
Sunday, July 12, 2020

'La La La Land' Recap

Counting On "La La La Land"
  • Jinger and Jeremy leave Arkansas following Grandma Duggar’s funeral. They are driving to Los Angeles. Jinger made this trip years ago with her family in “On the Road with 16 Children.”
  • “I think I had always said it would be cool to marry someone who lived in a big city, but now I have this all falling into my lap, but on an even bigger scale than I ever imagined,” says Jinger. “LA, I mean, I’m really excited. But then I also think of how far away from our families we’re going to be.”
  • In Roswell, New Mexico, the Vuolos visit the alien museum. It is reported that aliens arrived in Roswell in the 1940s and that the United States government covered it up. When asked, the Duggars say they don’t think that aliens are real. “We’re not into believing like aliens, but we do believe there’s a whole spirit world that we can’t see,” says Jim Bob.
  • The Vuolos’ next stop is Las Vegas. When Jim Bob thinks of Las Vegas, he thinks of Elvis impersonators. The Duggars do know who Elvis is. John, Joe, and Josiah offer their best Elvis impersonations, and they are pretty good.
  • Jeremy decides to take the leap at SkyJump Las Vegas. It is an 829-foot controlled jump. Jinger tries to talk her husband out of it, but he goes through with it. “I was definitely realizing that I’m a poor decision maker,” says Jeremy before he jumps. It ends up being a pretty slow descent, although Jeremy says it feels like a freefall.
  • After five days of travel, the Vuolos arrive in their new home in Los Angeles.
  • At the Seewald house, Ben shaves the facial hair that he has been growing for about a year. He shaves off all but a mustache that makes him look like leprechaun. He puts on a hat and sport coat and cranks up the fake Irish accent and then knocks on the front door. The boys don’t recognize him until he tells him that he’s actually Daddy.
  • Meanwhile, Joseph installs a new, front-facing car seat for Garrett so that Addison, who will arrive in just a few weeks, can have the infant seat.
  • Joy and Austin discuss the death and birth (via induction) of their baby girl at 20 weeks. They chose the name Annabell Elise because Annabell was one of Joy’s nicknames when she was little, and it means “God has favored me.”
  • The Forsyths bury Annabell and place a headstone at Fort Rock Family Camp. They plant a tree and say a prayer. Lauren has been supporting Joy-Anna with Scripture and prayer, in a similar way that Jessa supported her after her miscarriage. Although they are grieving, Joy and Austin tell the other pregnant sisters that they still want to be happy for them, and they don’t want them to feel like they are walking on eggshells around them.
  • While their families stand in the yard at the big house, John and Abbie arrange for Jeremiah to fly an airplane over. “Flight is kind of mine and John’s signature theme,” says Abbie. They pass out pink and blue boarding passes, corresponding with each person’s guess. All the passes have numbers on them. “I am feeling quite honored that John asked me to fly the plane for his gender reveal,” says Jeremiah, who got his license about eight months ago.
  • As Jer flies over the first time, the numbers “82” are on the door. About half the guests are able to “stay in the game,” based on the numbers on their boarding passes. After the second flyover, only two guests are remaining. Abbie’s mom, Cheryl, has a blue ticket, and her sister Carinna has a pink ticket.  Carinna wins: It’s a girl!


  1. Joy showed Annabell's grave recently. I did not see the tree but I saw poison ivy growing against the marker stone, which made me sad.

    1. Complaining about poison ivy against a headstone makes me sad.

    2. @2:26 Why wouldn't you question a headstone that wasn't being tended to?

    3. Most people keep up their family members' graves and don't let them get overgrown and weedy.

    4. Neglected gravesites are sad, 2:36. Haven't you ever come across a grave like that and wondered why it was allowed to get that way?

    5. Our family graves in a small community cemetary are regularly tended by the caretaker, as well as a variety of family members who visit often (some every week). I think it's likely pretty normal that people keep up their family's plots. Some of our family members even carry a cemetary kit in their car (scissors, extra cemetary vases, trowel, hand trimmers, trash bags, etc.). Our guys re-seed the plots if the grass needs it, add additional dirt and level the plots if they need it (the cemetary is on the side of mountain). So, I was a little surprised too that Annabell's grave marker was a little overgrown. I get that it's the woods (and loved the idea and location), but I wondered how often anyone comes. I was happy to see they buried her somewhere significant to them. My dad always told us to bury him in a plain pine box on our property (very wooded, his favorite place), but our state doesn't allow that. I was happy they could do that.

