
Monday, August 16, 2021

MEDIC Corps in Haiti

MEDIC Corps, an organization that some of the Duggars have done relief work with, has just deployed a team to Haiti. Over the weekend, Haiti was hit by a 7.2-magnitude earthquake, and the death toll is already up over 1,200. In the midst of all the devastation, residents are bracing for a tropical depression that is expected to hit in the next 24 hours. 

The MEDIC Corps team that is now in Haiti includes John-David Duggar, Nathan Bates, Lawson Bates, Trace Bates, and others. Please pray that this crew would have an incredible impact as they assist the Haitian people and that they would stay safe while they work.



  1. They're going to get wet, big storm on the way to Haiti.

  2. Yes, I'll pray but I must admit I'm shocked medicorps are sending volunteers during a tropical depression,that's just putting volunteers in danger, I know it's an emergency but they should let fire fighters deal with it for now they are trained to deal with dangerous situations, the volunteers should be sent to help out when it's safer.

    1. They have training, just let them be.

    2. 'Volunteer' means means they are not paid employees. It doesn't mean they are random people who show up on a whim. They are the experienced, trained, emergency responders who are needed immediately. Check out their website.

    3. They ARE trained to deal with dangerous situations, and this is certainly not the first time they have done this.

    4. @9:07 Who trained them? What medical school did they graduate from or what law enforcement academy? How long ago did they qualify as EMT's? Have they had continuing training and recertification since? A lot of questions on everyone's mind.

    5. JD does have firefighter experience

    6. And if they didn’t go now, someone would complain because they’re not there.

    7. @5:46 JD had (operative word) some firefighter experience in his little town back when he was a teenager. I don't recall his ever going through the academy though. He probably had a volunteer position with no formal academy. To continue being a firefighter, you need retraining and recertification. Has JD kept that up since his teenage days back in his hometown? If not, then he should not be saying he's a firefighter. He should be saying "was one" not "is one." There's a difference.

    8. These negative comments paint the complainers in a pretty bad light. Why complain about people who sacrifice time to help other people in dire circumstances? It doesn't make Medic Corps look bad, it makes the complainers look really bad.

    9. 8:01 PM -- You hit the nail on the head.

  3. Good for them. I checked out the organization. They actually have medical personnel in the group.

    However, their web site would be more effective if they cut out the personal information in their biographies. What does the hobbies are or the marriage status has to do with the work of the group? Focus on what the group is doing and the skill set the person brings to the group would be more effective and professional.

    1. Does it really matter?

    2. @1:24 Yes, it does matter. If they want to be taken seriously, their biographies should high light their backgrounds pertinent to their roles in the organization. Their bios should read as short form job applications. What experience do they bring to their position? What their hobbies are or their martial status has nothing to do with it. They are asking for money; people want to know that the money will be used properly. In fact, one could very well ask how serious are they taking this organization.

    3. I'd have to see an accounting of how they spend their donations before I'd give. How much went to plane expenses? Lodging and food expenses? Versus how much went to actual supplies given out. Since they're a non-profit, this info should be public record.

    4. Agreed. They also should provide details on what are they actually doing in Haiti. Given the severe problems they are having with getting supplies into the impacted areas, which organization are they partnering with would be good to know. Haiti has no effective government (their president was killed recently); you just cannot show up and setup shop.

    5. I've read the profiles of my doctors on the clinic website and it gives their professional training, expertise, as well as a short personal biography about family and their interests
      outside of their work. Not a big deal.

    6. @ Anon 7:31. I was just coming to post the same thing! Look around the internet, it is VERY common to find personal bios on medical people, business people, teachers, etc. It's been done for years.

    7. My chiropractors' website tells their outside interests in their bios. Doesn't stop me from using their services. I think people just feel good complaining about and picking on other people.

    8. Speaking from a personnel standpoint -- Most resumes or online profiles list the person's interests. Just the way it's done. My doctor's online profile states that he likes to play hymns on his guitar in his spare time. Doesn't make me doubt his ability as an MD.

