
Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Watch Lauren and Josiah's Wedding NOW

Josiah Duggar and Lauren Swanson have been married since June 30th, and it's finally time to get a sneak peek at their wedding.

Josiah--eight in his family lineup--and Lauren--the oldest of nine, including an infant brother--have known each other since childhood. But they didn't become serious friends until around the time of Joe and Kendra's September 2017 wedding. They were friends for a few months, followed by a six-week courtship and a four-month engagement.

Lauren's father, Dwain Swanson, is officiating the wedding. "I have so much emotions wrapped up into this moment," he shares just before seeing his daughter in her wedding dress. "It seems like a lifetime of years from the day that she was born up to this very minute that I'm about to see her. I know she's beautiful. I know that it's going to be sweet."

The mother of the groom and mother of the bride walk in together with Josiah, each wearing stylish, pink gowns that are knee-length. For protection, Lauren and Josiah decide to have Josiah keep the rings in his pocket, rather than trust someone else with them.
After exchanging vows and rings, Josiah and Lauren are prayed over by their parents. The first kiss is long and beautiful, and then Josiah grabs a beaming Lauren in his arms and runs out of the sanctuary.

The links to the two-part preview are below, as well as a link to a new gallery of wedding photos.

Josiah and Lauren's Wedding Part 1
Josiah and Lauren's Wedding Part 2
Wedding Photos 

Photo is property of and may not be used without written permission. Visit the Duggars' website for more.

Photo was taken by Andy Henderson Photography.


  1. It was a beautiful wedding, they seems so cute together. can't wait until July 30th to see more.... hope the Season is longer this time.....

  2. Josiah & Lauren are sweet together.

    Picking her up and carrying her down the isle was cringe worthy.

    1. I agree! It’s obvious what he’s in a hurry for!

    2. 3:06, they all ran down the isle, they were there for a long while after so it’s not like they just ditched 15 minutes after the ceremony

    3. 8:27, So they didn't pull a Joy, who didn't seem to want to be at her own reception?

    4. Well if it was the first time that I was allowed to be alone with my husband I would rather be alone with him than with 1000 other people

    5. My teen daughter wanted to know what the "running down the aisle thing" was all about. I come from a very large family on both sides and have been to (and in) countless weddings- I've never seen anyone run down the aisle after being pronounced. Where I live and the surrounding states, that would be considered very rude and very bad manners. Here, the first public act the the bride and groom do as part of their "community" of family, friends, Church family is to use that walk down the aisle to visually acknowledge their guests as they pass each pew. They further receive well-wishes from guests in a receiving line at the reception. I've heard the argument that with a 1000 guests, a receiving line would take forever. So, either cut the guest list to those closest to the couple, walk down the aisle and visually acknowledge your guests (at a minimum), or do the receiving line. If they're special enough to be invited to share your once-in-a-lifetime, they're special enough to be thanked and acknowledged for coming to celebrate it with you. At the absolute minimum, there's no reason (1000 guests or not) the newly minted bride & Groom can't take a minute after you're pronounced to publicly address their guests and thank them for coming to share in their special day.

  3. I felt for her when Josiah did not give her a minute to grab her bouquet when she realized she forgot it...and then he picked her up...ugh.

    1. It’s not like she said “oh wait my bouquet”, he probably thought she was getting tripped up on her dress. When she turned around to get the bouquet I thought someone had stepped in her veil at first. I’m sure her sister brought it to her during the ceremony.

    2. She was looking for her bouquet most definitely. Josiah rushed her; I felt a little bad for her.

  4. Josiah knew the havoc he caused with other peoples rings but he could not stop them from getting him back on the car!

  5. This was a nice wedding....serious vows, beautiful dresses and flowers. I saw John David and Abbie sitting side by side, they will likely be next.

    1. I think John David and Abbie are already engaged, the announcement will be made after Jinger give birth.

  6. I think this is the way TLC should approach further big Duggar events, to have a "sneak peek" put together in a couple weeks for those eager to watch video footage ASAP of births and weddings, but hopefully not keep replaying the same footage over and over on the main show itself.

