
Friday, December 13, 2019

Three 10-Year-Old Duggars

Mackynzie Duggar, Josie Duggar, Jordyn Duggar
Mackynzie Duggar, Josie Duggar, Jordyn Duggar

Every year for a very brief period (eight days, to be exact) three of the Duggar girls are all the same age. Jordyn was born on December 18th, 2008, Mackynzie was born on October 8, 2009, and Josie arrived three months early on December 10, 2009. So between December 10 and 18, all three of these girls are the same age. And they also happen to be best friends.

Photo courtesy


  1. They’re so sweet <3 God bless these girls

  2. Very nice picture. It looks like they had it taken by a professional photographer.?

    1. Uhhh no that's not professional.

    2. I don't know, it looks like it could have been taken with a phone camera.

  3. Wow,Jordyn and Mackenzie look like twins in this photo.

    1. Anon 10.35, totally agree with you, those two girls are near identical. Lovely picture that’s for sure.

  4. What a precious picture! Jordyn and Mackynzie could be twins! Josie is a beautiful little girl!

  5. What an adorable picture! Can't believe they are 10 years old!!!!

  6. It's so weird how Mackynzie and Jordyn look alike now. I always thought Mack looked like Anna and not the Duggar side of the family buy her looks have totally changed.

    1. Yes, in this picture Mackynsie and Jordyn do look a lot alike. I have always thought Jordyn looked the most like her mom Michelle of any of her siblings. I have always seen a lot of Anna in Mackynzie. But I have also always thought that she was the one of Anna's children who looked the most Duggar and was a combination of both her parents.

    2. i totally agree! you can see a lot more of josh in her as she's gotten older. no wonder mackynzie & jordyn look so much a like now. although, i dont think it's duggar side as much as ruark (imo) because i think jordyn looks more like michelle than jim bob

    3. Please don’t be disrespectful and call Mackynzie “Mack”. If you’re going to shorten her name call her Kynzie as that’s the endearment given by the family.

    4. Yes i totally agree. i was thinking the same things

    5. Don’t call that beautiful child Mack. Her name is Makynzie, or Kynzie.

    6. Actually, I always thought that Jordyn favored Grandma Mary Duggar the most. Definitely interesting family dynamics. Double digits for Josie. Where has time gone?! ❤

    7. I actually always thought that Mackenzie lookes a lot like Josh and Josh looks a lot like Michelle, so that really makes sense that Jordyn and her look a like

    8. Mack is a sweet name. One of my favorite young congregational members was nicknamed Mack! She was beautiful like Makynzie.

    9. For awhile there I thought Josie had an odd appearance.. she was cute but then changed a bit and looked odd..she's cuter now

    10. 6:21 I dunno if the child hasa nickname, but I see nothing wrong with Mack. I think it's cute. One of my friends in college was MacKenzie and she preferred to be called Mack, or Mac.

    11. it's Kynzie

    12. It's great if you know people nicknamed Mack, but Makynzie has a nickname, and it's not Mack.

    13. @9:01 I think with Josie being so petite when all her permanent teeth started to come in they were crowded and big for her mouth....she's out growing that now. Her hair has finally changed from that super fine toe head hair. .. she's out growing the odd and awkward and become a pretty young girl.

  7. Haha! I just rewatched last weeks episode and paid more attention to Jordyn’s joke. I didn’t get it the first time! She is so cute!

    1. Can you explain it on hear? I heard it, but was unable to hear it well enough to understand it fully.

  8. Kynzie and Jordyn look like twins!

  9. Josie looks most like Jill in this phoy. I think she is the ok only one to take after Jill in physical appearance. They all look so pretty.

    1. i can definitely see jill in josie here too!

    2. That's what I thought too!

    3. I hadn’t thought of that, but you are right. I see Jill!

  10. Kynzie looks the biggest though I thought Jordyn was the oldest?> Jordyn will turn 11 on the 18th, while Kynzie just turned 10 in October.

    1. Some girls are taller even when younger.

    2. Indeed. And her mom, Anna, is quite a bit taller than her sisters in law. Mackenzie might be taking after her momma.

  11. What a cute picture, of these three girls!!!!

  12. 10 years old and already pressured to invest time into aggressively heat-styling of their hair.

    1. Maybe they wanted to have their curled.

    2. Who said they were pressured?? Many girls love doing their hair, nail, even makeup.

    3. In no world do 10-year-olds need makeup and adult hairdos.

    4. I'm not into hair & make-up yet my 4 y old loves to do her own toenails. Some girls are more 'girly' than others. Let them be who they are meant to be. They look very age-appropriate.

    5. Better to have hair curled than butched and dyed weird colors

    6. What?? They are not wearing makeup. If they were I would agree. They simply have their hair curled. I didn't know anyone had trouble with curling a girl's hair for special days. I was a typical Tomboy but still had my hair curled for certain events. If you see other pictures of the girls their hair isn't curled like this. It's usually braided and straight.

