
Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Joy's C-section Delivery

For those who have cable, yesterday's post explains how you can watch a preview of Gideon Martyn Forsyth's arrival. Below is a brief recap of the preview, although we encourage you to watch it yourself if you are able.

In the wee hours of the morning on February 23rd, Michelle, Jana, and Johannah drive over to the Forsyths' house to check on Joy, who has been in labor since the evening before. By the early afternoon, although Jill determines that Joy's vitals and the baby's heart rate are within normal ranges, labor is still not progressing.

Around 2pm, Jim Bob receives a text informing him that Joy is being transported to the hospital. All the siblings, including Joe and Kendra, are over at the Duggar house eagerly waiting for news. Jim Bob leaves for the hospital. Soon after Joy arrives, it is determined that the baby, who is breech, needs to be delivered via emergency C-section.

The camera catches a glimpse of Joy as she is on her way into the operating room, and she smiles and thanks viewers for their prayers. Gideon arrives at 3:39pm. After the surgery is complete, Joy and the baby are wheeled into their hospital room, where they are greeted by both sets of grandparents, as well as Austin's sister.

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Photo courtesy TLC


  1. Was Jill the only one resembling a midwife in attendance?

    1. As if Sept 2015, Jill Dillard is a CPM which is a Certified Professional Midwife. There was another Midwife in attendance as well.

    2. Jill “the midwife” determined vitals were good. Well as long as vitals are good what else is there with labor and delivery? Oh, yeah. Perhaps a 10+ pound breech baby??

    3. Resembling a midwife?? She is a midwife. There is no resembling one.

    4. CPM has next to no actual training or schooling. It is essentially only even a thing in the US. It is not a CNM which is a certified Nurse midwife. A CNM is what most people think of when someone says midwife. A CNM is HIGHLY TRAINED. Jill Duggar is a CPM NOT A CNM. CPM give CNMs a bad name.

    5. Believe it or not, CPM's have a ton of knowledge! Their training is focused primarily on women and their babies, which allows them to really hone in on their specialty. CPM's are highly trained as well!
      I myself am in the process of becoming a CPM, and I've been privileged to attend both hospital and home births- I've observed both kinds of midwives providing excellent care, and the mommas and babies were healthy!

    6. Jill is not a nurse midwife, therefore she is not medically trained to handle any type of emergency. There is more to medicine than taking a set of vitals. CPMs should not even be allowed to practice on their own. If becoming a midwife is Jills passion than she needs to go to Nursing school and get the proper education first. That being said I'm glad Joy and her baby are ok.

    7. The training requirements for CPMs vary greatly from state to state. I had a CNM deliver my baby in a hospital. My CNM had a CPM deliver her babies at home. Some CPMs are highly trained, others aren’t.

    8. If Jill is still a midwife, where is her current license listed? All licensed midwives (of any sort) in Arkansas are on the Health Dept. website. Jill is not there.

    9. I would hope not!

  2. Joy is thanking people for their prayers yet this is just being aired now. No one knew to pray for her when the actual crisis occured. So I don't understand this statement. It makes no sense.

    1. Some fans had been praying for her to have a safe delivery. God hears and knows when events happen, even when we don't.

    2. Seems we went from "Now we have to fill the birth pool" to "We had a 10 pound baby," without any further explanation, til now.

    3. I think the thank you was for family and friends probably on group text....

    4. Labor is traumatic. Lots of people were praying for her labor anyways.

    5. I'm sure many people prayed for Joy to have a safe delivery, without knowing the specifics of when she would go into labor and how the baby would be born.

    6. People had already been praying for Joy that she would have a healthy delivery and healthy baby. Maybe Joy was thanking for all the prayers that were made in general for her safety before everything happened.

    7. This statement is just relaying what Joy said - thank people - odd thing to say as it's not live I know but under stressful conditions we can all say odd things.

    8. Some Duggar followers are praying for them on a consistent basis. That means that some people probably were actually praying for her in that moment, not knowing that she was actually delivering. Not to mention those who had been praying for her throughout her pregnancy.

    9. Everyone has been sending prayers throughout her pregnancy. Also if you watched the Go special, pretty sure that was after 20 hours of labor and a c-section.

    10. People were praying for her during the entire pregnancy.

    11. People have been praying throughout her whole pregnancy

    12. I think it's because there was a lot of people including myself, who posted in comments that they were praying for a smooth delivery for her.When pregnancy updates were posted. Maybe she was just saying thanks to all who were praying. I thought it was sweet considering her hard delivery. However it could have went way worse, so I still believed God answered prayers. Breech babies are no joke if not propertly attended too.

    13. She was thanking family, friends and church members for their prayers.

    14. Because we don't wait for things to get bad before we start to pray for people. We should always be in prayer.

    15. Maybe she was referring to all those who have been praying for her and her baby for the past months - for health and a safe delivery.

    16. There were those of us who were already praying that she would have a safe delivery throughout her pregnancy. There were also those praying when her labor started.

    17. Yes I agree although we knew the due date so I began praying for both Joy, the baby and Austin.
      I wonder if they knew the sex prior to the birth. Praying Jinger has a girl, the family needs one.

    18. Maybe for those who were praying for a Safe delivery regardless of how she delivered?

    19. Joy got a lot of prayers, even on this site, about the pregnancy weeks, even months before she went into labor. Just general "I hope you have a healthy baby" type prayers. I'm sure she got prayers from people who actually know her, too. I assume she was referring to those.

