
Tuesday, December 17, 2019

'Grandma Duggar Remembered' Recap

Counting On "Grandma Duggar Remembered"
  • It’s the day of the pregnancy photo shoot. Jana and Grandma, as well as a couple stylists, are helping the ladies get ready. Anna, Kendra, Lauren, and Joy are expecting, while Jessa has week-old Ivy. “She’s pretty happy, so I’m thankful,” says Jessa of her daughter.  
  • Abbie is hoping to feel well enough to announce her pregnancy by joining the photo shoot. “…I just prayed and just said, ‘Lord, if you want me at this photo shoot, you’re going to have to get me off this couch,’” says Abbie.
  • When Jana drives up and Abbie gets out of the car, the girls all scream. Michelle helps her walk over to the couch, as she is still feeling very nauseous.
  • “Six grandbabies in one year is a good start, but the more children that are married, I wouldn’t be surprised if there could be like twelve grandbabies in one years,” says Michelle. “My guess is, this is just the beginning.”
  • In Laredo, Jinger and Jeremy are packing up their moving truck, with help from church friends who own a moving company. The moving truck will leave the next day, but the Vuolos plan to stay through the weekend for one last service with their congregation. “We’ve had many amazing memories in this home,” says Jinger.
  • “Honestly, we thought we’d be here for many years and didn’t really foresee leaving,” adds Jeremy. “As excited as we are to move to Los Angeles, we’re definitely going to have a bit of sadness as we leave the house here and say goodbye to Laredo.”
  • On June 9, the Vuolos are still in Laredo but are no longer in their house, as it has been completely emptied out. They receive a call that Grandma Mary Duggar has passed away. The Vuolos were planning to make the 20-hour drive to LA over a period of days, but they are now headed to Arkansas.
  • “Sunday morning, my mom came over to our house,” shares Jim Bob. “She wanted to fix us breakfast, and then she said she wanted to go to church with us, and so she ended up hoping in the car with Jana and a bunch of the kids and headed over to church. And then she came home, she wanted to sit out by the pool. And a lot of times, she would go and put her feet in the water and just kind of rest and relax out by the pool. She’d had a couple of strokes a few months ago, and so her health was a little fragile.”
  • “We really feel, believe, that most likely this was another stroke and that she just fell…and happened to be near the pool and fell into the pool after the impact of a hit and scrape and fall,” says Michelle. “And so I’m thankful for Mary’s sake that it was quick, and I pray that there wasn’t a lot of suffering in that.  
  • “It was just a shock,” says Jana. “We were just at church. I had driven her there and spent the morning with her…”
  • “I think overall, our family is doing pretty well,” says Jim Bob. “We truly believe that when a Christian dies that they go to heaven, which is a wonderful place.”
  • After the Vuolos arrive in Arkansas, Michelle and Jinger sit down with the funeral director to discuss Mary’s celebration of life.
  • “With Grandma passing, it’s definitely brought our family together,” says Michelle. “I have waves of emotions, and it just hits me when I least expect it. I think I go through days where I’ve really got it pulled together, and then other times, I just can’t pull it together. I was very close with Grandma Duggar. I probably talked to her and probably even saw her about every day.” Michelle lost her mom years ago, and Mary has always been there for her.
  • “Grandma was not only our grandmother, but she was also a dear friend to each one of us,” says Jessa. “It didn’t matter who you were, she was Grandma to you. That’s most often how she would introduce herself. She’d say, ‘Hi, I’m Grandma.’ She took a genuine interest in people. She would converse with you in a way that made you feel special and loved and cared about.”
  • Mary’s family gets together for a viewing and celebration of life the day before the funeral. Many people speak and share memories. Joseph stands up to talk but can’t because he is crying too hard. Jeremiah gives him a hug, and then Kendra comes up to hold him while he composes himself. He tells the guests that he is reminded of Grandma every time he comes home to the house where he and Kendra live, which used to be Grandma’s house.
  • The next day, Kendra’s father, Pastor Caldwell leads the family in prayer before the funeral. At the end of the service, Mary’s loved ones are able to say their last goodbyes before the casket is closed and taken to the graveside, where Jeremy says a few words.
  • The following day, the Vuolos say farewell to the family and head out to LA. “It’s really a little sad seeing Jinger and Jeremy leave, but it’s party of life,” says Jim Bob. “Our kids grow up and start their own families, and they’re not all going to just say right here.”

