Tuesday, January 27, 2015

New Season Sneak Peek

Check out this sneak peek video of the upcoming season of 19 Kids and Counting, which premieres Tuesday, February 17th. Jill and Derick Dillard have the four youngest Duggar kids (Johannah, Jennifer, Jordyn, and Josie) over for a fondue party.


  1. Is there another link to the video? It's not showing up.

  2. You have got to be kidding me. You would think TLC would start focusing on Jessa and Ben, Sorry, since it's become all about the Dillard's and a fondue no less, I will no longer be watching,TLC dropped the ball again

  3. @AnonymousYou made a judgment based on ONE sneak peek. WOW. The season will also show Ben & Jessa's wedding, and leading up to it!

  4. So glad they're back! I just don't want to see a lot on the Bates.

  5. I have waited as patiently as possible to see Jessa and Ben's wedding; while this is cute and sweet not what I have been waiting for. Sorry! When do they get their share of the show??????

  6. That's really sweet. I like seeing updates on the Dillard family. I think Jill and Derick will make great parents.

  7. Yes I am so excited to watch this!

  8. What's wrong with jill having fondue with her four youngest sisters. Just because she is married doesn't mean she gets kicked off the show.

  9. So exciting! But concerned about Jill being exposed to the toxic fumes of nailpolish when pregnant. Be careful with your beautiful bundle of joy!

  10. Ahhh, can't wait for the new season!

  11. Love those little girls. Good to see they are still getting Jill time -- especially since we saw how distressed Jordyn was before the wedding.

  12. I'll watch no matter what it is, I love all of the Duggars!

  13. Can't wait for the new episodes to start! Derick did great helping the little girls, he is going to be a great dad!

  14. The video is not shown up

  15. Looks like little girls dreams come true.

  16. I am so happy TLC stayed by your families side, I tried to keep up the good fight for you! Can't wait to see you all on Feb 7!

  17. I can't believe the cynical comment (may still be 4, reads 'you have got to be...', this just proves you can please some of the people some of the time - but you can't please all the people all the time! It is a matter of this person's negative outlook not the efforts for inclusive coverage by TLC.
    People have been asking for more about the others and when they get that it makes some people so upset it wasn't someone else they write a comment like this. Anyway I think this person will walk past the show when it is on and give the television a side ways glance and then sit down because Jessa and Ben's wedding show will be on then....welcome back!

  18. does Josie have developmental delays? It seems like she does here, so much concern!

  19. That looks adorable! Regular family stuff is always what I like best on this show. I'd rather see this kind of stuff any day rather than an endless string of episodes about wedding prep.

  20. I think this is so good. I think the reason TLC focuses more on Derrick and Jill then Ben and Jessa is because Ben and Jessa probably prefer their privacy a little more than Derrick and Jill. I mean you don't see certain people like Jana or Joseph or John-David and I have watched the Duggars quite a bit and I do notice that certain of the kids are interviewed whereas others are not and I think it is just who likes it and who doesn't.

  21. Thought it was adorable! Love that they are showing the younger kids and they are so cute to watch and listen to. Love them! Kids say the funniest things sometimes.

  22. Looking forward to the new season.

    Hoping TLC will drop all those annoying flash-back-type inserts.
    That practice caused me to turn the show off more than once...

  23. That Derrick is a keeper. HIs manhood is not threatened at all as he paints baby girl's fingernails. Jill picked a good one.

  24. Can we now look forward to Jill introducing every interview with her with "I am now married to derickdillard"?

  25. Is this season going to be all "Jill and Derick are having a baby! Oh yeah, Jessa got married too..."? If so, it might be hard to handle. Or maybe TLC is setting up the Dillard spinoff? In any case - MORE JINGER!

