
Monday, July 29, 2019

Dillards Living in Little Rock

Jill Dillard and friend with Governor Asa Hutchinson

Jill and Derick Dillard and the boys have been temporarily living in Little Rock for about a month. Derick is on summer break after his first year of law school and is working in the Arkansas capital city until classes resume next month.

Yesterday afternoon, Jill had tea at the Governor's Mansion in celebration of the 100-year anniversary of Arkansas' ratification of the 19th Amendment, which gave women in the United States the right to vote. The event, hosted by Governor Asa Hutchinson and Arkansas First Lady Susan Hutchinson, was open to the public and cost $10, although the 200 available tickets sold out ahead of time.

Photo courtesy


  1. Derick is probably doing an internship related to law school. There are paid internships relating to your field of study. Good for them!

  2. Nice photo op for Jill. I wonder what Derrick is doing while at the capitol city.

  3. The Right to Vote was a significant milestone for women. I wonder if the women in their church are allowed any say in how things are run or if they can hold leadership positions. From my own experience in a fundamentalist church, it was men in charge all the way. I said good-bye to that archaic way of doing things.

    1. In most conservative churches that's how it works. Women can teach Sunday School classes, work in the nursery and things like that but men have all the positions of real authority.

    2. So, you said good bye Scripture?

    3. Churches are not a democracy or political jurisdiction. Churches do not exist to represent "the people". Churches exist to exalt GOD.

    4. And God is against democracy??


    5. 1 Corinthians 14:34 - Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but [they are commanded] to be under obedience, as also saith the law.

      1 Corinthians 14:35 - And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.

    6. I can't believe anyone takes that Bible verse seriously.

    7. I pray that when women read the scriptures that Anon 1:30 wrote that they don't misunderstand why God told us that. A man is to lay down his life for his wife, they are our protectors and called to be the leaders, not slave masters ruling over us with an iron fist, but gentle leaders like Christ is in our life. So they are put in a leadership position in the Church. We women have other very important positions too, and we are teachers, leading Bible studies, visiting the sick and the widows, raising children to know God and follow Him, taking care of our homes, being there for our husbands, working outside the home in some cases, running organizations, and many other positions us women have. We have a lot on our plate so as a women I am thankful to not have to be the leader of our Churches, and thankful for the men who stand up and honor God and take their role by being Godly honorable Pastors.

    8. 1:35- Aren't the members of a church supposed to be "the flock" and the Lord is the shepherd? Doesn't a shepherd represent the flock in that he/she cares for and guides them? If ministers are doing the work of the Lord, they are to be filling the role of a shepherd as well, not one of a dictator or
      master. If you have a member of the clergy who is not representing the congregation, the members should have the authority to remove that individual from their position of power. It's called checks and balances.

    9. I do not understand why teaching and child rearing would not be considered positions of "real authority". Someone please explain

    10. 7:49- Leave God or Bible verses out of it for a moment and tell us what qualities men inately have that would make them more capable leaders than a woman. I'd really like to have someone who believes this explain it. If you belong to a church that practices this type of patariarchal system, do you also oppose women running for public office, being POTUS, or being the CEO of a large company?

    11. Wow, O.P. have you got it backward! The Bible clearly states MEN to be the head. That's why churches are in a state of mess... with some exceptions of course

    12. to Anon 7.49 a.m. - Hopefully Queen Elizabeth II doesn't read this blog. She has been Head of State of the UK for 67 years (since 1952), Head of the Commonwealth, and last but not least Head of the Church of England (Anglican). She meets with the Prime Minister of the UK (since 1952 all men, except for Margaret Thatcher and Therese May) once a week to provide counsel. Plus she is a wife and mother. And she attends Church every week and respects the same bible that you follow. Sometimes the church service is led by men, and sometimes by women. How do you reconcile your interpretation of your bible with this?

    13. Wow, is this still a thing in 2019? It feels like the middle ages to be honest. Women are equal if not better than men. We don’t need protection and can be anything we want to be.

    14. The Bible is the past present and future. The Bible says women shouldn’t be pastors. I am sorry that offends you. If you believe women should preach you violate the scriptures.