    Now I'm sure the footage will be nitpicked over and over with different interpretations and not all will agree with me. But the video did reassure me somewhat that Josiah still has that sense of humor and fun that he did as a little kid.

    I laughed out loud at "I'm handsome, she's beautiful" and "Dad, can I kiss her?" And Lauren was shown to some liveliness herself, which wasn't very evident in the brief formal videos announcing their courtship and engagement.

    Now I'm sure some people will express chagrin at how Lauren presented herself as a "helpmate" and "cheerleader" for Josiah in her vows, but I didn't get the sense that she plans to just blindly follow him and leave her brains behind, either. After all it was HER idea for Josiah to have the rings in his pocket.

    1. There is a major problem, with this plan, in that as a Canadian, I am unable to watch the sneak peaks. If TLC, did not include the sneak peaks, as a part of their episodes, I would have no way, to watch the sneak peaks.

    2. 5:51, then you just see the whole episode at the same time, the sneak peaks really aren’t important, they’re just so you don’t have to wait as long to see the wedding, but since Canada is further behind anyways it doesn’t make a difference.

  7. I can't imagine why Josiah, of all people, wouldn't want to trust the ring to someone else. :) :) :)

  8. That what an impressive first kiss! Also, I believe everyone saying Josiah me Lauren aren’t in love are sadly mistaken, I think Josiah just doesn’t really know how he’s supposed to act in a relationship on camera. I have a feeling that when the cameras aren’t around he’s more comfortable.

    1. I know many of the people insisting Josiah isn't really into Lauren, are the ones who believe the rumors that he's not into girls at all.

      I really find that hard to believe when he landed the most passionate kiss I've ever seen at a Duggar wedding, on a girl. Doubt he's that good of an actor. But the people who want to believe the worst about the Duggars will cling to their preferred narratives.

      I do think Lauren was more excited about the wedding than Josiah, but that's pretty common, for the bride to be more excited than the groom about the wedding ceremony. Doesn't mean the groom doesn't even want to get married at all.

    2. 11:06, yep, I fully agree

    3. The kiss is just for tv and people in the church

  9. So annoying, I can't see this again.

  10. This is unrelated to this post specifically, but I’ve recently gotten really into personality types, specifically Myers Brigs and Enneagram and I have gotten curious about the personality types of each of the Duggars! For any other readers of the blog who are into personality stuff, what do you think the Myers Briggs and Enneagram types of each Duggar are? :)

    1. No way to tell. All we ever see is their "TV persona" and staged videos so stop fishing.

    2. They'd all be case studies.

    3. “Fishing?!?!” I don’t understand.

  11. That kiss 😮

  12. Lauren’s dad had me in tears 😭

    1. Yes! It was so sweet to see how much he loves her.

  13. Lauren’s dress is so beautiful!!!!

  14. Can't watch this in Scotland? ??

  15. Unfortunately cause I live in Australia I can't watch the videos are you going to do them so us fans outside of USA can watch them thank you

  16. I love how Josiah has pulled pranks on many of his siblings and at their weddings, yet when it came to his own wedding he held onto the rings himself. That sounds like a bad sport to me, he can dish it, but he can't take it kind of thing!

    1. If you paid attention you would have heard Lauren say it was her idea lol

    2. So in other words, Lauren disapproved of the ring nonsense that went on at other weddings and said it's not happening at hers. Good for her!

    3. Anon @ 1:05 OP here I didn't hear what Lauren said because I am not in the US, so thanks to TLC could not watch it. My comment was made on what I read here and other places. Thank you for letting me know it was Laurens idea, but please think about how you word your reply as not everyone who follows this blog is american.

  17. This doesn't make any sense to me, so I'm going to ask the question here. Since the beginning, the Duggars have always stated that they are gender segregated even as children, boys played with boys and the girls played with girls. They also were not allowed to develop any relationships outside of their siblings when they were young and that their siblings should be their best friends, and so on. Now almost every courtship in this family states that the couple 'have been friends and have known each other since childhood'. How can this be if they weren't encouraged or allowed to really KNOW any other child of the opposite sex? I think someone in their PR department is bending the facts here a bit to make this family a bit more palatable to the general public. Any thoughts ?

