
Sunday, September 10, 2017

Wedding Message from Josh and Anna

"I have been waiting for a long time for another Duggar boy to get married and have a sister-in-law."
-Anna Duggar

It has been two days since Joseph Duggar and Kendra Caldwell were married. Both sides of their families are thrilled for the couple and excited to see how God uses them in the future.

Photo/video courtesy


  1. It's good to see Josh, I hope he's doing good ! (For thoses who still want to juge, remember, Jesus died for all OUR sins....

    1. It was very good to see them both together. Regardless of what may have happen, Anna looks happy. So happy to see Josh an Anna work on their marriage. God bless their family!!

    2. Yes I agree, it is so good to see him again and for those who still feel the need to judge him after his repentance, please leave this site.

    3. That is right, MEL! Thanks for posting this. :)

    4. Yes, I judge him. He can post a public video of himself congratulating his own brother (which he could have done in person), but he's completely hidden from making any public statement on his own behalf for the terrible things he's done, instead letting his parents, sisters/victims, and suffering wife do it for him? Pathetic.

    5. I'm encouraged that this is the only comment so far. It's been 2 years since the scandals and all reports say they're working on it and moving forward. Keep it up, folks.

    6. Wow! It is just amazing how many people posting here have NEVER sinned! I must be reading the wrong Bible. Mine says "there is NONE righteous". Modern day Pharisees add weight to sin, God thinks it ALL stinks. Have you forgotten King David? God allowed his work to be in the Bible and look at what all he did.

      Josh does not owe anyone here an apology anymore then you owe him one for all the sins you have committed. If you think he does, it is probably time to turn off the TV/computer and open the Bible.

    7. Yeah, me too 9:12, agree with you 100% So nice to see all the positive comments on this, at least you know there are some true Jesus followers who understand about what he teaches about forgiveness. To those who don't understand I suggest they go back and read all there is in the Bible about forgiveness. To those who don't believe maybe you shouldn't comment on sin because you don't understand who Jesus is; I hope you too someday will know Him! He will remove the bitterness from your heart.

    8. I agree that it is great to see Josh and Anna again. Josh is and always will be s part of the family so don't hide him away from the world like ridiculous @TLC do. God bless x

    9. Amen Anon@ 9:12! Josh definitely does not owe the public an apology. He's already apologized to the ones that really matters.
      Those of you who don't want to see Josh, I kindly suggest you find a Duggar hater website and complain there. You might as well get used to it because there's a baby coming and there will be pictures of the happy family!

    10. Amen! May the Lord bless Josh and Anna abundantly!!

    11. Regina, how do you know about "Duggar hater" websites?

    12. 3:12 PM - Duggar hate websites are pretty well-known, even to fans. They come up on any internet search.

    13. When I first started watching the Duggars, I googled them to find out more information and quickly found several well-known sites that were all about judgmentally dissecting the Duggars' lives. It was refreshing to find this blog, and then the comments here grew more and more to resemble the comments on those other blogs. Thankfully the comments aren't all like that, but enough are to make me roll my eyes a lot.

  2. Has Anna had her baby yet? I thought she was due in Aug. Just wondering! Good to see them out in public!

  3. You have a beautiful family. Don't let the negativity of anyone change the course God has planned for you. Congratulations!

  4. Is Anna still pregnant?

  5. They look so happy again it is good! God bless them and help them to be happy with each other!

  6. Amen Mel. How easily we forget.

  7. Josh and Anna look great! Yay for another Duggar marriage!!!

  8. So happy to see them together.

  9. I am not judging, just stating an opinion, Josh and Anna need to stay away from social media for the sake of their children.

  10. Last congratulation video I remember from them was when Samuel was born. Does anyone remember them saying anything when Joy and Austin married or when they announced Joy'a pregnancy?

  11. Did Anna go into labor at the reception? Is that one of the "surprises" that happened?

    1. As far as I can figure out, she is still pregnant. When she has the baby, there are enough people online who know the family and who have blogs and they won't waste any time announcing it. I agree with others here who have said that it's probably better if Josh makes himself scarce on the boards and the show. It's too soon and people are still touchy about his problems. When the popular people in the world fall off of the stands that we put them on, it takes awhile for them to pick themselves up and crawl up again on their own. If Josh hadn't fallen so soon after the first trouble was found out, it might have been easier, but he proved that he needed a lot more help and will for quite awhile.

