
Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Dillards Mourn Murders of Friends, Will Return Home Soon

 Jill Dillard, Derick, Dillard, and Israel Dillard

The Dillards have been in Central America since mid-February, and they have plans to return to Arkansas soon for the birth of their second son, due in early July. They have been working hard to share the Gospel, encouragement, and aid with those they meet on the mission field.

In addition to going about their regular missionary duties, Jill and Derick have also lost two friends over the past few weeks. The first was a 20-year-old who was brutally murdered while selling coconuts at a roadside stand. A short while later, a Christian friend who was also a member of the same family was murdered and his body found by a river.

The Dillards have asked friends and fans to pray for the family, who also lost a grandmother around the same time, as they grieve for their loved ones.

Jill Dillard, Israel Dillard, and friends

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  1. So the second man is only worthy because he is a Christian??

    1. Who said anything about the 1st guy not being worthy? Because he wasn't called a Christian? Maybe they were trying to get him to turn to the Lord. First you make friends, then you after you have built a relationship with that person, with lots of prayer, you introduce them to Jesus Christ. Blessings

    2. They specify his religion because more than likely, that's why he was killed...

    3. It says to pray for the family...all 3 members are in the same family. Why are you looking for something rude to comment about?

    4. Who said that he was? it doesn't say that anywhere.

    5. Not what they are saying....pray for BOTH famillies in their need. Always quick to jump on something to attach the Dillards and their lifestyle that they are called to do. Live your life and let them live theirs.

    6. What? Who ever posted anything about one being more "worthy" than the other. Don't read into something that isn't there. That goes to everyone reading.

    7. Where'd you get that from? That is neither stated nor implied in the post.

    8. Where did you read that ?

    9. What do you mean by that? It says both people were friends of theirs. Sorry to hear about that family. We will pray for them.

    10. Why would you assume that? They didn't say that or anything along those lines.

    11. The first friend and second friend are family members to the family who lost a grandmother. The friend's family lost three members...

    12. That is NOT what they said. They mentioned and asked for prayer for the entire family. They just happened to mentioned that the second guy was a Christian. Some people jyst look for something to be off fed at.

    13. That is neither said nor implied. Are you just looking for something to complain about?

    14. You are quick to jump to conclusions. No said anything about anyone not being worthy.

    15. First of all none of us are worthy of anything but death, without Jesus. Bless the Duggars for their servants hearts.

    16. God Bless all the family members and all who knew and loved them

    17. Don't feed the Trolls. They know what is being said. They just Enjoy goading people.

    18. I honestly don't know why people just come on to troll.
      Praying for the family that lost their loved ones and for safety for The Dillards.

    19. I honestly don't know why people call other people trolls when they disagree with an opinion or even facts.

    20. I have a message for all those posting negative comments -- complaining that the Duggars and Dillards don't use the right words, that someone is labeled a Christian, that someone has air conditioning, that they aren't doing things the way you would do them...

      You must get some satisfaction out of posting these comments, so I sincerely hope that posting brings some peace into your life. I really do. I hope you have a wonderful life and that God brings you great peace.

    21. Anonymous
      Did you see that they are the same family

  2. Aww that's so sad! :-(
    Israel is so big and cute!

  3. I'll keep the family in my prayers!

    I can't believe how big Israel is! And Jill! LOL :-)

    1. I know...right😊Jill is carrying way low compared to her last pregnancy...that or she is dropping...blessings and safe travels😇

  4. the frist account this writen commet is not by a long shot is profane, insulting, derogatory, or in poor taste as you may claim. there,s no shadow of any dought derrick and jill have both made major huge mistake by returning to s. america w/ this mission stuff when they both should of been working for selfs and building own dreams and goals w/ their earned degrees in bussiness accounting and midwife jobs only. it,s clearly time both need ti tail it back state side and stay put not run off live off on tiny hand outs that doesn,t work living in fear for the sake of soon to be 2 childern in their lives

    1. There are thousands of Jills and Derricks throughout the world spreading Gods word. Some people don't care about material things. I am proud to know this amazing selfless couple.

