
Saturday, July 7, 2018

Josh and Anna to Celebrate 10 Years

On September 26th, Josh and Anna Duggar will celebrate their 10th wedding anniversary. Their five children (Mackynzie Duggar, Michael Duggar, Marcus Duggar, Meredith Duggar, and Mason Duggar) are eight, seven, five, two (almost three), and nine months.

For those who have asked, below is a new photo of Josh and Anna, as well as a snapshot of their two oldest sons.

 Josh Duggar and Anna Duggar

Josie Duggar, Marcus Duggar, Michael Duggar
Josie Duggar, Marcus Duggar, Michael Duggar

Photos courtesy Josh and Anna Duggar/


  1. I wish Josh and Anna the best.

  2. I still can't believe after all this time Josh has not spoken up publically to apologise to his sisters or his wife, or given an interview to explain himself. He has tried to join his sisters lawsuit against the department that released the police report and was asked to leave, he also issued his own which was thrown out, he obviously sees himself as the wronged party. I don't think Anna looks truely happy in that picture, I hope he is treating her like a Queen, he owes Anna everything!

    1. His apologies to his sisters and wife are private things, best done in private, not on tv for everyone to pick apart or to use for entertainment.

    2. Josh doesn't owe us (the public) anything. It's really between he and his wife,and God.

    3. Agreed it looks so forced and awkward. I’ll always feel bad for Anna.

    4. Godly-Young-WidowJuly 8, 2018 at 6:35 PM

      I think Josh would get shot down no matter how he does that. People would say he's not sincere, or he's just making the video to catch other people's eye or something like that. Trying to get attention. I'm glad they're living their lives mainly out of the spotlight. Their small updates that they're doing that and living their lives one day at a time is enough, I think.

    5. He does not have to speak up publicly. What goes on between him and God is what is important. How do you know he has not apologized? Please pray for them and not judge them.

    6. I noticed that, too: I don't think Anna looks very happy in the photo. You can still see some sadness in her eyes. And notice Josh is kissing her, but she's not kissing him. I just wonder how Josh came to be such a troubled person.

    7. Debbie, if you read Growing Up Duggar, Josh talks about his struggles as a teen. He said he was "constantly tempted to have lots of wrong thoughts" and "often battled to keep his heart right." So this sounds like a behavior pattern that was ongoing since then.

    8. For everyone saying that Josh doesn’t owe the public an apology; I would agree if Josh had been a normal person who had no tv influence or anything, but he was using his platform to speak out against the very things he was doing, and for that he does need to apologize or address in some way.

    9. Debbie, I don’t see the sadness in her eyes...he is kissing her in a loving way....they are looking good, don’t find fault where there isn’t any.

    10. I don't want to hear from Josh again if he tries to use it to return to television. Being in the public sphere is not a right. I agree with others who say that the public wouldn't believe him. He said so many empty words over the years and so easily lied to his family and the public that it would be difficult to tell if what he was saying was truth or another series of lies and omissions to get his way. At this point, he should only worry about his relationship with God and rebuilding his marriage with Anna. He should also thank his family everyday for their support.

    11. Kathy Borders: I have to say I have zoomed in on this picture and have to agree with others that Anna does not look happy. Her eyes have a very sad quality to them. Everyone sees different things, it is ok for people not to agree with you without calling them out!

  3. Matilda and TheodoreJuly 7, 2018 at 4:35 AM

    Anna and Josh,Congratulations on your upcoming tenth anniversary. It's hard to believe it's been 10 years already since we watched Anna's 20th birthday, where she was surprised by Josh's proposal. Such a special time! You have such a beautiful sweet family. My husband Theodore and I have always enjoyed seeing you through the years, and we thank you for sharing those parts of your lives with us. Life is not always easy, and marriage is not always easy. We have been married for 49 years ourselves this May, and have had our share of trials and tribulations as well. We truly have enjoyed you sharing your lives with us,and your journey. We appreciate the sacrifice of your time and your privacy that it has cost you, and though we miss seeing you, we realize your need to have more privacy and peace. Anna, your steadfast love and devotion for the Lord and seeking his will for your life and your marriage has been truly a beautiful thing. We wish you both much happiness in your lives, and your children's as well. May God Bless and keep you.-- Matilda and Theodore