    1. They don't really know the other. Just met them at church or big meetings. Josiah told that he wants time the first year to really get to know Lauren.

    2. The use the term friend loosely. The families have been acquaintances for years and saw each other at weddings and conferences. Also, since there is an age difference and Lauren lived in Georgia until recently, it is more likely that they knew of each other than really having had a true friendship bond.

    3. They socialize with other families and other children at the conferences and camps they attend, and at church. They also have church people over to the house. If your parents talk to other parents, I guess that makes you "friends" with them, and that makes you kids "friends" with their kids? But I see what you're saying OP. The Duggar kids' friendships seem to happen off camera. It wasn't until Jana was much older that we saw her hanging out with anyone outside the family. Jinger was friends with the party planner for awhile, but we only saw them together when the planner came to the house to make party food. I can't recall the boys with anyone else but Pastor Caldwell when he was in the auto shop.

    4. If the kids crossed paths with the family at a homeschooling conference once, 11 years ago, the Duggars will claim they "know" the family. Really it's more that they "know of" them or had "met them once." This friends verbiage is not applied correctly.

    5. I think they have “known” each other as family friends since childhood, like on an acquaintance level. When they get older and romantically interested, they develop a more intentional friendship with that person specifically, which they are allowed to do as adults.

    6. I have been watching them since they had 14 children. I don't ever recall anyone saying that their kids were not allowed to have friends outside of the family, or that friendships between boys and girls were not allowed.

    7. I have never heard the Duggars say they segregated their children by gender in terms of knowing others via church or home school events. They are an involved family and segregation would be difficult in many situations. Your post sounds like an attempt to stir a pot....a pot of fooey.

    8. I've thought the same. But I really think they DO meet potential spouses in early childhood. The big Sandy conference is where many families just like the Duggars attend, and they inevitably will meet in passing. But I think boy siblings stick with other family boy siblings and girl siblings the same. So technically they aren't lying when they said they met years ago, or were friends of the family for a long time. But being "best friends" or "friends since we were little" is stretching the truth. I honestly think these marriages are arranged to some degree...and if that fact were known then the public wouldn't take it well.

    9. I don't know for sure so this is just my guess and interpretation. I have a feeling that the gender segregation was mostly because the boys had more in common with other boys and same for the girls. I do not personally recall hearing they were not allowed to have friends outside of their siblings or with the other gender. It seems to me they have been allowed friends outside their family they just did not see them often so their siblings were there best friends. I remember them saying they liked to go to the conference in Texas to see friends like the bates they had not gotten to see often. Even if they were not allowed friends with other gender it is possible that the duggar girls were friends with Kendra and Lauren and thus they would have known each other since childhood. There were pictures posted on the blog from their trip to el Salvador that had kendra and Lauren in them. Jim Bob took the girls and two friends who had lost their dads to a father daughter retreat at Austin's families camp showing they have known Austin for a while. So I do think the knowing since childhood has been true for at least the last 3 couples married and i do not recall those statements being made about derick jeremy or ben and I can not remember on anna because it has been so long since her courstship and wedding was on TV. This is just my take on your post hope it helps.

    10. I think they mean the families have been friends since the kids were young, not that there was any pairing up or close boy/girl friendships. It's likely that all activities were done together. Whether or not the newlyweds really know each other very well is debatable, considering they've never had any time alone together.

    11. I agree with you and have wondered the same. I do not think they were friends per say but maybe knew of one another from the being of the same faith. I believe pr has stretched the truth to keep them from looking like they are rushing into things even more so than they are already.

    12. They have gone to church and homeschool events since they were little. Of course, they were going to make friends with other people there. Their family members were probably their closest friends as little kids, but as kids grow up they make more friends outside of the family.

    13. Well, I haven't seen every single 19KAC episode so I might have missed it, but I don't recall the Duggars ever stating they forbade girls and boys playing together, or that they forbade their children from having friends outside the family.

