
Saturday, July 7, 2018

New Season Sneak Peek

Jinger Duggar Vuolo and Jim Bob Duggar

New episodes of Counting On return in three weeks! The premiere is slated for Monday, July 30th, at 9pm ET/8pm CT. TLC has just released an extended sneak peek video, which is embedded below.

What are you most looking forward to seeing this season? Joe and Kendra's honeymoon? Garrett Duggar's arrival? Jinger and Jeremy's baby preparations? Josiah and Lauren's wedding? Or just the everyday adventures of the Duggar family?

Photo/video courtesy TLC


  1. Not happy to see that there's a lot of "all play and no work" on the show again. They are still giving the impression that all they do is throw parties and goof around and not have jobs. How much more meaningful would it be to show them doing actual volunteer work (not a one-time thing set up by TLC, but actual ongoing work) or to show what they do for a career? Maybe they'll mention that, but all I saw in the preview last night was more fun and games, and nothing serious. Obviously that's the fluffy image TLC wants.

    1. I would way rather watch the joyful engagements and weddings and baby news than seeing the guys sweating on the construction equipment, selling used cars, and shoveling out trashed houses. We've already seen them working on the show, and frankly, it's just not that interesting.

    2. Sounds like you don’t really like the show or the Duggars....I have to wonder if you visit this blog just to complain. The Duggars obviously work, why reality shows do pay the participants they aren’t making millions. Playing and having fun is a way to keep a family close.

    3. Have you ever thought about the fact that they don't make the show about having jobs because they ARE WORKING?

    4. If that is how they live there life let them live it however.I don't see anything wrong with the way they live. Don't judge people by what you see if a sneak peek. All of that stuff has already happened. Besides Jinger having her baby. Goodbye.

    5. Would that be interesting, watching them work? I don't think so

    6. It is unfortunate that TLC seems bent on portraying the Duggars as a Christian version of the Kardashians, as idle rich celebrities who have no real responsibilities and just party all the time. They're not shown doing anything "sinful" such as getting drunk or high, or having illicit affairs, but they're not shown actually doing anything to contribute to society, either.

      Even on this site many assume the Duggars don't have any outside work other than the show, and just lounge around living off the TV show money much like "welfare queens" stereotypically lounge around living off the government / taxpayers. I know that's not true based on this site as well as some web clips shown on the TLC site, but I don't blame people for getting that impression if all they watch is the cable TV show.

    7. Time 6:46AM Mon 7//9/18
      How dare you make such a rude comment like that. Jimbob & Michelle did real estate before they had there reality show. Why make such a rude comment. This blog is means no negative comments. They do work. Judging them just because their on a reality show that means they don't work that is really rude of you to say keep your mean comments to yourself.

    8. It would be boring if they showed them working, who wants to watch them working??

    9. It's supposed to be a REALITY show and the reality is, everyone has to work somehow, sometime. Life isn't a series of parties. I don't know why they make this show seem like that.

    10. I do understand what the poster meant when they said they are no work and all play. I am sure the poster didn't mean make the show about a job one of them might have and just film that. I myself have seen how the show has become like just a fantasy show by just showing able body adults living like a pack of teenagers, playing, parties, vacations etc. I mean come on here if it is suppose to be about young adults marrying, having children then why not show them acting more grown up. Who can relate to this senerio?, No jobs are mentioned, grown men hanging out at the house all day. Good grief, no one lives like that. At least volunteer and show that, at least that would be given back a little to society since clearly the men don't work.

    11. I think that showing the Duggars at work would be interesting. What do they actually do all day? 19 Kids showed the Duggars' everyday life and how they ran their household. A day in the life for each of the married couples and adult Duggar kids would be more interesting to me than a staged outing (like when they did the overnight survival training). There is enough footage of the kids to see if the skills and interests they had when they were little have influenced the work they do today.

    12. Neddy, this is a place for people to express opinions. I don't think the original comment was rude.

    13. I don't think the adult kids are ever going to change as long as they are living in Jim Bob's backyard, so to speak. Ginger and Jeremy on the other hand have seemed to mature so differently then the rest of the older siblings since they moved away. He has a position as a Pastor, they are involved in his Moms charity, they fly and attend Christian conferences, bought a home of their own and have a life that is their own. They seem to be soaring in life and in the work of Christ.

    14. Tv shows do edit things so they probably don't film .ugh while they work

    15. Do none of you consider the possibility that, perhaps, their employers do not want camera’s around? And that maybe, in an attempt to be actually somewhat normal (because you have to admit these people do not live average lives) they maybe do not want camera’s around while they’re at work? Just because they are part of this media circus does not make us viewers entitled to see everything that goes on in their lives.

