
Monday, July 27, 2020

Michelle and 8 of Her 9 Daughters

Michelle Duggar, Jordyn Duggar, Jill Dillard, Jennifer Duggar, Johannah Duggar,
Joy-Anna Forsyth, Josie Duggar, Jessa Seewald, Jana Duggar

Joy Forsyth is almost 37 weeks pregnant with her baby girl. Earlier this month, Joy's best friend, Carlin Stewart, visited with her husband for 4th of July. At that time, the ladies also threw a shower for Joy. The photo above shows Michelle with all her daughters, minus Jinger, who was unable to travel from Los Angeles. Joy is due August 19th.

Photo courtesy


  1. Best of luck Joy and Austin on the upcoming birth of your baby girl. What a beautiful picture of the Duggar ladies!!!

  2. Wow, Jenni is really tall! Jordyn and Jenni are only 1 year 8 months apart, and Jenni looks so much taller now.

    1. They’re 1 year and 4 months apart:
      Jenni Aug 2007
      Jordyn Dec 2008

    2. 1 year 4 months

    3. It's 1 year and 4 months which makes them even closer, and Jenni is so much taller than Jordyn!

    4. Well, Jenni is in development age, so it's literally the time where she's growing the most in her whole life.

    5. 3:58: Johannah looks shorter than Jennifer. It does not matter how fast Jenni is growing now, the fact is that she is now taller than her sisters.

  3. Ugh. More instances where they do not wear masks or practice social distancing. Pregnant women are at increased risk for COVID! They should not be having baby showers, as disappointing as that may be. Also, what is up with Carlin and Evan coming in from out of state?! That is very heavily frowned upon, as it only spreads the virus.

    1. On good grief, then you stay hidden in your home, because we are going to go ahead and live life..sheesh

    2. 4:46 While you're out and about living your life, just make sure you protect others by wearing a mask and social distancing. Your rights end where at the point where you could infect other people.

    3. But they’re family right?

    4. Newsflash - families are getting together! And people are traveling. It is your prerogative to stay hidden forever, but many of us are living our lives. No reason to criticize others because you are too scared to live. Families can't stay away from each other forever. A vaccine isn't going to be the "savior" of the world...

    5. I really don't understand people who can't understand the need to wear a mask and social distance. It drives me insane

    6. It’s too bad you aren’t taking this seriously. There has been so much death and suffering because of how this virus is spreading. People need to be sacrificing at this time. Party’s can be on hold for now

    7. Let them live their lives as they want. Good for them to all be together. Not everyone is asymptomatic as you must believe. So they don't need masks or social distancing.
      Time to let families be together.
      Not everyone is going to stay in their glass bubble alone.

    8. They don’t all live regularly in the same house, so they’re supposed to distance even though they’re family

    9. Anonymous 10:04, they don't all live in the same house.

    10. If they test positive, there are effective treatments, and the fatality rate is very, very, very low. You start treatment as soon as you test positive, and you're fine. (...assuming it's not a false positive, which many have been, including the papaya that was tested by the President of Tanzania).

    11. @11:19 Oh wow, you need to contact the CDC if you have knowledge of effective treatments! Hurry!

      And 6% is not very very very low. That's the death rate in closed cases right now in the US.

    12. @11:19 If you actually took the time to read the articles on what the President of Tanzania did and he issaying,it is all about the test facilities and contamination of test sample kits in his country. I find it bizarre that he, a non-medical personnel, was able to obtain test kits and then send those test kits to a lab. The chance that the samples were contaminated by whoever took the sample is very high. Plus, Covid can be on objects and animals. That is why we have to wash our hands frequently.

      The scandal does not add any fuel to the view that COVID is not a serious disease. The known death rate is 6% but it is actually higher than that, since many countries are not counting victims who die at home or from the complications from COVID.

    13. We should not be FORCED to wear a mask. If you are worried then you can wear one. No need to get in my business or anyone elses.

