
Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Preview Gideon's Dramatic Birth

Joy-Anna Duggar Forsyth and Gideon Forsyth

Joy-Anna Duggar and Austin Forsyth are nearly three weeks into parenthood, and we know you are eager to hear the details of Gideon Forsyth's birth. The network has released two ten-minute previews of Gideon's dramatic arrival that can only be accessed by viewers with certain cable providers.

Photo courtesy and Austin Forsyth


  1. Evidently the Duggar girls aren't nearly as good birthing babies as Michelle was. Maybe it's a sign from God that they should limit the number of children they have.

    1. Say WHAT? I am a strong advocate for midwife assisted birth, whether at home, in a birthing centre or in a hospital, as well as for natural birth over medicated and surgical birth but I do NOT believe that just because a woman has a caesarean birth means she should limit the number of children she has. Also, Michelle's first birth was a caesarean and she had many VBAC before needing to have a caesarean, a few more VBAC, there was one homebirth sometime between the two caesarean births. Plenty of women have started out with a caesarean and gone on to have many VBAC.

    2. God made His children unique in every way and not to be compared.

    3. So Alberta Jill’s second child there was a VBAC attempt and the child spent two weeks in the NICU. Repeated surgeries post a risk to mom and baby and I believe the recommendation is three c sections and no VBAC attempts after the second. Women who continue to get pregnant after the recommended number of c section deliveries risk their lives and the lives of their children especially if they attempt a VBAC. Women attempting a VBAC should do so in a hospital due the increased risk of complications and a repeat c section. Women should make choices that give them the best outcomes that include living to parent the children they already have. Putting your life at risk and the life of your child at risk is not very intelligent.

    4. The Duggar grandchildren are also bigger than Michelle's children. It is a lot harder to get a 10 lb baby out naturally than a 7 lb baby.

      Plus every mom, baby, and doctor/midwife is different.

    5. She can try for a vbac next time. I too had a surprise breech baby after having a really quick labor. I had to have a csection only because that's what the recommended. And I hadn't had proven pelvis since my first was a csection.
      My third baby wasn't breech and I had a vbac.

    6. I think we should all stop judging! I give Joy-anna kudos for trying a home birth. She had a big baby and she need help getting him out & she was cautious enough to go to the hospital. It's a choice every mother has as to how she wants to give birth.

    7. Alberta, there can be scars and thinning after C-sections and repeated pregnancies, and the risks are different for everyone. You have to go by what your OB/GYN says about your having more babies, not by what you want to have happen, or what happened to others.

    8. OB/GYNs are gonna say no more than 3 c-sec as they don't want to risk getting sued if something were to happen.

  2. Lily and Elie,
    Do you know if we'll get to see these episodes on TV ?
    Do you know if this season of counting on will end with Joseph's wedding or there will be other episodes ?

    1. I wonder why Ellie and Lily answer some questions but not others.

  3. So glad joy and baby are ok!! And I thought Jill wasn't with tlc anymore??? Is she just a "volunteer"?

    1. Jill is a stay at home mom now.

    2. yes, she is a stay at home mom but Derick said he pulled his family off the tlc network. So why was she shown on tv when Derick said they are no longer associated with them anymore?

    3. The scenes that show Jill talking were filmed prior to them no longer participating and are owned by the network or production company. Jill was present for Gideon’s birth, they can’t control who is there but she did not participate in interviews.

    4. If Jill's face wasn't blurred out on the show, then yes she is "participating" in it.

    5. So where is Derick getting his money now that he disassociated with TLC? Does he work?

    6. I believe Derek has an Accounting degree.

  4. Awwww, no Canadian TV or Canadian internet providers listed. I can't watch!!!!

    1. I know the feeling. Canadians can't get tlcgo either 😢

  5. I watched it last night. I had a similar experience, and felt so much compassion for her. I labored for hours and hours, only to be told I had to have a emergency C-section. I didn't cry the whole labor process, but when they told me I had to have surgery I boo hooed like a baby. I was so exhausted. But what has blessed me about all this, I know its on T.V. and you don't see everything. But I could see such character, and love between these two younger people. Truly it amazes me to see Austin to be only in his early 20's show such godly strength and maturity. Joy also seems to be so mature for her age and has that quiet confidence. It is nice to see young adults focused on the Lord.

