
Tuesday, July 28, 2020

'The Duggar Dash' Recap

Counting On "The Duggar Dash"

  • The Duggars are competing in a race around town that they are calling the Duggar Dash. Team one is Joy, Austin, Tyler, Jennifer, and James. Team two is Jim Bob, Joe, Kendra, and Johannah. Team three is Jana, Josiah, Jason, Jackson, and Josie. Team four is Ben, Jessa, Jeremiah, Justin, Jordyn, and Ivy. Michelle and Lauren are staying at the big house to watch the kids.
  • The first challenge is a mystery food item. The foods are tater tot casserole, haggis (from the Duggars’ trip to Scotland), cricket tacos (from Joe and Kendra’s trip to Laredo), and escargot (from Jessa and Ben’s honeymoon in Paris). Jim Bob gets stuck eating the cricket tacos and finishes last.
  • The second challenge is for each team member to find an item at a thrift store in their team’s color. The total budget per team is $5. Two of the teams buy one piece of clothing and cut it up, but the Seewalds’ team and Jim Bob’s team buy separate things for each person.
  • The third challenge takes place at the Ozark Climbing Gym, where one team member must climb to the top of a wall to reach the next clue.
  • The fourth challenge is a math problem. Then the teams must find a sized pair of shoes in a big pile that corresponds to the answer. While digging through the hay, Kendra starts having contractions.
  • The fifth challenge has the teams looking through piles of hay to find their next clue. The Seewalds’ team wins, the Forsyths’ team comes in second, Jim Bob’s team comes in third, and Jana’s team comes in last.
  • “Overall, it was fun…” says Jana. “It’s always just good to be together as a family and do something fun.”


  1. That was fun to watch. Makes me want to make a “Dash” for my family for a future date. I am confused by the follow up show though. I wish TLC would keep these extra shows to Tuesday’s at the usual times . It would make their season longer and give fans of the show something to look forward too.

  2. Thanks so much for sharing your lives with us Duggars! Your show brightens my day.

  3. This was a fun episode, they can't all be a wedding or a birth. It was exciting and silly and I loved how they talked a lot like the rest of us; Jessa talking about it being gross to wear a thrift store sweater without washing first and hoping there are no live in the wig. I wouldn't have made it through the food challenge though.

  4. No offence but that was one of the most boring episodes iv watched. Are they running out of ideas besides showing re-runs of births we have already seen

    1. I don't think it was boring at all. It was a fun way to show the whole family together. I don't know about you but my family and I get tired of having to avoid 2/3 of the garbage that is on tv now. When a clean, family oriented show comes on it sure is a relief to us.

    2. Anon 1:37am I totally agree with your post. It was an hour of games and an hour of repetitive footage. Maybe TLC is wanting the show canceled? I fast forwarded the entire episode this week.

    3. I didn't think it was boring at all. In fact, I thought it was super-fun to watch. Got to see a lot of the family, too, which was nice. Especially in this time of lockdown and social-distancing, it was great to see these people all together and enjoying each other's company.

  5. Jessa asking her phone for her father's age was a laugh-out-loud moment for me! Jana should have tried the same thing for her team's math problem.

  6. They spent an hour showing some made-up competition and the next hour showing old footage of weddings. Just when you thought they couldn't hit a new low, they do. This show has become a parody of itself.

  7. Dear Duggars and extended family, my parents and I loved the family race especially the math problem where they had to find the shoe size. We loved going down memory lane. It brought back a lot of memories. I think Ben had the best proposal. All the weddings were beautiful. Looking forward to the next episode and also the next season. Curious if there's a courtship happening. Natasha B.

  8. There's Kendra about to pop with baby, and they make her run all over the place and dig through hay til she has contractions. Nobody seemed to care about that! They were going to make her eat the weird stuff at first, too. She went along with it! Does she have any control in that family and any common sense, or does she just giggle and do what she's told to do without questioning?

    1. It’s because of how young she is

    2. I think she’s the kind of person who just tries to please everyone and doesn’t really think for herself.

      Lauren opted out, I would’ve followed her if I was Kendra.

