
Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Sam turns 2

Wishing Samuel Dillard a very happy 2nd birthday! (We're a day late and a dollar short, but it's still just as exciting.)

Sam Dillard
Jill Dillard, Samuel Dillard, Israel Dillard
Sam's 2nd birthday

Samuel Dillard
Samuel Dillard
October 2018 (1 year 3 months old)

Samuel Dillard
Samuel Dillard
July 2018 (1 year old)

Samuel Dillard and Jim Bob Duggar
Jim Bob Duggar and grandson Sam Dillard
February 2018 (7 months old)

Samuel Dillard and Israel Dillard
Israel Dillard and Samuel Dillard
October 2017 (3 months old)

Samuel Dillard
Samuel Dillard
August 2017 (1 month old)

Photos courtesy,


  1. Wishing you a year of of happiness,fun and blessings. God Bless.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  2. Happy Happy Birthday Samuel for the big two year old. You and Israel are two handsome boys.
    Hi to Mommy & Daddy too.

  3. I like Jill's hair style. It is very becoming to her. I hope she continues to wear it like that.

  4. I wish Jill would share Samuel's birth story. I know it's a very personal journey but there was a lot of drama and obvious medical scare and they haven't said a word. I'm curious from a medical stand point what went wrong. No judgement just medically, something drastic happened.

    1. Maybe there was just a little drama. I don't think we'll ever know.

    2. They gave it away by not saying anything.Up until his birth they shared everything and then radio silence after he was born, that was a dead give away that something went horribly wrong.I'm just glad that he is healthy,and okay. He sure is beautiful😇

    3. I agree. Joy shared pictures with her stillborn; Jessa showed her deliveries on TV; but Sam spent 2 weeks in NICU and nobody knows why.

    4. He probably just swallowed meconium and was in distress; that would explain the emergency csection and Samuel having to be on oxygen for two weeks.

    5. We're lucky Jill shares anything at all. Shes being criticized for the cake and simple decorations. Some things, such as medical information, are private. And why does anyone have to have a baby every 2 yrs? Maybe the Dillards are satisfied with their family. Maybe they decided to wait. Its not our concern. Just because we are fans, that doesnt give us the right to full access to their lives.

    6. Maybe they can’t have more kids or are waiting till Derick is done with school. Or, Gee maybe two is enough. Derick has one brother so they could be going that route. Whatever, it’s their choice.

    7. Considering all the flak Jill is getting for a birthday cake, one can only imagine the ruckus that would be stirred up if she gave details about Samuel's birth. It stands to reason she doesn't want to go there.

    8. I think they're embarrassed that Sam's birth went no better than Israel's, when Jill waited too long for the kind of help she needed.

    9. Curious, do 4 year olds wear bibs? .....If this is the norm, would it not be nicer pic to take it off for the pic ...

  5. Wishing Am a very happy birthday and many more to this little cutie!

  6. Thats the best cake and decor that they could honestly do?

    1. Why does it have to be about being "the best"?

    2. I know. Thought the cake and decor rather sad too....

    3. Really??? How about Happy birthday

    4. Kids really don't care what a cake looks like, they just want to have some of it to eat.

    5. If it is made with love, there is nothing better! Laughingly, if they had a store-made theme cake, they would have been criticized for blowing a bunch of money (whether it was bought by them or another family member).

    6. The type of people that are this critical blow my mind! To these types of people: You can't possibly have joy in your life, nor will people even desire to be around you. The people making fun of a sweet mom's birthday cake decorating are the kind of people that I don't like to personally ever be around, and their antithesis of encouragement is disgusting!

    7. I bet big brother Israel helped decorate it - a beautiful made with love!

    8. People who go around accepting everything they see without a second thought are what blow my mind.

    9. @9:22- I'm no drooling bug-eyed fan of the Duggars, but taking issue with a birthday cake for a 2 year old? That's over the top, IMO.

