
Sunday, July 7, 2019

Duggar #13 Turns 18

Wishing James Duggar a very happy 18th birthday! James is the 13th child in the Duggar family lineup--hard to believe he has already reached adulthood!

Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar
Jason Duggar and James Duggar graduation from ALERT Academy 2019

James Duggar, 2011

Photos courtesy


  1. Hard to believe he was still a toddler when we first met him!

  2. Happy 18th Birthday, to James Duggar!!!! There are now, five eligible Duggars, of courting age: Jana (29), Jedidiah (20), Jeremiah (20), Jason (19), and James (18). It will be interesting to eventually find out, who will be the next Duggar, to be in a courtship.

    1. Is that all anyone thinks about....who will court next, who will have a baby. I hope their lives are fully dimensional, that they allow themselves to examine and choose from all the possible options for their lives and not just do what the courtship and baby obsessed fans want them to do.

    2. I would be interested to see at least one of them move out of their parents' home and experience some independence before they settle down and get married.

    3. Highly unlikely that Jana will be courting anyone. I think at least one of the guys will be in a courtship before the end of the year.

    4. I can’t wait. In the last episode Jed said it could be 3 in courtship at the same time.

    5. My guess is Jed.

    6. Those guys are all soooooo young to be thinking about courting!

    7. Those boys are too young to get married, IMO. What on earth is the rush? Let them grow up and make their way in the world, preferrably on their own so they can experience some level of independence.

    8. The boys are too young to get married? What about the girls when they were courting at that age or thinking about marriage? Some here were all for that. Double standard?

    9. To be honest they don’t ask people they opinion how to live. Just like no one tell each every person how to live. They show a glimpse into their life. We really don’t know what they do on a daily basis. Everyone is always so quick to judge.

    10. All those boys are too young to be forced into a courtship and marriage. They need to enjoy life first.It would be nice to see one of them go for some type of higher education. It would be nice to see the girls as well.

  3. Happy birthday. Now you have the adult male Duggar hairline. Time to go courting.

    1. How did this comment not get banned? That's just rude.

    2. It's sad that being cruel is something you evidently enjoy. I hope you grow up soon and become a better person. If you are not young and still feel the need to be this nasty then I truly hope someone can soften your heart. Know one should go through life enjoying being cruel.

    3. How is the plain truth rude? These guys grow up, their hair recedes, and they get married. This should not be a shock to anyone familiar with the family.

    4. I found the comment humorous-- I wish there was more humor and less complaining in the comments-- seems some people get hurt much too easily!

    5. Time 5:43AM Thurs 7/11/19
      Iam sick & tired of mean comments on this blog. If you don't like this family please don't post mean comments like that. This is a family friendly blog .

    6. Anon 6:18. Exactly. I thought it was all in good fun. They seem to be earnest young men who want to please their parents.

    7. Lighten up! The Duiggars themselves probably joke about the receding hairlines.

    8. Maybe that’s why they marry so young

  4. Happy Birthday James - from what "fans" saw of you, you have a great gentle personality.
    I for one wish you a very good year ahead.
    Congratulations on completing the ALERT COURSE - as well as to Jason. Good job

    1. Completing the ALERT course does what?

    2. Now that they've learned how to be men, it's time to get married and start a family of their own.

    3. 11:53- They think that ALERT trains them to be Godly men.

    4. Joseph completed the ALERT academy as well

    5. Right, 2:13. Giggling and scary stories and pillow fights and the usual shenanigans when teens get together!

  5. ALERT is affiliated with the very controversial IBLP/BIll Gothard organization.

    1. Yes. The Duggars have strong ties to IBLP. Michelle will be speaking at the COMMIT conference they sponsor at Big Sandy in August.

    2. So are the Duggars.

    3. Yes, disappointing that the Duggars and Bates families still support it!

    4. The Duggars don't seem to think the IBLP is controversial. They are heavily involved with it.

    5. And that is very old news.

    6. So are the Duggars.

    7. Um..The Duggars have always been affiliated with ATI/IBLP’s. They are the keynote speakers. Bates are as well. Gil Bates is on the Board of Directors.

    8. @9:23 And your point is?

    9. Time 6:45PM Sun 7/14/19
      Anonymous The Bates family no longer support Bill Gothard I read a old article that Bill no longer support that organization the Duggars family do.

