
Sunday, September 9, 2018

Thrift Store Date Night

Tomorrow evening on an all-new episode of Counting On, three Duggar couples (Jessa and Ben Seewald; Joseph and Kendra Duggar; and Lauren Swanson and Josiah Duggar--then courting, now married) go on a thrift store date night. What exactly does that mean? Whatever your partner chooses for you, you must wear.

Sounds a little risky, especially when you consider that the Duggars love practical jokes. Josiah is usually the one playing the pranks, but Lauren decides to give him a taste of his own medicine. Will he take it well?

Photo/video courtesy TLC


  1. Didn’t Lauren and Josiah get married? Why is she still a Swanson?

    1. They did this before they got married

    2. She was still Lauren Swanson at that point in time

    3. at the time, they were still courting so she's still a swanson

    4. Does nobody read what it says?! Good grief.

    5. Read the post again. This scene is from when they were courting, so the video is indeed of Lauren Swanson. Though none of these girls should be changing their names just because of a relationship, anyway.

    6. Yes, they did. They were courting, not married at the time this date took place. Hence, she is still Lauren Swanson.

    7. When this show was taped, they were not married.

    8. The show is months behind real time.

    9. Yes,they are married. I guess during this time they were just courting.

  2. it seems like we have seen this before? That's definitely an interesting date night.

    1. the bates did a 'grow old together' theme this past year for their 'i love you day'. seeing ben with the claw cane made me think of chad. plus joseph has on a yellow vest, which was something similar to chads!

    2. I’m sure we will see it again, too.

  3. Sounds more like attempted content for the show than anything anybody would actually like to do.

    1. Some of my friends did this, it was hilarious.

    2. Agree 7:49 definetly scripted for entertainment. TLC put them on to this idea as a date night. Should still be fun to watch though.

    3. I have seen someone do this but it was a YouTuber so they were doing it for the views. So I would have to agree. I don't know if any would actually do this.

  4. This premise is ridiculous. It's a copy of the Bates 'dressing like old people' party. I really thik this is childish and insulting to folks who have to shop at thrift stores. Grow up Duggars….TLC, get better writers.

    1. Totally agree. They’ve lost all sense of compassion. Everything is just now a big joke.

    2. The Duggars and married Kids families have all said they shopping in thrift stores. The idea is more about finding something for your spouse/partner to wear on a date. Some will get something silly or a costume, do they know your size or your sense of humor. It’s not at all like the Bates family old people party. No one is trying to insult anyone.

    3. Have to agree. Treating the thrift shop like a playground is in poor taste. If they want to play dress up dollies stay home and do it there. Since they all shop at thrift stores (or so we are told) they will have lots of stuff to choose from.

    4. I agree with you OP. I thought the Bates party was very insensitive. Plus it definitely is time to drop the thrift store shopping premise. They may still get kids clothes there, but they're not dressing themselves there any more, as we've seen by their purses and shoes and dresses straight from Amazon.

    5. Time 1:42AM Tues 9/11/18
      That is not nice to say. Nobody copied nobody. The Bates & the Duggars do their own stuff. The comment towards the end you wrote grow up Duggars that is not right.

    6. I think some of you all are missing the point, and need to lighten up a little.

    7. So many insensitive wussies on here!They were buying outfits for going out. I know many wealthy people who shop at thrift stores because they save money! Helooo! People sure love to be negative nellies.

  5. Curious....... is anyone but me grossed out that they are wearing the clothes without washing them first?

    1. You’re supposed to wash clothes before you drop them off at a thrift store

    2. Well, while there might be gross stains or odors, most germs don't live forever on dry, porous surfaces like that. It's not the best of hygienic practices, but I've seen worse - like diving into your fridge and pulling out guacamole and leftovers of questionable age...

    3. Yes, pleeeaasse wash them first. Gross.

    4. Lol think about the clothes you try on at Target, Kohls or any other clothes store. Think about how many others tried them before you!

    5. I'd be worried about bedbugs more than stains or germs.

    6. 7:03, trying on new clothes in the store is not the same as wearing used clothes that may or may not have been washed. 10:38, I’m with you on the bedbug thing.