      This may be true for when they were very young, but there are pics of a preteen Kendra and her sisters accompanying the Duggars on mission trips, and I think there are pics of Lauren out there as well. Many other non-Duggar friends have made multiple appearances on pics hosted by this blog. So if the Duggars ever had that rule, I think that went the way of the prairie dresses long ago.

      And it's really only Austin and Joy Anna who have claimed to be *close* friends for years, and I do believe that, they are very comfortable with each other in their appearances together.

      As for the others, while Josiah and Lauren knew each other for years, it's stated on this blog and the TLC web clip that they didn't become "serious" friends until Joe and Kendra's wedding. And while Kendra was around the Duggar family, per the Joe and Kendra website, Joe didn't really notice Kendra until his family started attending the Caldwell's church.

      That being said I do tend to roll my eyes a little when couples claim to be "BEST friends" when they've never even had a private conversation. But I don't agree with the cynical "they're marrying strangers in arranged marriages and just pretending to love them for the sake of PR" angle either.

    14. Jim Bob and Michelle did mention that the kids were separated by gender in an episode discussing how close Johannah and Jackson were. They mentioned that Josiah and Joy had a similar bond. Jim Bob said it was a shame that they would be separated when they got older. While part of this was due to the separation of tasks the sons and daughters did, it was an intentional action the parents did.
      In terms of the siblings being best friends, they continually said that on 19KC and were proud of it. Jim Bob and Michelle encouraged that they would be each others' best friends.

    15. I've often wondered if there were no Bates/Duggar relationships because the families knew each other TOO well and had spent too much time with each other. The Duggar kids seem to pick a mate from a pool of people they only know a little, or haven't spent that much time with. So there's the "thrill" of getting to know them in courtship, and you don't know all their annoying habits already.

    16. Anon at 1130PM: Yeah, pretty much. So far no one has backed up the Op's claims about the Duggars forbidding opposite-sex friends. And obviously the Duggars were allowed to have friends outside the family. Remember the Bates? Jana has stated Michaela Bates is her best friend. Same for Joy Anna and Carlin Bates. And yes, Carlin was at Joy's wedding, She just wasn't shown on TV because of their shows being on different networks.

      So we already know what we see on TV is NOT the whole story. And not all parents are happy to have their kids be on TV. I'm sure the Duggars have many friends in their lives who just aren't on the show.

      Josiah's rock climbing friend didn't get on the show until he helped Si to prank Joe at Joe's wedding. But no one is claiming he was a stranger pretending to be Si's friend for the sake of the show. (Though maybe they will now....)

    17. Anon at 952A: Very possible that the Duggars and Bates have essentially friend-zoned each other and that's why there have been no Duggar-Bates weddings so far. Interestingly, so far there have been no Bates romances featuring "childhood family friends". Josie Bates was 15 when she met her now fiancee, but everyone else met in their late teens or early twenties.

      There are also very real differences between the Duggars and Bates. Unlike the Duggars, the Bates parents both went to college and seem to expect their children to do the same, including the girls. The married "girls" all have a job except for Tori, but she does have a teaching credential if she wants to use it.

      I can see a Duggar girl eventually marrying a Bates boy for the sake of more freedom to spread her wings. That was obviously a big reason for Jinger's attraction to Jeremy and I can see a similar scenario unfold. I doubt I'd see a Bates girl marrying a Duggar boy, though.

    18. Interested if they met at Big Sandy???

  18. Since they do the whole season with "sneak peeks" why bother to watch?

    1. The sneak peaks aren’t full episodes, and not everyone can see them

  19. OK! Now we don't need to watch the new season. Why does TLC post this stuff ahead of time? Are they that desperate for ratings?

    1. I think they should do a once a year special is all. They show and tell it all before it happens imo. So no use in watching. Also to repetitive.

    2. So people will stop complaining about how far behind they are. The new season will show their courtship and engagement, along with wedding planning. There will be lots of fun content. Lots of us are happy to watch and excited for the new season.

    3. But it's like opening your presents a little at a time before Christmas Day, because you can't wait to see what's in them! Doesn't TLC understand the concept of anticipation? They always have to spill the beans early.

  20. Really a beautiful wedding. It must be so hard for these preacher fathers to give their daughters away, then officiate the wedding. So emotional. I really wish this couple many happy years together. Looking forward to seeing John David's wedding soon, as well. God bless the Duggars.

