more carefully... Much worse things in life can happen.

    1. Yes, divorce is devastating, are you kidding me?! It's like a death of your partner, your best friend, something you never get over. Obviously, you have not been divorced, or have had family members that were divorced. Shame on you. You should choose your words more wisely!

    2. Actually my parents are divorced, so I do know what it feels like... From that perspective, yes, it is definitely hurtful, but devastating not at all. Death is devastating! And just because someone is not living with you anymore does not mean he/she is dead! That is very selfish point of view. And if people can't live together anymore, should they stay together and live a life full of misery just because?! I don't think so... When you marry someone of course you think its forever, but sometimes it's just not meant to be! Yes it is painfull, but you move on with your life, and eventually pain goes away because both of you are safe and sound, and you'll both find your happines again. Which is not the case when someone dies. And comparing those 2 things is completely absurd and ridiculous, no matter how important marriage is for you.

    3. That's kind of hard to say as well... I don't think people ment to say that divorce isn't devastating, but in the context of this blog the title scared me and others a lot more than was necessary (I thought she had a miscarriage or a terrible illness). That has nothing to do with not having divorced family members, my parents were divorced when I was seven and also my husbands parents are divorced. Sorry you probably have experiences with this in your personal life as well.

    4. My parents seperated then divorced 5 years later while i was a tween and teen and it was really hard on me (I have special needs and am the oldest of 4) It didn't get any better when Dad got married again almost 2 years later. I am fine now and going to spend time with my dad in Arizona (i am in Virginia with Mom and siblings) in a couple weeks, I love both parents equally and wish i could have them in the same state again (we moved from Arizona after 7 years to Virginia almost 2 years ago)

  5. I pray for Amy during this time of pain. God has plans for each of us and to remember that he is ALWAYS in charge. God bless you Duggar family

  6. So sorry to hear this i will be praying

  7. That is sad news. My husband and I will be praying.

  8. I am so sorry that your family has had such a rough year . But you have so many blessings and I am sending you healing prayers . How about you start as a whole NEW year put all the negative behind you . I look forward to watching your family grow and smile , as it should be . Happy Birthday to the twins . Ok now lets get the New Year rung in . !!!!!!!!

  9. this is not devastating news! A death is that. Amy's parents chose to do this and it is a right choice for them. I myself got divorced several years ago and it was the right choice. I am a better person because of this and it is better for my children than to see and hear fighting and verbal, emotional, and mental abuse from my ex. Not sure why they are getting a divorce but it is probably for the better. Some people are just not meant to stay together forever!

  10. That doesn't make sense to me. If they were only married nine years and Amy is married then how does that work. Is Deanna not her mom or Terry not her dad? I have been reading the blog and watching the Duggars for only about two years, so I don't know that much.

    1. They had Amy out of wedlock. They didnt get married until she was 19.

    2. Deanna and Terry are Amy's parents, but they weren't married when she was born.

    3. They are both her biological parents, but they were not married until 9 years ago.

  11. Our prayers are with you all.

  12. Prayers being sent and maybe things will work out in he coming New Year. Take care Amy your parents will always be there for you. It is not easy for them as well as for you.

  13. Hang in there Amy its a new year and things will get better we pray

  14. Poor Amy, I pray for restoration of her family and that they maintain their good relationships.

  15. Oh my. That is so sad. My friends parents split up this year and that was very hard for him. I can't even imagine what that would be like and I pray I never have to experience it.

  16. Your family just can't 'catch a break'. I'm sure the Lord has great and better things for you all in 2016. It's time for some "mountain time", you've been long enough in the valley. Praying for you all. God Bless.

  17. Divorce isn't as devastating as you think; sometimes it's a blessing.

    1. Completely agree. Sometimes the overall family functions better without mom and dad always fighting, always having tension in the air. Kids walking on eggshells because they don't want another fight to start. Yes, it can be a blessing.

    2. You are so right. Christians need to understand that and to learn to be supportive and understanding in this situation instead of judgemental.

  18. Praying for her and your family thru this difficult time

  19. Her father TEXT her on CHRISTMAS to tell her? That's awful. What a horrible thing to do.

  20. Soo Sorry to hearths Amy Duggar-King,! Yes you will get through this praying for you and for family always are in my prayers as well as the whole Duggar Family are in my prayers !!!

  21. Very sad!! I hope that Amy and Dillon learn from this experience and are able to make their marriage strong and lasting!