    7. I curled my daughter's hair when she was young and pictures were going to be taken....sometimes natural curl is wild and unruly....I know hers was.

  13. Josie seems to be resembling Justin a lot... very cute girls

    1. Agree, I think Justin, Jill, Josie, and Jeremiah take after Jim Bob the most.

  14. I think Josie will look a lot like Joy when she's older. I still see Anna's mom in Kenzie and Grandma Duggar in Jordyn.

  15. I always feel for Jordyn. She seems to be so overlooked. For 10 years there’s pictures of Michelle and Josie. Michelle visits Jinger in California and who’s in the picture? Josie. The younger girls have a tea party and who does Michelle sit next to and hug? Josie.Who does Michelle coach individually for singing a solo? Josie. Who gets all the attention with a loose tooth? Josie. JB and Michelle didn’t even know Jordyn had lost a tooth a week prior. I hope Jordyn has some special attention from someone positive in her life.

    1. And, before anyone claims I don’t understand what a “miracle” Josie is, I have buried a daughter. I know the depths of that grief. I did make a decision not to overlook my other children.

    2. Josie, Josie, Josie! Now that Anna and the clan watch the Brady Bunch maybe they can learn some life lessons🤷‍♀️

    3. Josie was a premie and needed extra attention when she was born and years after. She is also the youngest child. I'm sure she gets the most attention than all Duggar kids. Maybe Joy feels that she was overlooked in her childhood because all the younger kids took mom's attention? And I'm sure Johannah and Jennie are in the same boat as Jordyn too, they get less attention than a premie younger sister.

    4. Michelle tries to give each child some of her time each day,maybe it's Josie that wants to spend a little more time with her mum than her siblings while her siblings like to keep busy doing other things all families are like that,I liked to spend more time with my father that my brothers after my mother died when I was three years of age because I was closer to him as I was the youngest,does'nt mean my brothers were overlooked,they just were closer to each other.

    5. I agree with you about Jordyn. It’s easy for a mom to cling the youngest, especially in this case where her birth was scary. But, that means you have to try all the harder not to show favoritism.

    6. I hope it doesn't affect Jordyn in the future

    7. You are making a pretty big assumption based on photos shared. You may (or may not) be right but you can't know that from what they share. Even though they are famous it's not to aaccuse them of neglecting or favoring a child. My guess is Josie just likes more attention and is more outgoing. Typical for a youngest child. Some kids always find the camera.

  16. Three beautiful girls. So pretty and so grown up looking. God Bless.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  17. Josie is beautiful!!!!!! I think she takes after jinger.

    1. Jordyn and Makynzie are beautiful!!!!!

    2. 8:04. All 3 little girls are beautiful. All 3 little girls are equally special.

    3. Josie looks nothing like Jinger

  18. These girls are totally adorable together. I wish we could see more of Josie in the show. Amazing these three will be teens in a few years. The photo is beautiful.

  19. Those are some very busy dresses.

  20. They are so cute miss seeing them

  21. Somewhere I saw a photo of Anna as a little girl. I thought it striking how much Mackenzie resembles her mother.

  22. They are such pretty girls. It's hard to believe they are already 10 years old. It's nice that they are all so close.

  23. Adorable! Warms my heart :-)

  24. Josie is tiny in comparison with the other two. She must be coping with a lot of developmental issues.

    1. No "must" about it. You assume a lot.

    2. What sort of "developmental issues"? She may be smaller but tht's not a sign of some sort of health issues.

    3. Many times when a child is born prematurely they will be petite. I do believe it has been said that developmentally that Josie is right on track for her age. Developmental usually applies to cognitive skills such as reading , writing and math not body size.

    4. I have a cousin who was born a preemie and she is fine. She is very tiny but it's normal for her since she was so tiny

    5. I do feel sorry for the minor Duggar children, who are the subject of public conjecture regarding their looks and development. There is a heavy price to pay for putting your kids in the spotlight.

  25. Agree with previous poster of Jordan getting overlooked and Josie getting the most attention but all three girls are very pretty. I understand that josie was born very early and needed the attention

    1. Josie probably had the most attention from her parents compared to any Duggar kid; she was premature, and she is the youngest in the family. Jordyn unfortunately was with her mom only for less than a year. But like, if you look at other Duggar kids, let's say Jinger was a year old when Joe was born. Josiah was born when Joe was 1 year 7 months (so Joe got more mom's attention). But then Joy was born when Josiah was 1 year and 2 months. And Jinger at that time was not even 4 and Joe was not even 3. And then a year and 2 months later twins were born (two kids, not even one!). So Jinger was 5, Joe was not even 4, Josiah was just over 2, Joy was only a year old... Like, don't you think that some of these kids could be "overlooked"? Jordyn had a lot of older siblings to take care of her. But who Joy had when she was a year old? Jill who was 7 and a half? When Jordyn was born, her buddy Jessa was 16. But Joy at a year old had her mom busy with 2 newborn babies, two older brothers at 2 and 4, big sisters Jessa and Jinger, 6 and 5, who for sure wanted to play with each other. Maybe when a 7.5 year old child (Jill) paid Joy a lot of attention, it counts for not being overlooked. But then what happened with the twins, when a year and a half after they were born little Jason came? So, mom had to pay attention to this little one and the older kids probably took care of the twins, and so on.