    2. Living for self is not how one lives for God. They are doing what God has led them to do. It's not our job to decide what they should do, only pray that they are safe.

    3. They have been called by God for this mission trip not to live for themselves only but to share the gospel and help where they can.. I admire them so for following their calling may God bless them..they are earning crowns amen

    4. I think it's great that they are not just living for themselves.

    5. That's what YOU want for their lives. Let me choose how they wish to live.

    6. When God calls you to serve somewhere you go. Period. Sorry if one doesn't understand such a concept.

    7. they both need to put their childern frist which over rides this mission work stuff

    8. No, they "need" to obey God first.

    9. There are plenty of people without small children who can do missionary work. I really really doubt God wants the Dillards to put their young family in danger. I think they need to do some soul searching and praying to see if God is actually calling them to do this or this is what they want. Sometimes that is very difficult to discern. Ive met several missionaries in my lifetime and all of them told me it was something they did not want to do and they wrestled and prayed about it for years before beginning. To me that is a genuine calling.

    10. They had a calling from God, and they did it! I don't agree that they should had taken their children over there but when you feel a calling like that, it's so much greater than any other job you can have.

    11. I seriously, seriously don't try to be mean, understand how pushing your believes onto others is that great?! Whats up with just helping people out without trying to push them towards something or someone?!

    12. Not my thing to push 'beliefs' on anyone but if it turns them away from a life of crime like murder than so be it. There are people I know of who are now pastors but were involved in gangs that attack and killed women and men.

      If it is God calling them then who am I to say they can't.

  5. You don't have 2 family members murdered like that unless someone has reason to have a vengeance against your family. It sounds like there's more to this story than someone just selling coconuts or being "a Christian." Will Jill or Derick ever address that and explain what really goes on among the people in that area? To say there were murders is one thing. To make us understand why is another.

    1. That's what I was thinking, 12:11. In my area, things like that can happen when something like drug selling is involved. Two in one family is not random. There have to be more details not mentioned for some reason. They should not have made it sound so scary without explaining what really went on, or use that for sympathy.

    2. What an awful response to death!

    3. Why does it matter? Murder is sensless no matter the reason!

    4. For safety reasons they may not be able to address it.

    5. Perhaps by being quiet about the details they are protecting the rest of the family. You just don't know why they feel the need to be private, but since we cannot know for sure, it could be best to leave it to them to talk when it is safe and they are ready.

    6. You could read up on that area of the world yourselves. People are killed pretty regular for not doing what the local drug cartels tell them. That's why there's been such an influx of immigrants from that area in the last few years - they are fleeing from dangers few in the United States can comprehend. I work with many immigrant children from that area and the things they have gone through (especially the young boys, who are the most at risk of being used and abused by these cartels). Please do not be so judgmental of these people - remember, would Christ?

    7. I have to agree with both of these posts. Where I live, two hits within the same family within a few weeks is likely either retaliation or sending a message to another family member (either one of the victims or a third family member). There is likely more to the story than this and information is being withheld (not necessarily by the Dillards though).

    8. I have family and friends in el Salvador. People are killed every day down there for the stupidest reasons. I know people who where killed for the color of there clother. The brand of clothes. For not paying for "protection " . For not paying "taxes" to do business in a certain area. To having family kidnapped if they know that you have family in the states. I also k ow someone who lost there brother because he tried to start a workers union in Honduras. All of these people where God loving family people. So please do so research before you judge these poor people!!!

    9. Please research the crime statistics and crime in general for their area. It does just "happen". One cannot compare drug deals gone bad in the US with gang activity in Central America. One's ignorance and/or bias is showing.

    10. I agree. I think they probably have to be careful what is said while they are still over there. It's very sad and I hope the Dillard's come back to the U.S. quickly.

