
Monday, September 10, 2018

'Thrift Store Date Night' Recap

Counting On "Thrift Store Date Night"
  • Josiah and Lauren (engaged for one month), Jessa and Ben, and Joe and Kendra go on a thrift store date night. They start off at a thrift store, where each person has a $20 budget and must purchase an outfit for his or her significant other to wear to dinner.
  • Jinger and Jeremy aren't in town for the date night, but Jinger's reaction is priceless. "Did they wash it before?" Jinger asks the producer. "They didn't wash it before? [Jeremy] would die."
  • The ladies quickly decide to buy "grandpa" outfits for the guys, while the guys have a more difficult time choosing clothes for the women, and the ladies are nervous. "I was very worried about Siah picking out my clothes because he's kind of unpredictable," admits Lauren. "He likes to play pranks."
  • Lauren ends up buying two outfits for Josiah, a "presentable" outfit and a prank outfit (pajama pants and a hospital gown).
  • When Josiah tries on the prank outfit and thinks it is the actual outfit, he is a bit perturbed. Everyone else is laughing, but he isn't. But he is thrilled about the other outfit. "I think he thanked me about 20 times," says Lauren. 
  • Ben buys Jessa a knee-length denim dress, Josiah buys a blue knee-length dress for Lauren, and Joseph errs on the side of caution and chooses a maxi skirt and loose fitting shirt for pregnant Kendra. 
  • During dinner at MarketPlace Grill, the couples discuss ways to foster a close marriage relationship. Ben admits that he gave Jessa the silent treatment once when he was upset, and he quickly realized how much it hurt her. 
  • In Laredo, Jinger and Jeremy have their own date night at the county fair. Jinger visited many fairs growing up, while Jeremy did not. Jeremy tries riding a mechanical bull. "I was concerned for him," says Jinger. He ends up falling off after 20 seconds.
  • At the Forsyth house, Joy and Austin are adjusting to parenthood. It has been a few weeks, and Joy-Anna is recovering from her C-section quicker than she had expected. 
  • It's bath time for Gideon. "Being a mom is in a lot of ways easier than I thought and then in a lot of ways harder than I thought," says Joy. As Joy has been recovering, Austin has gotten a crash course on diaper changing, which is something he is new to.
  • "...Since I had a C-section...[Austin] had all the dirty work for me and for the baby," says Joy. "He's amazing. I haven't ever seen a guy give so much of himself for his wife." 
  • She states that she wants more kids but that she can't imagine having 18 more. "I think the reason why people keep having babies is because they're so deprived of sleep, they don't remember how hard it was," says Austin. 
  • Meanwhile, Jana heads up the set-up for Joy and Kendra's joint baby shower. Kendra's sister Lauren and the Duggars' friend Laura lend a hand. The shower is a "sip and see," which means guests will be able to see the baby (Gideon), but they will also be celebrating Kendra's pregnancy. "I am definitely excited about being a mom, but I don't know if I feel prepared," says Kendra.
  • As an activity during the shower, the two couples feed each other baby food. Austin calls the activity "obnoxious." Laura also has Josiah and Lauren take part because they will likely be parents soon.


  1. Have to agree with Austin; the baby food game is obnoxious.

    1. You should both look up the definition of the word obnoxious

    2. Hmmm. Unpleasant, disagreeable, nasty were the first 3 definiations that popped up. Is there a problem with these? I think being blindfolded, draped in plastic and trying to stuff baby food into my partner’s mouth is rather unpleasant and disagreeable. We are entitled to our our opinion right? Even if they go against the Duggar opinion? Interesting how it was Austin who first used the word “obnoxious” but it was the posters who agreed with him that were called out

    3. Obnoxious. Adjective. Extremely unpleasant. What doesn't fit there?

    4. I wouldn't want to be fed baby food. I went to a shower where the friends in charge poured beer in baby bottles and whomever participates had to drink the beer. Whomever drank it 1sr won some prize. THAT was obnoxious because of the drunken ruckus made afterward!

  2. Looks like Josiah the Prankster can dish it out but can’t take it

  3. Not a fan of the thrift store/ old man mockery. The Bates and Duggars seem to think it’s funny to make fun of old people, and without reality tv fame and money they would be shopping at thrift stores for their everyday clothing and not a “joke” date night. Just found it tasteless.

    1. I don't think they were making fun of old people. They were having fun dressing Ben up like an old person. Would it be offensive if older people went to the thrift store and found young people clothes to dress up in? Of course not, it would just be something fun to do.

    2. Completely agree. They have become unrelatable. How quickly money changes people.

    3. Lighten up, they weren’t making fun of old people. Some of the outfits were old fashioned and definitely out of style. I thought it looked fun and tasteful.

    4. Agree with you, too!

    5. I hope they returned ALL those clothes to the thrift store afterwards so they could be sold again, or else donated them to people who really need them. That whole segment was NOT funny. I hope that cane went back, too. I have one just like it, but not for a joke.