  4. I will be praying for these men.🙏

    1. What about women? Women could have gone to help too.

    2. Most of the Duggar and Bates women are home with small kids.

    3. But women didn't go, therefore she said she's praying for the men. 🙄

    4. And yet this time these young men went. Hence the nod of prayer towards the ones who went

    5. Jana went to the Bahamas last time but that's a whole other story...

    6. It clearly says "and others" , which could mean men OR women.

    7. It says others went but doesn't specify sex so it could be male or female.

    8. Ridiculous to argue. Maybe we should be praying for them too instead of arguing over who someone else is praying for.

    9. Each individual is allowed to choose whatever they want to pray about.

    10. Women aren't as strong as men and will most likely get killed or hurt. Men can handle more.. I'd rather have a man rescue me

    11. @8:48 No, just no. You've never seen women in the military? Tough as nails and strong as steel. I'd bet my tater tots on any one of them against a Duggar in any physical competition.

    12. @8:48 your kidding right? Woman are given the same training as men. If I was in danger and needed any kind of help the last thing I'd worry about would be their sex. Have to agree with 11:27 I bet the woman in the military or a female cop could beat a Dugger male.

  5. Way to go Duggars and Bates! See a need, fill a need! I hope all goes well and you all get lots accomplished!

    1. They could help in California or Oregon with the fires. Lots of help needed here at home in their own country too!!!!

    2. 5:49, they are free to help whomever they want.

    3. 5:49 thank you...
      I'm in Oregon and the fires bring devastating destruction. Last year an entire town was wiped out, many are still in temporary housing. Sometimes these volunteer organizations overlook the emergencies right here at home.

    4. To 9:11 from 5:49 - The fires in Oregon and California are beyond anything I can imagine. I saw a tv show about how Paradise burned completely and now more towns are in the same situation. It is beyond sad. Please stay safe and know others care and are thinking about all out there and praying!

    5. It is great that they are helping. Not all of us can afford our own plane, or afford to donate money during this pandemic, so it's nice they can do something like that extravagant and choose to soend thrir time and money in that way.

    6. 10:55 They rely on donations. They are not spending their own money.

    7. Anonymous August 18, 5:49 p.m.: Last time the Duggars who went to do disaster relief in the United States got accused of being attention seekers and they should be ashamed of themselves for not staying home.

    8. Time is money.

    9. @8:12 Like they have busy careers to attend to instead?

    10. 1:11, although people are snobby about what they do for a living, yes, they do have jobs.

  6. May he do some good work but come home safe.

  7. Thank You Brave Christian Men...Praying for many open doors to help people and a safe return home🙏🙏🙏‼️

  8. Good post. Praying for the people of Haiti and the legit teams like the Duggars and Bates families going in to help. Hope these poor Haitian people aren't taken advantage of again by grifters in other groups.

  9. They will be in my prayers. Those of us who've experienced both earthquakes and hurricanes know how scary these can be. I worry Haiti may have more aftershocks.

    1. Josh would be better off helping with Medic Corps than being stuck at the Rebers’ home.
      It could count asCommunity Service and could be helpful to Haiti too. John David would be a decent supervisor. And the PR photos could be helpful towards rehabilitation. -Just trying to think positively.

    2. Josh didn't get ordered to do community service like someone caught littering.

    3. Huh. I wonder if he is a flight risk.

    4. Why would John David want to babysit his brother while trying to help during a calamity? Why would Haitians want an alleged predator in their midst? What about the vulnerable/homeless children of Haiti, would this be the best thing for them?

    5. Josh hasn't been ordered to do any community service, and if he ever is, I doubt it would involve children. There are many homeless children in Haiti

    6. Josh is on house arrest for very, very serious allegations against children.

    7. @7:06. Why would you think the Haitian people would allow an alleged child predator in their country? You think Josh just needs some good PR? I’m almost at a loss for words.

    8. "Count as community service"? He didn't get a speeding ticket. Should he really be loose around homeless, desperate, helpless children? Haiti is better off without his "help."

    9. Didn't Josh have to surrender his passport already? They're not letting an arrested person with an upcoming federal lawsuit out of the country, no matter how much PR you think it would provide. No, this is past the point of positive thinking like that.

    10. I wonder why people are mentioning Josh in reply to my comment when I never said anything about him. Just curious.

    11. Regina. Yeah I wonder how Josh got into this conversation. There was NO mention of him going to Haiti and I doubt that he's there.

