
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Duggars Safe and Sound

As most of you know, Arkansas, as well as several other states, have been hit with tornadoes and extreme flooding. To put your concerns at rest, the Duggars are safe and sound. They are currently at a homeschool conference in Big Sandy, Texas. Click here to read all about it!

Were you affected by the recent storms?

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Big Fun in Big Sandy

What are the Duggars up to these days? All this week, the family is down in Big Sandy, Texas, at a regional conference put on by the Advanced Training Institute (ATI).
"It's going to be an exciting week," Jim Bob told KLTV, "and we're glad to be here."
The annual conference features seminars for parents, a variety of programs for children and teens, and plenty of opportunities to fellowship with over two thousand other homeschool families.

For Josh and Anna, who are also at the event, Big Sandy holds a "big" place in their hearts. It was at the 2006 conference that they first met. After chatting for a while, Anna knew that there was something special about Josh. For Josh, it was love at first sight. 

Do you homeschool your kids? Have you ever been to a homeschool conference? 

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Duggar Bus For Sale

How would you like to own the Duggars' trusty silver bus? Before being purchased by the stars of "19 Kids and Counting," this well-equipped coach was used by a famous singer. It has fifteen bunks (each big enough to sleep two little Duggars), a bathroom, kitchenette, and multiple TVs. The bus is currently listed on Josh's website (Champion Motorcars) at $84,500.
How will the Duggars get along without their silver "home away from home," you may ask? Jim Bob recently purchased a newer model to better meet the family's unique needs.

What is the biggest vehicle that your family owns?

Monday, April 25, 2011

Duggar Recipe: Chicken & Noodles

Time for another delicious Duggar recipe! This one is for the Duggar variation of chicken noodle soup. It may be April, but with all the cool weather we've been having, a mouth-watering pot of soup would really hit the spot.

Chicken & Noodles

  • 8 cans cream of chicken soup
  • 10 T. Mex. chicken bouillon
  • 17 c. water 
  • 1 onion chopped (or 1 T. onion powder) 
  • 4-5 bags egg noodles
  • Chunks cooked chicken (optional)
  • Pepper to taste
  1. Boil Soup, Bouillon, Water, & Onion. Boil 5 min.
  2. Add Noodles & chicken. Pepper either in pot or at table. Yummy!
*If you're a whole grain family, try substituting egg noodles with whole wheat noodles. 

For more delicious Duggar recipes, visit our Recipes tab

Have you made this recipe? Do you have your own chicken noodle soup recipe?

Friday, April 22, 2011

Happy Easter!

Wishing you a very happy Easter!

~Lily and Ellie

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Bring on the Cake!

It's time to celebrate -- Jason is 11 years old! Can you believe it's been almost two months since the last Duggar birthday?
Happy 11th Birthday, Jason! 

Do you know anyone else who has a birthday today?

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Violin'in: Cincinnati Style

Just a few weeks ago, the Duggars spoke at the Cincinnati Homeschool Conference, and, of course, the Duggar orchestra played a tune.
Click here to watch the kids perform a rendition of "Onward Christian Soldiers."

Do you play an instrument?

Friday, April 15, 2011

Dining with Duggars

Making dinner for nineteen kids is a challenge in itself, but what about having dinner guests? How do the Duggars balance meals for themselves and visitors?
The answer: Salad, lasagna, and french bread.
"We do this meal quite a bit, whenever we have guests," Jana told TLC. "It's an easy meal that feeds a lot of people."
Whether volunteering at a homeless shelter or making dinner for friends, the Duggars practice JOY (Jesus 1st, Others 2nd, Yourself last).

"When we keep JOY in the perspective," said Michelle. "That's really what we're trying to teach."To help enforce JOY, the Duggars always let their guests fill their plates first.
For a list of Duggar recipes, click here.

Do you have dinner guests often? Do you have a special meal that you like to cook for them?

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

"Buy Used, Save the Difference" Giveaway!

Time for another giveaway! The prize? Three of the Duggars' favorite DVDs, purchased at our local second-hand bookstore for a fraction of the cost, but all in perfect condition. Buy used, save the difference.
If you can guess the titles of these three DVDs, you will be entered to win them! 
Here's a hint: they were all filmed by Sherwood Pictures. (One look at the Sherwood Pictures website should tell you all you need to know!)


Post the titles of the three DVDs as a comment. 

For optional extra entries, do one or more of the following. (Each option counts as an additional entry): 
  1. Become a Google Follower of the blog, and leave a comment letting us know. If you were already a follower, please leave a comment as well.  
  2. "Like" the Duggar Family Blog Facebook page, and leave a comment on this blog letting us know. If you were already a fan, please leave a comment as well. 
  3. Blog about this giveaway on your blog, and leave a comment on our blog letting us know. Must include the URL of your post that advertises our giveaway. 
  4. Become a follower of DuggarBlog on Twitter, and leave a comment on our blog letting us know. If you are already a follower, please leave a comment as well.  
  5. Sign up for email updates, and leave a comment letting us know. 