    14. For those who are paranoid about social gatherings, stay home!! There are those of us who prefer to not live in a constant state of fear and panic. Christians have peace

    15. 4:06 -- The CDC knows about all the various treatments. One is called Hydroxychloroquine, and it's been used safely for 65 years as an ant-malaria drug. Many doctors have talked about it -- as recently as several days ago a group held a news conference -- and even posted studies, but Twitter and Facebook are taking down the videos, and Google has taken down the study, as fast as they can. Another doctor has had 100% success in the US -- and has pointed out that other countries have also had major success -- with a steroid called Budesonide, which is safe on premies and nursing home patients, alike. I'm sure you've heard about HCQ, because the MSM has made a point to ridicule anyone talking about it. Ask yourself why this information is being supressed when MANY doctors are using it with great success? Ask yourself why Fauci predicted in 2017 that Trump would be dealing with a major pandemic -- it's documented -- look for it. If you watch only the likes of CNN or other cable news, you won't be informed. You have to do your own research to be informed, because otherwise, you're just being spoon-fed what they MSM wants you to believe.

    16. Anon 6:21 I seen what you are talking about and thankfully people are waking up to what's really going on. Tucker Carlson has been shining a spotlight on all the deception that is being done to the American people.

    17. Anon 10:40 Cracks me up when people say we shouldn’t be forced to wear a mask. I for one am thankful that our government forces people to wear shirts and other clothing. Do you think we should get to choose if we walk around naked or not. It’s the same way with masks. Even if you don’t want to wear clothes for yourself, you do it out of respect for the law and others right? Same with masks.

    18. @ 10:40

      How this virus spreads is everyone's business! It's not just about you. You should wear a mask is to protect your family, neighbors, and fellow Americans.

    19. You have to ask WHY the same people who want to push vaccines of unknown safety as fast as possible are the same ones decrying a medicine that has been in use for decades. Why not give doctors the freedom to prescribe it? What are they afraid of?

    20. 6:21 do you not count Fox as MSM? As for Fauci “predicting” the pandemic, he stated that based on historic record it was very likely another pandemic would occur. He was warning government leaders to be prepared. To imply that he created the pandemic is spreading conspiracy theories and junk science. Shame on you. I’m surprised Ellie allows conspiracy theories to be promoted on her blog.

    21. On please 1:08!! How do you know that Fauci based what he said on historic facts. I have no faith in Fauci and watched him squirm the other day when asked if rioters could spread this covid, and should that be made to stop. That made Fauci really squirm and he would not come out and say it should stop, but had no problem suggesting Churches, schools, funerals etc. shut down.

    22. 2:52 The FDA has not approved hydroxy for treating COVID, because there have been no peer reviewed and randomized sample studies that prove it’s effective. You can’t take the word of a few doctors that it’s a wonder drug. Perhaps those promoting it have a vested interest. If it were the miracle they claim it to be with the virus, the price of it would rise dramatically.

    23. The July 31 6:21 comment is so off the mark that it would also be removed from the social media mentioned. That group of doctors includes someone with completely bizarre beliefs about female diseases and a vaccine that's claimed to turn people against religion. That's how "informed" we're supposed to be? I would hope that most of us are intelligent enough to discern between fact and fiction when it comes to journalism or news reporting, but I'm starting to see otherwise.

    24. At least Fauci stops and thinks before he speaks, if you want to call that squirming. His boss just says the first thing he thinks of, whether it's correct or not. The other day, he praised a doctor for doing great things in one breath and in the very next breath, said he didn't know her!

  4. Get those women some dress shoes.

    1. Pretty rude, honestly.

      Those, to me, are dressy compared to what I wear for 'dress up'!! =]

    2. The first thing I noticed was their shoes. Jinger’s should help them out, she has some cute pairs.

    3. Oh, goodness. It's a casual occasion in the summer. Why on earth would they wear dress shoes?

    4. I agree. It’s always sandals of some kind for them

    5. In California we wear sandals almost year 'round. What's wrong with sandals in the middle of SUMMER? Or do you just like to criticize?

    6. @4:22 - they could wear some cute wedges. They’re comfortable and fit perfect with the summer vibe.

    7. They're wearing casual summer clothes. Why on earth would they need dress shoes?

    8. There’s nothing wrong with sandals in the summer. Wearing sandals to dressy events like parties and even weddings is tacky. If Jimbob can own a fleet of private aircraft, the women can get a pair of proper dress shoes.

    9. Good grief -- let people wear the shoes they want to wear. You people are nuts.

    10. Love their shoes!

    11. I love the duggars style. They dress so feminine and modest.

    12. Their shoes are all cute.

  5. What beautiful ladies 😊

    1. They sure are beautiful and the younger ones are really growing up so fast.

  6. Dear Duggars I am very glad to have seen all of you grow up over the years. I wonder when Jingers due date is? I love to hear and watch the announcements & gender reveal party's and births on counting on. Hopefully Joy and Jingers will be on the next season. Natasha b

    1. Her due date is mid to late November

    2. Jinger announced pregnancy on May 28 and she said she was 15 weeks pregnant. So it's somewhere in November that she is due.