    10. Wow you're kidding me right!!! That looks like a cake that was made with love.Probably Isreal helped. Leave the girl alone she's trying. Cindy

  7. She’s gone two years without another pregnancy.

    1. This is not about a Jill and no pregnancy. It is about a sweet little boys birthday.

    2. She had two csections in a row, she was probably advised to wait two years before getting pregnant again. I would expect her to be announcing again within the next six months.

    3. Anon 9.15. Maybe Jill can’t have more children, I don’t think people should speculate as to why she isn’t pregnant by now either. She has had two difficult births, sam’s particularly so & he spent a few weeks in the NICU. Jill looked quite unwell after delivery on pictures that were shared at the time. Who knows what may have happened, after a long labour after c section she could of even had a uterine rupture, & as this family shared everything in the run up to sam’s birth then said nothing of the events around or after it, I doubt we will ever know & why should they share that. If Jill gets pregnant again then I’m sure they will tell everyone early on as she has done in the past. As it is this post is about a lovely little boy & I am just glad he seems to be fit & healthy.

    4. Fuzzyferet, Jill recently said in the comment section of a blog post that she can still have biological children, some weirdo had just stirred up speculation that she had needed a hysterectomy.

    5. Anon @11:49 AM -- They were saying that they would be happy to have more children as in they they hope they will. Though she had 1st c-section and then then had 40 hours of labor with Sam, I'm not sure how her scar tissue from the 1st c-section was able to stand that 40 hours of contractions. You might be right about possible uterus rupture. She was not even in the first pics with Sam.

    6. Anon 5.46. I hadn’t heard about the hysterectomy, I’m purely stating a concern due to the length of her labour with Sam after Israel’s c Section. I hadn’t heard of her stating that she can have more biological children either, but if she can she has been lucky in my opinion. Also If she can’t have more children do you really think she would admit to how badly wrong things may have gone ? I wouldn’t if I were in her shoes. My opinion comes purely from a medical point of view & nothing to do with being nasty about Jill. I know if she were a friend of mine I would not ask her about future pregnancies as I wouldn’t want to upset her.

    7. Fuzzyferet, I get what you’re saying, all I’m saying is that she has stated that she can have more children so it’s rude to speculate that she can’t.

    8. 5:46 Did Jill actually say weirdo?

    9. Anon 12.48. It’s also not right that people speculate on why she isn’t pregnant. As I said my concern is purely from a medical point of view, & plenty people on this blog are happy to speculate about her pregnancy status on a regular basis. I also didn’t speculate that she can’t have children, I very carefully worded my post saying maybe Jill can’t have more children & I don’t think people should continually mention when she will announce another baby. If she does conceive again I truly hope she gets proper medical care from a good obstetrician, as she would now be classed as a high risk birth. And before anyone jumps on me for saying that, I’m simply stating a fact out of concern for the health of these women & their babies.

    10. Anon 12:48 nowadays medicine is so advanced you can actually have "biological children" after hysterectomy. So there is no contradiction and both can be true. Just a medical remark.

    11. Excellent point 1.02. I didn’t mention that as I can’t imagine Jill & Derrick going down the route of having a donor carry one of Jill’s eggs. However, your right many people do choose this route & therefore the baby is biologically the couples.

    12. Anon @1:02, Except for using a surrogate, which I highly doubt the Duggars would go for, how else would they have biological children after a hysterectomy?

  8. Hope he had a good one

    1. I mean I don’t think you can really have a bad second birthday lol I doubt he’ll even remember it when he’s older.

  9. Happy 2nd Birthday Samuel Scott Dillard. You are getting so big. I hope you had a great day. I would love to see Jill, Israel and Samuel back on Counting On hopefully soon. Natasha B.

    1. Don't you want to see Derick back on Counting On too, Natasha B.? Why would Jill and the boys want to be on the show without their husband and Dad??

    2. Jill has already been back on the show without Derick.
      10:51 - Derick says that he made the choice to stop filming. Shouldn't Jill decide for herself whether she wants to be on the show occasionally? Honestly, the boys are 4 and 2. They have no idea that their maternal family's life has been broadcast for millions to see. Doubt they care either way.

