
Monday, January 1, 2018

Duggar New Year's Celebration

Duggar New Year celebration

As they have in the past, the Duggars had a big bash last night to celebrate the end of 2017 and the start of 2018. They enjoyed food, games, and fellowship and continued their tradition of "praying in the new year." Many family members and friends were in attendance, including a handful of Bates.

The group played Bible Jeopardy, spoon frog, and a game where you put your head back and try to move a cookie from your eye to your mouth without using your hands.

How did you celebrate New Year's?

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  1. I watched Mariah Carey being denied her hot tea. :(

    1. How did she not freeze in that outfit?!

    2. Huh???????????????????????????

    3. I did too..she has hands she could’ve brought her own tea ..just pure laziness I don’t care how much money she has ..get your own tea she could’ve drunk the tea before coming on stage !

    4. I saw that. I felt bad it was freezing and she wasn't really dressed for the elements😬

    5. She wasn't being lazy. She was supposed to have been handed some hot tea between her songs, and whoever was responsible for doling that dropped the ball (ha - New Year's Eve pun). She was supposed to stay front and center on camera, not wander off to find where tea was.

  2. We ate a very late dinner and watched some fun YouTube videos. Then we lit sparklers to celebrate when 2018 arrived. We couldn't do that when we lived in Santa Barbara because fireworks are illegal. Good thing though after the devastating Thomas Fire the last thing they need are fireworks.
    The cookie game sounds like fun. A few years ago the local public library had a teen event where they played Minute to Win it. They played a game similar to the cookie game but they used Ding Dongs which I think is harder than cookies.

  3. I forgot to mention I like the idea of praying in the New Year. My old church used to do that.

    1. I like that too over the years the Duggars have given me many great ideas that teach my family how to have God-centered fun times. Thank you

  4. Sounds like a fun time

  5. I would enjoy their NewYearsEve celebration. I don't drink, but my husband does, and our friends do, and while I enjoy their company at the beginning of the evening, by midnight I am not having much fun because everyone is ridiculously drunk and there is no more good conversation or reasonable game playing.

    1. 5:12 I understand what you are saying, it sounds like a lot of my family. And they think they are having fun. Ugh! But remember they are the ones with the problem, not you. never have and never will see a life enhanced by booze.

    2. You sound just like me. I don't have the patience to sit and visit someone who is drunk,and I don't ever put myself in that spot. Maybe you should tell your husband how uncomfortable that makes you feel. Or excuse yourself at a certain time to leave and go home,I would do that if it was me!

    3. Totally understand.

    4. My husband is a recovering alcoholic so we don't drink. Definitely talk to your husband if you feel uncomfortable. Some people go way overboard. A drink or 2 in moderation is ok.

    5. I am sorry:(Yeah, not fun.

  6. Well for me I stayed home watched videos from my phone all day & Night that afternoon that day I had Wendy's for lunch I had a double stack burger & Fries & Chicken nuggets me & My mom went to Wendy's that Saturday to get the food. I had a amazing day set up the alarm on my phone to midnight & Course It rang on that time I had a great day. Time 6:38PM.

    1. Neddy, sounds like you had a great day. Happy New Year and God's blessings to you and your mom in 2018. :) P.S. I hope you got a shake at Wendy's!

  7. Well my church had New Years Eve service @ 9 p.m. we had it for about 1 1/2 hours then we went downstairs for fellowship for about an hour and 15 mins. When it was 11:45 p.m. we all go in the service room and our pastor preached for a little and when it became 12 o clock we prayed...met the new year on our knees. After that we went back downstairs and had some more fellowship we had alot of games.

  8. The cookie game sounds hilarious:) This family must be so much fun!

  9. My New Years celebration was very similar to the Duggars. Our church family came together for a time of food, fellowship, worship, and prayer. Much fun was had by young and old, and it was a beautiful way to finish off the Christmas season and move into a fresh new year. It was also a wonderful way to transition from a time of feasting and celebraton to a time of fasting and hungering for a deeper and more intimate relationship with God. Praying for God’s favour over each of you in this year ahead.

    1. Sounds like a wonderful time. Thank you for your prayers, and I pray the same for you and your family. Our relationship with the Lord is all that counts.

  10. Would have loved to see this on an episode of the original show. It would be great to share in these experiences with the Duggars on a better network - still hoping for a new show on a network other than TLC which clearly discriminates against Christians.

    1. TLC discriminates...TLC is bigoted...please stop with the accusations against that network and Christians. Or better yet, call them and have a conversation with them about this, instead of posting opinions on an unrelated site!

      BTW, my nephew, a Christian, works for them. Would you like the inside story straight from an employee?

    2. Betty while I understand your frustration with TLC I really don't think they discriminate against Christians. I don't think they would have renewed Counting On if did. Did you think that perhaps the Lord has better things for Derick than a TV show?

    3. How does TLC discriminate against Christians? They run the Duggar family show and will be running Counting On starting in the Spring.

