
Tuesday, July 14, 2020

A $300 Jacket on Rodeo Drive

Jana Duggar and Jinger Vuolo
Shopping on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills

"Jinger, she has her different things...just a little brighter, a little more patterns and things. I like a little more simple."
-Jana Duggar

What happens when Jinger and Jana go shopping on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills? You definitely won't want to miss this clip, which will be part of tonight's new episode of Counting On. The ladies have a blast trying on outfits, but things get serious when Jinger falls in love with a beautiful jacket that has a high price tag. What do the rest of the Duggars have to say about her $300 purchase? The links to the shopping clip and the full episode are below. 

Shopping on Rodeo Drive with Jana and Jinger (clip)

Beverly Hills Duggars (full episode)

Photo courtesy TLC


  1. It's not extremely expensive... but they are probably used to buying used stuff at the thrift stores, or at Walmart or Ross.

    1. Yeah. For a boutique on Rodeo Drive the jacket was not particularly expensive. It actually was a pretty good deal and high quality.

    2. Wool is wool. It wasn't a top designer label. So basically, she paid too much for a jacket you could find anywhere. And she'll keep on paying for it because it will have to be dry cleaned. Not real practical for the mother of 1.5 kids.

  2. That jacket will last "for forever," or until she gains the first 5 lbs. from being pregnant, whichever comes first.

    1. She got pregnant right after she got that. After 2 kids, what are the chances of it fitting again in another fall or winter? Moms with constantly changing bodies shouldn't be spending $300 on blazers.

    2. There are women who are able to fit into their pre-pregnancy clothes. Alyssa Bates is one of those women and Jinger bounced back pretty quickly after Felicity. She bought the blazer after already going through pregnancy and seeing how her body changes. It doesn't matter if she can't wear the blazer in the upcoming year, it's timeless and can be worn the next year.
      Moms, even those with changing bodies, should be able to purchase whatever clothing they want.

    3. True that, 1:02.

  3. She probably figures if her nonworking husband can justify buying expensive unnecessary shoes, why shouldn’t she follow suit by buying high-dollar workwear. The blind leading the blind.

    1. They work for TLC.

    2. I have married friends who do that! If the husband buys something pricey, the wives feel they get to do the same. It's like taking financial jabs at each other! They end up in credit card debt with closets full of stuff that doesn't give them any satisfaction.

    3. Actually her husband does work. He was well established in his life before he met Jinger.

    4. Anon 12:37 Jeremy hung up his soccer cleats years ago and pastored a church in Texas. Now he has drug his family out to LA to become a student in ministry. I'd say they are living off a TLC paycheck.

    5. What did they do on the trip to LA for Jinger? We saw Jeremy’s big jump and his enjoyment of the alien museum. But Jinger wasn’t into any of those things. So what did he do to make the trip fun for her? Jeremy is so arrogant and selfish. It makes me sad that he keeps changing Jinger to meet his desires and expectations. I realize Jinger is very open to that, but she should be loved for who she is; not how she can be molded and manipulated.

  4. Cracks me up that Michelle thinks she dresses classical... nothing classic about her outfits ...

    1. Her outfits are "vintage thrift store". lol

    2. For real. Also I LOLed at Ben calling his style urban 😂

    3. Yikes, y’all are kinda mean

    4. Y'all are kinda telling the truth too.

    5. Yep, It’s always cool to publicly insult or make fun of someone’s personal sense of style. No way of hurting someone’s feelings that way. Geez

  5. Anyone wonder how a stay-at-home mom with a husband who is a student can afford to eat out all the time and go on excursions, let alone nonchalantly purchase a $300 jacket? Anyone wonder how these folks are living large in one of the most expensive cities in the country, or why their church would own a (more than the supposed $600,000–I know the area) home so far from its location, let alone just allow the student and his family live there free of charge? There is something lost in the details here. What will happen when the husband graduates, and has to live and work in a smaller town with a small salary, no lease-free home—and no boutiques?

    1. They are reality TV stars so they aren't strapped for cash. The house they live in was part of Jeremy's deal with the school and they don't have to pay rent.