    2. Anna had their son Mason on 9/12/17

  12. Were they in the wedding party? Are they not wearing the clothing of the party? They were not listed in write-up. Neither was Jackson.

    1. Maybe they were guest book attendants, or the ones responsible for hiding sardines in the air vents in the get-away truck?

  13. So good to see Josh....We miss seeing him!! Love them both and CONGRATULATIONS to the new addition to the Digger family...❤

  14. Replies
    1. She sure does. She has 4 kids and one on the way. There's no way I would be looking that good if I had that when I was a young mom. I had my share of kids and their problems (some of them were serious) and I took in other peoples' toddlers doing day care, but I got to give all but my two back at the end of the work day. I don't know how she does it.

  15. I'm so happy to see those two! I will be glad when that baby boy gets here though. And Mel I agree with you 100%!

  16. It's nice to see Josh ans Anna. God bless ans congratulations Joe and Kendra.

  17. Is it just me, but it seems like Anna tries to mimic Michelle.

    1. I think that as well

    2. No, I think that Anna just has many of the same mannerisms as Michelle. She seems to be much like her. Maybe that is what Josh saw in her. That is common when finding a mate. Anna is patient and calm like Michelle

  18. has Anna had the baby yet?

  19. Congratulate Duggars! What a wonderful blessed occasion and it really was nice to see a message from Anna and Josh :)

  20. I am beyond blessed to see this young couple (Josh and Anna) come onto social media. They both look radiant and strong as ever. I am so proud of all that they have weathered and pray that because of Anna's forgiveness and acting so graciously through out these few years and Josh acting so humble and courageous..that they would be lifted up and restored and blessed a thousand times over!

    1. I'm really not trying to be rude, but in what way has Josh been courageous? He committed a terrible sin, so I don't think he's really being crucified with the criticism he's received, seeing that he's a public figure. He knew what he was doing was wrong, but he did it anyways, he's not the hero of this story. If anyone is -other than Jesus, because without Him their marriage would be shattered-, that would be Anna.

    2. I agree. I'm not trying to be negative but he stopped because he got caught. Exposure was a blessing for Anna because she was in the dark. I pray for Anna she is courageous and I admire her principles.

  21. It was good to see josh! I hope things are back on track for them and they are healing

  22. They still look at each other like they are in love. That's very nice to see.

  23. They both look like they are at rest. I'm glad to see they are allowing us to see them together.

  24. Eesh, he needs to not interrupt his wife in the middle of a sentence...

    1. I thought that, but I think it was because Anna was starting to ramble. Not saying he should've done it though.

  25. Congratulations Joesph and Kendra. God bless. Nice to see Joshua and Anna!

  26. No not ready to hear from Josh.

    1. Then maybe you should leave this sight and look elsewhere to criticize people!

    2. @anon 1:39, nowhere at all did anon & 6:03 criticize or make a crude comment. All they stated was an opinion that they aren't ready to see josh yet. Just as some people enjoy hearing from josh, others still think he needs to be out of the line light... just calm down.

    3. I agree to no need to see Josh. Oh and I don't want to leave this site because I enjoy coming here. I enjoy new about the Duggar family.

  27. Nice to see Josh & Anna

  28. i can't wait to meet their new little boy!!!!! i love seeing josh!!!

    1. I can't wait to see his name! As for Josh, I don't mind seeing him, I think what he did was awful, but Anna has forgiven him, and if he continues to do the right thing and stay faithful to his wife, I think most viewers will too. I don't think it's wrong for people to post their opinions about Josh, since he was a public figure, but I don't think there should be anyone bashing Anna.

    2. @anon 2:14. to make it clear i'm not bashing anna!! i love anna also!! i just love seeing josh after everything that's happened!! i love seeing them together and how they've worked to fix their marriage!! sorry if i made it sound like i was bashing anna!!

  29. Replies
    1. No. Please Melissa Cunningham don't keep reading a post you are not interested in. It's a waste of time and energy to do so.

