
Friday, August 18, 2017

Dillards Do College Ministry

 Derick Dillard, Jill Dillard, Israel Dillard, Samuel Dillard

Now that the Dillards have recovered from Samuel Scott Dillard's C-section birth, they are jumping back into full-time ministry. (For those who missed their recent announcement, they have chosen to remain in Northwest Arkansas indefinitely rather than return to Central America.)

Most recently, Jill and Derick have become involved in C3, the Cross Church College Ministry. Not only is it where were Jill and Derick were married, but Cross Church is a very special place for the entire Duggar family for a number of reasons. (To find out why, click here to read a post we wrote three years ago.)

For those who have asked what will happen to Dillard Family Ministries, the entity is being discontinued, and Jill and Derick will no longer be accepting donations through it.

Photo courtesy


  1. They shine the light of Jesus!!!
    And it's great seeing the four of them looking so healthy!!!!

  2. I'm really relieved to hear Derick has recovered from Samuel's C-section delivery.

    1. Well, not really, 11:42. Don't they follow some Biblical rule after childbirth? A rule about some number of days?

    2. Aren't we all! :P

  3. I was curious what they were involved with. They posted pictures but didn't explain.

  4. They will be perfect for the college ministry given their age. I'm sure losing their precious friends in Central America dealt a harsh blow for them. God is going to use them in a mighy way. I can't wait to see what He is going to do.

  5. Great, just what Jill needs. A bunch of collage aged females who are enamored with her semi-famous husband. Keep Prayin Y'all!

    1. I hope she isn't as insecure as she was when he worked at Wal Mart, and she drove to his place of employment and back three times a day and ate lunch with him everyday, know they were newly weds but talk about overkill lol!

    2. I worked at Wal-Mart for over 10 yrs. Spouses do not get to eat with the workers or even go to the back areas. My husband tried once and was run off by management and security.

    3. Anon @ 9:45. Jill travelled to Dericks place of employment everyday to eat lunch with him, often they sat in the car. It was actually covered on the show.

    4. He had a desk job; I'm sure he wasn't working at an actual Walmart store location.

  6. Here is a fair and straight forward question: Are the Dillards paid employees or are they volunteer in this organization/church? If not paid employees, how is Derick supporting his family? Where do they live and who pays their bills if he's not working? Not intrusive, but obviously on many minds.

    1. Anon @ 1:40 I think a lot of people would like to know the answer to this.

    2. Why does Derick have to be supporting them.... why can't Jill?

    3. Maybe because God said that man is the head of the household?

    4. Unknown- The Bible also says for slaves to obey their masters. So, do you believe slavery is ok?

    5. Anon 10:45 Why? Do You? Slavery has nothing to do with it.Jill is free to get a job if she wants to, but that doesn't mean she should be the main provider.Would you say that God created woman to be the provider of the home?Would you say that is what God created woman to do? Oh, and no, I don't believe in slavery.

    6. Anon 10:45 God created the family to reflect Christ and his church.Christ is called the Head of the church. Does that mean we are enslaved? (The bible says we are slaves in Christ, but it's not saying we are literal slaves like the slaves in the 18oos).So then,the women is not in slavery to her husband because he is the head.She is just under him when it comes to leadership.That also doesn't mean she is of any less value either.

  7. I"m guessing they posted this to assure readers who are concerned about Jill that she is perfectly ok after her delivery of Samuel. I"m just wondering if the Dillard's will be returning the money given to them for their ministry that was unused?

    1. How do you know they didn't use all of the funds given? If they did have any leftover, I would assume they would give it to SOS ministries to use.

    2. Jill does look happy and more relaxed than she ever did in El Salvadore, the huge grin says it all. I think they need to give the money that hasn't been used back or donate it to a charity. If they got the large amount they asked for to support them while they were home that amount would not have been needed in the short time between coming home and stopping Dillard family ministries, they also need to be transparent about it.

    3. She may be OK now, but the silence earlier belies that everything going on with their lives at that point was perfect. I think the birth and the end of the other ministry happened at the same time, and it was too much to speak about. They preferred to wait until everything looked OK again and they could post the usual happy smiling pictures.

