
Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Michelle and Joy Discuss Birth

Michelle Duggar and Joy Duggar Forsyth

"I can't believe my baby is having a baby!"
-Michelle Duggar

In the TLC webisode below, Michelle Duggar stops by to see Joy and Austin Forsyth's new renovations and to discuss Joy's birth plan. Although Michelle only delivered two of her babies at home (Jinger and Joseph), she has had many natural hospital births and will be an important asset to Joy's birth team.

Photo/video courtesy TLC


  1. How in the world could Michelle let her "baby" labor for 19 hours in agony like that, since she herself has 17 of her children in a Hospital. I would never ever allow my daughter to suffer like that. I wouldn't care how much the network was willing to pay to film it, my daughter would have been inn the Hospital.

    1. Um, I labored in a hospital for 36 hours before they decided it was time for a C-section. A friend of mine labored for 5 days in a hospital on Pitocin before her doctors said it was time for a C-section. Some labors take a long time, especially the first.

    2. BTW, I was in intense pain during that. Only getting a spinal near the end. My friend also.

    3. Joy Anna made her birth choices not her mother🙄

    4. Michelle has no control over her adult child. Let? That was not her fault.

    5. “Let her?” Joy is an adult

    6. You do realize she has no say right? Joy and Austin were calling the shots and making the decisions. Inserting yourself in your grown child’s choices usually ends up backfiring. Plus, I labored for 17 hours with my 2nd. Most of that time was early labor where contractions are consistent but still paced far apart and not too painful. I didn’t go to the hospital until the last 2-3 hours. It’s not like she was in hard, transitional labor for 19 hours.

    7. WOW and people call the Duggars helicopter parents. You don’t get to make choices for you’re adult children

    8. I just read what the poster wrote and then everyone's response and am shocked that everyone thinks Joy's Mom has no way so or input. Do you people really think that Joys Mom is nothing but a bystander in her daughter's life? She had 18 of Joys siblings, so I'm pretty sure Joy would take her Mom's advice about childbirth. I too am wondering why knowing the problems with the other daughters having to be rushed to the Hospital, why Mom didn't step in.

    9. It could be worse. 19 hours is nothing, Jill laboured for 70 hours after knowing her baby was in distress, now that’s something I was conerned out..

    10. Most areas have time limits to labor. They would intervene way before 5 days,especially if the mother is on pitocin.

      Joy may be an adult and it should have been her decision and that decision supported by her husband, she is still a very young women,with limited experience, being influenced by the opinions of the older women in her life. Joy, just by the estimated size of the baby, would have been considered high risk and not a candidate for home birth. Her mother and the midwife should have know that and encouraged Joy to not attempt a home birth.

    11. I laboured 50 hours in the hospital before the doctor gave me a c section

    12. Joy's birth plan was her own, which is important for satisfaction. Most first babies take 12-24 hours of active labor, after a variable number of hours or days of early labor, unless they are augmented with Pitocin. So 19 is pretty normal. It's just unfortunate they apparently didn't know sooner that Gideon was breech.

    13. 6:24, there was no reason for Ann intervention until they found out Gideon was breach. First labors last a LONG time. Michelle was trying to be supportive of what Joy wanted to do.

    14. I had pitocin with my son. He flipped and I ended up with an emergency C-section. After the epidural shot, I felt great and delivered a healthy boy :)

    15. 19 hours is less than the average first time labor...and the pain of labor and childbirth is not suffering, which is something Michelle knows well. It's definitely incredibly hard to see someone you love in pain, but someone familiar with birth knows that the pain is just a step toward an incredible reward.

    16. This is a sincere question. Do midwives do internals? My daughter was breech and the obstetrician knew right away on my last visit. His exact words were, "I feel feet. See you for a c-section on Wednesday." :)

  2. I'm not sure I understand this house flipping business. I feel sorry for Joy if they just keep fixing, selling, and then moving into one house after another.

    1. I know, that's hard. Im hoping they can get their own place then still buy and flip other houses without having to live in them!

    2. 12:07 - I don’t think living in a house and flipping it is necessarily a Duggar thing, especially where Joy and Austin are concerned. I think it is Austin and his Dad’s thing. I don’t remember the exact numbers but didn’t Austin have to flip x number of houses before he could marry Joy? He just seems to be “rolling them out,” with no consideration for new mother or new baby. I think that is horrible.

