
Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Baby Vuolo on the Way!

Jinger Duggar and Jeremy Vuolo pregnant

After 14 months of marriage, Jinger Duggar and Jeremy Vuolo are ready to move on to the next stage. They're expecting a baby! The elated couple has not yet announced their due date, and they haven't found out the gender. Hear from Jinger and Jeremy in the video message below.

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Photo/video courtesy TLC


  1. Congrats Jinger and Jeremy. I am so happy for you guy. God Bless.

  2. YES!!! So Happy! Congradulations are your little blessing!

  3. See, there was a cryptic message in that Christmas wreath on their front door! When a picture of the wreath was posted around Thanksgiving, everyone suspected it might be a baby announcement!

    1. It could have been, but I'm still not sure

    2. I remember That! How creative

    3. Still don't know if that was an announcement as Jinger does not say how far along she it may not be as she put her decorations up before Thanksgiving I believe.

  4. What a wonderful blessing for the new year. Congratulations Jinger and Jeremy. Just wondering will baby's name start with a "J" also?

    1. Please no... a child should have their own identity

    2. While I wouldn't go with a letter theme for my own children, it doesn't take away from their identity 1:42

    3. The letter theme for names is not my cup of tea, but to each his own.

    4. It would be a sad thing if one letter of their name took away their identity . . .

  5. Congratulations. Im very excited for you and look forward to hearing more about it. Girl or boy, youll be grest parents. Maybe one of three pregnant couple will have twins!!!


  7. Congratulations Jeremy and Jinger!

  8. Yeah, now Ginger can wear the very tight tops to go with her very tight and form fitting jeans:-)

    1. Are you trying to be snarky? There is nothing wrong with how Jinger dresses! She looks great.

    2. Wow. Why do you feel the need to attack Jinger for wearing jeans? What a sour a bitter note you strike amid all the congratulations to this nice young couple. Jinger is allowed to wear jeans if she wants to.

    3. Wow is right. This a joyous announcement why the sarcasm? If you aren’t a Duggar/Vuolo supporter please take your negativity to another blog.

    4. Well, they do have a good point, Ginger's jeans do keep getting tighter and tighter!

    5. Actually, it will be interesting to see if Jinger does wear the tight pregnancy tops like her sisters do. I have a feeling she won't.

    6. She may be more comfy in a skirt. I was pregnant in winter and wore stretch pants but come spring, the dresses were good too.

    7. It's a known fact that all the girls go tight and stretchy when pregnant. Why would that reminder be shocking?

    8. A little passive aggressive aren’t you? How about, wow that’s great news, a new baby on the way!

    9. Jill and Jessa seem to wear tops that are waaaay too tight and revealing. Not very good examples of modesty!

  9. Glad for them, now you can all relax and stop speculating over every photograph of the poor girl, and start speculating about the sex and due date!

  10. An even bigger surprise would be if one of the Duggars decide to adopt. Considering their "pro-life" views, firm stance agains abortion at any stage, and the number of children languishing in foster care in need of loving homes, it would be the right thing for them to do.

    1. Some of them have already expressed the desire to do so. Just because they don't do it in the first couple years if their marriage doesn't mean they never will.

    2. Most social service and adoption agencies have length of marriage or relationship requirements that are greater than a year. They want to make sure that they are placing children in stable homes. You put quotation marks around pro life and mention abortion at any stage...are these views you don’t share?

    3. Is also does not mean that they would qualify to adopt. In many areas, there is a cap on the number of children already in the family, salary considerations, age requirements, and of course religion.

      Many Birth mothers can specify the background and religion. Not many birth mothers would welcome their child being brought up in an ultra-conservative family. And the adopting parents, many times, have to agree to an open adoption. It is what is best for the child that is paramount.

      And anyways, child to be adopted should go to families who are having difficulties having their own. That is the not Duggars

    4. No, but if they're true to Duggar form with multiple back to back pregnancies or a child every 18 months, none of the married couples will likely ever adopt a child. Talking about it and making it a priority and doing it are two entirely different things. Meanwhile, children continue to languish in the system. I'm not saying they should or shouldn't adopt-that's up to them . I just wish they wouldn't float the idea unless they've actually started the process.

    5. You can’t adopt while you’re pregnant so this will never happen

    6. I think that would be great, too. I have 7 adopted family members and friends. What a blessing that is to all involved.

