
Monday, February 11, 2019

Josiah and Lauren's Loss

Lauren Swanson Duggar

"I couldn't believe it, and I was hoping it wasn't true. It was the worst day of my life, really."
-Lauren (Swanson) Duggar

Soon after they got married, Josiah and Lauren Duggar found out that they were expecting a baby. But their dreams of becoming parents were shattered when Lauren suffered a miscarriage. Follow their story on Counting On.

The 60-minute Counting On season premiere begins tonight at 9pm ET/8pm CT, although there will be a "Countdown to the New Season" episode one hour before, featuring scenes from the previous season and a preview of the new season. Come back to the blog after the show for our recap.

Click here to watch a brief video from Josiah and Lauren.

Photo courtesy TLC


  1. Very sad news. I hope they wait a while before attempting to have another baby.

    1. Why would you say that? So insensitive. Let them do whatever they want to do.

    2. I just experienced a miscarriage myself on December 20th. My doctor said that you know longer have to wait after a miscarriage to try and conceive again, your chances are higher within the first few months of getting pregnant again than waiting

    3. Why should they wait? It doesnt matter if they wait or not health wise. They should do whatever they want...

    4. Why should they wait? Its not any harm to her health wise to wait. They should do whatever they want to do. Its very insensitive to tell someone whos miscarried to "wait"

    5. I don't believe they will wait. For many couples a rainbow baby can help the grieving process.

    6. I hope they do what’s best for them and not what’s best for you.

    7. That is their decision. I lost my first child at 23 weeks of pregnancy. I was advised to wait a year before becoming pregnant again. I am so glad I didn't listen to that advice! Everyone grieves differently. Having another baby soon helped me to heal. When I miscarried very early with my third pregnancy, I became pregnant again the next month and all was fine.

    8. They may want to wait because emotionally they are not ready to get pregnant again

    9. My condolences to Lauren and Si! I miscarried my second pregnancy and was told I should wait 8 weeks to try again, when i went in for my 8 week checkup my dr was estimating that I was already 2 weeks pregnant again. Keep your chin up Lauren! And try again when YOU are ready.

    10. If it was an early, uncomplicated miscarriage, I would think it would be better to conceive again quickly. Your body can conceive within several weeks of miscarriage, which is what happened to me, with no ill effects. In fact, I didn't know I was pregnant again until over 2 months later. I just thought my body was taking a while to get back to normal. It was really nice to "skip" those first few months and have a seemingly short pregnancy.

    11. I’m going to hope your comment was well-meaning, but please take a note:

      don’t EVER say that to someone you know in real life who may have a miscarriage.

      I’ve had 7 miscarriage in the past 7 years. In between those I gave birth to four children and am expecting number 5. Comments from people implying they know what’s best for you regarding your own family is really unhelpful and actually crosses over to downright nastiness, especially when there is no medical evidence behind the comment.

      If you know someone who has a miscarriage, something like, “I’m so, so sorry for the pain you’re feeling, PERIOD” is much, much more appropriate.


    12. My Dr. Recommended I wait a month. It's emotionally draining :(. So sad and sorry to hear :(

    13. I had an early miscarriage with what would have been our 2nd child. It's heart wrenching when you get the + on the pregnancy test. I felt different too. I was supposed to go for a Dr. Apt but then it happened. 😦

  2. So sorry for your loss!! I too had a miscarriage and I know how the terrible feeling of a lost child!! The only thing that makes it bearable is knowing you have an angel in heaven watching over you!!!

    1. The same thing happened to me. 25 years later, I still think about that little baby and what he or she would be doing now. The only thing that gives me peace is knowing that they are in heaven.

    2. I think it can also help to know that it's a very common occurrence. If I remember correctly, miscarriages happen to one in 4 or 5 women.

    3. So many say that statement and while perhaps true, our experiences are our own. I didn’t find it comforting in the slightest 😢

      The guilt and sorrow, diminish, but every year I reflect “ how old” that loss would be.

      Hang in there. *Hugs to all* during trying circumstances.

    4. Angel? There is no teaching in the Bible that people become "angels" when they die. Telling someone that miscarriages are common doesn't make it "better" either.

    5. 12:59: it's not about making it better per se. There's a difference though between thinking that you're one in a million who has to go through this, and knowing that it actually happens very often, and that sometimes nature just doesn't work. It's like there's a glitch, and it's part of life.
      It doesn't make the pain go away, but it puts it into perspective.

    6. I did find it helpful to know how common it was. When I lost my baby, knowing that it happens to many women helped me not blame myself. I kept thinking crazy things like: maybe I was putting to much pressure on my stomach while I was doing the dishes. Maybe there is too much caffeine in decaf coffee. Maybe it was having my phone near by. Knowing that this is a very common thing helped me not blame myself. I also found comfort with the other women in church who had gone through the same thing. We lost the baby at 8 weeks, but we got to hear the heartbeat and gave the baby a name too. I'm excited to meet the baby in heaven. (Not as an angel though). I'm heartbroken for the two. I think there is a difference between saying:this is common so get over it (never say that) and this is common let's grief together.

    7. Yeah, I think it means: it's common, so:
      1) you didn't do anything wrong, it's simply a bery possible outcome (though a painful one). Pregnancy doesn't always lead to a (healthy) baby, sadly;
      2) there's a lof of people out there who've been through it and understand it. You are not alone.