  26. I'm personally EXCITED that 19 Kids and Counting is coming back on in Feb, I LOVE to hear about all the children, including the soon to be grandbabies on their way this year, but I do hope that there will be some shows about Jessa and Ben their life as a married couple as well as if/when they announce she becomes pregnant with yet another grand baby to add to the already HUGE and LOVING family! I hope that TLC will have spin-off shows The Dillards, The Seewalds, and something about Josh and Anna's clan also; just idea's that TLC probably has already thought of :)

  27. I agree what about the rest of the hugenormous family?! jessa and ben?! in the shadows forgotten?! shame smh!i liked this show years ago but i feel theyve lost site of what it was about in the beginning! I'm sure to hear about it but I'm not watching it this season

  28. Love this! I love getting a glimpse into Jill and Derick's lives!! :)

  29. @Anonymous You are really going to judge the entire season and show based on one video? Doesn't seem very logical.

  30. This is cool! But I don't get the big beard and hat??

  31. @Anonymous

    I'm sure they're just showing a quick promo that involved more of the kids. Jessa and Ben's wedding is a big deal and I bet it will get lots of focus, but TLC doesn't want viewers to think that that's all they'll be showing. Besides, some of us are interested in Jill and Derick, too!

  32. Is this video on youtube because it does not come up on this page :(

  33. Derick is so involved with it all. It's so sweet that he and Jill are having the girls over. That's awesome. :)

  34. Seriously concerned about Josie - I watched this video and I find it hard to believe that she isn't having difficulty with at least her speech. Even her fine motor doesn't quite seem right. Pleas stop saying there are no concerns, that worries me.

  35. I love this. The four little girls are so adorable. Seeing the younger members of the family on TLC is my favorite part of the show.

  36. What an adorable video. Hope the new episodes concentrate on the younger Duggars, Jana,Joy-Anna and all the teens and tweens.
    Marilyn and Joan

  37. I cant see anything can you tell me the name so i can find it on youtube please someone

  38. I love watching Jill and Derick with the kids and just anything. I enjoy seeing this couple. Sweet.

  39. It's one episode smh

  40. Their show has become so silly and boring.


  42. On TLC they show previews on Jessa's wedding. I wonder if they are going to show her honeymoon. If they went to Paris, it would be very interesting to watch. Also, I'm very curious how much Duggar kids know of history, and what they know about world history not in religious way.

    1. Jessa and Ben said they were allowin TLC to film part of their honeymoon

  43. Wow didn't know Anna was expecting too. Congrats ladies

  44. What's going on with the remaining 17 children? I'm interested in keeping up with all of them.

  45. We love, love watching your uplifting program. I'm so excited about the new season and about the sweet babies coming soon. May the Lord continue to bless all of you.

  46. Thank you for keeping us updated!!!

  47. Love and Miss all how are the baby's doing

  48. Hi lily and Ellie, am having trouble not seeing any videos appear on the screen lately. I'm in Australia. Is there a direct link to the video?

  49. Oh, dear… I think TLC is spinning its wheels by trying too hard. This show has become all too predictable- more courtships, more marriages, more baby bumps. It also appears staged and stiff to me, which is a change from the earlier years. It has had a good run, but there's much wisdom in the old saying of "Quit while you're ahead."

  50. Chocolate, cupcakes with icing, sugar cookies, (what to drink? juice?), sweet fruit, this is the norm for parties and events and who would dare to suggest otherwise, but it could have been healthy food choices like whole grain bread cubes, cheese fondue, raw - broccoli, celery, cauliflower, and water or herb tea in the teapot. It is awkward to choose the better way to go with wee children, but after teaching kids to eat sweets it could be difficult to get them to eat their healthy foods. This is not the first girl's 'sugar party' I have seen televised. I guess they want to show a successful event so they feed the children sugar so they don't have to show them fighting with the kids to eat their vegetables. Michelle used to be the authority on child training everyone looked to, for example blanket training, but the area of food seems to not be as strict a discipline.

  51. I don't know what everyone's whining about...I love learning more about Jill and Derick! :)

  52. I still can't see the videos, though! I know I'm missing out! It says I need hook player, and then it says hook player is incompatible with my device. Android phone .. Please help!