    10. Neddy, Gil Bates is on the board of directors for IBLP. The family may not support Bill Gothard, but at least some of them still support the organization he started.

    11. Time 4:06AM Thurs 7/18/19
      But guess what? The females of the Bates family goes to college. Yet people who bash this family is tired of them becoming housewives? Who are we as people to judge this family or any other famous people on what they do with their lives .

  6. Happy belated 18th birthday James Andrew Duggar, I hope you had a great day. I can't wait to hopefully see you in a courtship this season or in season 11. Hopefully in the spring. I can't wait for next year 2020 of counting on and even this fall season 10 2019. I love the show. Natasha B

  7. Best wishes to James. He looks just like his older brothers.

  8. Another Duggar all grown up. Some he'll be married and have a family of his own. BTW does anyone know what happened to John and Abbie. They seemed to have disappeared off the face of the Earth.

    1. I think John and Abbie - unlike his parents and all of his other siblings - have decided to live their life in private. Except of course for that while filmed courtship, wedding and honeymoon.

    2. Enjoying their privacy! Good for them!

    3. They probably just prefer to live a more private life.

    4. If they've chosen to stay out of the limelight and keep private, I have more respect for them.

    5. I am thinking they prefer not to be in the spot light and prefer a quiet life out of the public eye. Who can blame them????

    6. Why doesn't the rest of the family follow suit and remain private?

    7. 10:11 This is how they earn their living! If the whole family hid from the public, their incomes would be over.

    8. Anon 12:09. Yeah. How will John support that airplane if he drops out of sight and doesn't appear on reality TV? Abbie's nursing job won't pay for THAT little goodie.

  9. A mischievous little boy grown up to a fine young man! Happiest 18th, James! What is ALERT?

    1. You can check it out at

  10. Wishing you a year of happiness and blessings. God Bless.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  11. If these boys like pretending to go to boot camp so much, they ought to join the military and become useful.

    1. They avoid anything secular or "of the world."

    2. They may have other plans. You can do a lot of trades and still be useful.

    3. Anon 12:17. What other plans do the adult Duggars have? All the men work for JB and the young women get married to have babies. None of them seem to have any other plans or interests.

    4. Time 4:22AM Wed 7/17/19
      Wow pretty rude to me. Then don't make comments about this family if they don't interest you.

  12. Congratulations on Jason & James' graduation! Please tell us more about ALERT & what it means for you. ❤

  13. I’m not familiar with Alert. What does the course consist of?

  14. Happy birthday James. Can't believe you are 18 already. You are so handsome and seem like such a nice person. Many happy returns and may you have a really wonderful year!

  15. it seems like yesterday you were reporting 'duggar 13 turns 13'! hope we get to see more of james now that he's 'of age'. he seems like such a sweetheart

  16. Wow another one reaches adulthood hope you had a good birthday

  17. I'm going to be honest here and say that after I read about ALERT training boot camp, it kinda creeped me out. Sounds like they're prepping for the end of the world as we know it, as well as preparing themselves to be "leaders" in God's kingdom afterward... only males need apply. If they're all about serving people and protecting our country, why do none of the Duggars join the regular military, instead of this pretend army of God? Are they personally opposed to that? Considering they're so pro-gun rights, I would think it would be right up their alley.

    1. Why would it be creepy to learn self sufficiency? Also, not everyone wants to be in the military anymore. Most modern wars are Americans interfering in countries where they do not need to be.

    2. 10:22 I share your concerns. I like the Duggars too, so I am not a "hater".

    3. Since this poster did’t, I’ll do it for them....Happy Birthday James!

    4. I wouldn't think that they are opposed to the military. The ALERT academy teaches you some of those skills, similar to boot camp, in a good environment, where you can also be discipled and grow closer to God.

    5. 8:04- People have complained about the US interfering in other countries for generations. That is nothing new and isolationists have been around a long time. Things changed pretty quickly when we were attacked at Pearl Harbor. Young men couldn't enlist fast enough. Would the Duggars do that or would they be conscientious objectors?

    6. @8:04- Learning self-sufficiency? That kind of contradicts how the Duggar kids roll. They all live at home with their parents until they get married.

    7. Anon 8:04. Being self sufficient does not normally include religious training. It would be nice if the Duggars did something that didn't involve religious indoctrination.

