
Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Garrett Turns 3

Happy 3rd birthday to Garrett Duggar! For three months, Joe and Kendra had three children under the age of three. Now they have three children ages three and under. 

Addison Duggar, Joseph Duggar, Kendra Duggar, Brooklyn Duggar, Garrett Duggar
Joseph Duggar, Kendra Duggar, Garrett Duggar

Photos courtesy


  1. Happy Birthday Garrett!!!

  2. He is sooo cute.

  3. Time to slow down and enjoy what you have, not try to break a record.

    1. I know many moms who have their children close together and love that! Let them do what they want.

    2. They don't want to break a record, but they are not going to slow down either because thay have decided to let the Lord decide the size of their family, they says so on the episode that showed their honeymoon when they were talking to a local woman dining next to them, I still remember how that woman was left open mouthed and speechless when Kendra said they are going to have as many children as God will give them, lol, but it's their life their decision, they obviously loved growing up in a large family and that's why they have that belief, they obviously know they can handle it and they are up for the challenge and for them the love they will receive from their children is enough reward, I believe it's something they really want to do, not forced by their parents, look at Jinger, Jill and Abbie, they have admitted they couldn't handle a large family and their families are fine with their decision of limiting their family size.

    3. Exactly what happened to stopping and smelling the roses.

    4. Roses don't vote.

    5. 7:38 Saying that they’re letting God decide the size of their family is not accurate. By not using any contraception, they actually are making a conscious decision to have a big family barring any future problems. I don’t think God holds it against anyone for using birth control.

    6. I wish the use of "let them" would be retired as if anyone commenting has the power to stop the Duggars or anyone else from doing anything. Redundant.

    7. 6:18 LOL but true. There is the idea that if you can't take over the world by your philosophies alone, then maybe you can by out-populating those you don't agree with.

    8. 9:58 -- I think we all know what 6:26 meant by "let them," which is leave them in peace to do their own thing without all the criticism.

    9. The world record is 69 children, so Michelle is not even close!!! LOL!!!!!

    10. Anon 4:41. ONE woman birthed 69 children? Wow!!!

    11. 1:34 - Yes. That is the world record. She had lots of multiples. You can read about her on the internet.

  4. I hope next year they have 4 under 4!!

    1. Anon 1.58. Not quite sure why you would wish that on this young mother. 4 under 4 would be VERY hard work, not to mention the toll on Kendra’s body from repeated pregnancies. The uterine muscles get more lax with each pregnancy & then you can start to have problems. Not only that, but Kendra needs time to replenish her body’s nutrients & let it heal from the last pregnancy before attempting another one. Let them enjoy what lovely little family they have now without wanting them to produce more.

    2. "troll" at Anonymous @1:58

    3. I wouldn't wish that on anybody!

    4. Why? Kendra needs some time between pregnancies to recover physically.

    5. Don't give them any ideas!

    6. Claire's the next one to announce a pregnancy, mark my word.

    7. I am the OP and I am not a troll. I truly do hope she has 4 under 4. They don’t seem to be using birth control and she has gotten pregnant easily each time. Joe and Kendra seem vey happy having babies close together.

    8. MO- Michelle never gave a thought to letting her body recover between pregnancies. This is a bunch that view pregnancies as being God's will regardless of the consequences on a woman's body. They choose not to "abstain" for the heath of the woman.It seems like a competition of how much one can suffer, I hope it's not. :o(

    9. 10:22 they “ seem” happy but how would you truly know? There is plenty of research out there stating that having babies so close together is unhealthy for both mother and baby in short and long term. So if you truly cared about Kendra’s health and well being you would not be wishing this on her.

    10. I'd like to know how happy they seem when it's 2am and One is up with an ear infection, Two is up with a stomach bug, and Three is up because of teething (and Four is up with diaper rash and Mom is up with morning sickness). Anyone can smile and pose for the camera holding 3 Under 3 or 4 Under 4, but get back to us when it gets real, which it inevitably does.

    11. The people commenting that 4 under 4 is terrible obviously don’t have 4 young children. It this most rewarding experience ever. Sure, it’s hard, but so worth it. Don’t knock it til you try it lol.

