
Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Dillards Help at Sorority Recruitment, College Cookout

Jill and Derick Dillard, who recently announced that they will remain in Arkansas indefinitely, are serving college students in their area. This week, they joined the Cross Church College Ministry (C3) and the University of Arkansas Baptist Collegiate Ministry to help at a cookout and minister to girls at sorority recruitment.

 Jill Dillard and Israel Dillard serve with C3 at sorority recruitment

Derick Dillard and Israel Dillard at the C3 cookout

Photos courtesy


  1. Poor little Izzys eye looks sore again. It really looks to be more/something other than allergies hope he gets special paediatric allery and opthomology treatment to get it sorted.

    1. It looks like he just hit his eye . Toddlers are always hurting themselves slightly, especially when their little heads are at table and counter height

    2. They look fine...please would everyone stop acting like they have all the answers to every possible medical situation this family may or may not have!! I don't mean to be nasty about this but every time I come on this blog someone has a diagnosis or possibly horrendous sickness the Dillard's have. It's too much. I am certain that they are taking excellent care of their children. Just had to get this off my chest.

    3. Izzys eye does not look fine because I actually enlarged the picture because I thought he had a black eye at first, there is a very red area under his right eye. No one is diagnosing anything merely stating concern for a small child who has a sore eye a lot.

    4. One of my siblings had eye swelling from severe allergies until my family started using essential oils. Could he have some sort of medical problem? Sure, but I don't think that needs to be the first assumption everyone makes

    5. Could just be a mosquito bite too... it is summer!

    6. You are very rude person. Maybe should go look in the mirror before you talk about others

    7. He looks like he has an eye turn. nothing glasses and a patch can't fix. please take him to a dr. you wait too long, you can't fix it.

  2. That is wonderful! Jill and Derrick are great for that kind of ministry!

  3. ....And Izzy's eye is flared up again. When are they going to get that child treated for his eye problems? He's had red, swollen eyes on & off since about the time he started walking.

    1. Maybe they are. :-)

    2. How do you know they aren't being treated? Please enough with the diagnosis from a picture on your computer.

    3. How wonderful to see the Dillard's looking so happy and healthy...and Izzy's eyes look fine!!!!!!!

    4. This started when they were in El Salvador, and remember - they themselves said there was no good medical care where they were. But they do have good medical care where they are now, so it's distressing to see his eye red again.

  4. For everyone commenting about Israel's eyes. Looks like he bumped his eye and just has a bruise. He's a little kid, it's bound to happen.

    1. No, it's not just a bruise. Jill mentioned in one of her mission newsletters that he was having recurring eye infections, I believe.

  5. Hopefully, Jill and Derick have had Israel allergy tested by an Allergist. We took our daughter when she was 2 for allergy testing because of recurrent ear infections. We knew my husband suffered with seasonal allergies and I had some food allergies as a child. He was wonderful with small children! I learned in the process that she was actually allergic to a few foods for which she had no visible reaction but an oral aversion to, which I had taken to be a normal part of toddlers asserting themselves. We found that those foods I had an oral aversion to as a toddler/child (even now- Brussell Sprouts and raw red peppers) were also the ones I was highly allergic too. We also learned that some over the counter (OTC) allergy medicines can cause some children to have high blood pressure (Benandryl in our daughter's case). Consulting an allergist when there are recurring issues, is well worth the time and money (especially where your child is concerned). Allergy attacks aren't fun for the child or the parents and they can definitely be well-managed.

  6. I can't believe how big Israel is! He's so cute! Jill looks good too :-)

  7. It's too bad that Jill didn't have her own university experience

    1. None of the Duggar kids have to date. One of the boys went to crown I think for a semester some kind of bible study, but not a degree. I find it strange that none have had the chance. Jill at one stage wanted to be a nurse but that never happened. We are probably going to get a lot of posts now saying college isn't for everyone or I never went to college, not saying everyone does, just that in such a large family its strange none have, maybe some of the younger children will eventually go to college.

    2. I imagine that at some point when one of the kids wants to get a college education in something that can only be learned in college that they might get to go. Honestly, too many people are going to college these days and are wasting money on worthless degrees. The "need" for a college education has been significantly overblown in the past decade. Other than a few universities, its just one giant indoctrination machine.

      I know my experience won't be the same as everyone else, but I went back to college at 25 and dropped out within a year. I ended up purchasing, studying and reading all the books I would have bought for classes and finished through an online testing school in under 1.5 years. A huge time savings and even more so money savings. Unless your going to be a doctor or an engineer, I don't think its worth it to go to school. With online resources and testing you can learn the same material much faster and sometimes better than you could at college.

      One of my favorite things I heard lately is this "I love learning, why would I want to stifle my ability to do so by going back to school."

      Anyway, to each his own. God bless yall.

    3. I was thinking the same thing.
      Jana attended a Bible college and one brother did too. Jana completed her first year and wanted to return.
      I realize the Bates family isn't related but I've always had a lot of respect for them assuring their kid's attended college, especially their daughters. Most had degrees before marriage.
      When I was of age it was expected to attend at least one year and often a women's college. Great experience and excellent way to meet nice families for courtship.

