
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Violin'in: Cincinnati Style

Just a few weeks ago, the Duggars spoke at the Cincinnati Homeschool Conference, and, of course, the Duggar orchestra played a tune.
Click here to watch the kids perform a rendition of "Onward Christian Soldiers."

Do you play an instrument?


  1. I've played piano for 4 years and I'm now on my 5th! :D

  2. that was very neat. I have a bass guitar I took up because I wanted to play the bass guitar like Roger Waters from Pink Floyd but that failed. I want to learn how to play the bass guitar but I also want to play the harp or Violin. I love harp music its so pretty. My Dad loves classical music. We grew up listening to Mozart and Pink Floyd.

  3. How Beautiful!!!

    The Duggars are such and classy and gorgeous family!

  4. i play the violin, thanks for posting this video, enjoyed it :)amazing how even the little one's bowings were together!

  5. Alto sax for me. My parents said no to drums.

  6. Yup! I play the piano at the 12th grade level. :)

  7. I play the violin and piano.

  8. Been taking piano lessons since I was four years old starting in a program called Music For Young Children, which I now teach. I'm now twenty, and working on Grade ten Royal Conservatory of Music, I also started the flute about ten years ago now, the summer I was eleven, and am going into my fourth year as a flute major. I also play the piccolo :P I want to learn the cello and trumpet someday to officially round out my music training! And I love to sing in choir. Well, and my MYC training has enabled me to play a number of percussion instruments...

  9. I have played the piano for 10 years, the violin for 7 years (although I don't take lessons anymore) The flute for 3 years and the Acoustic Guitar for 2 years!! As you can tell I love music and I love people who make music!! So...I love the Duggars!

  10. I hear the older girls are into playing the harp. I bet the Duggar house is filled with music.

  11. I play violin and I have played with the Duggars before. I play the Suzuki Method and I'm in book 7

  12. DuggarFamFan08(Tina)April 20, 2011 at 2:01 PM

    ---> here is an AWESOME and touching speech by Michelle Duggar! It will make you laugh, and it will make you cry:

    Check it out!!!

  13. DuggarFamFan08(Tina)April 20, 2011 at 2:13 PM

    ------> Everyone has to check this out! (: This is an in depth interview with Michelle and Jimbob that looks VERY recent! I have never seen an interview like it! Watch as Michelle and Jimbob really open up a ton about there beliefs:

  14. Thanks for sharing those YouTube links, Tina!

    ~Lily and Ellie

  15. I play the penny whistle and sing.

  16. thank you for sharing those cool links with us Tina!

  17. Loved that! =) I play the piano and violin!

  18. DuggarFamFan08(Tina)April 21, 2011 at 7:25 AM

    Your welcome all! =) I'll be sending another cool one soon!

  19. DuggarFamFan08(Tina)April 21, 2011 at 11:03 AM

    --------> Here is another great video of the Duggars this one looks very rect as well. They seem to be getting more publicity (= yay! Watch now it's a behined the scenes look at the Duggars visiting Focusing On The Family:

  20. Thanks again, Tina! That behind-the-scenes look at the Duggars was very entertaining. The kids have such melodious voices.

    ~Lily and Ellie

  21. DuggarFamFan08(Tina)April 23, 2011 at 5:42 PM

    Absolutely! :)

  22. This was at our church. They are related to some friends of ours and I can tell you that they are just sweet and sincere in real life as they are on t.v. What a blessing to meet such a God-centered family!

  23. i play the piano and flute.


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