
Saturday, January 8, 2022

Jed and Katey Are Having a...

Katey Duggar and Jedidiah Duggar

It has been a week of big announcements for the youngest Duggar twins. Just after Jeremiah's engagement news, Jedidiah revealed the gender of his first child. Jed and Katey are looking forward to the arrival of their baby this spring. They did an outdoor gender reveal, which fans can watch on YouTube by following the link below. 

Jed and Katey Duggar Gender Reveal

Photo courtesy


  1. Yea it's a boy. After all the girls :)

  2. So excited for a boy after a long line of girls. I’m sure all those girl cousins will spoil him

    1. Could this be the beginning of a long string of boys?

  3. Congratulations Jedidiah & Katey Duggar on your baby boy. I can't wait to hear the announcement & see the gender reveal party and birth and also Jeremiah and Hannah on courtship, engagement, wedding and honeymoon and beyond. I'm so happy ☺️ & excited ❣️ for everyone and I really can't wait to watch hopefully sometime in time the Duggars and the extended family members on with a new show and new seasons back on cable tv. I will be very excited ❣️ and happy 😅 for that to happen. Natasha b

    1. Please let it go, Natasha! There won’t be a show.

    2. There is NOT going to be a new TV show. You should stop believing internet rumors.

    3. Dear Natasha, there will not be a new show.

    4. I am completely agree with you there I hope they come back to TV as well I hope they get new seasons and I hope they come back on iTunes and Amazon prime video the 19 kids and counting so I want to come back to iTunes and Amazon Prime Video because it didn’t deserve to takeoff

    5. @7:06 It's TLC copyrighted footage that TLC can remove for any reason. There is no "deserving."

  4. A boy! after so many girls! P.S. Lauren does look pregnant.

    1. I heard she gets a fourth child (baby D) afther her loss of Ava and baby C. That's why they are more private about it. I pray for them and the baby.

    2. @1:42 Seems like speculation about another loss (baby C)...unless you know them personally in which case you may be disclosing private information they do not wish to share. Bella is two, seems to me perfect timing for a sibling. With everything that's gone on the last year and a half, it's no wonder Si and Lauren prefer to stay under the radar.

    3. I get that Lauren and Josiah are private but I'd think that they would have announced if they miscarriage again.

    4. Just wondering where you saw the news that she was expecting again?

    5. I wonder if she has miscarriages or just tests too early. Hope she carries to term this time and has an easy delivery and a healthy baby.

    6. How do you even know if she had another loss? Btw wasn’t it Asa not Ava?

    7. Married Duggar women ALWAYS "look pregnant"....maybe it's because they so often are pregnant.

    8. Oh no she lost a baby? I hope things are ok this time. Good gor them to be more private. Focus on the family and God. Not part of a tv show or social media.

    9. Don't say that unless you know for sure.

    10. 1:42, who are Ava & baby C?

    11. @ Anonymous 1:42pm: I hadn't heard that Lauren had to deal with a second miscarriage. Where did you find this information?

    12. Good grief, what a confusing series of comments. Lauren's first miscarriage was named "Asa", not Ava. She stated she wanted to follow an alphabet theme for her children's names and she named the baby she miscarried. Second baby, carried to term, was "Bella". There has been NO announcement of another miscarriage, which would have a "C" name, or a pregnany after that, which would be a "D" name.

    13. It looks like someone is spreading rumors. There has been no miscarriage announcement about Lauren from them.

    14. They are private and make no announcements anymore. Not about a loss or about a pregnancy. There could be a pregnancy. But we just don't know about it.

  5. Finally a boy. In the video Lauren seems to be pregnant also, looks like she's further along than Katey.

    1. You should never say someone looks pregnant unless you know for sure, that can be very offensive.

    2. That is not polite to say someone looks pregnant.

    3. Watch the video.

    4. 8.52 and 4.32 have you seen the video?

    5. Yes, watch the video. It's kind of obvious.

    6. Just because someone looks pregnant, don't say it. You wait until they announce it. Its rude. Especially if they aren't

    7. You're kind of announcing it when you're wearing maternity clothes and your bump is big enough to be kicking.

    8. 8:45 PM - Oh, can you see Lauren's tag through her clothes?

    9. LOL 5:03 You aren't a fan unless you've memorized their maternity wardrobes and can spot them instantly.

  6. Since they're wearing's a BOY. lol

    1. That's not a picture from their gender reveal day. They were actually wearing pink for the reveal.

    2. They're both wearing blue AND pink!

  7. Strange that they posted the gender reveal now. Clearly ut was filmed in another season, as the leaves were just starting to turn red.

    1. They probably waited until the other things going on were resolved.

    2. They probably waited being that Anna was accused of using her new baby as a distraction during the trial because she waited to announce the birth.

  8. And the girl streak is at last broken.

  9. I'm so happy for them!
    And after 11 granddaughters in a row for almost 4 years, finally there will be a Duggar grandson!!

  10. Congratulations to Katey and Jedidiah. God Bless.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  11. Congratulations, to Katey & Jedidiah!!!!

