
Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Jeremy Turns 31

Wishing Jeremy Vuolo a blissful 31st birthday!

Jeremy Vuolo and Felicity Vuolo
Jeremy Vuolo and Felicity Vuolo
August 2018
Derick Dillard, Samuel Dillard, Jill Dillard, Jinger Vuolo, Jeremy Vuolo, John-David Duggar
Derick Dillard, Samuel Dillard, Jill Dillard, Jinger Vuolo, Jeremy Vuolo, John-David Duggar
January 2018

Jinger and Jeremy Vuolo
Jinger and Jeremy Vuolo
Christmas 2017

Jinger Duggar and Jeremy Vuolo
Jinger and Jeremy Vuolo
February 2018

Jinger Duggar and Jeremy Vuolo
Jinger and Jeremy Vuolo
May 2017

Jeremy Vuolo and Jinger Duggar
Jeremy Vuolo and Jinger Duggar
July 2016
In other news, the Vuolos have added a new member to their little family, Jacob the cat!

Jinger Duggar and Jeremy Vuolo new cat Jacob

Photos courtesy


  1. Happy birthday, Jeremy! So does this make him the oldest in-law?

    1. At the moment, Jeremy, is the oldest In-Law. Anna, is currently, the second oldest In-Law, and she will turn 31, next June. With the boys, typically marrying younger women, I would guess that the only way Jeremy could loose his place, as the oldest In-Law, would be if Jana ( currently 28), ends up marrying somebody, who is significantly older than her.

    2. 9:47, she would only need to marry someone four year soon older than her, that’s not significantly older.

  2. With all the pictures of Jeremy and Jinger you would think this this post was about their Anniversary.

    1. So what's your point 8:32?

    2. Hmmmm point being, that with all the pics of Jeremy and Jinger you would think this is about their Anniversary.

    3. Why did you feel the need to comment on it though, anyone who reads the header knows what the pictures are for.

    4. And? What about it?

  3. They either had that cat since last December or were feeding it since then, because you can see a food dish outside in the episode where Jinger gets the piano.

  4. Happy 31st Birthday Jeremy🎈
    Hope you have a great day!
    Love the show. Looking forward to seeing baby #2. Natasha B.

  5. Didn't they also have a dog at some point?

    1. I don't know, but that's not a happy cat. That's a look of nervous worry and distrust. I don't think it's bonded with them yet. I've owned cats my whole life and can read them like books.

      I don't like to see a cat allowed to roam around outside like that. It's not safe, and it's illegal where I live. I hope that's a break-away collar, if the cat is prone to climb things. And I sure hope he's been snipped...

      I will worry about this cat because I know Jinger has very little experience with house pets. The animals we've seen on the show are all kept outside and don't seem to interact with the Duggars very much (the sledding incident). We've seen quite a turnover of animals on that show over the years, which makes me think they either wander off or aren't cared for very closely.

      If they move from Laredo, I wonder what they'll do with this cat?

    2. That was their friends dog

    3. 2:01, you’re worrying wayyyy too much! You need something else to do to fill your time.

    4. How can you worry "too much" for an animal? They can't speak for themselves. Someone has to. "Worry" all you want 2:01. Wish everyone did.

    5. @2:01 Some cats NEED to be outside. My cat would go crazy if he was kept inside all the time. You're taking away their natural instincts for hunting and roaming if you coop them up. I understand some people have to if they live right beside a road, but in a perfect scenario, the cats are allowed to go outside!

    6. I hope they don't let the cat roam freely outside, dogs dont and they live longer AND are healthier because of it. Please please educate yourselves about any animal you care for.Your family has the farm mentality where animals are concerned.That's not the way things are done anymore, especially if you dont live on a farm.We must take exceptional care of God's creatures.Blessings😇

    7. I'm wondering if Michelle even cares about animals. What a shallow thing to say to someone. Has she ever fostered an abandoned or abused animal? I have, and let me tell you, it takes all the love and worry a person can give, and sometimes a few miracles to boot. Animals often need foster care because of people who think they aren't worth the time or the worry. So that comment wasn't nice to read.

    8. They should probably watch to see if the baby is allergic.. my son developed allergies to cats even tho we had one when he was a baby

    9. No cats NEED to be outside. Indoor environments can be just as stimulating. That's why they sell all sorts of cat furniture for climbing and tunneling, and toys of every type imaginable. Those toys are even more effective when owners take the time to play with the cat every day.

      You won't "take away" any instincts that are hard-wired. You substitute safe indoor outlets for those instincts. Bird feeders at windows are excellent entertainment. A live bug or mouse that gets into the house is a hunting thrill. A moving toy or piece of rope is just as good of a prey, too.

      A spot of sunshine on the floor for an afternoon bath gives vitamin D. An open screened window gives fresh air. The roaming instinct is curbed by getting the males neutered. Roaming only leads to fights. It's not a perfect scenario. It's also illegal in many places, just like letting your dog run free.