    20. I believe the thank you for prayers stems from two parts. The first being that all pregnancy viewers followed her very closely and especially since Valentine's day when she announced her due date. I am sure she received a lot of well wishes and prayers from fans. Also it always seems the paparazzi has a leg up on the Duggars and follow them like they do celebrities so I am sure in part she figured that it had gotten out she was in labor and transported to hospital; especially since one of the biggest things now is home birth vs hospital and what will happen.I am just glad all turned out well.

  3. Was Jill the midwife on this delivery? Poor Joy - laboring for 20 unproductive hours only to end up with an emergency c section. Any OB or qualified midwife would have been able to tell long before that her baby was breech. And yes, I know they can sometimes move in labor, but the size of this baby makes it unlikely.

    1. Those 20 hours weren't unproductive. Every contraction helps Baby's lungs start functioning :-)

    2. Yes, this! A 10 pound baby doesn’t just turn, especially not on a first time mom. That is so rare (though mine did at 39-41 weeks, but they were 6 and 7 pounds respectively). I really hope she’ll go with an actual midwife next time.

    3. Thank you Anonymous 2:40.....even a first baby of this size would likely be referred for a hospital birth even if not breach. I am so happy that Joy and the baby did well and all is good.....however if Jill was the midwife one would think with her personal experience she would have been more careful, how would she feel if there had been a tragic ending?

    4. While it's true that babies can turn breech before delivery, (even minutes before!-mine did!)a 10lb baby is not likely to turn breech that rapidly. It would have been known if baby was breech before labor started if she had proper prenatal care with a liscenced medical professional.

    5. I was 38 weeks pregnant with boy/girl twins when I delivered them. One twin was flipping from breech to head down all the way up to the very end. My Singleton did the same thing. Just because a baby is big or doesn’t have much room at the end doesn’t mean they can’t flip at the last minute.

    6. No, not always.

    7. My thoughts exactly. That's why birthing in hospitals is great, because a doctor would have ordered an ultrasound long before 20 hours and gotten baby out sooner. Poor baby... :(

    8. Also, did she not have proper prenatal care? Ob would have known this as my friend new hers was breech her pregnancy and Dr ordered a c section at 39 weeks...

    9. Sorry, i labored 23 hours and had baby turn twice manually. He was 9# 11 oz. All in a hospital with an OB in attendance!

    10. My Dr did not know that my baby was breech until the c section was performed. The baby could have moved!

    11. I totally agree with anon 2.40. To determine a baby is breech is what we call a belt & braces task, in other words it is very easy to determine, any qualified medical professional would know this, these people need to stop calling Jill a 'midwife' she is in no way worthy of that professional title & perhaps when she attends university & studies for years for a degree & masters qualification, then & only then will she have earned the academic title this profession deserves. Poor joy all that labouring for a 10lb plus baby that was breech, thank god all was well in the end, that young couple did not need to go through this horrific event if she had seen by a properly qualified medical professional they would of diagnosed this instantly & booked her for an elective c section.

    12. I laboured for 30 hours before having a c section.

    13. And who are you to say that Jill is not a "qualified" midwife? I'm sure she would never do anything to put her sister and nephew in jeopardy.

    14. I agree my son was breech a d almost 10 lbs. I knew he was a c section. No way we were going to try natural

    15. Anon at 7.39, you ask 'who am I to say Jill is not a qualified midwife' I am a qualified midwife, having spent 3 years gaining a bachelor of science degree in nursing science then a further 2 years doing a masters in midwifery & currently about to graduate from 5 years studying for my doctorate in midwifery, so I think I am well qualified to give a professional opinion. You talk about Jill not putting her sister & nephew in danger but that's exactly what she did do & what she has done in the past with herself & sons. It angers me greatly that your country has these so called midwives who have no professional academic qualifications, in the uk anyone other than a medical professional delivering a baby would be subject to prosecution as it simply is not allowed. My only concern is that this lovely young girl is well & suffered no lasting effects of this delivery & her precious son is fit & healthy too. I'm sure Jill is a lovely person but she is NOT a midwife.

  4. Couldn't Jill tell that the baby was breech? I thought that was part of the midwife's role.

    1. It’s part of a qualified midwife’s role

    2. I second the question and I'm also wondering how they didn't know this beforehand? There are breech water births / home births - my midwife specialized in them - so why the c-section? I wonder if Baby was in trouble / heart rate dropped. Praying for the family and for Joy's happy healing.

    3. It isn’t always easy to tell and the baby could have turned at any time.

    4. Mine didn’t realize that the baby flipped until I began pushing which she immediately ordered me to stop and transferred me to the hospital. The doctor refused to try and turned the baby and demanded a c-section.


      403.01 Initial Labor Assessment
      The Licensed Lay Midwife must assess and record:

      3. Fetal position, station, size presenting part and heart rate. Establish a fetal heart rate baseline by checking rate and rhythm every 15 minutes for the first hour of observation.

      As for any of Joy's future babies and using Jill as a lay midwife:

      406.1 Initial risk Assessment
      The following conditions preclude midwife care and care must be transferred:

      1. Previous cesarean delivery

    6. I'm pretty sure that Jill would have known the baby was breech. A breech birth is not an automatic c-section.

    7. After all I saw and read about Jill's midwife training and the birth's she has attended in her family in the last years I wouldn't let her come close to my pregnant self (same for the other midwife that was mentioned for Jessa). A first time mom with a big baby needs someone who has a ton of experience and is constantly continuing education along the way not matter if she labours at home or at a hospital. At this point they appear just reckless.

