
Monday, October 14, 2019

Hunting with Joy and the Guys

Austin Forsyth and Joy-Anna Duggar Forsyth elk hunting
Austin Forsyth and Joy-Anna Forsyth
Elk hunting, October 2019

Last week, Joy-Anna Forsyth, Austin Forsyth, and some of the unmarried Duggar brothers headed out to Colorado to go elk hunting. Over the past several days, they have done a ton of hiking and have camped and cooked food outdoors. 

Photo courtesy


  1. It's so nice Joy was able to get married so now she can go out and do things she likes.

    1. well troll she could do what she wanted BEFORE she was married too - why come here just to slam the duggars...nothing better to do?!

  2. When do these guys work? Austin and a couple of them went to the Bahamas to help with hurricane relief, now they're hunting elk in Colorado. The rest of us don't have that much vacation time on our jobs.

    1. i believe austin would be considered self-employed since he flips houses on his own time. its easier to schedule time away when you make your own schedule. and i'm sure with most of the duggars visiting jinger, the older boys are ok to be away for awhile too

    2. I do! A lot of jobs offer 6 weeks. Buy when you work for yourself, like Austin does, you can make your own schedule.

    3. Hey at least he's providing for the family. I'm sure they eat what they hunt ;)

    4. They're self-employed or in the family business.

    5. The rest of us don't have reality TV. Austin flips houses and sets his own schedule. Thank goodness they take time to help others in need.

    6. It’s called being sel-employed, as well as having TLC income. Their schedules are flexible and it’s likely that many of these trips are for filming purposes and paid for by the network.

    7. Being self-employed does not mean you have more time on your hands. In fact, most self-employed people work longer hours and take less time off, especially when they are starting out, than employees. Not only do they have to do the work bit they have to drum up business, keep the books... I am surprised that the younger members of the family can take so much time from their 'companies' to actually make a stable living wage. Houses do not flip themselves.

      As for their TLC income, it would not be that much per person. TLC pays a group rate for the family.

    8. I’m pretty sure they were in the clock, Filming for TLC. Y’all have to STOP asking this all the time. We ALL know they’re self employed plus they’re on TLC payroll. So.... YES they work PLUS they get to have fun while getting pay!! how much better can that get... you go Duggars!! blessings

    9. Time 10:08PM Wed 10/16/19
      Anonymous When do these guys work? Really? That is a rude comment to make how dare you make a comment like that. That was rude. Think about you speak.

    10. Anon 10.44. I could not agree with you more, most people who are self employed have less time off work than those in paid employment. Simply because every time you take a day off work your not earning money, which no one wants to do. I also agree about the TLC income, between so many of them it won’t stretch that far. It would be different if it was just one couple being paid $40,000 per episode, but when this is dished up between 10-12 people (or more) it hardly equates to very much money. Also there isn’t that many episodes per season so their income from TLC must really be a lot less than some people think. I do understand the trips will be paid for as they are being filmed for the show, so that’s fare enough but as for the rest, I think you made a very valid point anonymous.

  3. Sounds like fun, except for the cold weather up there. :) Burr...

  4. So, it’s Godly to murder innocent animals? Not in my book!!! Totally unacceptable. No longer of any interest in the Duggars.

    1. You’ve never opened the Bible, have you?

    2. Better to hunt for food than factory farm.

    3. Not all of the Duggers go hunting.

    4. After the flood God gave Noah and his family permission to eat meat. During a dream/vision Peter saw a sheet descending from heaven, in it were all kinds of animals. The Lord instructed Peter to kill and eat them. ACTS 10:9-16

    5. Hope they had a great time and bagged an Elk. They will all enjoy it on their TABLE

    6. Pffttt... if you knew the Bible, you would know that it is ok to hunt to eat! It's not murder if done right. By the way, the muslims have a much more horrific way of killing animals to make their meat halal...

    7. That is offensive to those who need meat for protein
      Get educated!

    8. You don’t have to agree but you won’t find a whole lot of biblical support for your “ungodly” theory. You will however find the command to love again and again...with little to no regard for your own opinion on someone else’s lifestyle

    9. ? Maybe you should read the Bible, lots of animals are killed in it, and in the Old Testament animal sacrifices were required by God. People were giving dominion over animals and we ARE allowed to kill and eat them. If you personally choose not to that’s fine, but don’t try to make it out to be some “ungodly” thing.

