
Friday, April 20, 2018

Grandma Duggar, Ready for Battle

We just love this photo of Grandma Mary Duggar. With 20 grandchildren and 10 (soon to be 12) great-grandchildren, she loves spending time with her ever-growing family.

Grandma Duggar

Photo courtesy


  1. Its a funny pic. At least they are only NERF guns and not real guns for a change.

    1. What’s wrong with real guns?

    2. What's right with them you mean!

    3. 12:34: Try self defense for one.

    4. "What's right with real guns?" Imagine if we hadn't had them in the 1940s, for instance. How'd you like living under the Nazi regime? Nowadays, they still serve as the best protection against wild animals and wicked men (both foreign enemies and homegrown criminals), and yes, they can even put food on the table!

    5. Pretty sure my dad's shotgun in the bedroom closet never had to fight off Nazis.

    6. That's because somebody else did it for you, years ago. Now, it's up to us to be prepared to do the same thing again if the need ever arises. Maybe they won't be called "Nazis" this time, but their beliefs will be oh-too-similar.

    7. that not what the US military for? Why have one of the largest and most expensive military in the world?

    8. It's true, the US military is here to protect us (and they do a fabulous job). But the American people bear a responsibility to protect themselves, against enemies both foreign and domestic. A Japanese general once famously said during World War II, "You could never invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass."

      Besides, Nazi Germany had one of the largest and most expensive militaries in the world as well. Didn't do a very good job protecting its people, did it? The founding fathers of America made it clear that every American has the responsibility to protect themselves, and not rely on the government or the military.

  2. Go Grandma Duggar! She is pretty amazing keeping up with everything and she is so fun. I’m loving the glasses.

    1. I think Grandma Duggar is the least criticized adult Duggar in the bunch...she seems like a genuine and fun, loving lady. I wish we could all look for the best and leave out the rest. Jesus looks for the good in us.

  3. I'm sorry, but I don't like this photo of Grandma Duggar.

  4. Wow! I wish my Grandma played nerf guns with us. She is one amazing grandma

  5. I hope mainstream media doesn't come across this picture! More crucification! As my brother would say: "that granny ain't gumming no grits!"

  6. Way to go Grandma Duggar!!! I wish this site had more Grandma Duggar on it.

  7. Nice! Go, Grandma Duggar! :)

  8. I Love it! Go Grandma!

  9. What a sweet sweet photo of Grandma Mary !! :)

    1. A sweet photo would be cuddling her grand children, or maybe out for lunch with her grandchildren. Looking like she is ready to take on the terminator ain't sweet!

    2. She looks great

  10. I'm sorry, but I don't know if I like this foto that much...

  11. Who does Grandma plan on fighting?

  12. Sorry but a gun in a house with childeren. Why

    1. I know, really? Im agine having a toy in a house with children! How could they?

    2. It’s a nerf gun. If you never had a nerf gun fight as a kid I feel bad for you, they’re fun.

    3. For protection maybe???

    4. It's a foam dart gun. Besides, over 40% of American hosueholds have guns (real guns, not counting harmless toys) - and many of those households have kids too. As long as you're responsible and teach your kids to be, why not.

    5. You cannot honestly think those are real guns? My mind is blown.

    6. You can be a responsible parent, and you can try to teach your kids to be responsible, but kids are still kids. They're curious, and accidents happen. Giving your kids toy guns but telling them not to touch real guns is sending a mixed message that kids won't process properly.

    7. 10:19, you are so wrong. I grew up with both in my house and knew to NEVER touch any of my family’s real guns.

    8. 10:19, well, I'm living proof that's not true, as are all my siblings, my cousins, and my parents and grandparents before me. We've all grown up around guns. The guns were kept UNLOADED but not locked up. You just knew not to touch them, and none of us ever did until our parents thought we were responsible enough. And we never confused our toy cap guns with the "real" hunting rifles. Kids aren't stupid. We all grew up with a deep respect of guns and the damage they can do; we all have a sense of deep responsibility when handling a gun, and it didn't take a tragic accident to teach us that.