    1. Thank you!!! I can't watch the videos and hate how cryptic everything is! Someone needs to WRITE a detailed outline of what happened .

    2. Did she have to have a csection?

    3. AMEN, Thank the LORD baby and mom doing well.

    4. If this okay for me to respond too in a nutshell it started with her mom and his mom and others helping make meals she can freeze and just heat up. ( very wise! Wish I had thought to do that lol) She went into labor, but after 20 hours of labor they determined it he was breech. She had to go to the hospital and have emergency C-section. But all was well. Michelle and Austins mom said both of them were breech babies. That Joy was a tough delivery for Michelle. But what little they showed, Joy handled it like a champ! Austin was so supportive and it didn't look fake for t.v. Joy even thanked people for the prayers right after her surgery. So graciously. It was a great birth " episode " because you could see genuine godly character.

    5. Thanks for sharing how it went were some of us can't see it.

  6. The girls are learning the hard way that birthing babies is not nearly as easy as Michelle made it appear.

    1. Michelle has never made it seem easy �� She's never claimed to be perfect or know everything.

    2. I'm sure they were aware that it's not always need for negativity...sheesh.

    3. Just because they are Duggars does not make child birth easy. Every lady would like to thing child birth will go smoothly.

    4. Michelle also had c-sections, a miscarriage, Josie, who was early, then Jubilee who didn't make it. I think they know that birthing babies is not always easy. Her sisters had some difficult births as well. Just sayin

    5. It certainly can be easy. But with modern medical technology, no woman should enter into labor unaware that her baby is breech and attempt a natural home delivery.

    6. Michelle also had many hospital births. She knew that labor and delivery could go wrong and prepared accordingly. And as we saw in episodes with Josie, she had a well qualified doctor.

    7. I think they're just learning the hatd way that hospitals provide a better care than improvised midwives.

    8. Even in a hospital setting they don't do an ultrasound when you go into labor. They let you labor for a while, monitor you, and if you aren't progressing then they do the ultrasound.

    9. You sound like you are taking joy in posting that. Shame.

  7. I can’t see it😩 someone please give spoilers

    1. In short-20 hour labor at home, midwife told Joy baby was breech, delivery by c-section
      I'm so glad joy and baby are healthy and ok!!!

    2. A very brief nutshell... Joy labors at home for 20 hours. It’s determined the baby is breech. They head to the hospital for a c-section. Both Joy and baby do well.

    3. I have nothing against the concept of homebirth, and not even laboring for 20 hours is that uncommon for the first pregnancy. But that's for uncomplicated pregnancies.

      However, while I'd tried to give the Duggar birth plans the benefit of the doubt until now; no WAY can I say Joy had adequate prenatal care, when she went into labor not knowing the baby was positioned breech. And considering the size, almost no way the baby could have been safely delivered without a C-section, even in a hospital. Even if she only had one of the complications (both breech birth and a large baby are considered complications) she wouldn't have been an ideal home birth candidate.

      What also concerns me, is that people watching the show are going to get the impression what happened to Joy was just a quirk of fate that couldn't have been prevented. But it could have been. Thank God Joy and the baby did well. It could so easily have not turned out that way.

    4. I am also very glad all is well. I am a little surprised that it took 20 hours to realize it was breech. The midwife should have known immediately. Also a doctor ahead of time-didn't she have any prenatal care?

    5. Anonymous 4:57 you are so right. How a midwife could have blown this safety call is beyond amazing. Jill was there was she the midwife? How would she feel if this situation had a tragic ending. I hope they will either upgrade their care providers or opt for hospital births...this was avoidable.

    6. 4:57, I agree that a hospital birth would probably have been better in this situation. However, having a breech and large baby isn't necessarily preventable, even if the baby is born at the hospital and the mom has "typical" prenatal care.

      So glad Joy and Gideon are doing well. Beautiful baby!

    7. My child was csection and was breach and they didn’t check and almost died with a csection delivery because I’d theg know it’s breach the cut hole bigger and couldn’t get him out. So even in the hospital they don’t know. And i was I. The hospital weeks.

  8. This was scary. A qualified medical attendant would have known 1. how large the baby was and 2. if the baby was in the proper position (not breech) at least a week before Joy went into labor. I hope she's learned a lesson here.