    6. Lighten up! It was hilarious!!

    7. Thrift store date night! So much fun. We have done this a lot.

    8. A lot of people are doing this now. I love picking things out at thrift stores for date night. Good times!!

    9. How is laughing at someone dressed like that and then handing them a cane NOT making fun of the elderly??

    10. Lighten up! They were having fun. I have to walk with a cane due to an injury & age. I was NOT offended by the cane or the clothes. They were having a good time, laughing and sharing. It appears that some people get so offended by anything and everything the Duggars and Bates do. Their children were raised to respect their elders. I enjoyed this segment and had a good laugh! A merry heart goes a long way!

    11. It's hilarious!! Lighten up. People do it all the time. Have you ever heard of halloween???

    12. Ben's costume was the best

    13. I wouldn’t compare this date night to Halloween. When You dress like an old man for hilarity, it is not the same as dressing like Dracula for laughs.

    14. Wow, I just can't believe how sensitive people have become here at DFB. What they did sounds like a really fun idea for a date night and not at all disrespectul, though I'm in Jeremy's camp -- I'd have to wash the clothes first!

    15. If this is like Halloween, you'd better inform the Duggars pronto, because they have no part of that day.

    16. I didn't find it hilarious...just insensitive.

    17. It wasn't just dressing up like an elderly man (although the clothing choice was incredibly stereotypic.) The cane was insensitive because it is used to help with a physical handicap.

    18. I have friends who dressed up as an old couple for halloween!

  4. Josiah appears to dish out practice jokes, but not be a good sport when he’s on the receiving end.

    1. I don't think it's funny to pull these "jokes" or "pranks" or whatever on the person you love the most or your "best friend," as we always hear the girls say about their husbands. It's demeaning to put anyone on the spot like that. Nobody enjoys being embarrassed. How is that "uplifting" the person anyway?

    2. 6:11. Totally agree and well said.

    3. 6:11 and 9:39. Please grow up and lghten up. You two must not have any fun at all. I truly feel sorry for you. The prank was hilarious!!!

    4. I loved Lauren's prank on Josiah. He was so shocked.

    5. I'm really sorry to learn that the Duggar children are allowed to prank anyone.

    6. 6:11, Josiah pranks people all the time. Don’t dish it if you can’t take it.

    7. The way to deal with a prankster is to tell them sternly and seriously to knock it off, not prank them back. That just feeds them. And as someone said, why are the Duggars even pulling pranks on people? Not funny. "God first, others second, yourself last." Michelle's mantra for the family.

    8. Jokes and pranks are what make life fun! So long as they aren't hurtful or done at a time when it's not good. People are not perfect and do make mistakes but that's for them to rectify, not for us to judge

    9. In my opinion much of this vomes off as hurtful and sort of bullying behavior. I think it is a waste of $120. Why didn't they get together and pick a charity to donate it to instead. That would have been a great date. This just seems juvenile and not thrifty at all to me. I am unemployed and could sure use $120. I think Halloween is a sad waste of time and money too. Charities and people need money worse than kids need candy and useless outfits only worn once.

    10. Anonymous 2:01, These “children” are adults and do not need their parents permission.

    11. Their thrift store date was hurtful and bullying? That's a slap in the face to people who have actually been hurt and bullied.

    12. @10:30 It made fun of old people and those who need canes for real. Nobody said bullying. It just wasn't nice to others. They could have played it straight and gotten each other nice clothes to wear, but no, they had to try to be funny by making the guys look like grandpas and then they added that cane. That was not right!

    13. Guess what? The guys will be grandpas one day. They aren’t making fun of them just thinking of the future. Jessa said she loved the sweater vest that she picked out for Ben. It was all in good fun. We are all going to grow old or die.... so no one is making fun of the elderly since we will all be there one day. Their date night was fun for them and that is what matters. You can date your spouse any way that you choose.

    14. Frankly, I think it would have been a better "Couples Date Night" to take the $120 or whatever amount and drive around their town finding ways to delight someone else. For example, our family had to be at the hospital yesterday. While my husband was having a procedure done, we quickly ran down to the cafeteria for some coffee (the waiting area was cold). Apparently the last person had left money in the money vending machine to pay for my daughter's coffee. It may have been only a $1 drink, but it was such a sweet and thoughtful surprise to us. A fwe weeks ago, my 78-year old dad went to Walmart, with his folding walker in the basket of his ride-on cart. He needed to buy a new blood pressure cuff. He was completely stunned to find that the lady in front of him had paid for his items. Spending your Date Night doing things like that (whether it's a little money or a lot), is way more fun and actually blesses someone else too. If you're short on money, you can spend time instead. There are tons of places that would love to have you and your sweetheart as volunteers (Food Banks, Nursing Homes, Pediatric Wards, Libraries, Habitat For Humanity, etc.)- it won't cost a cent. *Not crazy about several of the couples doing an exclusive "Couples Date Night", especially when Jana has expressed that it sometimes makes her feel left out. Not cool and definitely not loving your neighbor. :(

  5. Most honest comment ever by Austin. “Marriage isn’t what you think it is and I can see why the divorce rate is so high”. Yes. That’s why group courting, to engagement, to marriage shouldn’t be all within 6 months. These couples truly don’t know each other. I’m not talking about physical intamacy as I believe that is for marriage, but these young people are near strangers when they marry. Nobody is their authentic self with chaperones constantly watching and listening. That just broke my heart.

