Friday, May 31, 2013

Duggars in North Carolina

Sunday, June 9, 2013 at 8:30 AM

Jim Bob and Michelle to speak at the Faith and Freedom Coalition Prayer Breakfast
NCGOP State Convention (June 7-9)
Westin Charlotte Hotel 
Charlotte, NC
Click here to register
Jim Bob and Michelle will be accompanied by other members of the family


  1. Wish I could be there...they are on my bucket list..

  2. Dose it cost any money???
    If it dosn't i might want to go!!!

  3. I LOVE THE DUGGARS!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. I am interested in what people who attend the Duggars' speaking engagements purpose to learn from their talk? Is it due to their celebrity that attracts listeners? Their faith? If it is due to being parents to 19 children; then the attendees should be more interested in hearing the daughters speak; since they seem to be doing most of the parenting, homeschooling. The lessons of how to logistically care for such a large family is more accurately coming from their mouths; not JimBob and Michelle!

  5. Wow someone's jealous!

    1. Anonymous 2:15pm What do you mean by "someones jelouse?" Did I miss a coment? I don't understand

  6. @Karly

    Hi Karly,

    The Sunday prayer breakfast costs $40 per attendee.

    ~Lily and Ellie

  7. pga 127... The fact that they have taught their daughters enough about love, compassion, hard work, and independence that they are willing to help out the way they do speaks volumes about their parenting. It its obvious that their family has love and service in their hearts, and that is something that its gained from the parents by example. Say what you want, but the proof of their fantastic parenting is in their fantastic kids!

  8. The Duggars will also be at the HEAV Homeschool Convention in Richmond, VA on June 7th. Just thought I would pass that along for those who are interested and live in the VA area.

  9. they might miss the grand-baby's birth :(

  10. Not if Josh and Anna's baby is born in DC!

  11. Wish we could go, living in Durham, but it costs way too much. $40 per person. You would think there'd be discounts for NCGOP members! Oh well. Oh, and I'm not sure if you (Lilly and Ellie) are aware, but they'll also be in Black Mountain at Billy Graham Retreat Center at The Cove on the same day, I believe. The info should be able to be found on the BGEA website (that's where I found it!). So head's up on that one!

  12. Sorry, I have to disagree. I do not think that because someone doesn't glote and praise on Jim Bob and Michelle that they are jealous. Questions and stated facts do not make one jealous.
    I also believe that it is the next generation that determines how well a parent does at parenting. Not the current one. Also, one can speak volumes of good things, but actions speak louder than words and the TV only shows a very tiny portion of it all. I hear alot from Jim Bob and Michelle, but I think most of it is just echoed from what they have heard from someone else. I also know how many hours are in a day and I am sure there are alot of questions of the ability to do all that wonderful parenting when they are running around and have tv camaras every where they go.

  13. Pga127 is totally right. Jim-Bob and Michelle have raised the first few by themsleves, but as soon as they were old enough new babies were thrust onto them. It is not so much parenting they did, more like delegating.
    I don't believe pga127 is jealous at all. Just stating facts, and is nor going starry eyed because they are famous.

  14. sorry but I will not pay to see them.

  15. Does anyone know if the Duggars are ever coming out to Arizona??? I would love it if they did...

  16. Carolyn-the Duggar daughters certainly seem to demonstrate a servants heart, love, compassion, faith in God and hard work. No question about those character traits! JimBob and Michelle did a wonderful job modeling and teaching them to their daughters. However, if given the choice; would the adult daughters continue to choose homeschooling, "parenting", cooking, cleaning for their siblings or would they like to attend college, work outside the home, have their own apartment? In other words, truly be independent. It is why I say the daughters should be speaking about caring/educating children (not JimBob and Michelle) because in recent years they have be given those "jurisdictions".

  17. is everybody gonna be there?? :)

  18. @Noah

    Thanks for making sure we knew about that appearance, Noah!

    Lily and Ellie

  19. I was wondering if this was a meet and greet? can we meet them or do they talk then leave?

  20. I was wondering if we can meet them or is it they talk and leave?



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