
Sunday, September 8, 2019

Joe and Kendra Celebrate 2 Years

Joseph Duggar and Kendra (Caldwell) Duggar
Wedding day: September 8th, 2017

Wishing a happy 2nd wedding anniversary to Joseph and Kendra Duggar! Catch up with this young couple when new episodes of Counting On return to TLC next month. To watch a video of Kendra and her bridesmaids, visit our October 26th, 2017, post. To watch a wedding day video message from Kendra's parents, visit our November 3rd, 2017, post.

Photo is property of and may not be used without written permission. To view the full album, visit the Duggars' website.

Photos are taken by photographer Tim Souza


  1. Happy Anniversary

    Joseph & Kendra Duggar

  2. I envy girls like Kendra - they just have to smile. They don't have to think about career choices, go to college, suffer through studying, get stressed looking for a job or keeping one. And right from the start, at 19 years old, she has a house and a husband providing for her!

    1. Don't envy her, her life has ups and downs just like others. Being a godly woman is a job and a wife and mother are jobs too. Trust in God and let Him lead and guide you and He will direct your path. Envy and jealousy are paths of destruction. I will be praying for you that God will speak to your heart and grant those desires you have according to His will and purpose for your life!

    2. Wow, way to look at things in a negative light. No matter what you see on tv, these girls still go through the normal daily stresses as we do. You could look at is as a joy that you have choices in your career, you’re not forced into a box or tv show like she may be. You can look to God to get you through making these major decisions in your life and gain peace through that. You are just very once sided that you see yourself as having so much stress and suffering because of these things, but others I know in the “real world” have joy despite college & studying & job stress.

    3. You can have a life like that too! Just make sure Mr
      Right is really Mr Right. I don't have to work outside the home either but I love being a stay at home wife and mom. I hope you do get to do that:)

    4. I understand what you are saying. But, the reality is most people marrying this young don’t marry into reality tv money.

    5. Don't you have blessings and good things in your own life that others don't have? Do you have food to eat, a good car, health, the love of family, friends, a roof over your head, perhaps your faith in God? What would you say to someone who envied your having these things that they don't? I would suggest to you that you pray and open your heart to God and tell Him what you have said here, asking for his help in overcoming envy and replacing it with kindness and humility. Tell Him the hopes and desires of your heart, too. He loves you.

    6. Wow! I feel the opposite way. I feel incredibly sorry for her. She's only 21 and she's already tied down with a husband and two kids and never got to experience the freedom and independence that every young adult should. When I was 20, I was having the time of my life in college, working at my part-time job, and going out with friends. She never got to be a typical teenager due to her strict upbringing and now she'll be robbed of her 20's as well.

    7. The ladies that marry a Duggar man, seems like they have it easy.

    8. Grass is always greener on the other side. One never knows the crosses others may carry...

    9. Anon 10:35 I wouldn't envy her. I have what she has and it's not always easy. Sometimes I get overwhelmed at keeping a house up, taking care of my babies, cooking and doing lots of wash etc. etc. It can also be lonely at times believe it or not. There are wonderful times but there are also hard times. I have friends who went to college and have working careers and their life is just like mine only in different areas of their lives. They have good times and hard times. Every life has its trials and triumphs so I wouldnt envy someone else's life because no one has a perfect life.

    10. I'm sure she was'nt smiling when she was in labour or waking up at night to nurse or cleaning the home,being a housewife can be just as hard as any job even harder than some jobs.

    11. You won't envy her when she's 29 and has 8 kids.

    12. I am not knocking your comment at all 10:35 cause it would be nice to have that kind of support. I'm divorced. But on the other hand, did Kendra have the choices available to her that other young women do? What if she wanted to go to college? Would she have been allowed to go?

    13. I don’t envy Kendra.

    14. nah, I would not want to be completely dependent on a man’s income for the rest of my life.