    1. I dont agree with all their rules and not allowed to be alone. However, divorce happens even when people have been together for years before marriage. When you make a commitment, you either work through things or you give up. It goes for anyone from any type of relationship.

    2. Doesn't matter how many years you date someone, it is still very different living with someone. Our neighbours dated for a decade then suddenly were pregnant and moved in together. It's been a rough couple of years of adjusting. Lots of encouragement from their parents and friends and neighbours but still not easy. If you know this is meant to be your spouse, then go ahead and get married and work at your life together. Divorce occurs because you don't know yourself and what you want before you marry so you choose the wrong person and because you put in little effort during the marriage.

    3. Those were some sad comments Austin made. I can't help but think that he learned those views of marriage while growing up. Wasn't his father married once before?

    4. Sounds like they've already had some bumps in their marriage for Austin to make a comment like that.

    5. TLC should get Austin to expand on what people expect and act it out in a dreamy bubble! Michelle said expectations ruin relationships! But there has to be some concrete non negotiable expectations. Use your own imagination.

    6. Anon 1:54 Its true that divorce happens even when people have been together for a long time but having said that I do think that a young potential couple should be given the chance to be around their potential spouse without people listening and watching. There is no reason a couple shouldn't be able to go out together to a Movie or dinner without someone right there. That private date time can help them see potential problems in the person they are with and could be a red light to not go further with the relationship. It sure would beat having the chaperones on the dates and then getting married and that person real personality comes out and it might not be good.

    7. Austin's comment made me sad because they jumped into the marriage wagon and they have a honeymoon baby and 1 year into their marriage, he already feels like that.
      I have been with my husband 14 years, living together 3 months into our relationship and married for 6 years with 2 young children. I really understand what he is talking about but I hope it doesn't mean their marriage is on the rocks after 1 year.

    8. I too have to question what would even put a thought like that into Austin's head. At least Ben said he & Jessa had bumps but worked together to make things better. Austin dropped that line about understanding why divorce rates were high and there it sat.

    9. I appreciated Austin’s comments. Marriage is a huge commitment and difficult at times. He is mature enough to recognize this and vocalize it. I bet marrying into the Duggar family can be overwhelming at times. They are a rather dynamic force

    10. Austin is telling the truth. I appreciate the honesty. It doesn't necessarily mean he and Joy are having major issues. We all have some, even me with my husband. It's about putting God 1st in the marriage and praying through those struggles.

    11. I wouldn't be surprised if Austin requested they not be on the show. It's one thing to be courting and living separate lives but quite another to be married, have a newborn AND be on t.v. Marriage may be a little less complicated (IF that's the case ) being off camera.

    12. Austin needs to concentrate on his house flipping and getting a roof over his wife's and baby's (babies'??) heads, not filming a TV show. All the money in the world is not worth the added stress and the negative publicity you bring on yourself. He has NEVER seemed happy to be on the show. I hope he does walk away from it.

    13. The first year of marriage is always difficult. You have to learn to live with someone else. You never know enough about a person before marriage. Living together in harmony takes work. Remember that they interviewed Austin when he had a baby just a couple of weeks old or so. That is such an exhausting time.

    14. While I personally agree that there's safety in numbers, doing things as a group (for personal accountability, as well as no one can be wrongly accused), the issue I have with Duggar courting is that there's a presumption (almost a foregone conclusion or expectation) that the child is going to sin and so the "safeguard" is necessary. As a parent, I find it sad that there's no expectation of trustworthiness- that the young adult will live up to the standard. Instead, there's a fear that he/she will fall. I can't help but think that JimBob and Michelle have projected their own pre-marital issues onto their children. It's almost like they've invested a lot of time and effort training their children up in the way they should go (according to their shows and books), but the message they're sending their children is that they don't trust the training or the children. They've been coached that physical attraction is pretty much an overpowering thing they need to avoid, yet they're suddenly allowed/expected to kind of stoke it with some contact as long as the engagement is short so no one is defrauded? That makes no sense.

  6. Love how warm and cheerful Kendra is. She is really enjoying having all this extended family, and Joe was sure right about her loving character.

    1. She really is a positive person. If my husband picked that outfit for me I would have been quite ticked. Kendra was full of praise for Joe and his bad taste. Maybe she is still starry-eyed and in the honeymoon phase but Kendra does seem like a lovely girl

    2. Kendra is a DOLL. Joe picked a winner, from what I've seen.

    3. I LOVE Kendra!!! She is Such a sweet spirit. I know Joe will cherish her.

  7. nice episode with different stuff, always busy fam

  8. those outfits they choose were awful. sorry but they could do a lot better. Kendra was the worst.