    16. 10:25 am - The Duggars say that the Duggar sons and Ben work for the family businesses. Jim Bob is their boss. They could explain what field they are employed in even if they did work outside of the family and the employer didn't want to be filmed.

    17. But they choose not to. End of story, accept it.

  2. I feel like TLC is sooooo behind. I would be interested in current events not an event that happened 9+ months ago.

  3. those are all old news so we do not want to see that again and again. they need fresh stuff not old.

  4. Well it looks like they’re going to get pretty caught up, so that’s good. We’ll probably see Jingers birth episode too. I don’t think we’ll see any of Abbie and John David until next season though.

    1. How can they show Jingers birth? She hasn't even had the baby yet and as far behind as TLC is, it could be the first part of 2019 before we see that.

    2. They show the births out of order, so we’ll probably see it

    3. Theylll probably have a 30 min special of Jinger’s baby’s birth a little while after she’s born, but we won’t see the full episode until it airs in a few months

  5. It’s annoying how they make it seem like things are a surprise when they really aren’t. Like they they try to make Jinger and Jeremy’s gender a suspenseful when we know they’re having a girl. Same with the outcome of Joy’s birth when we know it ended in c-section. If they want things to be a surprise they need to stop airing those special mini episodes that they’ll end up re-airing during the season anyway.

    1. This information is publicized in People magazine long before the show airs.

    2. "We" as in "fans who follow this site" may already know all this happened, but I'm pretty sure the vast majority of people who watch "Counting On" do so casually and don't bother keeping up with everything in real time.

      I myself watched the "19 kids and counting" show for a while before I found out about this site. Of course I knew the events on TV were months behind what really happened, but I didn't really care. Also while the show promos do try to portray things dramatically, most people who watch the show know not to expect anything that exciting or surprising. It's not a soap opera.

    3. I totally agree. But I'll watch anyway.

  6. Looking forward to everything!!

  7. Jeremy and Jinger’s baby preparations!

  8. Why are ALL the Duggars on this show? I thought it was supposed to be about the grown children. This is no different than the old show, which wasn't supposed to air any more!

    1. I agree - if your show is "over" and you're still on TV, that's not right. That's not telling the truth. That's like doing whatever you want with no consequences. Those aren't good lessons to teach.

    2. The main point of changing the show was to get rid of Josh

    3. Actually, it's a lot different. They don't interview the younger children or Jim Bob or Michelle. We rarely hear Jim Bob and Michelle or the younger kids talking at all. They're usually just shown in the background, if at all.

    4. Well good! The family should be there to rejoice in the weddings,babies,etc.. get over it!

  9. I want to know more about John David and Abbie. How they got together and what type of things do they enjoy. I want to know more about Abbie especially because I want to know the type of girl that caught John's eye. I'm assuming since she's a nurse that she has been working for awhile and is the independent type.

    1. They’ll probably air next year since they haven’t aired joe and kendra’s Honeymoon yet and that happened 10 Months ago.

    2. I'm sure we'll eventually find this out, but likely not until 2019, for all we know we won't "meet" her on the show until after her marriage to JD.

      I find it very surreal that Lauren is now MARRIED to Josiah and we still know nothing about her, except that her parents are friends with the Duggars. We have no idea what her interests or personality is like, why Josiah decided to court her, and vice versa.

      No wonder some people are speculating he's really not that into her, and only got married because the Duggars somehow forced him into it.

  10. I enjoy seeing this large family and how they make it work. For me it’s not so much about whether the content is past tense or current, rather the joy and love they experience with each other. Can’t wait for the new season to start!

    1. This is nothing less than 19 Kids and Counting repackaged, rebranded, and marketed.

    2. No, for those of us who've watched the show for years, it's definitely changed and some of us miss the old format.

    3. I truly don't understand what people are missing about the old show! Every Counting On so far has shown other family members. Even the birth special for Kendra just did!

    4. 3:48, the old show didn't just show the parents, grandma, and younger kids moving about in the background or rarely have them talking. There used to be regular interviews with the parents and the kids, story lines that featured the parents, grandma, and younger kids, life in the big house, family trips, etc. Go back and watch some of the older episodes on YouTube.

  11. A birth on tv is not modest.

    1. Depends on the camera angle, 4:20. The idea of a film crew being there isn't modest, though. I certainly didn't request a national audience to be present when I gave birth. I didn't sell the story afterwards, either.

