
Friday, March 1, 2019

Duggars Try Jackfruit

Johannah Duggar and Jackson Duggar
Johannah Duggar and Jackson Duggar
Have you ever tried jackfruit? If you have, how would you describe it? In the extended scene below, Ben Seewald take the youngest Duggar siblings to the grocery store to buy items for their homeschool math meal. While they are there, they come across a unique fruit...a jackfruit. They decide to buy it, and the rest of the siblings share their reactions as they sample it.

Also in this video, we see Jackson and Johannah sitting together during interviews, just like when they were little. Boy have they grown up!

Photo/video courtesy TLC


  1. I love Jackfruit!!!!

  2. Jack fruit is actually really good. To me it tastes like a mix of some kind of melon and a banana.

  3. This was a super cute video ❤️

  4. Jackson looks tiny next to Johannah. From all the pictures I've seen he's very small for his age.

    1. Aren’t you thankful that no one comments on your size below your pictures/videos? Good grief.

    2. Just a little,she's 13 and looks 15 he's 14 and looks 12,its inherited,for example my sister was mistaken for an adult sometimes in her early teens while a lot of people thought I was a minor up until my mid twenties,we inherited from different family members,my father was almost a whole foot shorter than his brother.

  5. Oh it’s good! It has like a banana/mango taste.

  6. I've never had jackfruit before, though I've seen it and was curious. Everyone looks great! Sweet to see Jackson and Johannah!

  7. Why is trying a new food a camera-worthy moment?

    1. Don't be a party pooper!

    2. I don't understand TLC's fascination with watching the Duggars eat different foods either. Do they want them to turn their noses up or gag, just so they can record it?

  8. Does Ben have a teaching degree?

    1. You don’t need one to homeschool in most states. Just follow the curriculum and you’ll be fine.

    2. No, but that doesn't matter when you home school.

    3. No, he doesn't. None of the Duggars or in-laws are real teachers.

    4. A board-certified teacher's main job is how to run a classroom. The logistics and legalities of how to handle other people's children. How to keep order and discipline. How to deal with parents. etc. Teacher's college does not teach teachers specific subjects. Thus, you do not need a teacher's degree to teach your own children. You are already the expert on how you want to maintain order and discipline. You already have chosen a curriculum or develop one. Many people with PhDs decide to become homeschool parents because they have a love for their children and a love for learning. Other homeschool parents don't have any formal university education but love learning and teaching.

    5. Not a teaching degree, but at least some higher education, I believe an associates from an online school. I though he was pursuing a BA/BS as well in something ministry related. Don’t on any of that, “trying “ to remember from past seasons or posts.

    6. 3:09- I do not agree with your claim that teachers are not taught specific subjects. I am a retired public school teacher, with dual degrees in special and elementary education, as well as a Master's degree in Curriculum and Instruction. In my training, there was required coursework in reading and math instruction, curriculum development, educational psychology, assessments, goal setting, as well as the sciences and social studies. I was even required to take a music course. Perhaps where you live it's different, but you make it sound as though licensed teachers are merely crowd control managers.

    7. Can’t speak for the US but in Canada you don’t go to “teachers’ college” without first getting a degree from university. It is there you study and receive a degree in your subject of choice ( math, history, geography). Only elementary school teachers don’t need a degree in a specific area of study but they are expected to have studied prequisites such as math and English.

    8. Interesting comment Anon 3:09. Both my husband and I have PhD’s ((his in History and mine in Medical Physics). We certainly have a love for our children and for learning but we don’t homeschool. Our children attend the neighbourhood schools and are doing quite well. Actually of all the PhDs that we know none of them homeschool. This is probably because they are working in their field of study and not stay at home parents.

    9. @3:09 Perhaps where you live but here teachers have to have certifications to teach specific subjects. All of our teachers have at least undergrad degrees, with specific majors. Many have master's degrees as well PLUS their Teacher's Diploma. Plus, teachers certified to teach the younger grades, say Grade 1, would not be certified to teach Grade 7 or 8. They HAVE to obtain additional training.

      We call them "teachables". The teacher has to pass exams to verify that they know the material in their "teachables". A teacher, for example, with a B.A in English would NOT be teaching high school math. And a teacher, with a B.Sc. in Physics would not be teaching high school English.

      Over the last few years, the requirements for acceptance in our 2 year teacher colleges have increased. Many of the universities have closed their undergrad teacher's degrees (dual undergrad degrees in teaching and in Science or Arts). Students need at least a honor's undergrad degree (none of this B.Arts in Physics or Liberal Arts degrees), with high marks, recommendations and proven volunteer experience.

      All my kids' teachers had the required "teachables". Their English teachers had Bachelors and Masters in English, their music teachers and Performance degrees in Music, their Chemistry teachers and degrees in Chemistry PLUS their teaching diplomas.

