
Friday, June 11, 2021

He or She, What Will Baby Seewald Be?

Henry Seewald, Jessa Seewald, Ivy Seewald, Ben Seewald, Spurgeon Seewald
Beach vacation 2021

Jessa Seewald is pregnant with her fourth child, a rainbow baby, but she and Ben have not yet shared the child's gender. They found out via ultrasound but are keeping it under wraps, as they have done in the past. They also haven't announced the exact due date, only that their little one is set to arrive sometime this summer. 

For a fun Friday discussion, we thought we would let you all share your guesses in the comments section: Do you think Baby Seewald #4 will be a boy or a girl?

Photo courtesy


  1. I think that jessa is going to have another little girl so that will make it even 2 boys and 2 girls lots of luck to jessa and ben when baby arrives

  2. I think it will he another boy.

  3. Huh. I think maybe they'll break the girl streak.

  4. MO- What's a "rainbow" baby? :o)

    1. I don't like that term. There's no need to attach the death of one child to the life of another.

    2. A baby conceived after losing a baby is referred to by some as a "rainbow baby" (likening it to the rainbow after weathering the storm).

    3. A rainbow baby is one that is born after the mom has had a miscarriage.

    4. I'm not a fan of the "rainbow baby" term. Why link a new baby to a previous sadness? Plus, the rainbow has a Biblical meaning that doesn't relate to this.

    5. A nickname I wish would no longer be used because it forever labels a child to live in their dead sibling's shadow.

    6. Yeah agreed, I really don’t like that term. I never understood it.

    7. A baby born after a miscarriage

    8. Rainbow babies are a beautiful way to remember the past and look forward to the future!!

      It does relate to the Biblical meaning… a new beginning after the flood???

    9. @11:07 Apparently you don't know the Bible as well as you believe you do. The rainbow was created by God in Genesis to represent hope and as a covenant between him and his people that he would never again destroy the Earth. By making this promise he stated that he would wipe every tear and soothe all pain. This rainbow came after the horrific storm of the flood. It was meant as an ongoing reminder of his goodness and enduring love, that even in great sadness there is still light and hope and love, and that he will not allow suffering to continue into perpetuity but will deliver his people. Relating the rainbow to a baby is not about the baby living in their dead sibling's shadow (which may be the most tasteless and vile thing I have read in a very long time), but about honoring and appreciating the goodness and faithfulness of God. It is proof that there is still light and joy when emerging at the end of a storm. It doesn't mean the storm didn't happen, and in fact, a rainbow cannot exist without the rain. Like it or not, a "rainbow baby" would not have been conceived or born if the previous baby did not die. That doesn't mean the baby will always be weighed down by their lost sibling. It does mean their sheer existence will always be a moment of light and relief, representing happiness and deliverance. The baby is being known as a rainbow, a show of great joy and faith. It's about that baby's life, not the previous one's death.

    10. I agree with the posters who say they don’t like the term “rainbow baby.” I had a miscarriage, which many women do. I grieved terribly, but I didn’t have the next baby as a replacement for the baby we lost. I still grieve for the baby that didn’t come to term. I, of course, rejoice for the baby we had. But I don’t connect the two. I wish people would stop using that term. It’s just not right.

    11. Rainbow baby is a term of hope.

    12. Anonymous @ 7:48-Speaking as someone else who's had a miscarriage, I couldn't agree with you more and actually find the term quite offensive. While I recognize that people are trying to be supportive and encouraging, not everyone agrees with appropriating that specific Bible event and using it out of context in this way (and some could argue for it's use and we could fill this blog with arguing-to no avail and waste everyone's time). I vote we just congratulate the expecting couple and pray for a healthy, safe baby and a good delivery and recovery for mom. :)

    13. @10:11 the rainbow was the sign God gave to signify He would never destroy the earth again with a FLOOD. He is going to destroy the earth with FIRE in the future and create new heavens and a new earth. Please read Revelation.

    14. I also don't like the term rainbow baby. Rainbows are alreafy symbols of LBGTQ community, not of babies.

    15. 12:54, an object can be a symbol for more than one thing.

    16. 12:54, I agree!