    10. Did you know that God killed the first animal? Look it up in Genesis!

    11. Well keep on scrolling then.

    12. Well, if you read the Bible, God commanded his followers in the Old Testament to offer animal sacrifices to demonstrate that atonement for sin requires death. After Jesus died for the sins of the world, the animal sacrifices were abolished. If it was wrong to kill animals, God would have made sure to put that in the Bible. There is nothing ungodly about elk hunting.

    13. Don’t let the door hit ya on the way out.
      Might wanna look up the definition of “murder.” It doesn’t mean what you think.

    14. What do you think animals were put on this Earth for? Decoration!? Hunting is God's way of providing meat for the hungry or for your own family.

    15. You can't murder an animal anymore than you can murder a plant, nor can an animal be innocent or guilty. Is it Godly to hunt, I'm not sure, but God did permit us to do so: "He saw heaven open and something like a large sheet being let down to earth by its four corners. It contained all kinds of four-footed animals and reptiles of the earth, as well as birds of the air. Then a voice said to him. "Get up, Peter, Kill and eat!" Acts 10:11-13
      Killing animals might not be in "your" book, but its in God's book and that's the only one that matters.

      Have a blessed day

    16. Good. No one enjoys your opinion anyway.

    17. Do you realize what would happen if no one hunted? Overpopulation would lead to starvation and disease for those innocent animals.

    18. Are you vegetarian?

    19. Apparently you think it's Godly to judge other people's way of life... that's totally unacceptable as well, just saying. Chances are, whatever animal they are hunting is killed more humainly than the burger or chicken you eat...

    20. Murder is something done to people, not animals. God created animals as a resource for people.

    21. If you eat meat or use any animal byproducts such as leather you should rethink your ethics.

    22. This commenter is just trying to get a reaction out of people...

    23. Although I have no problem with people hunting for food and not sport I will point out that God said if it causes your brother to stumble if you eat meat, then don't eat meat around him. So if any of you read the Bible you would know that and not be so harsh to people who have a problem with eating meat. Love is kind, remember???

    24. I am not vegetarian or vegan but I don’t agree with killing animals, I mean I couldn’t do it myself. I don’t agree with people saying you can’t murder an animal any more than you can murder a plant either, what about people that are so cruel to animals that they end up dying of injuries or neglect, don’t you think of that as murder in some way ? If joy & Austin hunt then that’s their choice, it wouldn’t be mine but neither would I admonish them for what they do, it’s their life. I do find it annoying when anyone disagrees with something to do with this family that the biblical card gets pulled out & bible versus quoted. Just because it says in the bible that it’s ok to kill animals, does not mean that everyone thinks it’s ok to do so. Everyone is entitled to their opinion on things & hunting is a very divisive issue so there will always be people who disagree.

    25. I hope you do not eat plants either, because when they are harvested they no longer are free.

    26. Does everyone realize you can buy meat in supermarkets? Humans no longer need to hunt; we have supposedly evolved from cro magnum man! So, the Duggars killed an innocent animal for fun!

    27. I have no problems with those who need to hunt to put food on the table. Hunting for those in the far North is a necessity. However, I seriously doubt that The Duggars and Forsyths are in that situation. Going over 800 miles to hunt for food and not even considering the cost of the trip and transporting the meat back does not make sense for a family struggling to put food on the table.

      Hunting for food is fine. Hunting for sport is not.

    28. @3:12. You are incorrect. Most animals in the wild are in danger from man's destruction of their habitat. Hunting licenses now are used to make sure that the numbers of animals culled do not push the numbers in the danger zone.

    29. 3:12: Nature has always taken care of animal overpopulation in its own way, without man needing to interfere. 11:10 is right, too.

    30. 12:15, that is NOT what the Bible was talking about. The reason some early Chrustians had a problem with meat was that it was being offered to idols and then being sold for eating. Their conscience was disturbed by meat offered to idols.