  13. Best Grandma ever!

  14. It was very insensitive for you to post this on the anniversary of the Columbine High School shooting. I am a high school teacher, so I have strong feelings about guns. If I ever have my own children, they will not be allowed to play with toy weapons, and if any of my students brought a toy gun to school, he or she would be suspended at a bare minimum. This is not something to joke about. This photo is not cool at all!

    1. Over reaction.


    3. If a teacher at that school had had a fun on hand, there would not have been as many deaths as the Columbine shooting. Blaming guns is a huge problem. You can kill someone with a pencil if you really want to, or literally anything else.

    4. No one meant any harm. I know Columbine is nothing to joke about, but Lily and Ellie meant nothing by it. They were not being insensitive. This picture just shows a grandma having fun with her grandkids. Surely that is ok.

    5. Have we really come to the point where playing with foam dart guns is an issue? It's concerning that a toy gun could cause such an uproar. If only we were as concerned and upset about the real issues in this country. . .

    6. It's a very cool photo!

    7. Good grief suspended over a toy gun? Most of us own guns and if someone breaks into our home, we get to live, our children get to live. I wonder how that senecio would turn out if you have a break in. I wonder how it would turn out for your children you might have one day.

    8. Buzz kill....I was working in the registration department of the ER on the day of the Thurston high shooting in Springfield Oregon May 21, 1998. I was up close and personal to the tragedy of school shootings....I don’t let that stop me from seeing the fun in a nerf battle. We have to be able to separate real tragedy from our fears and enjoy life. Nerf battles are fun, not intended to harm anyone and bring joy and laughter.

    9. As a fellow high school teacher, I agree.

    10. I've had a friend who was shot. I'm not offended by seeing pictures of grandmothers playing with nerf/water guns with their grandchildren. I've also had a friend who was in an ATV accident and died. I'm not offended by photos of people on their ATVs. The Columbine shooting was tragic, as was losing people to people to ATV accidents, and other shootings. But, we can't be so sensitive to these tragic events that we can't handle reality and energetic grandmas playing with their grandchildren.

    11. Yes 10:24 you are not allowed to have a real gun or a toy gun on any school property where I live. You can't even use your thumb and index finger to "pretend shoot" someone on the playground, or you're in trouble. There is zero tolerance for anything gun-related in schools, as there should be.

    12. 5:19, as the child of an American soldier, I also have strong opinions about guns, and probably know far more about them then you do. I also know that it is people who murder other people, not guns, and if you removed guns from every house in America, crime would skyrocket. Criminals will always find a way to get guns, and if you take them away from good citizens, where does that leave you? Defenseless.

    13. @Anonymous 3:39, Columbine High School had an armed guard on duty at the school who was at a different part of the campus when the shooting started. He did engage the shooters and exchanged fire. I don't want to start a whole guns in the classroom debate, but arming teachers doesn't guarantee that they'll be able to engage the shooter or prevent loss of life.

    14. As a teacher you should understand that making a law outlawing guns will not solve anything. Murder is already against the law. If people were going to obey the laws, then no one would be murdered. Murder was around before guns were ever invented. The real issue isn’t guns. It is the lack of morality in our country. We have devalued human life, and we will pay the price for it. We need to see all life as valuable including the babies in the womb and elderly people.

    15. Liberals go against the second amendment and now even toy guns and yet out of the other side of their mouth the fight for the right to have children slaughtered in the womb. What kind of message is that to our children? If your concern is for the safety of our children then let's start that lesson for the children in the womb, or just stay out of this issue.

    16. Lighten up. You haven't lived until you have had a Nerf fight or played good guy) bad guy cops and robbers.

    17. If 5:18's post was allowed, let's give it equal time. Conservatives think a woman should be forced to carry and deliver any child she might not be able to physically bear or provide for. How is that being protective of a child? How is that valuing the life of the human mother?