    17. Rainbow baby is a difficult one to comment on. Some parents that have had a loss love the term & others really don’t. Think it best not to get involved in discussions about such personal views. Whether or not baby Seewald will be a girl or boy, I have no idea as Iv not even glimpsed a picture of Jessa bump. I know midwives that’s say a more rounded bump is a girl & a more out the front is a boy, who knows. Glad to hear she is intending a hospital delivery as due to her previous issues it’s a very sensible idea. Hope mum & baby are safe & well. Their little house must be full of love & noise, something you miss when they have grown up.

  5. I say a girl and she will be a July baby. A girl so Ivy can have a sister as a companion (being the only girl in the family with 2 older brothers) and so Jessa and Ben can tie their family to 2 boys and 2 girls and two and two in a row. And July so maybe at least one Duggar grandbaby can be born on a holiday (July 4th,Independence Day). Haley P. from Colorado

  6. I going to guess girl.

  7. I’ll say girl :)

  8. I think it would be fun if they have a girl, so there would be two and two, but my guess is a baby boy! Hoping for a safe pregnancy and delivery and that baby is healthy!

  9. BOY!!!! 💙👏🏻💙👶🏻 I can't wait for Jessa to have her baby, and the next pregnancy announcement!

    1. Well give her a breather will you the next one isn't even out yet

  10. Yes, I think it will be a boy or a girl.

    1. @3:32. Smartest answer here.

  11. Replies
    1. I’m pretty sure she’s having her baby in June or early July as she said she’s packing her hospital bag already. Most people don’t pack their bag more than a month or so in advance

  12. I'm guessing boy this time! It's just a hunch you could say. Overall I'm just hoping for healthy momma & healthy baby! Congrats on Baby Seewald #4 Ben & Jessa!! <3 Sending lots of love to the whole family! ~Crystal from MS

  13. I think Jessa is having a BOY, I love U 6!!!!!!!!

  14. No guess. I just hope she goes to the hospital and doesn't try another home delivery.

    1. She says they’re taking the hospital route this time because of her issues with hemorrhaging.

    2. Jessa has said that she will be having a hospital birth for this baby and may even end up with an epidural.

    3. I hope she does a hospital because of her hemorrhaging issue but doesn’t get the epidural. There are too many side effects and she already knows what to expect.

    4. @9:09 Yes, one of the side effects being that you don't feel like your body is being ripped apart to the point where your head is about to spin and you're ready to pass out.

    5. Wow I'm so sorry I had 4 never felt that and never took anything

    6. I'd rather have the epidural any day, as opposed to potentially bleeding out because I tried to "handle it"-leaving my new baby and my other children motherless, and my husband a widowed father. Having done the epidural thing, it feels a whole lot better than the scary, unpredictable light-headed losing consciousness fast thing, trust me. Been in an ER a few too many times in my life. I'll take the epidural any day.

    7. 12:17, giving birth without an epidural doesn't mean you have a losing consciousness feeling every time. I never did and had 4/5 of my babies without epidurals.

    8. Yep, I had mine without an epidural and never felt any of those things. However I had all kinds of complications from the epidural.

    9. You can bleed out with or without an epidural. All it does is take away pain.

  15. Boy and girl twins! That’s why she hasn’t showed her baby bump.

    1. No, I think she's not showing her baby bump because she doesn't want people to guess when she is due,she wants to arouse curiosity, and she's not expecting twins, she showed the ultrasound on utube and there was just one baby.

    2. Why stop at twins?

  16. I'm guessing a boy and he will arrive in mid July, I'm guessing a boy as it seems quite a lot eleven granddaughters in a row if you include Anna's baby girl coming soon, and as they've already had two boys close in age - Spurgeon and Henry, it would be difficult to have two girls in a row, plus Jessa told Ben when they found out the gender on utube "it's not what you guessed" and I bet Ben guessed a girl as he dotes on Ivy so he probably wanted another girl.

    1. I think it's another girl. When she told Ben "it's not what you guessed," I thought maybe he thought it would be a boy because of all the girls born in a row.

    2. 6:04: or Ben guessed it will be a girl because of all the girls in a row, and so it is in actuality a BOY!

    3. Very well could be.

    4. Pretty sure it's a boy because of the sonogram when she said it's not what you thought ! She seems to love her boys but has a special bond with her girl.