    12. Maybe people commenting HAD young kids and already tried it. How else would they know it's not a great idea?

    13. 7:47 - That may be fine…for you. Having that many kids so close together is not for everyone. I had two kids who I love dearly. However, I have absolutely zero regrets about not having any more than that.

    14. 6:25, that's just life, and unpleasant parts of life happen no matter how many children you have. Those fleeting scenarios are not going to be what Kendra looks back on. She's going to look back and miss the babies she used to have.

    15. @9:14 Those "fleeting scenarios" are one of the reasons why a lot of people stop after 2 or 3 kids.

    16. I would have been so blessed to have more children -- but it was not God's will for my life. Let's let people do their own thing!

    17. I'd bet a few are preggers now and we just haven't gotten official word yet.

    18. The truth is that Michelle very publicly stated that she was overwhelmed at 5 children, up at 1am and crying while doing laundry. She expressed her gratitude that Grandma Mary came several times a week to help out in the initial episodes of 14 Kids and Counting. Yet, Michelle continued to add additional children. Did the number suddenly get easier to handle over 5? No, it got worse and she needed additional parenting help. First with Grandma Mary, then the oldest children were parentified as mini-parents, with groups of their younger siblings assigned to them- doing mom's job because Michelle couldn't handle 5 by herself. Michelle still remembered that overwhelm at 5, when they 14.

    19. I have a feeling she will be pregnant again very soon if not already.

    20. It's irresponsible to have more kids than you can mentally handle and to expect the older ones take care of the younger ones. I always looked at their show as what not to do.

    21. 12:42, kind of short sighted to stop having kids because sometimes they wake you up at night. Those days don't last forever.

    22. @4:42: Only time will tell if your prediction will be correct, or not.

    23. To 1:28 PM WELL SAID

    24. Anon 1:28. I agree. When he saw that his mother was being called on to help Michelle because she was so overwhelmed, HE should have stopped the "baby train". She obviously needed that as she kept wanting to have more babies for whatever reason.

    25. @9:59 Some parents can't handle the stress and the children end up paying the price. It's wise to know your limitations and if waking up at night (among other things) bothers you to the point of not being able to handle it, then it's smart not to have more kids, for everyone's sake.

    26. @1:27 I could never have biological children. Not for a moment have I ever put it on God as "His will." It's just happenstance, nothing more. Stuff happens to us all, the good and bad. It's up to us how we deal with it.

  5. Wow it’s hard to believe he’s three already & the couple have 3 children. Hope the little man has a wonderful special day with his parents, & siblings. Three is such a fun age for mum & dad & even more so for the child themselves. Happy birthday Garrett 🎂

  6. Awe hope he has a good one

  7. Dear Garrett: I hope that you are having a fantastic 3rd Birthday!!!!

  8. Shouldn't the first paragraph include Joe too? It's not just Kendra who "had three children under the age of three." They're Joe's kids too, and he seems to be a very loving and supportive father of all their children.

    Happy birthday, Garrett. May all your wishes come true.

  9. I bet Kendra breaks Michelle's total.

    1. At the rate she's going, you're right. I hope she doesn't but guess we'll see.

    2. I'll bet not.

    3. 3 is a really long way from 19. A lot of things could happen to stop them from getting anywhere near 19.

    4. I got married at 18. Had a PLANNED DAUGHTER at 20 while going to college and working part time at a daycare after my classes were out. Then planned a second child my son three years
      later. Then while on birth control and had another son 17 months later! All still going to classes. Then decided to have my tubes tied. I am young at 62 to have 4 grandchildren who are smart and loving. My children are educated and do well in life. With all this said... Everyone chooses their own path. I was excited at every pregnancy. Children in the daycare inspired me to have children. My children are 38,39 and 42. They don't want anymore kids. They had their kids in their 30s. God knows who is going to be born before we do. However, seeking his will for our lives can be the greatest blessing in our life. We ALL fail him consistently. We are human and that's why he sent his precious ONLY SON, who could live on earth and experience our shortcomings, joy, pain, blessings, etc. God knew we would never be perfect so he sent Jesus to die for our sins. UPLIFT ONE ANOTHER,PRAY FOR EACH OTHER, CARE ABOUT SOMETHING THAT GOOD AND WORTHY OF PRAISE AND SHINE A LIGHT ON IT. I guarantee you will be happy and a better person for it.