    1. John David's wedding will be magical. That is one wedding I am very excited about.

    2. He has really found true love. They look really in love.

    3. Totally agree. I hope their wedding is just as THEY want it to be.

  21. That looked so silly when Lauren and her family came to the Duggars' home and (oops) Lauren and Josiah had to give a "side hug". Additionally, she looks thrilled to be a bride but Josiah looks like he'd rather be somewhere else.

    1. Those videos are always so staged. I wouldn't set more store in what goes on in them.

    2. I do not think Josiah seemed very thrilled about being a groom.

    3. Can someone answer if the girls have to side hig their own dads and brothers?

    4. 8:03, I don’t think the have to side hug their dad, but I believe Jim Bob and Michelle said after the first Josh thing happened, the side hug thing was a rule for the older brothers and sisters.

    5. I guess they didn't rehearse the scene enough times.

    6. “The first Josh thing”? I am adult survivor of molestation. It’s a life long journey of healing. You have completely downgraded it to just a “thing”. That’s why so many still go unreported and perpetrators have no accountibility. You clearly haven’t been a victim of that “thing”.

    7. I agree. Josiah did not seem happy. He did not seem like he wanted to be there. He was going through the motions.

    8. Anonymous @ 9:03 PM- If you watch the old 19 Kids and Counting episodes (the TLC ones on Youtube), JimBob only side hugs the girls (even on their wedding days).

    9. Anon @ 8:39 I don't think I have ever seen Jimbob or Michelle give any of their kids a normal hug, it has always been side hugs, which is so sad as its not normal. I really hope their own kids do away with the practice and give their children proper hugs which are so important.

  22. Lauren's dress looked really nice as she was walking down the aisle. Her hair seemed to be the only issue but her hair stylist ( and humidity) is probably to blame for that.

  23. The back of Lauren's dress is so pretty! Didn't notice it until now! Wow!

    1. Yes, the back makes the dress. And the flowers in her hair as well were covered by the veil. It was a lot prettier than at first glance.

  24. Josiah kept the rings for protection? Maybe he did not want a prank pulled on him like he did on Joseph, having someone come down from the ceiling.

    1. Perhaps Lauren asked that there be no nonsense at their wedding?

    2. 3:32, she said “my idea” during the show

    3. Lauren said it was her idea for Josiah to hold onto the rings. Clearly didn’t want someone repelling during her ceremony. Josiah can ruin others sacred vows, but by golly don’t disturbed his brides ceremony!

    4. Lauren did say "my idea" regarding the location of the rings. So if this a "reverse prank" by Josiah then she was totally in on it.

  25. Beautiful teasers on the wedding. Can't wait to see the whole thing. Lauren and her family are probably the Duggar inlaws I have seen the least about prior to the wedding. It seems like he is marrying into a really nice family. Josiah and Lauren seem like a good match and I am glad they found each other.

  26. Has anyone had problems with the photos from TLC? I can only see the first one. It won't advance. I have had this problem before. Thanks. The videos worked fine.

  27. “I’m handsome, she’s beautiful” 🙄ugh. Masculinity so fragile.....

    I also laughed when her dad said he was the “officiator” ..... it’s officiant lol

    1. I’m pretty sure he was being funny not having a “fragile masculinity moment”

    2. Josiah’s tone of his response was scolding.

  28. This just make me more excited for the new season.

  29. I do not understand the need for these teenagers to marry as soon as possible, usually to the first person they've ever liked. There is just no reason for it.

    1. I find you comment”the first person they ever liked” funny to say on Josiah’s wedding comments, since he dated Marjorie first. Also, if they decide to marry young, what is it to you?

    2. It does seem the latest courtships are moving faster than the first ones, per Lauren they had a relationship for about 9 months before marriage, which seems to be the shortest yet. The other couples had a "more than friends" relationship for at least a year.

      It's gotten to the point where people are confidently proclaiming John and Abbie are already engaged, only 3 months after meeting.