    3. Derick is head of household and decides what the family does. Jill might have input, but he has the final say. He has said that his FAMILY has gone in a different direction. That should include Jill too. She should not be back on TV if Derick has said the family won't be.

    4. Then Derick is allowing Jill to be on the show since Jill has been featured on birth episodes and in the background of other ones. Jill gave her input about being part of the show when she narrated Ivy Jane's birth.
      Apparently, Derick doesn't have an issue with his wife going in a different direction than him with regard to occasional filming.

    5. Derick must have gone back on his word, because he said his whole family would not be on the show any more. If she appears and he doesn't, maybe it really was TLC who removed Derick? Maybe Derick's own declaration wasn't accurate?

    6. I believe Derick did decide that the Dillard family would stop filming. They never showed Sam's birth or first months which were months before his statements about Jazz. Then he decided to write controversial things and TLC put out the statement they would no longer feature Derick on the show. Either way, his decisions are the reason he is no longer on the show while Jill has decided to return a few times.

  10. "We're a day late and a dollar short, but it's still just as exciting"

    What is so exciting about a two-year old's birthday, except of course to the child and his parents? Forget the excitement; that is strange.

    Instead, wish the child continued health and happiness in the years to come as one would wish for any child.

    1. Is it really necessary to criticize the posters choice of words? There was nothing negative about them, unlike yours...

    2. Anon 8:42 a.m. July 10...I can answer your question:

      "What is so exciting about a two-year old's birthday, except of course to the child and his parents?" Forget the excitement; that is strange."

      Here is your answer. This is not strange. Asa, Annabelle Elise, Caleb and Jubilee, Anna's miscarriage before Michael (If I missed one, I am truly sorry, each baby was special!!!) these babies never saw a 1st Birthday, let alone a 2nd Birthday, so each new year IS EXCITING, especially for Sam since he was in NICU for his 1st two weeks of life! NICU is serious, its for life threatening conditions, him living through his health crisis may have been very questionable! Now do you understand? Now do you find it strange? Life is a celebration, ask a woman who miscarried! Or had a baby in NICU! I will spare my opinion on on my feelings of the insensitivity here.

  11. Happy birthday Samuel Scott Dillard 2 already. They are two very lovely boys, Israel looks very like Derrick & I’m not sure who Sam favours. Hope he had a lovely day, with lots of cake & fun.

    1. Samuel looks like James Duggar to me.

    2. Anon 9.15. You know now you say that I see what you mean. Looking back on James’s pictures at around that age, he definitely has the Sam smile. Israel is just the mini me of Derrick imo.

  12. Could we see some videos of the toddlers as they are learning to talk? I always think that is so cute.

    1. In the ones that I’ve seen Israel has difficulty speaking clearly. I believe he also still wears pull-ups.

    2. He is only two and many two year olds don't speak clearly yet.
      He also just turned two and a lot of boys and girls also are not potty trained at just two.

    3. Israel is not 2, that is Samuel. Whether Israel wears pull-ups or not is none of our business. It seems to have been brought up out of meanness.

    4. Anon 6.42. Israel is 4 not 2. Sam is the little boy whose birthday we are celebrating on this post. Just to say though, my son at 4 had issues with his speech, & he wasn’t out of nappies until just after his third birthday. It meant when he did stop wearing them he never had an accident as he was so ready for the proper toilet. My son grew into an extremely intelligent young man who was so bright he attended university two years before most people do as he had passed all his school exams early & got top marks. He also finished top in his year at medical school when he graduated. Maybe Israel is just getting there slower than some & he may fly ahead. Jill is not one of my favourite Duggar’s, however I do think too much is said about a lot of these girls children (Jill included). I had to put up with parents saying to me “oh is he not talking properly yet” & it was so upsetting. I look back now & see how well he has done. Non of his school friends have achieved half as much.

    5. It’s Sam that’s 2, and not speaking very clearly, but that’s quite normal. Israel is 4 and speaking just fine in the house tour video

    6. Anonymous @6:42- Samuel is 2, not Israel. The poster was referencing Israel's speech pattern and whether Israel is still in pull-ups (for clarification). Samuel being potty-trained or not is not concerning at 2.