    3. They're back to living in someone's RV while they flip. Seems that 9000 sq. ft. house from the other night would be big enough for Josiah AND Joy to live in while things are under construction.

    4. I wondered about that, too. Why can't they settle down in one home and flip another? It seems crazy (and unsettling) that every home they lived in would be temporary, especially now that they have a child.

    5. Austin is not looking at joy and bus family. She dus not want to move again and live in a trailer with a little baby. He should flip a house and live in another

    6. Some people live in a finished house while they complete the next one. Then they sell the first one, move into the completed 2nd house, and use the money from the 1st to buy the 3rd. and so on. It is a way to start with a small house and move to larger ones as needed.

    7. Maybe Joy likes what they do.

    8. Physical labor like that is hard work. Sometimes your body gives you no choice but to abandon that line of work at a young age. I wonder what Austin's Plan B is if he couldn't do house flipping someday?

    9. They were living in Josh and Anna’s RV right before moving into their house. So maybe they are back in J&A’s RV again.

    10. They said they would be living in houses and flipping them the first couple of years. Joy knew what she signed on for. Hard with a baby I'm sure, but convenient, since you don't have to drive to the site, AND you can work at 2:00 a.m. if you want (if baby is up of course!)

    11. This is exactly what Joanna and Chip Gaines did early in their marriage.

  3. Was Jill Joy's primary midwife? I am beginning to question their judgment with these home deliveries and huge babies. Home may be more comfortable, but I'd trade that in a minute for a hospital and professional medical care.

    1. I agree with you. they definltely have a history of large babies so it seems like they put so much pressure on themselves to be at home. Nowadays in hospitals, it's a very comfortable setting for the mom but also has the emergency personnel and equipment if you need it.
      However I really enjoyed seeing Michelle in this video.

    2. Good thing we all have a personal choice. What you prefer may not be what someone else prefers.

    3. No, it was a different person. And just because a baby is big doesn’t mean it can’t be delivered at home, I have multiple friends who have had large babies at home. The Duggar girls just don’t seem to be the best at delivering. Plus they use CPMs, so that could be a factor.

    4. Yes, large babies can be delivered at home, but not always. The Duggar daughters have four examples of complications out of five home births; Jessa-hemorrhage, Jill two emergency c-sections after hours and hours of labor-with Sam spending two weeks in NICU, and Joy’s breech emergency c-section after twenty hours of labor. I would say that with those stats, future babies really ought to be delivered in hospital or birth center.

    5. 1:11, I agree that Jill and Joy should have gone births with their kids, but Jessa’s birth with Henry went very well, and what happened with Spurgeon would still have happened in a hospital setting. I do think it’s a good thing Jinger went to a hospital, because it seemed like she would have had a rough time trying at home.

    6. My babies are 10-pounders. I homebirth. I survive. No complications whatsoever. A large baby doesn’t stop you from having a homebirth.

    7. How different the girls are than their mom. Michelle popped out at least 18 healthy natural kids. The daughters who have had babies seem to have so many issues with delivery (besides Jinger). Just an observation, but I would definitely choose hospital birth or make sure I had a midwife who knew what she was doing.

    8. I wondered the exact same thing. Sometimes they mention the name of the midwife and this time they didn't. So that got me wondering.

    9. 12:02 - Michelle's births weren't all natural births or complication-free prior to Josie. She had pre-eclampsia with Jana and JD and delivered them via c section. She also had c sections with Jackson and Jordyn.
      I do think Michelle was wise to have her children, except for Jinger and Joe, at the hospital, since that was what she preferred. We also saw her getting quality prenatal care during the pregnancies shown on tv.

  4. I can't for the life of me understand why Michelle so enthusiastically encourages her daughter's to birth at home when she herself has only done so twice! It's absolutely ridiculous what those daughters have gone through. They are insane thinking that what they are doing is safe.

    1. I think she supports their decisions more so than encourages that they have home births

    2. My mom and I totally agree! I mean it's so unnecessary and I don't know what any of them are trying to prove. Yes, the Bible did curse childbirth because of Eve's sin but modern technology lessens the complications now days. Plus it's so dangerous and puts added stress on the baby and mom. There's no way I'd go that route. Look at Kendra and Jinger...smooth like butter. Home births are not wrong but the way the Duggars do them is ridiculous.