    1. That's not necessarily true though is it?! My friend had an undiagnosed breech in the hospital and gave birth naturally. Breech babies have been known to slip through the net.
      Also I had a baby larger than Joy's and nobody predicted that. Even scans don't show an exact weight, they can be 10% either way.

    2. Babies sometimes flip late, but yes, you should be able tell which end is up by the time it comes time to push. That is, unless you're at home on the sofa without good medical care.

    3. Actually, sometimes babies DO turn during labor. I actually had one of mine turn twice during labor. This is no reflection on the qualification of the person caring for her.

    4. You must not be blessed with a labour and delivery registered nurse for a friend or a post-partum registered nurse. A baby can sometimes go breech the day of labour. Also, the OBs who work with the local midwives can vouch that a baby can go breech quickly.

    5. The baby' head maybe engaged a week before for the firstborn but it doesn't mean the baby cannot turn to breach during that week or even slip out of engagement into breach position during early labour. A lesson learnt?

    6. Lots of emergency c sections in this family. Not much prenatal care. Despite the risks and near disasters no one seems to be learning from these mistakes. My question, sincerely, is, why?

    7. I have had several babies. I have had every single one in hospitals, I have no desire for a home birth. However I do think that it is great that ladies have the option to give birth at home if they so choose.
      I am writing to say that even "qualified medical attendants" as you call them get it wrong. I have had babies that they swore were too big for me to birth (guessing 2 pounds over baby's actual weight) and making me feel bad for choosing to birth naturally anyway. I delivered those babies just fine, no complications, not even tearing. I have also had them tell me that baby was breech, and baby flipped into position right before delivery. So I don't think it is fair for people to act like OB's and L&D nurses know it all and midwives are unqualified. This is simply NOT TRUE.

    8. I am a medical doctor and, no doctors and hospital nurses do not know everything about how babies turn. Obstetricians and L&D nurses are well aware of how unpredictable babies are! My preference is delivery by midwife in a hospital so that if mom or baby has unexpected trouble, help is right there rather than an ambulance call and ride away. However, even my own cousins have decided on home births.

    9. Thank you Rachel! Though I personally think 20 hours is stretching the limit of what's safe, unfortunately, even doctors and nurses make mistakes.

    10. 7:47, 20 isn’t actually uncommon for a first time birth.

    11. 2:36. A 10 pound baby doesn’t just flip. That’s a lot of baby in a tight space.

    12. MY 10.5lbs baby did flip. I had extra amniotic fluid. So is possible

  9. Who was the midwife? Why on earth did it take 20 hours of labor to figure out that the baby was breech??? Poor Joy, but at least she only labored for 20 hours before her emergency C-section, unlike Jill who tried for 70 hours.

    1. 70 hours is almost 3 whole days. That is way too long to labor at home. 20 hours is long also. Why didn’t the midwife know the baby was breech?

    2. How awful. This was totally preventable with decent prenatal care. When will these girls learn to stop putting their lives at risk? Jill with her two emergency c-section, Jessa's hemorrhage, now Joy's breech. No excuse for any of these things to become so dramatic in this day and age.

    3. Was the midwife there at hour one, or did she come at the 19th hour?

    4. Laboring for 20 jours for a first baby is not unusual. What is unusual is that the midwife didn't realise that the baby was breached and that a women who gives birth for the first will have a c-section if baby is breached.

    5. Are you saying that you think breech presentation is totally preventable?

    6. I actually labored in the hospital 22 hrs, only to find out my baby was breech. I had an emergency c-section because of it. The Dr and nurses thought baby was head down, but baby had been breech for quite awhile the way it's legs were stuck.
      This kind of stuff happens. The most important thing is healthy mom and healthy baby.

    7. I'm disappointed in all their actions. These are people who supposedly care about life from conception on. To take chances with home deliveries is irresponsible.

    8. Babies flip in labor frequently. She could have either been hoping he’d flip head down...or he was and flipped breech (double “e” everyone). Stop assigning intention. No one else was there, and we have no right to make these medical assumptions.

    9. WIth my first I tried for 43 hours not including the early labour contractions that most don’t count

  10. Cant watch ot either. Can you do a blog update?

  11. I can't see the promos either but from what I gather, the midwife or whoever was with her didn't realize the baby was breech? Please tell me Jill wasn't in charge of the delivery.