The rest of the season 10 finale features Addison and Bella's birth specials (links to recaps are below).

Addison Duggar Delivery
Bella Duggar Delivery


  1. Happy Birthday Jordyn!!!!

  2. Did you notice that during photoshoot when girls were not sure who's in the car, no one thought about Jill? They were guessing Jinger or Abbie. That says a lot to me.

    1. Maybe they’re not allowed to say her name or think of her anymore. Kind of like how they’re not supposed to entertain independent ideas.

    2. The show is edited. Remember, you aren’t seeing and hearing every word/reaction in a scene that actually takes place. Just because they didn’t add in someone saying “maybe it’s Jill” doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. All this speculation about Jill and Derrick is nauseating. Sow peace and positivity... not gossip and doubt and suspicion.

    3. Could be that they did say "Jill" but it got edited out

    4. Says a lot, as in they don't think Jill is going to get pregnant? Or they don't think Jill would join them? Jill's off with Derick and of course listens to what he says, not her family. Derick and the family haven't gotten along in awhile it seems, not since he got upset about not getting paid to be on the show.

    5. Not really, they know that Jill doesn’t film with TLC anymore, so she wouldn’t show up there anyways.

    6. Am sure their "guesses" were producer influenced. This shoot was for the purposes of TLC filming and the girls know that Jill isn't typically shown on camera. I think we (the viewers) are lucky that they occasionally allow her a brief mention like with Ivy's birth (actual video footage) or with Bella's birth (her voice was heard). I really miss Jill on the show. So glad Anna has been on more this season though.

    7. This was well done. I know some people don't like the sharing of a funeral but in the spirit of celebrating life I think they are doing it more to honor Mary than to earn money.

      As a season, I enjoyed it. Maybe a little too short. And my only comment would be to keep highlighting everyday life and stop the manufactured "made for TV gatherings." I hope (if there is a new season) we can see more about Joy and Austin designing their house, Abbie adjusting to life in Arkansas, Anna and her kids in their own home- et cetera.

    8. Hopefully it says to you that Jill and Derick are not on the show any longer, since that has been the case for a couple years now.

  3. I'm very grateful for the Duggar sharing so much with us: the happy times with births, anniversaries etc, but also the other side of life: loss and sadness. I think it's great that in loss they share their hope: eternal life in heaven! In a lot of things you all have been examples to me! ❤️

    1. I so feel very privileged that they share their intimate sorrows with us. For my children, who have not yet lost a grandparent, I think watching (my teen) was beneficial for her to see how others her age process grief. Grief is healthy and normal. Our society likes to hide it as if it is a bad habit...but grief is a necessary part of life. I am thankful they have shared with us. And I am so very sorry for their loss.

    2. I would find it more uplifting to see how they are applying Christian principles in giving back to their communities, rather than so much emphasis on personal matters or religious beliefs.

  4. Contrary to what Jim Bob may believe, I think that if there is a heaven, a logical loving God is not about excluding people who are Jews, Muslims, Hindus, athiests, etc. I also don't believe that there is a lake of fire waiting for those who don't practice what fundamental Christianity preaches. There's so much division amongst Christian religions that there's no way that any of them are more right than any other. The Bible is open to interpretation and as a result, a source of conflict- it has been for generations and will continue to be for many more.

    1. There is one true, steady, Christian faith that has been the same for 2,000 years. Catholicism. It wasn’t until the 1500’s when Martin Luther and a few others protested and the result is the 1000s of other Christian denominations bc people interpret the Bible for themselves. Am I so ever grateful for a supernatural God that is higher than my logic!

