
Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Kendra Turns 23

Happy 23rd birthday to Kendra Duggar! It's hard to believe that it's been four years since Joseph surprised his fiancée with a 19th birthday celebration while she was shopping for a wedding dress in Kentucky.

Kendra Duggar, Joseph Duggar, Addison Duggar, Garrett Duggar, Brooklyn Duggar

 Photo courtesy


  1. And it's hard to believe that she already has three children after four years of marriage, Kendra and Joe could very well have the largest family out of all the Duggars, they have made it clear that they are letting God decide on the size of the family,they love children so that's great,although not all the Duggar children are having large families, Jill, Abbie and Jinger have admitted they are not doing that, Lauren and Josiah are always saying children are a gift from God and they are using alphabet theme so want to see which letter they get to, Lauren will probably have them every two to three years like her mother and Anna Duggar.

    1. I think at 23 with 3 kids already, I'd be having a conversation with God about this.

    2. Are you implying that those couples that manage the size of their families do not love children? And why are you commenting or even concerned about when the other couples space their children?

      Having a small family is NOT indicative of a couple who does not love children. The couple who limit the size of their family take their responsibility to provide for their children seriously; providing them with medical and dental care and high quality educational opportunities.

      They also take the health of the mother and consequently their unborn children seriously. A woman needs time to recover after a birth. Three children in four years is very hard on a woman.

    3. I don't think you need to have a huge family to prove your love for children or of God.

    4. It was not even 4 years of their marriage! They were married in September 2017. Their 3rd child, Brooklyn, was born after less than 3.5 years of marriage. I don't know how Kendra is doing it, she said she had an awful morning sickness. So each pregnancy must not be a pleasant experience. Maybe the sickness gets better eventually. But also pregnancy is usually hard on a woman, as her body is working for 2. It's really amazing ho Michelle had 19 kids, it's a huge hit on a woman's body. Good thing is that Kendra is young, she started having kids at 19.

    5. No use speculating. We don't know what tomorrow holds.

    6. So loving children’s means having a lot of them? Really!

    7. Actually she had 3 children after 3 years of marriage.

    8. MO- Wow, you put a lot of thought into that! You know the family well. :o)

    9. @9:59am and 11:27am,I'm not emplying the Duggars that I mentioned will not have a large family do not love children, it was their decision not to have a large family and that's good cos they know what they can handle, but I was also letting those people who think it's bad to have large family that it's their decision and also that is good because they love children, I was trying to stop people criticize those that choose to have a large family, but it obviously didn't work, lol!

    10. There's no need to get defensive about what YOU chose for your family, the OP was talking about Joe and Kendra.

    11. 9:59 looking at Kendra's teeth we can clearly see a proof a large family can afford perfect dental care. Her and her sisters' smiles are surely the sufficient evidence.

    12. Reading comprehension is lacking here. OP said it was a good thing they love children since they are open to God's choosing their family size. She didn't say that only people who want large families love children. 🙄

    13. @12:59 How do you know they could afford dental care? Maybe they got free or reduced price care because they couldn't afford full price.

    14. What about Kendra's brothers's smiles? Don't they matter?

    15. A lot of that tooth whiteness could be from home bleaching strips.

    16. 2:12 and 10:00 i do not follow Kendra's family, so never had a chance to look ant her brothers' teeth.

      if the family gets dental care free so what's the point of complaining that large families cannot afford it? they get it free! yahoo!

    17. @12:03 The same families who are so proud about how they're "not on welfare"? Do you think they would accept free dental care? I just dropped over $6000 at the dentist this summer to make up for what was not done when they were closed last year and it wasn't particularly safe to have appointments. I can't imagine what even routine dental would run a family of 10 or more. It's over $200 at my dentist for a routine cleaning, no x-rays, nothing extra. One filling is $300.

    18. 12:29, some people have straight teeth no matter what their dental care is like, at least when they're younger, and some people have crooked teeth and go to the dentist regularly.

    19. All the speculation and arguing about people none of you know personally. Here's hoping they all have healthy matter what size and gorgeous teeth all around, boys and girls.

    20. @12:03 How would they get dental care for free? The US health care system is profit based.

      Here, the dental schools hold clinics for disadvantaged people; those on social assistance and the working poor. There is no free dental care or reduced price care just because you have a large family.

      You should not get out of paying for services, just like everyone else. It is not fair for those who budget and manage their resources to provide for their children.