  17. I have a feeling it'll be a girl. Wishing Jessa a safe delivery,and a healthy and happy baby.

  18. My dad & I think it's a girl & my guess is she's due on June 16th. Just for fun who knows when she is due? My dad & I really love ♥️ the show. We can't wait for a new season of counting on for this year🙏 Natasha b

    1. A new season seems unlikely in the current circumstances.

  19. My guess is it's a boy!

  20. I think baby Seewald will be a boy and will make his appearance in mid-August. I think they'll name him Sullivan August(us).

    1. What an awful name! I hope they don't use that one!

    2. I love the name Sullivan! And August is very nice also. :)

    3. Lol, im not a fan of it either but after using the name Spurgeon, I don't think they really care about what other people will think of their name choices.

    4. I love that name

  21. The baby will be a girl,her name will be Emily.🙂

  22. I didn't know Jessa had had a miscarriage, or maybe I'd forgotten somehow. I think this one will be a girl, though, and I'm hoping it's a girl, too.

  23. Honestly, it makes no difference to me. My hope is only that he or she is healthy, Jessa delivers in a hospital, and the delivery and recovery go well. :)

  24. I’m guessing another girl! And congratulations to Jessa and Ben! Such a blessing. 🥰

  25. I’m guessing another girl! And congratulations to Jessa and Ben! Such a blessing. 🥰

  26. I think it's a girl....or a boy😂🤣🤣

  27. Baby sister for Ivy!!!!!

  28. Duggar & Bates FanJune 11, 2021 at 11:08 PM

    I think Baby Seewald is a Boy

  29. From her ultrasound visit that she recorded, and me pausing the screen to look closely I say they are having a GIRL.

  30. Hopefully a GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  31. I feel very strongly that it’s a 3rd boy

  32. I would say baby girl even though I’ve said boy all along.

  33. I guess GIRL and JULY 5th

  34. I think it’s a girl

  35. I find this post very narrow-minded. There are more choices than he or she, and sometimes genetics does things you're not expecting.

    1. People are not ignorant that there are other possibilities, but it does not make them narrow minded simply because they choose one or two of the most common outcomes.

    2. True @2:51. But Duggars only think in terms of two choices.

    3. ??? Do you think they're going to have a puppy? lol

    4. The baby will be male or female, not politically correct. I just can't believe the foolishness we're supposed to tolerate today. Count me out.

    5. 2:15. You are correct. They could be having twin boys or twin girls or twins of a boy and a girl.

    6. Uhm, no. Sorry to burst anyone/s bubble, but the reality and scientific facts is that there only 2 genetic options encoded in any human beings cell DNA body-wide: XX or XY (female or male). Even in the event that a child is born ambiguously anatomical, the child will still have higher hormone levels signalling the "prevailing" sex. At that point a medical discussion usually ensues with the parents regarding options (hormone therapy, surgery, counseling, etc.)...but the child's gender is an established fact by the child's DNA.

    7. @2:21pm,I'm sorry but there are no other choices, and anyone who says so is just making it up.

    8. In that case I'm guess Jessa and Ben are going to have a half billy goat half raspberry bush.

    9. @1:39That was so funny!😆😆😆

    10. Ummmmm, people don't have puppies for children.

    11. Male and female He made them.. Gen 5:2

    12. I can't believe some of you turn stuff like this into a joke.

    13. 2:51 -- It's not narrow-minded. It's just science. There are some very unlikely DNA variants, but mostly likely their baby will be an XX or XY human.

    14. Actually, genetics only give two choices--except for the occasional billy goat/raspberry bush puppy--but that's called a genetic defect. So, let's hope for a boy or a girl.

    15. Sorry, that's ridiculous. Babies are genetically one or the other, except in etremely rare situations, so rare that it is more likely that their child would have three hands.

    16. Anon 6:36. Try explaining to pet owners that their pet ISN'T one of their children.

    17. And most people have boys or girls. It's not an odd topic for discussion. 🙄

    18. What choices are there besides boys or girls- he or she?

    19. X
      XXY (1 in 650 babies)

      All of those chromosomal combinations happen in humans.

    20. Anon 10:38 What are we supposed to do take such a silly comment seriously? A baby is born male or female and everyone knows that.

