Thursday, June 9, 2011

St. John's Banana Bread

Looking for a tasty treat that's easy to make and a healthy alternative? Look no further than the Duggars' homemade banana bread! Known as St. John's Banana Bread in the Duggar home, this delicious dessert is sure to get rave reviews from any audience. 

Click here to view more delicious Duggar recipes. 

St. John's Banana Bread

  • 1/2 c. butter  
  • 1 c. sugar
  • 2 eggs  
  • 2 c. sifted flour  
  • 1 t. salt  
  • 1 t. baking soda 
  • 3 large bananas  
  • 1 c. chopped nuts  
  • 1 t. melted butter 
  • Cinnamon-sugar mixture
  1. Cream butter and sugar. 
  2. Beat in eggs, one at a time. 
  3. Mix in sifted dry ingredients. 
  4. Beat in mashed bananas. Add nuts. 
  5. Pour into a greased and floured 9”x5”x3”-pan. 
  6. Bake at 350F for 50-60 min. 
  7. While bread is still warm brush with melted butter and sprinkle with cinnamon-sugar. Deliciously Tasteful! 
*Makes 1 Loaf

*If you're a nut lover, add the nuts. If not, we recommend leaving them out.

To make the recipe even healthier, we suggest trying one or more of the following alterations:
*Use 1-1/3 cups white flour and 2/3 cup whole wheat flour.
*Cut down 1/4 cup of sugar.
*Instead of 1/2 cup butter, use 1/4 cup butter and 2 Tablespoon of yogurt.

We though this banana bread was delicious! Let us know what you think!


  1. This looks really good! Thanks for posting it!

  2. Sounds delicious. I may just have to whip that up :)

  3. Thank you for this great recipe - I am so tempted to run straight in the kitchen to see if I have all of the ingredients at hand.
    It is an honor to watch you and your family on tv - you all are an inspiration!

  4. Would love to make it but bananas are $12 per kilo (1 kilo = 2.2lbs) in Australia at the moment! We haven't eaten one for months ... so sad : (

  5. I think that officially makes the price of bananas in Australia more expensive than gas in the USA! Unbelievable. Another good reason to eat more chocolate.
    Lily and Ellie

  6. that looks so very yummy I think I might make it at home. Thank you for posting it girls!

  7. Sometimes, as a special treat, we like to sprinkle our banana bread with cinnamon sugar before putting it in the oven :-)

  8. That sounds yummy. Hope I get to try some for myself soon!

  9. I baked it last night! All in all, it's a very tasty recipe. My tips would be
    a) it rises a lot, keep in mind and don't put it on the bottom rack of the oven!
    b) maybe add an extra banana, if so inclined.
    c) Banana bread is much much tastier after you let it set for a day or so.


  10. This comment is mostly addressed to the poster in australia who has super expensive bananas - but applies to anyone else as well. when they are in season - and the price is down to normal always remember to never toss out bananas when they no longer look good to eat - these make the best banana bread. My mom used to just pop them in a zip top freezer bag and freeze them but I always do as my dad did. My dad used to say - remove it from the peel n mash it up then put it in the bag n date it. This way you already have most of the work done and with them dated you can pick (different parts of the seasons have sweeter bananas) so you can get a good balance. also - try tossing in a few marischino cherries for color and a suprise. My dad always tossed 3 or 4 in - finding that one little sweet bite was fun :)

  11. mmm.. I love the idea of the cherries in the bread, I'm definitely going to try that!

  12. Fantastic recipe. It's so nice to find a banana bread recipe with very common ingredients. This is my go to recipe when we need a sweet little snack or I need something extra to bring to a family holiday dinner.

  13. Did I miss it somewhere? Can someone tell me what the ingredients are for the cinnamon-sugar mixture; is it 1/2 cup cinnamon and 1/4 cup sugar?

    Thanks for any help that you can give me!

  14. @Anonymous

    Hi Anonymous,

    It depends on personal preference, but you shouldn't need more than a few teaspoons of cinnamon-sugar, mixed with 1 teaspoon melted butter.

    ~Lily and Ellie

  15. @AnonymousBananas freeze really well too, my mom uses frozen bananas for lots of things, smoothies, baking, etc.

  16. @Anonymousyikes, that's a lot of cinnamon haha. I usually use about a tablespoon of cinnamon and half cup of sugar. I'd hate for you to end up like some of those people who do the cinnamon challenge.....(totally kidding).

  17. YUM ! I only wish I could run into the kitchen and bake some ..dieting : ( I thought of you all the other night when we had a young gentleman over from church. He visited with us for quite awhile before asking for permission to "date" our daughter : ) I couldn't help but wonder if maybe he too watched your show LOL! God is good !

    1. How nice! So glad some of the good old ways remain. :)

  18. I baked a loaf of banana bread using this recipe earlier today. Definately a keeper. Very delicious. Thanks for sharing :)

  19. Would anyone know why this is called "St John's" banana bread. They aren't Catholic and I don't see any mention of it being John-David's favorite recipe or anything. Just having trouble understanding the name. Thanks!

  20. I'm confused is T. A teaspoon or Table spoon?

  21. @Anonymous

    Hi Anonymous 22,

    An uppercase "T" indicates Tablespoon, and a lowercase "t" indicates teaspoon.

    ~Lily and Ellie

  22. Add chocolate chips to recipe. Maybe about cup per loaf. You'll never bake another loaf without them again!!! Leave off the cinnamon and sugar - too sweet with the chips. Enjoy - you can then change the name to St. Janet's chocolate/banana bread. Dear God - another "J" name.

  23. This is one of the only recipes I leave alone. It is perfect as-is. We've baked it for years now. -Mom of 9

  24. This is the BEST banana bread recipe! I make it often. So delicious! :)


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