    18. 1:19 No one is forcing her to continue to physically bear and provide for her child after birth. After birth, if she doesn't feel capable of providing care for her child, adoption is an option. Not to mention, for moms who have had an abortion, their suicide rates go up by 133%. MANY moms who have had an abortion feel extreme guilt and hopelessness after an abortion. Making abortion illegal protects babies AND moms.

    19. 1:19, if you can’t provide for your child you can put it up for adoption.

    20. If a woman can not provide for her child there is adoption. How saying the slaughter of a child is being protective of that child and should be an option just shows the twisted thinking of a liberal.

    21. Please quit overreacting. Tis nothing but play. My boys had Nerf fun (balls, guns, darts etc) and now my grands do. In fact, this past Christmas grandson #2 received 2 Nerf guns. When he opened the second we were ready! I had bought small, inexpensive ones and quietly passed them out. We had a major Nerf war all over my son's house. It was a blast!

    22. 1:19-
      Out of every 16,000 live births, only 2-3 actually endanger the life of the mother. We aren't taking away a mom's chance at life, we are giving the baby a chance at life. My mother's life was endangered when she carried me. She was offered and even encouraged to get an abortion. The doctors told her that only one of us would make it through alive. Well, I'm happy to say that we both made it through. I'm glad that even though she was in danger she chose to give me a chance at life.

    23. 1:19, We have adopted 2 (soon to be 4) little girls that were abused and were born into a terrible situation where the mom chose not to care for her child. Though what brought them to us was not a good thing, I couldn't imagine my life without these girls. Many inspiring and world changing people were adopted. Adoption is a great option! There are also a LINE of people that want to adopt newborns straight from the hospital.

    24. 10:51- Although there are many folks waiting to adopt newborns, that isn't the case with many older children languishing in foster care in need of a home. Good for you for adopting! I'm an adoptive mother myself. However, as grateful as I am for my children's biological mothers for bringing them into the world, I'm also thankful that they were not forced to do so under the threat of a punitive law.

    25. 10:47- It is wonderful that your mother had a choice in the matter. I would never want to take that choice away from any woman who is considering terminating a pregnancy, for any reason.

    26. There are over 1/2 million legal abortions per year in the US that are reported to the CDC. Are there over 1/2 million adoptive parents per year to cover the pregnancies that would have to happen if choice was taken away? Exactly how big is that line waiting at the hospital door? (Answer: About 1/4th the size it would need to be, according to the Adoption Network.)

      Adoption is not the end-all solution to this problem, please understand.

  15. That's awesome! I love Grandma Mary.

  16. Hope the kids know what they are up against!

  17. The Duggars condone playing with guns?!

    1. They're toys! It's not going to male them killers. Please people, get a grip.

    2. Not only do they condone it, they have shown pictures of their small children around real guns, both attended and unattended.

    3. It’s a nerf gun

    4. 2:23, so who took a picture of those “unattended” children?

    5. Excuse me, but if the children were "unattended" around guns, who was taking the picture????

  18. Go Grandma Duggar! Love it. :)

  19. Go Grandma!! I need an outfit like that for my grandkids!!!!

  20. Is Jana Duggar dating? And John David is he dating.

    1. No and no. They don't seem to be interested in dating (or courting as the Dugggars call it).

    2. This post is about Grandma Duggar. I’m sure we will be updated when there is a new courtship, I don’t understand why people obsess about this topic......perhaps the pressure has something to do with why they aren’t.

  21. Grandma Duggar is a good sport!

  22. How is Amy Duggar/KIng doing? We need to hear something about her. She is a big part of this family.

  23. This is such a cute picture. My dad plays with my son, and neice and nephew like that. I think being a grandparent gives them a excuse to be kids again! It's awesome she is a playful grandma.