    21. 12:04, someone could have a house plant that they love and care for like a pet, it still wouldn't be one of their children.

    22. @Anonymous at 2:51pm -> Why make such a comment? You either have a boy or a girl. Anything else, is confusing!

    23. Thank you, 2:45. It's refreshing to hear someone speak the truth and follow the science.

    24. Anonymous @ 6:16- Let's be clear here. While those "chromosomal conditions" (as you called them) can occur, beyond and XX or XY combination they are classified as Chromosomal Disorders because they are the result of a genetic mutation and often cause attendant cognitive and physical issues. I think we both know that's not what the original poster (Anonymous @ 2:51) was driving at.

    25. You can live on the north pole, dress in white andceat raw fish and seal, but it doesn't make you a polar bear. We are genetically born either a male or a female.
      If anyone thinks differently, should go to school and learn basic biology.

    26. 12:34, Physical issues aside, you have to recognize the fact that there are more than only XX or XY combinations. People born with the other combinations should not be brushed aside because "there can't be any more than two combinations." XXY and XYY are sometimes not diagnosed until adulthood and sometimes never diagnosed because the physical differences can be very mild. I wish more people understood this!

    27. 2:51 -- You've allowed yourself to be led down the wrong path. Pray and ask God for wisdom. He gives it to all who ask.

    28. @4:05 no one is brushing anomalies aside....we are talking simple, typical outcomes of human pregnancy.

    29. I wouldn't exactly call anomalies atypical. If there are 1000 people at a Duggar wedding, the odds are there's an anomaly or two there. Typical gathering, typical results.

  36. Looking at Spurgeon, Henry and Ivy, whether they have a boy or girl, I think it will be just as cute as its siblings.

    1. Exactly! I am hoping for another girl for Jessa (regardless of the girl count). I think she could end up with twins too one of these times - so hopefully they will buy a bigger house soon. LOL. Honestly, I pray she will have a safe and quick delivery so she will be able to come home to her beautiful family safe and sound!

  37. Boy... Not sure why

  38. I am guessing this baby will be a girl. 😊

  39. I think that it's about time for Jim Bob & Michelle, to have a run of grandsons, so I will guess that Jessa & Ben, are having a boy.

  40. I think the newest Seawald will be a boy

  41. They seem like such great parents!! I think they are going to be blessed with another precious little boy

  42. I hope they have another girl

  43. I think its another girl

  44. I'm thinking that the baby is a boy!

  45. Twin girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. It's just one baby

    2. And you know this how? Are you her obgyn?

    3. 8:33 her ultrasound made one baby very clear.

  46. I think Jessa is having a BABY !

  47. I think it’s a boy born in July!!

  48. I think it will be a boy. Didn’t Jessa begin the girl streak?

    1. Back in July of 2018, Jinger started the current streak of granddaughters, when she gave birth to Felicity.

    2. Jinger was the first with Felicity.
      Garrett was the last boy.

    3. No.Jinger did.

    4. No Jinger, started the girl streak with Felicity then it was Jessa with Ivy and then all the rest of the girls!

    5. Jinger did when Lissy was born.

    6. A girl named Glory, born on the 4th of July.

  49. Twins! Because she hasn’t shown her baby bump, which would give that away, and she’s having a hospital birth, and even mentioned getting an epidural

    1. If this were twins, they'd be shouting it from the rooftops as the first Duggar kids to achieve that. She's probably going to the hospital because of her bleeding problem.

    2. I don’t know about that. Jessa and Ben like to keep things a surprise/secret till the end, like the gender. I could see them keeping it a secret if it is twins.

    3. June 15, 2021 at 8:39 PM:

      I think so too!!

    4. There was only one baby in her ultrasound picture.

  50. It could quite well be BOTH!

  51. I am thinking girl. Bless you all.

  52. I don't care either way as long as baby and mom are healthy. I am very happy to hear she is planning on the hospital this go around considering her past traumas.

    1. Yes. But she's nervous about it. Beats me why. Much better than emergency runs to the hospital after delivery.

  53. A girl named Fern.

    1. Another plant. Great idea.

    2. That Bates girl had another tree. (Willow and Hazel) so why not have two plants. lol

    3. Right?? I love Josie's kids' names though.

    4. "That Bates girl"?! Her name is Josie. Also, she didn't have a tree, she had a baby.