    8. She is bound by her lay midwife regulations to record the position of the baby when labor begins. If she did this, she may have been wrong.

  5. If Joy had been at the hospital all along, they wouldn't have gone all those hours before determining that an "emergency" C-section was needed...

    1. Not necessarily. I know someone who labored at the hospital for several hours before it was determined the baby was breech and a caesarean was needed.

    2. I delivered in a hospital and labor for 22 hours before they did a c-section with my first.

    3. Any unplanned C-section is usually an emergency.

    4. And it wouldn't have been an emergency.

    5. I just want to say that as a high risk mom, I have labored at the hospital for 28 hrs before determining that an emergency c section was needed. I have a lot of respect for ALL midwives including home birth midwives and also high respect for the dr.s and nurses on staff and on call as there are many unknowns and every mom/ parent has a plan and the patient is always right. The level of stress and health of both is always factored in during decisions.

    6. Not necessarily true. I was in a hospital 60 hours before it was determined my baby needed to be delivered by emergency c-section. All pregnancy's, labor and delivery are different.

    7. Might not have been true - my sister labored for over 2.5 days in a hospital before needing an emergency C - and having a baby over 10lbs! But I do think yes, they might have had a better idea of how big the baby was or if it was breech earlier on.

    8. yes they would as long as the baby is not stressed in hopes the baby turns on its own.

    9. Actually not true... I was at hospital for my whole unmedicated labor and labored for 24+ hours in hospital and then labor stopped progressing and come to find out baby was breech even though they did a check and said she wasn’t- ended up with a emergency csection and a 9 pound baby who had to be breech the entire time because there is hardly any space to turn at such a late stage. Doesn’t matter where you are - hospital or home - I personally had “all of those hours before determining that an emergency csection was needed”

      Congratulations Joy and Austin! I pray for your fast recovery! Take it slow!

    10. If she had been in the hospital, it wouldn't have reached emergency status with a 20 minute transfer to the hospital first. And someone there would have figured out which end was up. They have the equipment to do that, not true of a lay midwife at home.


    12. I was in the hospital to have my son and was in labor 15+ hours then had a C-section. I was in labor before I left to go to the hospital.

    13. My daughter labored at a hospital for over 30 hours before they finally did a c-section. My grandson was over 10 lbs too. So that comment is just false.

    14. Not true I labored for 46 hours in hospital and delivered a breech baby naturally. She was 10lbs 4 ounces. She flipped at the end.

  6. How nice that in the midst of all that Joy prioritized addressing viewers of her parents' show. This family really has their values straight.

  7. If I were the DUGGAR girls I wouldn't want Jill anywhere near,if I was in labor...
    Sorry , but really.....🙄😟

    1. I'd be blessed to have Jill with me when delivering. Were you there and know everything? Who made you "God" no one! Just another goon with no life but to hate. Countless people have stated they labored for as long as Joy or even longer in a hospital with a Doctor present!

    2. 4:00- The difference between those laboring in a hospital and Joy laboring at home is distance. When you're in the hospital, qualified medical help/equipment is right there. Not so with Joy, as it was stated that the hospital was 30 min. away. By the way, why do you need to stoop to calling people goons, as you have in a previous post? That speaks volumes. The vast majority of these comments and opinions are expressed out of concern for the mother and baby.

  8. So all those people who said he looked like a C-section baby were correct indeed.

  9. Glad he's home safe! Congratulations Austin & Joy. We love eat2ching your show!

  10. These poor sisters seem to think that a hospital birth is something "awful"....instead they try to have a home delivery, have big babies and eventually need a C-section. i hope that Jinger is more of a normal person and will go directly to a hospital and have the proper care.

    1. I wonder if they have little medical insurance or refuse to pay for going to the hospital? But four times, they've been stuck with a huge emergency c-section bill anyway.

  11. many congratulatons all that matters in life is Gods blessings to Mother and child xxxx

    1. Thank you! Smart comment and I agree. :)

  12. Seriously?? Not one positive comment?? Why are you even on this site if only to just criticize? Y'all need to take those diplomas down off your walls! Blessings to you Joy, Austin, and Gideon!

    1. I think everyone is happy and grateful that Joy and baby are safe, healthy and doing well. The criticism stems from what appear to be poorly thought out decisions that carry life and death in the balance. There are different levels of midwifery education, Jill has a lower end certification intended for monitoring moms with no complications. Joy’s baby was simply too large, that alone was a complication.
      Many of us have watched these young women grow up we want the best for them and their families. Have a home birth if you choose, use licensed nurse midwife-not a lay midwife, make sure that midwife is monitored by an OB-GYN and that mom and baby are screened for ALL potential complications including; size and position of baby. If even one questionable or potential complication comes up....have your baby at the hospital. Most facilities today have home like labor and delivery suites where you can choose how much medical intervention you want....if something is discovered there is no emergency transport you are already where you need to be.

    2. You asked why individuals are replying in a negative manner? A lot of young women that are followers of the Duggar Family esteem them to be all-knowing. Young pregnant women need to know and understand the risks of home births, using mid-wives that are not properly trained. I believe that individuals come to their conclusions based on either personal experiences or from knowing someone that had major problems with home births.

      I believe, as a "Mother" that we begin caring for our "baby" in the womb.

      Sometimes, our wants and desires [like insisting on a home birth] may not be the safest environment for the birth of that child.

      Being a good mother means placing your child's life as more important than your desire to birth a baby at home.