    2. So sorry you feel that way! There is a heaven and a hell. The Bible is not for your interpretation; it’s the word of God.... God is all about love..... you have a choice heaven or hell... God doesn’t send you to hell you send yourself. For God sent not his Son(Jesus) to condemn the world but that the world thru him might be saved. For God so loved the world he gave his only Son that whosoever believes in him might be saved. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved..... Jesus loves you.... don’t know who you are but God does and I will put you on my prayer list.....I hope and pray you get to know the real Jesus...and can feel the love he has for you

    3. God isn't excluding anyone! It's a free gift for whoever will just believe in Jesus. And it's super clear about Jesus saving people in the Bible... it says it over and over. No confusion there. The confusion comes when you try to add or take away from what God already said. God meant the message of the Bible to be clear and understood. God's Word is absolute truth whether we feel like believing it or not. Whether we like it or not. Try reading it and see what you understand.

    4. God is loving, God is logical - but He is also just. Sin is always a crime against God, and there is always a punishment for sin (the wages of sin is death). Jesus stepped in and took the punishment for us. God doesn't require us to be extra good or give to a church or even go to church to go to heaven. All he requires is that we believe that Jesus took our punishment for us and accept the free gift that Jesus already paid for. That free gift is available for anyone to take.

    5. Completely surrender your life to Christ. Accept him as your Lord and savior. Jesus is the only way to heaven. May God bless.

    6. No one is excluded from believing in God, but if you don’t believe in Him/you don’t like Him, why would you want to be a part of His heaven? The devision in the Christian community has nothing to do with salvation, it’s differences over small things that at the end of the day don’t matter.

    7. Catholicism adds to the Bible. Martin Luther went back to the basics of what the Bible actually says.

    8. 8:49, I'm a Catholic Christian, and I would recommend and encourage you to find a Catholic church and sign up for RCIA classes (religious education for adults). There you can have all your questions answered about Christianity and your concerns addressed about thinking that Jews, atheists, Muslims, etc., are "excluded." Your questions will be welcomed.

    9. @1:53- OP here- I didn't say I didn't believe in or didn't like God. I am merely questioning traditional Christian idealogy. People can be quite spiritual without belonging to any church or religion. I also think you're skirting around a glaring point- that many Christians preach anyone who doesn't accept Christ will burn in hell- this includes people of the Jewish faith. Be honest, do you believe this? I heard all this in church when growing up, except our preachers took it to another level by telling us that ours was the only true church, all others were deceived and would not be saved. This turned me off on organized religion. I understand that most people want definititive answers about God and the hereafter; they will gladly embrace their church doctrine if they think it will ensure their place in heaven. It's hard to live with uncertainty. IMO, there isn't a person walking this earth in the past or present who can have a full understanding of God or the Scriptures. I think that those who claim they do are kidding themselves and those they attempt to convert. If it were all so cut and dried, we wouldn't have so much conflict and confusion about it. I do believe there is a higher power. However, I'm open minded enough to entertain the idea that we have some very distorted narratives going on about it. We rely on the word of people who lived generations ago, the men who wrote the Bible and claimed to be instruments of God and spoke with Him. Today, we'd escort those same men to the nearest psychiatrist. I am willing to be honest and say I just don't know for certain the mind of God or what his plan happens to be, because the Bible simply leaves me with more questions than answers. I don't think God will hold this against me. If you think He will, I'm afraid that says a great deal about the misguided doctrine you've been taught.

    10. Say you were invited to stay at your dad's house but you really didn't want to go. He kept inviting you and loving you but you were adamant that you didn't want a relationship with him. He kept pursuing you but you kept rejecting him over and over again. Would a loving father force you to stay with him? He wouldn't do that because he loves you and wants you to come of your own free will. Your heavenly father loves you. He created you. You are His masterpiece! He wants a relationship with you more than anything but He will not force something that you don't want. It is your choice! Heaven is your choice! He loves you so much that he sent His son Jesus to die for all of your present, past and future sins. He hung there on the cross suffering for you and me. He loves you that much! Salvation is a free gift. It is up to you to accept or reject it. Check out the other religions. You won't find that in any of them. Jesus loves you infinitesimally but He will not force you to be with Him if that is not where you want to be. He loves YOU that much!!!