    1. Kendra’s outfit was sort of like a hippie would wear.....the colors were drab and did not match her personality. Same outfit in bright colors would have been pretty.

    2. The maternity section wasn’t very big. At least the clothes fit her.

  9. Do you know how many episodes will this season have?

  10. Are the MarketPlace Grill and Tacos 4 Life the only two places these people go to eat? We're sick of both of those places.
    What young couples go out for a dinner together and speak about 'fostering better marriage relationships"? None do.
    This TV show has run out of ideas a long time ago, IMO, and it needs to be done already. These people are still kids and they need to TAKE advice, not GIVE IT.

    1. Fostering better marriage relationships is actually a good topic, but yes it was probably for the benefit of the show to answer question an people have had like “do the couples ever fight”. And if they have good advice there’s no reason they can’t give it just because they’re young. Also as far as where they eat, they have to have permission before they just go and film in a restaurant, and since those two places let them it would make sense that they go there on the show for dates.

    2. Since I've never eaten at either of those places, I'm not sick of them. Maybe you should stop eating there if you're sick of those restaurants. I thought the honest discussion about the realities of marriage was one of the best things I've heard on that show in a long time. Clearly Jessa and Ben have learned a few things in their 3 years of marriage, and I don't see why it's wrong for them to share those things with people who are farther back on the path of life. We can be both learning from those more experienced and sharing what we've learned with those who are less experienced. It doesn't have to be either/or.

    3. The restaurant has to agree with filming....perhaps these are the only two locations that would?

    4. Maybe its time that you stopped watching the show then.

    5. Wow! I am sorry that you don’t have friends and family to talk to. I know a lot of people who asked for martial advice. Why wouldn’t you ask your family members about some helpful advice? It helps to know what to expect.

  11. Got to be honest. Not crazy about the thrift store date thing. I find it quite insensitive. This isn’t about being easily offended, or “snowflake”, but as an aging person I don’t find the dressing like an old man with a cane to be funny. I know the Bates have done this as well. I also found the fact they went thrifting for a joke outfit to be a bit insensitive. Many shop thrift stores out of need, not to be laughable. I feel the Duggars have forgotten what it’s like to not have money and living lives of leisure.

    1. They have always shopped at thrift stores, and still do.

    2. I don't think it's insensitive at all. The truth is that you can find cute clothes at thrift stores (which they've done for years), and you can also find some really awful things. I don't think they're out of touch.

    3. It doesn’t look to me that they still thrift store shop!!!

    4. That entire segment was insensitive on many levels. I blame the producers, but I also blame the Duggars for not having the discernment to say no, not doing it, and to realize why they shouldn't have done it.

    5. I'm in Los Angeles and shop the gamut from thrift shops to Bloomingdale's. There's nothing wrong with thrift shops unless you make it wrong. I think this was a fun date and not insulting to anyone.

    6. My parents are older and my dad had to use a cane after knee replacement. They both laughed through the episode. You don’t need to take offense when none was intended. They didn’t call any names or bad mouth any older people. Being middle age, I get amused at what some younger people wear. It doesn’t mean that I don’t respect them.

  12. Did Austin really refer to Gideon as "it"? And his marriage advice... I sense a harsh, unfeeling side to that man.

    1. I think he's got a very inflexible viewpoint about a lot of things; maybe he's a very black and white kind of thinker. However, you can see where he's starting to realize that there are shades of gray too, and that his viewpoints aren't necessarily right. I've seen him maturing, and hopefully he'll continue.

    2. Thankfully, not every guy is sappy.

    3. 9:01. I disagree with you about Austin. I think he’s the only authenticly honest person. He’s not pretending marriage is all hearts and roses, and honeymoons and baby moons, and ...but real hard work. By the way, many people refer to babies as “it”. Cut him some slack.

    4. Yes and he’s just more realistic than the Duggars.

    5. I sense things that frighten me a bit, too.

    6. I caught the "it" too. Having to care for a baby & living in a flip house might not go together. It's OK initially but by 6 months babies are starting to move about *& need to be able to explore about then the safety concerns will start.

    7. At least he jumped into loving and living with both feet off the ground and is willing to let it make the best of him! More power to Joy and Austin! I have praise for that man who has worked very hard to get to the point where people can critize him for what word or 'sense' might belie the very huge truth of what a good husband and dad he and dad he has put in the long, long, long hard work to become.

    8. Hmmm... I kind of wonder about that too. I haven't seen the episode yet

    9. Have any of you ever watched when his father and the rest of the family were on TV before, long before Austin married a Duggar? It's good insight to their family dynamics, if you've never seen it.

    10. 10:24. I believe I saw it. Were they the parents that didn’t allow Austin to have a bedroom door for privacy?

    11. They didn’t find out their son’s gender until he was born. I think they just got used to saying it since they didn’t know. I am sure he didn’t mean anything disrespectful to his child.