    3. I was glad to see and hear that JimBob kept his eye on Kendra, cautioning her a couple times. Sometimes Joe seems totally out of it. He needs to be more aware of Kendra and her needs.

    4. Didn't make her do anything, she said she wanted to do it

    5. She didn’t have to run. It certainly doesn’t hurt to move around a lot when you are pregnant. Having a toddler means she is used to running around. You can’t sit down and relax with a little one. Jim Bob told her several times to be careful. He was concerned about her. She was laughing and having fun.

    6. 5:43 am, how rude. I can't understand why people think its ok to belittle others. You are obviously jealous of Kendra, she is a wonderful person. I will pray for you.

    7. To 5:43. Its not nice to judge and make fun of others. Didnt your parents teach you that? Please grow up.

    8. Aren't you judging there 12:36?

    9. @12:35 and @12:36 I think 5:43 intention was in defense of Kendra. Here she is really pregnant and trying to keep up, they even suggested she do the food challenge. I think they were worried that no one was thinking about poor pregnant Kendra....concerned she doesn't feel able to speak up.

    10. Thank you 11:16. That’s how I saw it to. As far as 12:35’s post, he or she sounds so arrogant. Praying for someone is generally wonderful when it is intended to support that person. To say, “I will pray for you,” in this case, sounds like you are setting yourself up as judge and jury, thinking you are the better person. You didn’t take the time to understand what the OP was saying. You are the one being belittling. Try to actually figure out the person’s point of view before you fire off a “prayer warning.” I will pray that you read more carefully and try to be more insightful next time.

    11. I too felt that Kendra was being pushed to do things she shouldn't have had to do, and she's too polite to her in-laws speak up so she goes along. It was kind of sad to see the rest of the Duggars take advantage of her good nature. At this rate, I don't know if she'll ever stand up for herself.

    12. 5:43 -- You should be ashamed of yourself for that unkind comment about Kendra. She seems like such a sweet, likable girl.

    13. 11:29 You should be ashamed of yourself for totally misunderstanding that message. Read the responses above...

  9. Why didn't Joy know that "X" means multiply?

    1. As a teacher, that horrified me! Joy isn't exactly the sharpest tool in the shed, but she is very sweet and seems like a good mom to Gideon.

    2. 7:53. "Horrified" you? A bit dramatic. That was extremely disrespectful.

    3. I wonder if she will be home schooling her children?

    4. Oh come on.. she probably just wasn't thinking at the moment. Maybe it was a capital letter X. Of course she knows what a times symbol is. That's like blaming someone for not knowing their own address or something when they have one of those blank moments. I've even panicked and forgot my new baby's name once!

    5. @7:53 It is horrific and sad that she didn't know what x meant. My 3rd grade grandson knows what it means. @6:47 let's hope not. An interesting idea for the show would be for the state to come in and have the children still in school compete with kids their own age from both the public schools and parochial schools and see how their education compares.

    6. Horrific? That's quite an overstatement. Sometimes your brain just lets you down, even when you're in your 20s. Starting with my first pregnancy, my brain was never quite as sharp, and for someone who had had a great memory, honors in college, 4.0 in grad school, etc. it's been quite frustrating. How about we extend grace since we do NOT know whether she was having one of those moments or whether she really doesn't know what the "x" was referring to. After all, we're being expected to vote for a presidential candidate who regularly has mental lapses.

    7. Ohhhh 8:59 - a Duggar quiz bowl! Now that I would watch.

    8. 3:26 - Yes, just today Trump couldn't pronounce Yosemite. Those mental lapses are just one after another.

      Joy would have been fine if the question was written to ask them to multiple rather than using the "x."

    9. @3:26 Yosemite

  10. Watching it now on Amazon! Yay!!

  11. These "competitions" are getting so ridiculous! I'm surprised Jim Bob didn't say, "everyone is a winner" again.

  12. I really enjoyed this week's episode. I love the competition games they do together and it gave me ideas on planning things like that with my family. The Duggar s remind me of my family because we love each other and are also competitive too.

    1. I was thinking the same thing as you, that I want to plan something like this for my family. They would have a great time doing things like this.