    2. Agree, and I would be mortified to have millions of tv viewers watch me giving birth tbh. I don’t know why the girls agree to that. I know other reality tv moms who weren’t filmed

    3. And here you are still watching it!😂

    4. Can't speak for anyone else here, but we don't and wouldn't watch the birth episodes. It's immodest to have a film crew or even your family member(s) filming it and "sharing" with your fans and the rest of the world.

    5. No, 11:23, I didn't watch it. There's nothing entertaining about watching someone in pain, especially when they refuse to go to the hospital or get pain relief, and then needing to tie up an ambulance crew on a call that could have been avoided.

    6. If they have barriers up so that the camera crew can only see the upper part of her body (which I'm positive is what they do), I fail to see how it's not modest.

  12. I can't wait yay

  13. I cannot wait to watch the Duggers in a few weeks! I love watching the Duggars and the Bates! it makes me so happy to see such large families and how they love the Lord and each other ❤️✝️ There is absolutely nothing to complain about these two shows 👍 Well, I do wish that Anna Duggar was on more, and Jill and her sons. I also wish that Josh and Derek could be back on, But I understand why they were taken off. Congratulations to all the Duggers and I cannot wait to hear about Jinger and Jeremy and their daughter 👶🏻 Thank you to TLC for still allowing them to be on in a different format 💕Thank you Ellie for taking the time to do these two blogs and your own, You are so talented ‼️

    1. Uh, Derek has stated over and over that he CHOSE to leave the show. Josh is the only one who was actually fired from the show. As for Anna and Jill, pretty sure they also chose to leave the show. Anna appeared for a couple of years on Counting On without Josh so she wasn't fired along with him.

      I understand people wanting to see them again, but I think it's selfish to demand they appear because WE want to see them, instead of respecting their choices to leave.

    2. His name is Derick with and I not an E. I see his name misspelled all the time on this site. Why is it so hard to write it with an I????

    3. That is selfish to want Anna and Josh on the show. Please let them be and work on their marriage and family.

  14. Wishing you a day of happiness and a year of blessings. God Bless.
    Joan,Marion and marilyn

  15. I can't wait for the new season of counting on to come on. I love watching the children grow up. I would like to see them in more activities and outings. I enjoy the courtships, engagements, weddings, honeymoons, new pregnancies and births also. Counting down the weeks. Natasha B.

  16. Maybe they should concentrate on the day to day happenings of the girls lives now that they are married. I’m sure the husbands work, etc. don’t rehash old news. Stay current with them, we already saw Joy had her baby don’t need to see it again. Let’s see how all the married couples are doing day to day.

    1. I don't want to see TLC making up scenes again for the Duggars to act out. You know half the stuff they've done on the show was not the Duggars' ideas. TLC sets these things up and then there are numerous takes of the scenes so they can edit it to look spontaneous and entertaining. What usually gets lost in that process, though, is being GENUINE.

    2. They do put little tidbits of normal day to day living. I've watched Jesse do dishes, get the kids dressed, wipe snot off the couch! We've see Hunger and Jeremy move furniture, Joy and Austin cook dinner, boys go to car auctions.....I think it's a good mix of normal living stuff and fun events

    3. Agree with 9:03. I think the worst was having them decorate that guest house before Jill came back, when the girls totally butted heads about what to do with the decor. We didn't need to see that. Nor do we need to see any more thrift store shopping, but TLC has made them go back again to find clothes for a "date night" during the upcoming season. "Hilarity" ensues, but it's obvious that it's all made up (go out in pajamas?). How about filming them going to a soup kitchen to help serve meals? Or cleaning up some older person's yard and doing house repairs for them? Anything but more silly made-up fun & games.

  17. I can't wait till July 30th!

  18. 1. You can’t tell what the season holds from a preview. These are highlights.
    2. Showing work is fine and they do occasionally show some of that but it would get uninteresting very quickly.
    3. If all they showed was work I know SOMEONE out there would say that Jim-Bob (or even a husband or two) does not allow fun.
    4. A lot of us love seeing how the pregnancy and birth progressed even if we already new the gender.
    5. Some of us love seeing relationships develop even though we have heard of the wedding already.
    6. Opinions are fine but this never ending negativity is over the top and does not reflect the opinions of most of us
    I look forward to it all!