    2. Me Cunningham thank you for your post. I respect your opinion.

  30. So nice to see Josh and Anna again! They look so happy together and as in love as ever!

  31. Yes it is good to see Josh, I'm thinking he was in the wedding party which was great because he is dress the same as the other grooms and also was Jim Bob a groomsmen also since he is dressed like them also, just wondering.... Josh made mistakes but this is his family and he loves them and they love him, he is the one that has to live with what he did, not any body else.... so please no rude comments....

    1. Hi, this isn't meant to be rude, just some deduction :) Since it was already said that this wedding will be aired on TLC, I don't think Josh was in the wedding party, since TLC has already stated that Josh isn't aloud back on the show. Unless of course there is some fancy camera work, Lol. Once again, this comment was not meant to be rude.

    2. Perhaps he was an usher and that is why he is wearing the attire of the wedding party. TLC could choose to photo him or not. Anna is wearing the bridesmaid dress, though, and she was not mentioned in the write-up as being part of the party.

  32. I agree. The lord allowed this to come out for a reason. Maybe to help josh get back on track with his faith for him and not for the outward appearance

  33. No judgement here... I am not without sin. But forgiven...

  34. I love Anna and pray for her.

    1. And Anna loves Jesus and because she does she is able to forgive Josh's sin and continue to love him in the way Jesus wants her too. I wouldn't doubt this trial has made their bond stronger to each other and without a doubt closer to Jesus.

  35. Anna has my deepest sympathy.

    1. You have my deepest sympathy and I am praying for you.

    2. Don't think she wants it!! Save it for someone who does!!

    3. Anonymous #1- I appreciate the care and respect that you've expressed toward Anna as a person. As someone who walked through this with my mother-in-law, Anna has my sympathy as well. Within the Christian community, there's quite a bit of pressure to "forgive"..even more so in the fundamental movement. There's a distinct difference between forgiveness and restoration. Restoration is only supposed to occur after the offender has proven himself to be trustworthy. The larger the offense, degree of trust broken, and amount of physical danger the offender has placed the victim in (sexually transmitted diseases, AIDS/HIV in this case), the longer the time period necessary to before trust is extended and position is restored. An offender is an offender by choice.

  36. Did Anna give birth ? We can't see her tummy but she doesn't seem pregnant anymore. I hope we'll learn about the birth and know the name of the new precious baby.

    1. I like this comment...Jane

    2. There was a report from the wedding that she has not yet delivered (at least by the wedding time).

  37. Why would Josh want to be on camera on a video which is then put online? Doesn't he know he begs criticism from such a move?

    1. Most people here are loving the fact he is not being hidden. If you don't want by to see him, don't come to his family's site.. simple really.

    2. Maybe he realizes the only one that really matters has forgiven him and he doesn't need to hide.

    3. So how long is he going to be criticized? The family has dealt with it, we don't have to agree with their ways. However, it's time to move on whether we forgive or not. Really folks how long can you hang on to your bitterness? It speaks more about than him.

    4. Good question. Because he has lived his life in the public, the public will never let him forget what happened. It's best to stay hidden.

    5. 11:23- Anyone who has so thoroughly betrayed his loved ones, as well as the Christian values he has championed through the FRC, has a long road ahead to reestablish trust. No one owes Josh their trust- he has to earn it.

    6. I agree with anonymous 10:27

    7. Nunya Superbarrel: This is not 'the families site' it is an independant blog site and people are free to post opinions which are then picked by the admin, so it is not your place to tell anyone not to come to the site. I come here to read about the family, but I do not care to see or hear from Josh. His unfaithfulness to Anna was awful, but that is between them, however his crimes against his sisters are why I and many others do not think he deserves any kind of platform, and I would feel the same way about anyone else in the public eye who commits the same crimes.

    8. 1:29--agree. Josh keeps appearing here and there as if nothing ever happened. Perhaps a video where he sincerely takes accountability and responsibility for his actions. It's difficult to find him remorseful when he is trying to claim he is a victim ( with his sisters lawsuit) and seek compensation. It's difficult to find him any kinder when he still interrupts Anna. He certainly doesn't come across as changed in anyway. It's not thinking he isn't forgiven as that's between he and God, but many of us just are not interested in what he has to say.