    5. Always wondered if lots of kids was God's way, why did He only have one son?

    6. To 9:38 -- RIGHT ON! Sounds like you've been blessed by God, and God bless you again for bringing HIS TRUTH to this blog.

      I challenge all of us to follow Philippians 4:8 when we think of others -- "Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things." Life is so much better when we "think on these things," instead of looking for things to criticize. I see that in my own life, compared to people I know who always look for the negative.

      JESUS CHRIST -- and our relationship to Him -- is ALL that matters.

    7. Unknown@9:38 "God knew we would never be perfect so he sent Jesus to die for our sins." This convoluted reasoning by Christian religions fails to address one important detail- If God is the omnipotent creator of all, knows everything before it happens, etc., it does not stand to reason that he'd have his son brutallly murdered for the sins of humankind. That's the monstrous stuff of Hollywood horror films and not a loving creator I choose to worship.

    8. @2:56 I also don't understand how Christians are so proud of that death. They worship a martyr? Someone who wasn't smart enough to figure out how to avoid being killed? Someone whose supposedly powerful father couldn't have stepped in and pulled a few strings?

    9. 2:56, Jesus was willing, because He is God, He is love, and there is no greater love than to lay your life down for someone else.

    10. 1:38 It doesn't make a lick of sense for anyone to have to lay down their life for others if they had the power all along to change the situation or trajctory of things. I'm sure the passengers on the Titanic who gave up space on the lifeboat and went down with the ship would've gladly turned back time and changed the outcome if they'd had the power to do so.

    11. @1:38 Or you could stay alive and spend the rest of your life helping others.

    12. God's ways aren't our ways. It's extremely arrogant to think ours are better.

    13. @1:26 I'm all for thinking positively, but my experiences with religion have been anything but positive. All I ever heard from the pulpit was how we all fall short, are all sinful and undeserving of God's love and hell awaits those who don't repent. That, and we were not tithing enough. My life has been pretty darn good without the trappings of organized religion.

    14. 12:41: I wonder too why god only had one son Did he have any daughters?

    15. Anon 11:38. I understand how disillusioned you are with organized religion. The narrative in many churches is so negative filled with threats to keep the people in order. The actions of many prominent church leaders show that money don't practice what they preach. God doesn't need our money but churches sure do.

    16. To 3:39, Seriously???????

    17. 3:39 & 9:38 Also, couldn't he create another son, or many sons, if he wanted? I have never understoond the ONLY son thing, like it was a huge sacrifice for God, yet he has created billions of people. And didn't God know that Jesus would rise from the dead, therefore not actually dying after all? And didn't Jesus know this too, since he is also God? I also have a hard time with being expected to be in horror over a few hours of the "suffering" of Jesus upon the cross, when humans experience so much suffering in life, sometimes for years on end, and God does nothing. And the cross was a common way of executing criminals at that time, not something unique to Jesus either. And, why does God keep creating people, just to give them a life of suffering and then send them to hell? Is that LOVE? So many things to mull over if you have a thinking brain. I don't mind what others want to believe, but Christianity causes me too much cognitive dissonance!

    18. Agree 2:09. A lot of Christianity doesn't make sense.

    19. Anon 2:09. At the end of the day people believe whatever they want to believe and find sources to support that belief. How valid is Christianity? Depends on your mindset. IMO it doesn't fit logic because if God gets credit for the good stuff that happens in our lives then he also should be held responsible for the bad things that happen. Others see things differently which is fine with me.

    20. @10:01 I think it's extremely arrogant for anyone to assume they know what God's ways are. We're all guessing in that department. The bottom line message of Christ is to love one another, period. I'm afraid that far too many devout Christians fall very short of that because they're too busy concerning themselves with what they think are the sinful ways of others.

    21. 8:22, I agree. The Bible tells us God's will and to go against that is extremely arrogant.