    7. New or used, it all gets washed before we wear it at our house. ;)

  6. When was this filmed? I'm still confused about how Jinger could be homesick for her family one minute and then back at home for the next episode, eating quiche like nothing happened. This show makes no sense, and TLC must think viewers watch everything without questioning. I wonder what the average viewer age is? Viewers who have to stay up past their bedtimes to watch, it seems.

    1. The ladies' lunch scene was filmed in January or February. Jinger saying she was homesick was around her and Jeremy's November anniversary.
      It's difficult to keep track of timelines on the show because an episode combines scenes that took place different weeks and even different months.

    2. 7:49, the family didn’t actually come on Jinger and Jeremy’s anniversary, because at that point in time Jinger would have just found out she was pregnant and hadn’t gone to announce it to her parents yet but they talked about her being pregnant when they came on the “anniversar” episode, so that would have taken place in December or Januaryish.

    3. We've already determined that the "anniversary" scenes weren't filmed until sometime in December or later, because Jim Bob mentions the pregnancy. There's no way Jinger & Jeremy knew the first few days of November (anniversary time) that Jinger was pregnant, and they already showed us that they didn't tell the family until later.

      So Jinger saw family around Thanksgiving (?) to tell them about the baby. Then she saw them at her house (the false anniversary date) sometime after that. Then she came home sometime after the holidays to eat lunch and have a kid's birthday party. Oh, and be at a baby shower for Kendra, too? I'm quickly losing track. Yes, when exactly does she have time to get homesick or miss her family, at that rate? Jinger's like Jill with all these trips home.

  7. Just saw Josiah and Lauren’s wedding. I was wondering if her Dad was sunburned that Day. If not please have him check his BP. If it is elevated please treat it. Hypertension can be a silent killer and is easily treated.

    1. Let’s not diagnose people through the blog.More than likely he’s one of those people who turn red when they are emotional giving your daughter away at her wedding.

    2. I think he was really nervous and that’s what made him so red

  8. I don't think that is an attempt for content. My married daughter and her girlfriends did a similar stunt. Except they dressed up in 1980's "teacher style" clothing and went out and acted like they were serious. They had a great time watching people's reactions!

  9. hilarious! i love that they come up with fun & silly things to do!

  10. Replies
    1. So dont watch then.

    2. Anonymous #2-So you want their ratings to tank??? Not a well-thought out response there. ;)

  11. What a blast!!!! Who needs alcohol to have fun... love this family for their clean fun together!

    1. Anyone can go to a bar have a few drinks and play pool. I agree this family finds clean, fun things to do.

    2. Lots of people drink alcohol responsibly and have clean fun anyway, OP. You didn't have to insinuate that whenever alcohol is involved, things are bad.

  12. Well, hang on to your seats everyone! This sounds like riveting entertainment! Seriously, I wonder if they ever are embarrassed by the antics that TLC puts them up to? I’m sure they aren’t as shallow as this show makes them seem.

    1. The antics TLC puts them up to? The Duggars choose to do these ridiculous shows because the money is worth it to them.

    2. They dont seem shallow to me. It's called enjoying life. Some of you might want to try it sometime.

    3. Just once I'd like to see these kids do something worthwhile for their community, no proselytizing involved, no strings attached. Instead of buying goony thrift store clothes and dressing up for laughs, how about starting a clothing drive for the needy? A big need in many communities is clothing for (public) school students whose families are struggling or homeless. Surely those 19 kids have extra clothing they could donate! We've seen that overflowing girl's room closet, the packed laundry room closet, the full attic storage area, and the bursting-full storage buildings! Why can't they think of others, and in a secular way for once? They want to appear mainstream and likable, so do it. Viewership would zoom.

    4. Anon1058
      Like the time they held the flea market and raised money for NICU families? Or the time when Jessa asked for donations for a pregnancy center instead of gifts for herself?