    4. Wasn't traditional college education discouraged by ATI? As in going to a secular university, in a brick and mortar setting. I think that has a lot to do with why none of the Duggars,even the males went to college in this manner.

    5. I agree, Anon. 4:59PM. It's very odd in such a large family for none to have gone to college. My mother was one of 9 children - some went to college, some didn't. It's a choice, but it seems like it's a choice denied to the Duggar kids. I could see Jinger and Josiah being ones that would have really benefited from college. I went to college and found it a very rewarding experience - it's where I met my husband.

    6. They have had as much chance as any American. They have chosen not to.

    7. Texas, a lot of jobs that require a degree require an accredited one. It all depends on what you want to do with your life. College isn't for everyone but it is for more than just doctors and engineers.

    8. @Lauren Koch I agree that an education and a certificate of graduation from an accredited school is needed for many professions today. However, you can get those certificates from most colleges through online testing, take minimal classes in from your senior year at the school you want to graduate from and save yourself time and money. There are a great deal of ways to graduate today and sadly the faster routes are not used very often. I do though stick to my statement that far too many people are getting useless degrees. We have been pushing college so hard in the past decade that its become a farce, instead of going to college to get a great degree for a good paying job, we've instead lowered the bar significantly. And in the process greatly injured the availability of tradesmen.

  8. They're such a sweet family! ❤

  9. If you haven't had allergy problems with your eyes you don't know the extent of what it takes to take care of this or if you haven't had serious problems. I deal with this on a daily basis. I take an over the counter and have 3 prescriptions for allergies and one includes an eye drop. In saying this I don't want to stay on the prescriptions all the time. I choose to wait until it is really bad so I am not living on prescription medication all the time. This could be the situation with the Dillards.

    1. Jill said before that it was an eye infection.

    2. Breast milk works really well with eye infections in babies (if it's the babies)

    3. Anon 4:30, look up essential oils, they have helped my family so much! Just make sure they're 100% pure, lots of brands say 100% but they aren't.

  10. Izzy may have a nasty eye infection he picked up on Central America. Eye infections are not normal!! Get it checked by a REAL doctor!!!!!!!

    1. Do they not see real doctors? Jill went to a family doctor for her artery...that's a real doctor...

    2. Conjunctivitis is very normal in the USA.

    3. They. Have. Been. Back. For. Months.

  11. Ministering at a sorority recruitment? Sounds more social than spiritual. Panhellenic life does encourage volunteering with various causes; Big Brothers and Sisters, the Heart Fund, American Cancer Society etc, so maybe the Dillards can be involved with these instead of preaching the gospel to sorority sisters. The best memories I have of university life were the fundraisers my sorority organized and ran for the Riley Children's Hospital in Indiana. Truly helping those who need help

    1. wow! the gospel is to be preached to everyone, including sorority sisters.

    2. Since it's a Christian school it makes perfect sense to minister tothe young ladies there.

    3. It's not like they are gonna spend every ministering opportunity serving sorority sisters. It's one opportunity and the just had a baby/decided to stay. Give them a chance and see what they do.

    4. What a great idea for you to continue to pursue the charitable actions you found so rewarding in university. It sounds like you have a real passion for children in need! I wish you every success with that. For myself, I have other people I feel called to minister to and pursue that. Isn't it great we are all individuals called to minister in different ways. We answer the needs of so many this way. Eileen

    5. Shelli, I went to the U of A website. It seems that this week, there is sorority recruitment happening. The Cross Church College Ministry (C3) is not part of the sororities but they probably had a booth at the recruitment orientation. The "minister to girls at sorority recruitment" is misleading. C3 is trying to get students to attend their church...

    6. I wonder if they are going to take the kids with them to every event and meeting, Jill won't get much done if she has to look after a toddler and newborn. I also wonder how she can relate to girls who are getting an education and probably have career plans which is totally opposite to how she was raised. I suppose their TV profile will attract a lot of kids to their church, at least while they are are still a novelty.

    7. How will these students afford the tithing that is required by that church?

    8. The college isnt a Christian school

    9. Anon@4:37- I think theirs is a saving the souls of college students mission, rather than a charitable one directed at needy children.

  12. Does that sign say "drop it likes it hot"? Oh, if only the Dillards knew what that one meant. Rapper-speak for get down and dirty on the dance floor

  13. so tired of the negative comments about Israel but besides these, it looks like Jill and Derick have a ministry at home..where the heart is willing, the Lord provides.

  14. So happy to see the Dillards and their sweet spirits helping out as usual, and as far as Izzy goes, my two boys always had bumps and bruises it is part of an active toddler's life..we cannot wrap them in bubble wrap...

  15. Closest any duggar daughter has gotten to college

  16. They look so happy and healthy! So glad for them!:) Hearts and love to all you Duggars!

  17. It's good that Jill seems back to normal. I'd need a few weeks myself to get into a schedule before being a missionary at a school

  18. Please tell us why John David and Josie's picture is not included in the family photos.

    1. John-David and Josie's pics are there on the very end of the right side of the rows. Perhaps your computer screen is cutting that last column off. Joy and Austin's pic is probably missing from your screen as well.

