
Thursday, January 6, 2022

Jeremiah Duggar is Engaged

Jeremiah Duggar and Hannah Wissmann

In the midst of the heartbreak that the Duggars have experienced, they have a reason to celebrate. Jeremiah is engaged! He recently proposed to his girlfriend, Hannah Wissmann. The two announced their relationship in October. They been getting to know each other for a year. The Wissmann family played a role in the engagement, as did Jedidiah and Katey, which is very fitting, considering that Jed and Jer are twins. 

Photo courtesy


  1. Congratulations! So nice to have happy news. They are very cute together. Now, it'll be 11 kids out of 19 married.

  2. Congratulations to Jeremiah and Hannah!! So excited for them ❤

  3. That's nice. Wonder when the wedding will take place.

  4. What sort of "role" did these other family members play in the engagement? The couple are adults after all.

    1. Just in preparing the scenes, I've seen the pictures, they did a lovely background to make things special for her, Jer probably came up with the idea and the families helped set it up.

    2. There are usually family members and friends who help with the planning of how a guy wants the engagement to unfold. You know just like planning a surprise birthday party. Surely you've heard of people doing that before?

    3. Most likely matchmaking. My church friends "played a role" in getting me and my husband together by matchmaking us. So glad they did!💗

    4. What does them being adults mean? He wanted them to him pull off the proposal.

    5. 4:54, it has nothing to do with being an adult and everything to do with how the proposal was staged.

    6. Engagements have become a family affair. Back in my day, it was a quiet moment between two people. I think I prefer that.

    7. She's talking about helping Jer with organising it and planning it which is extremely common.

    8. Maybe they helped set it up so it could be a surprise. Your question has a sparky tone....why?

    9. It seems the family events become more elaborate all the time! I guess if family wants to help plan the engagement, more power to them. My own kids got engaged without much fanfare, simple and tasteful. We parents didn't have a thing to do with it and I was fine with that!

    10. 2:49, they have pretty much all had help with their proposals. This is nothing new.

    11. Of course people will have a bone to pick with even how they do engagements. Everything they do is not good enough for people, as if they are so perfect and above the Duggars. I think they say these things to make themselves better because really they don't have a good life. You must not got a good social gathering because anything the Duggars do surely you must criticize other people in your real lives for the same thing. That's how you lose friends my dear.

  5. Congratulations on your engagement but what happened to side hugs?

    1. He's barely touching her. He's looking at the camera while she's gazing adoringly at him. This was taken before they were engaged.

    2. I've seen the pictures, actually he's turned so he wanted to do a side hug but she's giving him a front hug, lol, with the excitement she must have forgotten his family's rules, because the Wissmann's don't have the same rules they are affectionate with everyone, and the girls wear pants, but they are fundamentalist too so they still follow a lot of the same rules, the important rules so that should be enough to make things work, she won't rebel against having a large family just as her mother as she had thirteen children so that will keep the Duggars happy.

    3. They’re finally realizing that the side hug rule is kinda dumb. A front hug is not a bad thing at all.

    4. Look back to Jessa and a few of the other courtships. Everyone does things different as Jessa said. Not all courtships are the same.

    5. Each couple chooses how their courtship, engagement and marriage ceremony is done. These two have chosen not to do side hugging.

    6. They have said several times that each couple makes their own set of rules about some things and usually after engagement a few of those rules loosen up, like holding hands and I have noticed that once engaged several of the couples do short front hugs.

    7. I think there's confusion and questions because of all the times Michelle and Jim Bob told the audience what the courtship rules were. Then in midstream, after a few weddings had passed, the kids decided they were making their own rules.

    8. Is she doing that crazy stare that Michelle does?

    9. 9:11 Lol, she is practicing, but not quite there yet!

    10. Jessa literally said tbe couples set different rules for their courtship. Not the parents.

    11. 3:00 PM - It's not the families rules, it's the couples rules. You missed the episode where Jessa said everyone makes their own courtship rules.

    12. 3:13 Like some of the Bates, who after they were married admitted they'd kissed quite a bit before the nuptials, which was contrary to the message they gave.

    13. Funny, I remember Jim Bob and Michelle telling us about courtship rules. They spent a lot of time explaining how wonderful "dating with a purpose" was. I don't remember the parents saying they left it up to the kids to decide what to do when courting. Parents were in control.

    14. Parents were in on the phone calls too, remember that? The kids were never free to make up their own courting rules. Well except maybe having their first kiss in front of the congregation or in private. Very little leeway otherwise in that system. Jim Bob wouldn't let Derick walk close beside Jill in Nepal and Michelle wouldn't let Jessa sit next to Ben in the truck.