    3. Her due date is in November; she announced pregnancy at 15 weeks on May 28th.,

  7. Something to be very proud of!

  8. Time 10:26PM Mon 7/27/20
    Surprised that Abbie Did not show
    Up I guess she had something to
    Do Joy looks nice in her clothes
    For the baby shower.

    1. This is a pic of Michelle and her daughter's not daughters in law....where did you read Abbie didn't show up? Perhaps Covid precautions kept her from joining in.

    2. This is a picture of the Duggar sisters. None of the sisters in law are there, it doesn’t mean they didn’t make it.

    3. They only published pictures of the biological siblings. Neither Kendra nor Lauren were there either. If they attended, they only published pictures of the actual sisters and not the sisters-in-law.

    4. This is just a picture of Michelle and her daughters, not the daughters-in-law.

    5. It's a picture of Michelle and her own daughters!! There are other pictures, on internet, with Lauren being there.

    6. Many sisters-in-law showed up, Lauren was there, but the picture here posted was about Michelle and her daughters.

  9. This is a very sweet, mother/daughters photo!!!!

  10. Good to see almost all of them together. The little ones have all grown, especially Jennifer. Will she end up being as tall as Jill?

  11. What a nice photo. Jennifer has really gone through a growth spirt.

  12. Joy looks very happy, hope all goes well during the delivery! I think it was an awful event for such a young mother back last year when her first baby girl was stillborn. I'm so happy that just a year after they are having another girl! Can't wait to find out the name!

  13. Is Jessa pregnant again?

    1. I think so. But there will be no announcement until after Joy gives birth. They have their protocol for this sort of thing.

    2. I think so but she hasn’t said, so it’s best not to comment on it until an announcement has been made

    3. Jessa has 3 small children, the oldest is 4 years old! She probably will wait a little for the next one.

    4. Duggar & Bates FanJuly 29, 2020 at 12:02 PM

      I don’t know about Jessa, but there is a picture of Lauren and even though she isn’t hiding she could possibly be pregnant.
      PS: There are some people who say we shouldn’t guess if the Duggar women are expecting but I don’t care because I would rather talk about pregnancy or babies then Covid.

    5. Jessa looks like she is pregnant, so it might be like 4 months, otherwise it can't be showing at all. Maybe she will have December baby.

    6. Well, they said that Ivy is a very chill and content baby, so why not add to the bunch? They are not going to stop on 3 for sure.

  14. Great picture. Too bad Jinger wasn't there. All Michelle's daughters are beauties, just like their Mama.
    Another fun picture would be with all the daughters-in-law as well.

  15. What a nice photo. Jennifer and Jordyn sure have gotten tall. I remember when all these kids were little.

  16. So amazing! 4 of Michelle's daughters are married and have own kids (7 out of her 17 grandkids are from her daughters and 2 more are coming soon).
    And I love Jana's dress!

  17. I wish they had pictures in similar color of clothes, like Michelle with her daughters, with daughters and their families, and then same for the sons.

  18. Replies
    1. Family members are not to distance.

    2. @ 10:48

      You DO have to social distance with family members who don’t live in the same house as you!

    3. Households are supposed to distance. There are multiple households together at that shower, which is not a good thing.

    4. 10:48 you are if you don’t live in the same household, and if one of the members is pregnant.

    5. At 1048, yes you are unless you live in the same household.

    6. 10:48 Only family members living in the same household do not need to distance.

    7. If they all don’t live in the same house all the time they’re supposed to distance

    8. No visiting between households is the recommendation. Isolate your family and only expose them to each other, no outsiders. Precisely what we don't see in this picture or others.

    9. The bad thing is that any one of these people can be an asymptomatic carrier to Joy and her baby (or any other family member who may be pregnant and not announcing yet. Any one of the moms there can carry it home to their children or spouse. I get that they're only going to be able to do this shower for this baby once, but it's stupid to take the risk. All of the people in this picture have aging parents or aging in-laws or in-laws with serious health issues. Saying that out loud is not fear, it's wisdom and loving those people more than wanting a baby shower event.