  13. Actually I think this would be fun, for any age..

  14. If my date took me to a thrift store, there would not be a second date!

    1. No sense of humor!

    2. I would date him again! A sense of humor is an important quality to have.

    3. It wouldn't be my choice of a date, either. Nor would I care to have someone pick out horrible clothes they expected me to wear, as a prank. I thought that was very disrespectful of Lauren. The only purpose it might have served was to get Josiah to see that pranks are not funny, so cut them out. Think he got the message? But she could have just asked not to be pranked any more, and he should have respected that. She didn't have to turn the tables on him like that, on camera.

      The whole thing was all-around weird.

  15. Cute, fun thing for some young couples to do together, instead of going out drinking or just seeing a movie

    1. Not all young couples go out and drink. How about a potluck or theme dinner?

    2. I find it interesting how some comments mention the thrift store antics being better than drinking. Why do they assume that other couples drink on their date nights? Maybe the Duggars should have a games night, an appetizer party, Lots of fun date night activities don’t include alcohol.

    3. As if drinking or movies are the only two choices of things to do together?

    4. I have a feeling that those who don't drink at all or who speak against it here are the ones same who assume that most date nights or parties involve alcohol. Even if there is alcohol at an event, most people know how to drink responsibly when away from home. Having a drink doesn't automatically turn everything into bacchanalian revelry.

    5. Ok. Well. My original comment gave just two examples of common date nights. I was applauding their choice of doing something different
      And I've done my fair share of drinking and find I always have more genuine fun when sober.

  16. This sounds like a scripted activity the show wanted them to do. I am sure they had fun. It was a neat idea for the couples to shop for each other then they had to wear whatever they picked out somewhere.

  17. Nope. A lot of people are doing this now. It's loads of fun

    1. Huh? I know a whole lot of people and no they aren't doing it. We never even heard of it. Thrift store clothing is meant to help people on lower incomes, so no we never felt the need to make light of what someone could possibly need by using it as a joke.

    2. We did this for Christmas last year, it was so much fun🤣

    3. Just because a lot of people are doing it is not a reason to do it. And just because a lot are doing it doesn't make it fun. In my opinion it seems useless, wasteful, and severely immature.

    4. I think a sense of perspective is needed here. They were not buying up all the clothes in the thrift store, so people in need are not being deprived. They were not making fun of people who shop in thrift stores (in case you've forgotten, they have shopped in thrift stores all their lives). If this is useless, then so are many other things people do on dates, like watching movies, playing games, etc. If this is wasteful, then so if paying to see a movie, paying to go to the county fair, etc. The only thing that would make this a wasteful activity would be if they threw away the clothes afterwards. If this is immature, then so are all the many adults who dress up for Halloween.

    5. Might not be your taste, but if they find it fun, good for them!!! They aren’t harming anyone. They are enjoying being together and having fun!

    6. I agree 2:09! That IS a good point about the dressing up at People need to think of what they’re doing in their lives.

    7. Then why don't the Duggars dress up for Halloween, if they saw nothing wrong with dressing up like old people?

  18. It says “then courting” so that’s way they have her last name as Swanson because that was her name at the time this happened.

  19. My husband and i did this last week. So much fun!!

  20. A tad juvenile, in my opinion, but whatever floats your boat!

  21. Hahaha,they were such good sports about it! Sounds like fun, think I'll try this for a date with my hubby!

  22. This seasons shows are produced better--
    But still too many repeat scenes_ it makes things a boring because you've already seen half of the show .... 😁

  23. Wow
    Just watched last weeks show and they weren’t kidding about Jill being off the show. Not filmed at birthday party and Jill’s the bigtime midwife and not at Joys 19 hour long labor? 19 hours before they realized it was a breech?

    1. They showed Jill at the labor. She commented on how Joy was progressing well and that Joy and Gideon's vitals looked good. This was before they realized Gideon was breech. There was also another midwife there.
      The show also named her as the voice asking Austin about fatherhood.

    2. For all we know, Jill & family could have been at the party and " edited/cut out" of any film which we saw.
      I really miss seeing Jill, Derick and the boys - they added so much of interest to the episodes.
      Hopefully we will get glimpes of Israel and Samuel - important that they are part of their aunts, uncles and cousins lives.