  18. Have a nice birthday. You've finished the manhood academy and are ready to go a courting.

  19. Is it just me? James and Jason both appear to be a few inches shorter than JB.

  20. Jim Bob and Michelle have 6 kids under the age of 18. I forgot about Tyler is 7.

    1. No tyler is 10-11 yr old

    2. I don’t mean he is 7 years old. Tyler will make Jim Bob and Michelle 7th child.

    3. 2:20PM meant the 7th child under 18, not his age.

    4. Tyler is not the biological son

    5. I know he is not biological. He is adopted

    6. Unless you know something we don't know @11:35am they have guardianship of Tyler not adoption papers.

  21. I'm curious what all the medals are for-- I mean what various achievements/activities did they do during their training?

    1. The equivalent of Girl Scout badges.

    2. Anon 6:03. I don't think a group that is involved in religious instruction should be compared to the Girl Scouts.

    3. The girls and boy scouts have gone to the dark side!

    4. Please explain what you mean 7:31. What dark side?

    5. @7:31 Surely you're not implying that some young people shouldn't be allowed in the Scouts, or particular branches of the Scouts...

    6. Anon 4:18 I agree with Anon 7:31 They now want boys to be able to join the girl scouts, and girls in boys scouts. I say, stop it already, there are clear gender differences and to try and blur those lines is such an abuse of power. Let the young girls and young boys have their own clubs for crying out loud.

    7. The medals ( or ribbons) indicate Scripture memorization, physical excellence, timed hikes, etc. I'm not sure if all were earned during Alert Academy, or if some were earned during Quest ( similar to the Boy Scouts).

  22. happy birthday James I hope you have a wonderful birthday :)

  23. And his courtship/engagement announcement in 5, 4, 3, 2, . . . .

  24. Can somebody please tell me what Alert is? Is it like Boy Scouts but with shorter and more intense training. The medals look more military than Boy Scout patches. I’m truly not being critical. I have just never heard of it in our area and wondered about it.

    1. It's a pricey program ($3950 for the basic training) run by men who have bestowed military rank on themselves and run it like a military boot camp. It operates on a former college campus in Big Sandy, Texas and some of the training material comes from Embassy Media owned by Dwain Swanson. IBLP parents send their sons to it because they think it's beneficial.

  25. Happy birthday James, can’t believe your 18 already. Not knowing anything about ALERT I decided to do some internet research & though it looks interesting, it’s all related to religion, just for once could the Duggar’s do something that isn’t religious orientated. If these young men are interested in serving their country then why not join the actual military, or do proper EMT training. I’m a Christian but my whole life has not involved religious things. It just seems like they only want their children associating with others with strict fundamentalist views. I’m sure these young godly people are well enough adjusted, godly Christians to be able to go out into a normal work or training environment & not be corrupted by anyone. James seems like a very gentle kind young man & it would be nice to see him maybe do something different. It’s started to worry me that all the children are following the same path. No family ever has every child following the same pathway, there is always at least one who wants to branch out & do something different. I hope if this is the case then whoever it is will be allowed to follow their own path.

    1. Maybe it's something that they (James and Jason) wanted to do? Their parents don't force them to do anything. Maybe they all like the line of work they're in, so they follow in each other's footsteps.

    2. Anon 12:11. When you live at home and your parents strongly recommend you do something, it's pretty much a given you're doing to do whatever was "suggested". The offspring all are financially dependent on JB and Michelle to a certain extent, especially the unmarried ones

    3. Yes, there is parental pressure - some of these boys have been sent to ALERT on purpose by their parents. "Force" doesn't always mean physical pushing. "Force" can be a series of expectations followed by a series of consequences if you don't live up to those expectations. When it's all done with smiles on faces, it looks like "choices" that parents are "so proud" their children have chosen. This can apply to all sorts of situations, from going to ALERT to wearing nothing but skirts, to not dating, to saving first kisses. The forces of the expectations are tremendous.

    4. Anon 12.11. Do you truly believe that everyone of these young adults wants the same path in life ? Not one single one of them wants to do a job or career outside that of the family business. Maybe their parents don’t force them to do anything, non of us know as we don’t actually know them, however parents can make things difficult for a child that wants to do something the parents don’t fully agree with. This can be done by simply not supporting them financially or with encouragement. I’m a fan of this family don’t get me wrong but there are certain things that just don’t seem quite right. You can be religious & pray everyday but not every thing you ever do has to be done through a religious organisation. They are all very musical, and yet non have followed a career in music (apart from Amy). All I’m saying is there are other things they seem interested in & yet they never follow through with them as adults.