  24. Are the Duggars NRA members?

  25. Grandma duggar looks so tough

  26. Ugh! Toy guns! They should read instead.

    1. Children can't read all the time....

    2. Ugh... I'm sure they do..

  27. You go grandma. Show um what your working with. Lol

  28. To see this on your blog is startling. Considering the fatalities and horrific tragedies that families in this country have recently experienced due to gun violence, it is unbelievably insensitive of you to post this photo. You say you do not post comments that are "in poor taste," yet here you are, posting this. In consideration of those who have died or who have lost someone due to gun violence, please take it down.

    1. I'm sorry for your loss by gun violence, but there are more people in the USA who die daily by car so, by your logic, cars should not appear in photos. Proper use of a gun is fine. Otherwise, you would have no military and no police and no meat to eat. The people who murder with a gun have major psychiatric problems and their families and friends have failed to notice or have not taken action on those problems. Yes, it is a huge problem in the USA (I am not American, but my outside opinion) that anyone can buy a gun anywhere, but that is separate from the general use of guns.

    2. That would be like saying they shouldn’t post pictures of cars because far more people die in car accidents each year then people do by guns.

    3. It's called the second amendment...

    4. Helooo... it is a NERF gun

    5. People have died in car accidents.. should we not post pics of our car too???

    6. Look, the Duggars own and shoot guns. Not every one shoots up schools or shoots people to kill unless I'm self defense.

    7. Come take my gun.. I dare you

    8. Huh, I must have missed all those stories about people being killed by a FOAM dart gun. . .This is in no way disrespectful or poor taste. You'd have to be looking for an issue to think so.

    9. Gun owners have rights too ya know

    10. Shall we ban knives too???

    11. It's called freedom of speech.. better read your history again

    12. Ooh another snowflake liberal

    13. I have guns at my house..
      You gonna judge me??

    14. How rude! Many gun owners are safe and have saved lives by using them

    15. Hey, lets play your game why don't we. Howdy, I lost a cousin at the Virginia Tech shooting so listen up. Shocking though it is, I don't blame anyone or anything but the murderer. I wish every one of these people had the option or more specifically the freedom to protect themselves by any means they deem necessary. People being killed by others with evil intent is a part of our reality, I pray you realize this, come to your senses and arm yourself. Or don't it is entirely up to you, but don't for a second think that it is acceptable or moral to demand that someone else give up their ability to defend themselves or their loved ones. I carry daily everywhere I can and avoid the places that bar myself and others from doing so. I carry to protect the weak who cannot or will not defend themselves.

      Stop making it easy for these pathetic pieces of garbage to walk into a place and paint it with blood. More than 95% of mass shootings happen in gun free zones. Realize that a tool is just a tool, you can't ban psychopaths. However, you can make them think twice by having an option to arm those who watch over our most vulnerable citizens. No, it won't stop every shooting, it won't likely stop the first fatality, but it gives people a fighting chance.

      PS: Those aren't fully semi-automatic AR15's with scary black extended 30 caliber assault clips, they are nerf guns. Stop being so sensitive, quit being offended for other people and start looking past your feelings and get the facts.

    16. What about toy cars? People in this country lose loved ones EVERYDAY in car crashes. Should she never post a picture of a duggar playing with a toy car because someone might have a negative association? Grandma duggar is wearing nerf guns. Nerf guns. They're toys that have been around so long most everyone can identify them. They're made in vibrant colors that clearly differentiate them from actual guns. Plus, in this country, guns are used far more often for sport than they are for school shootings or other atrocious acts. I understand people's sensitive feelings, and they do matter. But if we can't look at a grandmother participating in normal play with her grandchildren I think we might be placing too much importance or weight on our feelings.

    17. It is very tragic. All of the violence and shootings are awful. But guns don't kill people, people kill people. A gun is not a living object and in itself it can't do any harm. It's when
      an evil person whose intent is to harm others uses a gun.
      This picture is harmless.