    21. How do they get dental care free? And how do you know about what they get for free and what they don't?

    22. Come on already folks, this post is about a birthday, not people's dental bills LOL!!!

    23. You can get dental care for free in most communities.

    24. I've come to the conclusion, after years of enjoying this blog (and I still do), that some people come here because they're bored and just like to find fault, pick a fight, argue.

    25. And my comment was not addressed to OP but in response to the others who jumped all over his/her innocuous comment.

    26. 10:22 - What communities? I don't know of any dentists who work for free!

    27. 11:36, there are dentists who volunteer time for free dental clinics, sometimes for a day or whatever.

    28. @11:36 Then this is an opportunity for you to learn. If you volunteer with organizations that help people, you will learn about free or reduced cost dental and medical clinics. Google "free dental care" and you'll find sites that tell you where to find those services in each state in the country.

  2. Happy Birthday, Kendra! What a nice family!

  3. Aww such a sweet family.

  4. What a beautiful family! Brooklyn looks so much like Garrett and Addi definitely has her mamas facial features. I hope Kendra has a wonderful 23rd birthday! Many blessings to your little family🥰

  5. It’s hard to believe that she already has three kids at her age! Hopefully, she gives her body a rest for a while.

  6. Happy birthday Kendra!God bless.

  7. Have a totally blessed birthday Kendra!🎂❤

  8. Adorable family picture. I like Kendra. She seems more fun-loving, without being immature.

  9. Wow, I remember that birthday in Kentucky! I wonder if Kendra was thinking at that time that in 4 years she will be a mother of 3! they might have another one by her 24th birthday!

    1. i agree, a positive pregnancy test is the most likely present she got for this birthday.cannot see anything negative, Kendra definitely looks great and happy!

  10. All five if them look so much alike

  11. Happy 23rd birthday Kendra! Enjoy your special day and many blessings to you on the upcoming year! Eileen

  12. What are the odds she will have 4 kids before her 24th birthday?

    1. Pretty close to 100%.

    2. Maybe they're done??

    3. They'll probably have a gender reveal announcement by Thanksgiving or Christmas. I'm sure Garrett will have another sibling before his next birthday.

    4. If Kendra keeps having these babies back to back she has a risk of developing maternal depletion syndrome which can cause uterine rupture.

    5. Quality is better than quantity.

    6. I think they are done now and won't have any more. Three is just perfect. How nice to be done with childbirth before you turn 24. She'll bounce back quick.

    7. And it's up to parents to provide quality no matter how many kids they have. Small families are no guarantee of quality.

    8. Large families are no guarantee of quality either. Plus you have the same 24 hours in a day to divide among more kids no matter what your family size, so you're bound to give each child less individual time in a larger family. Divide the same 16 waking hours by 2 kids then divide it by 19. Try doing all that work of 19 without using "sister moms." You couldn't even keep an eye on 19 kids without having them sit in one place all day.

    9. She might have 5 kids by her 25th birthday. She seems to have healthy pregnancies and quick births. Not sure how they handle babies care, but I think her sister was helping a lot. Now though Kendra's parents got own baby, for Lauren to help.

    10. 2:05, obviously. I never said any size family was a guarantee of quality.

    11. 9:50, no but as anon 2:05 said. Everybody has to work with the same time frame. A family with 1-3 kids will definitely spend more quality and individual time together as opposed to a 5-10 child family.

  13. HAPPY BIRTHDAY KENDRA Wishing you Happiness and Blessings. Enjoy your day.
    Marilyn,Joan and Marion

  14. Happy Birthday Kendra.

  15. What cute kids! I wish there weren't all these posts hostile to having children & large families. I would have LOVED more kids, but husband said NO. I feel sad hearing people say they have one child, or two or none & it's wow-people have so few children these days.

    1. Don’t feel sad for me, I was never sad with my decision to have just one!

    2. Why, is only having two children so sad? I only had two, but that was all my body could handle.

    3. I know what you mean, OP. I see hostility too.

    4. I have been perfectly happy with two kids! Don’t be sad for other people’s choices about family size.

    5. I feel sorry for people like you who think it’s sad to have one two or even no children. It’s scary of close minded peole are.

    6. I'd rather have one or two than twenty-one or twenty-two. I feel sad when I hear about those big numbers because I know someone is beating up her body and someone isn't going to be able to give each child the individual attention it needs.

    7. I’m about to have my third and my last baby. What’s so wrong with that? I’m 35, gestational diabetes, etc. I don’t want anymore after this one. Too old

    8. I feel sad when someone thinks people should have huge families for no apparent reason. Most of us limit our family to the size that we can afford to provide for and often that is one, two or maybe three.

    9. Don't feel sad for me, I only had one. That's all we wanted. People have fewer children because now they can choose how many children they want.