  12. This Gender-Reveal Party was nicely done. Not over the top like many Duggar parties.
    Congratulations on your new little one.

    1. Everyone wants to do something different since everything is been done already. In their family it's a bit difficult being that there is so many.

  13. Congratulations Jedidiah & Katey!!!

  14. MO- Cute picture of Katey and Jed... Katey is a beauty.... And boys are precious, I have 2 of my own. Congratulations! :o)

  15. Congrats to them on their baby boy!

  16. Will you be removing Josh from the banner

    1. Please understand that editing the header takes a lot of time and effort. Thank you for your patience. :)

      Lily and Ellie

    2. Lily and Ellie wait till there are a few changes to you said it is a lot of work. Don't remove Josh, that dishonor Anna and their children and his presence reminds to send up a prayer.

    3. He should not be removed! He is the eldest son, part of the family.

    4. I hope you don't take him off. He has gone to prison. He has not passed on. Treating people who go to prison or their family like they don't exist or aren't human isn't right.

    5. Good choice to remove him from the header. Thank you Lily and Ellie.

    6. Lily and Ellie- Considering there is an ever-expanding number of family members to keep track of, maybe it's time to retire the current photo header and replace it with a "Featured Duggar" kind of thing. Choose just one of them, whether it's a grandchild, in-law, newborn, etc. and give a few snippets of info about them and a photo. That way it would also let you off the hook for featuring Josh in any capacity if you are not comfortable doing so. Anyway, just an idea. It would give me a migraine trying to keep up!

    7. Please take your time editing the header. There are new couples and new photos to feature. It’s okay to take the time you need. Just thanks for this blog!

    8. Just stick an emoji over his face. Everyone else does.

    9. @5:40 Keeping Josh's photo on the banner serves no purpose. He basically abandoned his own family for the sake of his heinous crimes. HE did this to himself and loved ones and is not owed any kind of consideration.

    10. He has done so much wrong to his family. And should not get a platform anymore.

    11. @2:48 Then he doesn't deserve to be protectively hidden away from sight either. He should have to stay there and own up to all he has done and all he has abandoned.

    12. 3:00 PM - Some people though are WAY to obsessive with him. They need to take his name somewhere else and get off this fan site.

    13. You CAN talk about him, you CAN'T talk about him....which one is it?

    14. @5:57 You want people to pretend he doesn't exist and what he did didn't happen?

    15. 12:27 PM - No, as someone is a survivor, I don't want to see that predators name on here.

    16. As a victim I don't want his picture or name here anymore. It is hurtful.

    17. We know what he did. But we do not want to see him anymore.

    18. @5:02 Wait til the appeal process goes through. He's trying hard right now to prove the trial wasn't right and that he's not a predator.

    19. Please keep him on the banner. It’s entertaining to read all the complaints!

  17. Congratulations Jed and Katy on a boy. Finally, another grandson for Jim Bob and Michelle after 10 granddaughter's in a row.😁👍💙 So excited for the rest of the Duggar grandsons to have a new playmate.

    1. 11 girls. But let me tell you a secret, boys and girls can also play together!

    2. Not with the Duggars.

    3. I meant it in a good way since there has not been another grandson since Gideon was born 3 years ago. The boys probably feel overwhelmed with all the girls and are probably happy that this cousin is finally a boy.

    4. 9.34 Garrett was the last boy not Gideon (who is almost 4)

    5. Yes, because there are certain things that all genders do together, girls like to do with girls and boys like to do with boys. It's been that way for centuries. A great example is hockey. Boys and girls play hockey together until they get to be teenagers, at which points boys can aspire to play in the WHL and NHL. The female leagues, on the other hand, do not get much attention unless it's a Winter Olympic year. Those who claim that it's a Duggar thing that there is "boy" play and "girl" play clearly do not follow sports or they'd know there's a LOT of ways regardless of belief there is gender specific play.

  18. They certainly need the positive . Enjoy

  19. Congratulations! A boy!

  20. So exciting! It’s a joy to have good news on here, still lots to celebrate

  21. Finally a boy lol. Congrats to the couple! :)

  22. Did Lauren have another miscarriage of Baby C? Is this true?

    1. That seems to be an internet rumor. Who knows. They seem to want to stay out of the spotlight which IMO is a good thing.

    2. That person couldn’t even spell. They are probably just making a rumor.

    3. I think someone was assuming that due to the amount of time between pregnancies that there must have been a loss. If there was they didn't choose to share and of she is pregnant now they have not chosen to announce it. I think they want privacy.

  23. Finally a baby boy .

  24. Awww congratulations! It's like our family, everyone was having all girls until finally a boy! lol. Still going to have a lot of girl cousins.

  25. Congratulations on your baby boy. I pray for the rest of the pregnancy to go well and a safe delivery for a healthy mom and baby. Eileen

  26. Here's hoping that Jana & John-David, are both enjoying their 32nd birthdays!!!!!!

    1. Congratulations 7:02 for letting us know you know all the birthdays! It’s fun.

    2. This is Anonymous 7:02pm and I made this post not to show off my memory, but to share in the simple joy, which comes with a birthday celebration.