    15. The best way for you to understand we stand our mindset is to read the book "Mere Christianity" by C.S Lewis
      Read it cover to cover with an open mind and in its' simplicity lies the answers.

    16. Anon 10:11 This is Anon 7:49 You have to remember that Queen Elizabeth does not set the standard, God's Word sets the standard and the rules. You asked how I would reconcile my interpretation of the Bible with her actions, but I would ask her or anyone else how they would reconcile their interpretation of 1 Corinthians 14:34 Let your women keep silent in the Church for it is not permitted into them to speak, but they are commanded to be under obedience as also saith the law. I'm sure Queen Elizabeth does a lot of good for her country but she is wrong when it comes to being the leader of the Church of England because it's clear in the Scriptures that she is wrong. God's way is always best because He loves us more then anyone could possibly love us and so we have to realize that when He instructs us in His Word it's always the right and best way for us to do things.

    17. @12:08 If you consider a woman to capable of teaching and child rearing, certainly both huge responsiblities, why wouldn't you think of them being capable of having the authority to be a pastor or church leader? Please get beyond the pat response that the Scriptures settle the matter. Why do you think that women are not up to being in a position of authority? What are they lacking, in your opinion?

    18. 11:58 Do you know for certain if those verses were originally translated correctly or that they haven't been added to or changed over the countless years since they were written? Can you even prove that they were words inspired by God? If you want to attend a church where men are in charge and have the final say about everything, that's your choice. However, I know from personal experience that churches with a top-down, patriarchal hierarchy are not the right or best way to do things. When you give over such control to one half of the population and leave out the other half based on gender, that's a problem. Power corrupts; Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

  4. When you stay somewhere for a few weeks, it's hardly "living" there. I recently took a few-weeks trip to Peru, and I didn't start telling people I had moved there.

    1. I agree. If Derrick is doing a 2 month internship in Little Rock, they are temporarily "living" there I suppose.

    2. matter of semantics. where i live, some people (not me) use 'stay' rather than 'live' (ex: i stay in little rock rather than i live in little rock) regardless of how long they've been there! however, when one picks up their 'life' and moves to another city to work, even for a month, they are now actually 'living' in that city rather 'commuting' to that city. its a little different than going on vacation because derick has a work schedule to adhere to

    3. Your complaint is incredibly trivial. It's clear you just don't like them and will complain about anything they do.

    4. Good for you,to take a trip to Peru!

    5. Well they have moved into a house there haven't they? So they are truly living there not visiting in a hotel.

    6. Their new house isn't in Little Rock. It's back home where they actually live.

    7. Where do the Dillards actually live?

    8. Anon 6:28, in my opinion it is obvious. If the ship was sinking a female captain would try to save kids, her own first, the rest of kids-second, and the male captain would try to save the ship.

    9. 1:31- What if the captain was a woman who didn't have children or any on the ship? Is she incapable of making a decision that would save the whole ship? What exactly, would your male captain do to save the ship that the female would not? Would he let children drown? Your point is not clear, other than because women can be mothers, they don't have the ability to think rationally.
      Here's the thing, there are people of both sexes who have the inate qualities of a good leader and there are those who don't. There are quite a few men throughout history who have proven their inablity to handle power, control or being in a position of authority. I'd much rather have a competent woman boss, pastor, or captain of ship than a lousy and incompetent male. How about you?

    10. Anon1:31 Hmmm... Has there been extensive research to back up your claim? You are right about one thing, it's strictly YOUR opinion!

    11. @1:31- The fact that women are: captains that are flying commercial planes, (remember the SW woman pilot who managed to land a severely damaged plane safely?), serving with high rank in the military and in law enforcement, are Supreme Court judges, serving in high public office, and yes, even serving as the captain of a naval ship, pretty much negates your
      claim that women are not fit to be in a postion of authority.

  5. I'm shocked. The first lady of Arkansas is wearing a sleeveless dress. What's the world coming to? lol

    1. The picture said "Jill Dillard and friend". I assumed the older lady was not the Governor's wife, but just a friend who was with Jill in the picture.