    10. I think people should not be shamed for the number of children they have - it's really no one else's business. At the same time, children are a blessing, and our society tends to not recognize that it is perfectly fine to have more than a couple kids. I think people do limit the joy and love and blessings when they limit their family for temporal reasons like wanting to have more things or "success" that won't be there to give them love and comfort when they get older. Relationships are far more valuable than money. So, yes, we all need to mind our own business and not criticize people for family size, but at the same time it does us well to look deep inside ourselves and check to make sure we're being honest with ourselves about this matter (and yes, I mean everyone, big or small family).

    11. @11:12 If I understand you correctly, you are contradicting your very first sentence by what follows. You're essentially critical of people who limit the number of children they have, by implying they are selfish for doing so and value money over relationships. Here's the thing. It isn't just about money. It's about wanting to give your full time and devotion to the children you do have. The bigger the family, the more you will be stretched. I saw this a lot growing up in a community with a lot of Catholic mega families. The kids basically raised themselves, because Dad was working two or three jobs and Mom was physically and emotionally exhausted. I had five siblings and I know that my own mother struggled terribly. There's something to be said for quality vs quantity. I applaud anyone who is honest enough with themselves to use contraception if they are at all unsure about being able to handle any or more children.

    12. @11:12 Try getting old without having money. Old age isn't cheap! At least you know that if you invest money properly, it won't get mad at you for no good reason, leave you in a huff, or never come visit like kids often do to their parents.

    13. As someone who contracepted in the beginning of our marriage, I thoroughly regret it now. 3 years into our marriage, when I felt “ready” to have a baby, we found out we were not able to have children. We’re 8 years into our marriage now and have been on the road to adoption for almost three years. If I had had the courage early on to leave my anxieties in God’s hands and start our family earlier, my husband and I might be on a different path now, with maybe a child to love and cherish instead of waiting helplessly and hopelessly every month, every week, every day for our agency to give us some news. Maybe my heart would be fuller instead of aching every time I hear a pregnancy announcement or a birth announcement. Who knows? Hindsight, as they say, is 20/20.

      I guess the point for all those who say “wait til you’re ready” - - take it from someone who experienced it first hand: you are NEVER going to be/feel completely ready - financially, emotionally, physically, mentally, etc. You can never fully prepare for the changes that could come from being blessed with a child, and I think that’s something these families (and others with big families, my husband’s included) understand. They just trust and do it, come what may. I wish I had had that trust in God earlier, I could be holding a baby right now.

    14. 1:35, reread my last sentence. People with big OR small families could make that choice for the wrong reason.

    15. 1:35, I also don't think you got my point about the money. I did not say ALL people with small families are doing it because of money. I said people limit their blessings when they choose money and "success" over family. If you have a small family as a reaction to what you saw growing up and wanted a smaller family so you COULD have the blessing of more meaningful and dedicated time with your children, that's great. You DID consider your values, which is what I was saying.

    16. Re 9:31 - Limiting my family size and choosing to have money and success did not limit my blessings one bit. In fact it doubled them, because now I can afford to be a blessing to others financially. I thought that was a tenet of that financial peace program that a lot of churches teach - have no debt, have lots of money, and use it to bless others. I'm sure I've heard that over and over. Not all blessings come from children and as someone else said, sometimes children can be a disappointment despite all your best intentions.

    17. @1:35 I think that there are some underlying selfish reasons why people have these gargantuan families- they're seeking attention, love, or they're trying to prove their virility. I also think pregnancy, childbirth and having a newborn can become an addiciton for some women. They want to experience those intense feelings over and over again. It's really no different than other addictions. People have to be honest with themselves about whatever decisions they make regarding having kids.

    18. @1:35 Agreed. Those who limit the size of their families do it for various various but they think about what is best for themselves and their future children. Their decision is not based on emotions.

      It has nothing to do with choosing "money and success" over family. In fact, couples with large families are putting their own emotional wants over the long term needs and future success of their children.

      Post-secondary education is expensive. Why would any parent limit their child's future career options? They cannot all grow up to be house flippers and used car dealers? Or do they think that the rest of us should pay for their kids' post-secondary education?

      And there is the issue of climate change. Large families have a larger carbon footprint than smaller families. The world is the midst of devastating climate change. We ALL are responsible and we ALL have to do our part. Having large families in this day and age is thumbing your nose at everyone else who are during their part.

    19. 3:52.. well said. I will be praying for you. May God bring a child to you soon. God bless.

    20. 8:32, pretty judgmental to assume people who have larger families have selfishness issues.