      The hearts of the individuals posting is because of their concern for the innocent babies placed at risk with home births.

      Yes, there are many successful home births. How does one know their birth process will be successful?

      Young women reading this blog need to be given both points of view in order to be informed to make a wise decision on behalf of their child that is going through the birthing process.

      Do not criticize posters for sharing information that is opposing to the Duggar's choices. These young, pregnant mother's deserve to hear the negative and positives in order to process their decision on birthing their baby in a safe and knowledgeable environment.

      I do not believe their heart's are to be negative or offend but to educate young, pregnant mothers reading this blog.

      Some individuals never seek out information because they make decisions based on "Family Values" they live under for 18 to 20 years. May work for others but not for all.

      My purpose for this posting is to ask all poster's on this blog to remember that young, pregnant women are following this blog. They deserve to be informed of the positives and negatives of "Home Births" and "Hospial Births". Bad things happen in hospitals as well. Do your homework, check statistics on safety and risks by any and all providers, including your local area hospital.

      This is one of the first and important decisions you will make on behalf of that beautiful child God has entrusted to you!

    3. @ 5:48 AM - Thank you for your balanced approach to this topic. There are many young woman who are of similar beliefs to the Duggars who look up to this family as a role model. It is good for them to be challenged to expand their existing views on things.

    4. @5:48 excellent post! Posting different opinions is important and useful. It hopefully will make people think and question. Too many people,like with other celebrities, look to the Duggars as role models. But they are just people. Their decisions are not always wise.

      This has been said countless times on this blog. Home births have been found to be as safe as hospital births as long as the pregnancy is low risk, as judged by a doctor, and the woman is being cared for by a qualfied midwife. A qualified midwife is a CNM,who has privileges at a local hospital.

      As you wrote, the safety of the child is paramount.

      I wonder this use of lay midwives is a cost cutting measure. In the US,unlike here, child birth can be expensive for Families. When I had my children, over 30 years ago, it was covered by our universal health plan. We paid nothing, on top of our very reasonable monthly rates. There is co-pay,no charges for medications, no charges for extra care for the babies...nothing. I even had a nurse visit me at home to see if I needed any help or advice.

      The system is efficient but more important,doctors and hospitals are free to do what is best for every patient,iregardless of financial background.

      If your health care decisions are based on how much you can pay, I can understand taking a chance with a lay midwife.

  13. I’m the kind of person that would never do a homebirth because I think of the what ifs but geez people really like to hate on this loving family! With my 1st Inwas in labor over 30 hrs IN THE HOSPITAL until my doc decided my boy was just not coming the natural way. So, it’s not Jill’s fault. I had an experienced Ob make me wait longer because babies vitals were still ok.

    1. I'll bet your experienced OB knew which end was up.

  14. The duggers need to see actual obgyn doctors. they have so many issues. They put them selfs and thier babies in so much unnecessary pain and trama that could all been known and prevented. They are gonna end up hurting a baby by this

  15. If Jill was the midwife, is she held accountable by any sort of state board? With her low level of qualification, who oversees her or who does she report to? I know she can't practice in any Arkansas hospital, for starters. But who keeps tabs on midwives like Jill?

  16. So there was no professional assistance when she was in labor at home? Goodness, she and the baby are lucky to be alive and well! So many things could go wrong in these situations, why didn't they get professionals on board?
    I'm really scared by how not seriously they take it.

    1. People been having babies at home since Adam and Eve!!! Get over it!!!!

    2. Mothers and babies have been dying during home births since Adam and Eve, too. Do you really wish that women these days take those same chances and not get all the available help that's possible?

    3. Right but there is technology that can save a mom and baby that wasn't around during Adam and Eves time. They just died

    4. You can have only so much equipment outside a hospital. I don't think home births are dangerous per se, but the way the Jessa, Jill and Joy did it was. Home births are safe because of modern standards of hygiene, medication, better education for medical staff (including midwifes) and regular check ups to determine the babys general progress, size and position. From what we see and read the three girls haven't had enough check ups to be very good prepared for a home birth, chose not very qualified attendes and had babies that are larger than the norm. I am happy that till today nothing really bad happened. Maternal death was cause number one for women till the 20th century and the numbers for the USA are horrible compared to the rest of the industrialised Western nations. Nothing is ever going to be 100% safe but you can minimize the risks and what the Duggars show us is reckless and obviously not working out.

  17. Just because a baby is breech doesn't mean that it can't be delivered normally.

  18. Having 2 great grand babies born in hospitals, one 3 yrs ago and one this month, I can truthfully say I was not happy with the way the hospitals handle the births. It's not like it was back in the 1970's when I had my babies. I can see why many are preferring to have their babies at home.

    1. Same here! Being treated less than human in hospitals with no regard to the value of life. Even though we have better technology a lot of people are choosing to give birth at home.

    2. It's a hospital, not a four-star hotel or a private ritzy spa. The doctors and nurses could have multiple women in labor at one time. Of course they're not going to sit there and hold your hand when someone else needs them more. And I think your claim that hospitals don't have regard for the value of life is way off base. Doctors take oaths. Hospitals would be out of be business if they were negligent. Everyone on staff is a person with the same kind of feelings and emotions that you have about human life. Maybe more so, since they see the struggles daily. They are not there to take your life away from you. What an unkind comment you made!