    11. I doubt any local thugs are reading Jill's updates, so keeping mum to be protective is probably not the case. She should be more clear on the situation and not always make it about how scared she is. If Americans are "ignorant" or "biased," then she's the perfect person to start changing that.

  6. That's a new, strong front door. And there's the air conditioner unit. Two things the locals will never have. Maybe they should become missionaries, too.

    1. The air conditioner was a gift from Jill's parents.

    2. How do you know that's their home? It could be their church. The papers on the wall behind them suggest this is a place where people congregate.

    3. Her parents bought them the air conditioning unit on their last visit down. She talked about it on the show

    4. How do you know that photo is taken in their home? To me that looks like a church location because there's a poster on the wall. I don't know either way. But regardless your comment was rude & unnecessary

    5. They aren't in the same house as before and they aren't in their own house either. They were staying with someone else from the ministry or a local family or someone else's home that isn't there. They mentioned it before. Because this was short term, they didn't get their own house.

    6. That is not there house. It might be the church, or a restaurant.

    7. Gee I didn't know to be a missionary means no air conditioning.Yes they could live without air conditioning but keep in mind Jill is pregnant and Israel is a child.Mission work involves sharing their faith and helping the locals.But it does not mean lacking indoor plumbing,heating and airconditioning.Yes there are missionaries who go with out these things.But no one is more or less holy for having them.So please calm down and think.

    8. Wow, are you one of the locals?

  7. Of course they'll be back in Arkansas "soon." They have a wedding to go to "soon," well before the birth. Why didn't you mention that?

    1. Soon will probably mean on the flight right now. Joys wedding is rumored to be this weekend. Jill was joys buddy team so I doubt Jill would miss her buddy's wedding day!!!

    2. What are you talking about a wedding? Joanna is get married just yet. She waiting tell after Jill has the baby to get married.

    3. Joy's wedding is within days.

    4. It hasn't been confirmed that Joy is getting married this week.

  8. Oh my heart goes out to the family.😭 I read about this yesterday on their blog. I will be praying for both the families of this young man and woman and the Dillards too. Makes me realize even more how precious life is and how you never know when you will be called home.

  9. Isn't all humanity valuable. I was with you until you had to label one loss as being a Christian Christ says all life is valuable to him. all these losses are to be mourned . I as a "Christian" find that statement appalling.

    1. You are trying to stir up trouble where none exists. If you reread the post, it is nowhere even implied that one life is more important than the other. Why should a Christian be labeled as such? Because it gives comfort to other Christians to know that the person is now with the Lord.

    2. I wholeheartedly agree.

    3. You and the first commenter are grasping for critical comments in this post. Please take the time to read the entire paragraph before making such appalling statements. It clearly said that both individuals (coincidentally from the same family) were friends of the Dillard's. Using the term Christian as an adjective is a fact-based statement. They ARE missionaries, so it stands to reason that they would have knowledge of friends in the field that share their world view.

    4. They are Christians and work on the mission field there so of course they will say if 1 was a Christian or not.

    5. Anonymous #2- Words are important-so important that God said "By your words you will be justified and by your words you will be condemned." and "Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks." That the writer felt the need to identify the second victim specifically as a Christian does,in fact, attach a greater measure of value to that victim than to the first "unidentified" victim. Some Christians feel a bond with another Christian, regardless of whether they personally know them or not, because of their relationship with Christ. They likely did intend it to be of comfort. However, it comes across (especially to non-Christians) as "them" and "us", which is sad. We should value each person and mourn their loss, as they are created in the image of God. To be honest, as a Christian, I too found that statement offensive and insensitive to the family and friends of the first victim. I just can't imagine Jesus introducing people as "This is my friend and this is my Christian friend.".

    6. Anon@ 8:29- Excellent post. Thank you for explaining my own thoughts exactly!

    7. Trolls taking stuff out of context again

    8. 8:29 -- I appreciate your thoughtful statement, but I respectfully disagree. For Christians, death is less painful when we know that person was a Christian and is now with the Lord. I'm sure the designation of Christian was intended as a comfort to those of us who feel sad about these deaths. We know that at least one of the victims went to be with the Lord.