    7. Why adopt when they can have their own??? Let someone adopt that can't have a kid!

    8. If they adopt from a 3rd world country, that kid will wonder why they don't have the good looks that their siblings have. I've heard about these things and they don't always work out for the families as the kids get into the tween years.

    9. With most adoption agencies, you need to be married a minimum of two years at a minimum age of hold your horses. And just bc someone CAN adopt does not mean they SHOULD. It needs to be highly is not done on a whim... Coming from an adoptive parent...

    10. Most adoption agencies require a couple to be married for a few years before they can even be considered. Most of the Duggar couples don't yet qualify. Lay off and stop judging.

    11. 7:47, so children from a third world country can’t be attractive? Wow. Just wow.

    12. Not having the good looks of the siblings? Are you serious???

    13. 7:47 How ignorant of you! I don't know where you've "heard about these things" but that is not normally the case. You obviously don't know many people who were adopted. And what do you mean the kids would wonder why they don't have the same good looks as their siblings? Are you saying children from other countries are not attractive, because that is also not the case.

    14. To those claiming adoption should be only for those sturggling to have biological children- why is it only their responsibility to step up? It stands to reason that any couple who takes a strong stand against abortion and champions pro-life causes (Family Research Council, for one), should walk the talk and make an effort to foster or adopt older children already in the system in need of a home, rather than focusing on having one biological child after another. Many children are waiting and homes are needed.
      As an adoptive parent, my comment is meant to be food for thought- for the Duggars and all like-minded folks. If your goal is to ban all abortions and force a woman who finds herself with an unwanted pregnancy to either give birth and keep the child or place the child for adoption, you should be part of the solution after the child is born, not just before.

    15. I am not certain if you are pro-life or not. I couldn’t tell from your statement, but if you are... how many children have you adopted?

    16. Anon@1:50 Orginal poster here. I am pro-choice. Criminalizing abortion won't solve anything- it never did. Desperate women will resort to desperate and unsafe measures, regardless of the law, as history has shown. (My own grandmother nearly died because of a self-inflicted abortion back in 1938.) And yes, I am an adoptive mother. As profoundly grateful that I am that my children's birth mothers chose to bring them into the world, I am also very thankful they were not forced to do so under the threat of a punitive law.
      My main point is that those who adovocate for the life of the unborn should actually do something other than crusade to take away a woman's right to choose. We do not live in a perfect world and there will always be unwanted pregnancies. Step up and adopt or foster a child in need... you know, AFTER they are born. It may mean you have to limit the number of biological children you have. Prove you are really "pro-life" in every sense of the word.

    17. 7:47 My husband and I have two grown children, both adopted internationally. I can assure you, both my son and daughter turn heads wherever they go. (My husband and I certainly never have!) Consider yourself one of those people who should NEVER adopt, considering your heartless attitude about it.

    18. They are already fostering their nephew. Being a foster parent is an extremely tough job emotionally because the child is not "yours" but can be taken back by the parents at any moment in time. My aunt and uncle fostered three teen girls and a friend fostered a young boy. Being pro-life doesn't mean that you want to take on the many extremely difficult family situations involved in fostering. Adopting is an entirely different story. I have several friends who have adopted, some internationally and some from our country. Lots of issues there, too. Have you adopted or fostered? I think perhaps you do not realise all the nuances involved.

    19. To 12:54, my sincere admiration for you being an adoptive parent. I have many friends who are adoptive parents and it is a wonderful thing to do. The problem for the Duggars is that rules are currently in place to not be pregnant or have X # of kids or be a certain age so if they choose to never use birth control and they do not have fertility problems, then they will not qualify. 50 years ago, people could adopt right along with their biological children so I know many families where the kids are all mixed in together in ages and I personally think that worked better. My friends now have to wait til their kids are teens or older and the adopted kids become almost a second family. It's still great to for the kids to have loving parents but the rules are very different. (I am Canadian; I'm not sure about USA rules)

    20. @12:54, As an adopted child and a pro-life mom, I think adoption is a wonderful thing but not necessarily for everyone. I think maybe because I was adopted, I felt the need to have my own biological children. I do not focus on having as many children as I can, but rather have accepted all the children that God has chosen to give us.