      I'm sorry to hear that the outdoor ideas are still around, after decades of overflowing shelters, cats that get injured, and proof that indoor cats live longer. Very few cats can open outside doors and let themselves out. It's the owners who are giving in to the cats, or in some cases I've seen, giving up.

  6. Weren't those violin bottle originally made to hold (gasp!) liquor?

    1. Maybe? Or blown glass. Repurposed art is good for the environment.

    2. 11:12. Please grow up.

    3. Ha - I wonder if Jinger realized that.

    4. I don’t think Jinger cares

    5. It doesn't mean they drank it

  7. Happy Birthday Jeremy!! I love this sweet family. My favorite Duggar couple.

  8. Time 2:17PM Wed 9/5/18
    Happy 31st bday Jeremy my birthday was yesterday I turned 30 your birthday is a day after mines.

  9. Happy Birthday Jeremy, you are such a sweet and loving man, Jinger, Felicity and Jacob (the new addition) are so fortunate to have you in their lives. Hope you have an awesome day.

  10. Just wanted to wish Jeremy a very happy 31st birthday hope you have a wonderful day today with your family and friends and may god bless you today and always

  11. What an adorable cat!!

  12. Happy Birthday from my mom and I.

  13. Happy Birthday Jeremy

  14. I hope they don't get tired of the cat like they do other "hobbies", such as growing coffee beans and avocados.

    1. The Duggars don't have a very good track record with pets. Remember the dog that got taken to the dog wash? The guinea pig? The cat in the snow? Where are they now? You never see pictures of them or hear about them.

    2. I’m pretty sure if they went through the trouble of taking him to the vet and getting him a color he’s more than just a “hobby” for them

    3. I’ve seen the dog in the back ground of pictures, so he’s good, don’t remember a guinea pig, what episode was that on?, and the cat in the snow was their neighbors

    4. If you don't even know what happened to any of those animals, how can you say they have a bad track record? You're just guessing. For all you know, they still live happily with the Duggars.

    5. I don't know OP. We never saw any particular personal attachment to the animals they had at the house growing up. Give them food, give them water, and make them stay outside was the routine. Whenever a dog would be hanging around the front door wanting attention, nobody even extended a hand to do a head pat. Then there was that cat who almost got run over by the sled...

    6. 11:31, he went in front of the sled.

  15. �� Happy and Blessed Birthday,Jeremy!!! �� ��

  16. Is Felicity taking a John MacArthur class? :) Start them off right!!

  17. happy birthday Jeremy I hope you have a wonderful birthday :)

  18. Three candles: 1 to praise the Lord for the years that are your past. 1 to celebrate the gift of today. And 1 to celebrate the blessing you are granted of each new day in the year to come that you get to glorify God!
    Happy Birthday Jeremy!

  19. Happy Birthday to Jeremy!

  20. Happy birthday Jeremy blessings 2 U !!

  21. acording to my sister in law the family cat makes a super great baby sitter at night on alert during sleep, many times her cat always alerted baby was awake needed something and her babies were never in danger due to their family cat. was always watchful of the human sibling

  22. So happy Jinger, Jeremy, and Felicity have adopted a cat! Pets are wonderful family members. They give love and teach empathy. Plus the cat has a collar and tag which is safe. Nice!!

  23. lol, with all the 'j' names, poor little felicity is left out! cute kitty!

  24. Happy Belated Birthday! Awe cute kitty

  25. Jeremy, you share the same birthday as Professor Woodall at my University. But he is older than you, by a few decades. Great things happen September 5th!! HAPPY Birthday!!

  26. Wonderful photos of everybody! What happy lives these Duggars lead. They really are a blessed family and I'm so happy for them all.

  27. Wonderful pictures. Thank you for sharing your lives with us. I have learned so much from your show.


  29. Wishing you a year of happiness,love and blessings. God Bless.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  30. Wow, 31 and with lots of life experience. I wonder why he sought out a much younger wife who was totally sheltered and never lived on her own?

    1. Beeeeecause he loved her?

    2. 10:07 am: To find someone very sweet and pure.

    3. 1. “Much younger” wife would be an 18-year-old. Not a 20-something-year-old.

      2. His life experience was negative. You think he benefited from being drunk and yelling at cops? He’s probably happy to have left those experiences in the past.

      3. She was sheltered, not completely hidden from the world. I’m sure she is happy to not have the “experiences” her husband now regrets.

      4. Why did she need to live on her own before marriage? What exactly would that have done for her?

    4. They fell in love.

    5. You can't pick who you love :) maybe he loved how innocent she is and saw potential in her?

    6. 6:19- Addressing you fourth point- Living on one’s own and supporting yourself financially is a part of becoming an adult. There is a sense of pride that comes with knowing you can take care of yourself. A woman should never assume a man will be around to support them- that’s simply not sound financial planning.


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