    6. Is it legal to bury a body anywhere you want to in the state of Arkansas? In many states, it has to be an approved site with strict guidelines due to sanitation and health risks.

    7. The fetus was too small and did not require burial.

    8. No 9:27 they did bury the baby's body. They took pictures of Joy holding the baby in the hospital. In Arkansas, a miscarriage is considered to be 12 weeks or less. Even those can be buried. Joy was at 20 weeks.

      You can bury on your own land if you follow the state's rules for handling the body before burial. You have to formally establish a family cemetery on your land first and register it with the state to receive permission for burial.

  2. It's $130 to jump off that tower. They could have put that money to better use. If they paid at all.

    1. Of course they didn’t pay. It was a scene for the show; TLC pays. Same with the endless filmed pedicure outings, trips, and such.

    2. It’s really non of your business how they spend their money. They can afford it. Can you? Stop worrying what they can do and you do what you can do.🙏

    3. People are allowed to spend their money on frivolous things that are just fun sometimes. They also donate and put their time and money to good use for other things, it’s ok to do both. Your time could be better spent volunteering somewhere, yet here you are on a blog complaining about how another family spends their money.

    4. I think how they spend their money is their business.

    5. They are tv stars. It is for free.

    6. Wow that is amazing that it costs that much! They probably just did it for the show and didn't have to pay though.

    7. They didn't pay. Businesses comp services for TV exposure. The amount of advertisement the skyjump got far exceeded $130.

    8. Sometimes TV shows get a better deal for these kinds of things in exchange for promoting the product/brand on the show.

    9. It's a given that TLC paid for that exploit. You don't really think they spent their OWN money on the road trip, do you?

    10. I'd do it if they paid me the $130, but I wouldn't pay that to someone else to come down from the top of a building. It's not a free-fall bungee kind of jump. It's more like a zip line, but controlled all the way down.

    11. Whether or not TLC paid for that or they paid for it themselves, they're free to spend their money however they please.

    12. Stay tuned. Next episode, Jinger buys a $300 jacket on Rodeo Drive. Spoiler Alert, this is not a thrift store.

    13. Wow! I miss the “ old Ginger”. Was not expecting marriage to change her so much. Jana looked great! Jeremy was The usual Jeremy.

  3. They won't believe in aliens, even with the Drake equation, even with UFO evidence, even with first-hand accounts, yet they'll believe in an invisible sky being who sees all and controls all.

    1. Anonymous @7:49- Maybe that's because there's firsthand accounts of people having encounters with that "invisible sky being" as you call Him over 4,000 years of recorded human history. Maybe that's because the renowned Jewish historian Josephus (Flavius Jospehus- taking the name Flavius as a measure of friendship and respect to his friend Roman Emperor Vespasian 69AD and his son Titus Flavius) detailed events and people corroborating the Bible in his "Works of Flavius Josephus" (look it up). Maybe because people in the Bible have been verified via census records kept by rulers since King David of Israel. It's called world history and there's more verifiable recorded evidence supporting "an invisible sky being" than there is for alien life...but then again, facts and truth are inconvenient things to people who just don't like them.

    2. People pretty much believe whatever they want to believe.

    3. I'd ask them- what about, "With God, all things are possible?" Certainly, life forms in other worlds are possible! Fifty years ago when I was teen, my mother, sister and I had a UFO experience that I'll never forget. The thing flew low just above the treetops and hovered over our farm for a minute or two, then swooped up and disappeared. It was not very big, but its lights were incredibly bright and pulsating. I remember our German Shepherd went ballistic, we'd never seen him so frantic. I don't think the four of us could've simply imagined it. My dad wasn't home at the time- when we told him about it, he thought we'd gone off the rails, so we didn't really ever talk about it again. Mom was especially shaken by the experience and she was the most level-headed and pragmatic person I've ever known. The dog was really nervous for quite awhile, too.