  13. Glad I didn't bother to watch this nonsense.

    1. The episodes are getting very boring, I wish they would focus on the married couples and their lives. Miss not seeing Jinger and family, but they live far, no way they could be part of this episode. Too bad, Jill and family are no longer part of the show, always great seeing her family. If they stopped showing Jim Bob and Michelle, on episodes, maybe they can go back the the original version, "Jill and Jessa Counting On. It seems like they want to return to 19 Kids and Counting, which I hope they do not. It had it is time in the spotlight, it's now time to focus on the future. Just my opinion.

    2. @Anonymoujs July30,2020 @8:39 am. I agree with you. It is getting a little boring. I think JB is trying to make it "19 Kids and Counting again. I prefer seeing the older kids and their families.

  14. This was an underwhelming episode. We just had a competition last week, why another one? Plus, I don’t think it should’ve been the whole episode. I didn’t get why Kendra did the challenge so close to giving birth, I would’ve sit it out like Lauren.

    1. Only smart ones in the bunch were Michelle and Lauren who opted out of this silly "competition".

    2. They're out of stuff for the family to do so they resort to these silly competitions". I'd rather watch one of them give birth than this junk.

    3. Maybe she was trying to get labor started. ;)

    4. Maybe she just wanted to participate and have some fun. I have come to respect her for her positive attitude toward everything. She Is always happy to try. I would love to have someone like that as my daughter-in-law. Frankly, she needs to set a fire under Joe.

  15. The episode where you have to look up how old your own father is...

    1. And when your twin brother got married. lol

  16. Are they going to have all season showing different Duggar races and challenges?

    1. No. next week we get to see Jeremy try to explain why all his partying in college doesn't seem like such a good idea now. Sure seemed like a good idea to him then.

    2. Anon 7:57. Having someone talk about how they've grown as a Christian would be a welcome change from these inane "competitions".

    3. Well, yeah. A lot of us did things when we were younger that seemed like a good idea at the time. When we get older, we have the "what was I thinking??" thoughts. And then we have kids who do things that make us go, "what were they thinking?". And the cycle continues.

    4. 7:57 -- Yeah, that's life. Unless you're perfect, which no one is...

    5. I think Jeremy needs to continue to party...just in a control manner! He’s seems like he is forcing himself to be rigid. Relax, Jeremy!!!

  17. Seriously? this type of game seems to make this family look a little silly. Can we not find any more content, like how the new moms are doing w/ their babies? Their gardens? Jobs? Helping in the community??

  18. Okay, I haven’t said anything yet, but I am officially with the people getting bored and tired of all the games! I don’t complain about weddings or babies because those are actually big events going on in their lives. A large family will naturally have a lot of them. I know they actually do have regular family game nights, which I think is awesome, but all these games on the show are pointless time fillers and completely boring. And now there is a whole episode dedicated to it?! Show anything else please!

  19. I really enjoyed, the July 28th, 20, episode of Counting On. It was nice to see, all of the family members, working, together, to complete, the various challenges. I also thought, that it was hilarious, that Jana, could not remember, that John (Jana's twin,) had gotten married to Abbie, in November, of 2018. This was especially funny, given that Jana, had been in charge, of planning John, and Abbie's Wedding.

  20. This episode was so much fun to watch! Joy and Austin especially had me laughing out loud with some of the things that they said but everyone was entertaining. This was definitely one of my favorite episodes so far.

    1. Austin is funny....he's just Austin says what ever pops into his head.

    2. I loved it too! In fact, it is probably my favorite Counting On episode.

    3. They were my two favorite shows also! Nothing boring about them
      and way better than anything else that was on the tv at that time.

    4. I agree, 1:36. Austin is very funny. I laughed out loud when, asked about the corn maze, he said that the biggest challenge was, “all those corn stalks.” He has a very intelligent sense of humor. I love a sense of humor with a hint of sarcasm.

  21. I was cracking up over Jim Bob eating them cricket tacos LOL. I have to give all 4 of them credit for eating what they had on their plates, I couldn't have done it. lol

  22. What a silly silly episode. What's next? Potato sack races? Show us the Duggars doing something good for their community instead of running around corn mazes and hay piles.

