
Monday, December 16, 2019

Season Finale Airs Tomorrow

Grandma Duggar funeral

Season 10 of Counting On kicked off on October 15th with the Duggar date night competition and the Vuolos' trip to Los Angeles to scope out the area, both of which took place in early 2019. Tomorrow, the season ends with Grandma Duggar's heart-wrenching June funeral and Lauren and Kendra's beautiful November birth specials. The two-hour Counting On season finale premieres tomorrow (Tuesday) at 9pm ET/9pm CT.

Photo/video courtesy TLC


  1. Another VERY short season. They do about six shows and that's it. Who knows when they'll return.

    1. There were actually 10 episodes, in this season of Counting On. The previous episode, only had 7 episodes, so this was a fairly long season, in comparison.

  2. Thank you for the heads up. I empathize with the Duggar’s grief at such an unexpected loss. Grandma Duggar seemed like a wonderful person, however out of respect for such a private family matter, I will not be watching this episode.

    1. What you said would be seen as the same thing as saying "out of respect for the family I will not be attending the funeral"if you were asked personally to attend someone's funeral,we fans are honoured to "be at the funeral service" after all we were allowed to follow her life why should'nt we say our goodbyes too.

    2. It is actually such an honoring and respectful episode tributing Grandma Duggar. I’m sure she would be totally fine with anyone watching it. Just have tissues nearby.

    3. 6:01, Going to the actual funeral is one thing. Being a passive viewer of a funeral filmed for ratings and profit is quite another.

    4. The episode honored her life. It was totally appropriate although of course heart-breaking for everyone.

    5. @6:01- Did it not occur to you that you had to pay to watch this funeral on TLC? I have yet to go to a funeral where they charged admission.

    6. 11:05, for many people, Grandma Duggar was just as beloved as the rest of the family. Don't belittle the fact that some of us actually wanted to see this final tribute to her by calling us "passive viewers" (what does that even mean? We should be eating popcorn? We should be crying? No doubt some were). Just because we did not physically walk into the church and sit down with everyone else does not make it any less of an experience. As to the motive for the filming, well, you have no true knowledge of that, only your supposition.

    7. 8:57, that is ridiculous. You don't pay per show.

  3. �� 'FINALEE'!!!!!��

    How Come You Don't Have More Episodes????? ��

    �� I Am So Disappointed!!!!!! ����

    �� I Love This Family & Look Forward To Watching ~ 'COUNTING ON' Each Tuesday Night!!!! ����

  4. The funeral is going to be such a sad episode. Still breaks my heart...such a tragic way to lose your grandmother.

  5. Wow, that went quick I really wish the seasons were longer! I am glad that we get to see 2 new lives being born since seeing Grandma Mary's funeral will be absolutely gutwrenching. I bought a new box of Kleenex for my living room, I know I will need it for the whole show because births make me happy cry! Please, TLC, bring the Duggars back sooner and it would be fantastic to have longer seasons, so many new babies to enjoy and maybe a Courtship or more!

  6. To market the death and funeral of a loved one in order to boost ratings on TV and make money in the process is disturbing to me on many levels. The family seems tone-deaf on this. Exploiting their births and children is incomprehensible, but this takes the cake, IMO.

    1. Personally, I don't see it that way. Grandma Duggar was a part of the show as was her husband before her. As I recall, part/all of his services were on the show; I could be wrong. I am a faithful watcher of this show and I see Mary's death as part of the Duggars' ongoing story. I think many viewers like seeing new births and it's sad to watch Mary's story. I will watch it with empathy for the family; I lost my father a long, long time ago and he's still part of my life as I'm sure Mary will always be part of theirs. If you belive in an afterlife, she is now reunited with her husband and grandchildren that have passed. Rest in peace, Mary; I pray that God will comfort the family in a special way for each of them.

    2. I can somewhat understand how they'd want to "share" the news Mary's passing with the viewers who "knew" her from the show. But that happened months ago, and a family funeral service feels too private to air. They could have done some other sort of tribute or just talked about her. That would have been classy. Using a funeral to draw viewers is not.

    3. I don't agree that they are exploiting anyone. Grandma Mary was a part of the show, many loved and respected her and this was their chance to say goodbye. We often see comments on this blog that say the show seems scripted or fake....the death of a loved one allows us to see their raw emotions. The births are a beautiful celebration of life. You can make choices for your life and I promise not to say mean things online....give the Duggar's the same respect.

    4. What difference would it make to be at a funeral or watch it on TV,that would be the same as saying you can't attend the funeral to watch us grieve,and as for births there are many reality programs centering on just that:birth,and they don't get slagged off,some people like to watch that,how about all those models that make easy money just to have people look at their photos,sorry but I don't see the big deal as long as nothing is illegal.

    5. Boost ratings with a funeral? I would think the births would be what boosts the ratings. No doubt there are viewers who don't want to watch a funeral, which would lower the ratings.