    1. No Jill was there’s as a sister and support person.

  12. You did a wonderful job! The Lord blessed you with a wonderful support system and prayer bathers! I had 3 C threats...but thankfully battled through...very long labors...but I have 7 wonderful children...all going strong in the Lord. You will both be fantastic parents and will raise this young man to fear his Lord...and hopefully one day he will ask Jesus to be his Savior! Enjoy every milestone...and your future births...You may not have to repeat the C...! You are a sweet new family! Lord bless!

    1. Nothing wrong with a c-section. Healthy baby, healthy mom is what’s important.

    2. Of course there is nothing wrong with having a c-section, but it still is major surgery. Giving birth itself is a risk, but the added element of a major surgery is nothing to be casual about.

    3. Can someone define “prayer bather” ?

    4. I have never heard the term "prayer bather" just another name for prayer warrior. They kept Joy and the baby covered in prayer.

    5. Many people bathing (covering) her in prayer

  13. I can't view any of the programming because my area only has a no-Names cable provider. Any suggestions?

  14. When I clicked on link in blog post for the 2-10 min previews it said sign in with your cable provider. I don't have any tv service just local, so guess I'm out of luck until someone posts what her experience with the birth entailed.

  15. same here can,t see it so gutted as a major fan

  16. Spoiler showed them taking her to the hospital but she smiled into the camera and thanked us for our prayers and support. Just wanted you to know she seemed fine. You're welcome ;-)

    1. Why don’t these girls just labor in the privacy of their own home without a camera crew? It must be impossible to relax and concentrate on labor while being filmed. No wonder their lab is don’t progress.

    2. There are other people who have their labor filmed . Some people want it for memories or just pictures.
      I have a few homevidoes of my labor and it didn't bother me to be filmed. I was in so much pain I didn't care.
      Her labor could have been long because it was her first and he was breech.
      My first labor was long and my other ones short.

  17. SPOILER ALERT: For the person asking for spoilers! The first clip is about preparing for the baby where Michelle and Austin's mom along with some of the Duggar girls help Joy prepare some meals to have when the baby comes and give her some baby advice. The second clip is the actual labor/delivery. It doesn't show a lot of the actual labor but said it was long (I think 20 hours before leaving for the hospital) but the midwife realized he was breach after that amount of time and so she went to the hospital and had an emergency c-section.

    1. No one has mentioned this yet but the baby was also “sunny side up”. I guess he was not only breech but also facing up. Maybe that made it more dangerous? I’ve never given birth so have no clue. Apparently big baby, breech, and facing up instead of down. Sounds scary to me.

  18. Can you give us information about the birth? I have tlc but since I'm Canada, I can't see it.

  19. Can you give us information about the birth? I have tlc but since I'm Canada, I can't see it.

  20. Who didn't realize the baby was breach until 20 hours into labor?

    1. Really. That must have been some acrobatic baby, if it fooled everyone until 20 hours in...

  21. If Joy was examined correctly they would have known the baby was breech when she went into labor. A breech labor is very dangerous for baby and mother, plus the baby was very large for first baby. That alone means, Get To Hospital!

    1. I agree. The person attending her should have known that as babies are in the birth position a couple of weeks before a woman goes into labor. Joy and Gideon are lucky that there weren't some major complications as a result of this.

  22. Hi Ellie and Lily! Is there any other way to watch the videos? bc my mom who is my guardian has the password to my cable account. So if you guys could get back to me that would be great. Have a blessed day! By the way I love the Duggars!

    1. Hi there,

      Right now, logging in with your cable account is the only way to watch those clips.

      Thanks for being a loyal reader. :)
      Lily and Ellie

    2. Thank you so much Lily and Ellie! My name is Anastasia by the way. I love the duggars! I hope we get to see Giddy's birth on tv. That would be neat.


    3. Anastasia, pleeeeeeeeease don’t call him “Giddy”! Gideon is a gorgeous name a Giddy is just so weird.

  23. I know they use the Bradley method as birth training, which is helpful and I myself took Bradley classes. However it promotes an overload of protein which I think may lead to huge babies. Perhaps it’s better to not concentrate so much on all that protein, babies might be smaller and easier to deliver.