  8. I was wondering, since they are staying in Arkansas if they remember bring back everything with them, because the first time they came back ssome things then there, if I remember right from one of the episodes in the 2c season

    1. So what if they left things in El Salvador? Some deserving local family could definitely use them. Or maybe SOS is hanging onto them until they move someone else into that house. I doubt Jill & Derick are "going without" because they left some furniture or dishes or toys at that other house.

  9. They look very happy to be home, especially Jill. I'm sooo glad they didn't return to Central America

  10. So nice to see this picture of the four of them.
    I wish them well in their new venture.
    Hopefully we will be kept up to date of the Dillard family. . . including Derick's mother - she is a lovely person - clear to see how much see means to little Israel.

  11. since when do they become involved in a church you do not even attend?

    1. I think Derick has attended Cross Church for a number of years, so I guess it is their family church now.

  12. I'm so pleased they aren't going back. And, I thank God for keeping them safe. They look much happier now. I'm sure Jill is glad to be back home close to her family once again. Praise God!

  13. So excited for them!!

  14. Is Jill in Good health after delivering Samuel, I have seen a lot of tabloids saying that she's not in Good health and because of her health is why both Derick and Jill have decided to discontinue their missionary in Central America. I do know that the tabloids don't always tell the truth about people, thats why I am asking the above question, cause I LOVE the Duggars!

  15. Love your family, your mission and your dedication. It's refreshing to watch a wholesome, purpose-driven family on TV. Thank you for your inspiration.

  16. Jill looks very pretty and happy in this picture.

  17. What a wonderful ministry! I hope we get to see more of what this involves!

  18. do the buddy groups still exist? if so who is in which group?

    1. i've wondered the same thing!

    2. I was curious too! I love this family. The only good thing on tv nowadays. Refreshing

  19. Great they were able to participate but what are they actually doing?
    The word ministry is to vague in this case.

    1. I would be more interested in what Jill will be doing because cross church have no women on their ministry team, only men. The women at the church are employed for admin and looking after the children, not very progressive. I know as a young woman to see another young woman in a position to preach Goods word and be involved in the actual ministry would have been more inspiring than a married almost thirty year old father of two. I also question Cross church employing them for their 'fame' as neither have any training in actual biblical studies or ministry.

  20. It seems an odd fit for Jill to do Campus Ministry when she never lived apart from her family before marriage, nor attended college. it seems a bit of a disconnect - hoping this is a true calling.

    1. Agreed though I believe she is following her husband and supportive to him.
      Maybe she will learn better the struggle and experience of female college students in the process. At least it's a growing experience for her.

  21. Sorry but Jill is nit relatable when it comes to counseling young college women she has no experience in this and doesn't belong in the scenario. As for Derek he should be counseling young college man.

  22. Love the new border! I wish they another pic of Josiah to use without the headset on though.

  23. Ironic that Jill would serve in college ministry when she never went to or had any desire to go to college. She might realize all she missed out on. My best friends are the ones I made at a Christian college. It was a wonderful growing experience as a young woman. I know we all have different paths in life and Jill's is unique and special to her. I hope this will be a rewarding and growing experience for her and her whole family. May the Lord bless it.

  24. So happy you are ministering at home, safe and sound. What do you mean by College Ministry? What do your jobs entail? Love from my family to yours. Katherine

    1. Their church organization's goal is to have a 'saving souls' presence on college/university campuses and events. Many church denominations have their own chapters who do the same type of thing. How far they go to proselytize to students can vary a great deal. At the public university I attended (a long time ago!), the major denominations represented were Lutheran and Catholic.

  25. Samuel is ADORABLE!! As is his big brother. What a beautiful family. Jill is so pretty! Derick is looking really good too!!

  26. There is a family in our community who I've known a very long time. Our kids grew up, played and went to school together. They are members of a small, non-denominational home church. (The women wear long skirts and don't cut their hair.) I have the utmost respect for them for many reasons. They set the finest example of love, kindness, generosity, and compassion that you can imagine. What they do not do is sequester themselves away from participation in secular society. They've attended public schools and universities. They work at regular jobs. Most important, they do not take it upon themselves preach to anyone or try to convert others to their religion. In fact, they don't discuss religion at all outside of their own church. They simply set the finest example possible in a quiet and humble way and their adult children are now doing the same. This family has made far more of a positive impression on me than anyone who has knocked on my door or handed me a tract asking if I know the Lord. As far as I'm concerned, they are living in this world the way God intends... "to love they neighbor as thyself."

