
Monday, October 2, 2017

Joy and Austin Play the Shoe Game

Are you looking forward to tonight's new episode of Counting On? In the sneak peek video below from People Magazine, Joy Duggar and Austin Forsyth sit back-to-back for the shoe game at their joint bachelor/bachelorette party. The show starts at 9pm ET/8pm CT, only on TLC

Photo/video courtesy TLC/People Magazine


  1. I am so tired of these "he said she said" and "he likes she likes" games they play. Is that how they get to know each other and entertain their friends?

    1. There are two types of people in the world: those who get drunk and are wild and sinful, and those who play gameshow-style games sitting in the dirt. There is no middle ground.

    2. Anon @ 10:51 Not everyone who enjoys a drink gets drunk and is wild and sinful. Some of us have limits which we stick to, we also have morals which we live by. I can have a glass of wine with a meal or in the company of friends, we can have a great time together, but we are not wild or sinful. I am so glad that I do not live in your black and white world!

    3. I think that 10:51 person was speaking in Duggar terms. Theirs is a world without things such as limits to drinking (or dating, or kissing), and all such actions are not allowed, to any degree. Playing goofy games is OK, though. You don't have to watch your limits there.

  2. Such a sweet , precious, and Godly couple! Both have a servant's heart! They are just so awesome in every possible way, there are just no words to describe just how awesome they are! Hopefully, they'll be blessed with one child after another, just like Godly Michelle and Jim Bob! Praise the Lord!

  3. The shoe game is always pretty entertaining! I saw Elijah Kaneshiro was in this video. It’s so weird seeing him because I met him at a mutual friend’s house in Washington State way back in 2012, and at the time I had no idea he was friends of the Duggars and Bates! Such a small world! One wouldn’t expect to know anybody that knows them personally, so seeing a familiar face in this video is just so weird! Lol

  4. We did the shoe game at a couples' retreat. It's fun. :)

  5. I wish i could see your episodes here in Australia without paid TV

  6. These pre-wedding games are getting silly. How many times now have they played them? Why don't they just sit down and talk, instead of making it into a goofy game?

    1. If talking is just all they did, they would be accused of being dull and boring , and people would say"why can't this family do something fun and exciting?"

    2. Not true, 9:58. John David has been on a roll lately when he's being interviewed.

    3. I would actually enjoy seeing them answer real questions and talk about real subjects in the show's interviews. Rather than lob softballs like "who likes cake the best!!?!" why can't producers say things like, "To a lot of people, 19 is young to be married. How will you be supporting your household?" Give them a chance to address some of the subjects that make people so intrigued by them. And give them a chance to have a compelling dialogue. "What if Kendra decided she wanted a career, how would that play out?" "What if you couldn't have kids, would Joy be a full time stay-at-home wife?" "How do you label your religious beliefs?" Why are these real, normal questions treated as off-limits? From a viewership and business perspective, it's really dumb. Real questions would make this family semi-interesting. Instead we get, "What is Jill's favorite color!!?!?!??!??!" followed by 10 answers from the siblings.

    4. So none of you play games yourselves? Come on, it was a party, you are allowed to play games! If talking was all they did people would complain that they had no levity.Give them a break!

    5. 12:02- I agree with you. People need to know more about their ideology. I think TLC and the Duggars know that if they are presented with questions that would likely provoke controversial answers, it could negatively affect viewership. They figure they're safe asking the superficial questions.

    6. I lost respect for these games and questions when they asked what kind of cheese someone would be.

  7. Shoes are kinda gross

  8. It's funny that Austin was honest about who had the stinkiest feet.

  9. Whether a shoe , paddle with their name on it, it's been played over and over....boring repeat.


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