    31. 7:24 do you realize how corrupt slaughter houses are? The meat you are buying in supermarkets is probably from animals that spent their short lives in torturous conditions. Chickens are so over fed to (produce giant slabs of meat) that they can’t even walk. Tyson in particular is extremely corrupt. We source our meat from local farms and hunters. Supermarket meat is grotesque.

    32. Fuzzyfret- Thank you for your common sense response!

    33. Ah yes, the good ol' magic meat factory behind the glass in your local grocery store. Where of course animals of all breeds are kept in pens or fields their whole life, poked by needles, branded and prodded. Then of course at the end of their oh-so happy lives they get forced into a small building, smashed over the head with a cudgel until they are knocked out and their throats are slit. That is so much better than traveling to hunt an animal that has lived its entire life in its natural habitat and has a pretty decent chance of feeling nothing when its life ends. One of these things is not like the other.

    34. Anonymous @12:15- I'm not sure if you realize it or not, but the passage in the bible that you were referring to about eating the meat and causing your brother to stumble was referring to whether or not it was ok to eat meat that had been sacrificed to idols in the pagan temples. It means nothing to a Christian if the meat was sacrificed to an idol- the Christian knows the idol is a false god, so the meat isn't "holy" or special. But some Christians may consider it "dirty", since the pagans "offered it" to their idol...and may not want to eat it.

  5. Time 4:56PM Mon 9/14/19
    Happy Columbus day everyday. Cute pic & Joy & Austin.

    1. Most areas have renamed it to Indigenous People’s Day. Quite appropriate but just learned this last year when I relocated to another state.

    2. @Unknown: "Most" areas must be rewriting history to be 'politically correct'; so thankful there is no shadow of turning with Jesus! ❤

    3. 5:29- Sometimes the history we know has it wrong. Columbus was not the first person to discover America and he was also someone who did very horrible things to the native people.

    4. 9:07 -- Did you know that the natives here did horrible things to each other, as well, like making slaves of each other and sacrificing their children? Let's not demonize Columbus and put them on a pedestal just because our PC culture tells us to.

  6. Ugh! Hunting... Hopefully they didn't get anything.

    1. Oh another hippie.. 🙄

    2. I find it difficult to understand a family that is pro choice to a fault; yet, can kill innocent animals??? I don’t want any of you to explain; I want to hear a Duggar explain their reasoning!!!

    3. @ 7:31.

      I think you meant to say pro-life!

    4. In leu of a Duggar, let me put it simply Humans are not animals, animals are not humans. Humans life > Animal Life. Humans are not food, Animals are food.

  7. I am not impressed by people who kill animals for sport or pleasure.

    1. What about for food? Better than factory farm. At least the elk got tonrun around. Im against trophy hunting but for food is fine.

    2. I have friends whose kids would starve if not for hunting deer and elk

    3. How do you know they were killing for sport or pleasure. The harvest of one elk or deer would put meat in their freezer for a while.

    4. How do you know they were killing for sport or pleasure. The harvest of one elk or deer would put meat in their freezer for a while.

    5. I agree with you, but I gather they are killing for food.

    6. They hunt to eat...bunch of simpletons here today lol

    7. I highly doubt it was for sport or pleasure. And the Bible clearly talks of all animals as being clean to eat

    8. Many people eat elk, I don’t think they were just out killing them and then tossing out their bodies.

    9. If you eat meat, then someone else is killing animals for your pleasure. Let's not judge too harshly.

    10. For those that don't like hunting but who are open minded you should know that the government issues licenses for hunting to keep the population sustainable. It works well because without hunting they would get over populated for the region. It's hard to relate to if you didn't grow up with it but part of wildlife management and the meat is usually used and doesn't go to waste.

    11. I really hope you are a vegetarian that wears absolutely no make up or does not use any store bought lotion, shampoo, or any other products. Or else you are a big troll hypocrite.

    12. But eating meat to pleasure your senses is okay, right?

    13. Most people who hunt do so as a family tradition and eat the meat from the animals they kill. Ethically it is no different than buying hamburger meat at the grocery store. I would actually argue it is much more humane because animals raised for slaughter most often live very sad lives.

    14. Nobody starves without killing an elk. Go to Wal-Mart and buy a 97 cent bag of beans. If you have money for guns, ammo, hunting clothes, and hunting permits, not to mention an hunting trip, you have money for food.