  38. It's good to see Anna looking so happy. I hope things are working out even better for her and Josh

  39. So happy to see Josh and Anna! Love to all of your families!

  40. Congratulations to you all. Josh and Anna, you both look so good. God bless you guys.

  41. Nice to see you two.

  42. Yes very nice to see these two no one should judge anyone he made a mistake and he's going forward with God love you guys

    1. Even though forgiven, it's not wise for him to put himself in the public eye.

  43. Nice to see this couple again. Forgiveness and Restoration...

  44. Great to see them and I'm sure the day was great.
    Any news on Anna due date?
    And Mel I'm leaving the judging up to the two appointed Judges in the current cases and the Lord.
    So sad how poor choices can hurt so many that care.

  45. Josh and Anna are both looking good here. Hope their marriage is growing and flourishing!

  46. You are so right Me. Amen on that!

  47. Enjoyed your video. Josh and Anna, you look so handsome and pretty all dressed up for Joseph and Kendra's wedding. Can't wait to see your little son...Jane

    1. I will not be coming back here to read anymore comments. Every time they put a picture up of Josh it starts. It's been two years and I'm so sick and tired of people talking about the past, let it go...Jane

    2. Even at 9 months pregnant, Anna is a gorgeous person!

  48. Not trying to be critical of Josh here at all, rather why is it that he's kind of parroting the same phrasing that Michelle uses when making these Congratulatory wedding videos and the same repeated references to family numbers that Jim Bob uses? What is it with the canned responses? We never see parents or siblings expressing genuine excitement and happiness authentically in these videos (as parents should, as siblings should)...just staged videos with canned phrases. It's unnatural and unnerving that they're all the same and flatly delivered (except Anna above). Again, I'm not being mean or critical. It's sad actually and I have to question why they're making the video.

    1. After living in the family many years they all are kinda like their parents. So, it seems ok to me.

    2. I agree that it was a little flat at the beginning, but there's really only so much you can say when there are that many people getting married.

  49. It is so good to hear from you both. God bless you both, and your new sister in law. 💕💕

  50. Happy to see Josh again and even more happy to see how "in love" him and Anna are!!
    Congrats Joe and Kendra.❤️❤️❤️ God bless all of you!

  51. "It's nice to have another Duggar sister." Really, Josh? Please choose your words more carefully.

    1. It is how his family refers to the in laws !

    2. Hope you find the healing you need!!!

    3. I don't think he meant that in a way that was meant to be creepy, it just came off like that.

  52. I'd really love to see the video of Josh apologizing to his wife, kids, and extended family. Since these people post videos for every message they can, I don't see why he wouldn't make one for that.

    1. That's kind of a private thing to do. Forgiveness is between hi m and His family.

    2. If it's private (and it should be), then why was there a TV special with his brothers and sisters commenting on it?

    3. Commenting on it is different than apologizing.

  53. If I were Kendra I wouldn't be interested in going on double dates with Josh. "Oh, what a nice invitation! I think I am busy washing my hair."

  54. Well I'm glad they look happy.

  55. Anna looks pretty. She and Josh look happy. I wish them well. Guess she will be having their baby boy soon.

  56. Oh, Josh.

  57. Thank you Lord for redeeming us with your precious blood.

  58. It's sooo good seeing Josh and Anna!!!! May our Amazing Saviour continue transforming ashes into His Beauty!!! We ALL need HIS GRACE!!!!

  59. You two,look amazing as well. Anna you get more and more beautiful the older you get

  60. It is really good to see and hear that Josh and Anna are doing well. They look happy. Congratulations on your wedding. I pray you all have many happy years

  61. It is so good to see Josh and Anna. I can't fathom how hard it was to go through something so painful so publicly. In my own marriage I had to walk through the exact same thing at the same time, I can't begin to express how much watching Anna and listening to her helped me. What an example of grace and unconditional love. Thank you for sharing your story with us. I know personally I love my husband and loved him still after everything so to hear the name of the one you love drug through the mud by people who think they are on your side hurts. I'm so sorry they both had to deal with this publicity but I'm so greatful and thankful for the advice and example. Love the whole duggar clan!! 💕💕

    1. You are so right on all accounts. Our Lord Jesus is a loving God and He wants to see us healed. So happy for you that He gave you Anna as an example to help you walk through this difficult time in your life. Satan is so happy when we run instead of turning to the Heavenly Father, his mission is accomplished; divide and conquer. Wishing you and your husband many happy years together! God Bless!