    1. #1 If these are highlights, then the rest will be duller?
      #2 That's life.
      #3 Not true. We've seen enough goofy "fun" over the years, and it all looks the same now.
      #4 #5 What about privacy?
      #6 Maybe over-the-top positivity no longer reflects the opinions of most of us, too, after all we've been through with this show? There are two sides to every coin.

    2. No one is demanding the show ONLY show them working. But I personally find it annoying that at this point, even people who state they LIKE the Duggars, have no idea they have any source of income outside the show.

      I've seen a lot of people defending the Duggars against the "they don't work" charge, not by saying "but they do work, they have a real estate business and a car business" but "they do work, they get money for being on the show".

      On the other hand the Bates show doesn't ignore Gil's tree business, Zach's cop duties, or Chad's recent transition from running a junkyard to helping a friend flip houses, etc. It doesn't overwhelm the show but I can't remember anyone on the Bates blog ever asking "do the Bates work"?

    3. The Bates al have real jobs. Outside the family and they went to a real college or training. The Duggars dus not do this. They work for him bob or be on tv

    4. Because the Bates do work outside the show. They do fo to college and trade school. The Bates are way more lenient with their kidults.

    5. Anon at 230PM: Why does working for Jim Bob somehow "not count" as a "real job"? Do people think Jim Bob is taking advantage of his sons and not paying them a fair wage? It may not be a 9 to 5 job in an office, but when was that kind of job the only "real job" in the world? Some of the teenage Bates boys work with Gil on his tree business, too.

      What I would say IS different is that the Bates son-in-laws all have independent ways of making a living. I accept "they work for the family business" for the actual Duggars, but it is odd that it's very vague as to what exactly Ben does to support his family, and Derick seems to be living off donations from his fans. Austin seems to work for his own family's business (the camp) and has his house flipping gig on the side. Jeremy is a pastor but he's also in a seminary program, so I'm not even sure he's working full-time these days.

      It's ironic that even though the Duggars believe women shouldn't work "outside the home", in reality, for all these couples the WIVES may actually be making more money from the TV show (or did, in Jill's case) than the husbands are from their "day jobs".

  19. Will there be an episode of John David asking Abbie to be in a courtship and the progression of their relationship and how they met?

    1. Probably next season

    2. Lol you mean next yr when the new season starts. Heck by then they will be married amd with child.

  20. I wish they'd stop punishing the parents for the sins of one child, and let them back on. I miss them. But I'll be glad to see the rest of the family.

    1. They are on the show. The post's featured image of Jim Bob and Jinger hugging is from the preview. We see Jim Bob and Michelle when appropriate, but this isn't their show anymore. Counting On is about the adult children and married couples' lives.

    2. The parents ARE back on the show.

    3. The parents are already back on. They're just not the stars of the show anymore. And when they WERE being "punished" I wasn't surprised because the controversy wasn't just over what Josh did as a teenager, but how the parents responded to it. I don't blame them at all for what Josh did as a grown adult, though.

  21. Can't wait, Happy Birthday to James today, can't believe he is 17 all ready...

    1. He wil court soon and have a baby.

  22. Would like to see a house tour and whatever their jobs are. Do these people work or live off show money?

    1. I think they do both, but since they showed them working and stuff on 19 kids and counting, I think they wanted this show to be more focused on the kids personal lives, not work lives

    2. They are tv stars.

  23. Really looking forward to watching this season!

  24. Looks like a great season coming up. Hopefully they show how Joseph and Kendra made their place so beautiful

    1. Yes, me too, their house is very nicely done!

    2. That house is registered under Jim Bob and grandma Mary's name. Joe does not own any property in Arkansas

  25. I want to see an episode in 10 years of how the family has fared after 10 years without the attention or income from a TV show.

    1. Nah, I like what they’re doing now

    2. I imagine life would be much different without tlc paying them. They would not be taking 2wk honeymoons in other countries and Jim Bob would not be able o furnish housing forthe majority of them like he jas so far. Only Joy and Jinger have provided housing without Jim Bobs help.

  26. Jinger and Jeremy's little girl

  27. i can't wait yay

  28. A new season or just 2 new episodes because the other two ( birthing episodes) we’ve already seen.

  29. I thought TLC did a good job on the Season Preview, and with so many events to cover was hoping this Season will be a bit longer. That would be great! And I really loved Joe and Kendra's birth special and am glad they decided to show it first. It was so inspiring to see Kendra's courage and Joe's tenderness with his wife and son. Looking forward to the upcoming episodes. :-)

  30. Patiently waiting to see everything this season, so many happy times to celebrate with the Duggars!

    Wow, I know Jim Bob, Michelle and Grandma Duggar probably felt this season of their lives would bring much joy and excitement, but just being a viewer, I can barely contain my excitement!!! I can't imagine how it feels to be them, its probably way more happiness than they originally "envisioned" as compared to "living" these moments! They are so blessed!