    12. Regina, because the first person who commented on your comment mentioned Josh.

    13. @ Regina- I wonder that too since the situation in Haiti and Josh's situation are unrelated in any way. Going out on a limb here, but I think some well-meaning fans were trying to suggest a community service option, perhaps not fully understanding the severity of the charged offenses. Because MEDIC Corps(Medical Evacuation Disaster Intervention Corps- MEDIC Corps) officers are John David, Nathan Bates, and Jimmy Burns (the Duggars' tax accountant), I think some fans thought Josh could be "monitored" if allowed to do community service. None of that has anything whatsoever to do with your post though. I appreciate your heart for Haiti and her people.

    14. If Josh is convicted or pleas, he faces a prison sentences of several years. He will be incarcerated and won't be able to do community service, let alone leave the country.

    15. People in jail do community service all the time. For exampke in my area they take the lesser offenders out in small grouos to mow and edge medians and sides of roads and pick up trash all the time. It orovides a service and gives them a change of scenery and exercise and sense of helping and accomplishment.

    16. 12:40. Josh’s allegations would not fall under “lesser offenders”. The crimes he’s charged with are heinous acts against children.

    17. @12:40 People convicted of the charges Josh is facing are not considered "lesser offenders." Not by the law and not by anyone at a jail.

  10. Is John David the only Duggar still involved with this group?

  11. Sending prayers for all the people and Haiti. Thank you for stepping up and offering relief and comfort.

  12. I hope those who traveled are vaccinated or at least wear their masks at all times. The last thing Haiti needs is to have a Covid outbreak. I worry that these guys seem to have beliefs that don’t align with wearing masks or getting vaccinated

    1. Newsflash ---- Haiti already has COVID outbreak

    2. I can't speak for no one but myself. I don't trust this vaccine because it was developed too quickly. I don't like the fact that people who have adverse reactions that affect their quality of life are not allowed to sue for financial compensation. I do not like the idea of people having to show proof of vaccination to go anywhere. It's beginning to be another divide between people to ostracize them. There's more reasons, but I personally know a ypung woman in her mid 30's that died last Saturday from covid. She left behind a loving husband and 3 small children. She was fully vaccinated. I just don't trust this particular vaccine. There are other reasons, but perhaps others that aren't vaccinated feel the same as I ddo. And yes I do wear a mask in public places and to work. I just don't trust it, and there seems to be so much conflicting messages about it.

    3. Do you think Haiti has not already had covid? This pandemic has been around for awhile. There is a chance for vaccinated personnel to get it from Haitians. Or to give it to Haitians.

    4. I know Haiti already has covid. I meant a peak in cases.

    5. 9:32, absolutely. I have about a dozen concerns I could list.

    6. 9:32AM: Sure, there will be a story of one unlucky person that died of Covid even though fully vaccinated. But that's not the norm. Don't convince yourself that the vaccination is not effective because of a one-off story. On the whole, Covid vaccinations are keeping people out of the ICU the majority of the time. You are still safer with it, than without it. mRNA technology has been around for over 30 years. And mRNA vaccinations have been in the works for more than 10 years. It's not something that was created overnight.

    7. @9:32 No, the vaccine was not developed quickly. That type of vaccine has been in development for 30 years.
      You have many more adverse reactions affecting the quality of your life if you get Covid (see long-haul syndrome, see death numbers).
      The percentage of reactions to the shot is incredibly low compared to the number of uneventful shots. The percentage of those reactions are overwhelmingly temporary ones (I was one who reacted but within an hour and with Benadryl I was fine, and I got another shot later with no problem).
      People who refuse to get vaccinated and refuse to stay away from others should be, as you called it, ostracized. They are potential life-threatening dangers to others. The vaccinated should be allowed to know that they are only going to be around others who are vaccinated and less of a danger to them.
      If the vaccinated person you know died, then although she may have received 1 or 2 vaccine shots, her body did not respond to them the way it should have. That's no reason for the rest of us to shun vaccines. Ask anyone in the ICU right now if they wished they had gotten a vaccine.
      How do you expect to see an end to this pandemic unless we use vaccines? Do you want to see Covid run its course thorough every person on earth, killing as many as it can? That's what it would do if allowed to circulate unchecked.
      There is an un-conflicting message about vaccines.

    8. I'm thinking that those who are living in such devastating circumstances, as those folks in Haiti are, aren't caring too bits if the humanitarian aid is wearing a mask. "Here, take this fresh water..." "NO!!!!! I'd rather be thirsty because YOU don't have a cloth over your face!!!"