    2. The Vuolo's negotiated their own TLC contract. There's no way they could live in expensive LA without a hefty income. Regarding the church owning property- that's a time-honored tradition with many organized evangelical religions. Whether or not the Vuolos live there for free is anyone's guess. If true, the church gets a lot of free publicity from the TLC show and Derick's association with it. Details are not something they care for the public to be in the loop about.

    3. The family gets paid to be on Counting On and to go on excursions. By being on the show, businesses provide services for free for publicity.
      I wouldn't be surprised if the $300 jacket was comped or TLC gave Jinger an allowance. If she hadn't bought anything no one would be talking about the shopping trip.
      In terms of housing, a church member may own the house rather than the church itself and is doing it as a favor. Jeremy also is working for the church and that may be the form of compensation.
      If Jeremy and Jinger move to a smaller town they'll live like they did in Laredo. They seemed happy there and owned their own home. Depending on the area, they can go into a larger city on occasion like they did when they went to San Antonio. Show money will also allow them to live comfortably.
      They'll probably still get "gifts" since they'll be on the tv show. Jill receives stuff and she isn't on the show anymore.

    4. They might get paid from TLC...not sure if Jeremy got them a separate contract from what Jim Bob had stipulated. If they are under Jim Bob, then I don’t believe they receive a pay check from TLC.

    5. They are both on the show and probably get paid by an episode. Church probably benefits from the exposure, that's why they provided them with the house.

    6. See how good God is ..He blesses those that bless seem resentful... put your faith and trust in the Lord and He will direct your path.... You do know they do have income... but that is none of your concern as you are not paying for their meals out.. home ..utilities... food etc... God is good all the time🙏

    7. They are reality TV stars and they must make a lot of income from that to be able to afford such a lifestyle.

    8. No. I don't wonder. They are adults. Their fiances are their business. They will figure it out.

    9. They make decent money from being on the show.

    10. Knowing that church and how careful they try to be, I'm guessing that maybe a church member donated that home to the church. Perhaps they keep it for missionarries on furlough, etc.

    11. A husband who was a major league soccer player, became a pastor, got married later in life, is still working as a pastor and receives a small stipend in addition to living in what in church circles is called “Compassionate Home” while going to school, doesn’t eat out all the time, is probably going to become a full-time pastor at the big church’s start up church? Nope, I don’t have to wonder because my sources of information are not entertainment or blog based.

    12. If TLC compted Jinger as you suggest, wouldn’t they also have compted Jana?
      About ‘their’ home.... isn’t it about time someone else used it? If it was a loan for a few months like the realtors originally said, it’s time for others to have a turn.
      I’m a little curious what some others at their church are thinking. Here they may be working hard to make ends meet, attend seminary, and these these people walk in, get a house and wind up staying much longer than was given to them.

    13. @1:09 Jeremy was never a "major league" soccer player.

    14. @12:02 The Vuolos WANTED to have a separate contract. Is there any proof they actually got one? If you go by what Derick has said, probably not.

    15. @6:47 If their finances are their business, then why did Jinger have to tell everyone the price of the jacket, and why did they have to interview the rest of the family to find out what they thought about it? That jacket purchase, if she really did pay $300 for it and didn't get it handed to her for free or greatly reduced, was done on purpose to evoke viewer emotion and to give us a particular message about The New and Improved LA Version Jinger. So they made finances everyone's business by doing that.

    16. So right, 12:29.

  6. Another example of the TLC producers setting this family up to feel uncomfortable and look clueless. That store was the one in the movie "Pretty Woman." That movie is about as far as you can get from the Duggars' world. So far this season they've taken the Duggars to a UFO exhibit at Roswell and now this store. See a pattern here?

  7. I don't think I have bought an clothing item that has costed 300 dollars (or euros, as I'm european), but I do spend money on my clothes, because I want to follow biblical guidelines of not exploiting people or nature. But I buy things used and look for sales and I usually wear them for years. The oldest piece of clothing is a classic white wool cardigan from the 1970's and it's still going strong. My husbands grandmother has knitted it and my mil gave it to me. The cardigan is older than I am :)

    1. That’s great you buy used.... not for everyone... I would never do that as that’s not me ...and I enjoy shopping and looking at different fashion designs... it’s fun... if that’s not your thing then you do you ... no need to comment on what someone spent on an item of clothing😀

    2. I'm confused about your statement that you spend money on your clothes because you don't want to exploit people or nature, and then you say you buy things used. You also say that you have a hand-me-down, which is free. I'm not sure what you're referring to that is exploiting people and nature.