  13. Happy birthday!!!!!

  14. She has only 2 children and she can't buy a nice birthday cake for her child? Or at least put the homemade on a nice plate? Take kids out for Sam's birthday?

    1. Judge judge judge.....complain and nice.

    2. First of all, 2-year-olds don't really care what their cake looks like, and second of all, how do you know they didn't take him out somewhere? Just because they snapped a photo in their kitchen doesn't mean they didn't have a nice celebration somewhere! Honestly...

    3. You have got to be kidding me! The cake is just fine! I use to do the same for my children! How about a Happy birthday instead!

    4. He’s two, he won’t even remember this birthday, doing anything fancy for a birthday before a kid is like four or five isn’t just for the fun of the parents lol

    5. *is just for the fun of the parents

    6. No matter what they did, someone would criticize. How silly!

    7. Little kids don't care what the cake looks like. As long as they get a piece of cake, they're happy.

    8. Homemade tastes better than storebought. And my guess is a certain little boy asked for that blue icing and those sprinkles, and I’d guess also that a certain little boy helped make the cake. How is that not more precious and valuable than a bought “nice” cake? You sound miserable.

    9. What kind of miserable comment is "You sound miserable"? You could have stated your opinion about cake and left it at that, without attacking the poster.

    10. A store bought cake does not make a birthday more special. Besides, the family has been going through a lot of heartache lately. Cut them a little slack if a birthday celebration for a two year old isn't quite up to par with you.

    11. OH MY WORD! Give it a rest already! Have you ever thought that maybe he helped make his own cake???? Chose colors, decorations, helped frost, etc... Homemade with love is DEFINITELY better than a store bought cake that looks fancy. Every single birthday cake I had growing up was homemade and my parents certainly weren't scorned for it. And amen to anon 10:59 am... someone IS miserable and needs to find something else to do.

    12. Looks like a Duncan Hines boxer cakes, quite honestly who cares! We make ‘em all the time and can sub/ add what I want.

      If they’d done a purchased cakes the haters would mention sugar or she being a SAHM and not “baking.”

      Spend or don’t spend, they can’t win. I will agree she may make odd choices at time but the negativity toward a cake is astounding.
      This is a cake for a 2 yr old and a seemingly small gathering. Maybe it was the cake to be “destroyed” by his hands or others kiddos. Who knows.

      Next time go to a dollar store and get a Twinkie 😛

    13. 11:40, I’m not the commentor, but complaining about someone else’s two year old’s birthday cake does make you sound miserable🤷🏻‍♀️

    14. I remember Israel was made baking his own birthday cake. Maybe they practiced it with Sam too.

    15. Lol he's not 1! He doesn't get his own cake lol.. smh...eyeroll

    16. 5:44 - Why would you feel the need to point that out?

    17. I honestly have never ever seen someone leave a cake in the pan and decorate it like that. If you don't have a plate big enough for the cake you can cut out a piece from a box the size you need and cover the box piece you cut in aluminium foil and put the cake on that. That way you can frost and decorate the sides of the cake which makes it look much prettier. Just a suggestion.

    18. 9:21, because I agree with the commentor lol Like how low does someone’s life have to be for them to complain about a small child’s birthday day cake?? If Jill had bought some cute cake people would complain and say she spent too much money on it.

    19. Yep, 9:27. They sell rectangular cake cardboard at the craft store if you don't have a box.

      It's not hard to learn how to pipe frosting through a Ziploc bag with a corner snipped, and a cake decorating tip and coupler. It's easy, and it covers any gap between the bottom of the cake and the cardboard. With all the birthday kids in this family, you'd think someone would become adept at cake decorating and teach the others. There must be a zillion YouTube videos about it.

    20. @9:27- Gee, didn't know there were hard and fast rules for what is an acceptable birthday cake! Glad you could keep us up to speed on the matter!