      We have helped support mothers struggling with having their babies rather than abort them by volunteering at Pregnancy centers, donating clothing, diapers, and food, and also money to help them with maternity care.

      You don't have to adopt to be truly pro-life. There are many other ways to help.

    21. 7:47 Huh? Every child is beautiful in their own way. A relative of mine is from another country, and he never had any security issues growing up.

      As for adoption being ONLY for parents who don't have children. Why make standards like that when there are thousands of children around the world who have need of a home? Sadly, so many children age out of the system before they have a good home simply because there are not enough parents who are able to adopt for one reason or another. More people should be willing to step up to the plate to provide loving homes for these children.

    22. Let the 3rd world countries take care of themselves...i feel that the U.S. need to take care of our own. Many poor kids in Appalachia need help..

    23. 7:47 is a TROLL. They post these types of comments just to rile people up. Just ignore.

    24. I hope they have 20 kids

  11. Why do the girls (and guys) all say it's "hard to believe" they're expecting? They don't believe in birth control, so...

    1. Hard to believe their expecting is not the same thing as shocked their expecting. And you don't know Jinger and Jeremy don't believe in birth control

    2. I’m thinking the girls believe in birth control. Otherwise they would be having babies every nine to ten months.

    3. Donna that's not true, breastfeeding is a natural form of birth control a lot of the time.

    4. If they are breastfeeding, that could be why they don't have a baby every ten months. It is possible with breastfeeding to have children close in age though.

    5. Donna - That is simply incorrect.

    6. JB and Michelle have expressed their views on birth control, I don’t remember reading anything from any of the others that state this. Many couples are happy to have a baby right off the bat and Jess’s had her two sons close together. Jill would be wise to space due to repeat c-sections. I don’t personally know these families nor is it my place to even ask what they believe about such private matters.

    7. Well, sometimes it is hard to grasp that you're actually a parent. You have this incredible and amazing task in front of you and it can be just like, "Wow"

    8. "As many children as God will give us" means they're not using "artificial" means of birth control. (Having a headache is not artificial.)

    9. How ignorant!!! I don't use hormonal birth controll either and I planned my pregnancy. A woman is not fertile all 30 days of the month. To know that is what changes everything you don't need to pollute your body with hormones you just avoid intimacy that week. Been married for 4 years and now we're looking for a second child. Research about the "baby-comp" best device in the world for natural family planning :).

    10. Donna, we do not use birth control and our first few children were all 18 months apart, and tye later ones 2 years apart. Not 9-10 months. That is rare.

    11. Anonymous @ 7:57- I'm glad it has been so easy and successful for you. No offense intended, but you're kind of making a big assumption that other women have a regular, predictable menstrual cycle (which is not the case for a large percentage of women). That's also not taking into account issues like Thyroid disease, Endometriosis, early Perimenopause, Premature Ovarian Failure, etc. I do have to agree that non-hormonal is my preferred method as well though.

    12. There are now apps on your smart phone that will track your fertile days. My husband and I are not financially ready for a baby yet and we simply abstain during the few days that I am fertile. So there are ways to plan the timing of your family without using actual birth control.

  12. Congratulations to you both! You're all in my prayers

  13. Exciting news!! Congratulations ☺

  14. Congrat to you both, from California. God continue to bless your home and ministrie.

  15. Replies
    1. Thought that was weird too. Its the more traditional way of saying "we're having a baby"

    2. I would love to offer my congratulations to you as well as to Jinger and Jeremy. Every new life should be celebrated. Bless You and your family in the new year. A time to reflect on things that you may regret in the past and for a cleansing renewal for a fresh NEW start!

    3. Ha! I too noticed the intentional deviation from "we're expecting," though I personally think either would suit a pregnancy announcement. She's such a little feminist! They both are.😄 Bless them and this pregnancy. How sweet was Jeremy with his heart share for a baby "just like Jinger"??😍

    4. I noticed that too.

    5. Yeah, not that there is anything wrong with that terminology, it just definitely sounded intentional. And yes, how sweet Jeremy wants a child just like Jinger! It's so refreshing. He really seems like the most genuine guy out of all the husbands in my opinion. Or he just has a good onscreen persona. I'm sure they are nervous for parenthood, which is why the video may come off as forced to some people. But, you also have to take into acocunt it was shot by TLC and they probably made them shoot several takes into they got it right, which can stifle enthusiasm. They're just people, not robots. Congratulations!!!!