  13. Thank you, Ben and Jesse about your honesty and good advice about conflict in marriage. It's not easy to open up like that in front of others, especially on camera! I feel like they have the most opposite personalities out of all the couple's and they have mentioned many times before that marriage is not so easy. They seem dedicated and loyal though.

  14. That was more of a sip and see and spread the germs of 100-200 people onto a newborn party. First Joy makes everyone wash their hands, and then she takes Gideon to this big party?

    1. Baby's need to be exposed to germs to create antibodies and mothers milk contains antibodies to germs. This could be a very healthy thing for the mom and baby team! Germs can wipe out non exposed people.

    2. She said no one could hold him besides family. Did you catch her comment show ans see but not touch. Only Jana was holding him as far as I saw.

    3. I agree - new born babies should not be exposed to all those people - who knows if any of them "might" be sick. . . Duggars do things on a big scale, no one has that many "friends" . . they are passing aquaintences at best.
      Wonder if the Dillards were there? - hope so. . . they should not be excluded from family events.

    4. Yeah not the best idea for a newborn to be at a party like that in full on flu season

    5. @5:22 You make antibodies if and when you are exposed to something and got "sick" from it somehow. So the way you word it, you are saying that it's good for babies Gideon's age to get sick, because then they'll have immunity later. But there's a problem with that. Babies Gideons age don't fight off infections well and develop complications quickly. So yes, it was still a big risk for him to be around a crowd that size at that age. Mother's milk can only contain antibodies of the things that the mother has been exposed to already. A new illness of any sort in that crowd could have put both Joy and the baby in danger.

    6. Where's that doctor who's always posting here when we need them?

    7. It is very easy to have that many friends if you go to church. You also have to consider that the shower was for Joy and Kendra.... so Joy’s family, Austin’s family and Kendra’s family would all be there as well. I am surprised there wasn’t even more people than that!

  15. I liked every bit about the show. I enjoyed all of it. I can't wait for next week when they go skiing and Lauren tries on her wedding dress. I can't wait for each new season to come. Natasha B.

    1. I completely agree N B!

    2. me too! Far too much negativity from other posters

  16. I like the honesty that Ben and Austin bring into the show and the silliness and sincerity that Jeremy brings. Oh, to be Kendra for a day, lol. It doesn't seem like she's had a bad day in her life!

    1. I like the way you described the different personalities. :) it's nice to see these qualities spoken of in a positive light instead of negative. I agree about Kendra! What a precious mindset she has.

    2. Joe is truly a blessed man. To have a wife with Kendra’s sunny disposition is a gift.

    3. I don't know, 2;14. It worries me when I see people who appear happy all the time. They could be in denial about things, or they might not know how to or be scared to express their true emotions. Either way, it can be trouble.

    4. 2:12,😂😂😂😂😂😂

    5. @3:05 Your emotions need to reflect what's going on around you, good AND bad. It's how you understand negative things and learn to deal with them properly. Unhappy emotions are a healthy thing. If you're determined to be happy all the time, when something bad happens (and it will; this is life), you're less likely to be able to cope with it than someone who's always had more realistic views of life and a range of emotions. Look up the psychology of obsessively happy people. It's fascinating.

  17. I think TLC did a great job this season, in so many ways. First of all, I find the hour long episodes so much more enjoyable. Many, if not all, of last year's most common complaints have been addressed. The variety of segments makes for a fast moving show. I never get bored. I personally am so happy to see more of the Duggar family included. I just wish it were a year long series.

  18. Yikes! Austin! I appreciate your honesty about comprehending why the divorce rate is so high. I’m just genuinely surprised you are allowed to admit it.

    1. I think Austin seems quite unhappy. He has to correct Joy about saying things nicely. If she’s that prickly on camera can you imagine what it’s like off camera? I feel sorry for Joy and Austin. They clearly married so they could do more than make sandwiches, but obviously marriage is a whole lot more than that. Joy’s maturity is quite young, younger than her chronological years. I think their first year of marriage has been very bumpy.

    2. Who's first year of marriage isn't bumpy??

    3. Austin is stone cold serious and Joy has turned sassy. Not a good mix. They've both got some work to do.

    4. Wow.. yes it sounds like it may be bumpy but hardships can bring them closer together. Austin seems to be a serious person which is fine but Joy having to look to him for decisions all the time isn't good either. Their wedding episode was disturbing in that she kept asking about how to wear her hair. He didn't care how she wore it. I wonder if it's like that all the time

    5. I find Austin the most honest and realistic of the bunch. The others pretending marriages and life is ‘perfect’ is far from the truth. A relationship takes work and a lot of rather someone honest instead of someone saying ‘marriage is so neat/great’ and not being realistic to how much hard work it is

    6. 6:56. You totally nailed it. They do not come across as a good mix of personalities. Austin saying he understands why the divorce rate is so high, while honest and even insightful, is a bit unsettling.