    21. Anon 10.59. I agree home made does taste better than store bought. My daughter graduated last week & we were having a family celebration, her brother loves to bake cakes as a way of relaxing & usually does all the family birthday, & celebration cakes. However, he has been very busy studying for surgical exams so I told my daughter I would buy her a cake from Costco, my goodness, I may as well have suggested she eat soil. She promptly said if he didn't have time to make a cake she understood but she would rather do without than have shop bought. Needless to say her brother made a cake at his flat & brought the cake up in a cake carrier on a 5 hour train journey (not a crumb out of place). My daughter was more thrilled with that cake & the effort he made to come for less than 24 hours (he was literally just with us for the party), than any of the lovely graduation gifts she got. There is nothing more important than making something with love for a person that means so much to you. Perhaps not everyone sees things that way.

    22. 2:12 -- I'm going to pray for you. Sounds like you need a hug.

    23. 12:47-- I'm going to pray for you.

  15. Wishing you a year of fun,happiness and blessings. God Bless.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  16. So many Duggars, so many birthdays. What's a poor blogger to do? lol

  17. Time 5:41AM Thurs 7/11/19
    Happy late 2nd bday to Sammy..

  18. Happy Birthday Samuel!! God bless you sweet child.

  19. I want to know who ironed Jim Bob's shirt, or does he send his shirts out to be washed and pressed? I wonder if he did it himself. My husband has ironed his own clothes since he was a teenager. Irons are not for women only. I'll bet that would be a news flash in the Duggar household. Maybe ALERT should include a life lesson session on ironing your uniforms.

    1. 1. Shirts don’t need to be ironed. You can enjoy the look of an ironed shirt without enforcing your standard on others.

      2. He’s a dad. My guess is he’s been playing with children, and GASP, some wrinkling has occurred. A wrinkled shirt suggests a dad is doing his job, whereas a perfectly crisp shirt would suggest the opposite.

      3. I can actually recall an episode where Jim Bob was briefly seen ironing his own shirt on that hallway ironing board thing before heading out the door (late) for some trip. Your negativity wasn’t backed up very well.

    2. Cotton Oxford shirts like that do need to be ironed. That looks like a professional job that a cleaner would do. If Jim Bob ironed before going out the door, it was probably because the girls were too busy ironing their hair. Have we ever seen the boys do laundry? Remember JD's remark about that being women's work?

    3. Are you kidding? No one irons shirts any more. They have wash and wear today. Put a shirt in the dryer and presto it comes out ready to be worn after it dries. It's "magic"

    4. 100% cotton shirts, and even some blends, do not come out of the dryer wrinkle-free, let alone with perfect knife-edge sleeve creases like that. There's a big difference between a shirt hung up from the dryer and one that's been ironed.

    5. My husband has a closet full of "iron-free" shirts for work and they come out of the dryer o.k. Although he doesn't expect me to iron them and would rather I enjoy some free time, I iron them anyway because I love him and want him to look his best. I suspect (from other behaviors) that his boss is a corporate closet neat-freak who measures people by insignificant details like the crease lines of their shirt. ;)

  20. Who decorates and serves a cake still in the pan?

    1. I guess they are going to the Big House or some other place to celebrate and taking the cake. It is way too big for the four of them. That's why it's "still in the pan".

      I am more interested in why Israel wears that babyish bib round his neck at his age (plus he is not even at the table)

    2. Not all of us are Buddy from Cake Boss, geez. I make like that. To really get your bubbles going I must confess....we even blow out candles in a square cake pan.

      Tastes the same, spittle and all.

      OMG the world is ending!

    3. @4:17 Someone without a rectangular cake tray, I guess. Remember where these girls grew up and who had any time to show them the ropes in the kitchen. They never had Home Ec in school and a professional to guide them, either. My Home Ec class practiced entertaining and put on a tea party and a dinner party for our school staff. So by the time I was 12, I knew what to do for a party from planning to clean-up. I also had guidance from my mother, who was of another generation where parties of any kind were a big deal and called for your best dishes and serving trays. Some of my fondest memories of spending time with Mom were when we were polishing silver and getting things ready for company. We'd talk about where the serving pieces came from and who had them before us. But I digress. Yes, she needs a rectangular cake tray. Probably has one in the garage from her wedding presents and doesn't realize it.