    9. 9:04, I could list a dozen concerns about NOT getting the shot. OK, two dozen. Possibly three. I got jabbed, everyone I love got jabbed, and we're all fine. We're now awaiting our boosters. One loved one, a transplant patient, already got that shot over the weekend and boy did we congratulate that.

    10. Covid is already in Haiti.

    11. 11:55 - I agree 100%. In our country, with the Delta
      variant now taking hold, NOT ONE PERSON who has been fully inoculated has ended up in ICU or died from COVID. Fact. Thank God for the scientists who developed the vaccines.

    12. @5:57 Actually, there have been breakthrough cases in vaccinated people that have resulted in hospitalization and death, but the overall percentages are so extremely low. It's around .004% of vaccinated breakthrough cases in hospital (total, even non-ICU cases) and .001% of breakthrough vaccinated cases resulting in death. Most of those unfortunate outcomes were in older people or people with immune system problems. I can't tell you the numbers to compare that to for hospitalizations and deaths in non-vaccinated people because that varies widely by age group and country. But all you have to do is listen to your nightly news to learn that almost everyone in the ICUs right now are non-vaccinated (the percentage for my area was over 90% last I heard) and that 100% of the people on ventilators were non-vaccinated. There is no question that these vaccines are saving lives.

    13. Anon 9:32. If you choose not to get vaccinated that's fine, but please do our overworked hospital workers the courtesy of NOT showing up there demanding care if you become seriously ill with Covid. Thank you.

    14. The virus is raging in Haiti. If the Bates and John David aren't vaccinated they are at risk of getting the Delta variant of the virus. Let's hope they are vaccinated and all will be well with them.

    15. @11:55
      Why is it okay for the vaccinated to ostracize the unvaccinated? Vaccinated people should not be worried about getting sick because the vaccine is supposed to protect them. If you’re vaccinated, why are you scared of people who have made a personal health decision not to vaccinate? Unvaccinated people are fully aware of the risks. Vaccines should remain a personal decision, as they always have been.

    16. 1:20 It flabbergasts me that some people still do not get it: Vaccinated people can still be infected and spread the virus, even though they're asymptomatic. The Delta variant makes this more possible. No one ever promised that the vaccine would prevent you from getting COVID, it just makes it less likely, as well as less likely for you to get seriously ill. That's why masks are recommended for everyone, despite vaccinated status. Also, the infection rates are much higher in states with low vaccinations. Their hospitals are being overwhelmed with new COVID cases. This puts a strain on the whole system and may hamper health care for everyone, including my husband who is undergoing cancer treatment. When your personal decision to not be vaccinated can potentially affect public health, that's a problem.

    17. 1:20 : Vaccinated people can still get the virus, any variant, and can still spread the virus. So everyone should be concerned about the vitus, vaccinated or not. It can make you ill or kill you when you get it and also cause a lot of future medical problems once you have it. Everyone shoukd be being careful around everyone. Vaccine has nothing to do with it.

    18. 1:20 The vaccines do not guarantee you protection from contracting COVID. They do protect from serious illness. That's the whole point of them. A vaccinated person can still be infected and spread the disease. They just don't get as sick. The states with the lowest vaccination rates now have the highest rates of new infections. Too many people are making poor choices that can potentially affect others. When our hospitals become overwhelmed with COVID cases, they are stretched to treat anyone else. Personal choices are fine, except when it can harm others.

    19. 1:20--Well said. It is not ok for them to ostracize. Sad that we all can't just be who we are without others getting all self righteous and petty. It is like a whole subset of our culture hasn't left middle school.

    20. Yesterday, President Trump asked his rally attendees to get vaccinated like he was. Please consider it among your other freedoms.

    21. Anon 4:47. There's a lot to be said for getting vaccinated. Although there are a few "breakthrough" infections the rate is less than 5% and usually those are in older people or those with serious other health issues. I like the odds that vaccines give us against ever contracting the disease. Employers are starting to require that their employees be vaccinated so that they don't spread the virus around the work place. Health care workers are once again being overwhelmed by what is a largely preventable disease and that means none of the patients in the hospital that is over capacity is getting very good care. We live in a society and thus we have the responsibility to do what we can to ensure the well being of all and means getting vaccinated. Numerous other diseases have been controlled by requiring vaccination (small pox, diphtherial, whooping cough, etc.) so it's reasonable to add Covid to that list.

    22. Those telling people they can't get medical care if they don't have the covid shot, are definitely not good hearted folks. If they need medical care, they are going to get medical care for whatever reason, even covid.