  19. I'm glad that Joy and Gideon are doing okay. What a scary thing!

  20. Thank you for sharing! Some of us do not have regular TV and purchase the episodes on Amazon. We can't see these mini videos that TLC shows. We really appreciate you sharing the details with us!!!
    I am so happy for Joy and Austin. :) Little Gideon is such a cutie.

  21. Thankfully the hospital determined baby was breech, obviously couldn't turn as too big and acted immediately in case Gideon suddenly went into distress.
    Sadly I'm left questioning the competence of midwife/wives assisting at Joy's home though - baby & Joys vitals maybe within normal but a big baby (a good midwife can discern), Joys small i.e. small pelvis & baby not position mean foetal distress could occur anytime or worse.

  22. I have cable tv, but when i go on the site to watch the videos and all it doesnt have my cable provider so i cant watch it

  23. Enough of the rudeness and fault finding. Women have been giving birth at home for centuries and there is nothing wrong with that. None of you have achieved total perfection so stop the criticism. congrats on the precious new baby!

    1. I agree! Congrats to the family

    2. You seem to have conveniently forgotten that a very large percent of women died giving birth at home through the centuries. Speaking the truth is neither being rude nor fault-finding. The Duggar ladies have a platform by contracting to do the shows and speaking engagements, and publishing books-they were and are excited to share how they live with the public. With the platform comes personal responsibility. Three out of five Duggar daughter grand baby births have necessitated emergency C-sections (60%)...not a good "success" rate, particularly with a family member midwife in tow. Many of us are concerned for the impressionable young ladies and women that look up to the Duggars as role models.

    3. I think the majority of the commenters here are genuinely concerned for the safety/health of the mothers and babies in this family. Many moms like to tell their labour and delivery stories, too.

  24. What a negative person you are.
    Congratulations joy and Austin. So glad you and your little guy are well Joy. Nothing more unpredictable than birth
    Sending love from the uk xx

  25. Women can deliver breech. Hospitals are too quick to yell c section so they probably wanted to see if things progressed before they put her through unnecessary surgery (not saying hers was unnecessary, just glad she decided to wait) Glad mom and baby are doing well!

    1. Yes you can. Some have the skill to deliver breech and some do not.
      Most want you to have a natural birth first to show you have a proven pelvis .
      And they want the baby to be smaller.
      And I think they also would like the chin to be tucked.
      I am not 100% sure , it's been years since I researched .
      But I looked it up after I had a surprise breech and ended up with c-section.
      I was told I needed one because the cord can prolapse.
      My water was not broken and I was fully dialated.
      I am not sure what would have happened if I tried to push. But at the moment I didn't know you could try for a natural breech birth.

    2. Women who already gave birth vaginally can birth a breech baby but it's a very specific procedure and the health care provider needs to know how to assist

  26. Congratulations Joy & Austin! Gideon is beautiful blessing! God bless all your family...

  27. I feel your pain joy (52 hour labor then emergency c section for me) but so glad you and gideon are safe! Best of motherhood to you!

  28. I have to say I think the duggar girls should try a birthing center.In my city they have several with a doctor on staff.Because I feel like as much as they are trying to save money to avoid hospital time they all have ended up in ambulance to the hospital.I get some people don't like or want a hospital.But I think every mother should have several birth plans ready in case something changes.Just a thought.I had both my kids in a hospital and my son was a schedule c_section because of health reasons.My mother had all of her kids without pain medicine and my sister was born with a mid wife.So I understand their thinking.I known home births can be safe.

  29. I labored for 23 hours... Pushing 2 of those... And still ended up with an emergency C-section. I was at the hospital bring closely monitored. Get the sticks out of your butts. Anything can happen.

    1. Yes. Anything can happen . Unexpectedly. So why not give birth where any help you might need would be right there for you immediately ?

    2. Most sensible comment I’ve read from this post! Thanks, 4:03! I had 3 hospital births. My first was breech, and I opted to have a repeat section out of fear of uterine rupture with my second. I knew that if anything happened to my baby as a result of making it about “my” wishes and experience, that I could never forgive myself. I remember thinking with my first, finding out she was breech three weeks before my due date, that as a mother, it was no longer about me, but the health and safety of my child. No regrets. What a blessing it is to live in a time and country that possesses advanced medical practices!

  30. it’s still possible to give birth in a breech position...I was was born breech...feet a hospital. My moms dr. didn’t feel the need to do a c-section.

    1. You are incredibly blessed to both be here and not to have suffered brain damage. You can't see inside the uterus and the cord may be wrapped around the baby's neck and the baby strangled in the process. Or the baby becomes wedged and suffers brain damage from the lack of oxygen, while the Dr. is trying to extricate it.

  31. I had a obgyn deliver my baby and he kept me in labor for over 90 hours!!!! Finally after exhaustion and no sleep, I asked for a c-section, and he finally dropped a son was transverse ( sideways) and that I would never have him naturally! This dr had no concern for me, no sympathy that I was tired..and loaded me up with so much pitocin (inducing drug) that the anesthesiologist who took me back to do the c-section along with my labor nurse...told me that any more of that drug and he would have killed me. Had the other medical staff not stepped in and refused to give me any more drug, I wouldn't be here. This dr was well known yet I was told by the anesthesiologist that I and my baby were in serious danger. Later, he left medicine..likely because he got in trouble after being reported. He even did a butcher job on my son during his procedure he did. Now today, I got a heart valve issue and a heartbeat arrhythmia and other medical conditions including a bad back. So for those of you saying 20 hours of abor is long or that somehow Jill is wrong..uh no. I had a doctor and it nearly killed me, my son if they would have tried to force him out would have killed him or at best landed him permanently with cerebral palsy and damaged from his birth. I thank God everyday God spoke to me warning me and me finally demanding a c-section ( also my incision is hideous crooked though repaired by another surgeon as best as he could do) but I and my son is alive. Being in a hospital does not guarantee a safe delivery!