To qualify for the giveaway, you must include your first name and last initial in each comment.

We need a way to contact the winner, so include your email address in each of your comments, or send your email address to (along with your first name and last initial). If you are a winner, we will shoot you an email asking for your shipping address.

To qualify, all comments must be posted to this blog. They will not be accepted if they are posted to Facebook or Twitter.

Giveaway ends Tuesday, May 2nd, 2011 at 9:00 PM EST/8:00 PM CST.
Ready, Set, GO!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Baby Jana + Toilet Paper

What was life in the Duggar home like twenty years ago, when Jim Bob and Michelle were just starting their family? They weren't being filmed by TLC, but it's safe to say that the parents of nineteen could fill a book--probably a volume of books--with memorable Duggar moments. "We seem to have something everyday," Michelle told TLC. Here's one about baby Jana... 

"My Jana was an active baby," Michelle told the TV station. "She was so energetic!" Believe it or not, Jana learned to walk at nine months. Michelle recalls the time Jana tracked a whole roll of toilet paper around their house. "Our home was only 900 square feet," explained the mom of 19. "But you could walk in a perfect circle. She went around a few times with that, before I caught her." 
Michelle has photos to prove it, so Jana, now twenty-one, will never forget that day.

Do you have any stories like this, either about yourself as a child or about one of your kids? 
When did you/your kids learn to walk?

Click here for a messy baby story that involved baby Josh and a boatload of petroleum jelly!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Shop 'Til You Drop: Duggar Style

"Buy used and save the difference" has been the Duggars' motto for years, but during their recent mission trip to Central America, their mantra temporarily became "buy new and save the difference." The prices were so cheap that Jim Bob and the kids were able to purchase bags full of souvenirs for a fraction of what they would cost in America. Watch the Duggars pick out gifts for Michelle, Josie, and other family members and friends at a boutique in Honduras.


Thursday, April 7, 2011

College Degrees for Jana and John-David

Earlier this week, we wrote about the Duggars and CollegePlus! a program that Jim Bob and Michelle explained during our February interview.
Our post on Saturday talked about the specific degrees that Josh, Jill, Jessa, and Jinger are pursuing, but readers have been asking about Jana and John-David. Thanks to Caitlin from CollegePlus! we have the answers:

Jana, who is currently working on her general education requirements, is considering a BSN (Bachelor of Science in Nursing). John-David is still uncertain whether a degree is necessary for the goals he has. Both Duggars are in the midst of a Life-Purpose program and have been assigned personal coaches to help them identify how to make their dreams and aspirations a reality.

What is the Life-Purpose program? 
The Life-Purpose program is a course that all CollegePlus! students must complete. With an emphasis on the importance of guidance from God, parents, and mentors, the program helps students determine how to use their gifts and talents to actualize their life goals.

Click here to read more about the Duggars and CollegePlus! 

Do you have any questions about the Duggars or CollegePlus!? Post them as a comment, and we will send them to Caitlin, the PR Manager of CollegePlus! who has been kind enough to offer her help.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Keeping Fit: Duggar Style

Remember when Jim Bob tagged along with Michelle to a Weight Watchers meeting back in 2009? After starting the program, he lost about twelve pounds, but after Josie was born, it became too difficult to keep up with his diet.
"We started eating all that hospital food, and we were concerned about Josie," Jim Bob told us during our February interview." About the only exercise we were getting was walking from the cafeteria to Josie’s room. And I gained that weight back."

But after Josie's health improved, Jim Bob jumped back on the horse and has since lost more weight. He and Michelle are accountability partners. "We’re too easy on each other," said Michelle. 

To stay fit, Jim Bob bought Michelle an elliptical for her birthday, which both parents use regularly. Jim Bob says that his wife, who has worked her way up to one-hour intervals, five to six days a week, is better at it than he is. While she works out, Michelle listens to teaching tapes and invites a few of the younger kids to join her. “I call them my little exercise buddies," said the mom of nineteen during our interview. "They use my little arm weights and get to help Mommy with different things, so we all have fun doing it."  

What do you do for physical fitness?

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Degrees for the Kids

At the beginning of March, we wrote about the Duggars' views on higher education. Several of the older kids have started with CollegePlus! a program that allows students to earn an accredited degree at a fraction of the cost. 

Here's an update on the specific degrees that the older kids are pursing:
Josh, who is married and expecting his second child (a boy) in June, wants to study law. In order to achieve his goal, he is first working on his bachelor's in Political Science. Jill (age 19) has a heart for nursing and is taking a combination of online courses and on-site classes at a local university. Jessa (age 18) is on her way to earning a Business degree through CollegePlus, and Jinger (age 17) is pursuing a BA in Music.

Click here to find out what college degrees Jana and John-David are considering.

Do you have any questions about the Duggars or CollegePlus!? Post them as a comment, and we will send them to Caitlin, the PR Manager of CollegePlus! who has been kind enough to offer her help.