    11. @10:50- I pray for a time when people will become indifferent to the religious views, or lack them, of other people and put aside their sense of religious superiority. I also pray for a time when we all understand that we embrace a particular belief system or religion because it fits our personal needs or personalitiy in some way and not because we think one organization has all the answers.
      "Judge a man by his questions, not by his answers." -Voltaire

    12. Sallie, You're leaving out one significant detail. No one was invited to be brought into this world. So, you are suggesting that God is really quite ruthless. We had no say in being born, yet he expects us to love and accept him unconditionally as a loving father, despite the fact that he could have saved himself, Christ, and all concerned a lot of trouble by just erasing all the evil and suffering in the world with one snap of the fingers. What further defies logic is that he would punish us if we question his motives or very existence. I can't say that I'm very excited about having a relationship with an entity like that.

    13. Oh boy...pandoras box has been opened! If you studied up on they don't believe Jesus is the one and only Savior. They believe in Allah. A false god who allegedly is violent. Just read about the U.K and Sweden and all the violence going on over there due to mass invasion of that particular 'religion." All the others? No.. all false gods. Not one to judge here but the Bible does say a lil something about false gods and idolatry. May want to to check out the 10 Commandments. It wasn't just a movie

    14. Hey OP, this is 1:53, just to clarify, I didn’t mean you specifically when I said “don’t believe in, or don’t like God”, I mean people who belong to different religions (or no religions) and don’t believe in the God of the Bible. If you don’t believe in Him, why would you ‘want’ to be with Him forever? And to answer your question, yes, as a Christian I believe that anyone who does not accept Christ as their Savior will go to hell when they die. That is my understanding, reading the Bible. I would never pretend (nor do I think anyone should) to have a full understanding of God, or the scriptures (I am a human and don’t think it is even possible for me to), however, I don’t feel left with more questions than answers while reading the Bible, I’m sorry that you feel that way. I also don’t hold to a specific “doctrine”, I just read the Bible for myself, and honestly, I find a lot of it to be very straightforward. At the end of the day, I love everyone regardless of their religious beliefs, I known that God will make the final judgment call, not me, and that’s not something I am going to worry about. In the meantime, I think everyone needs to be respectful to others, even if they don’t agree with their mindset, so long as they are not harming others. -E

    15. anon@10:54- God isn't excluding anyone. It's people that are doing that, as is evident by some of these comments.

  5. Very good final episode. They still have so much to cover, I hope they don't wait for the summer for more episodes.

  6. I can’t read minds I have no idea what Jim Bob thinks. Also I am not God, He is able to decide who should be left out of heaven. I feel bad for Jim Bob for loosing his mother. I will pray to the Duggar family.

  7. I really missed Jill,Amy,and Anna.We needed them,it just was not the same without them.😟😢

  8. Beautiful yet gut-wrenching episode! God bless the Duggar’s and praying Jesus mends their brokenness. Mary Duggar was a huge light in this very dark world.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. You cant believe that there is a heaven and not believe there is a hell. They are both very real...just as there is only One God. And also the bible teaches to have "no divisions among us."

    1. I can believe however I choose, just like you.

    2. anon@11:52- Why is it so hard to understand that there are many people who don't take everything in the Bible literally or believe it's all the word of God? You are free to think any way you like and so is everyone else.

  11. I had tears in my eyes watching this episode, you can see how much she was loved by the entire family. The Duggars were truely blessed to have this amazing woman as their mother, grandmother, friend.

  12. We were glad to see a lot of stuff happening this season outings and activities. My Dad was laughing when Jim Bob fell in the creek but also glad he wasn't hurt. We loved everything about the season except the fact that Grandma Mary died so sad. Can't wait to see next season with courtships and a few surprises. We love to see more of Anna and the children and hopefully Jill and her 2 children. I can't wait for the next season. Natasha B

  13. It’s nice to see the Duggars are now allowed to show their raw emotions; even JimBob. I remember in the past how tears were suppressed. I do believe grandma was the matriarch of the family and JimBob respected her and her opinions. It was lovely to see how close the grandchildren were to her. Even though Amy wasn’t shown; we knew she was very close, too. God bless Grandma.