    7. Yes sometimes Joy seems really immature and then when she's trying to say something , she doesn't quite get it phrased correctly . Austin seems mature for his age but also maybe feels his job to boss over Joy ...when he said they would move out of that house when baby was 2months old, she said I don't know ...but look who won that decision.. And he didnt expect a baby that soon....WOW.....ya think he's learned anything by now.. ? ! they are young....long time to grow and learn together....

    8. Married Duggars don't use the word divorce, so it was shocking to hear Austin even muse about it. But, he does have experience with it in his own family.

    9. On top of marriage and a baby so quickly, Austin has also inherited this HUGE family! There are a lot of family obligations when there are about 40 family members, birthdays, births, engagements, weddings etc. Austin came from a small family. He probably feels like he's being bombarded by family stuff. Just wants a quiet life maybe?

  19. I enjoyed this show! It seems many comments are negatively critical, I thought the bloggers asked for positive comments. It takes discipline to be positive. Thrift stores have such a hodge podge of things, that I do not think there are specific rules about going to shop there, or outlines for what is a good reason. (So how can anyone moralize about this show, as if they did something offensive or in poor taste to shop at a thriftstore for their partner??). Thrift stores are just blessed to make another sale of all the stuff they have collected and get some free advertising!
    And the baby food feeding game was in really great taste! (In my opinion!) From now on Dear Baby will be waiting on ma and pa to feed it several times everyday, so new parents need to have their consciousness of the new number one priority in the home raised! This was dfone in a really funny way!!
    Peoples comments say more about the commenter than about what is being commented on. It shows a persons outlook, attititude, point of view and a lot of people are negative and affirm another negative person - to create a negative witness group. Well there is a positive witness too! I'd rather be an optimist than a pessimist when it comes to people having wholesome good natured fun! At least they tried, lighten up a bit! It is possible to find a negative comment and it is possible to find a positive comment. When it is your turn to be on the entertainment committee I think you would feel bad if all you got was nasty feed back instead of having cheered people up a bit and broken some ice and helped the general moral and good mood of the people. Geeze.

    1. If you're on the entertainment committee and you choose entertainment that makes fun of a disability or being old, that's where I draw the line.

    2. You drawing the line is not going to change anything. Have you ever heard of halloween?? Stop watching the show if you dislike them so much.

    3. I find it highly amusing how the most devoted fans keep telling others to stop watching the show. What do you think that's going to do for viewership and ratings? How about accepting that some people don't agree with what happens on the show, and they have every right to say so, just as 1:55 thought they had the right to tell them to vamoose.

    4. 10:16 never said she disliked them, but that she found the thrift store activity not funny. Perhaps you should quit being so harsh over someone voicing their opinion.

    5. My cousin bought our grandma a Cain for her 90th bday as a joke. She doesn't need it but we all laughed about it. Grandma did keep it though because she knows that one day there may be a need for it

    6. You said exactly what i was thinking too...To be optimistic in the majority makes a happier person...true fact😉😎

    7. Human brains are capable of a wide range of emotions on purpose. It's not healthy to only use half of them.

    8. This was not a halloween party it was a date with their spouse.

    9. Long time reader here-I've got to be honest. I'm so positive most of the time that my family regularly calls me Pollyanna (no joke). That said, this continual call for only positivity in the comments has gotten old. The ongoing stereotyping and labeling of other posters you don't agree with as "negative" or "jealous/envious" because they've expressed some disapproval of the Duggars is really just an attempt to shame and silence their opinions. Coming from people expounding all the virtues they love about the Duggars, it's pretty hypocritical and doesn't speak well of their most devoted fans. This is a discussion board and Lily and Ellie have invited discussion. Simply put, that means sometimes people are going to express an opinion that you don't like. Discussion generally requires more than one opinion. I could be wrong (and I really hope I'm not), but I don't think Lily and Ellie intended for this board to be full of only posters who rubber stamp approval for all things Duggar. I also don't think they're looking for a positivity movement, bent on sugar-coating or "spinning" everything in a positive light. How deceptive, manipulative, and dishonest that would be. I'm pretty sure Lily and Ellie have way more integrity than that. So, can we practice being civil to one another and nix the shaming and name-calling? P.S. The Duggars don't live and die by our opinions anyway. ;)

  20. "He's amazing. I haven't ever seen a guy give so much of himself for his wife." Who does Joy have experience seeing in that department? Only one man & one wife for her first 18 years or so. In trying to compliment Austin, she just dissed her own parents plus her siblings and their spouses!

    1. Yup! That did not go unoticed!!

    2. A young girl trying to compliment her husband in front of everyone and some people find fault with it. These poor Duggars can't even breathe right I guess

    3. Many ridiculous things have been said on this show. That was another one. None of the kids have experience with other people's marriages or know how other people are treated.

    4. The Duggar family is pretty well known. I'm sure Joy has seen plenty of marriages, and if she considers herself blessed by Austin, let her be thankful for her situation! I would say Austin has treated her better than Josh has treated Anna... So she's only being honest.

    5. That is why dating or courting more than one person isn't always a bad idea. You get to meet different people and get to know them. That is the point of dating.