  54. They will be having a baby.

  55. Dear Michael: I hope that you are having, a fantastic 10th Birthday!!!!!

    1. Wrong post. This is about the Sweewald baby

    2. Lol, this post is about Jessa's baby not Michael's 10th! No offense or anything!

  56. Another boy. That would make 4

  57. I think the baby will be a girl named Olivia, born on July 27, weighing 7 lbs 4 oz.

    1. Well that's a very specific guess!

    2. I'm guessing a boy,named Englebert Benjamin Seewald. He will weigh in at nine pounds.

    3. Engelbert:

      The Duggar and Bates daughters and daughter in laws seem to all have smaller babies.

      Maybe just coincidence though.

    4. 5:24 If I remember, Jill's twp boys,Jessa's Spurgeon, and Joy-Anna's two were big babies. Gideon (Joy-Anna's son) was particularly a big baby. He was over 10 pounds if I remember.

  58. Despite how much I would love Ivy to have a baby sister, I have a feeling this one will break the “all girls” line. My guess is that Baby Boy Seewald will make his appearance in July 2021! 💙

  59. The baby will be whatever god makes the baby be, who knows what he has in store for this little one..

  60. At least Jessa SAYS she's going to do a hospital delivery this time even though she's "nervous" about it. Apparently couldn't find a mid-wife to do a home delivery with her history. Obviously she PREFERS to be driven to the hospital by the EMTs in an ambulance to deal with post partum issues. Oh well. Hope all goes well.

    1. SAYS in all caps, "nervous" in quotation marks, Apparently, Obviously, PREFERS in all caps - sounds like you don't believe or trust a word Jessa says. Why is that?

    2. Anon 9:05. The last baby (Ivy) was supposedly going to be born in hospital. Didn't happen. So should we trust Jessa?

    3. Jessa stated in her video that since Arkansas midwives are not allowed to administer pitocin and that she required it following 2 out of 3 of her prior deliveries, the hospital makes sense.

  61. I dont Care of they have a boy or a girl. I Just hope for a safe delivery and a healthy child.

  62. They will have what any other pregnant person has which will be a baby!

  63. Reasons I think she’s having twins:

    Not showing her baby bump like previous 3 pregnancies
    Not announcing actual due date
    Said she’s having a hospital birth and might get epidural

    Just my hunch, but I’m probably wrong😆

    1. I dunno. Anything is possible!

    2. Where did the second baby hide in ther ultrasound?

  64. It’s always fun to guess. My guess is…
    boy: Graham Tozer
    If it happens to be a girl, I’m guessing: Olive Rose

    1. Awww, I thought Henry’s name was going to be Theodore Graham.

    2. Those are nice names.

  65. I think it's going to be a boy. And I'm very happy that Jessa plans giving birth at a hospital. It's better not to risk hemorrhaging again, and also she will be able to have an epidural too. Hopefully the baby is in the right position, and they won't have to do a c-section'

  66. Jesse is carrying like she did with the first two kids. I say boy!!!

  67. I'm guessing a boy,born on July 2.

  68. For all those wondering when Jessa may be due. On her YouTube channel she posted the video of her having an ultrasound and found out the gender at that time. On the monitor the date of the ultrasound was January 25th, 2021. If she was around 16 weeks at that time (just a guess) I am guessing she is due late June or early July. But once again this is all a guess.

  69. A girl named Mary Michelle. Born on August 1st.

  70. I am going with a boy born on July 23rd. Totally random but I have a gut feeling. When did Jessa announce her pregnancy?

    1. Jessa, announced her pregnancy on Feb. 18th, 2021.

  71. When are you coming back with a new post? It’s been a while and you missed Michael’s 10th birthday. I miss your posts!

  72. I'm guessing boy born in mid-July. I wonder who else in the family (besides Anna and Jessa) is pregnant.

  73. A boy, named Horton Elmer Seewald born on July 15th. He will weigh 8 lbs.

    1. Horton?! Dr. Seuss, is that you?

  74. I think they will have a girl and name her Hyacinth...or Blossom.


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