    10. Why do the rest of us get it and the Duggars don't?

    11. With family all over the world, we do Zoom type video showers from afar for weddings and babies. We've done this for as long as computers have had cameras, one way or the other. You mail the gifts, then they're opened on camera while everyone watches. Much safer than anything the Duggars do.

  19. Love the family and I guessed everyones name without looking !!!!

  20. One question tho....I notice that Jennifers facial expression is not a happy one. I have noticed that throughout the years with her. Isshe ok??

    1. Even if she were having problems, do you really think that question will be answered?

    2. I have noticed that as well about Jennifer. She looks so sad all the time! I hope that her parents get her the right treatment if she actually does have clinical depression.

    3. I think Jennifer acts like Jinger when she was young. They just have their own way.

    4. Jennifer seemed to have some vision problems, so before it was detected she could not see properly, it makes a person not be fully present as they just can't see the surroundings.

    5. Who knows? She's at an age where many teenagers want to be more independent. That's not going to happen in the Duggar family.

    6. If the family wanted privacy they shouldn’t shove their kids on TV for 10+ years.

    7. I guess I wouldn't be too happy either if I'd spent my childhood being filmed for TV.

  21. So the pandemic isn't a problem for this family and for Carlin? Wow. Pregnant women can get the virus AND pass it to their baby.

    1. There was a woman in Brazil who lost her 8 mo. pregnancy and the baby tested positive for Covid on autopsy. It's been known for awhile that the virus can cause horrible blood clots on the placenta too. After what happened with Joy's other pregnancy, I can't believe she is taking any chances this time. Arkansas is seeing a huge upswing in cases this month!

    2. Layla has a hole in her heart. You would think they would be careful about where they go. Definitely not traveling out of state.

    3. Maybe they tested before they left?

      It isn't your family. Chill out

    4. If any of them are positive and they breathe on my family or someone else's family, it becomes everyone's business.

    5. People need to mind their own business. Leave the Duggar family alone. If your so scared of the virus go stay in your house with a mask on in your glass bubble.

    6. Carlin and Evan were in Arkansas to buy a car. Layla was not with them

    7. @5:20- According to the Stewart's vlog, they left Layla with his parents.

    8. @12:41 - That’s true but, if Evan or Carlin Gad contracted Covid while traveling, they still would’ve brought it home to her daughter. On their YouTube video where they get their new car, they showed that they drove from AR straight to see Layla, they didn’t isolate before seeing her at all.

  22. I love this picture. Looks like the younger girls might end up taller than Michelle😊

    1. Menopause can make you "shrink" too. You lose length in your spine. That could be happening to Michelle, by the way she's standing.

    2. I've definitely "shrunk" over the years.

    3. 10:47 Unless you have severe early osteoporosis, you don't start shrinking in early menopause. I'm 66 years old, way past menopause and do have bone loss, but I'm still the same height I was 30 years ago.

    4. Michelle is not in menopause. Numerous pregnancies with carrying a heavy belly for months along with very developed breasts for breastfeeding, that's what can make the spine curve and look like women are losing in height.

    5. @12:43 My MIL had 8 kids and shrunk in height early, then her spine started to disintegrate. She had several surgeries and procedures to try to stabilize her. I wouldn't be surprised if Michelle doesn't have something going on with her back, given all her pregnancies. She's been in those flat shoes for quite awhile, and she does look shorter.

    6. @9:52 How do you figure she's not? She's 54. The Change or not, most people shrink from their 40's on.

    7. 9:52, how do you have access to Michelle's health record? She was tested years ago and told that her ability to get pregnant was pretty low. That is a very good indication that she is likely in menopause by now.

    8. 9:52 Of course Michelle is in menopause. She was told she can't have more children. She is 54 years old. The average age of menopause is 51 years old. How could you make such a statement?

  23. MO- Lovely group of ladies. :o)

  24. Here we are again.
    Back to the "Covid Chronicles".
    This group of ladies is certainly much smaller that the rioting groups I see nightly on my tv. Where's the outrage about that? Where's the admonishment over Covid and the rioters' gatherings?
    Thank you, Duggar ladies. Enjoy your family times and outings.

    1. There's an old saying "two wrongs don't make a right". If the Duggars choose to ignore CDC guidelines and have a social gathering that includes an out of town guest they are no better than the protesters that you're so angry with.

    2. Two wrongs don’t make a right. I don’t agree with the Duggars hosting baby showers or with rioting. BOTH are irresponsible.

