
Saturday, September 9, 2017

Message from Joe and Kendra Duggar

"You always have expectations for the first kiss, but it blew all those expectations away. It was amazing."

-Joseph Duggar

There's a new Mrs. Duggar in the Counting On clan! Joseph Duggar and Kendra Caldwell are now Joseph and Kendra Duggar, and they are beyond elated. Following their beautiful wedding ceremony yesterday evening, the newlyweds made this video for fans.

Be sure to tune in to the Counting On season premiere on Monday at 9pm ET/8pm CT, only on TLC.

Photo/video courtesy TLC


  1. So happy for both of you. What a beautiful young couple. Cherish each day and each other as you walk with God. Blessings

  2. Such a sweet couple. Congratulations Joe and Kendra. May the Lord bless your lives in many ways. Eileen

  3. She seems like a precious girl. I wish them the best.

  4. They seem like sweet kids. I hope they will follow that sincerity and character to a life as something other than professional reality tv cast. Anything else.

  5. Congratulations Joseph and Kendra on your marriage. Wishing you many happy years together. Can't wait to see the wedding. Love, Love, Love to watch weddings, especially when I don't have to dress up. God Bless Both of You, Also thank-you Lily and Ellie for all that you do...God Bless...Jane

  6. That was so very sweet!

  7. Kendra looks just radiant! Congratulations to you both, Kendra and Joe.

  8. I'm very excited to see more of their wedding; I really like the colors they chose.

  9. Such a sweet couple! I'm very happy for them.

  10. Cute couple. Very sweet. She seems like a very sweet girl. She looks very pretty, I love her wedding dress. Congrats.

  11. Congratulations two these amazing followers of God!!! God certainly had a plan for Joe and Kendra to reunite as one in holy matrimony. God is good all the time !!!!

    1. ...Except when God allows people to get injured or worse in all the natural disasters recently. And go through the anxiety before the storm and the stress after, when property is lost. And today is another somber anniversary where innocent people were not saved by this God and left us too soon.

    2. 'Even the wind and waves obey him'. ... 'The Lord gives and the Lord takes away' ... 'all His works are marvellous'.... he allows things to happen for His will that men, women, boys and girls might know that He is God. God is good, holy and righteous in all His ways. We live in a fallen world and for this season we live in a world that has many of the hallmarks of God's original perfect creation, however this world is marred by our sin and the 'natural disasters' which we see occurring in the world are a result of this. Read Job though and see what the Lord permitted the devil to do in his life that he might be tried as gold and brought ultimately closer to God and in the end blessed more richly than he was in the start! For whatever purpose God allows 'bad' things to happen that they might be ultimately used for good to those that love Him and for the judgement of those who don't. Praise God that we don't face worse for we deserve nothing but hell fire but He holds back in love.

    3. 8:57 - There's no "except" when it comes to the character of God.

    4. Yes, the Lord is good and has been merciful to us sinful people when we do not deserve it.

  12. Congratulations Jo & Kendra. Wishing you a happy married life.

  13. Such a sweet Godly couple!!!!!

  14. I had my first kiss in 10th grade, behind the stage at the school play, with a boy who was in the play. Yes, it was also "amazing." Because I was 15, and everything to do with boys is amazing at that age! These grown-up Duggar kids are emotionally stunted when it comes to love and all it entails. You don't have to wait til you're married to kiss someone!

    1. There's also NOTHING wrong with waiting. If you're married now, ask your husband if HE'S glad you kissed somebody else when you were fifteen. 🙄

    2. Why do you believe the Duggar children are stunted? Because they haven't done things the way you did? Do you feel that your way was correct and their way was incorrect?

    3. But seriously, if they want to wait until they are married to kiss, it's really OK. Just because you didn't wait doesn't mean that their first kiss wasn't any less amazing than yours was even though they are older than you were when you had your first kiss.

    4. Lol yup my first kiss in my boyfriends garage as a sophomore was amazing.

    5. No you don't have to but it is their choice to do so, and since it really doesn't affect anyone but themselves I think we should respect that choice. There is more than one right way to do something.

    6. I agree. It is bizarre that they make such a big deal about their "first kiss". No one cares how it was. And a wedding and marriage is so much more than being able to experience their first kiss.

    7. Of course, they don't "have to" wait until they are married to kiss, but they choose to wait. You made your choice, and they get to make their own choices. There are many reasons to wait including not comparing your spouse to how your ex kissed, not picking a spouse based on physical attraction, and not letting things get carried away when you are waiting for marriage for physical intimacy.

    8. No, don't have to wait to kiss someone, but it makes it more special if you save it!!

    9. Anonymous..@10:58..The reasons you gave for not kissing until the wedding day..
      If that are the reasons, then the couple SHOULD NOT be getting married. They are too young.

      NO ONE who has kissed a few boyfriends prior the marriage who is an adult would think that way.

      Plus, there has to be some physical attraction between a couple.