  9. Since I don’t have TV I’m way behind. Could someone explain Ben teaching the kids? Does he/has he ever had a job since he and Jessa got married? Ty

    1. Ben is helping Michelle home school the younger kids. As for a job he's a reality TV star.

    2. Homeschool families can have anyone teach their kids a class or two. Since the parents were away for their anniversary, school still happens. Just another family member does the lessons.

    3. I also wonder that. I know he takes a few college classes but what does he do to actually support the family financially? I don't know that I could have 3 children if my husband didn't have a full time job. It wouldn't seem too bad trying to finish his degree and do a little side work if they didn't keep having children. Plus they travel so much which is another expense. But maybe I'm wrong and he actually does have a job. Maybe it's just never shown or talked about

    4. I think Ben still works for Jim Bob. JB has a lot of property and he is flipping houses now and able to use the talent of all of his kids and they make a living off of it too. Nothing wrong with a family business. He had a master plan long ago to do real estate teaching his kids the skills along the way and it seems to be working out for all of them. I’m a nurse by trade and working with many different people with varying personalities especially people who have no faith in God can really be hard on a person. Having a trade allows you to work for yourself and some people can only dream of this.

    5. 11:06- I was a public school teacher for many years before retiring. I enjoyed working with many different people and personalities. As far as those who have no faith in God, I avoid discussing religion with others. Whatever they choose to believe, or not, is none of my business and it doesn't bother me. I'm not sure why it would bother you, unless you find yourself arguing with others over religion. Regarding self-employment, it has its pros and cons just like any profession. There are several members of my family who could vouch for that.

    6. @ 11:06.

      I hope you are never my nurse or taking care of my family or friends! I am atheist myself and so are most of family and friends. Not being a burden to you because I don't believe in God would be the last thing on my mind if I needed medical care. You are seriously saying that it is difficult FOR YOU because some of your patients don't believe in God?! Think about what they are going through! You are not being very Christian in your post. You should care about and treat all of your patients equally regardless of their faith or lack thereof.

    7. Think about it; Ben does not need a full time job, he has Jessa’s (and his) Counting On income, no mortgage, maybe no car payment. What could be their expenses: basic food, diapers, utilities and taxes! Travel is probably paid by TLC.

    8. To 5:20 -- 11:09 did not say he/she treated patients any differently. YOU read that into the comment. He/she said that working with "varying personalities especially people who have no faith in God can really be hard on a person." It's a shame you got worked up about something 11:09 didn't even say! I see that often here on DFB, actually, and it's sad because people are getting angry with each other for no good reason.

    9. I read it as that person (nurse) making faith in God a priority when she treated patients, and when she came across someone like an atheist, it was hard for her to deal with that. I'm wondering why discussing religion with a patient comes into play at all in a nurse's job. Leave that to the hospital chaplain.

      And yes, I'd be worried that there would be some sort of prejudice against me that would make my treatment different when that nurse was on duty, if it was found out that I was an atheist. Why else would she bring it up? It's not professional, and frankly, I'm surprised any hospital would allow it to be discussed. Hasn't anyone complained about a nurse asking them personal questions?

  10. Never heard of a jackfruit or seen one, but this was a fun video to watch. I can't believe how much older all of the Duggars look, especially the youngest ones. I still really like this family and am sorry to see so many snarky comments by people about them, even on this blog.

  11. Jackson & Hanney* have grown up so much! And look real different then their young years, all that blonde went brunette! Johannah looks like a little JinJoy* (mix of sis')

  12. They posted in the blog (perhaps in a recap) that he was working for Michelle, helping her teach the kids

    1. Yes, she was seen in the earlier video.

  13. I know counting on is about the adult Duggars, but I'd love an update on the younger ones, we know Josie is pretty confident/outgoing but what about the others, what's Johanna's personality like now that she is a teenager? Is Jennifer still very quite? What do the younger ones want to do when they are older? What are their interests like? What are their relationships with their older siblings like now as people have moved out and had families of their own? Of course this doesn't just apply to the younger girls but also Jackson, Tyler, Justin etc etc

    1. Maybe they’re trying to give the younger kids more privacy until they’re old enough to decide if the want more information about themselves given out to the public to be scrutinized.

  14. You don’t need a teaching degree to homeschool.

  15. Can we have an update on Ben’s college path. Did he finish a 4-year degree and is it in ministry or education? Perhaps he is teaching the kids now that Laura has moved out and is filing the gap temporarily. I would say it’s not uncommon in large homeschooling families for the eldest to help the younger ones like Jessa did and perhaps Ben did in his family since he was the eldest. Seems like he enjoys kids and coaching kids in football camps too. Way to use those God given gifts. He and Jessa are a good team. I recall Tori and Carlin Bates both discovered they had a love of helping their siblings in school work.

    1. He said on the show he’s in college getting a degree in ministry, and he’s teaching the kids right now as a job. He also makes money from being on a tv show.

  16. Maybe they can try durian fruit next! On an unrelated note, Ben looks handsome with a full beard, and it is neatly groomed too. He didn't have much of a beard during the grocery shopping trip, but by the time of the interview, his beard was full.