  4. So good to see them so happy. Beautiful couple.Children getting so big!

  5. Dear Josh and Anna Duggar, what a happy 10 years it's been. I can't wait for the other 10 years. I've got a couple of names for baby number 6 Makiah Faith and Matthew Robert. Hope you will think about it. Can't wait for you to come back on TV. Natasha B

    1. Five children is a nice size family. But, if Josh and Anna would like to have more children my prayers will be with them...Jane

    2. I don't know what your definition of happy is, but I wouldn't really call it happy after all they went through the last years... However, I do wish that the coming years will be happy.

  6. Happy Anniversary Josh and Anna 🌹💗

  7. Time 8:40AM Sat 6/7/18
    I would like to say congrats for celebrating almost 10 years Iam enjoying my Saturday I watched Ravens home S02 E06 called Missteps the date Jul 06 2018. But around 8:05AM I watched a YouTube clip of the old TV show the Wayans brothers clip called Marlon acting like a housewife. You guys are a great couple I hate that people make jokes of What Josh did It was years ago move & Get over It. Some people out that make jokes of something so serious that is not even funny.

    1. You don't "move and get over" the types of serious things that Josh did. Those things leave victims hurt and distrustful. You can pretend things are OK again but the scars never go away. You can't erase history.

    2. Neddy, it doesn't matter how long ago Josh did the wrong things he did. Time has nothing to do with it. Many people are still struggling with the fact that Josh is reappearing without any mention of his former actions. He is acting like it never happened. For the sake of his children he needs to step out of the limelight permanently and focus on his family. No one wants to hear from him, even if he has fixed things. Sorry, but they don't.

    3. Neddy. I'm sorry that you're so dismissive of the pain Josh inflicted on Anna. You don't just "get over and move on". Over 20 years ago I was betrayed by the man I loved with all my heart. Yes we worked things out but the scars are still there and in some ways I'll never be whole because you simply can't undo things that have happened. I see the same look in Anna's eyes that I feel when I reflect on my life. I have never seem Josh show any real contrition. It appears the Duggars just put a band aid on a deep and lasting wound and Anna is soldiering on.

    4. I agree what Josh did shouldn't be joked about, but I don't see anyone joking about it on this blog. Pretty sure the bloggers would not post any comments that include crass jokes. But I also understand why people wouldn't just "get over" it. Thanks to the bloggers for not censoring the thoughts of those who are NOT convinced all is right with Josh now.

    5. Time 10:15PM Mon 7/9/18
      I meant to say was to get over what Josh did that was the past Iam not saying what he did was right even through he something wrong. Family forgave him. This is about Anna & Josh celebrating 10 years as a couple. Who gives you the right to say for the sake of his Children he needs to step out of the limelight. His life he can be in the limelight as long as he wants to.

    6. He'd only make things worse if he sought out the limelight now. Yes, people certainly can point out the obvious thing that would be best for someone to do or not to do. There is wisdom in the crowd, and knowledge gained through experience. It's like someone warning you that the edge of the cliff is dangerous and you should not step on it. You listen to them, not wonder why they said it. (They said it to protect you!)

    7. As far as the whole Josh thing goes, I think the lesson here is to be very careful how we treat others and their hearts. When we "break" someone with our words or actions, we have no way to fix them. We cannot undo the harm we've inflicted on someone else and no amount of "I'm sorrys" can restore that person to wholeness (emotionally or spiritually). I'm not saying the person can't be forgiven, but there are consequences to our sin. When we're sinning, we're not thinking about that. Often times, we're not thinking about how the other person feels or is going to feel- all we care about is how we feel. The longer it goes on, the more we inevitably think we're getting away with it too. The struggle is in keeping that other person before us-choosing what's best for them. He harmed the name of Jesus Christ and made a mockery of Christianity to the world. As a man's primary need is for respect, if Josh is actually repentant, he will not be able to respect himself until he addresses those he publicly harmed in abusing the show, his employer's platform, and his family's reputation. Yes, there will always be detractors, but blunt honesty goes a long way with most people. Truth and repentance are debts he owes.