  24. There is something sad about this activity. They go to a thrift show to choose clothing about which people might laugh. But there are people for whom thrift store shopping is a good experience whereby they can buy affordable clothing that is new to them. I know the Duggars are too kind and considerate to make fun of folks, but this episode just struck me wrong and somewhat offensive. I guarantee you, there are fans reading this who are wearing clothes from a thrift shop. Same with the Bates dressing like, thereby making fun of, older people. TLC, please try harder to provide entertainment that is not at someone’s expense.

    1. They weren't making fun of thrift store clothing (goodness knows, they've been wearing it all their lives). They were making fun of the silly outfits that they wouldn't normally wear. All of the girls' outfits were outfits that the girls said they actually liked. The guys were the ones with the funnier outfits, and it wasn't because they were thrift store clothes. A hospital gown and pj pants? Didn't someone on the show say that it looked like a med student's outfit? How is that making fun? The other guys' outfits were funny because it wasn't something they would normally wear.

    2. They routinely shop at thrift stores for their everyday clothing, I think some who have posted hear are missing the point of the date night and the fun! They were in no way intending to offend.

    3. Many people go to thrift stores to find Halloween costumes or period of time costumes.

    4. Not everyone who shops at thrift stores are homeless sages who live in the woods. The joke is that thrift stores have some really horrendous stuff sometimes that NOBODY is gonna buy. Anyone who "needed" a housecoat in earnest isn't going to choose the one Josiah ended up with, they're gonna pick one of the 12 next to it that aren't free from a hospital. Laughing at some of the horrendous stuff at thrift stores is half the adventure. And sometimes it's a total bust and you don't find anything. Even most homeless ppl aren't going to choose the feathered yellow Big Bird looking sweater you see in every Goodwill. I think they tried to make it work on a "bust day", but ppl who look down their noses at the "poor unfortunate souls who can't afford to shop at decent stores" don't understand this. Now I'm not saying you're one of these people, but there is definitely a lot of classism and arrogance being thrown around because of this episode. Not shopping at thrift stores is NOT the equivalent of feeding the homeless. Just makes you look like a snob. Again, not YOU SPECIFICALLY, OP.

    5. Anon 8:38. So it's the people who pointed out that it might be insensitive to thrift store shop for a joke are the ones being snobs and throwing around classism? No actually it would be the other way around. A lot of the Diggers friends are shopping at thrift stores because they also have large families and can't afford to do otherwise. People on here act like there are loads of people just lining up to do date night thrift store shopping, they are not doing that. The clothes that don't sell by the way in thrift stores after awhile get donated to homeless shelters where they are needed. A lot of us out here are actively involved in feeding and helping to clothe the homeless and find this insensitive. It's about loving others, it's about Jesus.

    6. Ok 9:43 They don't love Jesus because they went on a thrift store date night 🙄🙄. I think you obviously need to pull the log out of your eye before talking about sand in someone else's.

    7. Whatever. If people want to wear a thrift store outfit once and throw it in the trash then that is their right to do so. It's called freedom.

  25. Kendra's outfit was horrible. She might have felt comfy in those clothes, but she sure wasn't comfy speaking up and saying what she really thought about it. Lauren looked nice, Jessa looked OK, and Kendra looked like she just climbed out of bed.

    1. Who cares? ONLY YOU! LOOSEN UP

    2. I've seen Jill and Jessa and Joy all in an outfit like that. Her husband made the most thoughtful choice he could.That outfit represents a lot! It was kind of hippie fashion, but if girls are out there in those styles now, some men think you did a good job of getting dressed!

    3. Why did Josiah get a back-up outfit but Kendra didn't?

  26. Its a different kind if date. but it would be just a good time with siblings and good memory

  27. Anon @ 6:48 Agree, and I don't believe that the Duggars shop at goodwill either. The family might have done back in the early days when money was genuinely tight, but now it appears that they are holding on to this 'schtick' for counting on, a family that can afford numerous aeroplanes does not need to shop at goodwill.

    1. They used to “buy used, save the difference.” Now, of course, they’re much too good for that.

    2. Just depends where they want to put their money

    3. Wealthy people are usually fiscally conservative. Thrift stores are thrilling to thrifty ppl. There's a difference between wealth and money. The Duggars are wealthy and live like wealthy people.