    1. Wow, I’m so happy you and your son are okay. I had a labor nurse do something unthinkable to my first born during delivery. We couldn’t prove it so we didn’t sue. She is still in practice and now I wish I had spoken up. It’s the bully thing. She was real strong personality and intimidating.

  32. Stop with all the harsh comments. It’s not nice or necessary! Congrats to the parents and baby! Everyone is healthy and happy!!!

  33. Only question I have is, how safe are these home birthday if the person in charge of care does not recognize when a baby is breech within the first dialation check!!!???

  34. So happy for Joy & Austin! Thankful that Joy and baby are doing well. ♥️

  35. While I think that Jill sincerely believed she was capable of taking care of Joy during her pregnancy, labor and delivery the events that took place showed that she had overestimated her knowledge and abilities. Thankfully both Joy and Gideon suffered no major consequences from this activity. I hope that a valuable lesson was learned here.

    1. I honestly believe there was someone else at the birth acting as a mid wife. In a frame that I saw that was a screen shot you see hands holding the doppler and long blond hair as the person leans overJoy, this was not Jills hair. It is well known that the Duggar ladies use the services of a lay midwife, but she is never shown on the show. This lady like Jill has little training. I really do fear for these young women and their babies because their luck is going to run out one of these days, and the consequences will be tragic.

  36. I was in labor 23 hrs and was in hospital when my dr. decided I needed a c- section!

  37. Congratulations Joy and Austin. Happy Gideon arrived safely.

  38. Didn't Jill herself need two emergency c-sections? I'm glad that Joy and her adorable baby are doing well, but all that needless suffering.

  39. This is really dismaying. This family keeps making some really bad decisions about childbirth. Things have turned out okay so far, but they have been extraordinarily lucky and if they'd been born in another time, Jill, Jessa and now Joy would have all died in childbirth. They need to start making smarter decisions about prenatal care, because I have no doubt a competent OB would have caught that Joy's baby was breech. I really hope Jinger gives birth in a hospital with an OB present.

  40. Do These girl choose homebirths because they like the idea or is it forced upon them by financial constraints and/or tlc for ratings?

    1. I chose a homebirth for my three because I felt it was easier. If something about the labor did not progress properly, I would go to the hospital. I view the hospital as my back up, not my first stop. Fortunately for me, I experienced a lot of physical cooperation and my births were quick and uncomplicated.

  41. No matter what, thank God for a healthy baby! May God grant you a speedy recovery. Congratulations!

  42. I am all for home birth, but if Jill was her midwife why didn't she check before hand if the baby was breech? That is a role the midwife should do. Poor joy labering for 20 hours, and Jill knew to check the baby to make sure he was head down. I know babies can move during labor but Jill should have been checking the baby at least every hour.

  43. My water was broken and I was in labor for over 24 hours before they decided I needed an emergency c-section. It's not really that strange to try and let things progress for a while before going for the c-section.

  44. These poor girls want so badly to have an easy home birth. A breech could've been a blessing in disguise had she tried to have a 10 lb baby at home her 1st time!!

  45. They need to stop with trying to do these at home births. It's putting the mothers and children at risk. I hope Jinger will be smarter than the others and be able to enjoy her birthing procesd.

  46. Beautiful baby! I'm thankful you are all doing well, Joy. I am so very happy for your precious addition to your family!

  47. Hah, I was in the hospital with a woman who had been allowed to labor more than 72 hours before they determined to do a C-section. As long as mom and baby are fine, they'll let it go forever, until something changes. Happy for parents and baby, and let's skip the criticism of everyone, since none of us was there, mmmkay?

  48. I was in the hospital and labored 20 hours as Joy did and ended up with a c-section after the baby could not completely turn, she was breach. She weighed 9lb2oz. So unless the baby is stressed the doctors will let nature takes its course until it is clear the baby will not go into the birth canal.

    1. I labored for almost 24 hours, 20 of that in a hospital setting, then had a emergency C-section. I was told laboring was good? I was under the care of OBGYN's too.

  49. How do these people just roll up to the hospital? Do they have an OB? Have they had prenatal care? It just seems really odd to just show up at labor and delivery that late in labor without a doctor.

    1. Hospitals are required to take in people who just "roll up" to the ER even if they don't have a doctor or are in labor.

  50. Congratulations and well done Joy! Please people, leave nice comments. Are the details important now? At least Mum and Baby are well.

  51. Having my babies at home never entered my mind, (thirty-some years ago). In a hospital they have a medical team ready for you. Medical equipment and instruments nearby if something would go wrong. That's my opinion and I'm sticking to it...Jane

  52. congratulations on the birth of your son

  53. Hey peeps! Been an OB RN for almost 27 years and I've seen women labor for "hours" with "qualified" docs, nurses and midwives who missed the babe was breech. If the babe is high it is hard to tell. Long labors, in a natural labor, can be long and guess what? Large for gestational age (LGA) babes are born vaginally all the time. Period. Please research before bashing other's choices with ignorance. Actually, go for it! You're all quite amusing!