  3. I feel so badly for them, she is so young herself, although it is heartbreaking at any age. I think its good that they are being open about it, it used to be something that was hushed up, people didn't know what to say but I do think that is changing. My one concern about this is how the story came out as it appeared in a promo and was left hanging there and caused so much speculation, shame on TLC (and whoever in the family okd it) for exploiting this young couples grief. I hope they give themselves time to recover and come to terms with it and that Lauren does not blame herself as often their is no reason for it other than it wasn't meant to be this time.

    1. No one made them talk about it, it was their choice to do so. I think now that some time has passed they’re able to do so.

    2. I'm not sure why they wanted it on TV. I think sometimes being on reality TV is more important than having a normal life to the Duggars. Lauren is very young and being surrounded by a family that pumps out healthy babies regularly rather compounds her loss. She needs time to come to terms with it and a TV show wouldn't be my choice of a venue to do that.

    3. And shame on the trolls that come here with comments about when will a pregnancy announcement will be made. And even worse saying Lauren looked pregnant when she wasn't. I believe such comments about pregnancy shouldn't even be allowed to be approved. I hope Lauren doesn't read this blog. It would be devastating to read rumors about pregnancy after losing their little one. Sending hugs and prayers.

    4. Yeah you're right, shame on TLC for using their miscarriage as a promo for counting on… I mean just the day of the premiere, this must be really hard for Josiah and Lauren...

    5. Some fans keep saying things like when will Lauren be pregnant....this is why it's better to let them announce....sorry for their loss.

    6. @12:25 I think comments where other people are called trolls shouldn't be allowed then either. You can't fault people for being excited about a possible pregnancy in a family who got famous for doing that very thing over and over and over...who make big public deals out of such announcements...who film elaborate gender reveals... If they wanted to keep the miscarriage news private, they would have done that, too.

    7. Anon @12:25 They do this to each other, just after Jinger got married her sisters were face timing with her and were asking her if she had taken a pregnancy test yet, the ink was hardly dry on the marriage certificate! They as a family are baby obsessed it is what made them famous and continues to keep them in the spotlight. I feel so sorry for Lauren and Josiah, maybe its time for the show to finish and allow these young couples to live their lives privately.

    8. @12:25 It is not trolls who make the pregnancy announcement comments. It is fans that are obsessed with baby announcements. As to Lauren looking pregnant, when she was not, that is also fans, again obsessed with baby announcements.

  4. I'm so very sorry for your loss.. I went through that 38 year's ago.. I was totally devastated.. I always think about my baby

    1. I suffered a miscarriage myself. But the idea of going on a reality TV show and discussing it never occurred to me. IMO that's a bridge too far, even for the Duggars.

    2. Anonymous 2:08 pm: why is it too far?
      I understand that they do everything to promote their show, but after all it's their business, they want it to do well.
      Plus, I think it's good to talk about these things, so that people know they're not alone. There's no point in suffering in silence and it's nothing they should be ashamed of.

    3. 2:08, I agree. I hope that talking about it on national t.v. was her choice and that she wasn’t coerced into it for ratings. I can’t even begin to imagine the emotional pain she was in during that interview. TLC crossed a line in my opinion.

  5. I'm sorry to hear that they had a miscarriage. That means they would have got pregnant during their honeymoon or just before they got married. I hope they wait awhile before they try again.

    1. Why are you trolling, they did not get pregnant before they were married.

    2. No, it does NOT mean they got pregnant on their honeymoon or a bit before!!! They lost their baby over 3 months after their wedding and they had only learned a couple weeks before that, that they expecting. So it’s a good possibility she was no more than 2 months along, and maybe even less than that....

    3. It most likely means they got pregnant in September if she miscarriaged in October a few weeks after finding out. Remember they got married in June.

    4. 11:46AM: Troll!!! Obviously, you are only trolling for responses with that suggestion that maybe they got pregnant just before they got married. Go away

    5. If in October she was still in her first trimester she can't have gotten pregnant before June 30.

    6. Why do nasty people like you keep implying that some couples may have gotten pregnant before their wedding day? They don't even kiss before that day so trust them when they say they remain chaste before marriage! Honeymoon babies do happen all the time, especially since the brides are quite young !

    7. Shame on you for going there. That baby was not conceived before marriage.

  6. That is sad news.

    I would like to make a comment regarding people believing that we become angels when we die. This is not true and it seems people (even Christians!) commonly believe this! As comforting as it may seem to some, your loved one is not an angel and does not become one looking over you when they pass.

    1. I don’t know who thinks you become an angel, and as far as looking over people goes we don’t really know what all goes on in heaven.

    2. @Anonymous 11:48, you are correct. I would like to add, the church is Christ's church, not anyone else's.

    3. Anon @ 11:48 I don't think now is the time for this theological debate. The pain of miscarriage and the loss of a child are unbearable for those experiencing it, if they find comfort in thinking their little one is an angel that is fine, I am sure God does not mind.

    4. Not everyone that dies becomes an angel, only babies and unborn babies. Believe whatever you want and accept that other people think differently.

    5. Christians and other religions know that you do not literally become an angel when you die. Angels are part of the Christian beliefs; they are suppose to be supernatural beings separate from humans,created before humans.

      Using the term "angel" just implies that the person is in Heaven and that, being in Heaven, they are now closer to God. However, some Christian denominations believe that the Saints, those in Heaven and known to have lived God-centered lives, will help us as much as they can to and do watch over us.