    1. Being pregnant is hard enough on the kidneys. Why would you overload them with protein on top of that?

  24. How big was baby?

  25. If you have had more than one baby, you will know that every birth is different just as every child is different. You can do all the 'right' things and the all come pre-packaged with their own plan from God. Some of my grandbabies have changed positions through labor, so it is really quite common. It is an amazing miracle to bring forth a new life. Babies have been born for thousands of years, without expensive hospitals. Babies and new moms now are pumped full of drugs but I am not sure we are really better off for it.

    Congratulations Joy and Austin! Don't listen to the criticisms and opinions from those who don't matter. God's opinion is really all that matters in the end.

    Praying God fullfills all His purposes in your lives!!!

  26. I am glad that all turned out okay. True, occasionally a breech presentation is not discovered until the end. It happens even in a traditional setting. However with a baby that large it would have been more common to know ahead of time if the head was down.
    To me it looks as if the midwife was Jill?
    Is that correct? Or was she just there helping?

  27. She looked really pale and exhausted in her first pictures with the baby. She didn't look well at all. I don't why but the Duggar girls are having such huge babies, they shouldn't be trying to birth them at home. Not safe situations knowing they have large babies.

    1. Tons of people have big babies at home, the main problem for them is they don’t have real midwives, and don’t seem to get proper prenatal care.

    2. Maybe they had gestational diabetes which would contribute to larger babies.

    3. Most people are pale after birth. You do have blood loss. It is a huge marathon. What you must see are people who wear a lot of makeup after birth or celebrities who are photoshopped because in reality most moms are pale after

  28. Can someone answer ?? WHO WAS THE MID WIFE?

    1. Sounds like it was Jill.

    2. Why, do you think anyone's really gonna say a name? No, and what difference does it make?

  29. Will the birth of joys baby be on the show I sure hope so I love the diggers

  30. Very happy Joy and Gideon are doing well. I still don't get why she laboured 20h before they found out that the baby was breech. Yes, babies can still flip (even big ones) under labour BUT a midwife checks the position regularly and while it can be missed it's mostly due to a poor/rushed examination or being untrained. At one point baby is just not able to flip anymore because of the labour progress, and if Joy hasn't reached this point in 20h she should have already been on the way to a hospital. With all the failed homebirths (not counting Anna here) I wonder why they don't use hospitals at least for the first time? There is nothing wrong with going to a hospital as there is nothing wrong with a homebirth when you had good prenatal care and a highly qualified midwife. Right now, the Duggar's leave me doubting their ability to make educated and responsible choices in this regard.

  31. Is it just me or that it seems that Michelle had more common sense about prenatal care, labor and delivery than her own daughters?

    1. Yes! They are not making safe choices. I love homebirths and am a big advocate for them, but the way these girls are doing them is ridiculous, and very dangerous not only for themselves, but for their babies.

  32. Not judging here and I also believe that women should make choice with how the decide to birth their babies but I wonder if they don't have a family history of gestational diabetes. I'm pretty sure that Michele had it and the girls all seem to have large babies. I believe it is their choice to have a midwife following them but I hope that they do screening for diabetes which might be why they have large babies and so many complications while birthing. I don't know if they read this blog but I think it would important for them to know.

  33. I'm so glad Joy and Gideon are doing well. What a beautiful mom and baby!

  34. The way things turned out actually does reflect on the provider. The first vaginal exam, in skilled hands, would have alerted them to the position of the baby. A skilled practioner would have assessed position by checking placement of the fontanelles as soon as the cervix allowed. At one point, Michelle mentions that Joy is 6cm along. That is more than dilated enough for a proper assessment. I have worked on a high risk labor and delivery unit for 25 plus years and have never heard of a first time mom with a 10 pound baby have that baby flip in labor. I can pretty much guarantee that baby was breech and the midwife didn't know. Many hours of needless suffering. I love the idea of homebirth and all things natural, but the Duggars should seriously consider a registered nurse midwife instead of a lay midwife. It makes a difference.

    1. This is the most reasonable and well-educated comment I have read on this post. Two of my five births were attended by a certified nurse-midwife in the hospital and were by far my best in terms of quality of care.