    3. That’s a sensible way to live. But it’s not for everyone.

    4. Jinger said that she would wear the blazer for years. You two aren't that different after all.

    5. I'll try to build a bridge between our language and cultural barrier... Many people seem to think that Jinger is out of her mind bying a expensive jacket. I was trying to say that I could also buy a expensive jacket if i knew that I was going to use it very long time and if I know that it has been manufactured the way, that people who have farmed the cotton, made the fabric, dyed it, sewn it and shipped it have been payed properly. (I also don't want children to make my clothes). Unfortunately clothing industry is modern day slavery in many countries. So I try my best to shop clothing that doesn't exploit people in third world countries and I'm glad to pay extra for my clothes if it means that the seemstress can send her children to school and she won't die with some lung disease at young age because of the conditions in the factories are so awful. Ill made cheap "speed fashion" clothes are very bad for the environment also.

      But we have limited funds, so I look for sales and buy second hand and use hand-me-downs. It also doesn't mean that if the clothes cost a lot of money that they are ethically made, one has to do the research!

    6. I used to buy used. No more. It brought bed bugs into my house. Took forever to be rid of them.

    7. 6:31, thanks for explaining! Your viewpoint makes sense.

    8. Used clothes can get laundered or sent to the cleaners first. No bugs.

    9. @6:31 I agree. Unfortunately, it's been nearly impossible to find goods made in the USA. Some clothing makers are trying to restart businesses here, but it's baby steps and the clothes cost more. I remember when most clothes carried the garment worker union label and were made in the US from cotton grown and milled here. Not that that was a perfect system ("Norma Rae") but many families were able to make a living from it. No more. Mills are shut and have been converted to condos or shops!

      I won't shop at those big name stores that are so popular (I won't name names), where you can get t-shirts "for the whole family!" for a few bucks. I know the dark back story to those clothes. I try to buy responsibly, then take care of it and hold onto it as long as possible. The basic t-shirt and Bermuda shorts I have on right now are probably 25 years old. They've lasted that long because fabrics back then were beefier. Now you can practically read a newspaper through a white t-shirt. It's a shame and it continues because middle-class America wants cheap "disposable" mall-bought fashion. Not that $300 blazers are a better idea, but there has to be a middle ground that makes sense and is responsible.

    10. she could buy a decent jacket for cheaper

    11. I say everyone should shop and purchase and dress to suit their means and taste. Everyone one should do what makes them feel comfortable and or special. I love clothing. I buy what I can afford and what makes me feel good about myself. I hope everyone does what makes them feel good about themselves, whether it’s dressing up; refusing to buy from “sweat shops” or only buying “Made in the USA.”

  8. I’m just glad they actually purchased something. There’s no reason for anyone to shop in a high end store, utilizing the help of an employee, if they have no intention of buying anything. I personally wouldn’t spend that amount on a jacket as a SAHM of 4, but if she has the means splurge, good for Ginger! It sounds like Jeremy would be in support of the purchase, and that’s what matters.

    1. The shop was probably happy to agree to appear on a TV show.

    2. This was scripted for the show. TLC likely sprung for the blazer.

  9. Any attempt to dress Jana better is going to result in failure. She's not going to put out the money to do that. Beats me why.

    1. Because she's already beautiful. Everyone has their own sense of style and it's silly to look down on someone's sense of style just because it's not your own. Personally, I don't like Jinger's style. I still think she's beautiful, and trendy, but definitely wouldn't be what I would wear. Maybe it's the same for you with Jana, but you might be a little more open to various styles.

    2. Because stylish clothes just aren't that important to Jana? I think that's a perfectly legitimate, even wise, way to live. Keeping up with trends can get to be expensive and wasteful.

    3. I was impressed by Jana's desire to not want to spend that much on clothing. It would have been tempting for many young adults without the expense of kids to want to splurge on themselves but Jana didn't want any part of that. I wish she would have realized how great that colorful shirt looked on her with that sweater on top. It was still modest and looked great but that's OK if it's not what she likes. Her simple style is her own and she looks great, just not as dressed up as Jinger.

