
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Big Fun in Big Sandy

What are the Duggars up to these days? All this week, the family is down in Big Sandy, Texas, at a regional conference put on by the Advanced Training Institute (ATI).
"It's going to be an exciting week," Jim Bob told KLTV, "and we're glad to be here."
The annual conference features seminars for parents, a variety of programs for children and teens, and plenty of opportunities to fellowship with over two thousand other homeschool families.

For Josh and Anna, who are also at the event, Big Sandy holds a "big" place in their hearts. It was at the 2006 conference that they first met. After chatting for a while, Anna knew that there was something special about Josh. For Josh, it was love at first sight. 

Do you homeschool your kids? Have you ever been to a homeschool conference? 


  1. Yes! : ) We homeschool our daughters, we are going on our 22nd year of homeschooling and no regrets, we are so very blessed! Our baby is now 17 years old.

    We enjoy homeschool conferences and attended Big Sandy last fall. It was a blessing. We speak at our small local homeschool workshop in a little class on Vision for a Godly Home. The Lord is good. : )

  2. Right now my son goes to kindergarten at Public School. I would love to homeschool my children, but right now my husband and I are not in agreement, and I want to honor his decision.

    I would love to go to a conference someday too! It looks like so much fun, and a great time with other believers.

  3. I am going to a Home-school convention tomorrow and Saturday with my brother and 2 sisters and Mom! I can't wait! This is my 5th year, and it is soo fun! =)

  4. "For Josh and Anna, who are also at the event, Big Sandy holds a "big" place in their hearts."

    Why is the word "big" in quotes?

  5. Take another photographer than Scott Enlow. Scott Enlow makes it impossible to get your photos at a good resolution for personal use. The ones he provides are at a very low resolution purposefully so as to prevent people to use them for personal use!! I like to use a few of Duggar photos as wallpapers just to remind me of family values. And for this purpose, I need the photos to be at the highest resolution possible.

  6. I am number 5 in a family of 8 children, :)
    homeschooling is the best!!! My mom is homeschooling
    all of us from the start to finishing highschool, two
    are in college and the rest are still at home. Homeschooling
    is such a treat!!!
    We live pretty close to Big Sandy but unfortunantly we
    haven't been to a convention yet,
    I really admire your family!!!! Keep working fir the Lord!:)
    - Aria age 15

  7. I don't homeschool, but I would in a minute if I thought the local public schools weren't meeting our needs.

    One of my kids has a learning disability and a speech delay requiring services from the school district anyway.

  8. We do homeschool our children. We have 5, one is 9yrs, the rest are all 5 and under. This is our first year homeschooling so no conferences yet but I hope to attend a few next year.

  9. I am homeschooled! I am a 13 year old girl! Homeschooling is awesome! I love the Duggards because they are a big home schooled family and they do great. Also I come from a biggish family (10 kids..... Def not as much as the Duggars, but still kinda big!) and I'm homeschooled and a Christian, so i relate to the Duggars! Good work Duggars! God bless you!

  10. I am homeschooled.I am 14 years old and began homeschooling 4 years ago when my father who isin the Coast Gaurd was stationed in Alaska.The nearest public school was far so my mom home schooled me and my brothers.2 years ago,we moved to Florida and my brothers began to attend public school but,I perfered homeschooling and am still going strong.

  11. Cheryl, please pray about homeschooling. Public schools can't possibly "meet your needs" when it comes to honoring and glorifying our Lord! They want His name to be silenced and His word to be kept in church; so, this is never going to meet your child's Godly needs. My oldest daughter used to go to the "best school" in our state, but it was measured the "best" by worldly standards. All you have to do is LOVE your children and God will do the rest! You will NEVER be sorry if you homeschool. I promise. I will pray for your family as well. May God bless you always.


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