    4. Invisible sky being? Are you trying to say God? You don’t see any evidence of God?

    5. Which is kinda funny, 7:49, because people have been giving first-hand accounts of meeting the "invisible sky being" in near-death experiences and millions down through history have given personal testament to the existence of Him, sometimes even giving their very lives in testament to Him through martyrdom. I don't think your little green men quite inspire that kind of love, devotion and loyalty. Furthermore, I haven't heard of a Gray dying on a cross for you and conquering sin and death, and "the sky being's" death is in actual recorded history. You can even find His very words, with timeless lessons that really do work, along with more recorded history, in this book called the Bible. Maybe you should get this book and learn about Him. He even created the universe in which your alien beings dwell -- and your aliens, too, if they really do exist somewhere. Oh, and by the way, "the sky being's" got a name: GOD, also known as "the Father," "the Son," the "Holy Spirit" and "Jesus Christ, our Savior." He already knows you and loves you.

    6. The alien vs. "invisible sky being" comment is hilarious. Good try, but makes little sense. This family does have some faults, but not believing in aliens is nothing to criticize.

    7. 😄 God is very real. When you trust Jesus as your Savior, you start a journey of opportunities to see just how real God is. He promises that if you draw near to Him, He will draw near to you. He let's you make the first move. That's why He isn't real to you.

    8. Life in the universe is very real too. This planet is teeming with it. There's no reason why the same chemistry and physics that worked so well here couldn't work somewhere else, too. Plenty of other sun-like stars out there, and most will have planetary systems around them.

    9. I don’t believe in either one!

    10. 12:14PM: Thank you for your wonderful reply!

    11. 8:05, what state do you live in if you don’t mind me asking?

    12. @7:49 There are plenty of first-hand accounts of people having experiences with UFOs. There are lots of military reports. Rendelsham Forest is one standout.

      Bible as history versus believing in God as a fact are two completely different things. There's no census ever mentioning God. Think of what churches in the last 2000 years stood to lose if the masses didn't believe. There's a huge political and financial agenda behind religion. People go crazy if the government tries to tell them to do something, yet they willingly do anything the church says to do. There are some facts and truths that people don't want to admit either.

    13. Isn’t it interesting though, that the one and only true god is the god of the family and culture you happened to be born into?

    14. I don't see recognizing that aliens on other planets exist and believing in an all powerful, all knowing God as incompatible. Science has shown that stars commonly have planets so it's likely that some of those planets have intelligent life on them. You can accept that and still believe in God. However that means you have to accept that our planet isn't the sole focus of God's attention. That could be a bridge too far for some. Who knows if intelligent creatures have visited the Earth? It's possible but any creature that is capable of interstellar travel is far more advance intellectually and technologically than we are so would not openly visit us. The numerous unexplained UFO sightings does suggest that we are under observation. I think the Roswell stories are a bit far fetched though. We should not mock the religious beliefs of others in any event. Peace.

    15. What some of you don't realize is that there are at least 20 religions in the world where UFOs and aliens are an accepted belief and just as real as who you believe in. Don't you have tolerance and respect for other religions? Your same skepticism for their beliefs could apply to your own religion when viewed by someone from outside your religion. Does that mean they're wrong and you're right? Do you think it's right dismiss anyone's beliefs, when you expect them to accept yours?

    16. Read the Talmud. It says that God walks through 18000 worlds. Read the Song of Deborah in Judges. It describes a star battle with beings from another place.

    17. As a young child being raised in a home where God was not mentioned let alone worshiped. Where a secular lifestyle is all we were ever taught about, I still had an awareness of God. I would look out the window at night and look at the stars and moon and I would talk to Him. I would ask Him to let me see a shooting star and He would send one sailing across the sky for me. He never hid from me and so I learned to love Him as a young child. As I got a little older I met a friend who was a Christian and at the age of 10 I found out He had a name and I found out what He had done for me by sending Jesus to die for me and that by accepting Him and His free gift I could be with Him forever. I have loved Him since a child and I love and know Him as an adult. He said, You will know Me by the things I have created" That is how I knew Him, by everything around me and by the stars, shooting stars and His Spirit when I was just a child.