      Moreover, we do not know if the dead are actually aware of the living or not. Like "life after death", "angels", and only "Christians going to heaven", that is a belief that people accept solely on faith.

      You cannot say that the loved one does not become like a "angel" and is not watching over you, just as we cannot say the opposite. It is based on faith.

    6. What a horrible thing to say. I think we as Christians don't believe that they become one of God's "watchers", but they are in heaven and are in God's presence and that is a comfort to know that they are with God as they "watch" over us. Please don't be cruel and take away this wonderful girl's comfort. I will pray for you daily. May God Bless you.

    7. OP, that may not be true in your belief system but you can't make the declaration that what others believe about angels is not true.

      I have a different belief system that does involve contact with persons who are in another dimension. Call them angels, call them loved ones, whatever. I've had too many personal experiences to believe otherwise, and I know other people who have had similar experiences. Something endures, some power to reach the "living," and it's not just wishful thinking on our part. If you can believe in a God who transcends time and space to touch your life, then it's not a reach to believe in "angels" too.

    8. No, you're right. The Bible clearly teaches that people and angels are distinctly different.

    9. You’re right, and that misteaching has always baffled me. Maybe for some it’s just their choice of wording, and they literally mean that their baby is with Jesus. I don’t know.

    10. I think of Steven when he was being stoned looked up to Heaven and SEEN Jesus standing at the right hand of the Father as he was leaving this world. In the midst of what he was going through he became oblivious to any suffering in that moment and was filled with Joy and Peace as all of Heaven was revealed to him as he left to join God. Same is true for our babies who left here. They were filled with that same beautiful peace and joy. If they can see us from Heaven, that I don't know, but we will see each other when we join them oneday. If we love them this much, how much more does our Creator who is Holy love them, so they are safe. 👣😇

    11. French Mama -- Human beings and angels are both created beings, but one does not become another.

    12. Right, humans are not nor become angels. I miscarried and I believe that my child is with angels and with Jesus

  7. I am so sorry for your loss Laure Jackson, but if you are a Christian, you will one day see your sweet baby, that is a blessed hope that you have!

    1. It's Lauren Swanson Duggar, not Laure Jackson.
      Jackson was Josiah's first girlfriend's name.

    2. Lauren Jackson is another commenter who stated she had had a miscarriage. I think it's funny when people correct others while being incorrect themselves.

    3. Haha, I meant Laure Jackson, not Lauren Jackson. I need correcting too. ;)

  8. This is why the “I wonder if they’re expecting!” and “I hope they wait to have a baby” comments are so so rude. You never know when a couple is going through this, and both of those comments are extremely hurtful. Hopefully in the future everyone will be more mature and thoughtful with their comments.

  9. I too had a miscarriage about 2 years ago. It was a very hard time for me. I truly had to lean on God to get through. It also helped me to write the baby a letter and just pour out my heart. The letter was more for me than the baby I'd never meet. But it helped.
    We did decide to try for another child and a few months later God blessed us with another child. Although I did not know God's plan, I knew that I would always love the baby I would never meet on this Earth, but I couldn't imagine my life without the new little life God entrusted in our care. We have had two more babies since then and time does heal the wounds. We have six now. You never forget, but you just hold the children you do have tighter. And I believe that God allowed it to happen so I could help others. I wrote a post on my blog about the miscarriage and the letter, trying to help others. Many go through miscarriages but not many people talk about it, and when it happens, silence is not what's needed, but support and encouragement from those who have been through it. I think I cried so much for days, and it's ok to cry.

    I'm so sorry for your loss. I would not wish that pain and heartache on anyone.

  10. I'm so sorry for your loss. Stay strong, take care of each other & dont blame yourself or give up. I suffered multiple miscarriages but God Blessed me with 3 awesome children later on. May God Bless you 2!

  11. I am so sorry to read this. I will be praying for them.

  12. So sad to hear they have been through such a hard time,I've been through it too and I've have had to sum up courage I did'nt know I had,but you'll get through it with some comfort from your family,life can through some though things our way but there is sunshine after the rain,I found to be expecting again two months later,hope the best for you too.

  13. I'm sorry she had to endure this at such a young age. It's a sad fact that nearly 1/4 of all recognized pregnancies end in miscarriage. The numbers are even higher if you figure in those that ended before the woman was even aware she was pregnant. I hope no one tells her it was God's will, or that she did anything wrong.

    1. this misscarriage has nothing to do w/ god,s will wish people that part out this part off loss. have a cousin who under went threw this samething 19 times which ended up being a real med issue w/ her blood attacking, finely her doctor put the very picture together did some test and she was blessed 8 healthly sons

    2. Everything is Gods plan, he promised us that all things are being workex for our good.....even the bad stuff. God is with us through the good and the bad, the Duggars are believers and know this.

    3. 9:41- If what you say is true, then God allows children to be born into abusive and neglectful homes. That defies all logic.

  14. So sorry for your loss.

  15. I'm very disappointed in TLC for using this as a promo. Although I am glad they are talking about it, using it as a 'hook' to watch the show is not right. My heart goes out to you them both. I had 3 miscarriages and every single one is devastating. Praying that the Lord blesses them with the children they want whether it be naturally or through adoption.