    2. Look again; they are at the top and bottom right hand corners.

    3. What? They are there

    4. What are you talking about?

  19. IF "you" pay attention, they have mentioned having "well" checkups. . . . I'm betting they are on top of Izzy's eyes & his general health.
    We see minutes of their lives and have NO idea how they handle most issues.
    So good to see Jill up and around.
    . . . Bless this family.

  20. I THINK this sounds like a wonderful idea!!! They will be exposed to so many young minds, how exiting! And c'mon, how great is it that Jill will be able to meet so many examples of godly young women pursuing a higher education!

  21. Izzy looks like his Grandpa Jim Bob!

    1. Izzy is a mini Derick especially if you have seen pictures of him at the same age. He looks nothing like jim bob.

  22. Congratulations Jill and Derick for finding your next calling. I believe university students will benefit from you joining the C3 team. It looks like little Izzy has a mosquito bite under his eye, hope it goes away soon. Eileen

  23. But what is Derick doing for WORK? Is he now a paid employee of Cross Church or not?

    1. The Duggars never disclose what the adult males do for a pay check. They talk in vague terms about skills, etc. I don't think any of them collect a pay check outside The Family Business. If I am wrong, then glad to have someone challenge me with solid facts and not "the boys all are trained to do carpentry, flip houses, etc."

  24. Jill looks beautiful!

  25. Goodness Izzy is growing. And I'm sure they're doing everything to make sure his eye is okay if there is something wrong with it. But the looks of it just looks like he hit it on something which all kids do.

  26. Collage people need the gospel too. The Dillards are doing what God has called them to do.

  27. I have never commented and generally try to see the positive but I have to ask, what kind of sorority? With my experience with sororities (was a member for 4 years), we'd be way better off without them ... they are terrible organizations! I witnessed way too much debauchery (and I was not a believer at the time) to be told otherwise, not to mention all the "Greek" nonsense. We need to help young women choose NOT to join sororities.

    1. Maybe help yourself into worrying about your own life.

    2. 11:00- I think the Dillard's are trying to convert these college students and they attended the sorority recruitment event strictly for that purpose.

    3. Wow anon @ 11:48 Do you call yourself a christian? If you do you need to stop being so rude. The person has personal experience and asked a valid question. I am the first to defend the admin for posting a variety of points of view but I do wish they would stop allowing posts like yours through, it offers NOTHING to the debate.

  28. I really like the new header- great job!

    1. It looks nearly identical to the old one. Nothing new about it aside from the colors and the inconsistently-sized photos and borders.

    2. Anyone seen the Bates blog-- picture header ? ?
      It looks reeeallly nice......
      Just saying.....😬

  29. I'm love watching the family this last month so much has happend. I'm glad there home closer to there's family. I'm loving counting on so much, it's like Christine style meeting 2017 it's would be good getting new watchers because (the so called cult attitude) people say isn't so present in counting on and we still get update s on the whole family

    1. Huh? Not sure what you're trying to say but I don't get it

  30. Wishing you all well. Glad you are serving here in the States. I'm sure your family is very happy too. May God bless and keep you all healthy and safe.

  31. He could have something like blepharitis, which often shows itself (in my daughter at least) with red soreness under the eyes, gunky eyes, and sore looking, dry eyes. It gets better with Johnsons baby shampoo wash and warm washcloths, but when the kids are little it's hard to control, even if you're faithfully treating it. Cut them some slack! :)

  32. That's so wonderful that they are reaching out to different populations! College students definitely need ministerial needs as they "leave the nest" and move out on their own. Every sorority and fraternity is different. With different values.
    Mine helped me grow in so many ways and I have Christian, Muslim, Jewish, and atheist sorority sisters.

  33. While I love being a wife and mother, I find it sad that not be of the duggars girls have any desire to do any hobbies or jobs or education other than getting married and having kids. You need to have a life but they have none outside their husband's. I love my hubby and the lord but you need to use your full potential in life.. No hate but its sad none of them will ever go to college or get a job

    1. Maybe they don't want to. I am much like them, and find life very much a blessing. I am a stay-at-home mom and wouldn't want it any other way. I only went to a semester at college, but that was my choice. The Duggar women might be happy.

    2. They have hobbies and skills. Building houses, playing instruments, singing, flying planes, working on cars etc...

  34. I would have thought the Dillard's would be helping to serve young married couples as opposed to college women. Seems the Dillard's could be more relatable to the young married couples. But I guess any service of work is benifitial in gods eyes

    1. Easier to convince teenagers, I suppose.

  35. I wonder how (or if) Jill relates to those she is ministering to in a college environment. Considering that none in her immediate family have attended college.

  36. Then don't look on the website

  37. I sincerely and literally don't understand how helping at a cookout and sorority recruitment is ministry? How is that serving the Lord? Are they trying to recruit church members? Saving non-Christian souls?

  38. Good question. More of an explanation is needed on the specifics of what they are calling ministry.

  39. So is this a paid position or just helping out a church ministry? What is Derick doing for work now that he has a family with two children?


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