      However, while I'm not sure about Lauren, Josiah didn't marry the first person he ever liked, as he had a courtship with Marjorie first that didn't work out.

      And I also doubt John David is going to marry the first person he ever liked. I doubt he spent 28 years not being attracted to any other woman before meeting Abbie. But "like" and "like enough to marry" are two very different things. As is "like" and "like enough to have a very public courtship on Reality TV with".

    3. Agree! I feel like personally, I’ve changed so much since I was that age. And the decisions I made back then are very different to the ones I make now.
      I hope it works out between the Suggar couples but all of the Teen marriages are worrying me

    4. That is why the first poster said usually the first person they like. Marjorie was the one who broke off the courtship. Josiah may have ended up, at age 18, marrying the first person he ever liked if everything had gone to his original plan. Lauren was only 18 when they began their relationship, such a lightening speed dash marriage.

    5. Anon @ 8:42 I have no doubt that if the whole Josh thing hadn't happened Josiah would have married Marjorie, however not too long after everything became public knowledge they split and I think that played a big part in her 'cold feet'.

    6. And if you KNOW the person is the right one, is there any reason to wait and shop around?

    7. Anon 4 36....I am now in my 30s. I am not at all the same person I was at 18. I pray these teen brides work out but I do not agree with teenagers getting married and having babies. Now John Davids wedding will be extra exciting to me because they have both waited.

  30. Loved the wedding. It was beautiful and serious, yet had the Josiah flare. It seemed to match their personality. Many prayers for a long, happy life together.

  31. The wedding was so much more beautiful than we could tell from the earliest pics. Just gorgeous. Many have remarked how beautiful Lauren's dress was (the back was just stunning) but let me just say that the bridesmaids' dresses were just amazing. They all fit perfectly and the material looked gorgeous. The pictures of the wedding party were perfect. The flowers and the poses were perfect as well. Jana and Anna did a great job sewing them. I thought the new couple looked very happy. I wish them all the best and look forward to seeing the rest of the story, so to speak and where they live, etc. Congratulations and thanks for sharing the pictures.

  32. That is an absolutely beautiful couple who have their heads on straight. Many, many blessings for a fruitful life in Christ!

    1. Unless you know them personally, it's impossible to know for certain if they "have their heads on straight." All you see is a TV performance. Personally, I dont' think any young woman of 19 is thinking clearly when they marry at such a young age. In any event, I wish this couple well and hope they do have a long an happy marriage.

    2. 9:29 Do you know how MANY people (not just those in the Duggar group) have gotten married at 19??? Maybe you weren't able to think clearly at 19, but I think a good many people DO think clearly, and if you love someone, why wait?

    3. 4:25- The human brain isn’t fully developed until the mid-20’s. That’s a fact. If it’s true love, it CAN wait.

    4. Anonymous @9:29AM, I would like to introduce someone to you who had their head on straight at 18 ~ ME! And I celebrated my 38th wedding anniversary this summer. One of our children got married at 19 and in the course of their now 14th years of marriage have graduated college And earned a Masters degree and lives in quite an affluent area.

    5. Anon 4 25 not sure of your age but do you have the same maturity amd mentality in your say 30s as you did at 19. I know most people do not. That is the point we are trying to make about these teen brides and grooms.

    6. 11:54 Even though your brain isn't fully developed until your 20s, you still continue to change your WHOLE life. There's nothing magical that happens when you're in your 20s that suddenly you're mature and done growing as a person. I daresay a good many 60 year olds have a lot more wisdom than a 30 year old, but that doesn't mean marriage should wait until you're in your 60s. Marriage at a young age isn't for everyone, but some people DO have their head on straight at 19 or even sooner.

  33. I know it’s not my wedding and I am a genuine Duggar fan; but I am a pastor, and I despise how the guys do these immature theatrics at weddings. A wedding doesn’t have to be all solemn. There is time for joy and laughter. But the goofy stuff they pull is off-putting. A wedding is still a religious ceremony. You would think the Duggars, of all people, would think enough of God’s Word and Space to not act so ridiculously silly. You could argue that Josiah did wait until the end, but their showing off and one-upsmanship feels rude to the guests and embarrassing for the viewers. It also seems disrespectful to the bride. Sorry but after watching Duggars weddings interrupted by awkwardness and immaturity, I had to vent.