    1. The best way to let your light shine not putting down or criticizing others ....amen.....

    2. God does want us to love our neighbor, but one of the last things Jesus said before He descended up to Heaven was to go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. Those who give out tracts and ask if you know the Lord are trying to do exactly as Jesus commanded. Jesus does want us to live the right way and set a good example, but He also requires us to share the gospel which is the good news that Jesus died to pay for our sins, was buried, and rose again the third day. John 14:6, "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." Trusting in Jesus is the only way to Heaven.

    3. I grew up and worked among Mennonites, and I agree with your statements, 6:36. They had no need to have a spotlight as "reality stars," nor a need to convert others. They were hard workers, calm (when others weren't), helpful, and respectful of other people and other faiths. One girl, about my age then, I particularly remember from work. She was so pleasant that it was uplifting just to be in the same room with her! If you weren't Mennonite, it didn't matter. She accepted that, and simply represented her faith through her acts, without having to say anything more.

    4. I attended school with a girl from that background. Every day she helped her mother put her long locks upon her head.
      Sadly once eighth grade was completed she was given to a university graduate to be married. I believe there are different rules depending on location and following.

    5. Thank you for sharing how a positive example can make a difference and brighten the lives of those around you. We are known by our actions more than our words.

    6. I live in a heavily Mennonite community, with my husband having had a Mennonite employer and my FIL currently employed by a Mennonite. Additionally, we had Mennonite friends when my daughter was little and Mennonite neighbors. Some Mennonites do actually and sincerely try to live by the Bible's principles because they love the Lord. In my area, I'm saddened to say many are elitist and you are definitely treated differently if you're not "one of them". Most that we've encountered in the last 26 years in my area do lots of visibly "good works", but they disdain anyone non-Mennonite and have the same issues as non-Christians (pride, greed, jealousy, drinking, promiscuity, marriage problems, etc.). They're known here for pride and greed, living in $350,000-$400,000 homes in the "better neighborhoods" and giving used toys to Operation Christmas Child. Dressing in a prescribed manner and wearing one's hair in a sanctioned hairstyle-living by a man made set of rules determined by a small group of Elders-doesn't fix the human condition. It's a heart issue. You can train your children to respond a certain way, but you've only succeeded in training them to perform. You haven't changed the sin in their heart, their nature. Josh is an excellent example, sadly.

    7. It might have been acceptable a long time ago to knock on doors and deliver tracts, but these days, most people find it an intrusion of privacy, and don't want to get into a long conversation with a stranger about what faith they are and why. Plus I can't see how churches still endorse this practice. It must be dangerous to go through neighborhoods knocking on strangers' doors. And with all the world's religions, there can't be only one that's "right" while the others are "wrong." To proclaim so is presumptuous. I wouldn't belong to any church that maintained that.

    8. You can't deny that Jesus said to preach the gospel. We can't just set a good example and live good lives hoping others will be converted without ever saying a word about Jesus and what he did.Yes, we are to live good lives and set examples, and yes we can show others the gospel through our actions, but we also need to share it through witnessing through our words. That is what pastors do!Are we any different? Did Jesus just love people and heal them without ever sharing the good news by preaching ? No, He was always sharing the Gospel through His actions AND His words.You need both.

    9. I have to laugh at the statement that its presumptuous to believe that one religion is right and all others are wrong. It's so illogical to say that all religions are right when they all teach different beliefs. They cannot all be right. Truth is not subjective. No matter how uncomfortable it makes you, or how "politically incorrect" you think it is, the fact remains that there is such a thing as "truth",and not all religions teach it.

  27. Very glad to see the joyful smile back on Jill's face.

    1. NW Arkansas is far less scary than Central America.

  28. Are they volunteering or doing this for a living now? I don't understand...

  29. The Dillards are all looking very well now and happy! I'm happy for them... especially Jill.


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