    15. It sounds like you think that marriage at 19 is a good way to avoid having to depend on yourself and the things associated with learning how to be an adult.

    16. Agreed. I hope she knows how blessed and lucky she is. Some of us never are.

    17. Yes. And if something should happen that Joe couldn't provide (sickness, injury or death) someone else will.

    18. I feel very sorry for you if you truly feel this way. Having a house, a husband and never being independent or able to support yourself is not a guaranteed recipe for happiness.

    19. So that’s all you think Kendra does all day just sit and smile?

    20. This is true, they have it pretty easy. But think about it. Years from now they’ll have way more kids and she won’t be so happy all the time. Remember that Michelle had a laundry room breakdown. Not everyone is fun and games in their world as well.

      Plus, even though I’ve had to work really hard studying and going to so many interviews to get a job, I still prefer this life where over having kids over and over again until I physically can’t.

    21. In a few more years, Kendra might be envying YOU!

    22. I used to envy my sister; got married at 24 in 1978, still married to the same great guy, bought a fixer upper and made it into a beautiful home (that’s paid off), raised her two sons as a stay at home mom and then found some rewarding work and now as they enter retirement they are traveling the world. My path was not as smooth or sweet, one child, divorce, serious health issues. My mom told me a few years ago that maybe others envied me, college degree, successful career, three grandkids who don’t see me as old or old fashioned, living in different places, travel not being burdened by a house to care for.
      The grass is always greener over there until we are there and there becomes here and we see it as greener back there. Moral of the story bloom where you are.

    23. you're only thinking of the 'glamorous' side because that's what they show you on tv and pictures. i promise kendra has been as sleep deprived as any mother has. i bet her hair is a mess when she gets up and looks like any other young women getting up. she has chosen her 'career' as a stay at home mother but her stresses will be different because she has children depending on her, not co-workers. and parenting is not an easy job by itself so lets add home schooling pressures soon too. being a wife, mother and home maker means you are always available 24/7/365 for someone else and that takes a whole lot more than just a smile!
      btw, i was 18, with a job when i got married and worked until i home schooled so i've been on both 'sides' per se. there's a reason for the saying 'the grass isnt always greener on the other side'

    24. Your comment is heartbreaking to read! If you're looking for a husband as an easy out or to have someone else take care of you so you don't have to, that's a very shaky foundation for any kind of relationship, least of all a marriage. People get married and have kids for many wrong reasons, one of them being they expect someone else to fill a void in their lives or make them happy. You need to work on your own sense of self and ability to take care of you, before you should ever consider getting married or having children.

    25. Once they have six kids she'll need a housekeeper like they had on the Brady Bunch".

    26. Sometimes I get jealous too. Then I remember she wasn’t allowed to read Harry Potter and I feel better about my freedom.

    27. Time 7:13PM Mon 9/9/19
      Wow these rude mean comments. Back then the only job women had were teaching jobs. Us Women would not own property or some of us would not go to college without Mrs Susan B A & Elizabeth Cady Staton. FYI there is something as stay at home daddy. This is suppose to be a family friendly blog not bashing this females in a Duggar blog. God dont like people bashing people they never meet in their lives. If Kendra wants to be a stay at home mom so be it..

    28. Oh good grief, reading some of these comments I just want to cringe, I had to work 50 hours a week and take care of a newborn, and when I was pregnant with my second, I was working 2 jobs. From my experience, being a stay at home mom is WAY easier than being a working mom! Being a mom is a lot of hard work, but just saying, this is from my experience, and me and my husband worked opposite shifts because we couldn’t afford childcare and didn’t live close to family to help. When I finally got to stay at home with my kids, it was so much easier! I’m not saying being a Mom is easy, it’s a lot of work, but I’ve lived through both experiences. I never got time to myself, at all, being a stay at home mom and a working mom! I never went out with friends, never did anything fun.