    6. lol I don't think Jinger doing things her own way makes her a feminist 8:03

    7. I'm so relieved she said. I HATE when people say "we" are expecting or "we" are pregnant. No, the man is not carrying the baby. I know it is meant to be more inclusive of fathers and ok, whatever it takes to make sure men are proud to be part of the family, but it is really just the woman is going through the physical changes.

    8. Have to laugh at how every word spoken/written by the family or Lily and Ellie is SO over-analysed. Those who do so should try recording themselves for a day (or even an hour) and then over-analyse their own words. It might be a real eye-opener.

    9. 8:03, how does saying "I'm expecting" instead of something else make her a feminist? Just curious.

    10. Feminist to say I'm expecting? What was wrong with what she said? She's the one carrying the baby.

    11. Jinger is NOT a feminist! Feminists need a lesson on how to submit to husband not be such... men. It's weird!

    12. 4:09 - I agree. It gets pretty ridiculous on here sometimes!

  16. Congratulations to the happy couple! I'm sure you will make great parents.

  17. Congratulations!!! No role more important than mother and father.

  18. Congrats from Croatia! The best news!

    1. Hello to you in Croatia from the U.S. Blessings in 2018!

    2. Thank you, I read this blog for a few years now. It has been such a joy to read it and follow the Duggars...

  19. Congratulations! They did what my husband and I did. Waited a year and have some time together before starting a family. Blessings to you two and your little one.

    1. How do you know??? How do you know she hasn’t suffered miscarriage or infertility?!?!?! Shame on you!

    2. Wow calm down7:59. Jinger and Jeremy said on the show they were waiting to start a family.

    3. lol calm down 7:59. The definition of infertility is more than twelve months of trying to have a baby. We don't know that they have been trying that long, in fact they said they wanted to wait a bit so it sounds like Jinger got pregnant very easily. And, yes, for a great marriage, it is a good thing to get to know each other and have time to settle into life before having a baby. Yes, many people make it work with having a baby immediately but I think there is a greater level of maturity and comfort with each other when waiting even a year before having a baby. My two cents :)

  20. So happy for you. Yayyyyy

  21. So excited for them!💛

  22. That's nice. They were wise to have a year as a couple before embarking on parenthood.

    1. Again—how do you know this??? This poor girl could have had infertility or miscarriage without telling the world! Don’t assume...

    2. 8:00 they said on the show they were waiting.

  23. This has made my whole day!!!!

    1. Ha ha me too! Sounds crazy but as a mom of littles I love seeing them starting their families! It’s an encouragement to watch them!

      Congrats Jeremy and jinger!

  24. This could be the first grandchild to go to a public school maybe. They seem to do things in their own way. Congratulations!

    1. That would be awesome!

    2. I wonder if Israel and Samuel will go to a private school?

    3. "Do things in their way" seems to be an interesting choice of words to describe parents that you assume will send their children to public school. I'm sure you are simply referring to them doing things differently than their parents did. Do you give Jim Bob and Michelle the same compliment? They chose a different path for their children than what their own parents had done for them.

    4. Maybe but I doubt it. Given the amount of wisdom and financial resources they have it'd be more likely they homeschooled or chose a private Christian school.

    5. I went to a private Christian School, and I am so grateful for all the Bible lessons and scriptures I was taught. A lot of us were not saints, but now that I'm middle-aged, I treasure that biblical knowledge and values that were instilled in us as kids and teenagers. As a public school employee, I see and hear things that I would make me wonder why people would send their children into that environment if they had other options available to them. That's my opinion, and I'm too close to retirement to leave.

    6. Homeschooling is great!!! You can let your kid have the best experiences taking them places in a group with other kids (cause you know...socializing..eyeroll)

    7. OMG seriously? the kid isn't even born yet, and you're speculating on its education? How narrow minded are you? Oh, wait, don't answer that! How about Nice on you guys, congratulations!! And leave it at that. Or as my mom taught me 'THE ONLY WORDS OUT of you mouth when someone says they are getting married or having a baby? Should be CONGRATULATIONS'. You don't need, nor should you say, more.