  14. This episode was at 8PM Central time, at least where I live in Minnesota. I missed it because your post below said 9PM CT. I thought the time was odd when I read the post yesterday but figured somehow the time was the same as the east coast.

    1. :( I hope you are able to watch it on the TLC app. I will have to do that since I accidentally deleted the episode off my DVR when I was trying to delete other things. :(

    2. TLC will rerun it soon.

    3. Becky it said 9Et. on mine all you had to do was check your guide

  15. Very touching episode, ad I wish it was not the last episode in the season, so the season would not end on such a sad note. However, when you think of it, Mary Duggar was having health issues, and probably she passed away before some serious complications could happen. It was really touching to watch how she had just 2 children herself, but 20 grandchildren and by the time she passed she had 12 great-grandchildren and 5 other on the way. Amazing how just one person can have so many descendants.

  16. Just watched the finale and realized that Lauren gave birth at the same hospital I did the day after me. We got discharged on the 9th so for a little while we were neighbors in the recovery wing. Now I'm wondering if one of the other babies I heard was Bella. How cool is that?!

    1. That is pretty cool! Too bad you didn't see any Duggars in the hallway or anything.

  17. Where were Mary's daughter and Amy? It would have been nice to hear Amy's mother speak and Amy,too.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

    1. Amy and her mother was there and did speak. Amy said she was really upset that day and couldn’t bear to be on camera. I don’t blame her, who wants to grieve with a camera in their face filming them cry.

    2. Perhaps they didn't wish to be filmed for a TV show. Not everyone is OK with the sort of public "sharing" the Duggars relish.

    3. Joan, Marion, and Marilyn:
      I saw that Amy posted online that she opted out of being filmed because she was extremely upset, and the funeral was very very hard for her to handle. I hope this helps. Not sure about Amy's mother, maybe she had to the same feelings?
      P.S. I like to read your uplifting comments on here :)
      -Alaskan Duggar Fan

  18. I know people felt like the Duggar’s or TLC should not have shown the funeral or reactions; that it was exploitation. I watched George Bush’s and Ronald Reagan’s funerals on tv Those events were televised, not to exploit anyone, but because those individuals were our presidents. The same is true of Grandma Mary. Her funeral was televised for those fans who wanted to watch. I appreciate that it was. I wanted to watch it. If you didn’t feel comfortable about it, your remote most likely has an off button.

    1. We can watch the funerals of presidents without paying for it. The fact that viewers/fans have to pay to see a Duggar funeral on TLC, that's a form of exploitation.

  19. One of the comments above was baffling. Does someone actually believe that atheists will go to heaven?. Atheists don't believe in God or heaven.

    1. Right! Not for us to say as we dont know ones thoughts but the Bible is very clear about that

    2. You don’t even know what atheist means. It doesn’t mean ‘I believe in nothing’. Most atheists I know just have slightly different beliefs on god etc

    3. I'm an atheist and I believe in a "heaven." It may not be the same religious heaven (or Heaven) that others believe in, but it's a dimension or place after death for my spirit. It contains spirit guides who will help me heal any spiritual hurt I have, and I will be able to "see" or spiritually be with anyone I choose who I loved in my earthly life, love being the key. I can exclude from my "heaven" those I don't want to be with, or those who were hurtful to me in my life. I can stay there as long as I want, or choose to be reincarnated as another person, if I want to try life again and through the inevitable earthly "pain" that we inflict on ourselves and on others, learn new spiritual lessons.

      That doesn't necessarily fit a Christian description of "Heaven," but it's what I believe, based on my experiences with those who have crossed over. Not being bound by the teachings of any one religion, I have been allowed to have and believe in those experiences. They are real to me, they have been powerful messages to me, and I even caught one experience on camera. If a person tunes out what they've been taught (by people with earthly agendas) and open their mind to other possibilities, they could be equally delighted.