  10. You would think SOS and/or the Dillard's would have offered this family a place to feel safe at when thier friend (who was found by the river) initially expressed how scared he and his family were. The Dillard's live in a safe area with armed guards. They should at least offered safety for thier very fearful friends! Maybe they did but the family refused?? I do hope the Dillard's hurry back to the states and are able to have an uneventful labor and delivery of thier 2nd baby.

    1. Can you show me where it states that they have had armed guards?

    2. There have been many pictures posted by the Duggar family in the past where they are posing with the guards while on the SOS mission trips. One of the girls (Joy or Jessa) smiling on the beach with a guard was particularly memorable. Also, on the TV show, when Jill and Derick were driving around in the SOS truck, you could see the guards in the back.

    3. I have been in this area personally and while yes there are dangers, where the Dillard's are staying is relatively safe aside from the poisonous insects. Google Mike Schadt and SOS ministries. The Dillard's are associated with this group. Where they are located is a very safe environment within the tourist town which has armed guards surrounding its gates. While there are plenty of dangers on the outskirts of town such as drugs, gangs and violence, where the Dillard's missionary house is located is SAFE. They are not living in the bad parts of the area although they do claim to visit the locals who live in the rural areas, in which those areas are very very very dangerous.

    4. Thanks so much for that info, 10:17. That confirms what we have been told and have seen on the show. The Dillards were not only friends but co-workers or work associates with at least one of the people who was shot. Why that person was not given the same protection that SOS gives Jill & Derick remains unanswered and unaddressed.

  11. It's a shock when reality slaps you in the face. There is a very real danger. I pray for God to be with the family that has lost so much. I pray for God to watch over Jill, Derrick and Israel and the baby yet to come. May He protect them from any harm. God bless��

  12. And they're still there, why? Many fans have shown concern and questioned what they're doing there especially while Jill is with child and their son is so young... I feel like posting something like this just adds fuel to that fire. Hmmm...

  13. I lost all respect for Jill and Derick when they started complaining about their house stinking because of the children's feet. If you don't like that then don't invite the locals into your home.

    1. Uh! Don't think they were complaining,it was more a comment made out of the love for the children. Have you ever teased a child in a loving way about "stinky feet". Probably not doesn't sound as though you have a sense of humor.

    2. The children we ministered to here in Appalachia were extremely poor, very dirty, with dirty rags for clothing. Did we complain about how they looked or smelled? Are you kidding? Our hearts broke for them, their parents, their families, their situations, and their futures. We wanted to rescue all of them, literally somehow pick them up and transport them to a better place, better life. But their families had been there for generations, that was their home and their culture and we respected that. So, we loved them fiercely and did what we could for them physically and spiritually (respectfully), in the time we had there. I was pretty appalled at Jill's immaturity, quite frankly.

    3. It was a humorous comment. Sheesh! My house also stinks when it's got a gaggle of boys with stinky feet in it.

    4. And since she is pregnant, her sense of smell is probably stronger than usual. I know mine was. Plus she wasn't complaining.

    5. OH PLEASE! I'm middle class and have complained about my kids' friends' feet! They wear sneakers without socks, and you wonder what died. There's nothing uppity about it.

    6. And I don't have respect for online trolls. They spend so much finding stuff to pick at about people, that they could be doing something better with their lives.

    7. Ask yourself what kind of person has children to their home, children they hope to convert, yet begins a newsletter by describing them as stinky and smelly?

      There's nothing wrong with her sense of smell. There is something wrong with her sense of judgement, though.

  14. Good they will be home soon considering delivery.
    Unfortunate the announcement of the murdered friends. Unnecessary violence exists everywhere and common where they are. It becomes more real when it is directed at people you care about.
    May God bless their families with support and healing their loss. Prayers their souls were received with joyous celebration and their sins forgiven.