    4. It’s a pancake! 🥁 ba dum tss 🥁 sorry I had to

    5. I do. Why does it matter to you? At least she made it instead of buying one that looks like it's from a store. Better check your halo. It's being held up by horns.

    6. The clean up is a lot easier!!! And by the way that is a home made cake by a caring mother who knows what his boy likes, do you realise how special is that?

    7. Me! I did for my children and now my grandkids.

    8. Anon 4.17. Many parents I know serve a tray bake cake in the foil it’s cooked in. What’s the harm in that. Have you ever tried to get one of those things out the foil container ? What a nightmare it truly is. Iv tried & ended up with cake in a heap all over my kitchen bench.

    9. Use a regular cake pan, use solid shortening (Crisco) to heavily grease the interior of the pan (you should see large deep streaks if you've used enough), then sprinkle flour or cocoa on top of the grease. Or grease the pan, cut a piece of parchment paper to fit down inside, and then grease that before you put the batter on top. Your cake will release cleanly every time. Don't substitute butter or margarine, and don't trust those sprays in a can. Use solid shortening. Get into all the corners, too.

      Of course, you must test with a pick in the center of the cake to check if it's baked enough. The pick has to come out cleanly. Under-baking will cause release problems. You cool the cake in the pan (on a cooling rack) about 5 minutes, run a butter knife around the edges, put an upside-down cooling rack over it, then turn the cake out onto the rack to cool completely. If you let it cool in the pan too long, you could have sticking trouble.

      Nothing to it! Cake Making 101.

    10. A on 1.53. Wow thank you so much for that lesson on how to get my cake out the foil tray. Iv never managed it as Iv just put the sponge batter straight into the tin, though I would do the procedure you have listed if I was baking in a regular cake tin. I suppose it makes total sense, just I always assumed the foil alone was enough to stop the cake sticking, clearly it’s not. I think by solid shortening you mean lard as it’s called in the Uk, it’s white solid block that you can use as a shortening ingredient. Thank you again. I love this blog & how helpful people can be. I been off work this past week with a bad back & my only enjoyment amidst my misery of pain has been coming on here.

    11. Shortening is something soft and spreadable in a can, like Crisco. In the UK it would be Trex, Flora White, or Cookeen. It's a vegetable product. Lard is an animal product.

      When I was growing up, Mom would Crisco the pan, cut wax paper to fit, and grease that once it was down. You can still use wax paper, but parchment is sturdier and made for putting in the oven. You have to peel wax paper off the cake afterwards, and if you're not careful, you can tear the cake. Parchment comes off easier. They sell pre-cut squares and circles of parchment for cake pans, but the grocery store should have it on a roll.

      If you leave an overhang of parchment on both ends of the pan, it gives you "handles" for easier removal. You can even lift the cake straight up and out of the pan if you set up the paper that way.

      It takes a little work to prepare cake pans properly, but it's the secret to clean cake removal.

    12. Anon @1:53 Sometimes mothers of young children don't have time to take Cake Making/Decorating 101. There is nothing wrong with the cake that Jill made. I am absolutely amazed at how people trash a caring mother trying to celebrate her child's birthday. It's very sad.

    13. I've done it many times when it's just a party at home. Who really cares, except internet strangers?

    14. I have a 9x13 Pyrex that has a padded carrier with a handle. I can bake a cake or make a hot casserole in that and carry it to any potluck or party. It's so easy, and my friends and family are not judgmental. Life is great when you're surrounded by loving people. Ignore the people who just want to tear you down for your cake pan!

    15. Anon 11.12. Thank you for clarifying that I wasn’t sure what the product was. It can sometimes be a problem as I don’t know all the different foodstuffs you have in America. Often I ask my son as his friend is originally from Washington & my son knows a lot about American food from his friend, my son makes funnel cake from his friends grandmothers recipe & it’s amazing, first time I had it I was hooked.