    3. Yeah, the federal troops rioting is pretty disturbing. I agree with you that their actions aren't helping contain the spread of Covid 19. Hopefully, the president will show some leadership and withdraw the troops from Portland to end the government sanctioned violence.

      A baby shower has the potential to be a super spreader event. It is a party where people are eating, hugging, and taking pictures in close quarters. That people came from out of state makes it even worse because they could get infected and then spread it to a new area. Continuing to have family gatherings and outing with people from different households just increases the risk.

    4. Yes. A number of state governors think that if you are a rioter you can be in a huge group in the streets and be covid-free, but if you are in a church or a business or a school, you miraculously have covid. Why should we believe anything they say when they are so blatantly hypocritical?

    5. Yes. IMO the protesters have a legitimate grievance and are willing to risk their lives to have their voices heard. On the other hand the Duggars simply are tired of being inconvenienced and are just doing their usual activities.

    6. 4:25- Indoor gatherings are at higher risk than those outdoors.

    7. @1:43 Oregon resident here and yes, the Federal troops need to get out of Portland, they are not improving the situation and coming from all over the country could increase Covid in Oregon.

    8. @4:25- It's known that an enclosed, indoor enviroment is more conducive to spreading the virus, than when people congregate outdoors.

    9. 7:40, voices heard is one thing. Criminal activity is another. And yelling obscenities in the faces of policemen is only getting hatred across, not doing anything productive.

    10. 1:43 just want to ask what was all the burning and destroying of government buildings and the killings before the feds came in so how is that the feds fault they came because of the terrorists there destroying. Remember we have eyes and can see

    11. Anon 4:25. State governors aren't on board with riots. You really don't make much sense IMO.

    12. Really comparing a baby shower with riots...Move along as there is no killing destroying other people’s property etc ....

    13. Anon 7:04 So the Duggar s are the bad guys and the protesters (aka rioters, anarchist) are the good guys and are rioting, looting, burning down businesses, threatening people's lives, destroying monuments that belong to the American people and tax payers, want to defund the police etc.and are willing to risk their lives for this noble cause, Yeah, Yeah that makes sense 😳

    14. 3:37 and 7:45 We're talking about being around others and spreading it. You can do that simply by standing beside someone and breathing in and out. You can do that at a baby shower, at a riot, or at anything in between. In fact, some of the most peaceful things like singing in church actually accelerates the spread of particles, and some churches have banned singing!

    15. Anon 7:45. I don't think the Duggars are "bad guys", just pretty selfish for ignoring public health guidelines. Those people you label "rioters" are protesting social injustice. The torch has been passed to them and we'll see where it goes. One of John Lewis' last acts was to stand in solidarity with them. A very good man was laid to rest today.

    16. I know who Lewis is,and his mentor was once Dr Martin Luther King and these (social injustice warriors) are nothing like Martin Luther King and his message. These people are anarchist who carry a torch to radically change America and all the good things we stand for. The same people chanting, "what do we want, Dead cops, when do we want them, NOW". The same people who destroy other people's property, and their businesses, who attack anyone with an opposing view, who use threats and mob mentality to bulldoze their way through cities. This has nothing to do with social injustice and Dr Martin Luther King would be appalled at what is going on.

    17. Anon 4:56 That's ridiculous to put those rioters into a category of social injustice warriors. They are criminals and should be in jail.

    18. @8:14 You stand for no police accountability? You stand for no police transparency? You stand for police using the physical restraint means that have killed people? Then you don't stand for the same America that others do.

      You may not like the message being shouted but you'd better be thankful that anyone here is free to march thru the streets and shout it.

    19. Anon 8:14. Interesting. I'm old enough to remember MLK and the protests that occurred. People then voiced the SAME opinion of those protests that you are voicing about the current protests. Social change is always hard for those who want to maintain the status quo. I'm hoping that the protests work and the police are reined in. We'll see.

    20. 8:31, you're right, they should be. Tell that to the mayors who are letting them run rampant while defunding the police and telling them to stand down.

    21. 4:56, John Lewis's funeral was packed with people, including members of government. How dare they say they are allowed to go to a funeral and we are not allowed to go to weddings or funerals of loved ones? If you cannot see the hypocrisy and that we are being lied to, then it is time to open your eyes.