    15. I’m sure they are hunting for the sport and to bring back the meat for their large family. I just came back from CO and it’s elk season. This helps control the population of elk which is getting very large. The meat tastes good. I saw many hunters heading out. The majority hunt for food on the table and fill the freezers.

    16. 12:06. The government makes money by issuing those licenses and they also have agencies that create habitats which help to increase certain animal populations. Farmers are paid to leave parts of their corn crops unharvested, etc. In our neck of the woods, this has increased the deer population to a point where they’re a nuisance and danger on the highways. Of course, this justifies hunting to control the numbers. I don’t care if people hunt, but there’s more to the conservation story than meets the eye.

    17. If they were killing the elk for meat all the way in Colorado then I wonder how they get the meat home. I have no idea about hunting that far from home since the hunters I know do it local for obvious reasons. Hmmmm

    18. Hey-anonymous 1:32—I am 100%vegan-zero animal products or by products.

    19. @Anonymous 10/14 @4:24: Which means you never have; no one hunts to "impress"! ❤

    20. Anonymous @3:20 I have seen on hunting shows where the guide company packages up the meat and freeze ships it to your home

    21. So you have uninspected meat from a possibly diseased animal, then you let it sit around at room temperature while you process it, then you freeze it and try to move it 1000 miles away without it thawing out. Gross. I wouldn't even feed that to a dog! If you're that desperate for meat, take the money you spent on the hunting trip and go hunting at the supermarket meat case. At least the USDA and the local health department have inspected the meat and the facilities.

    22. 8:48, if it were that dangerous, people wouldn't have survived off of hunting for centuries.

  8. A fun adventure for Joy, Austin and her brothers. It's nice to see Joy and Austin so happy together doing something they both enjoy. Austin is blessed to have an adventurous wife. Love you both!

    1. I wonder if they brought Gideon along so he could share the adventure.

    2. I agree, not many women would enjoy long hiking in the mountains, in cooler weather, hunting, outdoors... Also Joy is like she got a husband who enjoyed the same things as she does. I doubt Jeremy Vuolo or Ben Seewald would be happy to go on such adventure. This is really amazing how Duggars are so well matched.

    3. Nope he stay w austins parents

    4. 7:31, Gideon is still a bit young to go hunting. He stayed with Austin’s parents.

  9. What an awesome healthy hobby! I have hunted for over 48 years to provide our winter meat supply. I hunt alongside my husband and it's challenging and fun, while providing us with our meat for the winter. I prefer wild meat to farm-raised beef and chicken any day of the week, and dispatch humanely. Good for Joy!!

    1. Killing is fun? While you may think it’s necessary to hunt in order to put food on the table, or possibly think you’re doing your part to manage wildlife populations, I am not sure how or why you get enjoyment out of shooting a defenseless animal.

    2. Hunting is fun because most of the time it is hiking, camping, and animal watching. The shot is only five seconds of the trip

    3. By "dispatch", you mean "kill."

    4. I totally agree without you!!!

    5. 11:42- The entire point of the hiking, camping and animal watching is to kill something, is it not? I can do all those things without a gun.

    6. 11:42- Killing an animal would sure put a damper on any hiking, camping, or animal-watching trip I've gone on! I guess whatever floats your boat!

    7. Hunting IS fun. Not for everyone, but for many people. I love to hunt, I just spent an entire week hunting. But I don't mind if others don't like it. What I mind is the ones who don't do it acting like hunting is some despicable cruelty. It's part of life. That chicken you bought at the store had a worse go of it.

    8. Ask the animal you're about to shoot if it's having any fun being in the crosshairs. Then ask yourself why taking any form of life is "fun."

  10. Oh how fun! But, did they get an elk? Joy looks so happy.

    1. She looks like she is going to cry. She does not look very happy to me.

    2. She really does, I hope they were able to fill their tags, Elk is delicious, well worth the effort.

    3. I agree she looks so happy, It's like her natural environment - outdoors, wonderful nature...So happy for her.

    4. Eggs and cheese and lentils are delicious too and you don't have to make a special trip to stalk them with weapons.

    5. Anon 8:16. I agree. She has a smile pasted on but her eyes are so sad.

  11. joy seems to be in her element with the guys rather than the girls. good for her for doing her own thing

  12. Hope you have a great hunt. Elk is yummy. I'm glad Joy got to go. My husband has 8 weeks of vacation a year, and we try to get to some of these beautiful places. Safe travels.