    4. Jana is more down to earth..California has messed with Jinger!

    5. Jinger has always loved clothing. California can’t mess with Jinger; its a state with no human “messing” capabilities 😊. California residents’ styles just happened to suit Jinger’s interests and taste.

    6. Jinger has always loved clothing? How did you come up with that info? By watching her go through the communal closet to see if the mustard sweater was available that day?

    7. 10:23, before she was married they would talk about how she was the clothes horse in the family. She would wear scarves and berets and other fun accessories and just have fun with it.

  10. Well, this ought to elicit a wave of comments! It really feeds the narrative that Jeremy is into remaking Jinger when it comes to her appearance. He needs a Barbie doll on his arm, after all. Also, they come across as very superficial and that's why LA appeals to them. I wonder if Jinger and Jana, most of all JimBob, were aware that the boutique they were in was the same one where a big scene from the movie Pretty Woman was filmed. (Julia Roberts played a prostitute.) I wouldn't be surprised if TLC engineered that. They seem to go out of their way to make the family look foolish.

    1. They moved to LA because that’s where the Master’s Seminary is. They would have moved to another state if it was located elsewhere. I agree that TLC seems to go out of their way to make the Duggars look foolish or vapid. You should follow Jinger and Jeremy in real life, not just in TV. I watched a great interview with Jeremy and Allie Stuckey on YouTube the other day. You should check it out! Also, there is nothing wrong with liking fashionable things. I agree you shouldn’t be vain, but liking pretty things doesn’t automatically make you so, and bragging about how cheap you are is just another form of false humility.

    2. I personally thought the sales clerk went out of her way to make them look hideous. Those clothes were horrible and frumpy. Rodeo Drive has very classy, fitted, trendy stuff.

    3. 11:36, is that the one where they said they were going to raise their children to embrace diversity? Or something like that. I bailed out after the first 2 minutes because I can't stand listening to Jeremy preach in or out of the pulpit. He doesn't let Jinger have her own thoughts or say what she wants to.

    4. I saw that same interview with Allie Stuckey on Blaze TV. It was great.

  11. This must be the same trip where JimBob "chaperoned" Jana. He appears in some of the photos. I wonder if he was watching off-camera on the shopping trip and pretended to be surprised during the interview about the cost of Jinger's new jacket. Likely Jana's expenditures must meet with his prior approval. It looked like she didn't buy anything.

    1. I agree with you. I don't think Jana has any money that she can spend as she wants. Most of us when on vacation wouldn't have a problem treating ourselves to a really nice outfit at a high end boutique. Josiah and Lauren didn't have a problem buying outfits from a pricey shop when on their honeymoon.

    2. I didn’t notice JimBob at all. Why would a woman Jana’s age need a chaperone? Jana was so uncomfortable trying on clothes. She should have just watched Jinger try on clothing. You knew she wouldn’t buy anything. Why take someone so far out of their comfort zone?

    3. My mom and I felt sorry for Jana. It almost seemed as if Jinger was flaunting her new lifestyle and freedoms since marriage. Jana is so sweet and humble. I don't believe after Jana marries that she will "sell out" like Jinger has from the good humble foundation she was raised upon. I used to really like Jinger and Jeremy, but they have turned me off now.

    4. It's clear Jana has her own money from things she has purchased and said. Her mom called her an entrepreneur so it wouldn't surprise me if she spent some of her show earnings on housing investments.

  12. Good for Jessa! Could Jana looked or acted more awkward? It was like she was waiting to be scolded by her father! Jana has been an actress on this reality show forever, presumably being paid and bought a retail outlet and still lives at home with zero college/auto debt; she could afford to splurge, too!!! Stop acting so meek and poor!!!

    1. None of the Duggar offspring are poor or middle class, or even close. I wish they'd drop the pretense. They've made and are making a lot of money off their shows (not to mention appearances, book revenues, interviews, exclusives, social media, etc.). I don't care that they make money: I care that they act like they're average middle class. They're not and the viewing public can clearly see that, but as usual they refuse to address any discrepancies between what they say and what they do. Very disappointing behavior, especially for people identifying themselves as Christians. The whole $300 jacket was a set-up to stir up the viewer base, as was Jana & Michelle's interview, as was Jana "uncomfortably" trying on "sexy" clothes. If she was actually uncomfortable in her spirit, she wouldn't have stepped out of the dressing room. If Jeremy & Jinger are that hip to being trendy and looking good, and so focused on living in a big city for all the experiences, their priorities are in the wrong place for him to be a pastor. They're chasing the wrong things. Counting On seems to more and more superficial with each season and the Duggars seems to get shallower and shallower.