    23. 7:02 They very well many not be able to get medical care because every bed, every doctor, every nurse, will already be busy with some other Covid patient. Also, do you know what those people are racking up in medical bills? Average cost of a Covid hospital stay is $50,000 to $250,000 and after insurance pays their part, is $23,000 - $115,000 for the patient to pay. How many people will walk away from those bills, driving up everyone else's health insurance premiums or making hospitals go bankrupt? Why should the vaccinated and insured carry the weight of the unvaccinated and uninsured? Health care is not free and nobody should assume it's going to be there for the taking when they need it.

    24. Anon 8:05. Yes former President Trump recommended that people get vaccinated. He was booed by the crowd. I wondered why that happened.

    25. Covid is the LEAST of Haiti problems!

    26. Now the non-vaccinated choking hospital space has hit home. My cousin phoned tonight to report that he can't get his knee operated on this week because all scheduled elective surgeries at his hospital were canceled today due to the overwhelming influx of Covid patients. Think the choice not to get vaccinated affects nobody but yourself?

    27. @11:19 About 3/4 of health insurers have stopped waiving the out-of-pocket costs of Covid hospital care, as was being done last year. Here come big bills for some sick people! I'd rather have a free shot, thank you.

    28. 9:32, 9:04 If you're lying in a hospital bed (if they can find you one and you're not lying on the floor like some people were last week) gasping for breath, scared and alone, not sure if you'll live to see your loved ones ever again, praying that medical science can save your life, would the thought even cross your mind that your situation could have been prevented with one or two shots? That's exactly what's happening in hospitals all over the world right now. I read 21 stories of hospitalized Covid patients this morning, and one of the things they had in common, besides the immense suffering, was the wish that they had gotten vaccinated and stopped listening to nonsense about how dangerous it was or how it was part of some conspiracy theory. Good luck to you both. You're relying on luck.

    29. Talk about being ostracized - you may be ostracized if you enter a hospital with Covid, and there may not be anything you can do about it. Texas hospitals are so full that they are considering if they can ethically and legally give preference to their vaccinated cases. They want to! How much more can the exhausted hospital workers be asked to endure?

  13. What is their training to do this? Being a former teenage EMT in a small town in Arkansas doesn't seem to equate to being qualified to help in a countrywide disaster where people need hospital-level care. What is their medical training? Their disaster training?

    1. If you go to their website, it states they have firefighting, EMT, and law enforcement training. Plus some are pilots.
      I hope they stay safe!

    2. At least they are going to help. How are you helping? Maybe stop criticixing and start foing something positive.

    3. This group provides medical as well as other kinds of help, from piloying to plumbing. Check out their web site. John-David is the Director of Business, as well as pilot, etc. Nathan Bates is a Director too.

    4. I think some of the people involved with the group are actually doctors. However, John's skills on the website seem to be rather overstated to say the least. However, he is a pilot so he could fly in supplies and possibly transport victims to the hospital or something.

    5. I know a military doctor who went to Haiti during the last bad earthquake. They can't hardly do anything 'normal'. It is all just first - aid. And yes he operated on a couple people on a table outside but you don't really need any training for most of the help needed there.

    6. Training given by who, ATI? Does the MEDIC Corps website list nationally-accepted certifications for the firefighting, EMT, and law-enforcement training listed for each of the individuals?

    7. Besides, this is not their first rodeo. They've done disaster relief in other countries before.

    8. 4:10, piloting supplies and/or people in an area where travel may be difficult is a valuable skill. I don't understand why you would downplay that.

    9. You can research what training they've had -- the info has been out there for years. But, in any event, untrained people are always useful for certain jobs after natural disasters.

    10. If I’m a citizen of Haiti, I could careless what their “qualifications” are! No one is asking for copies of degrees and certificates when they are in desperate need of help. And besides the only real qualification is love and compassion and a willing heart. God bless the Haitian people who have been through so much, and all the volunteers.

    11. 1:12 What government allows untrained people to show up from another country after a disaster? Seems there should be protocol to follow. Are you implying that borders should be open after a disaster for anyone who wants to fly in?

    12. It's so disrespectful to the Haitian people to suggest that they should be satisfied with untrained helpers from overseas. If your hometown suffered an earthquake, would you want untrained young Haitian men to come to help? Or would you want highly skilled emergency experts?