    4. Can you tell me what TLC lets Jews, Hindus, Buddists, Muslims, or other religions do that they don’t allow Christians to do? I haven’t seen that happen, but maybe I’ve just missed it?
      Certainly, like most TV it is secular which is a decision every business makes (are they a secular or religious organization) and we can agree or disagree with their choice.
      If anything, a portion of the Duggar’s Christianity has always been shown. More than for other religions. Can you name TLC shows that feature leads from other religions?
      We’ve seen the Duggars talk about Christianity, do mission work, attend services, be in prayer, visit with Dr Stanley, attend TX and ILL religious programs, have Michelle leading women’s meetings, etc. Are there other nonreligious networks that have done as much or more?

    5. 12:49- your statement doesn't deserve a reply!

    6. They sure do discriminate. They let Derek go for expressing his Christian belief.

    7. Betty, I don't understand your complaint about TLC. They as a TV channel have to appeal to a wide range of viewers and not everything they show is going to appeal to YOU. That doesn't mean they "discriminate" against Christians. The Duggars are freely expressing their beliefs on the shows that TLC airs featuring them. That is hardly discrimination.

    8. Anonymous 10:21, the only thing TLC did not tolerate was bullying and bashing of a minor from another show. I believe that if Derrick had expressed his belief in a way that did not name a specific person we would not still be talking about this.
      It is never ok to call out a specific person, shame or bully a minor when stating ones belief or values.
      TLC did not discriminate against Derrick or Christians. Open your mind, God created all of us. It is our job to love and His job to judge.

    9. I agree they do discriminate against Christains I never once seen TLC stand up for the rights of Christains

    10. @6:46 Derick now claims it was his idea to distance himself from TLC.

      And it wasn't only what he said, it was how he said it. You would have been very angry if he had said the same things about you.

    11. I am disappointed in the number of Christians who still can't understand why it wasn't OK for Derick to say such things about a transgender child. A child! That was someone's child! Imagine if it had been yours...

    12. Everyone who complains about TLC discriminating against christians need to contact the Duggars directly. If you feel so strongly let the family know how their fans feel, because THEY continue to do business with TLC, however I don't think this will achive anything, the bottom line is money on both sides, you might not like hearing it but that is the truth.

  11. Happy New Year Duggars! Praying for the Lord’s soon return!

  12. Went to church service with some family then stayed and had a party with fellow believers. Games, food,visiting and prayer. Had the ball drop (balloons) before midnight because we had a lot of toddlers and babies that were getting very tired. A blessed time!

  13. We prayed, ate an early dinner, games (UNO, LOTERÍA) talk, watched movies and right before the end of 2017 we started praying so we finished 2017 and enter new 2018 praying it was amazing!!

    The best of 2018 to y'all!!🤗😊🎉

  14. A group from my church went to my pastor and his wife and children's house where we ate, watched some Andy Griffith ;) and played The Unspoken Word. It was so much fun, we wound up staying until like 2:30. Thankful for a new year and all the blessings we've already experienced in it !!

  15. Thanks to everyone who shared. I love the concept of praying out the old year and praying in the new year.

  16. We had a Sunday Morning service at my church. We had a great service. Then we just chilled the rest of the day. I prayed off and on through the day. Then just rested with my little boy. It was a very peaceful day for us. My son and I usually stay up and watch fireworks and everything. But it was just low key this time.

  17. My whole family had already gone to bed, and we were staying in a hotel, so I actually prayed in the new year by myself because I had heard of the Duggars doing it and loved the idea!

  18. Babysit my grandson Sat. morning-Mon. evening, so we entertain each other. Prayed that 2018 will be a good year...Jane

  19. Curious - those who say they pray in the new year - what do you pray for - have you felt your prayers were denied, especially last year?

    1. This was my first time praying in the new year. I prayed that God’s will would be done this coming year - in my life and in the world. I also prayed that I would be in tune to the voice of God and honor Him this coming year.

      I don’t think “denied” is quite the right word when a prayer is not answered exactly as one had expected. God answers all prayers, but sometimes the answer is “no” for at least the time being. All will happen in His perfect way!

    2. We are praying to God, the Creator of the universe and who also made each and every person:) God hears all who pray to Him in sincerity. He also answers prayers, not always in the way we want and sometimes His answer is no, but He knows what is best for us

    3. Okay, well you asked.... I pray for the health and salvation of family and friends, for our President to have wisdom guiding our country and for our country to be blessed and protected, for our missionaries around the world, for the persecuted church and for persecuted people in general -- women trapped in Islam, people trapped in slavery, human trafficking, victims of pedophilia, our troops, our wounded vets, our first responders, the sick and the grieving, those in prisons, ... for my kids to grow closer to the Lord and make right decisions, the list goes on and on....... I pray for people I read about here on the Duggar blog, those with prayer requests. To be honest, I rarely pray for my own needs... I have to remind myself to do that. And of course, I thank God for all of my blessings, despite the many hardships we all face in life... You could literally pray all day if you had a mind to. The Bible tells us to pray without ceasing, and I can see why... Prayer is really just talking to God...

  20. We stayed home my husband and I as well as our 3 kids had the stomach flu. I actually thought of the Duggars while I was sick. How on Earth do the Duggars take care of so many children when a the stomach flu comes a knocking? We were struggling with 3. Thankful we are all well now.

  21. Usually our family has a special snack of sparkling apple cider (using sentimental glasses bought years ago) with cheese and crackers. This year though, our daughter was battling a cold virus, so we had a Waltons marathon while we waited to take medicine. Although she couldn't really taste much of anything, she still wanted our traditional snack. :)


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