    18. I think the point being made is if the Duggars or anyone can believe in an unseen god, little g or big G, then it's not a stretch to believe in other things unseen too. Something crashed at Roswell, important enough to get the Air Force involved, but not before eyewitnesses, including law enforcement, saw what had happened. It's their stories and reports of seeing alien bodies that made the town famous. I hope Jinger enjoyed her time there but I'm sure it would never have been her own idea to go there. The producers probably put her up to it to see her reaction. I'm sure the Duggars were never exposed to any UFO or possible alien life form information at Home School. I wonder if they've seen the recently released Pentagon UFO footage?

    19. Can't these people have an outing to a tourist attraction while on a long road trip, without starting a Bible vs secular debate. Roswell is a sort of goofy alien👽 attraction for fun....they got out of the car, stretched their legs,had a few laughs.....FUN!

    20. Guys, I don’t think you’re gonna change anyone’s beliefs though a comment section. Why don’t you just live and let live?

    21. 11:39, I love that!

    22. 7:20 No one is reading the long preachy comments, except perhaps for a chuckle or two.

    23. 11:39, I am amazed by your story. It makes me tear up. That you as child had to walk that alone without any parents or mentors to help you, it shows that it is possible even tho it’s hard without support. May God bless your faithfulness! Your story gives so much HOPE to those not raised with any godly influence. Please everyone read 11:39’s story.

    24. That is a really cool story 7/13 @8:05! Thanks for sharing it. I'm sure it changed your life! Until you have something like that happen to you, it might be hard to believe. But after... I've never seen anything like that but my friend did, in broad daylight, near a large city in the 1960's. She and another person both witnessed it, but that was before there was a good way to report it other than calling the airport or the newspaper. These days there are online reporting sites and the stories there are fascinating.

  4. It was funny that kids did not recognize Ben without his beard! They went to the bathroom to look for Daddy while Ben was sitting on the sofa in the living room!

  5. Ok, so Vegas is about 4 hr drive to LA. Did they stay in Vegas overnight after Jeremy's jump? I hope so! Jinger is living her dream life! Jeremy is a stylish man who took her live in a big city with lots of coffee shops!

    1. If by stylish you mean way too interested in what he wears and how he accessorizes, then yes. There's a point where stylish gets to be too much. Jeremy wants his wife and kids to match him that level too, which is a very shallow way to live. Fancy clothes, shoes, sunglasses, and watches don't matter. It's what's inside those. Look at what nuns wear daily.

    2. TLC, and thus Jinger, took them to Vegas. Jeremy is a lucky man indeed to have landed his dream wife to help him on his attention-seeking path.

    3. Because that what’s important.....a stylish man and coffee shops. How about a man who loves God and will explore a big city with her and see where best they can serve God? It’s funny how they don’t share that part of their lives since they have a ‘heart’ for serving. Not one word of any missionary work from these two and heaven knows Los Angeles has missionary places to serve at.

    4. Next episode Jinger shops on Rodeo Drive. They really are getting too big for their britches, as the old saying goes.

    5. Well, my dream life includes a man who favors flannel shirts, steel-toed work boots, and blue jeans. His hair is unruly if I don't keep it trimmed up for him and he usually needs a shave. He has plenty of callouses on those big hands of his and uses them to get his coffee out of the big pot in our kitchen. Can't remember the last time either one of us darkened the door of or drove through a Starbucks.

    6. 12:27 - You summed it up well. That is no longer the focus. They are the focus. I hope they once again want the spotlight on Jesus and get it off themselves.

    7. Anon 5:25. Yeah I know the guy you're talking about. He's on the packages of Brawny paper towels. lol

    8. Anonymous @ 5:25- Loved it! I'll take a working man any day too.I'm blessed with a husband who can also cut & stack wood, cook, bake, do laundry, clean the house, play with the children (and correct them), and surprise us by bringing home breakfast/dinner sometimes too. LOL He doesn't expect me to look a certain way, or the house to look perfect. He's seen me working over the past 29 years and said that I'm more than enough just the way I am. Maybe Jeremy and Jinger will outgrow it when they've lived a little longer? Aging does have a way of shifting priorities and narrowing down what's really important and eternal.

    9. 5:25, hilarious. I was humored by your comment. I’m so like you. I want a REAL man. Not a man to serve the stylish gods of the world.