    2. You are so right on all accounts. Our Lord Jesus is a loving God and He wants to see us healed. So happy for you that He gave you Anna as an example to help you walk through this difficult time in your life. Satan is so happy when we run instead of turning to the Heavenly Father, his mission is accomplished; divide and conquer. Wishing you and your husband many happy years together! God Bless!

    3. i feel bad for Anna, but not Josh. The Bible says to be sure your sins will find you out, well guess what; Josh was a very public figure, he was working for a major Christian company, and he should have known this wasn't something that was going to stay hidden. He put himself before his wife, and made horrible choices. I really do wish the best for them, and I hope he never does anything like that to her again, she deserves so much more.

  62. Why do people continue to say what a wonderful story this is, what a lovely example, etc. You do realize what he did, who he hurt, and what he's done (and not done) since then? Why make it sound like it was the best thing that ever happened? It wasn't. He did a lot of terrible things and left a lot of victims who will never forget. I wouldn't glorify that. Any smiles now are deeply overshadowed by his other behavior.

    1. @8:47 I compleatly agree with your statement.

    2. True, but the way Anna has forgiven him is beyond human. It can only come from the Lord Jesus Christ. And that is what is amazing.

    3. You have a very good point.

    4. I think the wonderful story is the cross where Jesus bore the punishment for the sins of all people. It is wonderful that anyone can accept Jesusas their saviour and live a redeemed life in Jesus. If this is what Josh has been through it is wonderful. And the same wonderful applies to everyone who accepts Jesus as their saviour and lives a new life in him. Even YOU!

    5. Thank you, so many people are saying how he should go minister to other young men, when that is not the case. He didn't make a little mistake, this was something he sought out. That being said, I love Anna, and if she can find happiness in her marriage then I wish the best for her, and do truly hope Josh mends his errors the best he can, and remains faithful to her from now on.

    6. The "lovely example" is that Anna chose to forgive her husband for truly awful offenses instead of throwing the marriage away. She chose to stick to her marriage vow even though Josh did not. She made hard choices when she could have taken the seemingly easy way out. I know leaving a marriage is not always easy, I'm not saying that, but it is long, hard work to restore a marriage and she was willing to undergo that effort.

  63. Does she have to look at him like that? Jeepers, the other girls don't stare in awe of their husbands. I find it demeaning for her:(

    1. You mean that look of love? I know many a husband who had a wife pass away and would love to have her back to look at him that way.
      I'm sure there are widowers who come here who would give anything to have their wives give them one more look of awe.
      And believe me, their are widows who would want to give their husbands one more loving look.
      Sorry if this offends you Katy.

  64. Nice to see these two again. Takes a lot of strength and a whole lot of Jesus to be able to go through tough times in front of the world with such grace.

  65. I watched the video of Josh and Anna and seen how uncomfortable Josh was. He seemed nervous. If I could tell Josh anything I would tell him to just tell the family, enough of this public fiasco! Tell them that you and your little family (Anna and children) will never heal as long as you are being g paraded across the screens of people's computer, as the public rips you and Anna apart. You and Anna can have a good life Josh. Get a good job if you don't have one now and live a good quiet blessed life like God instructs us to, out of the mess that is reality tv.

    1. Wholeheartedly agree. If not for ever getting on reality TV, he wouldn't have lived this horrible scandal in front of the world.

    2. He didn't seem uncomfortable to me. It also takes courage to make a public video of yourself after all that has happened. Would you have the courage to do that?

    3. Anon 19:45 I don't think standing in front of a camera in the light of all that has happened with him is a sign of courage. Stepping away from the camera and taking his little family away from the media circus and getting a job and protecting his wife and children from this harsh criticism and constant scrutiny is a sign of courage.

  66. Any news on their baby?

  67. Amen....the people from In Touch magazine still want to hate...but Josh and Anna are making it, and there is nobody on aEarth without shame. I'm glad they're being seen again. I find a lot more to like about these people than about the Kardashians, or Honey BooBoo's. So they have flaws ! So what ?