  22. Hi sad is this.How is my Favourite Duggar Jinger and My 2nd Favourites Jill and Jessa.

  23. I think you need to rethink this headline....death without Jesus is devastating. Adultery is devastating. Murder and suicide are devastating. Divorce, while not ideal, wanted or hoped for, is not the end of the road. God is still in the fixing business and, for all we know, could patch this marriage together and breathe new life into it. Thanks for the update but I choose to remain hopeful for Amy and her family. So sorry you had to hear this on Christmas Amy. God be with you and your family during this time!

  24. Amy~ Some times these things can just happen, through no fault of our own. Sadly, I too am filing for divorce, but because he left me. I just pray to our Lord for strength, courage, and that He point me down the right path. As we all go through our trials, just know they both Still love you, your family loves you, and many viewers care very much about you and your family. God Bless and take care! <3

  25. Oh that is terrible and the way she was told was even worse.

    1. I thought the same thing. I mean seriously? Braking bad news should at least be told over the phone in a call not a text.

  26. I'm so sorry for the pain you all, most especially Amy, must be feeling right now. My this new year be filled with more joy and happiness then your dreams could imagine.
    God Bless

  27. I'm sorry if I sound like a horrible person for saying this but a divorce nowadays is nothing. If you asking people to feel bad because your parents divorced, that is pathetic. I had 3 family members die this year, and I don't even feel bad for myself because I know that others have it worse. So appreciate the fact that you duggars have not had the worst of the worst.

  28. So sorry to hear this. Keep your head up Amy.

  29. How awful. And breaking the news to her not only through a text but on Christmas day too...that's horrble...Geez at least let your daughter enjoy her Christmas...why would anyone ruin their child's Christmas like that...

  30. Based on the title of this post, I was afraid one of her parents or Dillon had died! Praise the Lord that everyone is okay despite this unfortunate event.

  31. OH, PHEW! For a minute when I saw the post on FB, I thought the King's were the one's getting a divorce. I do feel terrible for Cousin Amy now that she's starting a New Year without a parent. I hope she can get the support she needs, as well as appear on the "New Show" soon.
    Good luck Amy, and Happy New Year's all the way from Ecuador!

  32. So sorry for sweet Amy! Hang in there! If Dad is the kind of man who can break that kind of news in a text, then maybe Mom is better off without him! Yet every little girl loves their daddy, and my heart goes out to Amy!

  33. Your family continues to inspire me. Life happens to all of us yet the way all live your faith is such a blessing to me. God bless you all and keep you.

  34. I think that they should leave the Duggar"s on tv, i love them all. There show was the best on tv, if they don't bring them back, i will never watch TLC again

    1. That's a bit childish to say that. So if you don't get your way you will never watch another show on tlc? At some point the Duggar's won't be on tv any more. Just like any reality tv show (because that's what it is) eventually it will be taken off the air.

  35. praying for you Amy as well as for your parents

  36. I really feel bad for Amy because her parents have spent
    her entire life fussing around about the state of their
    relationship. It must be a continual state of indecision,
    selfishness, confusion, etc. with this sad choice always
    lurking in wait.

  37. I didn't even know Amy's mom was married.

  38. I love the update pictures and you guys are an inspiration all of you yes our relationships to go up and down I suppose God always has a plan about that too so in the end results from what I have seen you are definitely my best decision I ever made you're very inspiring for all the things that you've gone through y'all don't realize the all of the good things that you've given to most of us so thank you thank you thank you god bless you and hope to keep in touch what a beautiful page this yo

  39. I too was in my twenties, 24 years old, when my parents divorced. Many people believe the myth that being an adult when parents divorce has little to no impact on their hearts and lives. However that is not the case. While my brother, who was 21 years old during the divorce, and I may not have been involved in any custody battles we still nonetheless experienced such sorrow and grief which led to my brother becoming estranged from the family. So don't tell me divorce doesn't impact adult children.

    1. But truly as an adult you have better coping skills than a child. No time is a good time for a divorce but I would prefer it as an adult so there are no custody issues.

  40. I'm very sorry to hear the news. Amy, I've just said a prayer for you. I love you all. Love Jenni from Melbourne Australia.

  41. So sorry for this news about your parents and by what was written you probably are not surprised. Hard aches and trouble cannot define you but only make you stronger. Keep God in the center of your marriage and your home and depend on Him 100% and your walk will be a lot lighter. God bless you all.

