
Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Duggar Patriarch Turns 53

Wishing Jim Bob Duggar a blessed birthday!

Photos courtesy


  1. Jim Bob I wish you a peaceful, joy filled happy birthday spent with your family and friends! I miss seeing you and your dear sweet wife Michelle on the original 19 kids show. I know times have changed and you have many new additions to the Duggar family. I miss seeing you lead your family in bible time. America and other countries need to see this more often, where a father leads his family in this way!Enjoy your birthday!

  2. Happy Birthday!!🎂 Have a blessed day

  3. Maybe he'll get a granddaughter for his birthday. Push, Jinger, push!

    1. She just about produced on the right day!

  4. Happy Birthday JB!!! Only 53 and waiting for the 12th grandbaby to arrive. My husband and I are 59, and no grandchildren yet...none of our kids are even married yet!!! We've got a lot of catching up to do, lol. Maybe #12 will arrive today right on JB's birthday. That would be fun

    1. Our friends were older with no grandchildren. They had three married children and one of them had triplets!!! From 0 to 3. God is good!

    2. 10:04 I am 58 with 5 kids and only 1 is dating. No grandkids, either. Just really involved with their jobs.

    3. Some people don't want the responsibility of a spouse and kids. They'd rather concentrate on their career. That's fine.

    4. My husband and I are in our sixties and have no grandchildren. We adopted our children when we were in our forties and they are just now launching their own careers and getting established. I've never felt the need to "catch up" with anything. Life shouldn't be a race or a competetion.

    5. I would never pressure my children to have children of their own before they were good and ready. In fact, I wouldn't even bring up the subject around them. Grandchildren, and the number of them, are not trophies that grandparents need to collect in any kind of hurry. I know too many stories about grandparents having to take over the parenting duties full-time when their kids realize they can't do it or have some sort of problem.

  5. He must be happy. His family is growing in numbers rapidly.

  6. An amazing devoted Dad! Blessed birthday wishes J.B.! ❤

  7. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JIM BOB, I THANK GOD, for your family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I loved your family since 2007, and have learned lots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Time 12:35PM Wed 7/18/18
    I just want to let you guys know that I do the time & Date so I wont forget. Moving on Happy BDAY JB looking good for 53.

    1. That's ok Neddy:) it's funny because I am an hour behind you!

    2. That's ok Neddy :) we can always tell which posts online are yours!

  9. Happy Birthday to Jim Bob! It would be really cool if Jinger's little one was born today! My brother was born on our grandmother's birthday!

  10. He is only 53! Seems so much older. Some fathers start having kids at 50.

    1. It’s extremely uncommon to start having kids at 50

    2. No it not My dad was 51 when I was born.

    3. Uncommon, but it still happens.

    4. 10:24, that’s why I said uncommon, not unheard of. 9:23, it’s still uncommon, very few people have kids in their 50’s, which is why it is uncommon

  11. Happy birthday Jim bob have a great day from Scotland 🎂🎁

  12. Just wanted to wish Jim Bob a very happy 53rd birthday today hope you have a wonderful day today may god bless you today and always

  13. Happy birthday JimBob enjoy your blessed day

  14. Hi Happy 53rd Birthday Jim Bob. I've watch you since 2004 and still today. I can't wait to meet you and the entire family some day, hopefully soon. Natasha B

  15. Just wanted to wish Jim bob a very happy 53rd birthday today hope you have a wonderful day today may god bless you today and always

  16. Happy Birthday Jim Bob, may God richly bless you! Hope your special day was great!

  17. Happiest of birthday wishes, Jim Bob. Pray your day was a huge blessing.

  18. Wishing you a day of happiness and a year of blessings. God Bless.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  19. Happy Birthday Jim Bob! I hope you had a good day. You are only 7 years older then me.

  20. Did he get his free Chocolate Mess and a bunch of congratulatory videos?

  21. Happy Birthday Jim Bob!! We miss you and Michelle so much! Wish there was a show with you and Michelle as the leads - leading your lives and family that is. We miss both of you and your witness for our Lord. How you both walk through life while putting God first was such a blessing to me and my hubby. Would love to watch you guys with younger kids and grand-babies. We do not agree with some of the things the adult children do yet love them but do not watch the new show. We do not watch any TLC programming because we feel they discriminate against Christians. We love all the Duggars but we enjoy you and Michelle the most. God Bless!

    1. What do the older kids do that you don’t agree with, if I might ask Betty

    2. Betty I relly think you should write to Jimbob directly expressing your disappointment at the family making their show with TLC, perhaps you can persuade them to move to a different channel.

  22. Happy birthday Jim Bob,
    Hoping you have had a happy & busy birthday,I expect that your looking forward to to Jinger having her baby daughter,would be wonderful if she had her today on your special day.
    Happy birthday hugs
    Janet & all the Heyes family
    Southport m,United Kingdom


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