
Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Jer and Hannah are Having a...

Jeremiah and Hannah Duggar have just announced the gender of their baby. It's a girl! They haven't yet shared their due date. The expectant parents revealed the news of their pregnancy in late August.

Photo courtesy


  1. Congratulations Jeremiah and Hannah!

  2. Congratulations Jeremiah and Hannah on your blessed of event you both are going to make wonderful parents and God Bless you both

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Congratulations Jeremiah and Hannah on your blessed event you both are going to make wonderful parents and God Bless you both

  5. But he's still a bachelor til the rapture in the header! lol

    1. I swear, every time someone says that, they end up in a courtship.

    2. It takes time and effort to update the header. You don't pay for this site. The ones who run it have other pursuits as well. Instead of criticizing, maybe you could offer your fabulous graphic design skills and update the header for them? "LOL"

    3. Seeing as how Jim Bob announced that Joy's baby will make grandchild #30, it's time to update everything, not just the header.

  6. Congratulations Jeremiah and Hannah on a girl!πŸ‘ΆπŸΌπŸ’“

  7. Oh wow, that's wild another granddaughter!! Congrats to them

  8. Congratulations to Hannah & Jeremiah!!!!!!!!!

  9. It's exciting news to hear the gender of your little one. Congratulations Jer and Hannah. Prayers for a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby πŸ’— I can't wait to watch the gender video and hopefully a sneak peek of the birth. I really miss all of you and the Bates family. I hope one day both families will have a spinoff. Natasha b

    1. They already had a spinoff - Counting On. It's over.

    2. Natasha: They are NOT going to have a spin off. To be honest, the Duggars have become a victim of their own success with eager fans wanting to see more and more of them. I think most of the have realized that fame is a double edged sword and have opted for PRIVACY.

    3. There will be NO SPIN OFF!

    4. If that was true 9:26, they all would be off on social media. Not just a few of them. Considering the constant changes in TV apps, you never know.

    5. You guys need to chill about Natasha b and leave her alone. You don’t have to correct her a million times. Just pass on by…

    6. 5:21 -
      What it takes to be on TV: A talent scout, a producer, a production team, lots of money, an audition, an agent, a network, contracts...
      What it takes to be on social media: A device and internet connection.

    7. How vain some can be...the assumption that online, social media posts are ment for "fans". I don't have fans but use social media to share with extended family members and friends. The Duggars are just part of the current times.

    8. -- Except the Duggars don't make their posts private for family and friends only. They're there for the views and the revenue.

    9. Dear Lilly and Ellie, I really would love ❤️ for you guys to keep the Duggar's and Bates family blogs going. We know there both nice wholesome families. Hopefully at least the family's on insp or even on great American family's would put them back on Cable TV with new shows and new long seasons we would really love ❤️ for that to happen? please right back to us think you Natasha b

    10. I agree. Wanted to say that myself a million times. Leave her alone, she’s just fine!

  10. I'm sure they're happy to know that they can start buying those bows.

  11. Don't these couples ever take time to build their own relationships as a couple without having kids immediately? They don't date, not by themselves. They get married in the blink of an eye and then pregnant right away. I remember when Anna was upset because she hadn't gotten pregnant in the first 3 months of marriage. These two were married maybe 2 months before getting pregnant? Are they actually taking the time to building strong relationships or are they just getting married to begin having kids as fast as possible? It's almost as if they won't be happy any other way, which is worrisome. I also wonder what their parents tell them about marriage, and if the message is different for the woman than it is for the man.

    1. It's no different than how our grandparents and ancestors did things. They got married within 4 weeks of courtship and got pregnant right after. Or it's no different these days when people hook up without knowing each other all that well and end up with a oopsie they decide to give birth too.

    2. I was just reading this and wondering the same thing. I think even Michelle and Jim Bob waited a few years before starting a family. Course I know about her and birth control , but still.

    3. Totally agree with you! You said it perfectly!

    4. We all know that the Duggars court, get engaged, get married, and then have a baby, usually lots of babies. I don’t understand why anyone would be surprised that Jer and Hannah did the same thing. This is what most of them do. They are happy to be having a baby. Just be happy for them that things are going the way that THEY want them to go.

    5. I wonder about the message this sends to women, men or couples within their family who struggle to conceived. One of the Bates daughters has been married for some time without yet being able to she failing to reach the expectations of her family? I hope there is support for those couples who wish to have children but who have not been blessed.

    6. 3:24, just because our ancestors did it that way doesn't mean it's the best way. There are a lot of things people used to do in the past but now they've wised up and don't do them.

    7. @3:24 Do you know how many of our grandmothers and their grandmothers before them ended up in unhappy (or worse) marriages because the marriage was either arranged or rushed into? There was even a time when men "sent off" for a bride and didn't meet her until she got to town, where she'd be stuck if jilted or if the deal fell through. Surely you don't mean that an old-fashioned system like that is a good way for couples today to start a marriage?

    8. @9:00 Waiting longer to marry has solved unhappy marriages?

    9. It goes both ways. Do you know how many people today that rush into bed with someone without getting to know them and they turned out not to be the person they thought. And sometimes they end up with a kid that ties them together for 18 years of court battles and warfare. Yeah, I rather have the courtship and take my chance on that. Do what's right for you.