  53. i LOVE this family and show, I agree would be nice to see more of the other 17 too, havent seen Josiah for awhile

  54. Finally...my college daughter and I were have Duggar withdrawl! They are such a light in this world. My daughter goes to school 2 hours from home and we get on the phone and watch together. She is getting married in the Spring so it's been cool to see what their girls and families have done before, during and after their weddings.
    Looking forward to seeing them in Columbus!

  55. Yikes! Have you noticed the ABC commercial before the video?? Please get this off!

  56. Hi Readers,

    Here is the direct link to the video for those of you who are having technical difficulties: http://www.people.com/article/19-kids-and-counting-exclusive-sneak-peek-derick-jill-sleep-over-party

    Lily and Ellie

  57. I agree with anonymous 30. Too many shows on TLC, including this one, "recap" and it's simply not necessary to begin every segment after a commercial with 3-5 minutes of rerunning what we just saw or reminder footage from the past. A waste of time and it's annoying I want to turn it off too. Keep it moving.

  58. I wonder how the Duggars justify their publicity arrangement with People magazine and having their photos alongside those of celebrities which are quite provocative. In an attempt to read about this family, numerous lust-provoking visual images are difficult, if not impossible, to avoid. I see this as a huge double-standard. (Curious to know if the Duggars approved the ABC commercial that ran prior to their video clip.)

  59. Hello, thank you for your attentiveness.The commercial's better today. [Yesterday was nudity in a bedroom-- omit this please, I don't want to put mental pictures in anyone's mind] However, this "Shades of Grey" preview also makes me afraid to click on future video postings you may have. Please communicate with whoever is responsible for commercial content. They can put on more appropriate commercials for the audience that Duggar videos attract instead of appearing to use bait and switch tactics. Maybe they don't want you to embed videos and insert bad commercials on purpose? If the content can't be kept positive, please consider a different method for sharing videos. I appreciate the link you provided -- the commercial on it was for yummy healthy food. Perhaps providing links is a good alternative for embedding...
    Thank you for all the effort you make to be a light in this internet world. I'm praying for your wisdom. "Be ye followers of God, as dear children;" Ephesians 5:1

  60. Will it begin at 9pm as usual? YAY!

  61. I would have chosen sweet treats too. Let the parents do the healthful foods. I think it's "sweet" of Derrick and Jill to do something fun and give the girls the candy. I would have done the same.

  62. JUST CURIOUS DOES JILLS HUSBAND WORK? IF SO WHAT DOES HE DO? NEWLY MARRIED ALWAYS OUT AND ABOUT WITH HER AND FAMILY/BABY DUE SOON. WILL JILL CONTINUE EDUCATION FOR /TO ATTEND COLLEGE FOR NURSE/MIDWIFE? I KNOW WE HAVE 13 CHI ldren AND MY HUSBAnd works ALOT to provide for us. we dontt/have time to aattend rallies/marches just curios . would greatly appreciate answer also did they buy a home/car payments etc. thank you esther graber mennonite huntsburg ohio mom of 13! LOVES GOD

  63. I think this show has run its course they are running out of ideas. Showing the same thing over and over. Nothing exciting anymore every season is way too predictable. And I bet they save Jessa's wedding untill the end of the season.

  64. @Anonymous

    Hi Esther,

    Derick is an accountant for Walmart. He and Jill are renting a house from Jim Bob.

    Lily and Ellie

  65. @Shelby

    Hi Shelby,

    The show starts at 9pm ET/8pm CT on February 17th.

    Lily and Ellie

  66. I wonder about the attitude to let the parents do the healthful foods. Was reading an article called stop feeding my kids sugar online and the person who wrote that said that there is always an occasion when sugar is the main ingredient fed to children, therefore it is important to be careful not to just default to sugar for all special occasions. Get it?

  67. I like the sneak peaks but they are actually a portion of the show and by the time we get to the show with all of it's reviews that are so very un-needed there is not much new show to see.

  68. I like the sneak peaks but they are actually a portion of the show and by the time we get to the show with all of it's reviews that are so very un-needed there is not much new show to see.

  69. Jessa and Ben might not want to have a spotlight on them. Maybe that's why there isn't many pictures or videos.


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