  15. I am terribly sorry that these people left this world in such a violent way, but what is it that the Dillards are doing down there for these people? Not much that they are capable of doing. They don't help the government, they don't help the infrastructure of the villages these people live in; they are in an already Christian country, for it IS names for the Savior, Jesus.
    I also find it uppity that ONE of the unfortunate victims here was identified as a "Christian". Did the other lives not matter as much? The Lord loves, forgives and has compassion for ALL,, Christian or not when we enter His world. The Dillards need to return to the USA and stay there.

    1. why can't they do all that in the USA?

    2. It sounds like you are on a witch hunt. They have much to offer over there in the country. Just because someone goes to church it doesn't make them a Christian. Relationship is what makes people Christians.

    3. Wow for someone who felt others were being"uppity"you don't sound very open and compassionate.The Dillards help provide job training.That helps the locals.Which helps them find work.Mission work is not just about talking about Christ but showing Christ's love.Sometimes it is like you said building homes and providing medicines.Other times it is about listening,simply giving a hug.I say this because my father had a mission in a large city and I lived that lifestyle.

    4. likely their Christianity had something to do with their murders

    5. Don't take "Christian" out of context. Of course, all their lives matter.

  16. I am not sure why it is important for the Dillard's to point out that this was a "Christian" friend who was murdered. Does that somehow make this atrocity even more tragic than it is? I see no significance in mentioning this poor man's religious affiliation.

    1. But if one was a muslim and they said so you would be fine I would suspect.

    2. 6:30 Under these circumstances, it is completely unnecessary and insensitive to point out the religious affiliation, regardless of what it may be.

    3. You are taking it out of context. I don't think you are reading properly. All the victims matter, "Christian" friend was probably used because they knew more about them than the other unfortunate people. The "Christian" friend probably worked with Derick.

  17. its time for them to come home and stay home..

  18. Beautiful family. I admire your faith. I feel bad that I have not been asking our Father to bless your workand protect you. I will begin today. I think you have been living each day in His Grace and peace. This world is a dangerous place for many. Those of us who have a relation- ship with Almighty God must remember all those who serve Him in dangerous places. Some are sent, some stay and support with money and prayers. My husband and I began sending support to SOS when we saw the episode of the Duggar family in El Salvador. We love your family.

  19. It would really benefit all of us to remember the old saying, "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all". And maybe this one: Mind your own business.

    1. And I can see minding your own business in personal people you know but they are celebrities now and have made their business the publics business. It comes along with being a celebrity.

    2. 9:28 HOGWASH!!!!! You or someone else without respect for others privacy just made that up!

    3. 9:28 - Just because celebrities put their lives out there, doesn't mean trolls have the right to talk bad about them.

  20. I understand about being a missionary,but maybe they should think about staying stateside and evangelizing people here who need the LORD also.

    1. 3:22 why don't you do that, it sounds like you are already there?

  21. In response to some of you upset about them using the word Christian as a descriptive term when referring to their murdered friend, I think they are probably saying that as a source of comfort in his passing, rather than defining his worth. I am sure they take comfort believing that he is now home with the Lord, in spite of the awful tragedy that has happened. Consider that maybe they are coming from a place of love rather than judgement.... People who work in the mission field, having given up their safety and the comforts of home to reach out to those in desperate need of love and grace, don't do it for themselves. They are doing it for the love of the Lord and because they love the people they are trying to reach. My prayers are for them, and others like them willing to go where the Lord has called them.

    1. I agree with you Amanda. I believe the lady who was selling the coconuts was also a believer so I take comfort in knowing they are both sitting at the feet of Jesus.

  22. I am praying for a safe return for Derick, Jill and Israel and keep the baby safe. Watch over them and keep them safe in your arms.
    Be with the family that has lost so much watch over and keep them comfortable and safe in your arms.