    6. 3:03 Josh didn't start his antics (not that we know of) until later in the marriage. You can't compare the two marriages in Year One. Josh looked just as innocent as Austin back then.

    7. Josh's antics didn't become known until much later in the marriage. It's most likely he was always living a double life, especially considering his "teenage mistakes" - a period that clearly never ended.

  21. The show was entertaining, I found a lot of the conversations were very honest. Kendra is a joy to watch. They shop at the thrift store all the time and if I were to be picky, I’d say it worked out well and they had fun and that was the point. They should not have included the walking cane though. Either way it was fun

  22. Austin called that baby shower activity correctly.

  23. Wow, lots of varied opinions on the show this week! My family and I all loved the show this week! So fun! We loved the shopping for outfits! I want crazy on kendra s outfit but she liked it so that's all that matters! I really appreciated the advice that was offered regarding marriage! Nice to know that the sugars struggle with marriage but work through it rather than give up! I loved seeing Gideon and Austin and Joy working together to look after him. We look forward to Monday nights and the Duggars.

    Incidentally a black bear decided to enjoy tv with us last night! Found him just outside at our back window!!!

    1. Your bear visit is crazy!. Do you remember what you were watching on tv when he joined you. Maybe he has a favorite that he hates to miss.

    2. Little life on the prairie 😂... was on right after counting on on TLC.

      Corrections to my above comment... it wasn't 'I want crazy' but 'I wasn't crazy'... not the 'sugars' but the 'Duggars'.

      The autocorrect can make writeups sound pretty funny and confusing!!!

    3. Pretty sure kendra didn't like her outfit but she was nice to her husband saying that she was confortable in it ... not really saying she liked it

  24. I appreciate austin's honesty about the marrriage comment. He seems really mature for his age

  25. I love thrift store date night. Do another one please!!

  26. I laughed so much during this episode. So funny

  27. Not to be mean at all as I have a son with a similar condition...This is the first time I have noticed that Joe has an eye blink/nose scrunch tic. He did it several times in the beginning of the show but must be able to suppress it at other times. Some say this is hereditary. I wonder if any of the other children suffer from tics. It can be very difficult.

    Also I very much like Ben and the honesty he brings to the show. Austin was incredibly honest this episode too which I find brave. Though I am slightly worried for him. He mentioned in a previous episode that he wasn't expecting a baby so soon and did refer to the baby as "it." Hopefully he adjusts to all the new changes as I don't want him (or Joy) to end up feeling regret or resentment. I hope Ben offers friendship and counsel to Austin.

    1. I've noticed Joe's tic too and wondered if it is due to nerves or feeling uncomfortable. I'm wondering if some group filming scenarios and interviews make him anxious. He didn't get them during his honeymoon or the times he's alone with Kendra. Are your son's tics constant or are their triggers?

  28. The baby food game was hilarious

    1. Maybe the first time it was funny, but this is what, the 3rd time we've seen it now? Go back online and find some new baby shower game ideas.

  29. The duggars really know how to have fun. I hope they do this again

  30. We just did this last week. Fun!

  31. My husband and i are doing this next weekend. Thanks for the idea Duggars!

  32. I thought it was really sweet for Ben and Jessa to marital advice. Everyone needs that. So nice to have a big family

  33. I think all the couples are really mature. I got married at 19 and he never did grow up. I wish i could have found someone as grown up at that age that these girls have

  34. This was one of my favorite episodes. There was a lot of humor involved for sure

  35. I loved all the grandpa outfits. There is nothing "insensitive" about it. It was great.

    1. The outfits were fine. Giving Ben a cane was unnecessary.

    2. The cane is what topped it off!! That made it even better

    3. We dress up as old people every halloween. We get tons of compliments. And we BOTH have canes!!

    4. Loved the cane idea.

    5. I am "elderly" and do not consider tbis offensive. Quite the opposite. I cracked up

    6. I'm "elderly" with a cane and I do find it offensive.

    7. Many tap dancers back in the day had canes... are they offensive too???

    8. There is a HUGE difference between a cane used as a dance number prop and a cane that's needed because of a disabling medical condition......

    9. Sometimes it's good to give people the benefit of the doubt and not be so sensitive.

    10. Their actions speak louder than their words, 10:31.

    11. I don't think these kids meant to be insensitive- I think they're just still immature in some ways as the vast majority of kids that age are. Just because you're old enough to get married doesn't mean you're mature. Having a baby or two doesn't make you mature or mean you're mature either. While it was unfortunate and maybe not the wisest thing to do (and obviously offended a number of people), I don't think it was intentional. Still, it offended quite a few viewers, and as professing Christians, they should apologize for the offense (intended or not).