    2. I think that's the "friend", and not the First Lady.

    3. I think Jill's caption had said that was here friend. Not the first lady of Arkansas.

    4. Do the Duggar women vote? Do they have to vote how their husbands or fathers tell them to vote?

    5. Huh? The lady in the sleeveless dress is "a friend." Read the caption. What is shocking is that Jill is wearing a dress. πŸ˜„

    6. Anon 7:54 I'm sure the Duggar women vote. As far as voting only what your husband or father tells you to vote, I'm sure it the husband or father are Christians and you are too then you would all be voting for that same candidate. But if your husband or father is telling a women to vote for someone who is clearly not a person who has Godly standards then the women doesn't vote for the person but votes for who God tells her to vote for. It's always God first.

    7. If Godly standards are the criteria, that leaves Trump out of the equation!

    8. @10:27- Whose Godly standards qualify? You do realize that any candidate can claim they stand for God and anyone can claim God is telling them who to vote for, regardless of political affiliation. Everybody thinks their candidate stands for everything that is right and good.

    9. Anon 6:49. Exactly. Makes you wonder why evangelicals and conservative Christians overwhelmingly support him.

    10. To 12:20 p.m. - Because he supports our agenda.

  6. Nice going Jill. Jill looks lovely in the photo.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  7. Nice photo Jill. All the best to u and your lil family. Your fan Natasha Marie.

  8. I guess Jill thinks that since women can vote, that's all they need to be liberated.

  9. Why are you negative bellies even on this site if you can't be supportive?

    1. Because Ellie has one if not the best blog about the Duggars. It attracts anyone interested in the family even if it isn't positive.

    2. Wow a blog where everyone thought the same and believed the same would be very boring.

    3. I've always believed that there is something to be learned from everyone, if you just pay attention.

  10. That’s not Susan Hutchinson

  11. Great news for them. It sounds like a good opportunity.

  12. Is that where they built their house or are they temporarily staying there?

    1. They are there while Derrick does some sort of summer job. Once he goes back to law school they'll go to the house they had built.

  13. Nice pic of you Jill. Pretty dress. Special event. Eileen

  14. Are all the Duggars Trump supporters?

    1. Of the ones who shared who they were supporting in the last presidential election, yes.

    2. Yes. Trump's personal conduct is everything that Christians preach against but evangelicals and conservative Christians overwhelmingly support him. Ironic to say the least.

    3. So agree, 9:26am. I'm appalled that anyone voted for him thinking that he was representing conservative values. I've seen 12 year olds with better manners and better self-control. He is no role model.

    4. I have never really liked Trump but I did vote for him for a few reasons. I agree with some of the things he does. Don't think I would ever speak like he does though. I am a Conservative Christian. And if there were someone better running I would have voted for them and will in the future.

    5. 9:26 AM.I didn't know that ALL our other presidents we're perfect, like Jesus. Go to know.Nan

    6. Anonymous 9:26, Not too ironic given the the choices Hillary & President Trump. Hillary had even less to offer.

    7. President Trump is great! He's a hard hitting, truth telling MAN that this country needs! KAG 2020!!

    8. For me, it's not a matter of supporting Trump or the Republicans, my litmus test is who's advocating killing unborn babies. If you're campaigning for a woman's right to kill an unborn baby, you're not my candidate. I'm not a Trump fan or supporter, but at least he was up front, honest, and open about his womanizing. Hillary Clinton publicly shredded, demeaned, and devalued her husband's victims, knowing full well Bill Clinton ("I did not have sexual relations with that woman [Monica Lewinsky]")was a serial adulterer and predator-while she happily publicly supported him, enthusiastically campaigned for him, tirelessly fundraised for him, and heartily endorsed him as an advocate for woman's rights. Inexcusable. That on top of baby killing = not a chance.

    9. A large group of conservative Christians that "supported" Trump did it reluctantly because of how much better his important polices (such as abortion, which is a HUGE issue for Christians) were than Hillary's.

    10. I was an "anybody but Hillary" voter. I will say that you can't believe everything you hear on the decidedly slanted news and that Trump has been keeping campaign promises. Our economy is stronger and he's standing up for the unborn, among other things.

    11. @7:21 The choices in the last election were not limited to only Trump or Clinton. Conservative Christians didn't have to vote for either of them.