    8. Josh does not owe any tv viewer a statement or apology for his’s a private family matter. Forgiveness is a gift you give to yourself. Anna believes in the covenant of marriage and she has forgiven Josh so she can move forward and her children can reap the benefits of a healed family. I have trouble understanding why people who don’t know him personally are so angry and vindictive. How does that anger serve you? Forgiveness does not mean “forget”. Please keep thoughts and projections for Josh in a positive light, believe Christ can heal him and his family and let it go.

    9. Yes he can be in the limelight but that doesn't mean people have to be happy about it or openly embrace his return to t.v. I'm not completely convinced he has changed.

    10. I think to Josh, having the limelight was too important. When he got it, he let it go to his head and then you saw what happened.

  8. Beautiful dress Anna

  9. Is it just me or does Josie's face seem thinner? I like seeing pics of the younger kids. Congratulations on 10 yrs. God bless your family.

    1. I think as little kids ( girls especially) grow into that age range their faces start thinning out. I have seen this in my little sister. It's just a part of growing and maturing:)

    2. Not in a too small way, more like she’s losing some baby weight, even though she didn’t have much.

  10. Anna is a beautiful and gracious lady, inside and out. It's incomprehensible what Josh did to her. I hope he has turned his life around. He hurt a lot of people very badly. People are so cruel to the Duggars, but I've always felt compassion for them, because I believe most families probably suffer with a troubled member within it, sometimes tragically, like they did. I know mine has. Very few stood by the Duggars for their suffering.

    1. I don't think anyone is "cruel" to the Duggars. They do rather set themselves up for criticism sometimes when their actions don't match their stated beliefs though.

    2. 9:02- Yes, most families have a troubled member and suffer because of it. I think what a lot of people have a problem with was the hypocrisy of Josh presenting himself as a paid FRC spokesperson, all the while he was lying to and cheating on his wife. His confession only came about after being outed with the AM scandal. I think he owes the general public an apology. Instead, he took to filing a lawsuit against the city of Springdale for records released regarding his juvenile issues. I think this was a very feeble attempt to divert blame and attention elsewhere.

    3. They should have all permanently bowed out of the spotlight after the first scandal was made public. The second was too much. You shouldn't go around lying about your life on TV.

  11. I love that Josh and Anna have made their marriage work. Too many people just throw it all away because it's too much hard work. Marriage is hard work but worth it!

    1. I think that calling their situation, "hard work" is putting it a bit too light. It went beyond the average marriage.

    2. Connie you are absolutely right. I love the testimony of Senior Pastor of Calvary Church who s name is Raul Ries. He had done so many hurtful things in his marriage and had actually become dangerous to his wife. But after God Saved him and restored him and his marriage, he went on to be mighty for the Lord. Awesome Testimony of God's redemptive Grace. What God does for others he can surely do for you if we are willing.

    3. Anna made the marriage work. Josh lived a double life for years and cheated on her while she was pregnant with Meredith. She had biblical justification to end her marriage.
      I just hope he truly has changed his ways and works daily to be a true husband to Anna and father to his children.

    4. 3:45, the difference is that Raul Rise was doing that BEFORE he became a Christian and he changed his life AFTER, josh was doing these things all while claiming to be a Christian and while working for and being paid by a Christian organization.

    5. I wonder how long it will be before they get to celebrate their anniversary without reminders of past indiscretions.

    6. @ Kathy probably never, since you can't escape your past, especially when it's so public and so completely against what you said you stood for.

    7. Anon 10:22 Good point. When I wrote that post and then seeing what you wrote I realized that they are 2 different situations entirely. Raul Dies was honest in who he was and wasn't pretending to be something he wasnt. I know onething, if I was Josh I would probably take my family and move us to the quiet Amish community because his family craves the spotlight and as long as that is going on his wife and children will never have a peaceful, private life. I'm serious I would be out of there with my family after I caused them to have a!l kinds of criticism and I would give them a chance to live a decent life.