  42. What people always seem to forget is that everyone is human and no one is perfect. Life is complicated and does not always go the way we pray it does.
    You will get through this Amy.

  43. Why is this public? Why?

    1. Because divorce filings are public records and unfortunately several tabloids saw Amy's parents' names in the records and started their usual sensationalizing innuendos. Amy probably felt she would rather put the facts out herself rather than have increasingly outrageous stories wwritten by others.

  44. I don't think this is devastating news. Heartbreaking yes, devastating mo. Amy is old enough to get through it just fine.

  45. This is a typical family with family issues that is thrown out in the public. They are a Christian Family, and that does not mean that they are perfect! People sin every day, that doesn't mean because you are a Christian you are perfect. Life that's what its all about.

  46. That is very sad, I feel for all of them.

  47. prayer to Amy's parent i hope and wish they should keep their marriage..go see counselor marriage or church counselor could help is up to them. sad hugs

  48. I suspect this couple has had a rocky relationship for years, sometimes divorce is the best thing and they can (hopefully) just be friends, this can be sad but it's not necessarily that devastating, when I saw the twitter directing me here I thought someone had died.

  49. I am so sorry to hear this sad news my prayers are with you all and cousin amy sure do miss seeing the show on tv and nice that jess and ben had their little boy he is precious. and the dillards are in my prayers as well all of them all in my prayers and love you al god bless and happy 2016

  50. I'm confused. Is Deanna not Amy mom or is Terry not her dad? I've only been reading the blog for about a year and watching them on TV for about two years so I don't know.

    1. They had Amy out of wedlock and didnt get married intil she was like 19.

  51. Oh that is horrible. I don't think getting divorced should even be an option for people. Either get married and stay married or don't get married at all. Especially when you have kids. That is so hard on the kids. My friend's parents got divorced and now his brother keeps getting into trouble. I hope and pray that my brother and I never have to go through that.

    1. Divorce sometimes is the only option. Even Scripture says it's acceptable for unfaithfulness or if an unbelieving spouse wants to leave. I would not stay married to a man who paid to commit adultery. I do not find that to be strong, but to be weak. It's abuse. I will teach my daughters that we have more value than that.

  52. So sad to hear that. All my love to the whole family

  53. I am very sorry to hear this and will pray for healing for your family.

  54. So sorry Amy...keep your head high and your heart close to God and he will help you through this difficult time. Keeping you in our prayers. God bless. The Lee family.

  55. Such sad news. The Duggars have had one rough year!!! What's even more upsetting is that josh is being sued!! It might be settled out of court or in civil court but good chance it could be criminal. Prayers to the Duggars! Hopefully they can weather this storm and come out stronger and better people because of it. There are always silver linings to dark clouds.

  56. Replies
    1. A divorce is a blessing when a man is emotionally abusive and physically abusive to his wife while the children sit and witness it and start to think that the husbands behavior is normal. That is when divorce is a blessing.

    2. A divorce can be a blessing when there is unfaithfulness, or physically and/or verbal abuse in a marriage.

  57. I feel bad for Amy, but to use the word "devastating" is a bit much. Her parents' relationship was on/off for quite a while anyway and she already has her own life with her husband. She is not some little kid living at home. Divorces are common and are often for the best. My grandparents are divorced and it was certainly for the best in that situation. The same can be said for my friend's parents. The word "devastating" is best reserved for stuff like 9/11 and mass shootings.

  58. Why oh why couldn't hwr father have waited just one more measly day?Her first Christmas with her new husband should have been a joyus occasion... Really!What was he thinking?

    1. Exactly, that was very selfish on his part, I'm sure he was trying to make his loved ones feel as miserable as he was at that time.

  59. They made it sound really bad for headlines; so sad. How come her parents have only been married for 9 years?

    1. Well she was born out of wedlock. And then it was an on again off again thing where at times her dad wasn't it the picture. Then I guess when she was nineteen they thought she was old enough that they could focus on the marriage and wanted to or thought they solved problems. Amy talked on the show a couple years back about how her parents relationship was hard but it taught her to be strong.

  60. One of the reasons it's public is because it's in the (public) records at the court, and they print all divorce cases in the local paper.

  61. @AnonymousThe mom had Amy out of wedlock, the parents reconnected years later and got married, both parents are Amys biological parents but I think Amy went by the last name Duggar (till she got married) because she was a Duggar when she was born since her father wasn't in the picture at the time (apparently).