    29. I don’t want to be dependent on a man either, but it does make your life a heck of a lot easier, I’ve been on both sides of the spectrum, and when you just have to worry about taking care of the kids and don’t have to worry about how your going to buy food or diapers, there was a point in my life I was scrounging up change to walk the babies (because I had no car), to the dollar store to buy food and diapers. I’m sorry, but most of these Duggar girls haven’t worked a real job in their life, and have to work and take care of children. And have to worry about bills and food. They make their lives look so easy. I think the only one who looks like they are working is Joy Anna because she helps Austin out a lot with the house flips!

    30. If your not allowed to do stuff, your going to rebel, just look at Josh

    31. I was a stay at home wife and mom, and as much as I thought my jobs at home were tough, and 24/7, no breaks, I realize a working woman still has the same jobs at home, but also has her outside job as well. I know plenty of career women, who still carry 100% of the load at home. They truly have no breaks. Their life is busy!!!
      Kendra does have it pretty easy, plenty of family that can help babysit, just a small house to clean, and probably a very helpful husband.

    32. 5:48, I love your comment!

    33. I don’t envy her at all, for many reasons I won’t get into.

    34. I think there's a lot of bad hidden beneath the good. How does Joe earn a living? Does he have to fight to get jobs/ money from Jim Bob? Does he become stressed or depressed because of this? How does he feel about being so dependent on his dad? Is Kendra allowed to get annoyed at her FIL or MIL or is that forbidden because of the money issue? Who owns the house they live in? If it's Jim Bob and Michelle, what does that mean about the control they have over this couple's lives?

      It's not that hard to save money and buy a house yourself. And there's a lot to be said for feeling independent and in control over your own life. What about when Kendra DOESN'T want to smile? Can she stop?

    35. People speaking about "hard life of housewives" and regarding it a job: do you realize working women have the same chores to do, houses, children, cleaning and washing PLUS the job? Housewives have 10 additional hours a day at least to do the same things!

    36. 3:23- If there's a husband in the picture, there's no reason at all for the burden of all the housework to be on the woman.

    37. Please - no “mom-shaming.” To be a working mom or stay-at-home mom is a very personal decision with lots to factor in. We women need to stick together and support and respect one another’s decisions. It’s all good!

    38. 7:36, well if the wife is not working and bringing home the money then yes all the burden of housework has to be in her. But if both the husband and wife work then housework should be a joint effort.

    39. I think some of the commenters here are forgetting that the Duggars embrace a patriarchal relgious system. Women are taught that they have their place, which is in the home being a wife and mother. The man is the head of things, that's why the daughters don't leave home until they get married and also why they've never had any opportunities to live on their own or have a regular job. If you've grown up in this culture, you've not had an opportunity to really think for yourself or believe anything different. It's hard to say if these young women are making these domestic choices for themselves, or if they're simply doing what's expected of them. I think JimBob has a very tight rein on things, which is sad when you consider that a good share of them are now adults. Keeping everything in the family is not always so
      wonderful. I think the Vuolo's made a wise decision to distance themselves.

    40. I can understand your sentiments entirely. I too, used to feel the same way. Wishing that I could be from a family that raised me to seek marriage young, like these girls. I too know the frustration of being tossed out into the world and having to make such decisions. I've learned greater acceptance of the path God laid out for me. He led me every step of the way. I regret not having responded in greater obedience. My only advice for a girl like me is choose the path of love no matter where it leads.

      I still remember in my 10th grade English class, learning about the world on a whole new level and thinking, "why can't I go back and live on a farm in 16th century Europe where I didn't have to face all this? In my early 20s, the Duggars came out with their show. I remember how torn I felt over the extremes of modern feminism that I saw on my college campus, and the very conservative lifestyles of the Duggars and the Caldwells. I have since reconciled, finding the balance.

      I also came from a very broken family myself. I used to be so jealous of girls like that, who came from families that raised them and prepared them well for marriage. I've since learned to let God love me for me. I'm no longer jealous. We each have our own path, and God can use what I went through for good. He can love the broken pieces back into a cohesive whole.