  6. No big surprise here. By the time they announce a courtship the couple has already been in the process for a time already. Announcement equals almost ready to propose. If they have a failed courtship, they would never announce it. I do wish them well though they are too sheltered to realize how stifled their lives are.

    1. Yes, I wonder if there was a failed courtship between Jana and Stephen her brother , or maybe they will surprise us at Jeremiah and Hannah's wedding,that would be exciting.

    2. All the other married couples seem happy and free.

    3. They did announce a failed courtship with Josiah. He was publicly courting a girl name Marjorie Jackson before Lauren.

    4. Anon 3:04. I don't think Jana and Stephen were ever courting. The whole thing just seemed to me to be a figment of fans imagination. The two families were interacting because Jer and Hannah were dating.

    5. 4:24 PM - No, there is proof that they are dating however they are keeping quiet like that one brother Duggar did and his marriage. After everything that has happened and everyone trying to get into Jana's business, I don't blame her.

  7. Looks like more than a side hug!! Congratulations!!

    1. From her not from him! Although he seems happy enough about it, he just didn't give back the front hug to keep the peace at home, lol!

  8. please keep updating us on the Duggar family..thx

  9. Congratulations to the lovely couple may God bless you in all that you do

  10. Congratulations Jeremiah & Hannah!! Good news!!

  11. His body language says it all.

    1. What in the world? o_O

    2. Have they hugged before this picture? He's not looking at her and his hand is hardly touching her. It's a very awkward stance.

    3. When someone you love is looking at you like that and your relationship is that brand new, you should be looking back at them the same way.

    4. 6:13 PM - People love to twist things and see things that aren't there

  12. Awww I am so happy for them! Good to see them moving on from everything that has happened.

  13. Congratulations Jeremiah and Hannah!!! 🥳

  14. Congratulations to Jer and Hannah!

  15. Congratulations Jer and Hannah. I'm so excited for you two. I imagine you two will have a Summer wedding (between May-July). Glad Jed and Katy helped with their engagement and same with Hannah's family. This will mean only Jason and James (and to be in August when he turns 18, Jackson) will be the only eligible bachelors to court and marry. Then Jana will be the only adult over 21 at home after Jeremiah marries.

    1. Jason is 21 and James will be 21 in July so not just Jana is over 21.

    2. Jackson’s birthday is in May, not August.

  16. Congratulations and best wishes to the couple 💑

  17. Congratulations Jeremiah and Hannah!

  18. Hey that doesn't look like a side hug to me lol. Guess that's out the window now too.

    1. As I recall from years ago, the Duggars' said each young couple decides on their own rules at the beginning of their courtship. So the rules about contact, hand holding etc were set by each couple on their own decision.

    2. I hadn’t heard they had announced they were doing side hugs. Perhaps they changed their minds from their initial announcement? Each couple sets their own rules for courtship, engagement and wedding ceremony.

    3. 12:37 Announcing "we are doing side hugs" sounds so comical to those of us who live in the real world!

    4. 11:29 AM - It's not at all. Side hugs are actually the north in the midwest and south in both regular dating and courtship.

    5. Wow. Holding hands and full-on frontal hugs. What will they think of next?

    6. It's odd that if the parents set the guidelines for these courtship rules, shouldn't ALL the couples follow them? Then one of the girls claims the new couples make their own rules.. that doesn't make sense. Who trusts young people to make rules when it comes to the opposite sex? Lol

    7. 7:35, I think the point the OP was making is that it seems strange to make a statement about only giving side hugs. Most people don’t make public announcements about what they will & wont do in a relationship. Also, I grew up in the South & side hugs were never the norm between dating couples. Far from it.

  19. Congratulations to Jeremiah & Hannah!!!!!!

  20. Is she wearing jeans?

    1. I think so. Doesn't she look great?

    2. Jeans are great.

    3. As I think so… I happen to know her family and they do wear jeans quite a bit… but they also wear skirts too :D there is nothing wrong with either!!! I just wish that people wouldn’t comment like that. They can’t ever do anything out of the “normal” without people commenting on it🙄

    4. The women in her immediate family and extended family don't follow the same strict dress codes that the Duggars have.

    5. What does it matter what she’s wearing? If she wants to have an ultra casual picture taken, no harm in it

    6. If everyone will recall, it was the Duggars, in those many years of episodes that made the big deal out of wearing dresses and skirts over pants. So, you (and they) can expect people to comment in situations like this. LOL The Duggars are the ones who made a thing out of it.