    10. And you don't need to prove anything by kissing other boys. Kissing is not just kissing but our culture doesn't teach us that. When (or if) you choose to follow the Lord, you find that His ways lead you very differently. It is unfortunate that our culture teaches that more experience leads to more happiness or success in relationship. If this were true, half of all marriages (including Christian ones) would not end in divorce. People chase experience as though it is going to satisfy but it leaves you as empty as any other thing you chase...only the Lord satisfies.

  15. Congratulations Joe and Kendra! This is sooo sweet and they are just adorable together

  16. Aww! God bless you! So sweet to see this video.

  17. I am sincerely not trying to push any buttons here( as I don't have any experience with fundamentalism), but are all the girls/ women taught to speak like little girls? Even Michelle, a grandmother, still talks like a baby. They all speak the same..." it was amazing, super sweet, seasons of life, etc. all in a high pitched baby voice. I know they preach strong gender role idealogy so am wondering if the girls are groomed to sound like that? Truly just curious.

    1. I am part of a fundamental Baptist church and always have been.
      They use these terms because of perhaps they sound nicer or sweeter than other descriptive ways. Also it could vary based on regions.
      But the reason that they use a high pitched baby voice almost, is to avoid hollering. Raising your voice in anger is SO hard not to do, so they make habits of speaking gently all the time, as to not be harsh in their tone.

    2. Could you please clarify what you mean by the word fundamentalism? That would make it easier to answer your question. I am a Christian, and I have learned things from the Bible that have affected the way I speak. For instance, it says that a soft answer turns away wrath, that pleasant words promote learning, and that a word fitly spoken is like apples of gold. I personally don't think that Michelle - or any other Duggar woman - speaks like a baby. I think she uses a tender, cheerful voice, and that she probably worked to achieve that, because she wants to get through to her children's hearts. I'm a lot more concerned with the mothers (and fathers) who use harsh, angry voices.

    3. They all give the adoring stare back and forth to their husbands while they talk.

    4. Don't really know the answer to your question but here is my question to you. Not trying to push any buttons but do think they should talk in deep voices and use different language.. like maybe curse words?

    5. I find they all speak the same and have similar mannerisms, no matter the gender in the family. I think it comes from an effort to follow scripture in "letting your gentleness be known to all."

    6. Wow11:11 that was certainly rude and uncalled for. I clearly stated I don't have knowledge of fundamental/strong gender role ideology. Clearly stated I didn't want to "push buttons" implying I was truly curious. I never insinuated they should speak in "deep voices" and certainly would never condone profanity. That was totally mean spirited. I don't know if you are a Christian, but you and your kind are why I stopped going to Church. Harsh women with their "Jesus t-shirts" cross necklaces, bracelets, earrings etc. but who sure are defensive and quick with a sharp tongue. All the women in the Duggar Family and those who marry into it have unnaturally high little-girlish voices. I was curious if it was taught as part of their doctrine. That's all. For the few kind posters who clarified Scriptures as to why they may have cultivated that demeanor I say thank you. You have given me some "food for thought" and will research these Scriptures on my own.

    7. Oh my goodness 11:11 that was mean. Perhaps you need a refresher on "letting a kind answer turn away wrath".

    8. 11:11 -- Not cool, not nice. I'm a devout Bible-believing Christian, myself, and wonder about some things with this family. There's no harm in asking an honest question, but there is harm in such a hair-trigger unkind response.

  18. Congratulations Mr & Mrs Joseph Duggar! May God bless you as you seek Him together.

    1. Let's not forget, Kendra has a name.

  19. I would love to see one of these young women not change their name after marriage.

    1. Doesn't matter what they do with their names because they're all still Duggars. In pants, maybe, but once a Duggar.....

    2. If one of them obtained a higher degree perhaps they'd want to keep their name to maintain their professional identity. Otherwise, there really is no need to keep your maiden name.

    3. I don't understand why people post things like this. MOST women change their last name when they get married!

    4. Agreed! I love when women keep their names. I think it emphasizes uniting two whole people into a new partnership vs. Mrs. Hislastname and it demonstrates mutual love and respect.

    5. I prefer hyphating last names. I've told my daughters marriage is blending your lives together not dropping who you are.

    6. Good grief. My daughter has a hyphenated last name. It's a pain in the patoot. It's much better when the whole family shares one name.

    7. Anonymous @4:55. Most women in the US may change their name but most women in other countries do not. Where I live, the vast major of women do not. In some countries, it is legally not possible.

      Keeping one's own name is much easier. You do not have to worry about changing official documents like your passport, bank accounts, and driver's license. You do not suffer the possibility of loosing your credit. And yes, woman who have worked and earn degrees prior to marriage find it is better not to change their names. If they do, they negate everything they did before their marriage. They would have to carry around their marriage license around to prove that Jane Jones was Jane Smith.

      It is also a psychological benefit. Marriage is between two equal adults who stay equal, after marriage.