    4. Since we have no idea of whether or not they shop at thrift stores any more, it makes us sound wiser if we don't make comments like these.

    5. Nothing wrong with being wealthy. When you are wealthy you dont shop at thrift stores as much. Why would you?

    6. Jinger was laden down with shopping bags in NYC when she was there for her proposal. I remember seeing H&M, for one.

  28. the duggars really know how to have an exciting nite out!

  29. Lighten up people!! It's all in fun. Too many serious people.

    1. I agree. I think some people are overthinking this.

    2. Yes I should say!!! People need a chill pill

    3. Making fun of people who can't afford clothes from the regular store or who have to walk with a cane is NOT something to laugh at.

    4. 11:08, thrift stores have both nice clothes and tacky clothes, just like non-thrift stores do. They could have done this at a regular store, but chose to save money by doing it a thrift store. In no way were they making fun of people who can't afford clothes from the regular store. That's just nonsensical, considering they have been shown shopping at thrift stores many, many times.

  30. I don't understand why people want to make negative statements about the duggars. If they don't like them , why watch the show?

    1. I dunno, maybe to give people like 7:01 something to post about?

  31. You duggars always know how to have good time!!

  32. I doubt this was staged. It has become a very common practice.

    1. It was indeed staged. That’s what camera crews are there for.

    2. You doubt it was staged? Do you think the camera and production crews were there by coincidence?

    3. By your logic, then their weddings, births, birthday parties, etc. are staged too. They've told us more than once that the crews just follow along on their daily lives on certain days. They've also told us that they give the crew a "heads up" for certain things (like proposals).

    4. This was in no way staged.

    5. Well maybe they were there by coincidence. You dont live with them.

    6. None of their episodes are staged

    7. I just fell off my chair laughing at the "not staged" comments.

    8. @1:41. I think your wrong; I believe almost all of them are staged to some degree.

  33. For y'all with negative comments....whether is scripted or NOT they're having FUN! and guess what.....they're getting PAY!!!🤗🤗 so...don't hate. Get a life and make sure it's a FUN one too!

  34. Haha the look he gave her -disbelief she actually did something like that! It would’ve been so funny if she would’ve led him on a little longer up till just before walking out the door then present the different clothes. lol, it would’ve prolong his misery a little longer. Ha ha for some reason it’s so funny it finally happened to Josiah

  35. That’s sooo funny Lauren! way to go!

  36. I plan on buying a cheap dress and ripping it up to be a zombie princess for Halloween :P

  37. Lots of people do this!! Thrift store date night is great!!

  38. Oh yes i know several people doing this. So much fun!!

  39. I would like to see another episode of this nature with the other couples. Loved it!

  40. Jim Bob and michelle should do this too

  41. Making fun of thrift store clothing? Haha. That was comical. Some of these commenters need to get a life. And a date.

  42. Adding that 4-pronged cane to Ben's outfit and laughing about it was too much. A lot of people depend on a cane like that to be able to stand or move. It's not funny. I know. I have spinal problems and I use that cane. Those kids should have known better, with their Christian upbringing and all. Shame on them. I hope they cringed when they watched it and realized how insensitive they were. If not, I hope they read this comment.

    1. 11:16-it soundsike you are really bitter. I am a senior and use a cane and didn't find it offensive. Plus stop bringing in Christian values- it was FUN! I will pray for you

  43. I loved the old man with the cane outfit. Too funny

  44. I am 70 years old and use a cane and i thought this episode was really funny and lighthearted. You people that are "sensitive" really need to get out more.

  45. TLC is being critized for doing what Carol Burnett did on her weekly comedy show all the time in the 70s. She completely used age as comedy and persons in poorer circumstances like the faithful cleaning lady was a regular comedy feature. Why do this blogs readers think TLC has crossed a line and been offensive? Carol Burnett did it in a big way every week on TV in her day.

    1. I was watching on yt all old C. B. She did not seem worried about being critized for her skits about all sorts of people.

  46. Yeah, 'Siah wasn't too pleased with his first outfit. Had the shoe been on the other foot, he'd have been gleeful. Not a good sport.


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