    12. Anon 7:21. Why did they need to vote for Trump? In my state there were 5 presidential candidates on the ballot. I was free to vote for any of them. I chose to vote for one that was not associated with either of the major political parties. IMO we need to throw off this two party system and have a number of viable parties in order to have a government that is more representative of ALL of us.

    13. I think it comes down to, who stands for the things that are important to me and then that person gets my vote. Sort of like how we would feel it we were having heart surgery or cancer surgery and were looking for the best surgeon to meet that need. They might not be the most well mannered or the best speaker but they are the best surgeon. Same thing for picking a President, does he stand for what I stand for and does he love our Country and the American people.

    14. I pay $2500 a month for health insurance, before co-pays and deductibles and prescription costs. I want a president and a congress who can change that. For the better.

    15. 9:43 and 7:21 Abortion is an old issue that is not even up for a vote. Please don't ignore all the other very important issues that are affecting our quality of life, but learn about the current concerns that are on the table. Abortion is not going to become illegal again in this country no matter who becomes President. That ship has sailed.

    16. @9:43- My litmus test for a candidate is how their behvior, proposals and policies has/would treat the living, breathing people already born. Trump's crass behavior and history tells me he is cares little about anyone but himself.

    17. 9:43 so you would let woman die during childbirth?

    18. Anon 7:21. Yeah. One issue voters are a strange group. How do you like the new round of tariffs that will start in September so we can all pay more for everything?

    19. Of course the Duggars all support Trump and now they're vindicated because he's announced that he's going to end the AIDS problem. We'll all be so much better off when that happens. lol

    20. So many democrats on this blog. Why are you looking at a blog about a conservative Christian family. It is everything you hate.
      Bottom line trump gives us freedom and capitalism.
      The democrats give us socialism, race baiting, God hating, baby killing, and HIGH taxes.
      Please watch “Death of a Nation” and get a history lesson.

    21. 1:27, I know children are going hungry in this country and all they care about is a fetus. They don’t care about children just fetus’s.

    22. 2:19, I agree

    23. 3:03 I would absolutely sacrifice my life for my children.

    24. 10:25 and 11:51, yes they were, no independent candidate is ever going to win so the republican and the democratic are your only two real choices. For me, I will always chose the lesser of two evils, there will never be a candidate who is perfect.

    25. 1:27, not true, the president appoints Supreme Court judges, and the issue of Roe vs Wade WILL return to the court. I will never vote for someone who will put a judge who condones the murder of babies into office.

    26. 3:03, what are you talking about?? If a woman can receive an abortion she can receive a csection to save her baby’s life as well.

    27. 9:26, I’m sorry, which candidate in 2016 behaved in a Christian manner? As bad as Trump may be, he was not anywhere close to being as bad as Hillary.

    28. 1:27 Every time we vote for a presidential candidate, we are also deciding
      the make up of SCOTUS. FDR even tried to pack the Court in an attempt to prevent a conservative majority from undoing his accomplishments. While there's no guarantee that any one nominee will turn out to be as liberal or conservative as the president who nominated them thought they'd be, we are not just voting for a presidential candidate, but also any future justices that may sit on the Supreme Court. So, even though certain issues may not be up specifically up for a vote in Congress or state legislatures, they very well can be on the ballot-so to speak- through our judicial system.

    29. To those Christians saying they are behind Trump, I came across this recent Pew Research survey: Nearly 70% of white Christian evangelicals continue to support Trump, yet only 12% of black CE do. How would you explain this?

    30. 6:54, lol that survey was way off.

    31. @6:35 Funny, the US has had quite a few Presidents who were not Republican or Democrat.

    32. Anon 6:54 I can't explain why the majority of black Christian voters vote Democrat because I am white and I am a Trump supporter and so is everyone in my family and extended family. Maybe you should visit a Black Christian blog and just ask them.

    33. To 11:30am I don't recall voter registration cards being checked on this blog. Are you worried about something?

    34. 5:51, I am not talking about self sacrifice, I am talking about forcing a woman to sacrifice her life during childbirth.