    8. If I hyphened and had a daughter, what would she do? Or her daughters do? Hyphen-hyphen-hyphen?

    9. Taking my husband's last name didn't alter who I am, it enhanced it. Hyphenated last names create more problems, particularly if the child is not given the hyphenated name (as happened to some I know). The child is left continually having to explain his parentage throughout his childhood and adolescence, as it's not readily apparent. When aid child grows up and marries someone else with a hyphenated name, their child can potentially end up 4 last names, some combination of the two sets of hyphens, or just one of the four names. Generally speaking, women who are afraid of "losing themselves/their identity" and feel threatened by taking their husband's name should probably not be getting married. Their identity is usually built on their solo accomplishments, not leaving much room for "blending" or "the two becoming one". Just my observations over the last 26 years of marriage.

    10. Dropping your name doesn't change who you are. Besides, having two last names can be awkward and tiring to say.

    11. How does taking your husband's last name make you less than? Have we women become that fragile that a change of name detracts from who we are? Even Shakespeare recognized that a rose by any other name is still a rose.

    12. You do realize that if you keep your maiden name, you are in all likelihood identifying with another man - your father - rather than your husband?

    13. Nope 11:19. That's just ridiculous.

  20. How sweet! Wishing them the best!

  21. So happy for you two!

  22. So happy for you guys!!! Congrats!!! Kendra, love your dress!!! So beautiful!!!

  23. What a beautiful couple they make. So happy for them :)

  24. Thanks for all of your hard work that you put into your blogs! It is frustrating though, that because of all of these ads on either side of the videos, they end up being VERY glitchy to try and watch, and that's frustrating.

    1. Very much agree with you, and I have the same problem, but I try to look at it as remuneration for all Lily and Ellie's hard work (I know you mentioned that.) I wish they weren't there, either, but Lily and Ellie deserve the compensation.

  25. I am so very happy for you both. I know that many prayers have been said for both of you before your special day! May you have a wonderful honeymoon and much joy as you serve the Lord together I am so very happy for you both. I know that many prayers have been said for both of you before your special day! May you have a wonderful honeymoon and much joy as you serve the Lord together!

  26. So good to see this tonight. We are in the path of hurricane Irma and really needed some distraction and good news - a Duggar wedding is always joyous. For others who are reading this we would appreciate your prayers for safety during this trying time - thanks and God bless!

    1. Betty, we are praying here for everyone in tne path of Hurricane Irma. Please stay safe and post a comment when you can to let us know you're okay.

    2. Thinking of you and all others affected by the horrific disasters we have experienced as of late with prayers and blessings.

    3. Betty- Praying in VA and OK for you all.

    4. really a duggar wedding helps those in the path of a hurricane think it would take a bit more than that

  27. they are just too cute!!! cant wait to see more wedding pics

  28. Congratulations Joe and Kendra. You're a beautiful couple and your lives are just starting xx

  29. So happy for you two!!! Congratulations!!!! Enjoy your honeymoon!! Have fun, the Lord is Great!!!

  30. They look so amazing an kendra is just beaming! I'm very happy for them.

  31. Both of them looked lovely, but poor Joe he has unfortunately inherited the same receeding hairline some of the other boys have. Wish he would do something with the 'cows lick' at the front, it actually emphsises the receeding bits. My hubs keeps his short to avoid that look, Joe would look cute with it shorter.

    1. I have to agree. That cowlick is so unflattering, and he is so handsome.

    2. Maybe his wife will offer some guidance. He is sweet and simple natured so I don't believe it matters much to him.

    3. His hair isn't that important. His heart is and I think it is beautiful. I for one would much rather a man with a good heart than one with good hair.

  32. Why when I see this picture do I hear the song 'It was a teenage wedding and the old folks wished them well'.lol.

    1. That seems so silly. Joseph is not a teenager, and Kendra is almost 20.

    2. Kendra has only just turned 19 (august 11th) so she is still a teenager for another year. They are both very young, its a fun catchy song, each to their own, sometimes this site could use a little silly��!

    3. "Almost 20" means you're 19 means you're a teenager.

  33. There has to be other adjectives besides sweet and precious the Duggar family can use. Quite tired of these words let's pick some new ones.

  34. Congratulations, Joe and Kendra! You make a precious couple! May the Lord richly bless you, your future children, and your life together.

  35. I thought at first this was their pregnancy announcement. Lol!!!! JK! JK!!! Don't take this offensive anyone -- I truly just meant it as a joke. It seems like just a minute again Joy was getting married... now she's expecting!

  36. Congrats!! I wish you both the very best & many children!

  37. Congrats Joe and Kendra, please wait a little before having kids. You are both young enjoy life and get to know each other first. There is no reason why you should let the lord decide how many children you should have. Yes pray about it but don't just leave it up to him. Birth control does not have to be bad. There are natural methods.

    1. Joe and Kendra, do whatever the Lord leads you to do. He knows better than we do.

  38. Congratulations to Kendra and Joseph. Wishing a life together of happiness,love and peace.
    God Bless
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  39. She's adorable!!! Congrats!

  40. I hope that Joe and Kendra announce a pregnancy before Christmas...and every year after that for the next 25 years! I think that having children right away and having lots and lots of them is a great choice!

  41. Congratulations! Looks like a match made in heaven. Blessings.

  42. I'm so happy for you two! Congratulations and in your relationship always try to stay positive and hopeful! Kendra- relax on the squealing please 😣


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