    2. Yes! This! @ 5:21 so accurate from my observation as well!

    3. Totally agree with you 5:21.

    4. 5:21 I agree with everything you said. I follow this blog just to keep up with the family but haven’t watched the show in several years. Not sure why they still have a show to be honest.

    5. Anon 5:21. I agree with you. The Duggar "brand" doesn't match what we SEE them doing. Many are becoming disillusioned with them due to this disconnect between what they say and what they do.

    6. So true. It's time to hang up this show and give someone else's family a turn. Someone more interesting, but TLC's definition of that is rather -um- skewed.

    7. oh please...she just didn't want to waste money on a coat!

  13. Was thinking she didn’t actually pay that much. There are multiple shots of the store’s name in the episode. Could it have been possible that in exchange for advertising the store, they gave Jinger a big discount?

  14. MO- Umm- First of all, I bet TLC paid for that jacket. Going from the Goodwill store to Rodeo Drive is a stretch. It's just a skit put on by the network. But when all is said and done, it looked like the girls were having fun so it's all good. :o)

  15. I've heard that Rodeo Drive is pretty high-pressure sales, and normally they don't like people just trying stuff on without the intention of buying. But, of course, Jinger and Jana have a film crew with them, so they were treated very respectfully.

    1. Yep, normally they'd have been treated like the actress was in Pretty Woman! But that store got its free advertising, so they played along. I don't know if the store realizes what the target audience is for that show, though. Not exactly the types of viewers to run out and shop there.

    2. @6:57 It's the same way with every store or brand Jinger has tried to endorse. Some pulled back when they realized who Jinger was. I believe there's a PR firm somewhere behind the scenes that's doing the negotiating with the businesses, not Jinger or her viewers.

  16. She bought that jacket because it was going to make Jeremy happy, she said. What's up with that?

  17. I think its not modest to buy a jacket of 300 dollars. When you preach a modest lifestyle you must set an example. Maybe the jacket will last forever but how long will Jinger wear it? Whats stylish this year is old fashioned next year....

    1. Modest and buying a jacket are 2 different things... the jacket was very modest .... doesn’t matter the cost of the jacket.... not your problem. Jinger it looked so good on you and it will last a life time .. never goes out of style... You rocked that Jacket😍

    2. @1:29 the Duggars don’t get to redefine English words just because they think they can. Jinger buying a $300 plaid blazer is definitely not modest.

    3. To 5:26pm... please ... stop with the $300 jacket... if you can’t afford the jacket that’s your problem not Jinger’s ... no money out of your pocket ... something the Vuolo’s can afford . Stop complaining about it They are the VUOLO’s not the Duggar’s and Jeremy’s family was not raised buying used things... as was my family and many others.... I would cringe if I had to go into a used store... not condemning any one that does... just that it’s not for everyone.

    4. When has Jinger used the word modest lately? You can't keep holding her to the Duggar lifestyle when she has gone another way.

    5. Let's replay that scene at the store and this time NOT make it a point to tell everyone how much the jacket cost. Simply tell the family that Jinger bought a jacket and film their reactions. Better? They told the price only for shock value and to get a reaction. They all got what they wanted, a huge amount of internet buzz, and Jinger got the jacket free or reduced. The way they did all that is bothersome though. Games TV producers play with us, and the Duggars play along too.

  18. She's not going to wear a plaid jacket "every day".

    1. What, you wouldn't wear that to go grocery shopping or to take the trash out or to clean the house?

  19. When they walked into the store, I immediately thought about the Pretty Woman movie, how Julia Roberts came into a store on Rodeo Drive, and they were not serving her. So funny.

  20. Jinger and Jeremy are becoming super obnoxious. I can’t watch their scenes anymore. I’d much rather see Joy and Austin, so sad that they quit the show.