    8. Kathy that wil never hapen. They wil think about it every day. And the public wil to. It is to much to forget.

    9. Kathy Borders, um never, it’s not like you just forget something like that

    10. Kathy, with all due respect, I wouldn't call what Josh did to Anna an "indiscretion." He was unfaithful to his wife WHILE professing to be a Christian.

  12. Lovely photo of Anna and Josh, congratulations on ten years... certainly something to celebrate. Here’s to 50+ more years, lots of fun and beautiful memories with your children.

  13. Poor Anna she has been to so much. I hope she is feeling better now. But can she really trust him

    1. Nope, forgiveing someone and trusting them are two very different things. Full trust will never be there

  14. Happy to see Anna looking so well. I’m a huge believer in redemption as we ALL need the saving Blood of our Reedemer. All of us. I can only hope Josh as truly changed. I think the ATI/IBLP’s creates an atmosphere of sweeping really hard and very real issues under the rug. Lock a few doors, say your sorry, assign blame to a woman’s clothing or a wife’s lack of availibility and it’s done. I hope Josh and Anna are in long-term legitimate counseling as it’s a life long process. I speak from experience from a Christian husband who committed adultery several times over. Like Anna I had a Biblical case for divorce, but chose to stay. Like Anna I had several Christian women ask what I had done? Was I not available to meet his need? Was I not “being sweet”? Had I gained to much pregnancy weight that I wasn’t working hard enough to take care of? After all God created men to be visual! Those are questions I asked myself too, but it’s false questions. My husband and I found a wonderful counselor who absolutely did not assign blame to me, but for the first time ever held my husband accountable for his actions. This was a turning point for both of us. A long, arduous, turning point. With God’s Grace, quality counseling, forgiveness, anger,tears, humor,love,grace,and authenticity that neither of us is complete saint or sinner we now thrive at almost 30 years of marriage. I hope this for Josh and Anna. I hope Anna rises into her womanhood of being an equal partner within the marriage. I hope Josh truly takes accountability for HIS actions alone, because that’s when true healing and freedom abound. Blessings to you Josh and Anna. Happy Anniversary🙏🏼💍

    1. No woman deserves to have the kinds of things done to her that Josh did to Anna. Nobody would have blamed Anna if she had taken the kids and left for a life without all that guilt, mistrust, deception, and work that comes with counseling. It's possible to start over on your own, too.

    2. This is a beautiful, honest, genuine, statement. I hope Anna reads it. God bless you for being vulnerable enough to share that the healing for Anna and Josh will be a lifetime and must include accountability and taking responsibility on Josh’s part. Here’s praying that’s what happens and 20 years from now we can be celebrating their 30th !!

    3. Thank you for your testimony. I agree that some Christians preach a version of God's Grace that some have called "cheap grace". The sinner says he (or she) is sorry, and everyone is expected to instantly not only forgive, but forget and move on as if nothing ever happened. If they don't they are accused of being bitter and unChristian. This "God's forgiven, so sweep it under the rug" approach to sin does nothing to get at WHY it happened and does little to prevent a relapse.

      That being said, Josh *has* suffered consequences for his actions. He looks much older than his 30 years. His siblings are still well compensated "reality TV stars", but he is a pariah. While the Duggars have apparently forgiven him (again) and he has been in weddings and other events, he is not shown on TV, and I can imagine many awkward scenes with the film crew telling him to move so he's not caught on camera.

      Hopefully all this has indeed made Josh truly repent of his sins and commit himself anew to his wife and family. I'm sure everyone would rejoice if that has happened. But I understand why not everyone is convinced it has.

    4. Your message is incredibly inspiring. Congratulations to you and your husband for making it to 30 years.

    5. Very well spoken!!!!!!!!!!!

    6. Anon 9:47 .I am so glad that you found a counselor that put the accountability on what your husband did on him and didn't make excuses for his behavior. I have heard horror stories where a man has committed adultery in the marriage and the blame was put on the wife. God says to the husband, Be kind to the wife of your youth. He also says a man is to lay down his life for his wife as Christ laid down His life for the Church. He never said to the husband to lay down his life unless your wife does not meet every one of your needs, or if she doesn't look and act exactly how you want. There is never a reason to commit adultery. If things are hard in the marriage the Lord says, If you can't live in peace then live apart, so if need be you can separate and work on the marriage and then get back together, but not to use anything as an excuse to commit adultery.