  16. NOBODY should have to go on TV and explain this type of event. Nobody. All those adult kids need to start maintaining privacy NOW or they will probably regret it later. Why don't they realize this themselves?

    1. Well actually it can help other couples going through the same thing. Some people don't have the support of a family to deal with it, and seeing others understand your pain can help. We

    2. For some people talking about their loss is healing. Not for everyone, but if someone decides to do so it’s not your business to criticize them.

    3. What if Lauren didn't want to talk about it but felt obligated to because she had married into such a highly public family? Now that would be sad.

    4. Not true,Anna,Josh's wife was not obliged to talk about her miscarriage a few years back.

  17. So very sorry to hear of the loss of Lauren & Josiah's baby. Often there is no reason for these tragic events & they are just natures way of saying things weren't meant to be. Loss of a child at whatever stage of pregnancy is devestating for the couple & my heart goes out to you both as your so very young. I hope Lauren & Josiah take time to come to terms with their loss & I hope with my whole heart that things work out for them next time. You will always have your little blessing watching over you & you will never forget your first baby.

  18. Very sad to hear, sorry for your loss. We miscarried our first child as well in 1989. You never think it's going to happen to you. I was healthy, ate well, didn't smoke, didn't drink...but you learn that it's not your fault. Nothing that you did to cause it. It just happens. It made me understand how much of a MIRACLE pregnancy and giving birth really is after that experience.

  19. I'm sorry for their loss. Thinking of them. <3

  20. Lauren is wrong that "nobody talks about it." Ask anyone it happened to. They talk about it. Look at the comments here.

    1. Until more recent years it really had been a taboo subject. I’m glad so many women have begun to share their stories when they feel the time is right.

    2. The only ones you know it happened to are so because they chose to talk about it. There are countless more couples who choose to keep this information private. Even when people do talk about it, they often keep it only in a small circle of close family and friends. It is not common for people to be as open and public about it as Lauren and Josiah have chosen to be. That's what she meant when she said "nobody talks about it."

    3. Anon @ 1:13 You are right more and more people do talk about it which is great. I used to work in a unit where we would look after ladies (couples) going through miscarriage sometimes up to 20 weeks. I attended a course about child bereavement and I told one of the course leaders that sometimes I was afraid of saying they wrong thing and what she said has stuck with me she said 'there is nothing you can say to console them, the worst thing possible has already happened, just be there and listen when they need you'. I hope Laueen and Josiah have people who are listening and allowing them to grieve, Im just sorry that they have had to make this public.

    4. That was strange. People talk about their miscarriages but they rarely make public announcements regarding them. Mostly they talk to family and trusted friends. Just as I did.

    5. I didn't even tell most of our family members about our early miscarriage. It was just easier to keep it between ourselves. I think she's right that a lot of people don't talk about it.

  21. So sorry for your loss. I too had a miscarriage between my son and daughter . You feel a loss but everyone says you'll be fine . My heart goes out to you .

  22. Time 2:30PM Mon 2/11/19
    My 💓 goes out to them sorry for their loss.

  23. I am so sorry for your loss. I went throw a miscarriage to about 15 yrs ago. My thought and prays to both of you.

  24. I too had a miscarriage, in fact I had two. I always wonder what they would've looked like. Would they have looked like my oldest or youngest daughter? Would they look like me or my husband. I can't wait to get to heaven to meet them someday.

    1. Ugghhh...i know what you mean. I has one too and my son would have been so thrilled to have a little brother or sister :(. I do wonder what he or she would have looked like or their personality traits. I'm an older mom so whether a 2nd one comes,I don't know. It's sad

  25. This where I disagree with the Duggars. This young woman shouldn't be on national TV discussing her devastating miscarriage. She needs more time to heal and come to terms with it. Sometimes ratings aren't the be all and end all in life.

    1. Time 3:10AM Tues 2/11/19
      Anonymous that is just plain rude what you should said this young woman shouldn't be on national TV discussing her devastating miscarriage. She has a right to mention this. You don't have a right to say something like that .That is Lauren & Josiah Duggars right to mention this on TV this is suppose to be a family friendly blog not a mean blog. Show some respect for a woman & her husband who lost a baby.

    2. I would not make the assumption that they talked about it for ratings. It is part of their life and what they are going through. Sometimes people talk about things to help them process them or to help other people going through the same thing.

    3. Dear Neddy, I think anonymous at 1.41 wasn't meaning to be rude about Lauren being on television, I think she was concerned that Lauren had maybe been pressured by TLC into doing this interview when she maybe hadn't really felt up to talking to the world about her very sad loss. I actually think the commenter was very concerned about Lauren's emotional wellbeing. Your right in saying Lauren does have every right to talk about loosing her precious baby, & some people actually get great comfort from doing so. I hope this was the case for Lauren. There are many lovely people like yourself on this blog who are sending much love & prayers to both Lauren & Josiah.

  26. Guess they want people to watch reruns so they say it now right before the show starts

  27. Lauren I AM SOOOOO SORRY to hear that!!!!! My friend, she had that happen, and now she has a very healthy girl. Don't lose heart, cause that happens to lots of woman, OK, and I bet the next time U get pregnant, U will have a wonderful healthy baby!!!!! I Think U and Josiah, should have a funeral, for your baby, OK, just the 2 of U, I told to my friend, and it helped!!!! They went up into the mountains, ( I live in Canada), came down, and they were able to cope with their loss!!!!!!!! Man I am sorry for the 2 of U!!!