    22. Anon 11:27 What?? Free to march through the streets and shout it? That's not what's happening and you know it. These anarchist and rioters are burning down the streets, pulling down and defacing monuments. Killing people, threatening people, attacking police, killing some of them. Destroying everything in their path. What is going on now has nothing to do with George Floyd. This is about pushing an agenda and you know it. Stop pretending that this is all for a good cause because no one is fooled.

    23. 11:27, you are using a logical fallacy. Because I am not for people mistreating police, I am also for police mistreating other people? How does that work? Why can't I think everyone should treat everyone else rightly and justly, no matter who they are?

    24. 8:14 America has a lot of flaws and a lot of things that need to be changed. It's not all good. Talk about needing to open eyes...

    25. 2:26 That's funny. I saw the photo of the inside of the church where the funeral was held. Everyone was wearing a mask and there was social distancing, except where the family was seated. It was not "packed" with people, but spread out and many empty spaces. It was clear they did not violate any capacity restrictions indoors. Even the folks in the crowds outside were wearing masks. You are entitled to an opinion, but not your own "facts". BTW, weddings and funerals are now allowed in most places, if certain capacity restrictions are
      followed and masks are worn. We just had a service for my mother who passed away.

    26. Anon 2:05 There was no way MLK would be in a protest with anarchist burning down,looting, threatening and killing police and others, vandalizing government property. People did Not feel threatened by MLK but rather they embraced his message. I'm stunned how some of you are making excuses for domestic terrorist to do what they are doing but I bet if they came to your home you would be singing a different tone.

    27. John Lewis's funeral wasn't packed. The majority of the church empty. Everyone who wasn't speaking was wearing a mask and there was distancing to follow guidelines. They adjusted to meet the moment.
      The Duggars have gone to numerous weddings and celebrations during this time and took no precautions whatsoever. No one has stopped them from celebrating. If people actually took measures seriously to stop the spread, like they did at Lewis's funeral, we would be in a lot better place.

    28. The people who benefited from Jim Crow America were very much threatened by the Civil Rights Movement. MLK was assassinated for his message. Peaceful protesters were beaten and some were murdered for fighting for racial equality.

    29. Anon 11:12 It was packed and there were lots of people sitting close together. It was all over the news so everyone seen it.

    30. 11:12, what I saw was a packed room. Were there multiple events?

  25. Beautiful daughters and beautiful Momma. Jenny sure has got tall!

  26. Joy looks so pretty here. I like the blond highlights round her face.

  27. One look at Michelle's shoes and my feet start aching. I hope her daughters take notice and opt out of so many pregnancies.

  28. Why were they even having a baby shower for Joy? You're only supposed to have them for your first baby! It's considered rude and tacky to have them for subsequent children.

    1. I didn't know it was considered rude (I know some people don'tdo it)... and her first live birth was a boy and this baby is a girl. So since they're different "genders", I don't see anything wrong with a celebration for this one too. Can't pass boy stuff to girls.

    2. No, dear. It's not considered rude and tacky when you have a boy already and then you have a shower for the first girl.

    3. It isn’t rude or tacky to do something for a family member. They love Joy and her new baby. They celebrate all of the new babies as everyone should.

    4. Maybe after her and Austin's tragedy, they wanted to help her celebrate their miracle. Kindness costs nothing in this matter.

    5. You NOT supposed to have a baby shower only for a first baby. And it's not rude and tacky to celebrate an upcoming baby by having a baby shower.

    6. She’s having a girl, and they wanted to shower her with baby girl gifts. Nothing wrong with that, I think it’s lovely.
      My daughter in law had a baby boy after 2 girls, and I threw her a baby shower.
      People shouldn’t be so judgemental.

    7. ??? I've never heard that "rule" before. I don't see any reason why a subsequent baby is less important than the first one.

    8. Obviously you aren’t familiar with the Duggar’s or haven’t watched their shows. They throw a baby shower every time they gave a baby... and this is Joys 1st baby girl😍

    9. It's also supposed to be rude and tacky to throw your own family members a shower, wedding or baby. Everyone ignores that now, which still doesn't make it right. Why not simply contact everyone and ask them to give your family member gifts? Same thing.

    10. Oh get real! Baby showers are fun for any pregnancy!! You wear out clothes and things from your first baby. Subsequent showers don’t have to be elaborate. Each child is a blessing & should be celebrated if you want. It is not rude or tacky. I’m a grandma and had one shower for my second& was glad to celebrate with dear friends-42 years ago!!