    41. @9:12- Nothing wrong with the husband staying home and taking care of the kids and doing all the housework, while the wife has a career to support the family. Some women hate keeping house and shouldn't feel obligated to be the one responsible for it.

    42. 4:08, I never said woman should be obligated to do housework. I was just saying that if the man is the only one working hard to make money then the burden of housework should absolutely be on the woman. Or If the woman is the only one working then the burden of housework should be on the man.

  3. Replies
    1. My second was born a month before our second anniversary and no I wasnt pregnant when we got married. I am now expecting our fourth due four months after our fourth anniversary.

    2. Would do you expect they are Duggars.

    3. @1:31- If you are happy and can provide for the physical and emotional needs of a large family, that’s what counts. Having a lot of children in quick succession is not for everyone, however, including me. I have two kids, now grown, and that worked out just great for us.

    4. 1:31 I was the oldest of four. My next sibling came 1 year and 3 days after me. The next sibling 1 year and 4 months after that and the last 18 months after that. We were brought up like quadruplets. Everything was the "four kids" and not each of us as individuals. I can't remember my parents ever taking one of us out to do something special with them. I always felt like I was a pest because one of the others always needed attention. Please make sure you make quality time for each of your kids as individuals. I did NOT like growing up that close together, and as adults none of us are all that close.

  4. Good for them. I hope all is going well with the pregnancy and they have a healthy baby.

  5. These two are my favorite Duggar couple. Congratulations to Joe and Kendra. It's been a pleasure to see such a happy marriage, especially in this day and age, where divorce or the distortion of marriage are so sadly prevalent now. I wish you two great happiness in the years to come.

    1. How do you know they are happy?

    2. Josh and Anna appeared happy early in their marriage, too. This couple may very well be doing fine, but remember that appearances can be deceiving. Don’t make a habit of idolizing celebrities.

    3. If by "distortion of marriage" you are referring to same-sex couples, I don't understand why they would bother you if they're in loving relationships and treat each other with respect and kindness. I say, good for them! I know quite a few very happy same-sex couples, who want nothing more than to be free to live their lives without discrimination or hate. They also don't want to be preached at about their relationships being supposedly immoral. It's their business, no one elses.

    4. Anonymous @ 5PM
      Whether same-sex couples are happy or not, God made it clear in the Bible that marriage is for one man and one woman. There is no other way. So anyone that lives outside of that context of marriage is living in sin. If people in a same-sex relationship feel hate from me, I hope they see the difference of me hating sin and rather than hating the sinner. Because God calls us to love all people and I strive towards that goal no matter what situation someone may be in. But sin is a disgusting part of life and unfortunately Satan has distorted marriage to the degree of making people think that two people of the same gender is an official marriage. That just isn't truth. God said it. Not me.

    5. Kris: If you "hate the sin" then people are going to feel your hatred no matter how you try to spin it. People want acceptance not the kind of attitude you have.

    6. @Kris I'd like to know what difference it makes to you who's married to whom. How is that negatively impacting your life? Or do you choose to be upset because you simply don't like seeing it or it scares you somehow? "The Bible says so" is not the answer. The Bible says a lot of things that we wouldn't dare do in today's society. People seem to forget about those other things the Bible commands you to do or not to do.

    7. Wow looks like the liberals have taken over this blog. Hmmm well played liberals, well played.

  6. Dear Joseph & Kendra, Happy 2nd Anniversary. I enjoyed watching your wedding on Counting On in 2017. I am glad to see Garrett grow up. I can't wait to here the announcement & see the gender reveal party and birth of baby # 2 on this season of counting on that is coming in October of 2019. Natasha B.

    1. Those things won't be shown. They are too far behind on that show.

  7. Very happy and excited for you both, beautiful sweet family...

  8. Wishing you many more years of love,joy and happiness. God Bless.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  9. Happy Anniversary, Kendra and Joseph! Continue to bless God with your lives, and may God bless you with everything you need to raise a holy family.