    35. I think that is so disingenuous to say that because we care about a baby in the womb that we don't care about "starving children". First of all, all low income families have access to foodstamps, reduced lunches in school, food banks in every city, clothing banks in every city, Mission that provide breakfast and dinner every day in every city. So if children are going hungry then someone who sees that happen needs to report that situation because it is neglect on the part of their parents. As far as the unborn being murdered in the womb, if you are ok with that then you have a real bad issue going on in your heart. How you can be ok with a candidate who says they are for abortion at any stage of pregnancy and even after the baby is born they are ok with killing that baby which is infanticide is a sick state of your heart and you should be ashamed of yourself. Don't think for a second that a Christian would ever vote for someone like that.

    36. Anon 9:30. When you support a president that tells his fellow citizens they "don't belong" here and denigrates an entire city (Baltimore) our freedom is in jeopardy.

    37. What about voting for someone who will make society as a whole better? Not just go for the anti abortion one? What if you, instead of focusing on who will or will not give a woman the right to get an abortion, would look into why women end up having one? Why do girls and women seek abortion? What could lower the abortion rates? Maybe one ought to do something about the reasons behind why some make the hard decision to have an abortion? What are these girls and womens struggles? What about not just thinking about only yourself, but about what will benefit the nation? Why the heck are you do scared about a social democracy? It works brilliant in Scandinavia? Why are you so worried about your tax dollars going to some cause you may not support? It's not like ALL of YOUR tax dollars go to that exact cause anyway? What about not seeing some people as more deserving than others? Why is free health care so scary? Free higher education? I just don't get it. I pay my taxes gladly, knowing it provides free health care, free education, a great social security system, paid maternity leave amongst other things.

    38. No thanks on that no doubt biased film 11:30. I've lived long enough and have seen enough happen to give my own history lessons.

    39. C Frydenlund, we as Christians put life on the top of the list. You said, what about not just thinking about ourselves but what will benefit the nation and then you go on to say what about not seeing some people as more deserving then others? Why don't you stop thinking about yourself by condoning the murder of American citizens in the womb, and what makes you think your life is more deserving then their life??? We don't want a socialist country where our hard working money is stolen from us to support people who don't want to work and for causes we do not condone. We don't murder and we don't want our money given to people who do.

    40. Anon 11:05. When Christians vote for a candidate solely on the issue of abortion, I shudder. Whether or not a woman gets an abortion is only a side issue IMO. We have far greater problems facing this country than that. Abortions will happen no matter what laws are in effect or what your opinion of them is. We have climate change, an opioid crisis, health care costs running out of control because we refuse to have universal health care, young people stuck with enormous crippling debt because college costs are so high, a severe shortage of doctors (largely because many can't afford to go to medical school), gun violence running rampant all over the country. We need to deal with these problems that affect us all. Trump had NO policies except what he believed would appeal to his base. Focusing on abortion is myopic and doesn't deal with the root issues that cause women to seek abortion anyway.

    41. @10:05 I've always felt that the country is taking my money for causes I don't condone. I also feel that there's too much power and influence given to lobbyists and big election donors. The average voter faces an uphill battle to be heard.

    42. Anon 9:06 President Trump absolutely had policies in place when he entered the Presidency. You mentioned different issues that you found more important then abortion and the first one was climate change. There are more scientist calling the liberal climate change agenda a farce then there are scientist claiming that agenda. So there is that. As far as the opioid crisis that existed way before President Trump got in office, he is working hard to prosecute Doctors and Dentist that are over prescribing opioids. About healthcare, we working people who have private health insurance do not want universal government health care and the President is honoring that. As far as college cost, if you can't afford college then you go to a trade school or work for the college tuition like the rest of us. It is the pursuit of happiness not the guarantee of happiness which is your right. It is not everyone else's responsibility to pay your way for you to be happy, that is your job. But what is our right is the right to Life!! That thing you called myopic, the life of the American citizens in the womb who should be protected but are being slaughtered everyday at every stage of gestation and their body parts sold are the reason that Christian would never vote liberal. There is no higher need right now then for us to stand against this slaughter. As far as gun violence running rampant in America, gee I wonder why our youth have no empathy for life?

    43. Not to mention that the anti-life movement is now pushing state bills allowing infanticide. You don't think that's something we should be upset about or fighting to stop????