    1. Please don't say stuff like that to someone who has miscarried. You have no idea unless you have been through it doesnt matter that your neighbors sisters best friend had one and then a successful pregnancy .Until you know the feeling that not every pregnancy ends in a live birth just say you are sorry

    2. Listen, I meant that from my heart, OK, 100%, and I know Lauren will get that. I've been watching the Duggars since 2007, and they know I have their best at heart!!!! I mean it, it helped, and I wanted to help them out, OK!!!!!! Take care!!!

    3. Justine seemed truly caring. I don't see that she said anything hurtful.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Oh no😢 I am sorry to hear this.

  30. When did this happen?

  31. I’m so sorry for your loss Lauren and Josiah! No matter the length of the pregnancy it is extremely difficult! We lost 5 pregnancies ranging from 6 1/2 weeks along to 19 1/2 weeks along! All were devastating. Praying that you will have the blessing of having a baby soon to soothe your empty arms! The baby will not replace the one you lost, but it will help big time for the emptiness. We had 7 long years with 4 losses before we finally had our first living baby. I don’t wish such empty, aching hearts and even literally aching arms from emptiness on anyone!!! Blessings!

  32. I am so sad for them, especially being their first child. I had 3 miscarriages, but I already had other children, so that helped my broken heart a bit. Miscarriages are terrible to bear, not only emotionally, but physically, too. So sorry for their loss.

  33. So sorry for the loss of your beloved little one. You will get through this, and remember you are not alone. Thinking of you.

  34. Let’s see, the show returns tonight and now this little tidbit is released today. This just smacks of the worst kind of click bait. Miscarriages are shattering for the expectant parents and shouldn’t be used to lure people to “tune in” for more information. If Josiah and Lauren wanted to share their loss, which is certainly their right, then why wait until the day of the new season? I’m embarrassed for this family and I have been a loyal viewer since the start of this show.

    1. I couldn't agree more. I was going to write the same thing but you did it for me. It is shameful the way Josiah and Lauren's misfortune has been exploited for ratings.

    2. I agree with 2:26.
      I’m huge fan of the Duggar family and Counting On, but this episode was very disappointing in so many ways. New material is needed to hold the interest of most fans, not reruns from a different angle. My heart goes out to Lauren and Josiah. Prayers being said.

    3. Have to agree with DugFan. The Duggars have been very vocal in saying that a baby is a viable person right from conception. So basically they are using the death of a child for the promotion of their show. Sounds like the miscarriage happened months ago. I understand the parents need for a grieving period (and yes, I have had a number of miscarriages so I appreciate that) but to have this news broadcast on the day their show returns? Sorry, but that coincidence is a bit hard to believe.

    4. Sadly, I see the logic in your comment. :( Giving the benefit of the doubt, though, maybe Lauren just didn’t feel ready to, by her own effort, make some kind of public announcement beforehand. Maybe production staff asking, “So what’s been going on with you all?” was what it took to make her comfortable sharing that kind of news. Some people don’t like making the attention on themselves, and they need someone—even someone as silly as a TV show crew member— reaching into their lives to share things. Just trying to be optimistic. :-/


    5. TLC decided when to release it not the Duggars.

    6. I dont TLC holds total sway over the lives of the Duggars.

    7. I don't know what is going on with Josiah and Lauren, but the timing of this "promo" is suspect. It was added in and had nothing to do with the rest of the show. I feel so sorry for Lauren as this family (and her family as well) puts such a premium on having babies. The whole TLC show is centered around getting married and having babies.

  35. Thank you Josiah and Lauren for being honest and open about your miscarriage. So many people go through this and it is always devastating. You can literally feel your heartache and anguish and we are so very sorry for your loss.

  36. Lauren, I've been there, it was rough and praying for you.

  37. Well I see they followed the same path as the other newlyweds getting pregnant shortly after marriage. I guess this is what keeps their show on the air, weddings and having babies.
    Seems like by now people are tired of watching the same over and over except different young couple.

    1. Very inappropriate comment considering Lauren & Josiah lost their little baby. There is a time for saying things you maybe feel about this family whether or not everyone agrees with them or not, everyone is entitled to their opinions. Yes many people don't agree with them getting pregnant immediately after marriage but to say such a comment when this young couple are grieving their terribly sad loss is very insensitive.

    2. I’ve been having babies since getting married, and goodness knows I’m not doing it for a show. Maybe—gasp—these young couples actually just all like the idea of having a family!!!

      Or, maybe you’re right. Maybe every single one of the Duggar family members has become SO addicted to having a show that they actually force impregnation upon themselves and create babies they don’t even plan to care about, JUST to stay on TLC! I mean you’re right. It’s a genius plan with absolutely NO drawbacks for them whatsoever! It makes way more sense than these young couples saying “we are in love and we welcome the babies God has for us.” Right?!


    3. Hayley. Most people don't live their lives in front of TV cameras so you can't really blame people for questioning why the Duggars are so intent on doing things that will ensure they STAY on TLC. Personally I think they do it for the money.

    4. So because they have a show, their entire being is robotically dictated based on what will make good ratings? That’s...insane. If you stand by that opinion, I guess that means you believe no one on a reality show is as they appear and are only making the life changing choices that will best ensure they stay on reality tv.


