
Saturday, May 6, 2017

Joy the Tour Guide

Those who watched last season of Counting On met three of Jeremy Vuolo's friends, James (photographer who took Jinger and Jeremy's engagement photos in New York City), Luis (Jeremy's teammate from his days as a professional soccer player), and Seung (James' wife, who is a jewelry designer). In this TLC webisode, Joy-Anna Duggar gives the three a tour of the Duggar house.

A new season of Counting On premieres this summer. TLC has not yet announced the date, but as soon as they do, we will share it with you all. 

Photo/video courtesy TLC


  1. I just don't understand the constant joking about the deer. Though accidental Jinger took an innocent animals life. That's just not funny.

    1. You do know that people KILL for a sport or for meat? And

    2. Bad enough that she had an accident, but then to mount the dead animal on the wall as if it were some sort of trophy, or a constant reminder of what happened... Not funny at all. More like completely tasteless.

    3. Deer run out in front of my car everyday I deliver newspapers early in the morning So it happens The deer do allot of damage to the vechile they hit or get hit by.
      I drive slow so I don't hit them but sometimes it happens

    4. Yes, I do know people kill for meat and sport. I have no problem killing to provide food for your family. But, that's not what happened. Jinger took that innocent animals life. Not funny.

    5. But Smiley, do you have someone pick them up & put them on your bedroom wall as a joke?

  2. I've been wondering why Luis was in Jeremy & Jinger Wedding party since him and Jeremy seem so close? Maybe he couldn't make it.... Or perhaps because Luis was being slammed for having anything to do with Duggars, I read they were giving him a hard time about being on the show, but then you can't always believe everything you read.....K

    1. Why would he be on the show again if he was getting slammed about being on the show before so couldn't attend the wedding

    2. Here is the thing, I never even heard of Luis or his wife until he was on the show. I am sure that is true with the majority of people. So I think he has the show to thank for the exposure/15 mins. of fame. The Duggars have helped to make a lot of people known.

    3. Anonymous 11:03
      Unless someone is an avid soccer fan your statement is accurate.
      Luis is one of the best goalkeepers ever and represented the United States in 2009. His career and Honor's are still climbing in 2017 and he doesn't need to find fame on TLC.

  3. Now I know what everyone means when they say they can't see the video. Black box!

    Ellie, could you please provide a link whenever you post these videos? Maybe we can see them where they first appeared, if not here.

  4. Has been quite a while now, that we can't see the video's..any explanation?

  5. Can't wait for the new counting On season!!!

  6. Another black box for me.

  7. why does the videos never work for me

  8. I don't think the parents being in on EVERY conversation, whether it be in person or on the phone is a good idea. They say here that the parents can see that the 'right type of questions' are being asked during the kids' courting time. Well, it makes it so neither the guy or the girl could be 100% completely honest about some things. What I mean is, if Ben, ie, states that he feels differently about something he knows if he states his deep down beliefs Jim Bob would end the courtship right there and then. If Jessa, ie, also felt in agreement with those beliefs she could never state it is so with her, too, for her father would end the courtship too. So, it comes down to neither one being really honest with each other for fear of being broken off and they really end up marrying strangers.
    I doubt that Jeremy was able to tell Jinger if he felt that waiting a bit to conceive was his belief. Jinger would never have known this until the wedding night. That is no way to marry anyone in my opinion. Just too intrusive, controlling and suffocating.

    1. Very well put, and I totally agree.

  9. Tap on the black box - the video will play. It did for me

  10. I loved Jeremy's friends - especially Luis! He was HILARIOUS. I really hope they can make another appearance. He has some
    Great buds supporting him.

  11. Ok the Duggars don't have a massive house because they live outside "the city," they have a massive house because they had 19 children. Nobody has a laundry room with 4 washers and dryers; that isn't a city/country thing.

    1. I hope Jeremy's friends were not under the impression that huge houses like the Duggars are standard in rural areas. Far from it. We have one washer/dryer, 1 1/2 bathrooms, and no walk-in closets.
      Ours is a small family and that's all we need.

    2. But it makes sense that it's more possible to build a large house like theirs in the country rather than in the city.

    3. Agreed 10:17. We live in the country and our house is large. I wouldn't see our house being built in the city.

  12. Yes the past few posts - the videos don't work. :(

  13. That's nice that Joy is giving a tour of the house. I keep wanting to see what Joys engagement ring looks like.

    1. Looks like the video was taken late last summer or fall? Didn't that deer head move to Laredo?

      Joy's ring was in a picture recently. Pretty simple solitaire.

  14. I think her whole first name is Seung Hye :)

  15. I can never see the videos you post. Why is this.

  16. So nice to hear Josie, I miss her little voice...we were there from day one and I really miss seeing them grow up...oh so how much we have missed...hurts my heart still😔

    1. They grow up quick ! Being on the show only a few months of their life is what we see. Then the following season a year has passed. And it is they grew up fast! I have a question. Which one of the boys was the ornery on camera? He was about 6 to 8 years old. Was always giving �� guys a time .
      I would laugh so much at his cuteness. Now I been trying to figure out which son he is. When Counting On was the show I always wished the younger boys was given more camera time.

    2. That would be our little Jackson...who is not so little anymore...he was so funny...oh the good ole i miss them...times do a change😞

  17. You mean why Luis wasn't in the wedding party, right? Wasn't Luis' wife expecting? In their proposal episode thought there was some concern his wife would be going into labor any minute and Jeremy was afraid he might not make it into the city with the ring..?

    1. Yes you are correct. He also had professional obligations which conflicted with sharing that special day. When you are under contract you are owned.

  18. Now the videos come on automatically when I enter this website. It is noisy and makes the website clunky and slow. I don't like this feature. I want to read before I decide if I want to watch a video.

    1. I agree. Sometimes I'm listening to music while surfing the internet, and not wanting to listen the clips when I'm here.

  19. Unfortunately, there was a death in Luis' family so he couldn't attend the wedding. If I remember correctly.

  20. Jeremy is blessed to have such great friends and I'm glad Jinger is a part of his circles now.

  21. Sigh, I don't mind the idea of parents listening in on conversations. Firstly they brought her up and she knows their beliefs, secondly, they realise the importance of forming her own beliefs, thirdly they also realise, that at some point soon, there will be a transfer of authority, up till that point, she is still their daughter. They can advise her, but as an adult she has the choice to obey. Fourth, she should be able to be completely honest. She should have the self control to know what's appropriate and what's not. If you talk about innapropriate things or feel you have to hide things, then you are immature, being deceptive and probably not ready for marriage. Her parents know what it's like being that age. If she won't do certain things in front of her parent, then why would she do it in front of God?, who sees and hears all

    1. As a pretty private person, I would have absolutely hated having my (rather controlling) parents listening in on every conversation! Any prospective husband would not have had a chance of really getting to know me that way!!! I generally like the Duggars, but the way they sat there and listened in on Jill's video chat with Derick just gave me a sick feeling.

    2. I doubt the parents are in on every conversation especially in a family as large as the Duggars. They probably have a set time for the four (six?) way chats in efforts for the parents to get to know the intended better.


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