    8. The comments that are being published sometimes seem so mean and derogatory. I'm all for differences of opinion but some of these are so mean I would just assume not look at them on the blog. Original comment seemed pretty innocent but some of these people should stop being so mean. We need to all remember that one day we will all be judged for every word that we speak. We can have different opinions and comments without being so cruel with our words

    9. Margaret lots of us out here looked for the best schools around with the highest academic achievements possible and bought our home in those neighborhoods, before we got pregnant giving our future children the best opportunities for success. So mentioning where and how a child will be schooled when someone says they are pregnant is not narrow minded, it is normal where most of us come from.

    10. And what if they homeschooled their own way?

    11. I used to be pro-public school, but not anymore. Things are going downhill fast.

  25. Great news <3 Big congrats on what no doubt will be a beautiful baby.

  26. So exciting!!! Congratulations on the wonderful blessing!!!

  27. Wonderful news! Congratulations Jinger and Jeremy.

  28. I was a little surprise because I thought they would wait a few years. They must know each other now.Lol Congratulations Jinger and Jeremy on your sweet baby news...Jane

  29. Congrats to them I am happy they took their time.

  30. Aww, awesome! Congratulations! So happy for you both.

  31. Congrats Mr & Mrs Vuolo soon to be parents hoping you Jing or Joy would be the first out of your sisters to have a girl but let's see what happens If It's a boy name him after Jeremy like Jeremy JR. TIME 3:04PM. Happy Wednesday the 3rd of January.

  32. Big Congratulations Jinger and Jeremy, this is so exciting. You are going to be amazing parents, the love you have for each other is so beautiful and will be enriched by your little blessing to be. So happy for you, boy or girl. this will a very loved baby, you guys rock xox.

  33. Wow, I had a feeling that was about to be announced. I can't wait to see all these beautiful babies!I pray for healthy pregnancies and deliveries!

  34. So happy for these 2!! They are my faves!

  35. Congrats to you! Glad you waited instead of just jumping into parenthood like it was sole responsibility. I liked your video, too, it seemed to natural and sweet. I wish you all the best and hope you and your family safety, love, and joy.

  36. Hey Lily and Ellie this is a little off topic so I'm sorry, but are you guys going to do the "guess the gender, due date, name, etc" post for Joy Anna and Austins baby like you normally do since it's getting closer to when she's due?

  37. They are my favorite couple and I've been checking a few times a day hoping they would announce soon! Congrats you two, you are going to be the best parents ever and whichever way the baby goes towards...your baby is going to be amazing because both of you are awesome!

    1. I know, I have been checking too hoping to see an announcment!

    2. I have too! Lol Just had a feeling!

  38. Yayyy, congrats Jinge!

  39. Congratulations! You guys are smart!

  40. these videos seem so forced. they don't seem very excited at all to me. Each Duggar baby announcement video seems to be the same. It will probably be very fun to have several cousins born around the same time.

    1. I didn't think this video sounded forced. Some of the videos do, but I thought this one was guinuine.

    2. Well, they weren't jumping up and down, if that's what you require as a show of excitement, but they were certainly all big smiles. I think they're plenty excited.

    3. I think Jinger and Jeremy make a really cute couple and they will love their baby well. :) I think these videos seem a little stilted too, but then again, I'm not standing there in front of a camera crew and running my lines repeatedly to make sure I say all the right things at the right time. I just wish they could turn the cameras off and just live their lives, as very few of the Duggars seem comfortable doing any of these video announcements (birthday, weddings, babies, etc.). Not to be picking on them, but for all the talk of how each child is a gift from God and so individual, it really bothers me that they all call the baby "the little one". It just sounds so impersonal. I was thrilled Jinger actually said "the baby" once in this video. Even "our little one" would be far better than "the little one". It's what Michelle and JimBob called their babies, so I guess that's where Josh & Joe get it from as well as the girls. :(

  41. They seem so happy here! I loved this announcement. It was a fun one to hear. Blessings to you!

  42. I think it is fun that a few people actually picked up on a “new baby motif” on the Christmas wreath. After I re-looked at the wreath, I understood what people were saying. Very observant and fun!!!

    1. Except we don't know if Jinger even knew she was pregnant then. She could have but that still doesn't mean the wreath was a hidden announcement.