    21. I only have one and wish I could have had several more. I love kids.

    22. Kids don't stay kids forever. They grow up very fast and should become independent. They are individuals with their own feelings, their own ideas, and the right to live their lives they way they want, not how the parents want. Some people forget that and think the kids are always going to be the way they were when they were little.

    23. If you love kids, find ways to work with them to improve their lives. There are plenty of kids who need that help.

    24. Right, 10:09. That's why it's kind of sad to only have one or two. It goes by so fast.

    25. @1:28, We only had one and I don't regret it. I knew what I could handle. Time does go by fast yes, but now I'm a grandma of one and I love it. I'm sorry but to keep having babies without a break is hard on the body. What happens if something happens to mom and dad's left to raise the children by himself? It's not fair on anyone, kids without a mom, husband without a wife, and grandparents probably raising or at least helping raise the children, All because common sense was not used. Children are a gift from God, but he also blessed us with common sense.

    26. 10:56, I'm glad having one did not make you sad. It would have made me sad.

    27. One and done for us too. Too hard on the body and the checkbook. We made a good life with a little family. Lots of opportunities for us all.

    28. I wish my two brothers would have lived. One died at 11 months from crib death and my other brother was stillborn at 28 weeks. My mom used to say the wrong baby died. She was so right, I wish I would have died instead. I have one living child, age 30, profoundly mentally challenged, has been deemed a danger to himself and others, is nonverbal and requires care 24/7, I am 59 years old and in bad health, I will never be able to retire because my son doesn’t qualify for SSI because he is in a state run facility. I have no family. My husband is an only child and never wanted any children. He is 71 and a Baptist. He believes God is punishing him for marrying a Catholic. I worry what will happen to my son when I am gone. My daughter died in my arms after she was born at 23 weeks and it destroyed me. I was told I could never have anymore children. I attempted suicide 6 times. My husband doesn’t believe in psychology or psychiatry. Pray it away, so since I don’t have insurance I just don’t go to baby showers. I stay home and go to work. I work in a COVID unit, I sleep in a different bedroom because my germaphobic husband doesn’t want me near him. I just focus on my son, the light of my life.

    29. Ah, Caroline, so sorry. Hugs.

    30. Caroline, I urge you to contact your local Catholic church and ask for help. Your husband may not believe in psychology or psychiatry but you are adult woman. You do not need his permission to seek help for yourself. The Catholic church has services I am sure will help you. Even though you may not be a practicing Catholic, it does not matter.

      And, dear Caroline, you need help to deal with the trauma in your life. Your mother was cruel. Your brothers died; that is tragic but it is no way reflects on you. You should have been cherished and loved. Your mother was NOT so right. You are a valuable person; think of all the care you have given those suffering from COVID. You are a Angel of Care, a hero to work in a Covid Ward.

      I am so sorry about your son. I know how difficult it must be. I don't understand how it works in the US. He is 30; would not he be supported by the State? There must be some other programs to help you pay for his care. Again, Catholic Services could help. It is never too late.

      My heart breaks for you. Loosing a child is so difficult. If not attending baby showers is too painful, don't apologize. Your first duty is to YOURSELF.

      Your husband does not "believe" in psychology or psychiatry because he fears that his serious problems will come to light and he will be forced to deal with his issues. Of course, God is NOT punishing him because he married a Catholic. RIDICULOUS! God does not punish love. Since you work for a health facility, there could be resources available to you. Ask your boss.

      I urge you to seek help. You are a valuable person and it is never too late. Take Care

  16. Love their sweet family! I hope she has a lovely birthday.

  17. Here's hoping that Kendra, is enjoying her 23rd Birthday!!!!

  18. Hope she has a good one.

  19. 😀 happy 23rd 🎂 birthday Kendra Renee (Caldwell) Duggar. I hope had a wonderful day. May God bless you & everyone. I ♥️ love the picture of the family. I would ♥️ love to see more of the Duggars & extended family members on YouTube that would be exciting❣️ I would be very grateful for that. Natasha b

  20. I’m still wondering why Jill, a true Duggar, never got a shoutout for her birthday? She is just as important!

    1. I feel that a conclusion can be reached that the Dillard family would prefer not to be on the Duggar Family Blog and that Ellie is honouring that request. I feel the Dillards would like control of any and all information, photos, events, about themselves. Ellie would never deliberately slight a Duggar family or anyone else for that matter. That is not who she is. This is Eileen

    2. Her kids, too.

    3. Eileen -- That does make sense

  21. Happy birthday Kendra 🎂 🥳 🎉 🎈 💋 😗

  22. Maybe their family doesn't want to be on this blog and Lily and Ellie are honoring their wish.

  23. I think she is pregnant in this photo. She has the hlow and hiding her belly.

    1. the picture was taken on July 4! even if she got pregnant next month after giving birth, which is close to impossible, still she would have nothing to hide, too early to seriously show up.