  13. What a awesome trip! Glad Joy got to go and be with Austin. Hope you got a Elk. They are very tasty. My husband has 8 weeks of vacation a year. We need to do something like this. We totally enjoyed Montana this summer. Safe travels!

  14. I hope all you complainers are vegan. Its hypocritical to complain eating animal meat.

    1. I have'nt complained as I'm not vegetarian but to be honest I would not have the guts to Kill those beautiful animals as I reckon they have feelings,if you approach them they would look you in the eyes,let you pet them and would not harm you,to me it would be like shooting a dog,when I was young my big brother grew a rabbit to Kill and eat it when it got older,I remember I cried for days,I mean it's the same with people,you would cry if someone you know died but not someone you don't know,same with eating meat imo.

    2. Oh don't worry 9:15. Not only vegetarian but also huge contributors to Nature Conservancy (Conservation Partner level), World Wildlife Fund, and other animal and land conservation charities like that. What are the rest of you doing for the good of the planet?

    3. @5:32 Trust me, a wild elk would not let you approach them to begin with, to say nothing about patting one. It's a nice picture, but far from reality.

    4. Anon 8:31 Depends on where you are. I once spent a night at a wild elk refuge. I thought the same as you until the elk came through the campground and knocked over all the tents and we ended up sleeping in our vehicle so they wouldn't trample us in our tent.

  15. I'm glad they got some time away to help them grieve.

    1. By killing another animal helps them grieve???

    2. 7:33, don’t equate people to animals

  16. Joy is beautiful! She has a natural beauty about her. I love seeing Joy so happy . Also her brother John David and his wife! I wish people did not make judgments about people. We should all be positive in our comments. The world is full of negative people without adding to it. Everyone has a right to live their own life and if you don’t like what someone is doing, don’t read their blog.

    1. Anon 10.12. Perfectly put, I could not have said it better myself. Live & let live, we are all different & should accept everyone Is not always going to agree with each other.

  17. The Duggars seem to like their guns. I hate the thought of any animals killed by those kids and young adults. Definitely not my idea of “fun’” or a “healthy hobby”. Hope the injured or killed animals didn’t suffer too much. Leave hunting to professionals.

    1. What is a "professional Hunter"? This isn't 1640, we don't have mountain men anymore making a living off of shooting and trapping for furs. Hunting is how most folks all around the world survive, so I hope you feel great on that first world high horse.

    2. "Professionals".... are you referring to slaughter houses that abuse the livestock you buy in a package from the store?

    3. Leave hunting to professionals? What about those who live in remote areas and hunting is the only way to provide meat to their families? Also, some people like guns, not everyone likes the same things.

    4. @Texas. Have to throw in a correction or two.

      Hunting is NOT how "most folks around the world survive." Farming and gathering or purchasing food is how. Land animals are worth more alive than dead. A live hooved animal will provide months of milk. A live fowl will provide eggs for years. I suggest you read Peter Menzel's Hungry Planet book for a better understanding of what most people around the world eat. Spoiler alert: It's not game they hunted. It's plants and grains in undeveloped regions and processed food in developed regions.

      As far as trapping for furs, there are 60,000 trapper permits issued in Canada right now. About half of those belong to indigenous people. That's just one country. There definitely are people making a living from trapping and the related fur industry.

      (Please publish this for clarification.)

    5. @Anon Oct 17, 6:32PM: I don't need some book to tell me about the people I've met. At no point did I say these people purely carnivores. Your talking about what we in the west would refer to as farm animals, I'm talking about game animals. You don't shoot a milch cow or butcher chickens that can still lay eggs, but once the milk dries up and the eggs stop coming you do butcher both animals. However more to my point Game hunting is done weekly in every third world country I've been to. That is if they haven't had their government pressured by some UN busy body telling them they can't anymore. In which case someone like me who can afford to hunt over seas gets the privilege of hunting their meat for them. Meat or fish are in every meal they can get it in. Maybe other than hindu's in Asia and India, your looking at a world of Omnivores. We're made to eat meat.