  35. It is possible to have "good" births in hospital. I had two out before the data started demonstrating how midwife birth in hospital is safer than midwife birth out of hospital.

    I think it would be an amazing public-health and -safety ministry for the Duggars to advocate for Bradley birth in hospital, and I hope they'll consider using hospitals the way they were intended to be used.

    A prenatal ultrasound would have showed a breech baby. They could have tried an external cephalic version, which might have allowed her a natural childbirth. Prenatal care has a purpose.

  36. I am a huge advocate for home birth and have had all three of my children without stepping foot in a hospital. On purpose. Unfortunately, the way these Duggar births are going they are not being a good example of the safety and competency of home birth for the majority of women who choose one. I mean this with respect, but who was Joy’s midwife (and Jessa’s and Jill’s for that matter) and how did she go 20 hours without detecting a breech? Yes, a baby can flip, but more often than nought the baby is not in a good position before birth. My midwives have a relationship with the local hospital, and if something is off, they would send me to be evaluated by a physician. They also would never consider birthing a first time mom at home with a breech baby. If the baby wouldn’t flip before birth, I’d be hospital bound from the start of labor....
    But I’m all honesty, who tries to deliver these Duggar girls’ babies at home? Has it been the same midwife?

  37. I don’t recall anything about protein when I took Bradley classes. I wonder if the Duggar girls get enough info regarding gestational diabetes etc. when pregnant. Doesn’t seem that they have much diagnostic care like ultrasounds etc. So far they’ve been lucky nothing worse has happened, though Jill may have suffered a lot.

  38. It concerns me to see so many comments promoting hospital births as being foolproof. I think doctors and hospitals are great, but so are midwives. Please do some research and compare statistics - you may be surprised. Some of you have even commented that any professional would have known the birth weight ahead of time, and/or known a week ahead of time that the baby was breech. You simply can't make such blanket statements! I had a high level ultrasound and a team of doctors who confidently asserted that my baby would be 8 and 1/2 pounds - the actual birth weight was closer to 11 pounds. I'm not criticizing my doctors - it's impossible to be right about this every time, and that's the point I'm trying to make. My team of doctors let me labor for 3 days before finally deciding to do a c-section - this all took place in a hospital, too. A baby's position can change at any time before or during labor, so what the midwife knew a week ahead of time may or may not have been a factor. In the end, she got Joy to the hospital in time. The mother and baby are both fine. As far as any of us know, Joy and Austin aren't complaining - why do so many strangers want to look for something to criticize?

  39. You said that you know they use the Bradley method. How do you know that Joy specifically used it? From watching the show, we know that both Michelle and Anna used it. But I'm just not sure you have enough information to say that Joy had a huge baby because she ate too much protein.

  40. Joy's birthing choice didn't lead to a bad outcome. I hope that the Duggar luck continues to hold with Kendra and Jinger.

    1. Exactly. Joys birthing choice didn't lead to the outcome,(nothing wrong with home births as long as there are qualified medical professionals there to assist) it was joys midwife, who should have given her proper care, that lead to the long labor and emergency c section.

  41. Lucky that baby is alive. I think our "choices" end where another's life begins. I don't see how attempting to deliver a 10 pound breech baby at home is that much different than an abortion. I had ultrasounds from my ObG weekly to check on baby that last month some knew the position.

    1. Weekly ultrasounds? Obsess much? 'Glad you could afford those, but that many? They didn't know at the time that the baby was 10 lbs. OR breech, so your comment was not only rude, but baseless.

  42. Glad Joy and baby are doing well!

  43. Why can't everyone just congratulate Joy and Austin on their new baby instead of debating on if you agree or disagree with how he got here?

  44. I agree here that most likely the best of both worlds would be to begin labor in a HOSPITAL, but with the midwife of your choice in a home-setting labor room. In this scenario, IF something goes unexpectly, there is all the emergency personnel and equipment right there at your fingertips. THIS is to protect the baby and not what the MOTHER wants.
    Having said that, the reason the Duggar women don't do this is because the 'qualified personnel' they choose to take care of them are NOT ALLOWED in a hospital due to unrecognized and underqualified education and training. Speaks volumes to me.

  45. Congratulations, Austin and Joy on the birth of Gideon Martyn. I love his name!


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