    1. Nevaeh. I don’t know if this is your actual name or one you use for blog commenting. However I just wanted to say how beautiful I find it & how very unique that it spells heaven backward. I have only ever heard this name once before with a lady I delivered a few years ago & I thought she had just made it up as it was so unusual. However your moniker arose, I like it very much & think it makes a beautiful name for a little girl (or boy come to that).

    2. Neveah is very pretty and has become a pretty popular name the last 10+ years. Maybe it is more popular in different parts of the country but I live in the NW and it is not unusual here at all.

    3. Anon 11.10. I’m in the UK & Iv only ever heard it used once before & think it’s beautiful, so unusual & special.

  10. Congratulations on your 2nd anniversary & baby #2 on the way❗ May Jesus continie to bless you & your family.💟

  11. Hope they had a good day.

  12. Yes, perhaps Kendra doesn't 'have to think about anything', 9/8 @ 10:35, but what if something terrible happened to Joe? (We certainly hope not). This child-woman is completely unprepared to provide anything at all for herself. It is a risk every woman in this belief system takes. Yes, God provides, but He helps those who help themselves too, doesn't He? She is not able to help herself. It's a shame that belief in the Almighty takes such a toll on the females. This lifestyle, in the degree that they live it out, has nothing to do with Christianity. An educated, life-experienced woman is certainly loved by God just as much and she can love the Lord just as much too. No need to be completely dependent on the men in your life; father, husband. Just not a good idea in general. Be glad for education and life experience. It gives a woman confidence and some stability in herself.

    1. My aunt had five children under the age of 5 years old when she was not quite 25 yrs old herself when her beloved husband was killed in a car crash on the way home from work. She had no education and it was only thanks to both sets of grandparents helping with the kids and her work ethic that she made it work out ok. She did meet and marry a nice man almost 15 years later and they were married until they died in their late 90s. However, she had a horrific time for 15 years raising the kids by herself with minimum wage jobs. Her perseverance and joyfulness in the face of adversity is why I admire her so much.

      I look at Kendra and definitely have some wistful feelings that I wish I had met a wonderful man young and had many healthy children but I am sure that Kendra will have some challenges in life. I hope they are few and I wish her well as she seems like such a nice girl.

    2. Well said @4:16!

    3. 4:16 I completely agree with you, however the women in this belief system will have lots of support if anything happens to their husbands, simply because they have so many siblings, in-laws etc. They will just move in with another relative, and still be dependent on someone else.

    4. 8:44-that is exactly what would happen if Kendra found herself (God forbid) widowed. Can anyone tell me if their particular religion allows for remarriage if a husband/wife dies? Is it a religion that believe that marriage extends into the afterlife?

    5. OP ----- I think it's funny you think thry teach confidence and stability in school! Seriously though - they really should have classes in those topics. It could help a lot of students in the real world.

      If something happened and Kendra was a single mom she has plenty of emotional support from family and friends and surely as a momma bear she is smart and capabke enough to figure a way to care for her cubs. She is not ignorant, frail, or helpless!

    6. And what if nothing bad happened to Joe, and he lives healthy as his father Jim Bob, and Kendra's father, and many others in their environment?
      Why does Kendra have to torture herself and do what she does not want to (study, work, have career)?
      There was an episode in which Lauren (Josiah's wife) was visiting some local college with her sister Lily, and she interviewed that she has no desire to study further than high school, that she did not like school except I think English, and that her sister Lily does want to study further.
      Like, why women ae pushed to do what they don't want to (study for example)? Just because other women think it's a sign of some liberation? Women do have rights in a modern society, and by not going into college or marry and stay at home they exercise their right to do what they want!