    1. Quarantine and babies may have something to do with that

    2. There was no quarantine then or for many months after. Not everyone was pregnant.

    3. I don't know about the rest of the world, 7:47, but I like just seeing some good, clean fun on TV, instead of the boring reality shows, angry news and trashy programming. Does everything today have to revolve around social issues? Give me the potato-sack races and corn mazes any day.

    4. 11:06 - totally agree!

    5. There have been plenty of episodes showing them doing good for the community. I know, because I started watching with 14 Kids and Counting. So lighten up a bit.

    6. @11:34 The episode where they pretended to donate food to a needy family? If you don't know about that, look it up.

  23. 9:26 - good point

  24. Sounds like fun. This is one I plan to watch.

  25. I enjoyed the competition except the food part. It was quite gross to watch, and I can’t imagine how disgusting it was for the ones who had to eat it. I hope they find a fun substitute for that part.

  26. If the producers have truly run out of ideas, they should just stop filming. These canned, scripted competitions are boring. If the Duggars don’t have enough going on in their lives to have a tv show, then they shouldn’t have one anymore.

    1. I also think it is time to walk away from filming the Duggars, we have enjoyed many years following their lives, but the premise of the show has taken a down word turn. They are just grasping at ideals, nothing original or interesting to watch anymore. They had their time in the spotlight, but it is now time to move on.

    2. @8:33-I agree with you; but a few specials of the family sprinkled throughout the year would be fun.

  27. I love watching this show with all the changes, ups and downs of family life. So fun to see them doing a bonding experience with members of the family in the dash. You can see their personalities come out as they compete with each other. I thorougly enjoyed seeing the engagement and wedding show also. Those are some memorable moments that change lives forever and it's good to relive them.

  28. If viewers are getting tired of the show's content and contrived episodes, it should not come as any surprise. Every single TV show throughout history, reality or not, has a shelf life. At some point, it wears itself out with redundancy or weak story lines. The Duggars have had an extremely long run. The name of the show may have changed, but the key players are basically the same. It's unrealistic to expect this show to continue indefinitely and please fans at the same time. It's a shame that the Duggars are resistant to closing the curtain permanently on it, as it comes across as desperation. Also, I believe those young kids deserve to grow up out of the public spotlight.

    1. Some of us actually enjoy the show and wish them well. It’s not on enough for me to tire of it. If I wasn’t interested in a particular episode, I would watch something else. But I haven’t had to do that because I like the show very much.

  29. I think that as long as we're in the thick of a pandemic, there's not going to be any new content filmed for this or any other show. You can expect to see more reruns. This contest was obviously filmed quite some time ago.

  30. Maybe it's just me, but I don't see any sort of Christian message here. Engaging in silly games isn't doing anything productive or inspiring. Frankly I'd rather watch one of them give birth.

    1. @10:16-just because they’re Christians does not mean they are required to live like monks!!!

    2. Enjoying the family God gave you is in line with the Bible.

    3. 2:49 This was staged in order to have something to film and make money in the process. Is that in line with the Bible?

    4. Playing games on tv to make money? I don't see what Bible verse would indicate that was wrong.

    5. We are humans. God calls us to be human not little gods.

    6. 11:45 First you're supposed to follow the Bible and try to act how it says (not try to make mistakes) and then you're supposed to be human and not be perfect. Which is it? The religion facts seem to change daily here, depending on how they need to be bent to fit the discussion.

    7. 10:16 -- Then that's what your OFF button is for.

    8. @11:35 There's nothing wrong with watching something you don't believe in or would never do yourself. I don't see an announcement at the beginning of any Counting On episode that warns viewers who don't agree to turn it off, that it's private and reserved for only a few. Would you discourage a non-believer from popping in at a church some Sunday morning to see what's going on?

  31. I wish we could all just list out all the ideas we have for a cool show. I think TLC keeps an eye on this blog. Why not ask them? It would be fun to know what people are curious about. Who knows, somebody like Jill or Jinger who are super active on Instagram might answer respectful, non-judgmental questions. BTW my autocorrect makes Jinger into hunger which makes me think of the hunger games of which I think Jinger would make a great katniss. I can totally see her volunteering for the younger girls. :)

  32. Loved this episode. Always wishing there was one more challenge!

  33. 6:01 pm: don't like, don't watch. That simple.