    13. The issue here is presenting yourself as some level of medical professional that you're not. If you're going to Haiti to hand out water and food, say that. Call yourselves Water Corps or Supply Corps. That's fine. Don't claim to be highly trained medical personnel if you're not. I didn't see any of those women doctors from their website in the pictures they posted from Haiti. It was Nathan and JD and a bunch of guys and a private plane. In fact, I don't remember seeing those women doctors at the Bahamas disaster either. The only woman in the group that time was Jana.

    14. People are being helped. Period. The sanctimonious know-it-all judgmentalism here helps absolutely no one.

    15. The Medicorps website includes profiles of their team. Included are several M.D.'s, as well as Nathan Bates and John David Duggar. Bates and Duggar list EMT, search/rescue, scuba diving, and firefighter training in their profiles, as well as pilot status. I assume they are flying in medical personel/supplies to these disaster sites, as well as offering their own assistance. They also have a partnership with a Phillippine training hospital, as well as make clear their mission to save souls wherever they go. There was some controversy a few years ago about their help during Hurrican Dorian.

    16. 11:07, they aren't random people picked off the street with no training or background in relief work. 🙄 This is far from the first time they have done disaster relief. I don't get all the criticism for people who are willing to sacrifice time to help others. What are you doing to help the Haitians besides being a keyboard warrior?

    17. 7:11 So, because you didn't see any women doctors in photos you mentioned, you think it's fair to assume they weren't there at all? I can think of any number of reasons why they weren't in them, one being that they were tending to the injured. I'm no raving Duggar fan, but I'm not about to draw conclusions about their Medicorps organization when I simply don't have access to all the facts and I wasn't there.

    18. @2:30 Why do you assume they are all untrained or not flying in doctors and nurses?

    19. 2:03 Most of us prefer to donate through larger more established organizations, not this one.

    20. I find some of these comments criticizing and questioning the capabilities of volunteers to be ridiculous . These men saw a need and are attempting to offer help. Sounds like something Jesus would do!

    21. Having checked out the MEDIC Corps website, profiles for the John-David, nor the Bates sons state by whose authority they are considered trained or certified...unlike the other professionals listed under the WHO WE ARE section. Moreover, MEDIC Corps Chief Financial Officer Jimmy Burns is also happens to be the Registered Agent for the vast majority of the Duggar family businesses as their personal accountant. In view of that information, I would donate to and support Samaritan's Purse (long established history of aid in humanitarian crisises worldwide, complete financial accountability with no vested interest, well-organized, experienced, and well-trained personnel).

    22. Anon 9:52. You will also find that MEDIC Corps donations go through the National Christian Foundation who is the authorized group to accept tax deductible donations. I'm a little leery of giving to MEDIC Corps myself.

    23. I think it's nice that the Duggars and Bates went to Haiti to help. However I'm not inclined to donate to their rather dubious charity. I'll give to well established organizations that have a good track record and provide details on where and how the donated money is spent.

    24. 2:58, that is your right and prerogative. No one is saying you have to donate to Medic Corps.

    25. @9:31 I wonder if JD and Nathan are drawing salaries for themselves from that foundation, or if they are doing all this on a strictly volunteer basis. Did you find any salary accounting?

  14. JD is most likely the pilot flying them there so that is a lot of training to be a pilot and a big help to get them there. You also don't need a college degree to hand out food or supplies, give comfort, dig through rubble or find survivors. Anyone can help or be of assistance. Not just doctors and nurses.

  15. I am happy they are helping. Haiti needs all the help they can get. It was so very sad about their President too. And storm Grace is now upon them. Praying for the country and all there helping them.

  16. Bless them all for helping Haiti! I do hope they stay safe and healthy!

  17. Maybe they can go to Afghanistan next to help with the humanitarian and refugee crisis there.

    1. Really? They're killing Christians in Afghanistan right now. Our time is better spent in prayer for the persecuted church of Afghanistan and the women and children there, than in making facetious comments.

    2. They’d have to fight the Taliban first.

    3. 1:10 It isn't just Christians being killed in Aghanistan now. Anyone who opposes the Taliban is at risk.

    4. 1:10 Actually, both actions will accomplish the same-- nothing!

    5. I'm with you. These able-bodied young men who seem to have such a love of country and an interest in military-type activities should definitely enlist. (Every generation of my family did.)