    7. 3:23. I’m the OP, and I agree with you 100%. I will go as far as to say there are times when a woman should leave/divorce. That’s why God in His infinite mercy said divorce is acceptable in the case of infidelity. The breach of covenant is horrific. I did not intend to make it sound otherwise. However, as my husband was truly repentant and remorseful I, just my own individual experience, was willing to stay..with big boundaries. Like I said it was when my husband took full accountibility for his sin that things could even start to heal. Anna has zero responsibility for Josh’s actions. Zero. I obviously have no idea what life is like for them behind closed doors. I don’t have much positive to say regarding the ATI/IBLP’s teachings as they certainly assign blame to women for men’s sins. I have no idea if Josh is repentant or just embarrassed he was caught. I’m not in their world. I do know IF the offending party is willing to be accountable for themselves alone then life and marriage can turn around and be beautiful.

  15. Anna is so dressed up, and Josh is just in his jeans and a sloppy looking shirt. Maybe she's going out somewhere nice, without him! These 10 years with Josh have not been easy...Anna spoke of her deep heartache on the one episode. Her faith carried her through that pain and here they are celebrating their 10th Anniversary soon. It is amazing.

    1. Anna seems to ignore all the difficult times she has had by claiming the 10 years have been "wonderful". I'm not sure why. Sweeping difficulties under the rug is never a good thing.

  16. Anna has gotten so beautiful over the years.

  17. There is sadness in Anna’s eyes. Her sparkle doesn’t show anymore. That’s very sad for one still so young.

  18. Anna looks as beautiful as she did ten years ago as a young bride. She doesn't look like she's aged a day. Congratulations to you both.

  19. As a wife going through in the worst of times; I applaud Anna for staying so strong and committed to their vows! It’s not at all easy. She is a mentor for all us wives living not what we expected!

  20. Congratulations Josh and Anna.

  21. Their anniversary is almost two months away so why are we talking about it now?

    1. It was originally posted as an engagement anniversary or something.

  22. i cant believe its been almost 10 years already! that was such a great episode and anna was so surprised!

  23. Ten years for my husband and I also this year! Congrats

  24. So great to see Josh and Anna!! God is so good - IF we let Him he can heal us and help us turn from our sins. Josh seems to have been doing this and Anna is such a wonderful example of a Christ loving wife. I can't believe it has been 10 years! I pray they have many more years together while serving God. We have been married almost 35 years and we are still learning and growing. Really miss seeing Josh and Anna and totally believe their story could help so many especially men. May God continue to be with and bless this wonderful couple!

  25. I wonder what kind of non-disclosure agreements Anna and all those marrying into the Duggar family must sign.

    1. It's probably on page 51, right after that famous 50 page application Jim Bob has.

    2. I have wondered the same thing. Surely by now someone would have spilled some beans.

  26. This is a very beautiful picture of Josh and Anna -- just love it!!

  27. No woman deserves to go through what Anna was put through, by no fault of her own. No woman needs to spend the rest of her life wondering if history will repeat itself, or having to keep a close eye on her husband. It's clear who still has the power in such a relationship.

  28. Congratulations on your soon-to-be 10th Anniversary Josh & Anna!

    1. Super James, it's good to see you back. We hadn't heard anything from you in a while, and I was wondering if you were okay?

    2. Yeah. Even though I haven't commented on the blog posts, I'm still quite up to date on what's going on.

      *sighs* Not really. The reason I haven't written in a long time is because...I have depression. Had it since December 2015.

  29. Love you guys! God is good all the time; may He continue to bless you.

  30. I remember the wedding episode and the song about trust.. I hope they have been able to overcome some of those issues.

  31. I think it is better to not show information about Josh and Anna again. They are not on the show and or is better for them to stay out Of the spotlights to work on their relationship.

    1. I enjoy seeing a picture now and then. Such a lovely family. I wish them well.


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