    7. Anon 8:44. I had the experience of having to live with relatives for over a year and be dependent on them due to financial and health problems. It was not a happy experience for any of us. We were all relieved when my circumstances improved and I could once again live on my own without their assistance. It wasn't that we didn't care for each other but combining households that were used to operating separately was problematic.

    8. We all do lots of things we don't want to do. Some people value education and think it's important to understand the world around us. A well-educated person, with a strong grounding in the sciences and liberal arts, is far better able to handle the challenges we face in the world.

    9. Actually, someone with a strong relationship with God is far better able to handle the challenges we face in the world.

    10. I have several friends whose families are originally from India. In their culture, the women must go to university and have a degree in order to marry well as many men will not marry a woman without a high level of education. The woman then never works but she is expected to be intelligent and prove her academics in order to be deemed to be a good wife and mother.

    11. Why does having a strong relationship with God preclude being well-educated? Why can't a young lady be both? God uses well-educated people too. LOL I hate to tell you, but Jesus was well-educated. He couldn't use his "God-ness". He had to work His way through Hebrew schooling, in order to know the frustration we experience in trying to learn, in order to be our perfect His Priest. He had to experience frustration, bullying, injustice, rejection, loss, injury, pain, death, separation-all the things we experience. We all know the Proverbs 31 is well-educated. She's running her household well, knows not only her children's hearts and needs, but those of her servant girls as well and she values them-she takes care of their needs before her own. She's running a business, and buying real estate on her own...and her husband highly respects and honors his very capable wife.

  13. They seem to be a nice couple. I wish them well.

  14. We know what we see on the show. We’ve no clue if they’re happy, unhappy, etc. I like Joe and Kendra but Kendra always struck me as a young girl who was very sheltered. At least the couple got a chance to travel with their TLC sponsored honeymoon. I only hope they slow down the pregnancy frequencies.

  15. Happy anniversary to joe & Kendra. I can’t believe it’s been two years already. Joe got himself a very beautiful bride & a young woman who always seems to be smiling. Hope they had a lovey anniversary & all is going well with Kendra for the rest of her pregnancy.

    1. I kind of hate to say this because I really would like to believe that Joe & Kendra are always the happy, smiling, lovey-dovey couple. But it's been my experience (going on 52 years and 28 years of marriage) that the couples who always seem to be/appear that way, often aren't. I'm not saying Joe & Kendra aren't happy or aren't in love. I'm just saying that if they're always that smiling sweetly and always lovey-dovey when they're with others, then one or both of them aren't honestly dealing with the normal issues when two people become as one. It's both a beautiful and messy process, as two people do the work of laying down what each wants in favoring of doing what's best for the other...and it's not all smiles, giggles, and adoring glances. It's ironing out miscommunications and adjusting unrealistic (sometimes selfish) expectations. They're just beginning and they haven't had to face any real challenges yet. Let's just let them grow and mature as couple. I kind of hate that whenever most fans talk about a Duggar lady or Duggar bride, they always seem to lead off with how they look physically. I wish we could somehow go beyond that and see what she's actually made of. God himself, said it best through Solomon, "Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears (honors, respects) the Lord is to be praised.". There are lots of pretty/beautiful girls in the world (and even in Christian circles) who really aren't so pretty, beautiful, or admirable. I'm not saying Kendra's like that, only that we shouldn't use that attribute as any kind of measuring stick. It's pretty clear that these young ladies spend quite a bit of time on their appearance.

  16. @ Anon 11:24 "Michelle had a laundry room breakdown". Yeah. Considering the amount of laundry a family the size of the Duggars generates she most of have had more than ONE laundry room breakdown. Even commercial grade washers and dryers break down with over use.

    1. Michelle’s choice to have that many children.

    2. Have one child. Breakdowns solved.

    3. The breakdown was emotional, not mechanical.

    4. What is this famous laundry room breakdown? I somehow missed that. Can someone please elaborate?

    5. It's in one of her books, I think. She felt completely overburdened. No wonder.

    6. Anon 5:35. Thank you. I've only been following them for a couple of years and am not familiar with their previous episodes.