    18. I knew there would be remarks like this. I think it's awesome to see a grandmother playing with her grandkids like this. And mental illness is much more of a problem than guns. My 14 yr old son has multiple guns and things that he hunts with. He uses them often as he goes out everyday hunting, fishing, and trapping on our land. I would much rather him be outside enjoying nature than playing video games inside.

    19. Guns are not just for killing people. My family owns guns, and they have been used several times for raccoons with distemper, coyotes, possums, squirrels, etc. We don't say it's insensitive to show pictures of people with kitchen knives, vans, pressure cookers, etc. Yet, plenty of people have been killed with those in the last few years as well. Either be consistently offended, or don't be offended by harmless photos please.

    20. To 7:18. On a note related to your comment, it sounds as if you missed the stories of people pointing toy guns at police officers, the officers mistaking them for real guns, and the officers firing their guns in return. Nearly 90 people were shot and killed that way in 2014 and 2015. A Washington Post (a US newspaper) article in 2016 said 43 more had been shot that year alone when toy guns were mistaken for real. The orange tip law has been in place since 1989, but there's nothing stopping people from removing those tips or painting them another color. Imagine this same picture with those Nerf guns painted black. You cannot disguise the intent of a gun, whether it's orange or black.

    21. I really do not understand the US love affair with guns. Guns are designed to do one thing, to take a life and to take that life remotely, detached.

      We know that it is not a good guy or bad guy with a gun. Such logic is too facile, reducing people to black and white, and cheapens all life. It assumes that some people are allowed to take a life, just because they are 'good' guys. In reality, it is just a guy with a gun.

      The US has the highest rate of all the Western countries of gun violence. Every day thousands of your citizens,even children, are killed and injured because of some guy or woman with a gun. Not all those guys with guns, who killed or injured, were mentally ill.

      My son was once 14 years old. He, of course, had no access to any guns. It is illegal here, at that age. He also did Not spend his days playing violent video games. He played sports, read, hiked...He was out and enjoyed nature, without a gun.

    22. 8:27, I think most of us are consistently offended by anyone holding anything that can be used as a weapon, especially if they are grinning at the thought of what those items could do to someone or something.

    23. If it is so safe, why is grandma wearing protective eye glasses? Maybe it is because that even Nerf guns can cause serious damage to the eyes:-)

    24. 👍Texas, you hit the nail on the head! Amen to that!👏👏👏

    25. Um, 9:48, places with stricter gun laws in America have far more crime than areas with loose gun laws, so what should that tell us? And yes, it is good guys and bad guys, bad people are going somewhere with the intent to do harm, good are going with the intent to protect and defend.

    26. 9:58, You do realize that though the US has a high rate of homicides (it’s still behind Greenland, which many consider to be a “Western” country), nearly 64% of all gun-related deaths in the US are suicides, not homicides, right? And less than 5% of homicides are with a rifle. The highest suicide rates in the world? WHO ranks Greenland as number one, with South Korea, Japan, Belgium, Austria, Taiwan, France, Finland, Poland, and Russia all having higher suicide rates than the US. Do you say that those countries have a love affair with suicide? Though the US may have high gun-related deaths, you also should consider other means of death, such as suicide, traffic related deaths, medical error deaths, work related deaths, accidents, etc. of other countries before bashing the US.

    27. Texas, thank you!! It is shocking to me that people don't see the fallacy of their argument when they try to argue that guns are the problem. Not to mention, most of the banning is to try to ban larger guns, when handguns and shotguns are more often the cause of death... In that case, why not ban knives, cars, clubs, hammers, fire, narcotics, and hands? We DO need help, but more along the lines of mental health, prison systems, and reporting systems.

    28. Mr./Ms. Texas, you can say what you feel about mentally unstable people, but when was the last time any representative in or from your state voted to increase funding for mental health programs on the state or national level? It's not right to call people names instead of doing something to help them.