  68. I think it would be a huge mistake for Josh to place himself in the public limelight in any capacity. He's likely testing the waters with these video snippets, which is a shame. I'm thinking about what's best for his wife and kids- they need privacy, not public scrutiny and ridicule. It wouldn't be a bad idea if the whole Duggar crew stepped away from the cameras indefinitely. None of them seem to enjoy performing for the cameras. Whatever "reality" they were about was lost quite some time ago.

    1. Thank you for your thoughtful response.

    2. I agree, for the sake of their whole family. 1 Thessalonians 4:11 applies here.

    3. The show is so odd now (and so yesterday's news) that I can't imagine why it's still on the air. Especially after Derick spoke out so vehemently about another person on the network!

    4. Sadly, I have to agree. This staged stuff is a far cry from where they began. It's sad that they feel the need to keep feeding the fan base for whatever reason. It's really unfair to drag "the littles" repeatedly before the camera, rehearsing and retaking lines until they get it right and it's an acceptable take for someone else's entertaining pleasure and a paycheck (whether it's from TLC or a Speaker's Fee at a seminar or conference).

  69. Good to see Josh and Anna out together again Congratulations on your new sister in law

  70. To those who who still say Josh shouldn't be on TV, let me remind you of all the other celebrities who have committed terrible things themselves , but the media or fans don't condemn them or bash them for it. They are still celebrities and they are still allowed on TV. Yes, Josh was living a do hble life and , yes, more was expected of him because of his Christianity, but no one bashes the other celebrities who have done horrible things.


    1. So now Josh is a celebrity????

    2. You're wrong, there is just as much criticism for what other people on TV have done, and how they've wrecked their lives just as much as Josh did.

    3. Anon 12:41 At least Josh has gotten help and seems to be doing better.

    4. He also has a loving wife and children which is more than what some celebrities who have terrible lives have.

  71. As a long time fan of the Duggars, I was shocked to hear about Josh and the Ashley Madison scandal. I thought it was a ridiculous joke until Josh wrote an apology calling himself a hypocrite (which means pretender- look it up). He was a popular Christian personality who fell spectacularly. It would be nice to hear his views about where he is now. He may not owe it to his fans, but it would be nice to hear if he wants support from the Duggar fans. Jesus died for All of our sins, even before we committed them. There is forgiveness for all.

  72. So many negative opinionated comments. Let the Duggars lead the lives they feel God wants them too!

  73. Instead of seeing Josh back to where he was before all the bad news came out, it would be nice to hear a heartfelt statement from him. Instead we get the same old...just like nothing ever happened and we are supposed to forget about it and move on. I can't do that. And I'm thinking thousands of others can't do it either. For the sake of theor family i think Josh and Anna need to steep away.

  74. Anna seems to forget she has 19 sister in laws, from Josh's side and possibly one or two from her two brothers (depending on if either are married).

    1. Also Kendra is not Anna's sister in law. Kendra is the wife of Anna's brother in law.

    2. robinepowell: Our family would still call her a sister-in-law, and I think most people do. I think she was correct in saying that.

    3. robinepowell: Actually just looked it up in the dictionary and a sister-in-law is the wife of one's brother or brother-in-law, so Anna is correct.

  75. I am so glad the the Lord Jesus forgives easier than what so many people do. It seems like Josh gets raked over the coals by so many. I would hate for my sins to be made public. They are instead nailed to the cross and forgive by my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I believe Josh has received the same thing. If Anna trusts him again, then that is good enough b/c she is the one who matters. Anna and the Lord Jesus. I am thankful for the forgiveness of my sins and I believe their lives show the love and forgiveness that is given by our Savior. I prayed for them and am thankful to see answers to prayer.

  76. I'm so happy to see Josh and Anna! I'd love to see more of them, their family life, etc. Thank you for posting this! Love you Josh and Anna!!!

  77. She still looks at him like he hung the moon and stars. He is blessed to have her.

    1. I don't know that she "still" looks at him that way; maybe she looks that way at him "again." I'm guessing it's taken some work for her to get there again.


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