  21. Adorable, sweet family! These boys are so blessed to have such a wonderful family.

  22. I don't understand why some people are so critical of Jill. I find her to be a loving and caring mother. She loves God and her family.

    1. The reason could be is that she changed in so many ways after she married. Yes, we know people change as they age. However, when you continually preach on your beliefs and ways THEN do some things opposite of what you have preached, you tend to be looked at as a hypocrite in that area. Especially when one has explained countless times why they do things a certain way and then turn around and do not explain why they are now doing said things.

  23. I hope you had a great birthday celebration with your loving family Samuel, and I sure do love your baby shark "two-doo-doo" cake

    Now I have the song stuck on my head.

    1. For those of us living under rocks, what is "baby shark do-do" or whatever that is in the bottom corner of the cake? Something worldly??

    2. 1:16, Baby Shark is a very popular song with very young kids. Is it “worldly”? I’ve no idea. It’s just an innocent song for goodness sakes.

    3. Anon 1.16. “baby shark do-do” is a song. Tap it into YouTube (baby shark song) & you will be enlightened. Young children love it as it’s repetitive & they do actions to the words.

    4. Thanks @10:16 now I'll have that song in my head the rest of the day. lol. It's a cute song, but will stay in your head all day. My youngest grandsons love it.

    5. That song is definitely ear worm inducing. But watching my 16 month old grand daughter singing it is worth it.

    6. A park in West Palm Beach FL is playing that song in a continuous loop all night long to keep homeless people from sleeping there. Heard it on the news today.

  24. A homemade cake is not made from a cake mix and a can of frosting.
    Was Sam's cake a boxed mix?

    1. Not everyone can bake. It is homemade even if a box mix was used. The cake was not purchased baked from a was made at home.

    2. Does it really matter?

    3. 9:02- A cake from scratch is about measurements. It's just a little more effort than box mix. If you can add the oil, egg, and milk to store bought cake mix, you can measure out the dry ingredients necessary for a homemade cake. Also, a can of frosting is not homemade since it is already a finished product.

    4. If she made the cake in her house, it's a "homemade" cake. lol

    5. It was obviously made at home.

  25. What would happen if one of these boys wanted pink frosting on his birthday cake someday? Please don't tell me that they uphold the pink-blue color stereotype.

    1. The boys wear pink shirts sometimes so I doubt they’d care.

    2. They are boys, they can't want pink. Jill teaches them that blue is for boys, and they are boys.

    3. They can’t want pink or they’re not allowed to want pink? It’s just a color. Why make everything into a big issue?

  26. People are so mean to criticize a two year old birthday cake. Looks good to me. I am sure Sam enjoyed his cake.
    I respect Jill keeping Sam's birth private. He sure looks like a cute and heal toddler.
    As for all pregnancy comments about Jill, nothing wrong with her having only two children. If she has more children that is their business. Just because Duggars believe in having a lot of children doesn't mean all of them will.

    1. It's just cake conversation. I don't know why people are getting so riled about cake comments.

  27. Jill and her sisters were raised to be such lovely homemakers, and their brothers such diligent providers.

  28. The cake is just fine for a 2-year old and I bet he loved it.

  29. There sure are a lot of trolls here make ridiculous comments about a cake being decorated in a pan all in the name of "I'm entitled to voice my opinion". Puhlease!

    Who cares whether it's store bought or or homemade. I'm sure Sam didn't care!
    And I'm sure on Judgement Day God won't chastise her over a cake her children helped make and decorate.

    1. I had no idea there were so many cake snobs out there!

  30. I was just reading over the comments here and some of you people for calling yourselves Christians are mean. Who cares what the cake looks like, it was made with love and probably with lots of help(her boys). If a boy likes pink who cares. Pink is not just for girls anymore. Neither is blue just for boys.
    Whether or not they have anymore children is just between the two of them and really none of our business. I am not a fan of the Dilliards and haven't been since Derrick made the Santa Claus comment and his other comments, but cut the girl some slack, she's trying.

    1. I did not see one mean poster describe themselves as a Christian in their comment.


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