    1. See that’s why they have different scenes... I personally watch the show on demand with my cable...and fast forward to Jinger, Jeremy and Lissy scenes.. the other stuff is too country life stuff for me and I don’t know people that live that way... the Vuolo’s are just more relatable to me.

    2. Joy and Austin quit the show? Why?

    3. Austin said he works 10 hours a day and is too busy for a filming schedule on top of that. Jim Bob is slowing losing his actors for his show.

    4. Anon 10:22. Good for Austin. Pinning your fortunes to a TV show that can be cancelled at any time isn't a good idea. Since the rest of the family has plenty of time for the filming scedule you do wonder if they actually have any sort of job.

  21. I can sew fairly well. I know fabrics. I shop in NYC's Garment District (to old-timers; Fashion District now). There was maybe a yard of lining material and 2 yards of plaid fabric in that jacket. You can get last season's designer brand fabric for about $15 a yard. Lining fabric, $10 or under. So with buttons, thread, and interfacing scraps, there's maybe $50 or $60 of materials in that garment that Jinger paid $300 for. Jana should have volunteered to sew a jacket for Jinger! LA has a Fashion District with fabric stores the way NYC does. They should have gone shopping for supplies, made the jacket themselves, and "saved the difference." Would have been more interesting to watch, too.

    1. Why on Earth should Jana attempt to make a designer jacket for Jinger? Homemade jackets look....well homemade. The patterns that designers use to have the jackets made up aren't available so you could never make it look like a designer jacket. If you don't want to pay full price you wait for end of season sales.

    2. Agree with Anonymous @3:44- It would have been more interesting to watch the Duggar girls actually use those talents we've been hearing about for years (thriftiness, sewing, creativity, etc.). But then that kind of episode wouldn't have generated such a stir among the fan base to increase ratings. ;) Just not a fan of manipulation-whether its TLC doing it or the Duggars or both.

    3. 4:30 I disagree. I had a neighbor when I was growing up who made all the clothes for their family of 6, including tailoring coats, jackets, and suits. Sewing is a skill that you can hone to that level and beyond. Don't you know moms who've made their daughters' wedding dresses? Do those dresses look homemade?

      That blazer Jinger bought had no "designer" style to it. It looked like any blazer you could buy anywhere. "Designer" patterns, if you'd even need one to make a jacket like that, are available. (There was nothing "designer" about a basic blazer like that one was.) The patterns you see in the strip mall fabric stores are hybrids of designer looks plus pattern company ideas. You can buy Vogue patterns that copy any designer out there, tweaked to what most home sewers can handle. You can also do what's called a "rub-off" and make your own pattern from the clothes you already own. Experienced seamstresses can also drape on a dress form and create garments with no commercial pattern.

    4. Unless Jana has taken tailoring classes and has all the equipment to make a tailored jacket ( point press, tailoring ham etc) any attempt to make a tailored jacket would scream homemade.

    5. Anon 12:01. Exactly. There's no indicate that Jana has the skill or equipment to make that sort of jacket. She knows how to sew but everything I've ever seen her make was pretty simple and basic and didn't require any tailoring.

    6. Agree. 12:01. Making a jacket is not a quick process, either. I've done it.

    7. I made a suit jacket for my son to wear to a wedding. It's like making anything else, you take it one step at a time and focus.

    8. I had a friend that I had to stop shopping with. She would tell me she could make me the same thing for less - wrong. By the time I bought the fabric and notions and paid for the labor, I paid as much. Plus I had to go to Make a trip to a fabric store, find what I liked and what was comparable to the item I saw in the store. With that and all the fittings it was a huge waste of time. And believe me, the item she made did not look like the original. I could have walked out of the store and been happier.

    9. @8:27 That's why you make it yourself. No charge for the labor. Those girls all know how to sew, or so they've told us.

    10. Time is money, though. Between the costs of materials and the cost of your time, you can wind up paying as much or more than if you just buy a garment.

  22. I’m glad Jinger treats herself. I like that she has branched out a little bit has stuck to her core values. With the bachelor pad preview it looks like Jed and Jer are doing the same. Not every generation can be identical and it’s what makes life interesting

  23. Good for Jinger. It’s so much fun to splurge sometimes!!!

  24. I find it interesting that it's okay for people to jusge Jinger and Jeremy, but when it is Jill and Derick buying a house when he is a student without a job (before grubhub), everyone was told that it was none of their business. Why the double stndard?