    3. Just so you know, Michelle enthusiastically and thoughtfully encourages her daughters to make choices that are right for them, their husbands and baby.

    4. Birthing at home does not “add stress” to mama and baby. No study to prove that claim. However, there are MANY studies proving the distress hospital interventions and pain meds put on mama and baby.

    5. It's good to encourage, but I think it's also wise to tell them that hospital births are ok too. Use the sister's births as examples. Then if they still choose home birth, then that is their decision

    6. 12:05, she probably did! It’s not like Joy didn’t know what happened at her sister’s births. Honestly they handled Joy’s birth very well, and went to the hospital right when they should have.

  5. I guess they already sold their house but I hope they didn't buy a new house that is in the same state as this house with a newborn baby !

  6. How exactly would Michelle be "an important asset" to anyone's birth team? She has no medical training. She may have personal experience under the same circumstances, but that doesn't qualify her for assisting at anyone's birth. Unless she was the one who recognized Joy's baby as breach after 19 hours, all she could do is stand there and look and coo encouragement. Other than the doctor, Austin has the most important role.

    1. This is do not true. We had a doula at our home births and she was an absolute necessity. She encouraged us both, and was especially supportive to my husband!

    2. She was only there for the camera time. Michelle is not a midwife or a doula or anything like that.

    3. Don’t down play a mothers encouragement. I’m sure it was comforting for Joy to have her mother there, that alone made Michelle an asset at Joy’s birth.

    4. As a doula, I agree with you.

    5. Michelle's role is important- it is that of Mom! Her presence would add comfort and encouragement.

    6. Michelle is not even a doula.

    7. My mom was a very important part of my birth team. Emotional support from someone who knows what you are going through and who loves you is huge! Plus, my husband’s job after the baby was born was to go be dad. That meant taking pictures, listening to stats...and when one had to go to NICU he was right there beside her. My mom took care of me (support during stitches, and keeping me calm) so my husband could be with our child. I wanted both of them in there and I wouldn’t change it for anything.

    8. I'm a medical doctor and, in my opinion, the mother of the mom-to-be is one of the most important parts of the team. The doctor is only there as back-up. The doctor should never be the most important part of the birthing team; only there to step in quickly when needed for help.

    9. @ 6:48pm very IMPORTANT!!! She's the mother for goodness sake! Every young women especially Joy's age wants their mother next to them at this very special event in their lives, specially if there's complications. She needed her Mother's comfort.

      My first out of six was born when I was 22yrs My mother couldn't be there. And I know how much I needed her at that moment. With my second she was there with me and let me tell you best coach ever. She coached me through the whole labor and delivery. She new how to talk to me and what to say to comfort me and she new where and how to massage as well. My midwife was amazed by her and told her how great she did, and my mother never went to school. Doesn't know how to read or write but still she was the BEST assistant EVER!!

    10. I have to agree, so glad my mom was there for both of my kids! The first thing I did when I was starting labor, was go by my mom and wait for my husband to get there from work. I think my mom played a huge part in both my kids births. Dont know what I would do without her sometimes!

    11. A mom is good for moral support.

    12. I gave birth to both of my kids when my mother wasn’t even in the same state and I don’t regret it. Not everyone finds their mother to be a valuable part of the experience.

    13. Michelle was an important asset to Joy's team because being Joy's mother her love and support offer a far greater comfort than pure medical staff. When I was in labor with my first child my husband and I went to the hospital about 12:30 am (I used midwives with both babies, natural, hospital as home birth was not offered by my midwives) as I was being hooked up to the contraction monitors my water broke and we were told the baby was coming. My first words to my husband was to call his mom. He said can I wait til the morning as the labor will most likely take a while, and I said no I want her here immediately and don't care that it is 2 am. He called her and she came to the hospital and I was immediately comforted just having her by my side. My mother in law is the best and she has no medical training but just the knowledge of her by my side and support was so important. Though we love our husbands and they are our huge support system it is another level having that mother figure with us that has been there and done this and loves us unconditionally that helps keep the stress levels down and just like when your a child gives you the feeling everything will be okay.