    1. And as a pastor you probably could have vented off the internet.

    2. In many ways I agree with you. The couple are exchanging vows to make a lifetime commitment. IMO the silly stuff should be done at the reception.

    3. Josiah carrying Lauren down the aisle was certainly awkward, but I don't think he meant it as a joke or to show off, I think he meant it as a serious romantic gesture for her benefit, but the execution was a bit off. Probably because he couldn't exactly practice it beforehand without breaking all sorts of courtship rules.

      And while I'm not sure how all the guests reacted, seems Lauren didn't mind at all. She smiled when Josiah cracked his little jokes. And she even said "my idea" regarding how Josiah was keeping the rings in his pocket. So that "goofy" joke was pulled by the bride herself!

      I understand the concerns about disrespecting God's church, but I don't think Si was disrespecting his own bride. Kendra also seemed to find Si's own joke on Joe to be hilarious and fun, not rude or disrespectful.

    4. @ 6:26 PM... I agree with you completely although it wasn’t nearly as bad as Joe and Kendra’s wedding. My heart went out to Kendra’s Dad and Mom along with the rest in attendance. I suspect the Duggars weren’t too thrilled either, but what could they do at that point? Life goes on...

    5. 1:02, I know exactly what you mean. Poor Kendra. She handled it gracefully. It wasn’t Joe’s fault and Kendra laughed at the ring joke, I believe, to make Joe feel comfortable which was very sweet. To add to the immaturity, in some of the weddings, there was the “ coming back up the aisle” fiasco with Josh and Derick. I have been to many, many weddings and none of them have had pranksters. By all means, have fun, but within the context of respectability. Josiah is the worst at trying to be funny at inappropriate times.

    6. If you don’t like their Redding’s, why did you go online to watch this one? You already know you don’t like how they are at weddings, you specificallywent online and watch what you knew you wouldn’t like then came to a Duggar fan page to complain (vent). If you don’t like someone merging don’t watch it.

    7. 1:02 Also, as much as Pastor Caldwell is such a gentleman and seems like a genuinely nice person and I like him from what I can tell, he also said some things at the wedding better left for the reception or rehearsal. What he said was great, as well as funny. But when he gave Kendra away he gave a hilarious take on finances and dowry. Seems to me that would have been better left for a different event. I think in their circle these kinds of jokes must be common. But it detracts from the solemnity of the ceremony as well.

    8. 6:26PM- I agree with you. I did attend a wedding where the pastor release two trained doves in the sanctuary during the wedding ceremony. The pastor's speech and the way he gently release the doves was beautiful...Jane

  34. I thought Lauren's parents seemed really nice. Her mother was very pretty and young looking. Her father made me cry when he saw her in her dress and started tearing up. They seem like cood people. I did not care for michelle's dress. It just did not fit her. Laurens
    Moms dress looked nice and Jana and Anna did great on the bridesamaid dresses.

    1. Her mom IS young. She just had a baby

  35. There is something very immature about being so gitty in love after courting and being engaged for such a short time. It's called puppy love. I think these young couples marry and then "learn" to love each other.

    1. Don’t we all marry and then “learn” to love each other. It’s an everyday decision truthfully.

    2. No, most people deeply love their spouse prior to marriage. They know who the other person is and take the lifelong commitment seriously. You learn more about the person each day, but love is already at the core of the relationship.

    3. Anon at 1210PM: Well, "most people" who marry have also already "known" their spouse prior to marriage, many are already living together, many even have a child or two together. Most see a wedding not as the START of a lifelong commitment, but as a big party to celebrate a relationship that's already as committed as it's going to get.

      Now, I DO think the Duggar approach to courtship has likely gone a tad too far in the opposite direction to that trend. A nine month romance before marriage, even to a childhood friend, IS somewhat concerning as to whether you have enough information to make a lifelong commitment. Other couples were good friends for about a year, then were courting for several months, before marriage.

      But it's not always the Christian way to do what "most people" do.