      You missed my point entirely on mountain men, but that's fine. If you call professional hunters someone one with a license, well then your in luck, not only did the Duggar's have a license for that Elk, but so does just about every hunter in America.

      And as for my country, the USA, it is extremely rare to be able to purchase something like Elk, Moose, Musk ox or other game meats anywhere unless its been made into jerky. The FDA makes it nearly impossible to do so. That is the Food and Drug Administration who demands control over sales of well, food and drugs.

      In closing, you can stand where you like on hunting, its your right as a human to have an opinion. However, myself as a normal human omnivore, I would much rather have an animal live a natural life and be taken by a bullet, by my own hand, than for it to live its life in a pen, beaten over the head and left to bleed out.

  18. I hope they got an elk and we can see pics! I would love to go on an elk hunt. It can be delicious if cooked right. Good for them for spending time together in the outdoors doing what they love.

    1. Since out of state licenses to hunt elk cost right at $500 I too hope they get their elk. Seems to be rather pricey meat no matter how good it is.

  19. good time for both! happy hunting!!

  20. On one hand I envy the simplicity of your innocence and wish I had that, then on the other hand I feel cynical and the real harsh world enters and tells me it’s not like that, life is cruel.. I lost my belief and can’t ever get it back, so when I watch your show it’s a wonderful distraction to not think and worry about real life ❤️

    1. What people portray on social media and "reality" TV is only a small portion of their reality and not an accurate depiction of their real lives.

    2. I dont understand why you feel you cant believe again, why not? Also, to worry means to not trust God.

    3. 10:39- To worry is a natural human emotion. Yes, it can be taken to excess, but I don't think there's any point in guilting people into thinking it's caused by not trusting God. Many times we have every reason to worry.

  21. You can still see the sadness in Joy's eyes. Praying for her that the Lord will bless them soon with another little one.

  22. Jot looks genuinely happy. No makeup, outdoors activity - this is totally Joy!

  23. I hope they all get their elk. Non-resident hunting licenses for elk run $500 to $650 for each hunter. Pretty pricey meat but it IS delicious.

  24. Regarding the hunting debate- If you must hunt in order to feed your family, fine. What bothers me with some people is their attitude that the animal is a trophy, or that they're real tough sportsmen/women for carrying a gun in the back of their pickup, sitting in a deer stand all day, and killing a defenseless animal. Every year I hear stories of local hunting accidents, because careless individuals have no regard for safety.

  25. Joy's eyes look sad.

    1. Maybe her guilty conscience is bothering her. I’d feel horrible if I killed an animal for sport.

    2. I hope you feel just as terrible about that chicken you bought at the grocery store.

    3. 9:41, just stop. There is no reason for Joy or anyone else to feel guilty over hunting.

    4. 9:41 here.

      I have been a vegetarian for most of my life, so I am not buying chicken at the grocery store. I also donate to a charity every month that helps homeless donkeys.

    5. Wow, homeless donkeys??? Do you donate to homeless people, or just animals?

  26. thats great they have a shared hobby

  27. Do they have/get to eat the elk after they kill it? If it’s anything like venison, I’d pass and wait for a chicken or stray cow to wanders by lol

  28. Does joy actually hunt herself? Or is she just kind of going along?

  29. Coming from generations of hunters, I wouldn't want to be climbing a tree stand or tracking my deer or elk in a skirt in the woods. LOL

    1. Yeah. Seems a little tricky when you have to dress "modestly" to hunt game.

    2. Not that tricky. You can do lots of things in skirts. Add leggings if you're concerned about modesty.

  30. Hope they had a great time. My father hunted. He brung home deer, squirrels, doves, bullfrogs, and fish. Your not going to go buy squirrel at walmart. My mom would cook them up for dinner that night. Yes we had groceries from the store but also ate meat from the season of each animal. My husband fishes and we eat his catch. Those who say to leave it to the professionals, what about the commercial fisherman that dispose of all that bycatch for your pleasure of a seafood meal.


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