    1. Yes and thank you. I have been a childbirth educator for 12 years. Stuff happens. And yes I have had clients who have heard "oh I feel the baby's hair!" only to have a surprise breech at crowning. In the same class group I had one mom being told she should induce because her baby was too small, and another being told to induce because her baby was too big. Both babies were born without induction and both were in the 6lb range. People think birth is an exact science, but it isn't.

    2. I respect your opinion, though if it were my baby I'd feel more comfortable in a hospital with help at the ready.

    3. Anonymous @9:50pm
      Thank you. I have been waiting for someone in your profession to say things may or may not have been any different if she had been in the hospital the entire time. Knowing unexpected things are always possible I would never choose a home birth . I'm curious ,would you?

    4. Thank you!I hate all the negative comments.

    5. I just think people are concerned.

  54. Congratulations to the family. Please be nice and polite to everyone, no need to judge!

  55. Isn’t the name Gideon a birds name!

    1. It's a Bible name. Gideon led the Israelite army that defeated Jericho

    2. Gideon was a judge over Israel in biblical times. You can find the account in the book of Judges (old testament).

  56. Congratulations Joy and Austin on you new baby boy! Praying for a,quick recovery! Enjoy your little bundle of Joy! :)

  57. Actually, anonymous 2:42, it wouldn’t have made much of a difference. I had already been admitted to the hospital for a few days (water broke too early) when the doctor determined I needed an emergency c section.

  58. I didn’t realize this was a “let’s bash Jill” comment section. The Armchair Know-it-all’s are alive and well!

    1. I don't think people are questioning jills intent to assist with joys delivery. They are questioning her skill level and qualifications. Look up jills qualifications and you will see that She's a CPM which is a lay midwife. CPMs can NOT work in health care settings. Jill is NOT a CNM, which requires higher education from an accredited school. CNMs have to be liscenced and are able to work within a hospital setting.

    2. Michelle I believe that the responders are concerned for the health of the babies and mamas. Lay midwives have there place, however the Duggar sisters have experienced a high rate of complications and I think folks are suggesting a professional with more extensive training evaluate the pregnancies. When it comes to skill level CPM’s have less education that CNM’s or OBGYN’s. No one is bashing Jill, just subjecting she may not be the best choice with their rate of complications. Would hate the realization to come from a tragedy.

    3. People are rightfully questioning not only Jill’s skill level, but decision making skills. She required emergency intervention with her 2 sons; one requiring NICU intervention for 2 weeks! Every time Jill is involved with her sisters “at home” deliveries they end up as emergencies. That is very questionable!

  59. I am thankful for all the armchair midwives and birth coaches that were NOT there to see what was actually going on yet are giving THEIR expert opinions on Joy’s decisions.

    I, for one, have had Joy and her baby in my prayers daily as I knew the birth was approaching and though I did not know what was happening, the ONE I prayed to did and HIS will was done in any case, not mine.

    God, please bless this new family and thank you for allowing us to have examples of Your Grace and Love to watch and share and be inspired by. Amen

    1. So, even if joys delivery had a tragic ending that could have been prevented if she had proper medical care, you'd say it was Gods will? I understand that anything can go wrong during a hospital birth AND a home birth. But whether it's a home delivery or not ( nothing wrong with home births! My 2nd baby was an unplanned home birth- no time to get to hospital) wouldn't you think having qualified professionals who would know if a problem was arising would serve as being able to take preventative measures before a delivery became an emergency?

    2. Yes, God can and regularly does step in to help His children when we are in trouble/need help because He loves us, but He expects us to use wisdom and not get ourselves into situations. "A prudent man sees the danger and avoids it."

  60. Why is it so important to have a long labor and a home birth. Jill should have known something was wrong,at least both baby and mom is doing well!!

    1. My sister labored for twenty-four hours with all three of her deliveries. She had them natural. She was in a hospital all three times, and they did nothing to speed up her labor. Sometimes labor just goes really slowly. It doesn’t mean something is wrong. I was induced with my first child and even with the medicine they gave me, I was in labor for 17 hours.

    2. I had a 30 hour long labour for my first. I went about 20 hours before going to the hospital (which was my plan all along). The doctors and nurses thought nothing of it. It was all normal for a first time mom to be in labour that long. My second was 7 hours, and my third was another 20 hour labour. My fourth was the wildcard 3 hour labour that had me delivering in an ambulance on the way to the hospital because everything happened so fast and we are an hour away from the nearest delivery hospital. Things happen in childbirth. All 4 pregnancies were OB monitored and planned/supposed to be hospital births. All 4 were 100% different from each other. Long labours do not mean something is wrong, but just like every kid is different, so will all their births be different.

  61. These home births are going to result in something bad. If there isn't money to have the baby in a hospital and get real prenatal care, perhaps, having a baby should wait.

  62. I labored on full drip pitocin for over 26 hours with a regular GYN never progressing past 1 cm before they decided the baby was big and wasn’t coming out. Then I had a c-section. There are a lot of reasons they let people labor.

  63. Did Joy not have any ultrasounds during her pregnancy. An ultrasound a month before her due date would have picked up that the baby was breech and arrangements could have been made either to have the baby via C section a week before her due date would have saved a lot of unnecessary stress on both Joy and baby. I really question Jill's capabilities as a mid-wife she has not real experience other than what she learnt during her "training" and family pregnancies which all seem to have major problems. So glad Joy and Baby are doing well.

    1. Even if the baby flipped last minute, they could have done an ultrasound at the hospital, if there was any question about position or why labor wasn't progressing. Jill couldn't do that at home. All she could do was monitor the heartbeat.