  62. Sometimes, I think Cousin Amy likes to over dramatize things?

  63. As many have said before me; this is not "devastating" news. Amy, even admitted, her parents relationship was struggling. The Christmas text was probably just a confirmation to Amy about what she already knew about her parents.

  64. Very sad news but thankful after reading the article no serious health issues or death.
    A divorce is another rough road to face but from what I read it shouldn't be a shock.
    It sounds like efforts were made to work it out or it was typically volatile. Her father texting is a bit odd but maybe he already has closure with their discussion.
    Prayers are with the family and hope there is no ugliness through the process.

  65. I call a divorce a death with no funeral. Yeah, I too can get confused about why when they, after so many years and I thought a lot of counsel, got married when Amy was already an adult, and now this. But I didn't live in their home, I don't know them. I do know that, even though I miss my husband, and his death was horribly sad, I'm sure it must be a lot worse to have the divorce stigma attached to me. I pray for them both, and Amy, and both families; the Duggars and the Jordans.

  66. He's a piece of work...Merry Christmas, I'm divorcing your Mom.

  67. @Anonymousn agree! was also lead to believe something more horrific event than divorce.

  68. It has they split after 9 years of marriage...ummm Amy is older than 9 and this her step dad?

    1. No. Amy was born out of wedlock. They got married when she was 19.

  69. I have been a Military wife for nearly 23 years. My husband has been in every combat situation since Desert Storm--before most Duggar children were even born. We have witnessed real devastation within families. Choose your words more carefully please.

  70. I am sorry to hear this and I know it has to be heartbreaking, but even worse, how about a father who sends a text to his daughter on Christmas to announce the divorce. What kind of a man is that? Think it could have at least been a phone call if it could be in person, and it could have waited a day, couldn't it?

  71. Why is she broadcasting this news? It's devastating and a family matter. I understand her need for our prayers during such a time, but why tell the world about it, much less that her dad informed her via text? That is tasteless.

  72. @Anonymous

    As it stated, her parents have had an on and off again relationship. So I assume they were together previously and this latest time were married for 9 years.

  73. @Anonymous She was born out of wedlock, they are her parents.

  74. So sorry Amy!You are a great singer and so pretty!Sorry about this!Will be praying for you Amy!

  75. Poor cousin Amy so sad!She has such a bright spirit!!!

  76. Need more 'emotions' Divorce is 'sad'

  77. I wish the audio from the ET story didn't automatically play when I open the Duggar Family Blog. I would prefer having to click on a link to hear the story.

  78. My own divorce was definitely a blessing, because of him being unfaithful and emotionally and financially abusing me. THAT was devastating; the end of the relationship was a relief. Before someone says it, I would have stayed and honoured my vows if he had honoured his. He was not the man I thought he was, and I was too young and naive when we started dating. I'm so lucky to have now (in my 30s) found a much better match.

    My parent's divorce may not have been a blessing in and of itself, but they should never have married in the first place - if it weren't for Mum's parents making her feel she should marry the first person she dated, then perhaps they would have found much better matches for them. I am so happy for my Dad that he's moved on.

    So, divorce may be sad, yes. No one does it for fun, and very few people do it without long, serious and difficult consideration. And yes, especially if there are young children involved, it's sadder and more difficult on everyone. But kids can see the undercurrent of negativity, abuse or contempt in an unhappy marriage. Is that really the best environment to raise them in?

  79. They should not divorce for any reason. in marriage, "til death do us part" is a promise. not only are you breaking a promise, you are breaking your family by divorce. poor amy. divorce is terrible. she shouldn't suffer this. i will pray for her and you all.

    1. Wow--not divorce for any reason! So you have decided to become a law even above God's Word? Because He says divorce is permissible due to marital unfaithfulness. Adultery does bring death to the marriage vows--hence "til death do us part." I don't understand why so many people on here seem to find it Godly if they suffer so much. My Lord wants me to have life abundant--sometimes that means leaving abuse behind.

  80. that was a nice thing of Dillon 2 do 2 get Amy a car

  81. Seems like this was done to say that now Amy is married the parents can divorce! So the marriage was for Amy, now it is OK to end it, and with some kind of morbid drama for a more hurtful impact since this was being done on the Christmas days. If I were Amy I would seek a counsellor to pour my heart out to and maybe get some insight from. Then I would under involve myself with these parents since they do not really seem to have good will and peace on earth as their top priorities if they behave like this. Amy should have her own Christian life!


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