    2. I think she should have one kid a year for the next 20 years! How cool would that be? And beating Michelle's record too. The kids will be fine, it'll be fun for them.

    3. People pkease stop with the gaslighting. It serves no positive purpose in life.

    4. Anon 12:07. If you think it's "fun" for older siblings to be "junior parents" in charge of younger siblings, so be it. I doubt the kids involved in that activity see it as "fun" though.

    5. She has a kid in her lap, there is no other way to hold her, so she is not hiding anything! I'm sure if they had something to announce, they would! They always are pretty good at taking this kind of pictures!

    6. I agree! Go Kendra!

    7. I think some of you need to watch the movie Gaslight again to understand how to use that term.

    8. @10:15- Agreed. It's interesting to hear people use the term with obviously no clue as to its meaning.

  24. For those who are advocating for mega families, I have to say: look at how the Duggars lived prior to hitting the TV jackpot. All those people stacked in a 3 bedroom house while they struggled to feed and clothe them. Michelle needed help from her mother-in-law and friends just to keep up with the housework until the older children could become "junior parents" and do housework. Is that a good thing? I don't think so. Then there were the issues with Josh that JB and Michelle were unaware of for quire some time as they had so many children to cope with. It's not about "temporal" things but rather quality of life for you and your children. Children may be a blessing from God but they are also a LOT of work and need attention from their parents not to be raised by older siblings which is too often the case. IMO it's not "selfish" to limit your family size to what your income and physical abilities can handle. Newborn babies are sweet but they need a lot of time energy and attention and sleep deprived parents are not good parents to the REST of their children if there is one baby after another coming along in quick succession. It's our choice but I opted for a smaller family because it worked best for me and MY children.

    1. No one said it was all sunshine and roses. Still a personal decision.

    2. It sounds like you are thinking of the houses they lived in while building the large house. Also, some bedrooms can be rather large. As for help doing laundry and housework that can happen regardless of how many kids you do or do not have.

    3. Nothing in that house adjacent to the church was large. Go back to the very first KAC episodes. The bedrooms in particular were cramped, with multiple large bunk beds taking up all the space.

    4. Duggars had 14 kids + one on the way when the show started and they were living in a 3-bedroom house. They did not seem to struggle to feed the kids, and they were buying stuff at the thrift stores, so there was no issue of clothing as well. They had several cars, and they bought the land for the big house and started building it about a year after their first TV special. So they would not stay in the 3-bedroom house regardless of the show.
      Duggar parents are an example of really good parents too. Jim Bob is not drinking like many men do, he participated in politics, he had real estate license, he was working on increasing his businesses. He is fully devoted to his wife and his family. This family is extraordinary.

    5. Anon 2:17. The Duggars bought the land and started building the "big house" AFTER they received the TV money. It was nice that they were able to do that but could not have done it without the TV money. JB flipped cars to make money so the "several" cars were his business inventory, not family cars as you suggest. No one would live in a 3 bedroom one bath house with 14 children if they could do better.

  25. When's Jana's wedding?

    1. Soon after she gets engaged to someone.

    2. After Jana gets engaged

    3. When and where was it announced she was even engaged?!?!

    4. Jeremiah will probably go first.

  26. MO- All I can say is Kendra has such a sweet smile, she's a lovely young lady. :o)

  27. They had Garrett 9 months after their wedding. Addison came 17 months after Garrett, so Kendra got pregnant when Garrett was 10 months. Then they had Brooklyn when Addison was 15 months, meaning that Kendra got pregnant when Addie was 6 months. I feel like they might have the next baby for sure by Kendra's next birthday. I'd say by Garrett's 4th birthday.

    1. Kendra got pregnant when Garrett was 8 months old, not 10

  28. Happy belated birthday Kendra! Hope you had a fun weekend and the next 12 months are blessed for you and your family!

  29. What a sweet family -- God bless and keep them all.

  30. HAPPY B DAY WONDERFUL GIRL!!!!!! I hope U will be able to put your feet up, and have a good cup of tea!!! I can't give U a gift, but that cup of Tea is my gift, so U can relax, and enjoy yourself!!!! I Love U Kendra, I love U 5!!!!

  31. Happy Birthday Kendra. You are just adorable , and your family is too!


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