    7. I don't know, 5:35. If my oldest had been an only child, I think there'd have been breakdowns. His younger siblings help make life fun.

    8. 9:34- Michelle tells about it in conferences. She once broke down in the laundry room because she was extremely overwhelmed with taking care of so many kids. After the episode she decided to get help and found an elderly woman to do her laundry for her

    9. 9/11 @ 9:34 - michelle mentioned very early on in the show (19k&c) that while doing the laundry, she was so overwhelmed with everything she had a breakdown and cried and prayed. soon after, her prayers were answered when a good friend offered to help her with the laundry and continued to do so for several years before grandma mary helped out with it

  17. They seem like the sweetest couple.

  18. For anyone who thinks that Kendra is making the wrong choice to get married, have children early in life, and she should of gone to school. That put her into a weaker roll. I think if anything happen to Joe, Kendra would step up to the plate, and get a education. I think Kendra is a smart person, and she was raised well!!!!! I do think, sometimes, I wish they had, had more time before the first baby, but look at little Garrett, he was worth it, so stop Kendra will be OK, OK!!!! I love U 4!!!!!

  19. Why do you crazy liberals post negative t on this blog and the Bates blog constantly. You hate the Duggar’s and their way of like I get it. You hate God and all Christian values. Stop ruining this blog for people who truly love these families

    1. Oh dear, didn't realize we needed to show voter registration cards here before posting.

    2. Comments like this-- why would anyone want to be a Christian?

    3. I am devout Christian but I went to university and work full time. It is ok to question politely why people make certain choices. Yes, Kendra will likely be fine but the reality is that most women should have some education to be able to provide for their family financially if the husband cannot. Women who cannot qualify for more than a minimum wage job run a risk of always depending on someone else. I have met many women in their 80s who have always been just fine with their husband but most of us know women who have NOT been fine and that is why some people comment about Kendra's lack of education.

    4. People seem to like to come here to find things to pick on. It ruins the fun for the rest of us when people are SO picky about things like bows in a baby's hair, etc.

  20. 9/11@8:10: How could you think that a liberal minded person hates God? That is a blanket insult to all who believe that there is nothing 'wrong' with going to a school, wearing pants and a woman having a paying job outside of her own family. I'm surprised that a silly comment such as this one passed the screening and was posted. Really, now.

  21. If I remember my Bible correctly, when Jesus walked this earth, He "hung out" with sinners, helped a prostitute and saved a woman from stoning. He "lectured" the rich folks who looked down at the poor/needy. I believe if He were an actual body on this earth today, He would do the same. Just saying................

  22. I think a lot of commenters are just pointing out that the Duggars can live the lifestyle they're advocating primarily because of TLC money. Yes, Jim Bob and Michelle had some business investments going before TLC, but the family was crammed into a 1000-1500 sq. ft house they rented and their daily life, by their own admission on the initial "!4 Kids and Counting" episodes, was chaotic. I think the concern is that they've been given quite a few platforms (from TLC and IBLP/ATI)to promote their lifestyle and parenting advice, but the vast majority of impressionable audience members don't have the same financial set-up. Nor do most large/exceedingly larger than normal families have people outside their family to come in and help with the laundry or help home school their children on a daily basis, or people outside their family come in to live with them to help them with their children. Very few large/exceedingly large families can afford all the vacations, spa trips, trips to Magnolia, amusement park trips, IBLP Family Conferences and camps, ATI sessions, continual round of parties/baby showers/over the top engagements and gender reveals, 1000+ guest weddings, and world honeymoons. Most young mothers with large/exceedingly large families don't have access to those resources (monetarily or people-wise) or have the huge, well-furnished home complete with multiple custom buses or commercial passenger vans. I think that's what many commenters are concerned about.

    1. Most people, if they have that stuff, have paid for it themselves, too.


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