    5. 7:25, “doing thinks that will ensure they STAY on TLC”, what?? Having babies is a normal part of life, and most of the Duggar’s have decided to not use any form of BC, so they’re most likely going to get pregnant frequently. I fully believe that they would still be doing the exact same thing if they were living off camera.

    6. Anon 2:16. Being on a TV show is a JOB. The Duggars get PAID to be on the show. Most of us don't live our lives in front of TV cameras nor do we allow a TV crew into our homes. Their lives revolve around this activity. I think they like having babies but the also want the money from the show to maintain their lifestyle.

    7. @8:19

      1. I’m not Anon.
      2. Not sure what your comment has to do with mine.


  38. Is the video really on the foodnetwork?? How is that appropriate?

  39. So sorry for your loss 🙏🙏🙏

  40. Lauren & Josiah - Hold on to each other - share your feelings and hold on tight. We lost our third baby at 16 weeks we were heartbroken, it takes time to mend physically and more time to mend mentally & emotionally.
    Take care - bless you

  41. i am so very sorry for your loss. Josiah and Lauren and also my prayers and hearts goes out to you both.

  42. i am so very sorry about your loss Josiah and Lauren. My prayers goes out to you of both. Your baby is in god hands. you both can always said a prayer everyday. to the little baby :-(

  43. I am so sorry to hear about your loss. I also have an Angel Baby. In my grief, I also see light in the fact that my loss has given me empathy to understand others as they greave the loss of their babies. I like to think as I pray for understanding of God’s purpose of why families have to go through such heart ache, my baby is in Heaven having her own prayer group with other Angel Babies giving us strength to help other families who need our strength, love and support to help them find God’s purpose even in our lowest times. Someday I hope to get to meet your Angel Baby and I hope he has found my Angel Baby and they are praying for us both!!!

  44. So sorry, I wish the best, prayers

  45. Sad time for the young couple.
    If it is any consolation, miscarriages are more common that most people know. It is estimated that between 15% to 25% of known pregnancies are miscarried. Many more occur before the woman even knows she is pregnant. They happen for various reasons but nothing the woman did or did not do. There was a problem that prevented the baby from developing normal. As one poster said, it just was not meant to be.

    1. How would that be any consolation? :(

    2. Anon 1:31. Who knows? I don't get it either.

    3. Most women who have a miscarriage feel it is their fault thus many women feel comforted that it is quite common and not their fault. That is fine if that is not your personal experience but, as someone who has had a miscarriage and also sees patients who have had miscarriages, it is a huge sense of relief and comfort to understand the statistics.

    4. I think realizing that most miscarriages are completely normal and part of the human experience can bring some peace. That way you don't feel so alone in your pain. A lot of people want to know why in order to find closure, that's why some couples test the baby genetics or mom for things like clotting disorder., ect.

    5. @1:31 and @4:31.. Simple, miscarriages are common. Lauren is not unique. She can take consolation from the fact that many other women understand how she feels and her fears for the future. She is not alone.

  46. so terribly sorry to hear this. i'm so glad that in her message she mentioned that this is not her fault and she knows it. so often we blame ourselves, wondering what we could have done differently when in reality, there is absolutely nothing we could have done.

    what i thought was also sad is that they knew everyone was waiting for the pregnancy announcement. i dont know why everyone thinks it's a walk in the park for duggars when in reality, women like michelle are uncommon in their ability to have minimal problems and multiple children. michelle losing 1 child to miscarriage and 1 from pre-maturity is exceptionally rare for 19 pregnancies and 21 children. and there's nothing genetic that would indicate her children could produce the same way so we really shouldnt expect any of the kids to have 19 themselves. (especially the sons) it makes me sad to know that they know that there is so much pressure on them to produce children that they would have to post that. granted they are in the public eye, and everything anyone does anymore is just a 'click' away anymore! it just doesnt help with your pain

  47. That's a terrible ordeal to go through. Take good care of yourselves and rely on each other for help and support. Sending loving vibes your way.

  48. How devastating. I hope the Duggars don't claim this was "God's will" or something.

    1. Then whose will was it? Sometimes God doesn’t prevent difficult things from happening around us, because it sculpts us as people. It was my first miscarriage that literally brought me TO God from a life of really awful sinfulness. It is wrong to think that God’s will only includes easy, happy, lovely moments in our lives. His will is always and only to bring us closer to Himself.


    2. Why does it have to be anyone's will? Why can't it just be one of those medical things? Something didn't go right in her body and they may not have the reason.

    3. No will=no One in control. You’re free to think that way, but I wouldn’t have joy in that.

    4. I'm free to think that God wouldn't be someone who would do such devastating things to His children on purpose. When religion gets into saying there's someone controlling who's worthy of receiving things and who isn't, that's when it loses me.

    5. No one is worthy of receiving things, and yet He gives freely anyway. I don’t even see where anyone insinuated that God gives things based on worth.

      God gives a multitude of varying blessings. Children are not the only blessing, and idolizing children as THE blessing will result in bitterness with God when we do not receive one.

      Saying God wills for one person to have a child and not another has nothing to do with our worth but has to do with the uniqueness of His gifts and His plans for the lives of the ones He loves.

      Seeing emotional suffering as a reason to disbelieve in God is hard for me to understand. Emotional suffering is part of everyone’s lives. We just each get to choose how we respond to that suffering and how to help others through our experiences. It’s purely self-centered to believe God needs to give us what we want, or else he’s a jerk. To quote Marilla Cuthbert, “God does not want you for a fairweather friend.”