    4. It IS the Christian way to love your spouse prior to marriage.
      There are plenty of Christian couples who have committed to each other for years and have had the time to get to know each other on a spiritual and emotional level without physically "knowing" the person.
      Why enter marriage without love or feeling that you're going to have to learn to love them? That sounds more like a marriage of convenience and a friendship than what God truly calls us to enter into.

  36. Looks like the air conditioning went out, everyone in the audience was sweating too. Plus Josiah some. Oh well... they’re married that’s all that counts!

  37. I am so happy that I got to see the wedding! Thank you for the links. It was an emotionally engaging episode. I laughed at the side-hug confusion, I teared up with Lauren's dad, I felt Josiah and Lauren's connection to each other, and I think Lauren has such a cute personality. I wish the happy couple a blessed life.

  38. I was surprised to see how short Michelle's dress was. She did look radiant however. The bridesmaid's dress color was very pretty and I thought it was interesting how the bridal party stood to the side instead of across the stage. I did find the crying babies at the beginning to be very distracting.

    1. Michelle's dress did not speak "wedding." I think she chose it only for the color. Although Lauren's mom's dress was a bit "old" for her, it was more dressy.

  39. Please do these videos for the people else where in the world as they never work in England

  40. I'm not watching the wedding until it comes on tv. It spoils the fun to see events out of order. I didn't watch Joe & Kendra's wedding until the end of the season. I don't like back-tracking: seeing the wedding and then seeing preparations for the wedding later.

    1. I agree about seeing the events out of order. Even on the full episodes they tend to show a snippet again and again, then going to ads, interrupting the ceremony, instead of just letting it flow. I rewatched Jill's wedding, and there was so much talking in between, it turned out to be so much longer than needed. Now I guess there are so many things going on and so much going on, they don't need to stretch it out. But still, they should a snippet and teaser before the ad about what's coming up, I have to ask myself, didn't I just see that? And it happens several times with the same snippet in the full episode.

  41. Was Jinger able to be at the wedding? I’d love to see more close ups of the bridal party. Also why do they only serve sweets at the wedding? It seems a little chintzy to me When many people probably traveled a long distance

    1. Yes Jinger and Jeremy attended the wedding.

    2. Yes, Jinger was at the wedding. It was widely reported. When you have 1000 guests at the event, serving "sweets" was appropriate IMO rather than trying to accommodate that many people at a meal.

    3. Jinger was at the wedding as mentioned on this blog. As for the lack of an actual dinner, this is pretty much par for the course for Duggar weddings. I think the Bates serve a bit more but not a full meal, either -- Tori and Bobby had a "baked potato" bar at their wedding.

      I assume that in the IBLP circles, since everyone has a big family, weddings are always events with many guests and so it's acceptable to save money by not serving a full dinner. Sure the Duggars COULD afford to noawadays, but it's not considered a social faux pas not to. The wedding guests would rather not have dinner, than to be expected to pay for a dinner for hundreds of people at their own weddings.

    4. There was a full dinner served.

  42. Question that I'm hoping someone can help me with. I know most or all of these highly conservative families are against dancing. I know why. However, what would be inappropriate about a married couple, young or old, slow dancing at a wedding? There is dancing in The Bible.

    1. Or just having background music?

    2. They probably don't know how to dance. When Trace Bates was trying out for Dixie Stampede, he had to learn how to do some dance moves.

    3. You can't stand around and watch other people dance.

  43. That was one of my favorite Duggar weddings to watch. It was very natural, you can feel the energy between them. Lauren looked stunning yet natural. Josiah looked very excited to be married. God bless them!

  44. What a beautiful wedding! Can’t wait to see it all!


  46. Someone stated that an actual meal was served at the wedding. Is this true? if so, what was served other than candy/cake? If someone is diabetic or pre-diabetic, with sweets only served, that person would have starved at this event. Not considerate at all of the hosting families.

    1. I hardly think that someone who couldn't eat the candy and cakes starved! Yes they may have been left hungry for missing the treats on offer but starving is extreme. Maybe they did have sugar-free candy? Or gluten free cakes?!

    2. Yes, a full meal was served.


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