
Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Joseph and Kendra to Wed Soon

 Joseph Duggar and Kendra Caldwell

It won't be long before wedding bells will be ringing for the Duggar family once again! Can you believe that Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar will soon have six married children? It seems like just yesterday when all the kiddos were minors living under one roof.

Joseph Duggar and Kendra Caldwell have been engaged for almost 14 weeks, and their big day is quickly approaching. Out of respect for the couple, we will not be sharing the date just yet, but rest assured we will post plenty of pictures and footage after the fact.

 Joseph Duggar and Kendra Caldwell

Photos are property of and may not be used without written permission. Visit the Duggars' website to view more engagement pictures of the happy couple. Engagement photo shoot is by Elizabeth Joy Photography


  1. Don't think its any surprise its soon, probably either this weekend or next, just in time for the new season. Joys was at the end of last season Joe and Kendras will increase interest and ratings for the first episode of the new season.

  2. They will probably be getting married Labor Day weekend. If not the weekend after.

  3. So EXCITING:O)))
    Can't wait to see all the pics!!!:O))
    Praying for you two as you become Husband and Wife!:O))
    Love,Nancy from IOWA!

  4. While I completely understand and respect keeping the date under wraps for their privacy and whatnot, I think it is just fascinating that it has become a thing for the Duggar family to have a placeholder wedding date on things like registries. No real opinion on it, I just find it an interesting way of doing things.

    All that said, my best wishes for the couple! How exciting that their wedding day is nearing. May God bless you and your marriage richly, Joseph and Kendra! I am excited to (eventually) see the wedding prep and actual wedding for these two.

  5. Thanks for keeping us in the loop, Lily and Ellie! How exciting that their wedding date is near!

  6. Dear Joseph and Kendra!!
    I am sooo happy for U 2, John David, is my favourite male Duggar, but U are my second, and I think U are a wonderful man!!!! I feel happy for U, that U are gaining a wonderful wife, and that makes me happy. I just hope Joseph knows that I've loved U, and John David since 2008!!!!!! Take care, and have the BEST DAY EVER!!!!!!! KENDRA, I hope U will be happy, forever too!!!!!!!!

    1. Wow nothing like being told you are second best!

  7. Maybe their wedding is this weekend!?😄

  8. Very happy for them. I look forward to the pictures and details about their special day. I will also enjoy seeing the wedding on Counting On. Eileen

  9. Cute picture! I think it's this weekend :)

  10. Cute couple, I'm happy for Joe.

  11. Lily and Ellie,
    I appreciate you not giving out the wedding date. Its not my business but I will keep them in my prayers. People can speculate all they want. I find it quite entertaining.😁

    1. I agree! Imagine the circus of "fans"/"haters" that would come out and ruin things.

  12. almost 13 weeks not 14. 14 is next week.

  13. Such a sweet couple. Never imagined Joseph would take the plunge. Very happy for them. God bless 😊

  14. Happy for them! Looking forward to seeing pictures!

  15. Hate to tell you but alienating your fans and holding back information to gain viewers is actually making people leave following the show.

    1. Acting like your wedding is a State Secret is off-putting, too. So is leaking photos of yourselves at the bridal salon, and having the designer post on Facebook how "special" a day at the shop was, but she couldn't say why... If you want to be Top Secret, simply keep it that way, and don't play those games.

    2. They want a controlled circus. Not all three rings. Give them a break.

    3. I think not. You don't sound like a fan anyway.

    4. Complete agree. Alienating those who have defended them in the work place, at family gatherings...not a good thing to do. Leaves a bad taste and a worse impression.

  16. They look just perfect for one another. I hope the time during their engagement is full of joy and excitement and not too much stress. I hope for each of them that the marriage will bring what they each desired and prayed for.

  17. I'm sincerely happy for them and hope they are prepared emotionally, financially and spiritually.
    God bless them both.

  18. hope this couple with joy and austin will be featured more in next season. TLC needs to bring back all the Duggars - especially Jim Bob and Michelle!

    1. I agree. Why have the liberals win? Get the entire family on the show and I know I will be very happy.

  19. Why don't they want the date known?

  20. Kendra is adorable!
    It's so fun to watch each Duggar child fall in love and start their own lives! Exciting ❤

  21. Beautiful couple!!😍

  22. It' already been known that they're marrying Sept. 4th.

  23. There are still many, many adults living under their parents' roof. Some of them are approaching30 years old. There is something frightfully wrong with that IMO., as these adults for many years already, don't have the experience and skills necessary to run their own lives.

  24. Unless they are lying about the date, they are getting married Oct. 7. They have a registry on Amazon (with the gifts going to charity)

  25. I know they said they'd like a fall wedding but fall isn't technically until late Sept, so I'm thinking this weekend they're going to wed since it says soon.

  26. So happy for Joseph and Kendra, can't wait to see their wedding...Jane

  27. Now eclipsed by the Joy pregnancy news.

    1. With a large family things happen. Not like they would schedule pregnancy Like other couples do.

    2. Isn't it strange how all these engagements, pregnancy announcements and weddings all coincide with either the begining or end of a season? Wonderful how it all seems to fall into place.

    3. Joy will be pregnant for 4 or 5 more months. The wedding is 1 day, that I'm sure the pregnancy will not take the spotlight away from.

      Congrats Joe and Kendra on your big day!

    4. I hope Kendra is ready to begin her family as soon as the "I do's" are over. Children are a blessing, but why the rush to become pregnant? There were sad feelings reading about Joy; she's so young and newly married.

    5. Joy should have announced her pregnancy at the reception. Unless there's someone else who's going to propose then. Here's the big chance for another one of those double-celebrations.

    6. Joy and Austin also took the heat off Derick!

  28. Oct 7, 2017: Not a mystery if they themselves put it on their registry–and almost every outlet has mentioned it since.

    (Unless it's changed or the registry date is meant to conceal a much sooner date, that is.)

    1. That Oct. registry date is false. There's another one online with Fri. Sept. 8th. Doubt they'll do Labor Day weekend because some friends are having weddings that weekend.

    2. When you do a registry of any kind you have to a date even if it's inaccurate. I don't think Amazon is going to come after them for a wrong date. The world won't come to an end either.

  29. Good luck Joe & Kendra,i hope whenever you get married you have wonderful life together,i hope the lord gives you lots babies,enjpy this very special time.


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