  49. I'm so sorry Lauren and Josiah. I, too, had a miscarrage 25 years ago. I remember my doctor saying that it happens more often than you think. That doesn't really easy the pain though. Take comfort in knowing that your baby is with Jesus and that you have a son or daughter waiting for you in heaven. Lots of love to you both.

  50. I have not had that happen before, but I have lost one after having her for almost 5 short years. A child is a child no matter the age. It still hurts the same. May God be with you both. I am sorry for your loss. My little girl is there with you little one. Much love come Texas 😢💝💞

  51. Josiah and Lauren, I feel your pain I sincerely hope from now on your lives will be filled with goodness.
    I thought the promo sequence by TLC was awful. In one of the first promos, they teased about news concerning Jana, like it was good news, thrilling. Then, today they put out a promo including the miscarriage. I watched the show and there was nothing about the sad news until the very end, and then for only a few seconds. This was all in poor taste on the part of TLC. Did they know about the pregnancy and that was why they were so giddy with news and played around with us thinking it was Jana or Jessa's news about her third baby? Did TLC just learn of it? And what happened about the news James had leaked to the producers about Jana? TLC does not seem to be treating the family or the audience well at all.

  52. Josiah and Lauren, I feel your pain I sincerely hope from now on your lives will be filled with goodness.
    I thought the promo sequence by TLC was awful. In one of the first promos, they teased about news concerning Jana, like it was good news, thrilling. Then, today they put out a promo including the miscarriage. I watched the show and there was nothing about the sad news until the very end, and then for only a few seconds. This was all in poor taste on the part of TLC. Did they know about the pregnancy and that was why they were so giddy with news and played around with us thinking it was Jana or Jessa's news about her third baby? Did TLC just learn of it? And what happened about the news James had leaked to the producers about Jana? TLC does not seem to be treating the family or the audience well at all.

  53. I am so sorry for your loss as well. My husband and I ended up losing six babies, but are now parents to five kids (three through adoption). I went through all emotions under the sun. Anger, fear, sadness, grief, pain, sorrow, and the years of loss were some of the darkest in my life. Take care of each other and take care of yourselves. Allow others to also take care of you once you feel ready for that, but don't feel obligated to be around anyone else if you don't feel up to it.

  54. So very sorry for your loss! I,too,had a miscarriage at about 4weeks. I was 40yrs old and my husband and I had tried for years. I was devastated, but 6mos later I became pregnant again and had a healthy son at age 41! God does work in mysterious ways! Good Luck, Monica Shapiro

  55. I'm sorry for you...I also lost my only child at 11 weeks of pregnancy. later I found out it happened because trombophilia, a genetic problem. my mother lost 4 babies because of it, so I don't have siblings. unfortunately, I did not became pregnant again since my miscarriage in 2015...God's will be done.

    1. Very sorry you had to go through this. I hope you and your significant other have been able to support each other and overcome this. Life can also be beautiful and meaningful without kids. Xx

    2. Thank you for sharing. That medical diagnosis is devastating. Wishing you all the best.

  56. Oh wow... Sorry for their loss. May they get what they're hoping for and heal quickly.

  57. I applaud them for talking about this. It’s a reminder that life isn’t just a highlight reel of courtships, weddings and pregnancies. Millions of women suffer miscarriage and it can happen at any age, to anyone, and this is probably the most honest episode on this show. Lauren, Josiah I’m truly sorry for your loss.

  58. Poor things, hard to cope with this so young, especially in a culture where motherhood is so emphasised.

    1. I agree. And now Jessa is pregnant so I'm sure Lauren is struggling emotionally. I wish her all the best.

  59. I m so sorry for your loss....

  60. Aww... So sad to hear about. They are in my prayers!🙏🏽🙏🏽❤️❤️❤️❤️

  61. This is a bad time for Lauren and Josiah. Considering the number of pregnancies that have occurred in this family the last few years it was inevitable that one of them would go awry. I wish them well and hope they can have the baby they want in the future.

    1. Anna also had a miscarriage in between Mackynzie and Michael. They taught about it briefly on the show.

    2. Michelle also had a miscarriage back in December 2011 and after Josh.

  62. Dear Josiah and Lauren, I really feel for your loss, I am so sorry. My mom had 6 kids but lost 2. We know one was a boy and she had another boy who was born 5 weeks early. He weighed 5 lb 3 oz but 7 weeks later she was surprised to find out having 1 more and at 20 weeks she found out it was a girl. She went into labor and she had a baby at 26 weeks weighing 1 lb. 10 ozs. named Natasha which was me. I was suppose to be born on March 2nd but was born Nov. 21st. Natasha B

    1. What a heartwarming story! I mean you are such a nice person, your comments are always so warm and polite and tolerant and though I don't know you I feel really glad you made it and our world is a bit better because you are there!

  63. I am so sorry for their loss. It doesn't matter how old you are or how long you've been married. Miscarriage is loss and,it hurts. I suffered 4 miscarriages over a period of about 3 1/2 years before my husband and I adopted our 2 sons. There honestly is pretty much nothing anyone can say except "I'm so sorry this happened."

  64. Didn’t Michelle Duggar had a miscarriage with her 20th child

    1. She miscarried her second baby who they named Caleb, and her 20th was a baby girl who was stillborn and they named her Jubilee.