      Thanks for listening and respecting my beliefs. I hope this clarifies what at least one atheist believes. Others may differ, and I respect that. I've never heard an atheist try to convince another person to believe the way they do, but "religious" people try that all the time, because their religion tells them to. This is one reason why I walked away from organized religion.

    4. So have you looked up what "Atheist" means in the dictionary?? Let me help you out....
      Learn to pronounce
      a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods.

      SOOOOOO....if you claim to be an "atheist" that believes in heaven....guess what??? THAT MEANS YOU ARE NOT ATHEIST!!!! Lets check out the definition of 'heaven' shall we?
      Learn to pronounce
      a place regarded in various religions as the abode of God (or the gods) and the angels, and of the good after death, often traditionally depicted as being above the sky.

      The abode of God, or I think the problem is that you are trying to be 'unique' and you have basically made up your own idea in your own head, which hey is totally your thing, believe what you want, but you are using ALL the wrong words...I think some serious soul searching would do you some good....real soul searching, and figure out what you are truly talking about....start by getting a dictionary so you can better explain yourself. because what you have to say, just makes NO all.

    5. 7:46- I thought the poster was very clear and made perfect sense by clarifying that her/his vision of a heaven is not the traditional religious one you refer to. I often hear references to heaven that have nothing to do with God, such as “I’m in hog heaven” or “It felt like heaven” when people experience something pleasurable.

  20. It’s sad that Jill doesn’t film with TLC anymore since the show ‘Counting On’ was originally formed and centered around her and her having her own family. There would not have been Counting on if it were not for Jill Duggar and her sister Jessa Duggar. Shame on TLC. I hope TLC is aware of that.

    1. TLC didn’t kick Jill and Derick off the show, Derick said they chose to leave, so stop blaiming TLC. From what he said they basically begged them not to leave.

    2. TLC has nothing to be shameful about. Derick has said repeatedly that it was his decision to leave the show.

    3. The Dillards chose to leave the show, because of a conflict they had with some of the other programming on TLC. End of story.

    4. Nope, that what they want you to believe, Derick was axed and poor Jill suffered the consequences,the women in that family always do.

    5. Think about what you say before you say it, next time. You could really end up hurting somebody’s feelings. The person who wrote about Jill Duggar being fired from TLC in the above comments just before the replies doesn’t not deserve to be treated the why they are being treated in the reply comments.

    6. 9:22- I disagree. The replies were simply trying to set the record straight, based on what Derick himself has stated. There was nothing posted that was intended to hurt feelings.

    7. I disagree to your disagreement 9:22 December 23rd, 2019 at 9:17am. Please everybody who left a replay. Stay away. Leave everybody alone and let them have a Merry Christmas. Let’s not fight on Christmas. Thank you.

  21. Happy birthday Jordyn!

  22. Happy Birthday to Jordyn!! I recorded the last show and have watched it two times. I cried with the family over their loss. "Grandma" was a loved lady. And then when the babies were born I cried with joy. Life takes many turns and fast. Hold your loved ones tight and let them know how much you care. This show was well done showing life's ups and downs.

  23. When Michelle and Jinger met with the funeral director, I did not even recognize that it was Jinger sitting next to took me an extra minute to figure it out!

  24. I was surprised, that when the interviewers, asked Michelle, and Jim Bob, if they thought having six daughters/Daughter-In-Law's pregnant at once, was a record they answered that "yes, six is a record, but we can picture having as many as twelve, daughters/Daughters-In-Law pregnant, at the same time, in the future." I would have thought that since, Michelle, and Jim Bob, want as many grandchildren as possible, their answer to this question, would be, "that they could see as many as 19, daughters/Daughters-In-Law pregnant, at the same time, in the future."

  25. what happened to Joy Anna and Austin pregnancy--never saw anything about them or their baby, She looked very pregnant at the photo shoot

    1. You must have missed it. Joy lost her baby in July.


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