  27. I am very surprise that theres still people saying "she looks pregnant" and not knowing that can be offensive to someone. Just because someone may look, doesn't mean they are and you really should watch what you say. I have known women who someone told them they look pregnant when they wasn't and developed a E.D. I seen many YouTubers struggle with this as well, their audience making comments about their bodies. You don't do that to people and I should not have to tell what I assume is grown adults on this website. You should automatically know this.

    1. Exactly. Public or private people. Nobody should be treated that way.

  28. As someone who struggled with weight and infertility, these comments saying Lauren looks pregnant is hurtful. You never do that to any woman which I am sure you wouldn't in your real life outside the internet.

    1. I think it was just her clothing that made her appear pregnant because this was filmed back in like October and she’s been in pictures since then where she is clearly not pregnant. I agree people should chill out with their speculations.

    2. Lauren has not been struggling with weight. In the video, she certainly looks pregnant, not overweight. They probably haven't announced because they're not posting about themselves any more.

    3. 8:03 I very much doubt that Lauren is reading the comments on this blog. The Duggars themselves created a theme of "baby after baby" and it's been over 2 years since Lauren had a baby, so it's not "hurtful" to wonder if she may be pregnant now.

    4. It doesn't matter, regardless people shouldn't say that about anyone unless they know they are pregnant.

    5. 10:30 It's one thing to wonder about whether someone may be pregnant. It's quite another to mention it, no matter who the person may be. It can be painful for some women who miscarry or have difficulty with infertility. I do have to agree that the Duggars have promoted the procreation theme. Unfortunately, this leads some people to focus on just one thing- whether or not one of them is pregnant. A woman's value should not be measured by her ability to conceive and give birth.

    6. You don't get the point @10:30 am, it doesn't matter if she's reading or not reading (although there could be a chance since the creator of this page are friends with the Duggars), you shouldn't say anything like that at all about ANYONE unless you know 100% the woman is pregnant.

    7. How many times has someone spotted a pregnancy and then next thing you know surprise! the pregnancy is announced. I'm not sure posters here have ever been wrong about this.

    8. 5:56 what is BAD about being pregnant? Does it imply anything negative so it makes you so over the top?

    9. As a general rule I agree with you. However, since the Duggar family has made a fortune off glorifying their fertility I don't see any problem speculating about who or who may not be pregnant in their family.

    10. 5:49 AM Thank you! I struggle with infertility for years. I kept it private which was sort've a mistake because I had someone in my family say out loud I looked like I was glowing and had a baby bump. It hurt me deeply because I knew it was impossible.

    11. These are public figures we are talking about. Their brand is having baby after baby. Why would they be hurt if we, who are strangers to them, wonder if someone in the family is pregnant? Isn't this exactly what they created? They are probably thrilled we still care enough to speculate.

    12. 9:56 AM - No, that's how you twist it so you can say hurtful things which is wrong.

    13. Nice try @9:56, but that's a sorry excuse to be very inappropriate and offensive. And they don't glorify something that is not even true considering they've been open about some of them using birth control, having miscarriages and so on. Those who say "oh so on so looking pregnants" you all have to be high school kids but even then, majority of even teens know that's not appropriate which is sad because you know how cruel teens and kids can be. You all need to learn manners and stop trying to use any excuse as a reason to cyber bully.

    14. @8:05 You know pregnancies eventually get to the point where there's no hiding them and no denying them, right? You want people to pretend they aren't happening then?

    15. You never tell a woman "you look pregnant" or "you look bloated" or "you look like you gained a few". It's all the same and very immature. In 2022 we never to do better.

  29. YAY! I'm so excited for them! Congrats Jed and Katey!

  30. Those who are doubting or denying a Lauren pregnancy, just wait a little...

    1. No, people are offended by people like you who are making comments like that not knowing if she actually is... Do you do that to someone you think is pregnant? That's the cousin to body shaming. You don't do that to people.

    2. If someone asks a girl or woman if she is pregnant, she can just say no. It’s not a big deal for a girl or woman to answer the question.

    3. 8:50 We are discussing celebrities on a public blog, not gossiping about our personal friends/relatives on Facebook. That's the difference. We don't talk about our friends and wonder if they are pregnant. We DO talk about celebrities and their clothes, hairstyles, make-up, homes, cars, travel plans, health, weight, fitness, children, relationships, etc. Do you understand now?

    4. 7:39, 6:34 It's certainly ok to ask this on a discussion blog! Lauren isn't being asked directly. I think some people are so enamored with the Duggars that they think the Duggars are their personal friends!

    5. 7:39- I might not ask a girl if she were pregnant. But I certainly would have no problem asking a woman.

  31. Katey I am happy to here U are having a boy!!!! Take good care of U, and put your feet up, and I love U 3 !!!!

  32. Has katey had the baby yet? Huge fan of the duggars. Blessings



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