    29. There's no getting around the fact that the purpose of a firearm is to kill or maim. Cars, knives, pressure cookers, or whatever item has the potential to do harm is not a valid comparison. The primary use of those things has nothing to do with the intent of harming someone.

    30. Gun are supposed to kill. Cars are supposed to drive. So even the properly use of a gun kills something or someone. That's the logic. Haven't you heard from the gun-toddler incidents in Cleveland and Merriville? If the parents of These Kids hadn't been gun-owners, thathing had happened. If the father of the gun man in Nashville waffle house hadn't been gun-owner....well I think you got it.

    31. Schools should have security guards with guns to protect. Those who want to kill target gun free zones.

    32. Many of the schools that have been the sites of mass shooting have had armed guards (campus resource officers) present. Gun free zones mean that only authorized individuals can carry on a campus. That means campus security or local police can be armed.

    33. @10;49. Your problem is that your gun laws are not the same across your country. Strict gun laws do work but the laws have to be federally enforced and the same in every state. My country does as does most other western countries.

    34. @ 10:30 All that tells us is there are more people in the places with stricter gun laws, so more crime per capita. If someone wants to protect and defend, let them go through training and become a policeman, not be a vigilante.

    35. 9:58, how can you group "all men with a gun" into one category? Talk about black and white! Take the Texas church shooting. The shooter was a BAD guy with a gun; he killed innocent people. The neighbor was a GOOD guy with a gun; he saved innocent people's lives. It really is that simple. Bad guys with guns want to hurt people; good guys with gun want to protect people.

    36. Greenland? You cannot compare Greenland, which is NOT considered a wealthy Western nation. It is a semi-autonomous part of Denmark, which like ALL other High Arctic communities is going through severe socio-economic problems. The Inuit are seeing their way of life and culture destroyed, with high rates of substance abuse and self-harming. The same social problems are occurring all across northern communities including Alaska. (Alaska has twice the rate of gun deaths than the rest of the US.) And yes, Greenland has guns, gun ownership is prevalent. They used guns for hunting and protection against polar bears.

      Compare apples to apples.

    37. 10:14, Saying Grandma Duggar is “grinning at the thought of what those items can do to someone or something” is probably the most ridiculous comment I’ve heard in a while. How do you not know that she’s not just smiling for the camera, or because she’s enjoying time well spent with her grandchildren? Does the picture of Joseph and Kendra smiling while cutting their wedding cake (with a knife, which kills hundreds of people each year) offend you?

    38. 2:16 But, can you stay that all killing is bad? (Killing a raccoon with distemper is wrong??) Yes, one of the purposes of guns is to kill, but they have their place, just as cars, knives, and everything else.

    39. Texas... Amen!!!!!

  29. @12:16...They are nerf guns. Children have been playong with toy guns for many, many years with no violence. It's the breakdown in the family and society which causes the violence, not toy guns.

    1. "Society" was just as "broken down" in the days of the wild, wild west. That's nothing new. Except now we're supposed to have mental health programs in place to help those people.

  30. There only nerf guns, gimme a break. Ridiculous to jump from fun loving Grandma's to school shootings. What's awful is ppl wanting to be petty bettys about everything in America. This family is always catching flack no matter what they do. And btw if they ban guns,there will just be bombings.Looks like we should be family, morally focused in this country. If your not a fan of family, move on to something you do like.

  31. We have had nerf battles too.Five grandsons. Just fun !

  32. My nephew was never allowed to have a cap gun.Was never trained to handle one safely or to hunt. He commited suicide at age 28, with a gun.A sad loss for our family.

    1. I'm so sorry! God bless you all.

    2. Nona- I am deeply sorry for your loss. I don't think your nephew's not having a cap gun or not taught to how to hunt had anything to do with why he took his own life.