  23. I am so saddened for the family that lost the loved ones. I am also saddened by the comments on here. Someone once told me "the safest place to be is in Gods will" not everyone is brace enough to step out and do WHATEVER God leads them to do. It's a very scary thing. God bless them for being such devoted Christians and willing to do and go wherever God leads. Many prayers are being sent up.

    1. Alli Ream- An honest question- How do you know God is leading them... because they say so? It seems that this could be a justification for just about anything someone does. "I'm doing the work of the Lord, therefore this entitles me to ask for donations."
      Personally, I don't believe it is anyone's job to try to convince people that their own beliefs are wrong and a particular religion or ideology is right. There are many TV evangelists who claim to be doing God's work, yet they've become multi-millionaires by fleecing the gullible public. There may be a little bit right with every religion, but there could very well be a whole lot wrong with each one as well. I think it's primarily the latter.

    2. I agree 6:54. You can talk til your blue in the face but until those people are open to Christianity or want to know more, they won't listen. It seems there are enough Christian locals over there so why have missionaries? The Apostle Paul preached to the nations because there was no one else.

    3. Anon @6:54 you perfectly put into words what I was thinking.

  24. To everyone freaking out over the identification of a "Christian friend" it is not meant be offensive. Sheesh she is just identifying him as a friend who had similar beliefs. Some of you are reading into things.

    1. I agree. This is a post asking for prayer, not criticism.

  25. I think jill and her husband and child should get out of that country to me that country doesth look safe at all i know they like to help and they are there on missionary work she should becare ful dont leave the village where she is at that is so scary i pray her and family stay safe

  26. christian life is suffering as it was in the early church.

  27. It amazes me how judgemental people are, how people get offended that they mention one of the friends was Christian. Who cares? Obviously, both friends were important enough to be mentioned. Neither was placed higher than the other. Get a life people! Also, Jill & Derrick have mentioned many times on the show that the missions field where they are is very dangerous. One could assume that it's a high poverty & drug/alcohol abuse are prevalent. Why would someone comment asking when will Jill & Derrick explain what really goes on there, etc??? Really?! Look, people have died, friends of theirs. Let us all pray for those families & Jill & Derricks safe return. The End!

  28. On that cherry note! I thank God for every missionary who gives of themselves to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. Their children are blessed to have such loving caring parents.

  29. Wow! I could never put my child in danger like this! I am not saying they are wrong; I just know I couldn't do it! I would never sleep! How sad for the family of those killed.
    They are all in my prayers!

    1. She seems much happier and more calm where they are now. I think their previous location was more dangerous and uncomfortable, and they seemed to be more stressed then.

    2. I don't agree that they have their child over there but when you have a calling from God, you have to follow it.

  30. Some of the comments on here are appalling!! A new door and air conditioning??? Of course, he should install a door to keep his family safe. If I put in a security door, am I wrong because my neighbor couldn't afford one? The air is another matter. I am not sure if I moved to a poor area to minister where no one had air, if I would put one in, but I a not there and frankly, it is no one's business what they do!! No one said that one person was more valuable than the other. They said that the family was grieving over the loss of both. They pointed out that that person was a christian because that is why they are there, to lead people to a belief in God!! You cannot go to a foreign country to share the gospel and solve all the problems of the native people. They all make choices and it is certainly not the Dillard's job to take them all in. That would be impossible for one thing and dangerous for their family for another. I admire their willingness to lay it on the line to be able to witness to a lost and dying world. May Yahweh richly bless their family and their ministry there. May He also bring comfort and peace to the family that lost so much!! Shalom

    1. The predominant faith practiced in Central America is Catholicism.
      Do you think Catholics are lost souls in need of saving?

  31. Guys! Geez. She mentioned the friend was a Christian so we can have peace that he is now with Jesus. Doesn't mean the death of a nonChristian is any less tragic!