  34. One of the funniest episodes ever!! Keep it up duggars.

  35. So glad to see jim bob and michelle back again. Missed you guys.

  36. These duggars crack me up. I wish my family was as fun as the duggars are.

  37. So nice to see quality family time going on instead of the majority of families letting their children sit and play on computer screen and video games. and a lot of the parents are to blame as well because they sit and stare at their screens also

    1. (Loud beeping sound) This is a Generalization Alert! The previous post may contain generalizations and my not apply to your family or any other family you know. This is only a generalization, made by someone staring at a screen.

    2. Quality family time while being filmed for a TV show? Really?

    3. Did you happen the episode on TV or a computer?

    4. Well I certainly agree with this generalization!!

    5. My child "sat and played" on the computer and video games and turned it into a career as a game developer and software engineer. Who do you think made it possible for you to have all those computers and game consoles and cell phones? Kids who grew up immersed in that technology and the parents who let them. I'll gladly take the "blame" for someone paid to author games and have their name on software products that most of you use or have heard of. We didn't lack "quality family time" even though we never ran all over town playing scavenger hunt games.

    6. Computers aren't all bad for kids. They have to do their schoolwork on them now. Computer careers have been some of the most recession-proof ones through this pandemic too. Everyone's able to work remotely.

    7. Tech jobs are where it's at for sure. Too bad no Duggar could qualify for one. They wouldn't even be encouraged to try, because that would mean unmonitored computer time and getting a college degree. This family sure holds their kids back.

    8. 1:09 -- I get your point. Kids don't play outdoors as much anymore, nor do they simply have time to even daydream. This isn't my idea -- it's been studied. I feel that many kids are missing out. You see them with ipads in their strollers and even in the car.

    9. 5:38 This is why TLC continually embarrasses them with questions they can't answer correctly, to show their limited education and how overly sheltered they are from real life. Hiding from the big bad world may seem like a good way to keep your kids "pure" but it just sets them up for a life with few options and very little awareness of how others think and live. I want nothing to do with that kind of life.

  38. I wish i were a part of the duggar family. They have such good relationships with one another. Such a wholesome show.

  39. Thank you to tlc for putting jb and michelle on the show again. I love those two. They crack me up.

  40. I really enjoyed this episode! They really enjoy life, something the rest of these negative commenters have no grasp on.

  41. Good, clean, old fashioned fun!! Loved the whole show.

  42. This episode was so exciting and hilarious! It made me want to join in. I love that Jim Bob was attentive to Kendra. Jessa looking up her Dad’s age cracked me up! It made me wish I had a big family to do something like this with. Thank you Duggars for sharing your lives with us. It truly brightened my day. Julie

  43. I ve always been a fan although i dont agree with some of their choices. But watching a family doing all silly games, is a waste of my time. When i had the age of the girls and my parents suggested to do a game like that, i would have rejected the idea. When i had that age, i studied at university, had a parttime job and was a mum. These girls have to much time and seem so uneducated. Its a waste the girls dont get a proper education.

  44. Thinks its time Jana grows up moves out on her own.

  45. I don't wish to be disrespectful but this could have been a segment of this episode instead of the whole episode. I enjoyed seeing the wider family together, that was lovely but it did get stale very quickly.

    1. I agree. The family has to perform these stunts to STAY on TV. It seems rather sad to me that they don't just say "no" to the stunts.

  46. Competitions like this would go over like a lead balloon in my family, as we are not at all competitive. We instead enjoy icebreaker kinds of games, where thought-provoking questions (non-religious) are asked and lead to conversations. You can learn a lot about people that way, even those most close to you.

    1. Every family needs a good balance of thought-provoking conversation and just plain being silly and having fun.

  47. Was hoping showing wedding footage meant some one was courting the rest was silly

  48. I liked this episode, it was fun and not boring, I was surprised by Jim bob, he was very nice to Kendra, we can see that they all had a good time !


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