    3. I think her point is that not letting kids play with toy guns does not ensure that they'll never do something bad with a real gun later on in life. The two have no connection!

  33. Pistol packin’ Grandmama.

  34. Granny's got the guns! Let the snowflakes melt! Lol

    1. LOL. Let them melt here in California. We've been in a drought.

  35. Yeahhhhh, no. And DEFINITELY no on the anniversary of Columbine.

    1. The bloggers were on a blogging hiatus and probably scheduled posts in advance to accommodate that vacation. I highly doubt that googling the date to make sure it wouldn't offend anyone was on the list of priorities.

  36. I guess I'm not understanding...if the Duggars (we all should be) are against going out and shooting people however and whenever, why do they "play" , act it out? It's not being consistent. It does leave a poor witness...

    1. You should be able to play make believe and then come back to real life. I’d be more concerned about young kids playing on M rated video games where you shoot people and it looks realistic. Playing with a nerf gun is not going to desensitize anyone.

    2. Do consider that this is a water gun, not a real gun. In that case, it's nothing more than a glorified squirt bottle. I'm not sure how that leaves a poor witness...

    3. It's not a water gun. Those "ammo" clips are darts that could hit people or animals.

    4. Learned some harsh realities as a kid playing cops and robbers with need guns. Learned the rules of firearm safety on them. Also learned the business end is only ever pointed at bad guys. Learned that bad guys get stopped by good guys and that bad guys only get stopped if good guys step up and act in the defense of others. But I guess that's back when you could bring a pocket knife to school, play cowboys and Indians with finger guns at recess, mom or dad didnt spare the rod and boys grew into men, girls into lady's.

      As far as being a bad witness, I assume you mean as Christians. I have to ask, have you read the Bible in its entirety? God is no pacifist, and He doesn't expect us to be either when it is nessesary. Raising up your boys to use the tools of the age in order to protect the lives our Lord holds to be precious should be seen as proper parenting.

      This world wide epidemic of hoplophobia is beyond rediculous. Regardless of whether these are toys or actual firearms no one should be so upset over someone else's household.

    5. Yeah, and hitting people with them is THE POINT. They are made of foam. If you got hit in the eye, I doubt it would hurt much. I've played with them myself before, so i know.

    6. @10:11 You are correct, they are not water guns. They are ballistic toys designed for the exact purpose of striking other people.
      Let me put your mind at ease with this formula: F=2mv/t. This is the formula for force on impact. A need dart weighs approximately 0.001 kg, and it travels at around 20m/ on the extreme side. Taking into account a rough target distance based upon the size of the Duggars house, I would assume minimum distance would be aprox 2m. Put it all together and you get an impact force of 0.4kg or 0.88lbs. I don't think human or animal kind have anything to worry about.

  37. Never to old to have some fun with your grandchildren. Love the photo...Jane

  38. This photo is not ok.

    1. This photo is showing family fun.....we are talking foam darts. I see nothing wrong, what’s wrong here is people being offended by it. We must be able to view a photo and see intent....the intent of this photo is fun!

    2. What’s wrong with it?

    3. What's wrong with it is that it was posted on the anniversary of one of America's biggest school shootings. Insensitive.

  39. You don't post things that are of poor taste. What is this?

    1. A grandmother playing with her grandkids?

    2. Those are squirt guns. What's in poor taste?

  40. The pic is fine! Stick to your guns, don't delete it 😊 This sterilization of society is ridiculous. Same ppl who have a problem with this pic would have a panic attack if they knew some kids still play "cowboys and Indians". Fact of the matter is the these are toys, and the Duggars have a multitude of reasons to ensure their way of life is not infringed upon... I can think of about 40 reasons off the top of my head 🤔

  41. All I can say that hasn't already been said, is that I really hope the people who are freaking out about this picture did NOT see the Bringing Up Bates episode that showed kids shooting each other with pretend guns. That was the birthday party for Isaiah featuring laser tag.


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