    2. But it’s time to let some of that go and embrace the others before it’s too late.

    3. I agree. Michelle should let go a bit with Josie and spend more time with the others

  26. just because she was so premie DOES NOT mean to over look Jordan. Jordan was just a baby herself... I've worked with preemies and have a younger brother who broke the ground being a micro premie ... does NOT excuse the parents for overlooking and ignoring the others...

  27. Have to agree with several previous posters- Of the younger girls, Josie is most often featured in pictures. If she's not getting the most attention, you'd never know it by the pictures Michelle and Jim Bob are choosing to share. When there is a picture of the girls, Josie is almost without fail front and center. Choosing to feature Josie for a solo was quite unfair because several of her sisters were clearly better singers (they were consistently on pitch, knew the words, and the meaning behind the words- all of which Josie did not). Josie's being featured because of the "cute" factor and the miracle card. Yes, it's a miracle she survived, but God should be getting the glory and the attention for that. Josie needed a lot of time and attention for several years; it's just a shame that she's grown into a seemingly healthy child but it all still revolves quite a bit around Josie. Her sisters deserve better and more and it wouldn't hurt Josie to learn the world doesn't revolve around her.

    1. Right! Josie wouldn't know what it was like to be alone

    2. I remember an episode of 19 kids where Josie was throwing a tantrum and Michelle said to her "the world does not revolve around Josie"well I believe Josie got the message but some people watching did'nt get it cos they did'nt want to.

    3. Maybe the others didn't want a solo. Not everyone likes to be in the spotlight.

    4. I don't feel Josie is the "cutest".....she's the youngest and often families favor the baby.

    5. It is not uncommon for the youngest in a family, especially a large one, to get more attention and be somewhat spoiled. This is compounded when there are health issues. It happened in my family and I took it with a grain of salt. I never felt less loved or more ignored being in the middle. I never cared to be the center of attention, anyway.

  28. I love how Mackynzie and Jordyn are being best friends, I remember even when Mackynzie was moving to DC and back, she was talking how she liked to play with Jordyn. It's so great to have best friends forever within your family. They are always seen together in many pictures. I hope Josie does not spend all her time with her mom and has friends too.

    1. Your hope has been granted. We've seen Josie surrounded by the other younger kids many times.

  29. Something does not add up with the date of births and them all being 10 for eight days?!! Mackynzie was born on October 8, 2009???

    1. Mackynzie turned 10 on October 8. Josie was born on December 10, 2009 and turned 10 a few days ago as well. Jordyn was born on December 18, 2008, she is less than a year older than Josie. So from December 10 to December 18, they both are the same age, 10. On December 18th Jordyn will turn 11.

    2. The ten days has nothing to do with Mackynzie. Jordyn has 8 days every year when she is the same age as the other two, because her and Josie's birthdays are less than a year apart.

    3. Mackynzie turned 10 on 10/08/19. Aunt Josie turned 10 on 12/10/19. And Aunt Jordyn is already 10 from 12/18/18, and will be 11 on 12/18/19.

    4. Well,Mackynzie and Josie have just turned ten a short while but it does'nt mean they will stop being ten years old soon but Jordyn will turn eleven in two days,so after that there will no longer be three of them the same age,it is rare for sisters to be the same age even for a short while,that's why it's a big deal.

    5. Hmm, not sure what you are confused about. Maybe you forgot that Mackenzie is not their sister but their niece? Michelle had Jordyn and then Anna had Mackenzie. Michelle became pregnant after Jordyn and has Josie prematurely. Hope that clears it up.

    6. Mackynzie and Josie will be the same age for almost a year. All 3 will be the same age for 8 days before Jordyns birthday.

    7. Jim Bob and Michelle had their 18th child, a daughter, Jordyn-Grace "Jordyn" Makiya on December 18, 2008; Josh and Anna were married on September 26 2008, and were expecting their first child, a daughter, a year later, Mackynzie Renée Duggar on October 8 2009. Jordyn and Mackynzie are 9 months apart in age. Jim Bob and Michelle went on and had their 19th child, Josie, who was born early as she was suppose to be born in April 2010, but was born on December 10th 2009. Jordyn and Josie are 11 months apart in age, with Josie's birth being early.

  30. What’s the confusion? Mackynzie is already 10, Josie just turned 10 on 12/10, and Jordyn will
    turn 11 on the 18th-the 3 will be 10-years-old together for 10 days.

  31. McKenzie and Jordyn look like twins and Josie looks like Joy-Anna!

  32. I think josie jordyn and McKenzie look very pretty they are getting very nice and beautiful I love how pretty and cute josie is going to be a beautiful teenager in a few years God bless the duggars and all of the children of the Duggar kids


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