
Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Duggar Season 10 Starts Tonight

Tonight is the big night! The Duggars are returning to TLC with new episodes of Counting On. Tune in at 9pm ET/8pm CT for a 60-minute premiere titled Who's the Most Romantic? And don't miss next week's episode, in which there is a possibility of a new courtship.

For episode summaries, visit our Showtimes page. If you have a TV provider that includes an online login, visit the TLC Counting On webpage to watch tonight's episode ahead of its television premiere. Check out this promo video:

Photo/video courtesy TLC


  1. Yes! Can't wait until 9:00!

  2. the video won't play for me. Is it available somewhere else? Also I thought this was a show about the older kids and not Jim Bob and Michelle. Will they be included on this season? Why not just say there's a courtship.

  3. I am thinking it might be Jeremiah in a courtship.

  4. Counting On is my favorite TV show! Love watching their love, patience and god's presence in their lives. Thank you for sharing your lives with us and god bless all of you.

  5. I hope this is a long season with more everyday life. Plus hope more seasons to come.

  6. Will not be watching. I’ve boycotted TLC. Aside from the little couple all they show is complete garbage. They don’t care about the tlc families they just care about profits and ratings.

    1. You do understand that TLC is not a charity? They have to pay their payroll and for their operating expenses which they do by airing commercials. The companies who pay money to have their ads shown want to have as many people as possible see their ads. Ratings are important part of that.

      Do not blame TLC for trying to stay in business by giving people what they want to watch.

    2. I think what he/she meant is that the quality of TLC's programming has gone way down. We all understand that TLC is not a charity.

  7. Are they serious? Competing over who is romantic? This show has become so trivial it's sad.

    1. I agree. Answering questions from a written questionnaire on a date is not romantic.

  8. new courtship?? yay! my guess is either jason or jeremiah

  9. We will finally get to see the gender reveals for all the babies that are due soon! Thank goodness because the suspense is killing me😂!

    1. Like we don't already know. lol

  10. LOVE this family! Can't wait for this season!

  11. I'd be interested in hearing the ratings after this episode. I can't see how a show like this can survive any more. TLC has moved on to more edgy programming.

  12. I love their old-fashioned pregnancy shoot! How bittersweet, though.

  13. I thought it was supposed to be about the adult married kids not the parents.

    1. Right. And we were told Jill “quit” the show but continues to film regularly.

  14. I am not a fan of TLC but will tune in for the Duggars. I have not enjoyed the show for a while because of how horribly TLC has treated this wonderful family and show. It was some better tonight with JimBob and Michelle being the focal point. These two are the show and we fans want them leading the episodes. Hope TL continues with JimBob and Michelle being the focal point of the show.

    1. How exactly has TLC treated the Duggars poorly? And personally, I don’t enjoy Jim Bob or Michelle being a focal point on the show.

    2. How has TLC treated the Duggars horribly? They are paid well to appear on the show and get many perks from TLC in addition to the money for each episode. That includes lavish weddings and honeymoons abroad.


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