    14. Emotional support during labor affects both medical outcomes and satisfaction. It's a psychologically intense and memorable experience.

    15. It was only my husband and I and that's how I wanted it. Plus it happened unexpectedly and so early in the a.m. there was no time to call anyone.

    16. I'm with you 12:08. I wasn't there to put on a show or entertain company...

  7. that was a quick vs to see her daughter. didnt joy have any idea how the birth was going to be? confused she seemed clueless. mary keim mennonite hambden twp ohio

    1. No one really knows how birth will be until she experiences it for herself. It is different for everyone and each birth is different.

    2. You can never be fully prepared for birth. Each birth and pregnancy is different. I have had 4 pregnancies and each birth experience has been different.

  8. I REALLY am tired of the continual rehash of Joy giving birth. Give it a rest PLEASE.

    1. Watch something else. Please.

    2. Yes. Instead, explain why that 10 pound baby has such skinny arms and legs now, because anyone who watched this birth repeatedly is wondering what has happened since.

    3. 4:14 Just because a baby is big at birth doesn’t mean he will stay that way. I had big babies, and they all slimmed up as they grew. Babies start moving around and being active. Their legs and arms grow longer.

    4. Anon @ 4:14: Most babies lose 10% or so of their weight after birth and tend to regain it by about two weeks. They lose even more if their weight was inflated by IV fluids prior to birth. I don't know if C-sections involve an IV, but if so, his birth weight was probably higher because of that.

    5. He didn’t have an IV, they’re only required if the baby has something wrong with it. And 11:08, got super tiny by one and two months of age, before he started moving around.

    6. Joy's birth is being mentioned on the blog again because it was depicted on the show, and TLC released extra footage on their site related to it. Same will happen when Jinger's birth is shown on the main show. And many fans WANT to see those clips, so the bloggers post them.

  9. I was wondering what happened to grandma Duggar who was with Josie the last family picture I saw. Everyone else is in that picture. Joy congrats on your baby.

  10. SO NICE to see Michelle featured! Yeah! But it is a timid role she is in here as Joy's supportive mom but thank goodness we get to see her! Now for some more JB too!

    1. I enjoy seeing Jim Bob and Michelle on the show also. I want to see more of the huge house he is flipping. I didn't know he worked on such big projects.

  11. How far away does Joy live from Michelle now? It seemed like Michelle hadn't been to Joy's house yet Joy looked very close to her due date.

    1. The Forsyth house was about half an hour away from the Duggar "big house."

    2. I would take a lot of the things that are said and done on the show with a large grain of salt. Like most reality tv shows things are staged and scripted to fit in with a storyline, this has been confirmed by a few of the younger Duggars themselves.

    3. I would take a lot of the things that are said and done on the show with a large grain of salt. Like most reality tv shows things are staged and scripted to fit in with a storyline, this has been confirmed by a few of the younger Duggars themselves.

  12. Can one of the Duggar women please get pregnant so we can stop hearing about Joy giving birth?

    1. LoL that's funny lol

    2. I’m pretty sure there will be another announcement soon! Usually when theres this much attention on a labor and delivery, a pregnancy announcement is around the corner! My guess is Josiah’s wife or Anna!! I think Jessa abs Ben are trying to adopt and Jill probably had an emergency hysterectomy after it will be other Lauren, Anna or maybe even Joy??

    3. How rude. If you don't like it then watch something else.

    4. 12:38, having an emergency hysterectomy is a very personal thing, so it’s extremely rude to speculate on that

    5. Either a baby announcement (Lauren) or a courtship announcement (Jana) or the next wedding (JD). Just wait a little. Bound to happen.

    6. Joy wants a big family. She wil be pregnant soon.

    7. Is this the same person who always brings up a supposed "emergency hysterectomy"? Why continue to bring up something so personal, and hypothetical, at that?

    8. With many of them married, someone or more are bound to be pregnant and around the same time. Be patient lol

  13. I don’t understand why Joy and Austin don’t own a house for them to live in and then flip other houses. Why do they have to keep moving an staying in an rv?

    1. It takes less capital.

    2. Living in a house that's being remodeled is much cheaper than maintaining another home. The inconvenience is the price you pay for doing it the way Austin and Joy are.