    6. 3:50 -- Yes, true, but the Duggars are visible Christians.

    7. 1:48, they are happy with what they are doing. They "should" do what they decide, not what some internet stranger decides.

    8. @1:48 totally agree.

    9. @1:48 Agree with what you posted

  18. Prayers and thoughts for all in Haiti and these volunteers,too. Stay safe. God Bless.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  19. Wonder if they stop off in Florida on the way home

  20. I certainly hope they are all vaccinated!

    1. They possibly have antibodies from covid already.

    2. I certainly hope they are all doing what's best for their own bodies!

    3. Or have natural immunity from having Covid like many did.

    4. Or have natural immunity from having Covid like many did.

    5. People who have any natural immunity from Covid have it to the Alpha strain which has all but vanished. This is Delta now. Different strain, different antibodies needed.

    6. John David could fly many plane loads of Haitian Refuges into the US. That would be a nice thing todo.

    7. Me too. Having one strain of covid doesn't give you immunity from the new strain of covid that is now sweeping the country.

    8. Only those who've had the Delta variant would be immune from what's going around right now.

    9. @6:55 You only have a short term immunity from getting the disease. And you can get another strain. Plus, you would not be immune from spreading the disease. Here, everyone has been told to get the vaccinations, even if you had the disease.

      @2:26. He cannot just fly people out. Without clearance from US Immigration, he would be guilty of smuggling.

    10. Way to make me choke on my tea, 2:26!

    11. Anon 2:26 Haitian "refuges" life in Haiti. Why do you think they wnat to move to a country where they know no one and don't speak the language? These "refuges" may love their own country, and have family and friends there. Do you pack up and move to a new country when there's a hurricane in your area?

    12. @5:44 People routinely do that - pick up and move when they've lost their homes due to disaster, war, or other reasons. They're doing it right now. You'd be surprised how many Haitians have relocated to the US already because of political instability or natural disasters. It's over 600,000. Most relocate to New York of Florida where there are Haitian communities.

    13. Anon 2:26. John David's plane has room for 2-3 people (in addition to him and he Bates). Do you know how much it costs to fly a plane to the US from Haiti? The fuel cost is enormouse.

    14. 10:23, what is the point of getting the vaccine if you have already had it? Studies show that natural immunity is more robust.

    15. @5:44 Unless your ancestors came from the United Kingdom, they moved to a country where they didn't know anyone (or know many) and didn't speak the language. The US is full of immigrants. Has been for the last 400 years.

    16. 5:44 Historically, there have been refugees to the US from many countries. While they may not want to leave their families or all they've known, sometimes circumstances make the decision for them. Sometimes it's natural disasters, famine, economic, violence, political upheaval or war that drives them to seek a new home. Whether or not the Haitians want to come here remains to be seen.

    17. @11:34 They were not in his plane. They were in a larger Medic Corps plane that held more people.

    18. @10:01 Studies do not show that. In fact, it is the opposite. Here, everyone gets the vaccine.

      @4:42. Given the US's previous track record with Haitians, I doubt many will want to go to the US. Under Trump, the US/Canada was swamped with Haitians in the US with temporary visas trying to get into Canada.

      Haitians speak French and are Catholic. Québec, a French-speaking province, is their preferred place of immigration. In fact, Montréal has a large Haitian community. A former Governor-General (representative of our Queen in Canada) was even a Haitian-Canadian.

    19. @4:42 Right. It's in the base of the Statue of Liberty. "Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me"

    20. LOL, Anon 3:35. What if my ancestors are from China and I live in China? Or my ancestors are from S. Korea and that's where I live?

    21. 11:34, not true. Currently fifteen studies show that natural immunity is stronger.

    22. Anon 11:28. I don't know what studies you're referring to, but I will point out that considering the huge number of Covid cases and enormous death toll it's obvious that the vast majority of people have little or no "natural immunity" to the disease. Each new strain of the virus gets stronger and more contagious and deadly. So vaccination is the ONLY way to control the disease without the majority of humans dying off.

    23. I don't hear doctors and nurses wishing that people would get natural immunity by contracting Covid. I hear them wishing that people would get vaccinated. Look how many got "natural immunity" but didn't survive their case in order to take advantage of that immunity. Over 650,000 have died in the US so far.

    24. Anon 2:52. Exactly. We've controlled other diseases with vaccinations not with this "survival of the fittest" mentality. Why should people suffer needlessly to satisfy anyway?