  10. HAPPY 3rd BIRTHDAY GARRETT Wishing you a year of happiness,fun and blessings.
    God Bless
    Marilyn,Joan and Marion

  11. Happy Birthday to a wonderful beautiful boy U are!!!! I love U 5!!!!

  12. Isn't Anna due soon?

    1. I thot Jessa was due before Anna

    2. I thought she just announced a month or two ago. Do you mean Jessa?

    3. What has Anna to do with Garrett's birthday?

    4. Anna’s baby girl is due “this fall”, so probably not until at least September.

    5. In her pregnancy announcement, Anna indicated that her seventh child, would be arriving this fall.

    6. This is OP. I meant Anna, not Jessa, that is why I said Anna. She looks like she is due before Fall. Maybe it is twins. I think more of the Duggar women are pregnant and more are courting and just have not announced because of the Josh situation.

    7. Court date due soon!!! Plea deal due imminently!

    8. Looks like it will be before fall.

    9. Anon 2:27. It's hard to say. Sometimes women get very large early in pregnancy so you can't go by how they look.

    10. I agree Anna looks due before fall and have thought that before she announced. I guess we'll see.

    11. Anon 4:48. I wish. Time to wrap that up without a nasty trial and a lot of negative publicity.

    12. Court date is not very soon. It's in July.

    13. @12:46 Three weeks is soon.

    14. @ 6:31 That is almost a month which is not soon.

    15. Three eays is soon. Three weeks is not.

    16. Go set a timer for 3 weeks and see how fast that time goes. It's soon. We're nearly half-way through this year, that's how fast time flies.

    17. The trial is probably not going to happen in 3 weeks, or even this year. They will need more time to prepare their case and will get that time granted by the judge. This will go on for a long time.

    18. Soon by definition is a short time and 3 weeks is definitely not short LOL

  13. Happy Birthday Garret, such a sweet little boy. Such a beautiful family, Kendra and Joe, are great parents, all the best, to them.

  14. Abbie and JD and Jinger and Jeremy may have said publicly that they 'oh,my, couldn't handle 19 kids, but they never said that they would do anything about avoiding it. Many of these grown children say that but end up having lots due to the fact that they would actually never use any kind of birth control, abstinence included.

    1. I see a bumper crop of new Grandduggars in the next year. The newlyweds along with Lauren, Joy, Kendra and possibly Abbie having babies or becoming pregnant.

    2. Perhaps they don't feel the need to discuss with you or the general public what they are "doing" to avoid having 19 children.

    3. I don't think birth control should be the measure/standard of your commitment to God, nor having a large family, nor having shoulder-length hair or longer, nor hemlines to your calf and necklines to your collar bones, nor smiling every time you're in public or on camera no matter what, nor faking being happy or using a fake "quiet voice" (instead of being honest with God about you really feel in the moment-He can handle it). You can do and be all these things and be far from God and still not know Jesus.

    4. 2:57 The times I've had devout Christians corner me and ask if I "know Jesus", I tell them the truth: He's never appeared to me and never talked to me directly, so I'd be lying if I said I did. All anyone knows about him are what others tell them, either from the pulpit or from their own interpretations of the Bible. It's all second, third, fourth, hand, etc. My commitment in the here and now is to be as kind and compassionate towards others on this planet as I can be. Surely, I strive to do no harm. If we are an extension of a loving creator, I can't imagine what else we can do to honor him/her. Sure, I could go through the motions of proclaiming that I'm "saved" by accepting Christ as my Savior and intimidating others to do the same. I could be a diligent church goer, pray and tithe, make sure all the Christian t's are crossed and i's are dotted. However, those are just as meaningless and fake as the the things you mentioned, IMO.

    5. Anon 7:09. I think Christians believe they're personally acquainted with Jesus because of their belief in him. It's more a concept than they actually have conversations with him. Faith is believing in something unseen and it doesn't work for everyone.

  15. Happy 😊 belated 🎂 birthday Garrett David Duggar. I hope you had a great day. May God bless you and I can't wait to see what God has in store for you. I wish counting on would come back on. I wonder when and if it will? I miss everyone. Natasha b

    1. Natasha, I agree with you, and would love to have the opportunity to watch, a new season of Counting On.

    2. I don't agree. The show has run its course, there's too much negativity with the family image, and it's time for them and the network to be Moving On.