  6. Enjoy the show except for the road trip to Los Angeles. Found it boring and tedious. Thought Jeremy was irresponsible with the flight down to earth. The children are so adorable.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

    1. I’m with you. My husband would like to do some things too but he says his family comes first at this point. He needs to be unselfish and think of his wife and children. What if something actually happened to Jeremy?Would he like it to be known how he died? Seems selfish of a father to foolishly give his life away on a thrill of a jump, if it did happen, and to hear of it. Not a wise decision and I’m surprised TLC promotes and sanctions such unwise actions. There’s always somebody that follows you, and that’s not wise in bad decisions like this.

    2. My reaction to Jeremy’s jump is he truly wants to still be a soccer player with all the competitiveness, attention and excitement! I’m not so convinced religious life is for him! I think he is party boy!!!

    3. Well... you may lead a boring life .... but being a Christian doesn’t mean life has to be boring! Jeremy has always been an athletic kind of guy and needs that adrenaline going ... nothing wrong with that in this content.... not everyone likes doing the same thing day after day... Jinger and Jeremy enjoy exploring and doing new things😍

  7. Yeah I agree with Jinger... I wasn't going up and down that either. Jeremy was crazy but least he enjoyed it. Awe Felicity with the alien dolls was cute. Annabell's grace area was nice. sweet they out the tree there too.

  8. Shouldn't Garrett still be rear-facing at his age?

    1. Yes, until 2 years old. At that point he was 1 and a half.

    2. Thought about the same thing ...

  9. I would never take a child so young to a scary place like Roswell. You never know what kind of memories will occur as a result as she gets older. Vegas also was a strange place to take the family for a variety of reasons...and to top it off, watching your daddy jump off a tall building! Bizarre! Shows a whole other side to this family and who is the focal point.

    1. What is "scary" about Roswell? It's a small town and has some tourist attractions that involve aliens. It's hard to say if the stories regarding the alien bodies are true, but since aliens pose no threats to us I'm not going to worry about them.

    2. Roswell is actually fun. Our son went when he was 2 and 4. Loved it

    3. I grew up when The Twilight Zone and The Outer Limits was on TV and it scared me to pieces!! I wouldn't go outside at night because I was sure a UFO was going to abduct me. I was scared to have the drapes open in my bedroom at night too because aliens could look in and see me!

  10. Some of you seem really jealous of the life Jeremy and Jinger had.

    Yet, if they shared how much they do to serve in the name of Jesus, others would be screaming it needs to be kept private.

    Perhaps they should live the life they want and you can choose to watch or not. But for many of you, it constant criticism of their family and choices no matter what.

    1. Nobody is jealous! We recognize when someone's head is swelling. We know when someone is interested in superficial things. We know when that doesn't fit their supposed set of values. Do you know of many other pastor's wives (student pastor's wives) who shop on Rodeo Drive with a camera crew and buy $300 blazers? You don't see anything odd or comment worthy about that?

    2. 8:51 You seem like fun!

    3. I wouldn't say some viewers are jealous, maybe just more practical and focused on what's important in life. Nobody needs a $300 blazer. LOL But if they have it to spend and want to, as long as God has no objections, go for it. It just seems incompatible for them to talk of reaching people for Jesus and being missions minded and be "following" expensive fashion trends and prioritizing their appearance. Being very vocal Christians, I would expect them to live modestly, with an eye to helping their neighbors and those in need. The local food banks could use that $300 (as well as Hospice and a host of other community organizations). There a likely families in their Church that could use that $300 to buy food or pay utilities.

    4. Anon 1:35 Well said!!! Bravo! I agree!! If TLC ever gave them their own show, I would not watch. Talk about heads swelling too big for the door. They are so overrated.

    5. I wouldn't trade places with Jinger for a million bucks. She's living in a balloon that is inflating and could burst at any moment. Look how Anna's balloon burst. Jill got out before hers could inflate. But Jinger is not living an authentic life by any stretch. Who in the world would be jealous of that?

    6. Jinger has turned into Malibu Jinger.

  11. According to previews, Jed and Jer have their OWN pad. I hope it's true. However, now all the other single adult Duggars will want their own place. lol

    1. Jed had to have an address in the district where he's running for office, and it looks like Jer might either be there for accountability or hanging out there in the next episode. That didn't look like a house, BTW - that looked like a used car lot trailer office.


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