  64. It doesn’t sound like these women are being monitored closely enough because if they had been Joy would have known her son was breech as much as 4-6 weeks prior to her due date especially with a huge baby like Gideon. Another thing I’ve been wondering is whether or not all of the Duggar daughters were being monitored for gestational diabetes. This is one of the most common reasons for all these large babies being born to the women after genetics.

    1. There is supposed to be all that screening even if you're using a lay midwife. But who knows, when that midwife is your sister.

  65. Congratulations on the new addition!!

  66. Good grief! Poor Joy, no wonder she looked so poorly and washed out in the first pictures after the birth.

  67. Fans from other continents are not able to see! Any sugestion? :/

  68. So many unnecessary attacks on Jill. It was Joy's birth and most likely her and Austin's decision. I never had a scan the week before my children were born to see if they were breached but i count my blessings now that I needed cesa's.
    So happy for you both Joy and Austion. Gideon is a lovely name and a tribute to the leader who lead a victory over midianites in the bible. A strong name for a strong little guy. Blessings xx

  69. After Joy was in labor for 20 hours they finally decided to go to the hospital so she could be examined by someone with actual medial training. That is insane. Until Jill receives the proper training (earns her RN and follows that with two years training/experience in a labor/delivery room) she should put away her stethoscope and quit claiming she's a "certified midwife". She was lucky this time that no one died or was permanent injured.

    1. That's ridiculous. Midwifery is very safe, and so is homebirth as was shone in this case. When labor was not progressing, she went to the hospital. Things would not have been differently if she had begun labor in a hospital, which is actually discouraged for first time moms. And it shows good sense too because medical mistakes are the third largest cause of death in the United States.

    2. It's not ridiculous to be concerned about what all the Duggar girls have done with their home births, most of which went wrong. Don't compare other statistics with them. Just look at what their own track record is, which is not good and walking a dangerously thin line.

  70. Joy is very lucky this didn’t have a terrible outcome. I saw in the news today a story of a family that tried a homebirth. The umbilical cord ruptured during labor and the baby died. All these homebirths with unqualified midwifes is dangerous! These girls need to wake up!!

    1. Babies and moms sometimes die in a hospital as well. We have all heard stories. Everyone gets to decide for herself where she wants to have her children. I am sure the Duggars are well aware of the risks.

  71. To be fair to Jill, I got the sense Jill was only there to help out whoever the primary midwife was. Who most likely was more experienced than Jill.

    I think most people who are concerned are indeed sincerely concerned and not just trying to bash the Duggars or indulging anti-homebirth prejudices.

    So far, among Jill, Jessa, and Joy and their 5 births, only one was an actual successful home birth, that was Jessa's second baby. All the other births featured trips to the nearest hospital. So, only 20% success rate. That's not the kind of stat you see for home birth in general.

    I just find it hard to accept that's just from the Duggars being unlucky. If there's anything to prevent such complications, which might just be closer monitoring in the prenatal period, I'd want the Duggars to take advantage of it. Especially if they're hoping to follow Michelle's lead and have double digit family sizes. I also find it interesting that Michelle herself went to the hospital for her births. So this preference for home birth is certainly not out of any religious belief.

    1. I'm not sure what went on. Jill was portrayed as the primary midwife. Myself, I'd want a NursseMidwife who had a portable ultrasound machine with her if I was attempting a home birth. Otherwise you might as well have your next door neighbor come over and deliver your baby.

  72. As far as big babies, I would say try not to eat quite so much protein during the pregnancy. I know the Brewer diet recommends 80-100grams, but it should only be 60 grams until the third trimester, and I'd stick closer to 80 grams for the remainder. Congratulations to the family. I teach childbirth education and I had a hospital birth mom who was crowning before staff realized she had a breech baby. So it happens. Not everything is always known, even in the hospital environment. Stop blaming everyone for everything.

  73. I don't think Jill is a midwife any more. She'd be listed in the licensed midwife directory if she was, and she's not. She could be there as a sister but not be working as a midwife if her license expired. So that leaves the question of who attended Joy at home other than Jill.

  74. I worry about Jill's incompetence. I worry for her sisters. These women don't seem to receive prenatal care, so I wonder if they know that they can only have about five c-sections and shouldn't have anymore pregnancies thereafter.

    1. Actually, three is a max recommendation. After that it’s a huge risk on both mom and baby.

  75. Thank God everything went well and Joy-Anna and Gideon are fine. God Bless.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  76. They're a darling little family. It's such a wonderful thing to meet your new baby!

  77. I'm thankful to God for my emergency c-section with my breech baby. I found it went much more smoothly and much less "dramatic" than my VBAC. I have a feeling that Joy is very thankful for her csection too with the outcome of her healthy baby boy. Very happy for them.

  78. I really wonder about Joy's decision to have a HB on her first child, when they are 30 minutes from the nearest hospital!? That is really a risky decision.

  79. I think Jill means well. All sorts of unexpected surprises can happen during childbirth no matter where it occurs. My gut feeling is to have your first child in a hospital or birthing center. If that goes well then home birth for the next child is a good option

  80. Just saw the two 10 minute clips on Demand. Was not able to view them on this blog.

    So happy to learn that everything turned out ok. I think Joy and Austin will make great parents. It was nice to see the rest of the Duggar family included in these clips. I miss them and think it’s time to bring them back into the episodes more regularly.
    Life goes on.

  81. Congratulations to Austin and Joy on your baby boy


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