    5. As they get to be adults abs move out I'm sure they'll make their own choices. Perhaps they wanted to do this

    6. Anon 11:54 Exactly. It's called emotional blackmail. Children normally WANT to please their parents but I think the JB and Michelle do put a lot of pressure on their children to perform a certain way in order to stay in their good graces.

    7. @7:29 Why do you think it is that the kids can't make their own choices until they move out? Why do you think it is that most of or all of the Duggar boys have "chosen" to go to ALERT? You don't sense any intense parental control going on? This show has been all about how the Duggar parents control their home and everyone in it!

    8. Anon 9:56. Exactly. The kids all do what their parents tell them to do. I see that in everything. I wonder what will happen when JB and Michelle are no longer with us and they're actually on their own to make decisions.

    9. Anon 7.23. You know iv never even thought of that. Your right though, there will come a day when JB & Michelle are not around & the adult children will have to make their own decisions. You know though that will be years in the future, & now I think about it I wonder how the adults like John, Jana, Jill, & the others in their mid to late 20s will behave in another 10-15 years when they are heading toward 40. Will their parents still be able to influence their lives then ? Perhaps that’s why we haven’t heard from John & Abbie in a few months now, I get the feeling John wants to live his own life with his lovely new wife, away from the cameras & maybe any influence from his parents in his life. If that’s the case I actually commend them for that & hope they enjoy life away from the intrusion of the press.

  26. Happy birthday James. It looks like you and Jason have joined the "Lord's Army".

    1. The best army to be in, snowflake!

    2. You need to beat your sword into a plowshare, 7:26.

  27. I'm always leery of groups like IBLP who promote quasi military boot camps for young men. We don't need some sort of Christian militia enforcing their beliefs. That's not what Jesus preached.

    1. ALERT is not a militia. It is not law enforcement. It is training for emergency response, by air and land. They simply help people affected by disasters all over the United States and often in other countries, no strings attached. But I suppose you could refuse rescue/help if you don’t want it from someone who might be a Christian.

    2. I don't think that the goal is to have a "Christian militia". It is more likely to be having well rounded, disciplined young men.

    3. @10:26 You can have wonderful disaster training without acting like you're military or doing it with a faith-based agenda. The Red Cross does it all the time! In fact, they're the first on disaster scenes, long before any church group. At fires, they'll be there before the fire trucks leave. Let's see if Alert shows up in Louisiana, which is about to have problems... The Red Cross will surely be there. They're probably staging shelters already.

    4. Anon 10:26. Why do we need "Alert". We have the Red Cross and other agencies including FEMA that deal with disasters. People working with the Red Cross, etc. don't need religious training in order to help people.

    5. Anon 10:26. If the young men from Alert help at any disaster, they keep such a low profile as to be invisible. Many others show up including the Red Cross, Salvation Army, local faith groups, non-profits and even Traveler's insurance has a disaster response team.

    6. I'd rather be rescued by a Christian man than a non Christian

    7. Stitcher: "Training for emergency response"? They don't need some sort of boot camp to do that. I've never seen anyone saying they were from "Alert" at any disaster or emergency that's covered by the news media. The Red Cross, FEMA, non-profits and other groups show up in force though.

    8. 10:26 I highly doubt all these ALERT grads are on standby, waiting for a chance to come to the rescue of people facing disaster. ALERT does have a path to earn EMT credentials, but if you look on the website regarding the cost, it's way more expensive than going through a traditional training program. Plus, enrollees have to first complete the boot camp, which costs extra. It doesn't appear that the Duggar boys have completed the additional training, just boot camp. Then they come home and start mowing lawns, selling cars, or flipping houses for their dad. If they truly want to help people facing crisis, why not go into the medical field and become a nurse or a doctor?