    7. To Anonymous 1/9/22 @ 9:11 pm—They have said it’s for the younger ones. Once they move out or are over 25, it becomes the adult’s choice.

    8. This was my question. Y'all. It was a simple yes or no question.

    9. Yes, and she looks nice.

    10. 9:11 - Actually if you recall, the media did because of how they dressed. Jana was the one that said they choose to wear skirts most of the time but some of them do wear pants. The media made it bigger and changed the story when for example Jinger started wearing pants more often. They try to make it sound like something it's not. The Duggar's didn't do that. The media did it.

  21. Congratulations! May God bless your marriage

  22. So happy for them. It is nice to see young adults from two families get together. On a side note, I saw a pretty brunette that I am sure was not a Duggar helping Jason with the Thanksgiving dinner in on the Duggar Instagram. Looks like another possible romance blooming to me.

  23. Congratulations to you.

  24. Can you please remove Josh from the header? Thank you.

    1. I think that we should leave that decision up to Lily and Ellie.

    2. I second that. Josh should be off the header.

    3. You don't know how hard it is to just change and edit a header.

    4. Still a member of the family

    5. Josh is still very much their son!!!! There’s no way they should or would remove him from the header!!!

    6. Why would they remove him from the header?

    7. If it bohers you that much, perhaps you shouldn't visit this blog any longer. He is still a part of their family. That would be a decision for the bloggers and the family to decide. Nan

    8. It's time to change a lot of things in the header. New babies (Lauren) and new courtships and someone who is missing.

    9. Why? No matter what he did and is going to happen,he's still a part of the Duggar family unless Jim Bob and Michelle decide to no longer call Josh their son and cut him off from the family and his inheritance after they die. Until then his picture stays. That's like requesting that Anna and the kids be removed too and same with Jill and Derick and their 2 boys.

    10. If you don't like his photo then don't look at it. It's that easy.

    11. Not any of the above posters requesting Josh be removed, but I *think* they may feel like this blog is still a means of promoting Josh to the fan base. They likely feel strongly that he deserves no such promotion, given the nature and extent of his crimes. It doesn't appear that anyone is asking for Anna or their children to be removed, so that's not even a valid argument. As Jill & Derick, nor their children have committed any crimes (much less crimes involving children), that's also not a valid argument for comparison.

    12. I agree, just a header of Anna and her childeren. This is not right.

    13. I say everyone quit focusing on the header. How many people actually look at it? I know I don’t. As someone else mentioned it takes a lot of work to change it.

    14. Please understand that editing the header takes a lot of time and effort. Thank you for your patience. :)

      Lily and Ellie

    15. The faces are tiny dots. It's not a big deal.

    16. I am relieved that you are changing the header. The right thing to do. We can support Anna and her childeren. Not supporting Josh.

    17. 9.29 for victims it is a big deal. This site is about the family in a Christian way. We should pray for the victims.

    18. We can pray for the victims and also not obsess over a tiny picture.

  25. Wonderful news! Such a cute couple. Congrats!

  26. Congrats to them! I had not heard they were dating on here. Was it posted in October and I missed it? After everything lately with Josh and Jana it is nice to hear the family got some good news to celebrate.

    1. It was posted here on October 27th

  27. Who didn't see this coming? Once a Duggar courtship is announced, engagement and wedding follows in fairly short order.

    1. Not the only thing happening in a few months.

    2. Why be so rude about it? Isn't that how usually relationships end up? lol. A long time ago that's how it was too. My grandparents only dated for 4 months before getting married.

  28. I find it great! I think they also used the same "igloo" constructions as Jed did. Maybe they will also marry in April like Jed!

    1. April will be perfect timing for a distraction.

    2. Jed’s baby is due in April so I’m pretty sure that the wedding won’t be in April. Likely March or May is my guess

    3. Guessing it will be a February or early March wedding.

  29. Congratulations to Jeremiah and Hannah! Would Hannah be moving to Arkansas?

    1. Where does she live now? Are they dating long distance?

  30. Dear Jeremiah & Hannah, I'm so happy ☺️ for you both and your family members and the extended family members. I can't wait to see your courtship, engagement, wedding,
    honeymoon and beyond. I can't wait to see the Duggars and the extended family members and watch everyone & a new show and new long seasons back on cable tv hopefully sometime in 2023 I am so excited ❣️ and happy 😅 for that to happen? Natasha b

    1. They are TV history now thanks to Josh. No network will touch them.

    2. Sorry but no network is going to put the Duggar family on tv.
      Their time on tv is over.
      It's now time for all of the Duggars to get jobs to support their families.
      They have proven that the way they portrayed their family on tv is not who they really are in real life.
      Their shows of courtship and weddings and births were the same old and getting very boring.