    2. Michelle Duggar has 2 miscarriages. Her second was at 19 weeks, not a stillborn

  65. Josiah And Lauren i am 12 years old and i am a HUGE fan of this show and wehn i eard about your miscarriage i cried.... i felt sooo bad and i know yoiu minght too, but just know that god is in control and your little one is in heaven and you will meet that little girl or boy in heven somday... god will watch over it! love you guys! bye

  66. I am so sorry this happened to such a sweet couple. Sending prayers!! I feel bad for them with the way TLC showed them celebrating the pregnancy with family and then showed Lauren crying with the camera man asking what happened. Tlc should have never used that material as I am sure it brings back sad memories.

    1. They paid a very high price for being in the public eye and living in front of TV cameras. Showing them celebrating was in very poor taste on TLC's part when the pregnancy had such a bad outcome.

  67. Sorry for the loss... On the bright side, Lauren is so young, the miscarriage happened very early in the pregnancy, and she can concieve right away after that. And in anything, the pregnancy showed that they can get pregnant! Of course it makes her sad, looking how Joy and Kendra had their honeymoon babies and healthy pregnancies... But I recall Anna was saying that before Mackynzie she also had a miscarriage very early. And look at her - 5 kids now. Things like this happen quite often actually.

    1. My moms best friend got pregnant shortly after she got married, lost the baby, and was never able to conceive again. Just because you can get pregnant doesn’t mean you will ever have a successful pregnancy, your comment was very insensitive, there is no “bright side” to having a miscarriage. Also Anna Duggar has a miscarriage after Mackenzie, before Michael.

    2. Hi, it also could be something in her genes as well. My birth mom had a four successful pregnancies then a miscarriage of a little boy when I was 10. And I, myself had two miscarriages, the first of a little boy at five months, and then the second in July of 2010. I always believe my second baby was another boy but dont know.
      I'm so sorry Lauren. Blessings to you and Josiah

  68. I suffered 2 losses in 2018, one being pretty far along (17 weeks). I didn’t waste any time to try again as the healing process for me was to have a successful pregnancy. We are now due on Mother’s Day with baby number 6. What a perfect gift that will be! I feel terrible for Lauren’s loss and I hope she try’s again as soon as she’s ready so she can put this pain behind her and enjoy the experiences of motherhood! It will probably always be in the back of her mind but at least she can move on with a future pregnancy that is God-willing a success and pleasant one!

  69. After reading through all the comments about miscarriages, stillbirths and more, it pains me to know that we now can kill babies up to, and including, the due date in NY and possibly more states. For every one of faith please write to your senators, and congressmen decrying this horrible law. My heart hurts for all of you who suffered these losses, myself included. My heart aches for these babies who may suffer under this barbaric law.

    1. 12:37 Would it be ok with you if the baby suffers after birth? The point of the law is to save the life/preserve the health of the mother, or to prevent the sufffering of the unborn who are nonviable or would suffer after birth from a terminal condition. This would be an agonizing decision for any woman to have to make. Having the government telling her what to do would be preposterous. As long as there are pro-birth activists working to restrict abortions and/or overturn Roe v Wade, there will be just as much push back from the other side to counteract their efforts. This is the case in NY. The good news is that abortion rates have been declining for years, thanks to better access to effective contraception. It's time for politicians to step up and advocate for free birth control for all. It's a win-win.

    2. I know how you feel. Except on this one year aniversary of the Parkland High School shooting, my heart aches for all the families affected by the devestating gun violence that took the lives of their loved ones and injured many others. We do a poor job of protecting the living in this country and need much stricter gun control laws. Guns are manufactured for one reason only- killing. That should pain everyone.

    3. I know you have strong feelings about abortion, but I have a problem with taking away the rights of pregnant women and having the government make decisions for them based on the opinions of "pro life" groups.

  70. I’m sorry for their loss ❤️
    Iv noticed that the Duggar’s tend to announce their pregnancy before they have seen a doctor etc to confirm the pregnancy or ultrasound/heartbeat (they take a test and then immediately tell whole family example; Josh and Anna, Jill and Dereck, etc). In Australia it’s very unusual to tell the family before getting checked. It’s still devastating either way. I wish it was possible me to get pregnant naturally but sadly it’s not and I’ll probably never have kids ❤️

    1. I don't think everyone in the US gets the heart beat checked at 6-7 weeks. Often the first ultrasound is at 9 or 12 weeks. So some inform their close family and friends before.

  71. I have been thinking about how this information was shared by TLC and it seems very exploitative on their part as Lauren and Josiah are obviously having a hard time dealing with this, understandably. Though it is common, it's still deeply personal and obviously very sad for them. To decide to share this news on the day of the premiere seems in poor taste for TLC. I'm sure it's made harder for Lauren now that Jessa is pregnant again. I've never seen Lauren do anything but smile and laugh and it's hard to watch her in such a difficult state. My heart truly goes out to her and I hope that TLC will only share this type of info w/ the full consent of the couple and not as a publicity stunt.

    1. I thought it was in poor taste. Especially when Lauren had to be prompted to explain what had happened regarding her pregnancy.

  72. Many prayers for you both and your families! Keep trusting in God's plan for you.

  73. Lauren, You have the most gentle soul. My heart aches for you and Josiah. May God's arms wrap around you as you are in mourning for your little one.


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