    6. Everyone, this show is about THEIR FAMILY. So anything pertaining to their family, that they have given their permission to share, would constitute as proper material to film and air on the Duggar Family’s behalf. They’re not exploiting anyone. Grandma Duggar gladly shared her part in her family’s dynamic without hesitation. She knew she was being filmed and broadcasted to millions of households. If Grandma Duggar had an issue with being on t.v. she would have never been a part of the show in the first place. She left a HUGE impact for Christ on so many people and that deserves a viewing or two as opposed to all the useless junk aired on t.v. And internet these days that does absolutely nothing for anyone.

    7. Totally disagree. People are in the public eye will sometimes have funerals shown on TV or internet. Just because they aren't as famous as some singers that make funerals public doesn't mean they can't show theirs as well. Plus, Mary was on the show and probably would have been fine with it being aired.

    8. For pete's sake people why are y'all watching the funeral and then stalking the Duggars on the internet if y'all were truly upset about them supposedley "exploiting the funeral for money"? They were not exploiting the funeral for money! They were trying to show the world that there is HOPE in death with Jesus Christ! What better way to share the gospel! "Jesus is the way the truth and the one comes to the Father except through me" John 14:6. The Duggars are sharing Jesus through their show and while they will miss her on Earth... they will see her again in Heaven. There are a lot of hurting people out there. What a great time at Christmas to share Jesus with everyone.

    9. Sallie- You have to consider that there are a lot of people who really enjoyed the show during the early years, but have become disillusioned with the program content and some of the things the Duggars do. Some fans have even complained that they've actually moved away from any kind of ministry associated with their show. Frankly, I enjoy reading different opinions and appreciate that the owners of this blog are willing to post them.

    10. Lol and you all paid to watch it!

    11. No one complained when Princess Diana funeral took up every t.v. station..or Aretha Franklin

  7. It’s so sad about grandma mary. I can’t believe the Duggar’s exploit thier grief to make money! That’s horrible! Why would anyone want to film this? This should be a private family matter. Sure it’s fine to film the memories but the funeral and interviewing the grieving kids??? Tlc has stooped to a new low

    1. @6:27 I agree that the family gathering they had the first day should have been kept private. We didn't need to see relative after relative cry. What could have been shown briefly was part of the church service and tributes the next day. I don't know what kind of family wants to worry about cameras filming them at what should have been an intimate gathering for those closest to her. They should have been focusing on each other, not the cameras. Televised funerals in churches are another matter.

    2. Because it couldn't possibly be that they want to have a public tribute and memorial for the grandmother whom they love so much. Of course it has to be all about the money because it's the Duggars, right? 🙄 Judge not lest ye be judged.

    3. OK 12:24, then show the public service. Don't show the private, family-only service. That's pandering to the ratings.

    4. Their life is filmed. Death is something we will all face. We all lose relatives. There is no need to hide her funeral or act like she didn’t exist. The funeral wasn’t filmed for money. It was filmed, because it is part of what they were going through. They deeply loved Mary, and I was glad to see that. She had a major impact on all of them.

    5. I didn't mind seeing the funeral. I was glad and surprised to see some actual emotions from them, and not just "acting" or carefully worded scenes for the camera. Of course the Duggars are paid well for losing some privacy, but even if they do it for the money, I was appreciative to see them be more real and open.

    6. I tend to agree with you. I didn't care for the extended "sharing".

  8. Another two month long "season". Will this one end on a sad note with Grandma's funeral?

    1. I'm guessing not, since it will probably be in chronological order.

    2. What I meant about chronological order was that they would end the episode on a happier note, with the births.

  9. I will be looking forward to the 11th season of counting on in the next few months, my favorite show ever.

    1. I also, enjoyed this season, of Counting On.

    2. Yes, this was a good season.

  10. I guess Joy's miscarriage is not included. Probably will be in the next season.

    1. Hopefully they don’t show it all.

    2. Why would you want to see her miscarriage? The best way to approach that would be for them to avoid any footage from the hospital and stick to a short couch interview if they felt up to talking about it. Let their raw grief at the hospital stay private.

    3. I hope not. I don't consider watching women give birth wholesome family entertainment and watching a young woman give birth to a still born baby a bad thing. I don't watch the births and certainly wouldn't watch a miscarriage.

  11. December 17 th @ 6:27am TLC didn't stoop to the level of showing funeral. The Dugger allowed it, they could have don't want this aired.

  12. It was a tender, emotional tribute to Grandma Mary. I thought it odd that they didn't show Deanna, daughter of Mary or her daughter Amy, who was perhaps closest to Grandma of all the grandchildren.

    Also, it was heartbreaking to see Joy in the photo shoot, excited about her sweet baby.

    1. I am assuming that Deanna and Amy wanted to keep their grief off of tv.

    2. Perhaps Deanna and Amy didn’t want to be filmed. No one forced anyone to be on the show.

    3. It may be that Deana and Amy DON'T WANT to appear on the show. Some people feel that funerals are not a public event.

  13. While I don't always agree with the Duggars I enjoy the show. Grandma was an integral part of the family and it allowed all of us to say good bye. Leave them be.

  14. Broke my heart. Lost my sister recently and was hard to watch. Also our Duggar babies having babies? Boy I've been watching this family for a long time. Life goes on.


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