    2. I like to think they knew and leaked the news in a fun way.

    3. If they are announcing it in early January, they knew in November, when the wreath was put up.

    4. It sounded like Joy said something about their baby coming in six months in the congratulation video. If that's what she said, then Jinger probably did know she was pregnant when the wreath went up.

  43. So excited for Jeremy and Jinger!! They are my favorite couple on the show. They will be great parents.

  44. Congratulations you will be great parents. Can't wait to see your pregnancy on the show. The baby will be beautiful.

  45. Congratulations Jeremy and Jinger!!!! So happy for y'all!!! Hope this is an easy pregnancy for Jinger and that little Vuolo arrives here safe and sound!!!

  46. @ 3:01 - I also noticed the announcement seemed to lack in zest and excitement. I can imagine that being in the Duggar family they might have felt a great deal of pressure to start a family sooner rather than later. That doesn't mean they won't embrace this little one and love it and raise it well. I have all the confidence that they will do just that and I send my congratulations!

    1. They could just be tired Jinger probably has morning sickness

  47. I have nothing against families having as many kids as they can support, but it's so nice that they had a year to themselves, be it through nature or noninvasive birth control. I'm kinda hopeful that all the young wives give their bodies some mindful care rather than racing to beat Michelle's record. I think they are going to be fun parents.

  48. Congratulations!!!!!!!

  49. Congratulation!!!

  50. So happy for this couple. Jinger is really glowing, isn’t she? I am very much looking forward to watching them on Counting On.

  51. This news made my day! I'm so happy for Jinger!

  52. Congrad Jinger and Jeremy all the best for u both. My God continue to blessed your marriage .I am happy for u all.

  53. It's been so enjoyable seeing their relationship as newlyweds, and how in love and happy they seem to be. They will be great parents! I am thrilled for both of them.

  54. Congrats guys!! All my love from the noreastern states. Ya'll will make great parents too!!

    1. Are you experiencing the blizzard that has been predicted?

  55. Replies
    1. If not already.

    2. Probably. I wonder if the baby will be bio or if they'll adopt one now?

  56. I am over the moon happy for you both!! What a blessed time in your lives. Prayers!

  57. Congrats to them 🎈hopefully it’s not from pressure for a ratings boost. Aside from a courtship of one of the older twins, this is gold for them (literally and quite figuratively).

    1. You congratulated Jinger and Jeremy, and then accused them of conceiving a baby in order to gain wealth. Sure, you couched it as a question, but there is no doubt that you are trying to make them look mercenary.

  58. YAY!!! Congratulations Jinger & Jeremy!

  59. Sorry but I’m disappointed. I really wanted them to wait a few years and enjoy each other and their relationship

    1. Why are you disappointed that just sounds so weird. Jinger and Jeremy obviously wanted to wait a year before they had a baby and they did. A lot of people only wait a year, so that's pretty normal.

    2. 7:39 They didn't wait and this makes you sad? In what way does it affect you?

    3. Kind of a "grinchy" thing to say isn't it? They say "We're so excited to have a baby" and you respond with "I'm disappointed."

    4. I am in agreement with the original statement it’s too bad that Jeremy got pulled in and they should’ve waited a few more years since they are so young.

    5. They still have 9 months

    6. News flash - you can still enjoy your relationship during the pregnancy! And, believe it or not, while you're parents as well!

    7. 3:22 Jeremy is 30, it's not like he's just starting out in life.

    8. "Jeremy got pulled in"? Sounds like 7:39 and 3:22
      are one in the same

  60. So that makes 3 of the girls pregnant! Congrats Jinger and Jeremy!!

  61. Congrats, Jinger and Jeremy on your blessed bundle of joy thats on it way.
    p.S. After Jinger, Joy & Joseph wife Kendra have the babies, Each of the married couples will at least have one kid.
    the list:
    Josh - 5 kids
    Jill - 2 kids
    Jessa - 2 kids
    Joy - 1 kid on the way
    Joseph - 1 kid on the way and
    Jinger - 1 kid on the way

  62. So happy for your both!! I love the announcement. The other couples announcements were very sweet, but they did feel a bit overly scripted. It makes me so happy to see you both flourishing and complimenting each other so well before welcoming a new life. So exciting!!!

  63. They both look elated & still very much in love. May they always be. Congratulations to the happy couple & parents to be.