    3. They said they will be doing that only for a couple of years. I'm sure they want to build up some capital, plus they have time to find a good deal! They're young, they can do anything!

  14. Do they ever discuss the economy, current events, literature, differing viewpoints, or hobbies and interests outside of birthing and parties?

    1. yes they do - in fact, you would really be surprised by how knowledgeable and articulate they are about all of those things. I've really enjoyed listening to Jessa lately. In my opinion, she's very well spoken.

    2. Really? If I want to hear discussions on those topics, I will watch the news. I watch the show to relax and to see how their lives are going. I am sure all of those things are discussed but that isn’t what the show is about. Several of their hobbies have been discussed many times on the show.... playing musical instruments... photography... gardening... flying airplanes...

    3. Probably they do in their private lives, but their job is Counting On, not being NPR correspondents. ;)

      Seriously though, I too would love to hear what they think about additional topics.

    4. @9:01-How so??? I have never heard Jessa comment on any current event over the years.

    5. That wouldn't make for good drama

    6. I think it's obvious that part of the price for coming back on TV was for the Duggars to NOT say anything controversial, certainly not on the show and not in alternate media either. Hence the very minor mentions of God on Counting On compared 19kAC. No mention at all on TV of anything related to IBLP. Show-only fans would have no idea that Lauren went to Australia with the family.

      That being said they still do appear as speakers in events hosted by "family values" organizations, and I'm sure they're more open with their beliefs on politics and social issues there.

    7. Ha, almost anything would be more interesting than watching the grown daughters plan another party, birth another baby, shop for another wedding dress, and talk about how all of it is “surreal.”

  15. In about 10-12 years she’ll say I can believe my grand-baby is having a baby.

    1. Yeah. Michelle as a great-grandmother. Will she still be "fresh"?

  16. So nice that they have such a close relationship.

  17. I think all of the duggar girls are gorgeous.

  18. Michelle is so sweet and such a good encourager. She is so gentle and patient.

  19. They feel more comfortable with home births. They know about the complications from the other girls'past deliveries. So it's their decision. They are all adults.

  20. Joy is such a pretty woman. So happy for her and austin.

  21. An "important asset" to your birth team is a doctor, a nurse, a nurse midwife, a heartbeat monitor, an IV bag, an epidural, an empty operating room waiting for a C-section.

    Your mom & your sisters are onlookers.

    1. As a medical doctor who has assisted with many births, I disagree. The most important part of your team is your husband, your mom, beloved family and friends. You can have the best doctor in the world but if you are scared and alone, it is a horrible experience. Also, research shows that the number one indicator if a mom will breastfeed her baby and for more than a year is the husband's opinion. If the husband is supportive, the mom continues and if the husband is negative, the mom stops. So family is the most important. We at the hospital are just here to step in if there are any problems. Important medically, yes, but way back in line to emotional support from loved ones.

    2. Not onlookers... huge emotional support! They are important!

    3. Someone who loves you is an important asset especially if they happen to have the experience of actually giving birth 19 times!

    4. Gotta agree! At least that's who I want on my team. Love my family but they are not educated or experienced enough in delivering babies.

    5. Why do you want to criticize what she said? If joy thinks she is an important asset, then that's fine. You feel differently, but you dont have to make fun of someone.

    6. Disagree. My mom and sisters were more than onlookers. You must not be very close to your family.

    7. This is your opinion only and you have a right to your opinion just as others have a right to theirs too.

  22. I like Austin because according to his own narrative, he is a bit selfish and is level headed and practical. It is entertaining to watch as this whole thing gently brings him to be unselfish, in an enlightened self interest sort of a way. Of course, he does seem to genuinely love his Joy and he's definitely been caught together in the trials and adventure of it all with her, (and now their baby too.)

  23. she needs to encourage her to see a doctor? what midwife would not know the baby was breech after all those hours in labor. Austin needs to have some compassion. you can tell he is running the show.

  24. Of course TLC has to keep revisiting Joy's birthing experience. Kendra and Jinger were so boring. No drama, no C-section. They just went to the hospital and had a baby. lol

  25. Why are they discussing "birth plans"? The baby was born six months ago.


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