    I like that TLC is trying harder to keep the show more current with events. I will watch the show ON the night it airs now, as opposed to recording it, because now I can't wait to see it!:) I REALLLLYYYY disliked seeing 2 of the same episodes in the SAME season (as in the past) because the seasins are too short to begin with, I felt jipped haha.

    For me, the Duggar babies/kids are the cutest on the planet so the more baby airtime the more I smile! Its entertaining to me to see the next generation as parents, too. I like real life stuff, just as a reality show should be; reality:) I would also enjoy seeing interests and hobbies. Work? The show is a job.

    John David is one of the most anticipated and exciting courtships (tied with when Jana enters one) I beg TLC haha BEG them to do even a mini episode, like a birth storyline, with him and (precious Abbie), the ratings for that would be crazy high TLC, please consider this idea!

    Lastly, please make the seasons longer and shorter wait time in between. So much happening so fast, the storyline can accommodate a longer season easily. Wow, I think I wrote a mini novel, ok, that is all:) Just excited! Hope TLC reads this.

    1. Jana needs a Nice farmer husband to.

    2. In all due respect maybe the Duggara do not want to constantly be recording.

    3. In all due respect maybe the Duggars do not want to constantly be recording. They probably want some privacy. Enjoy the show when it is on but when it is not on make your own memories with your own family.

  31. Ellie, would it be possible to give an update on Amy? I miss hearing about her.

  32. Why no information about Jana and a courtship?

    1. Uh, pretty sure she has to be in a courtship before we can have information about it.

    2. Cause there is no courtship to speak about.

    3. Probably because there is no courtship. She seems happy at home helping out with her younger siblings. Let her be.

  33. This is just a guess because I am not a communications expert, but I would imagine that tlc took note of the shows that garnered the most interest among the viewers. I bet the wedding and birth shows came out on top. So when Josh’s troubles came to light, rather than cancel the show entirely, tlc decided to focus on that which was most popular with viewers in the first place - babies and marriages. That being said, there is such a thing as saturating the market. I still love to watch when there are weddings and new babies, but not everyone here agrees. There seem to be lots of folks ready for something new. TLC May need to check their viewership patterns to see what is currently popular with viewers and respond accordingly.

    1. I think the problem with the Counting On show is that unlike the original 19KAC, it was never really defined what it was supposed to be about. It started out as a mini-series that dealt briefly with Josh's indiscretions, then went on to update viewers on how Jill and Jessa, specifically, had been doing since 19KAC got cancelled.

      But when Jinger happened to enter a courtship, the focus switched to her, and ever since then it's been "Courtship, Marriage and Babies Central". Now Jill has left the show and while Jessa still gets a lot of face time, she's not really one of the main characters anymore.

      The problem now is that the show is really only interesting to people who already liked (or liked to hate) the Duggars based on 19 Kids and Counting. There's not much room to increase viewership.

      I won't be surprised if the show eventually goes back to a yearly or semi-yearly "mini-series" type format, with perhaps some "Counting Now" sneak peeks along the way. I don't think there's enough material to keep having "full seasons" that are only a few weeks long and are filled with "recap" footage that is several months old.

  34. Very good post Anonymous at 2:42. TLC did a good job utilizing market analytics- they played off the popularity of "Say Yes To The Dress", using the wedding dress episodes with Renee to capture a share of the viewing market. TLC wouldn't still be in business if they didn't research viewing trends and market accordingly.

  35. That's a great summary 2:42 07/11, TLC does watch the ratings and summarizes what interests the audience. Jill's wedding hit the all time high, I forget, but millions watched it. That sends a strong message to them. Birth epiisodes are high as well, we watched the Duggar kids as kids themselves and to see them marry and have their babies is exciting! Plus, there is always going to be a wedding or new baby per season most likely, so, it will be filmed/aired as well because it would be terribly unfair if it wasn't but it would also disappoint many viewers and perhaps make them angry and boycott. I foresee John Davids wedding (let's hope to Abbie=) and (when/if God delivers) a wedding for Jana, those ratings might just beat out Jill's wedding! I can't wait for each new season I can only hope the breaks are a bit shorter and seasons a little longer. Thanks for sharing your well written thoughts, I totally agree and hadn't thought about it that way.


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