    1. No,I dont think it suits him ,he looks so different,but all that matters is he likes it and Jessa likes it ,I guess if he has it long enough we'll get used to it,when my uncle shaved off his beard after having it for twenty years we just did'nt see him as the same person lol but of course he was the same his personality did'nt change.

  17. Too bad they don't carry it in the groceries in the small town where I live. I'd love to try it. I like trying new foods.

  18. There was some discussion about when the interviews/"talking head" portions were done. Ben's beard confirms it for those debating. They are filmed much after the original footage is filmed.

    So when Siah and Lauren were narrating the story about telling their family they were expecting and how excited they were- that was well after they had already miscarried.

    I can't imagine how difficult that would have been and I think TLC could have altered the format for them.

    1. They have already said before that the talking head segments happen way later. They film those all at the same time over the course of three days after the actual filming for the season is done.

    2. I agree. I wish they would have not shown them announcing it, for Lauren and Josiah's benefit. I'm sure right now it must be hard to relive any of it.

  19. Several of these kids are teenagers. Who teaches them algebra, geometry, calculus, chemistry, physics, and other advanced subjects? Eating jackfruit is really not an education.

    1. I think they take on line classes. I'm not sure what happens if they don't understand it from the on line presentation. I well remember having to teach my daughter the theory of color and light when she didn't understand it when the teacher went over it in class.

    2. The older ones did online classes when they were in the upper grades.

    3. I was thinking that. A maths meal is something my children did at 7-9yrs! Both my young teenagers are studying 9-11 subjects at school learning about kidney function and dialysis to forces to Shakespeare... I can't imagine the duggars have such a wide scope of education.

    4. The Duggar kids don't go to accredited 4-year colleges so they don't need those subjects. It's a shame, because in 19 kids, you'd expect to find at least one who excels academically and would be encouraged to get a degree, maybe from that state college whose sports team they support so strongly.

    5. No one. The Duggars only get GEDs.

    6. I would LOVE to know if any of the people here so concerned with homeschoolers taking trig and calc and physics could pass a trig, calc, or physics test right now.

      I went to public school. I took those classes. Unless you have aspirations of being an engineer or entering some field of science professionally, those classes are unnecessary and do not automatically make one a smarter person.

      I’m not sure why anyone is concerned with making sure homeschoolers have access to those classes when MOST public schoolers don’t take them all either. And, in the event a high school does take higher level math like calculus, they are only proven to have a 5% grade increase in college calculus over the students who didn’t take calc in high school. So really...why the concern?

    7. Why dumb down an entire generation of children just because "they'll never use it"? Higher science and math classes teach you to think and to find ways to solve problems. Everyone can use that.

    8. I took a lot of Calculus in college, as it was part of my undergrad degree. I did well and enjoyed it. However, I went into an unrelated career and now, 30 years later, couldn't do a calculus problem if you paid me. I don't think there's any reason for the Duggars to waste time on calculus unless it's part of a degree program or career OR if they enjoy exercising their brains for the sake of it -- which some do. Just my two cents' worth.

    9. I'm a homeschooling mom with an Associate's Degree. The biggest challenge I've had teaching my high school student is finding time to grade, but that's because I teach all of the subjects myself except Spanish (which we're taking together). I could have opted for an online program like Switched on Schoolhouse (or any number of other online or "long-distance" choices), but it was important to me that my student have an accessible teacher to discuss concepts with and share what's being learned-someone to share the joy/enthusiasm of mastering an involved concept or making connections between past and present historical events...things a computer program can't offer. It takes quite a bit of my time, but it's only for one season of our lives. Choosing curriculum can be overwhelming (many choices), but I've actually learned more by teaching Math than I ever did in high school or college even though I was in the top 10% of my class. A motivated parent, with a good curriculum, can make a good teacher. We're a middle class family who have chosen to do without some things in order to homeschool. It's not for everybody, but it works for us. When our high school student graduates, I expect to be heading back to a job outside the home until my husband and I retire. My high school student cooks, bakes, cleans a mean house, and does laundry like a pro...all life skills that many college students lack and few get in the AP/Advanced Diploma public school track. Our local college (a large, state-funded institution) mandates life skills classes for all incoming freshman because so many come to campus with no idea how to manage their laundry, clean a dorm room, grocery shop,cook, study, and still show up on time for class. Our goal is to teach our student how to be a lifelong learner and equip them to succeed both at work and at home.

    10. If they don't study advanced science, they'll never know if they want to be a scientist or if they'd prefer to sell used cars. If they don't study advanced math, they'll be unable to do the advanced science. They can't be expected to have an interest in chemistry or engineering without any exposure to these fields!

      True, they may eventually forget some things. That's no reason to subject them to a simplistic math lesson more suitable for 8 year olds.

  20. Jordyn seems like she makes expressions like her older sister Jinger.

  21. Johanna looks so much older.

  22. They should do more of these, there is so many more to try, that would be fun to watch👍😊

  23. Jackson looks like one of the twins, he’s gotten so big! And Hanny looks like a cross between Jinger and Joy


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