    11. Rude? Towards whom?

    12. It's absolutely not rude to celebrate a birth of any child. There are no rules, and your comment it rude itself!

    13. I agree that only the shower for the first baby is traditional. But maybe the circumstances allow for celebrating a little extra for this next baby, after Joy’s second baby was stillborn. Joy had such a sweet attitude toward all the women who continued with their pregnancies, even as hers ended. I think a great deal of prayer and determination went into being happy for them as she was grieving her loss. So just let them celebrate Joy however they want. She deserves it.

    14. I had a baby shower for both of my children as well. However, that's because they were over 16 years apart. If they'd been close in age like Joy's two will be that wouldn't have been the case. I agree, normally, you should only have a baby shower for the first baby.

    15. It's considered gift grabby to have multiple baby showers. This is especially true when a woman has children in quick succession and already has the big items as well as clothing and toys.
      I get why Joy had a baby shower after losing Annabell last year.
      If there wasn't a shower, I don't really see a problem for Joy. I'm sure she would be gifted things from friends, family, and fans regardless of whether there was a party.
      The baby girl can also use some of Gideon's stuff. The big items like crib, changing table, and infant seat don't need to be changed. Girls can play with "boy" toys. It's fun to dress up a girl in frilly clothes, but it's more for the parents than the baby.

    16. It's considered by some to be rude and tacky, but other people think each child should be celebrated. Also, it's not rude or tacky when you are having a first girl after having a boy.

    17. Suz, says who? Most smart mothers buy uni-sex clothes for their babies. You do not need a whole different set of clothes for a male or female baby. The parents will also have the equipment already. Here, it is considered excessive to have a shower for a 2nd, 3rd or whatever baby.

    18. How else will she get her required number of bows?

    19. Most people I know will do a baby shower for their first boy and first girl for different clothing, and then sometimes will do a party where people bring diapers for the other babies. I personally don’t have a problem with that.

    20. Throwing a party to request gifts is rude for any reason. But yes, etiquette dictates baby showers are proper only for a couple’s first child. In my view they’re all tacky. Buy your own diapers.

  29. Such lovely ladies . Each one is beautiful. What a nice picture. God Bless.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  30. Are they trying to hide Jill? Is she pregnant or does she have pants/shorts on? I’m glad to see her there!

    1. Her face actually looks real thin, so I think it has more to do with the fact she isn't on their show anymore.

    2. She posted a picture to her profile. She was wearing shorts, and I do think they were trying to hide it 🙄🙄

    3. I wondered if anyone was going to mention Jill being there because all the haters have been trying to say she hates her family but I've always believed that's in no way true. Now here she is with her family enjoying a great day.

    4. At 0734, I wonder too. However, I think it is mostly because she's wearing shorts.

    5. I think Jill has a good relationship with her family. She's always there when one of them has a baby. I don't think Derrick and JB get along very well though. If Jill is wearing shorts, then Jinger will follow suit in short order. That would be interesting to see how JB and Michelle deal with that one when it happens.

    6. Jinger has been wearing shorts since she got married. There are pictures of her from when she was in Laredo as well as recent LA ones.
      Derick said that the Dillards aren't allowed at the Duggar house without Jim Bob's permission. There is a rift, though Derick is partly responsible because he does publicly lash out at Jim Bob and Michelle.

    7. JInger already wore shorts, not too long after marriage.

    8. Anon 10:28. If Jinger has been wearing shorts ever since she got married then JB and Michelle have done an excellent job of ignoring that. All they've ever talked about was her wearing pants. lol

    9. 1:58 - JB and Michelle have also "ignored" Jill's nose piercing and pants/shorts wearing. They have no real control over what their married daughters wear. They would get backlash if they ever publicly criticized their daughters' clothing choices.
      Also, it's not if, Jinger has worn shorts and pants in public since leaving Arkasas.

    10. Anon 10:45. Yes. They want to maintain the fiction that they're a close knit family who never have any issues with what other members of the family choose to do. Some fans buy it, but I doubt that JB and Michelle really like seeing their married daughters moving away from their "rules".

  31. I wonder why Michelle doesn’t wear leggings and a t-shirt under her dress to set a good modesty example for the younger girls.

    1. Because Michelle isn't climbing trees and swinging from a rope swing.

  32. Joy is simply gorgeous here! Jennifer certainly has grown up! It would have been great if Jinger could have been there to get all of them at the same time.


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