  21. You don't have to fly out of the country to help people. Many in the U.S. need all kinds of help from hurricanes, tornadoso fires, floods, homelessness, ETC.

    1. Yes, you're correct, but it's fine to help people in other countries too.

    2. They have helped with domestic disasters in the past. I remember they were in Houston after that hurricane.

    3. Um, they went to a place where there is an immediate and urgent need. Pretty sure God doesn't tell us we can only help humans who live in the same country as us.

    4. People who seek to follow God go where HE leads. Plus, I know they help on a regular basis here in the States. You can find out what they do with some simple internet searches.

    5. @9:43 I've always been puzzled by people who say God leads them to do this or that. No one can know that for sure. I think we all pretty much do what our "gut" or instincts tell us to do. Sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn't.

    6. 4:35, the reason you don't understand is that the Holy Spirit has to be living in you. He indwells those who turn to Christ for salvation. Then you go through the learning process of listening for His voice. It's part of a faith walk.

    7. 12:33 You have a spirit living in you telling you what to do?

    8. 1:04, God's Holy Spirit, yes. Study the Bible.

    9. LOL sounds kinda creepy if you put it that way 1:04.

    10. It's not creepy, it's awesome.

  22. I wondered how long before one of them would find a microphone to be interviewed this time. That didn't take long. Nathan Bates was on the radio this afternoon.

    1. He or his MedicCorps people were on the NBC news too. So glad they had time in their busy disaster work to take a break and find the media.

    2. Well, good. Now we can hear how it's going there.

    3. Good for Nathan.

    4. My, my, my. Doing good does have its detractors. Perhaps you (August 18, 6:42 pm) could go with them so that you could be interviewed too. Not too many people have the wherewithal to be able to help others in this manner. God bless them all and keep them safe.

  23. I feel sorry for what's happened to Haiti. Praying for people and the country. Natural disasters are so devastating. I'm really glad that John David, Lawson, Nathan and Trace are helping when they can. I'm praying for them. May God bless everyone. Natasha b

    1. That’s a love post, Natasha.

    2. Sorry. That’s a lovely post.

  24. Dear Evelyn: I hope that you are having a fantastic 1st Birthday!!!!!!!

  25. Oh my word why do people have to find bad things to say about something as wholesome as this? I am truly shocked!

  26. They need to come home. They have wildfires, floods, and a hurricane they could help with. Why do they go overseas more than they work in the US? It's expensive to fly those long distances. They could put their resources to work at home instead. There were 3 major floods in the US this past week alone.

    1. You do realize that they are not the only people who can help in the US, don't you? That maybe others can rise up to help too?

    2. Who are you to decide who and where they are allowed to help?

    3. @1:25 A donor? A donor has the right to decide how their money is spent. This organization relies on donations.

    4. 1:02, donors have the right to decide where they give their money. They don't have a right to dictate where a relief organization does its work. An organization would never get anything done if they were being micromanaged by donors.

    5. 1:02, the OP was demanding that they come home and turn their efforts in a different direction. Is the OP a donor? Should donors get to demand where a relief organization gives relief? How does that make sense? If you don't like where an organization is helping people, then don't give them your money. But don't demand what other people are or are not allowed to do or who they can or can't help. What hubris.

    6. When the woman poured the perfume on Jesus, similar things were said, "that perfume could have been sold and the money used to help the poor". Perhaps they prayed about where to help and their job is Haiti, while someone else's task is hurricane relief and so on.

    7. The US has resources that Haiti does not. It can more then handle, with its own internal resources, natural disasters in the US. But Haiti does not have those resources. The country still has not recovered from the 2010 earthquake. It is only right that a rich country helps a poor one, with limited ability to help themselves.

    8. Maybe Haiti also doesn't have the ability to keep certain groups out of their country after disasters. Maybe that's why the Duggars seem to go to that area of the world and not to the US, because of lax rules.

  27. Medic corps: Please help fly Americans and pro-American Afghans out of Afghanistan. If Hawaiian Airlines can help, so can you!

    1. No they need to stay out of Afghanistan and not impede an operation being conducted by the US military.

  28. They'd better get back to the US because there's supposed to be a major disaster on the Gulf coast and beyond this weekend. They can help their fellow countrymen now.

    1. Again, let them make their decisions themselves. So bossy.

  29. But their PR person makes that decision.


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