    1. Many people questioned how Derrick and Jill afforded the house and law school. The Duggars NEVER explain so we're just left to wonder.

    2. That's why I don't believe those alleged claims from Derick that they didn't get paid while on TLC. Neither Jill or Derick work and the cash to purchase their own home came from somewhere. Jill did have a book, or two. Derick left Walmart accounting years ago. Somethings up all right, but I'm not sure who to trust yet.

    3. Don't forget that Derick has another side to his family, one that's not on TV, one that might be sympathetic and helping him out.

    4. So have said that Derick had an inheritance from his father.

    5. Derick's dad was a cop and police officers usually carry a generous life insurance policy. Derick may have been a benefactor for all we know. This isn't something people generally advertise about themselves.

  25. Good grief Jana. If you're going to be featured on a TV show shopping on Rodeo Drive, buy something instead of bragging about how "frugal" you are.

  26. Jinger is acting like a kid who finally gets an allowance and immediately blows it all on candy and comic books. A few months in LA and she thinks she needs clothes like that. Mr. Clothes Horse for a husband isn't helping either.

  27. I wonder what Jana was doing there in general, was she helping with babysitting Felicity while Jinger and Jeremy were exploring LA? Obviously not in this episode, but she was there probably not just for the shoot.

    1. Every scene in this show is previously set up by the production company. I think they're running out of things for the family to do in Arkansas and the move to LA was a god send for the producers as they have a bunch of new things for the family to do now.

    2. I bet she was glad to get back home to the real world and quiet!

    3. Oh yes, since a house and grounds for 19 kids that have TLC staff and crew all over as they film their own Reality TV show reflects the “real world” so well.

  28. They used to shop at Ross for new clothing. It was a step up from Goodwill. Rodeo Drive shopping was probably just set up by TLC. Nice jacket though, but I would not pay $300.

    1. Of course this was all staged by TLC. They didn't just casually wander into the shop. It takes quite a while for the TV crew to set up the cameras, lighting and sound. Jinger was happy and excited because she knew she was going to get the jacket. Jana was miserable because she had to try on clothes she didn't like or want. I'm not sure why they did that to Jana.

    2. 11:48, I never really thought about it like that until I read your post. What a bizarre way to live your life where so much is scripted for a show. Many of the Duggar kids & now grandkids know no other way of life. That’s normal for them! I don’t think it’s healthy to grow up in that environment. No wonder Jana seems disillusioned.

  29. Cousin Amy could get that jacket or any other clothes for her wholesale.

  30. People give it up and GET OVER the jacket issue with Jinger!!!! So what.... it’s her money and she doesn’t have to answer to anyone of you!!! Just because she can afford to and you can’t is no concern.., now move on... I have paid more than that for a pair of shoes ... it’s not something she and Jeremy do daily; it’s what they have been looking for a while!!!! Jinger you rock that jacket and ware it proudly💕😍🙏

    1. The jacket wasn't that expensive. Not all of us shop at Ross. It was just "click bait". lol

  31. Jinger and Jeremy are getting too much satisfaction now from worldly things.

    1. 11:00's comment: Yes and that's what everyone is complaining about because they can see it's not a good idea. Why can't Jinger and Jeremy see that? Will they ever??? Or will it continue until it's too late.

    2. You mean they're actually enjoying life and doing things that most of the rest of us do. I think they're a great couple and are far more relevant than the rest of the family.

    3. 11:00am.... Jinger and Jeremy are far from being “Worldly”.... Because they enjoy exploring the new city they live in... because they enjoy eating out and trying new places to eat!!! They are a young married couple enjoying life with Lissy😍

    4. July 20 11:am... I suggest you check yourself ... for goodness sake! What worldly things are you talking about??? Eating out.. exploring new city.. I guess you just sit in a rocking chair all day...They are not doing anything inappropriate !!! Now go explore that corn field maze😳

    5. So nice you wanted that posted that twice? 9:33 and 9:42 are the same person and same comment

  32. Again if show is the same and staged DUGGAR'S can say don't want to do it that way all up to them. Might be time for them to move on to another family. Quit blaming TLC and producers.


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