    9. Agree with all the Red Cross comments here- My mom was a Red Cross instructor for years and often manned shelters during disasters (including ones in other states). The Red cross is a huge, highly organized international organization- well-equipped and well-trained in disaster relief and emergency response. They also have an extensive network of partners in place in every state, including pilots. Our Church recently worked under the Red Cross in the Oklahoma flooding. ALERT academy based the vast majority of their physical training principles on those the military has been using for decades. They just blended in IBLP's teachings into the mix. Having done the research on the ALERT academy and their application process and teaching programs, it's a very expensive program for one child (much less several), requiring repeated summers for "completion" and it's heavy on parental and minor questionnaires, delving into personal family relationships and family dynamics. As the wife of an IT guy, I sincerely hope for all of the IBLP families out there that IBLP has invested heavily in IT security and the IBLP/ALERT Academy/Journey To The Heart computer network never gets hacked. It's a little scary how much personal information, authority, and control parents hand over because it's a religious organization- without ever even asking how their personal data is being maintained and stored, who's allowed to retrieve and view it,under what specific conditions, and without requiring any transparency or notification from the religious organization. That's a perfect recipe for abuse of trust, abuse of a minor (emotional, psychological, spiritual), potential blackmail, etc. All it takes is one disgruntled employee with any device to compromise the security and one "difficult" parent threatening the "Publicly expose the organization" to trigger a blackmail-type situation with a family's dynamics in question. Shaking my head here.

    10. Henry Dunant was a devout Christian. He not only founded the International Red Cross, but he also was influential in the adoption of the first Geneva Convention in 1864, concerned with humane treatment of soldiers during periods of war. Prior to that, he established the Geneva chapter of the Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA). He credited his Christian faith and the example of his parents for his own desire to serve those in need.
      There are many trained disaster relief organizations and medical professionals sponsored by Catholic and Protestant denominations. If I’m in need, it doesn’t cross my mind whether those helping me are trained by Red Cross, the Fire Department, or ALERT. But again, I guess you can refuse rescue if you don’t want it from someone who might be a Christian.

    11. Stitcher: No one is complaining about receiving help from Christians. The issue was the statement that ALERT supposedly has some sort of "disaster response team". I've never heard of anyone claiming to be part of an Alert response team showing up at any sort of emergency. Perhaps the claim was somewhat exaggerated. Many Christian groups respond to emergencies and disasters. Their volunteers don't have to go to a "boot camp" and invest a great deal of their own money into a training program like ALERT.

    12. Anon 10:11. Thank you for the information. People who help at emergencies and disasters are of all faiths and from all walks of live. Most of them don't have the time or resources to attend a program like ALERT which appears to be more of a religious training program than a disaster relief organization like the Red Cross.

    13. @7:25 In a moment of crisis, you're going to stop and ask your rescuer if he's a Christian or not?

    14. @Stitcher Maybe the person who first dreamed up the Red Cross was a Christian, but that organization absolutely does not affiliate itself with any religion. Read their mission statement and their stance on impartiality and neutrality. They "may not engage at any time in controversies of a political, racial, religious or ideological nature." The Red Cross "endeavors to relieve the suffering of individuals, being guided solely by their needs, and to give priority to the most urgent cases of distress." They do their work without religion anywhere within the organization. ALERT cannot make that same claim.

    15. Anon 7.25. Frankly if you were in need of rescue would you actually even care if the person was Christian or non Christian ? That’s a very insular comment to make. I know if I were in any kind of accident or disaster (& I have been in a couple), the only thing that bothers me is the person helping me is well trained & fully qualified in their skill set. I really haven’t cared who they do or do not pray to at the end of the day.

    16. Anon 9.33 That’s what point I was making too. However if they did want to go into the medical field it would require proper education to get into university. I know in the UK it’s getting more difficult to get into a good university & you need top grades for many subjects, & medicine is just ridiculously difficult to get into. The Duggar children would need a good background education behind them I’m sure, as I imagine it’s just as difficult to get into university in America as it is here in the UK. Something at present those children lack, unfortunately.

  28. I had to take a double-take when i first saw this! So hard to believe he’s 18 already!! Happy belated birthday, James! May God continue to bless you and keep you! 🎈🎉🎉 ~ Emily

  29. Just wanted to wish you a happy belated 18th birthday hope you had great day and may God bless you today and always

  30. I hope James had a nice birthday. Now that he's an adult I wonder what his plans for the future are. Will he be attending trade school, vocational school or college to acquire the job skills to get a well paying job in order to support himself and any future family he might have? I would be nice to know what his interests are and what career he intends to pursue.

    1. It's a safe bet that he'll follow the same work-for-dad, live in a Duggar-owned home path that the rest of them have followed.

    2. Anon 10:47. Sadly I know you're right. I guess it's wistful thinking that one of these young men would want to do something other than "work in the family business" with JB or that one of the young women would want to do something other than get married and have as many babies as possible.


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