    3. Dear Natasha, That is never going to happen. Don’t get your hopes up.

    4. They would have to be awfully shameless to go back on TV at this point.

    5. TLC knows if they go back on tv the ratings will sky rocket! I’m all for it! Plus all the family members probably would get paid in the new contract. The wife of the oldest son could realistically be paid the most. Yay!

    6. If they go back on TV, the flood of phone calls and e-mails that TLC would get would be epic. And I don't mean in a good way. Nobody is going to forget what has taken place in this family!

    7. 3:53 TLC knows that if they try to put the Duggars back on TV sponsors would not stand for it.

    8. Everything is switching over to Discovery plus. So it won't be long.

  31. Congratulations to Jeremiah and Hannah on their engagement

  32. What happened to the side hug rule?

    1. Jessa said on the show that every courtship is different. The couple sets their own rules. Not their parents. Jessa shared a hug with Ben that was not a side hug.

  33. Congratulations to Hannah and Jeremiah. God Bless.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  34. Good news for a bad apple can't spoil the entire family

  35. I don't know if this would be appropriate for a post, but I have wondered how the girls/boys dorms are set up now, with so many moving out to get married. And, are there future plans to remodel as more move out? Not many boys are left now.

    1. The eldest son’s wife and kids could move in and keep that house vibrant and family-like.

  36. In light of everything that's happened, I doubt there will be a new show. IMO, I don't see why any of them would want to remain in the public eye.

    1. I don't know why people always are so mean to the siblings who some of them are victims. It's their choice if they want too. Maybe to tell their story since they didn't get that chance because of the parents.

  37. I can't help but wish we could get to know the new wives who have joined the family! With the show cancelled, we don't get to hear them speak or see them interact with their new husbands, or really know much of anything about their lives. Claire, Katey and soon-to-be Hannah are mysteries!

    1. Maybe they prefer to be flying under the radar. Jed and Katey kept their relationship very quiet, Claire is on social media but not excessively and Hannah seems pretty private so far. These couples do not owe anyone information about their private lives.

    2. Since the show was so scripted I don't see why watching them on TV meant we "got to know" them.

    3. None of these younger couples seem to WANT to be on TV or be on social media very much. There's no reason for them to be on a TV show just gratify fans curiosity.

    4. They should focus on God and healing as a family. Josh has done so much evil. Let's pray that they do this in private not on a tv show.

    5. 9:32 and what source this information came from?

  38. Somehow I don't find these highly staged proposals complete with family and photographer very romantic. But if it makes them happy go for it.

    1. Agreed. They seem for like a staged production for promotion and public consumption, but to each their own.

    2. Aren't... aren't all proposals staged? lol. I mean logically yes. But you all seem like you are there witnessing something different, twisting it is probably a better word for it.

    3. Isn't everyone's proposal staged because usually the person getting proposed to have a inkling that something is coming so they "act" surprise. You seem to be trying to find a bone to pick.

    4. Not all proposals are staged or have photographers. Ours was very private and in the moment with one simply asking the other if they wanted to get married. No outsiders. No distractions. No ring in a box either. That came later. I find the Duggar engagements more about the staging and the cameras and the audience than about expressing the sincere desire to marry each other. You shouldn't need props and family to help you make the commitment. If you start out like that, will you need those same things for every big decision in life?

    5. Well obviously it's not staged because they don't even have a show anymore but yet still have fun creative engagements. So stop reaching for something. You know what you are doing.

    6. 7:30 They may not have a TV show but they sure are depending on social media to keep themselves visible. These engagement photos were posted where?

  39. Congratulations! :)

  40. at last, some good news! congratulations to Jeremiah and Hannah

  41. Good news. I'm guessing Jason will be the next one to leave the family nest.

  42. Lovely. Perhaps they'll have an April wedding like Jed and Katey did.

  43. LOL! Looks like she’ll get along quite well with Jinger, Joy and Jana! Hannah looks like a tomboy. Congratulations to Jeremiah and Hannah

    1. Jinger is/was a tomboy? I don't think Jinger was ever a tomboy. Natasha b

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. Let them make own plans when to marry etc. it's there life they can decide. Seems everybody likes to predict. Live in the moment.

  46. Congratulations on your engagement. May God bless your union. Eileen

  47. Congratulations to Jeremiah and Hannah. I hope this young couple have the education and vocational skills to make their way in the world now that the Duggar family can't count on a tv show for income.


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