    10. Our ancestors also had a life span of 29, rarely bathed, drank alcohol instead of water and used bloodletting to cure diseases.

    11. Lol my sister met and married her mess of a man after 6 months.. got pregnant before marriage and I'm giving it 2 yrs at least before she tires of his antics

    12. @9:52 Yes, many engagements these days get called off when one or both parties change their minds. You should never jump in haste for such life-changing decisions.

    13. 7:34, You are mistaking wanting a casual relationship with wanting a deeper one. So what if the casual ones don't work out. You learn something about yourself and others each time. You learn what's an act (to impress) and what's genuine. You learn what you want for a lasting relationship. Modern women know how to prevent pregnancy so that doesn't need to be a deciding factor.

    14. Our ancestors (many anyway) were also Christians and didn't give up on their marriages after going through tough times like so many couples I know today

    15. I am a little late to this but I had a courtship style relationship but we was able to kiss and hold hands. We formed a strong relationship. I think everyone need to stop telling each other how to live and how they think you should do things. We been married for 4 years now.

    16. If you do your research you will discover that not all Duggar couples did what you claim they did.

  12. Jer and Hannah congratulations on your baby girl. Can't wait to see her.

    1. They'll probably get on the Duggar baby bandwagon and not show her.

    2. 12:20 PM - That is a good bandwagon as some of the Duggar kids didn't have a say so to be on camera growing up, some of them don't want that for their children to be in the public eye regardless if the parents stay in the public eye. The kids - the minors - are the only ones that deserve privacy.

    3. People magazine will probably buy and publish the pictures. Didn't they do a wedding story?

  13. I’m happy for them that God has chosen to bless them it’s a little one. I wonder if they will name her a Bible name that ends with “ah” like their names both do.

    1. Rebekah and Sarah are the only ones that I can think of. An “ah” Bible boy name would be a lot easier....Abijah, Elijah,Hezekiah, Isaiah, Jonah, Judah, Micah, Noah,Obadiah, Zechariah, Zedakiah

  14. Wow dont you respect our earth ?

    1. Did your parents "repect" the earth by birthing you? Not a slam against you. Just a genuine question.

  15. All they really revealed was what the baby's chromosomes will be at birth. What happens next in life is up to the individual, and let's not pretend that nothing ever happens. It's been happening for as long as there have been humans. If we care about people at the correct level, none of that matters when it comes to love and understanding. So congratulations on your pink confetti. The real test is what you and the people around you do next and what kind of compassion you all have for others.

    1. Excellent response.

    2. What is this about? lol

    3. You mean the sex assigned by God?

    4. @6:45 Surely you know about X's and Y's and how they combine by themselves...

    5. And the God who designed it to work that way? The God who said, "before I formed you in the belly I knew thee?" Yes, I do.

    6. Anon 10:50 Yes, our souls are eternal, but our bodies are not. So as God said in Genesis, the soul joins the body when we take our first breath and leaves when we take our last breath.

    7. 9:40, I never said bodies were eternal.

  16. A good “ah” name is “Janah,” like her aunt.

    1. Perhaps you can use that?

    2. Rebekah, Deliah, Sarah, Mariah, Dinah, Leah,

    3. Thank you for your help with the names.

  17. Good luck. So fun!

  18. Joy just informed us on her YouTube channel that her new pregnancy is going to be grandchild #30 for Jim Bob and Michelle. From all that has been made public, I calculated that this new baby was going to be #27, so there are 3 babies (or 3 pregnancies) that haven't been made public. Probably one is Joe and Kendra, and maybe another is Josiah and Lauren, and maybe the third is Justin and Clare?

    1. Now that Jim Bob & Michelle have between 27 and 30 grandchildren, I wondered if Jim Bob said he had 30 grandchildren because he couldn't remember the exact number and rounded up.

    2. Why guess....if they wanted to announce outside of the family they would.

    3. Anon 1:46. I think JB knows how many grandchildren he has. However, it's clear a few of the recent births haven't been announced to the general public. Making public announcements of births is up to the parents and apparently some of the Duggars have chosen not to announce the birth of a child.

  19. Wow congratulations on your new blessing


  21. I just read and heard that the Duggar family may have 30 grandchildren if so did a Duggar daughter or daughter in law give birth to twins or since Joy recently announced she is pregnant with a third child is she having twins and would that count as baby 30. Congrats to all those who are pregnant.

  22. Could you please at least update the birthday list? It's crazy to have a list with a bunch of the grandchildren missing.

  23. Does anyone know why the blog hasnt been updated in a while?

  24. Last post here is October 11th. Surely there's some current good news about the family? I guess eventually there won't be any blogs about them anymore.

  25. Dear Jordyn: I hope that you are having a fantastic 14th Birthday!!!!!

  26. Dear Jordyn: I hope that you are having a fantastic 14th Birthday!!!!!! (Posted by Here's Hoping)

  27. Here's hoping that Jinger is enjoying her 29th Birthday!!!!!! (Posted by Here's Hoping)

  28. Here's hoping that Jedidiah & Jeremiah are both enjoying their 24th Birthdays!!!!!!!!!


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