  64. Aw, excited for them! They are adorable.

  65. I suspected as much, very strategic photography lately. Congrats! They radiate love and respect, and I hope that will be reflected in their parenting.

    1. She's not even showing yet, they haven't been needing to be strategic with their photos.

  66. I can already envision how beautiful this baby will be.So happy for them, by far my favorite couple.😉

  67. WOW WOW WOW, I bet your child will be beautiful, because, U 2, are very beautiful people. I am soooo happy, for your wonderful news, and Jinger take good care of yourself!!!!!!

    1. No offense intended, but comments like these worry me(and there are usually always some with each pregnancy and even by JimBob sometimes). God forbid, but what if one of these grand-Duggars had a very obvious birth defect or Down Syndrome? It bothers me that fans/viewers are so focused on how "beautiful" the girls are or how "good-looking" the guys are. It's like being the quintessential "beautiful people" (television stars) is what it's all about. Comments affirming how physically "beautiful" the Duggar girls/couples are should be warning signs to the Duggars that this is the message they're sending their fans. Episodes like covering the girls getting mani's and pedi's, shopping, and going on girls weekend get-aways only reinforce this kind of empty message. Meat please, not milk.

    2. A baby with a birth defect or Down Syndrome, as mentioned in your statement, can absolutely be considered beautiful. Beauty is subjective. A statement about how beautiful a person is or will be can also be describing their inner beauty. I think the word encompasses more than just the outer appearance. Beauty from the inside shines out.

    3. First of all, there is nothing wrong with getting manicures or shopping. Second of all I personally know a gorgeous child with Down syndrome. Like she's a really really cute little kid. Having down syndrome does not mean a child is not pretty.

  68. now when they do the new header updated now they need three space savers ( one for joy baby, one Joseph baby and now Jinger)
    I think Mackynzie and Meredith would probably would like to have I girl cousin, because the all boy cousins plus their three brothers
    congrats to Jinger, Joy and joseph their spouses.
    at least they anounce it before the next new header appears
    I think the next headers needs to four rows insteadd of three rows so the pictures size can stay the same size

    1. The header probably won't be updated again until Joys baby is born.

  69. So who is next? Will it be a third for Jill or Jessa? Will there be another courtship soon- Jana, JohnDavid or Josiah?/

    1. Jill just had a baby and a csection no less, so I doubt she'll be having another baby any time soon. Henry is almost a year old so Jessa would be more likely to be the next one having a baby.

  70. Can't say I'm all that surprised- all of recent pictures posted of Jinger the last few months have been distance shots or head and shoulder shots. ;)

    1. No, I've seen a few close up full body shots that she and Jeremy have posted. She's not even showing yet so that wouldn't really make since.

  71. Congratulations!! I sure hope we can "count on” lots of beautiful bump updates from the Vuolos. Can’t wait to see how pregnancy suits her. I hope she shares her heart about the process as well.

  72. They keep saying there are three babies expected in 2018, but I think there are four. I think Jessa is pregnant, too, or will be soon.

    1. I think she was in that video, too...just how her husband had his hands placed on her, plus the very loose, flowing shirt, plus she had a glow about her....

  73. Congratulations. I enjoy watching Jinger and Jeremny as a couple and look forward to seeing more about them and the pregnancy and new baby. :)

  74. Oh my goodness...Jessa's dress is what's in style now ,,,
    It doesn't mean she's pregnant....

  75. Congratulations Jinger and Jeremy!!
    God has blessed you with a wonderful gift. The gift of a child! Weather it's biologically made or adopted, a child is a great blessing from God.
    I agree with your friends Jeremy, both of you should get as much sleep as you can. Those midnight to 6 am feedings will certainly keep you sleep deprived.
    Also don't worry about your housework to both parents. During the last stage of your pregnancy Jinger is when you will clean your home like crazy (that's the nesting stage) your body and mind already know that once that little miracle has arrived, you'll be too busy taking care of that miracle. The housework will still be there when you're strong enough to handle it.
    Take all the help you can get. A baby does throw your schedule upside down.
    Cherish every minute with your little one, they grow up so fast and before you know it, your child will be having children of their own.

    Blessings to you both and praying for a healthy, safe and easy birth of your new baby.

    Angie Carey

  76. Congratulations you both...


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