    44. Anon 5:43. I stopped reading when you claimed climate change was some sort of "liberal scientist" conspiracy. lol

    45. 5:43, can you please be so kind as to cite your source? More scientists are saying climate change is a farce than scientists who are showing with hard data that our climate is indeed drastically warming? How do you explain the rapidly melting glaciers and temperatures warmer than they’ve ever been in certain parts of the world? You may not agree that human activity is accelerating warming, but you can’t deny facts. What if all you science deniers are wrong and your refusal to take action leads to an uninhabitable planet for your children? Do you really want to take that gamble? In other countries global warming isn’t a liberal versus conservative issue, it’s a crisis that needs to be addressed. Now.

    46. Anon 6:47 No problem, you can get information on the polar ice caps from NASA sites and also you can just google the global warming agenda hoax. I have also listened to Scientist after Scientist on Fox News and elsewhere discussing this same misinformation Campaign that the media and some candidates are pushing. Just remember also that these same people who are yelling the loudest about global warming are the same people who own or fly in private jets whenever they travel. They also own huge SUVs and use them, and would never consider taking the subway to get across town. If what someone was saying was actually true then you would see it in their own behavior, so always do your own research.

    47. Anon 11:50. "Anti-life"? Whatever are you talking about? States are not passing bills that allow parents to kill their infants. Some states are allowing parents to opt out of highly invasive medical procedures on their terminally ill babies. That's it. Please stop with the hyperbole.

  15. I I think Jill looks especially pretty in this photo. I love her dress and the color suits her very well.

  16. What a fun event! Jill, you look wonderful as always. I'm excited for this hard but amazing opportunity for Derrick.

    1. Hard? Derick isn't exactly at Harvard or Yale or Penn.

    2. Hard? Apparently Derrick is doing what most law students do, a summer internship.

    3. Anonymous 12:13 Law school is hard. No matter what school you go to.

    4. Hard? It's just a summer internship, most probably unpaid, and he is a law student, which makes sense he interns in the state capital. Many students do this. I generally wonder what money they live on with 2 kids, he is a student and his wife is not working.

    5. We have no idea what Derrick is actually doing so it's a bit of a stretch to call it an "amazing opportunity".

    6. Actually, this article didn't say Derick's doing a summer law school-related internship. It just said he's got a summer job in Little Rock. He could be doing temp accounting work or a short term CPA stint for all we know. Please don't assume because he's completed first year at law school that he's working an internship.

    7. Anon 5:23 I know. When my daughter was in grad school (for architecture) she couldn't afford to do internships which were all unpaid. She had to work at a job that paid money. No one knows how they finance this lifestyle.

    8. @10:34 "Hard" depends on your abilities and which school you go to. Law school itself is no harder than any other professional schooling. Open any phone book to the L's and you'll see, like doctors, how many people were able to accomplish it. If you're used to studying, you listen and learn well, are organized, and are good with time management, you can do it, and you might not consider the work all that hard. There may be a large amount of assignments, but they're not impossible, and quite possibly enjoyable for the real go-getter personalities who are dedicated to their studies.

      What matters with law school, though, is how high that school is ranked among other schools. Future jobs (and income) can depend on which law school you went to. The schools that were named @12:13 above are some of the top ones. Those are where you add intense peer competition to the academic load. Derick's school is ranked 91st out of 100 law schools.

      Derick has the distractions of family and doesn't seem to have the personality for academic competition among his peers that other law students might have. If anything will add to making law school "hard" for him, those will. Will he graduate first in his class? We'll see.

      --From a family of lawyers

    9. @8:32 is correct. Not every law School is equal.
      Derick could very possibly find his future prospects limited because of the ranking of his Law School. It would be even worse for him if he ranks low in his class.

  17. I’m curious how Anna’s parents are doing? She never mentions them. Do Anna and Josh go visit them often or vise versa?

  18. It's nice that they could get out from their rural area and live for s little while in Little Rock, kids will experience new museums.

  19. Is Jill pregnant in that case I wish her a good and healty pregnancy πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘ΆπŸ»πŸŒΈπŸŒΈ

    1. What of she het a babygirl?
      Would-be so Nice πŸ’

  20. Is Jill pregnant??


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