    3. I think the Duggars would be making a huge mistake if they continue being on TV. The young kids in this family do not need any kind of continued public exposure. Whatever positive messages they thought were being represented have been thoroughly lost with the previous and current horrendous scandals involving the oldest son.

    4. I can't imagine Discovery wanting to renew them with such a serious a trial pending.

    5. This family has had their time on TV. Time to move on to something beside living in the public eye.

    6. The show now has big time new material that could be filmed. That would keep current viewers interested plus attract new viewers. So TLC would be wise to continue it.

    7. Anon 3:38 What "new material"? More weddings, pregnancy announcements and women giving birth? Or Josh's trial.? Enough is enough. We've seen several weddings with silly "pranks" and way too many young women giving birth on TV to pay their medical bills. Time to call a halt.

    8. Watch reruns. I think it's time to pull the plug on this show.

    9. @3:38 Only if they exposed the truth about what has been going on for the last several years. Anything else would be covering up or ignoring the important facts.

    10. Anon 9:36. What? Admit they have a LOT of issues that they don't want the general public to know about? Not going to happen. TLC is steering clear of the family and I can't say as I blame them.

    11. Re 9:36AM That's the thing with this show. Too much has happened to pretend that it's one big happy family any more. Prairie dresses and home perms and homemade soap and jurisdictions are long gone. No amount of corn mazes or thrift store treasure hunts or date nights can make up for a federal investigation or kids not allowed on camera or welcome at the house. TLC can't look the other way like nothing happened or they'd hear about it.

    12. I guess in this sifting, we'll find out what TLC's values are and what the Duggars' (collective) values are. It is my hope that everyone involved is prepared to be completely honest before God, with themselves, and the Judicial System for their souls' sakes. God warned Eli three times before judgement fell on him, his sons, and his household-and Eli knew what they'd been publicly representing God to the people and what they had been doing and he failed to follow the law of the land in an effort to protect his sons from consequences. This offense is a third strike. I can't help but think of that, with his situation...and how that one ended.

    13. Although the Duggar efforts to ride out this latest scandal are interesting, I doubt TLC will be renewing the show.

    14. 3:51 Josh's attorneys have requested the court to delay the trial until February of next year so that they have time for their own investigator to look over his computer and the evidence. Looks like the Duggars prefer to not go down without a fight or delay and it won't come cheap! Even with JimBob's resources, he's really going to take a financial hit on this one.

    15. @10:26 I don't know what Josh's team expects to find or to prove. The Feds spent a long time looking at that computer before bringing charges.

    16. Anon 10:26. If this delay is granted that will mean the people who are housing Josh will have to continue to let him live there. Bet they didn't know what they were getting into. This could go on for a couple of years.

    17. The Duggar's need to quit filming. They need to get out of the public eye and try to fix their family. Too much negative stuff has come out about them. At this point they give Christians a black eye. I know all families have their problems, but not like the Duggars. TLC would risk the loss of viewers and probably sponsor revenue if the show continued.

    18. Anon 2:07. It's a stall tactic. The lawyers already knew that computer experts had been employed to discover what was on the computer and that the experts would testify at the trial. They are going to prove anything.

    19. 3:29 If they only agreed to house him until the orginal July trial date, I hope they can wiggle out of this huge responsiblity if they want to. I think that was asking way too much of them.

  16. Happy Birthday Sweet Garrett Duggar!

    1. Have to totally agree that Garrett is a sweetie! He just seems so kind and even-tempered when we see him interacting. Can't help but think that's how Joe and Kendra seem too.

  17. They seem like such a sweet family. I wish them the best.

  18. it's good to see the kids...This family is sweet but I'm done with the parents and hearing about Josh and Anna and their kids

    1. Unfortunately I think we're going to continue hearing about Josh and Anna.

    2. 2:54 : If you are done with them then why be on a blog about their family????????

    3. She said she was done with the parents, Josh, Anna, and their kids, not the rest of the family.

    4. 6:30 The poster is a man. You accudently said “she. “

  19. Happy Birthday Garrett. You have a nice family...seems so happy.


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