  36. My goodness. So many people offended by the "insensitivity" of them shopping at the thrift store. It sounds to me like the people who are offended think of thrift stores as 'poor people stores". If you DON'T shop at thrift stores, then you're not supporting their (usually noble) causes. You're not stealing the shirt off the back of a "poor person" if you shop at Goodwill and live above the poverty level 🙄🙄. And I promise you, any given thrift shop has plenty of product to go around. Love my $2 Louis Vuitton wallet from Goodwill, and that doesn't make me a bad person, just more fiscally conservative. Some might even call it responsible. How do ppl think rich ppl stay rich? Geez. How infuriated would ppl have been if they'd had a Nordstrom Date Night 😮

    1. We're only asking that they be truthful about their lifestyles, and if thrift store shopping is not something they do (which we suspect they don't, given what we've seen lately), then don't do it for the camera just to try to be funny. And for dear sake, don't make fun of the elderly. All of us will be that way one day, IF we're lucky enough to live that long. Pretending to be frail is not something to laugh about.

    2. It depends whether they intend to wear the outfits again. There were nice pieces in each outfit that someone less fortunate would value more than the Duggar couples who used the outfits to film a storyline.

    3. If they had a Nordstrom date night at least it would be more authentic.

    4. There are plenty of outfits in every Thrift or Goodwill store for the less fortunate to buy. That is an ignorant statement.

    5. This was the funniest episode yet.

    6. The old man outfit was the best of all three. I think Ben enjoyed it also

    7. This was so funny. I am thinking about doing the same thing with my husband.

    8. I really appreciate Austin's honesty. So many people wouldn't have said what he did out loud. Everyone has trouble in marriage no matter how long they have been together. It starts from the day that you move in together. Some people just don't want to admit it for fear of looking bad. It is just the truth no matter how people try to make it look.

    9. Actually, I would jump at the chance if tlc paid me to go on a Nordstrum’s Date Night.

    10. Thank you O.P! I've mentioned this on other commentors pages as well. I myself have found maternity clothes at thrift stores since they are real expensive. I've found very nice shirts in good shape there too

  37. Austin calling baby shower games obnoxious is one of the most self-aware thing a member of this family has ever said.

    1. Or it could come across that he's prideful and didn't like feeling embarrassed rather than being a good sport about it.

  38. True! Most of the Thrift stores that I'm familiar with were created to make money to support causes such as hospices, orphanages, and job training programs. There are certainly plenty of used clothes and other items to go around. These stores were not opened to strictly provide clothes and household items for people of limited means.

  39. I really enjoyed this episode. Honestly I saw the genuine people. I love that they have fun together. I love that Ben and Austin were honest about marriage not being one big fairy tail. Austin strikes me as the type that he puts a lot of pressure on himself to succeed and do things right. I love that maturity. I do hope though that he does stress himself out. Just take one step at a time, and flow in the grace, and the abilities God gives us. God will show each of them what steps to take next. Put God first and life goes so much better.

  40. They were not making fun of anyone. They were having a good time.

    1. "Ha ha you have 'Grandpa' clothes on! Ha ha here's a cane for you!" and so on. That certainly is making fun of someone.

    2. No, it isn’t. It was more like look at what a cute little older man you will be.

    3. yah and what if the elderly dressed up as a teenager as a joke? Should teenagers be offended? Or do you think they could laugh with the light-hearted old-people, seeing it for what it was? People chose to be offended or not--Sometimes this whole sensitivity thing is overdone. I am a tactful person, but--! There is a quote: 'he who is offended when offense is not intended is a fool. He who is offended when offense is intended is a bigger fool.'

    4. Quote all you want, it's still insensitive if the intent behind it is to laugh at someone.

  41. Dressing up like the elderly is not making fun of them. I think the whole show was funny

  42. I like all the outfits but Ben's had to be the most creative. And the cane was an extra bonus.

  43. Ben did a really good job at being an old man! this looks like a lot of fun and I have to try it. Thanks Duggar's for the good idea!!

  44. Enough people!! I have purchased clothes from Thrift stores to wear to "theme" paties. After I'm finished I was them and return to store so they benefit from making two sales. Plus I'm 66 and use a cane and I don't feel I'm being made fun of. Also people- rethink your statements that only less fortunate shop there. One- it's disrespectful to them and two- its an affoIrdable place to shop!

    1. You still have to question whether or not the kids would have done this if the show hadn't put them up to it. I would think not. So it was most likely a stunt done for the show, suggested by producers who still think it's funny to show this family in a thrift store. And that's where the controversy can begin...

      The whole thing was not handled very well. I'm having trouble seeing how it fits into a respectful Christian lifestyle, too.

    2. Or maybe the couples did it because they saw the viral post on Facebook about the couple who did the same thing and thought it would be fun. As other commenters have mentioned, they or people they know have also done a thrift store date. I don't think it's that likely that the couples had to be made to do it by the production company.

    3. I think it was handled fine, and some people are taking things way too seriously. If they had put on blonde wigs, would the blondes on here be commenting about how they were being made fun of? If they had worn fake glasses, would the people with glasses say that they were making fun of people with disabilities? It's your choice to be offended about something, and you have to ask yourself whether it's really worth it or not.

  45. The most enjoyable part of the show was Joy-Anna,Austen and adorable Gideon. The baby food feeding was ridiculous.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn


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