  32. they need to come home and concentrate on raiing their family time to let someone without kids to go down there for a while

    1. Yeah, cuz it doesn't matter if a childless person gets killed...

  33. You two should get home as soon s possible before you get killed just for associating with that family and it is possible. You have to come home before your third trimester. And your sister's wedding. And stay home for good this time. There are many poor families here and in your mountain areas you could help so many. I for one fear for your lives especially with two babies now. (July)

  34. I'm not certain where anyone came to the conclusion that Derrick and Jill or the writer of this blog ever felt the Christian friend's life was the only "worthy" of mourning. Both men were identified as "friends". They were from the same family. Prayers were asked for their family, not only because of the murders of these men, but because the grandmother recently died as well. Also, the details of their deaths are private and not necessarily their place to divulge publicly. They were killed and prayers were requested...period. May we simply pray for God's peace for the family and for our own hearts.

  35. So sad for that family. I always pray for God's protection over Jill, Derick & Israel.

  36. Perhaps it was meant to be taken as just the opposite of 'uppidity'. That because one friend identified themselves as christian, they are saying , look that this can happen to anybody.

  37. Praying for families and friends. Also praying for you and your families safety. God bless ya'll.

  38. Why mention if the victim had similar beliefs OR not? Wasn't that person's life lost just the same? Jill needs a PR director.
    Boy, Jill sure looks like she's carrying low in that first photo. She needs to already be back in the USA.

    1. I just said the same thing to myself. That baby is coming early.

  39. Hey, a lot of you people are just so ridiculous in your comments. Most of you seem not to know anything about missionaries. They are people who serve God; they live in His Will, not their own selfish wills which I'm guessing most of you do not understand. My husband and I were missionaries for 2 years in the Philippines back in 1989-1991. We gave up a lot financially to follow God's call on our lives and it was dangerous since soon after arriving, there was a coup and people were killed for no good reason; some just for being white. We were told to stay inside but my husband could not due to his work so we prayed for his safety every day and God kept him safe for his family. I will never regret those years in service for our Lord. I came home with more than I ever would have found here. The experience of living in another country, learning the ways of the people, learning how to selflessly serve those people, and loving them with the love God put in my heart for them is something that has enriched my life to this day. You cannot understand if you have not given your life to God. So just accept where you are and where the Dillards and Duggars are in their lives and stop trying to be negative, complaining about things you do not understand. OR maybe you could find out about God and give your life to Him. He's right there waiting for you. I hope some day to meet you in heaven where my maternal grandparents, my parents, my son, my miscarried children, and my husband, and many others, wait for me.

    1. Well said 6:59. Amen and Amen!!!

    2. Bit maybe if your husband or child had been killed there, you would not have the same positive outlook about your time there. You were lucky.

    3. Anon@ 6:59 I couldn't have said it better!

    4. Go, 6:59, go!

    5. 2:12 luck has nothing to do with it, they were Blessed by Their Heavenly Father!

    6. Very well said @6:59pm. I'm sure you and your husband impacted many lives during your time there. Bless you for obeying God and The Commission!

    7. "When will Mankind be convinced that true Religion is from the Heart, between Man and his creator, and not the imposition of Man or creeds and tests?"
      -Abigail Adams, Jan. 3, 1818

  40. God bless you and keep you safe!

  41. Dillards--Duggers--- I hope you have someone outside the family read all this, and just pray for those who seek to bring down the good things in your lives. I wonder if they would put their personal life out for the world to judge?

  42. Nice AC unit. Missionaries? I don't even have AC.

    1. Maybe someone gave it as a gift. Have you considered that?

    2. Wow, is that all you worry about? It's not about that they have a AC. The AC was a gift from her dad. The heat over there can be hard on a toddler and a pregnant woman.

    3. You do realize Central America is closer to the Equator and therefore hotter than most places in the U. S., right? There is nothing wrong with having AC. The people who have grown up in that area are used to the heat, so they can deal with it a lot easier than those who haven't grown up that way.

    4. Right...because Arkansas, where Jill grew up, has no heat or humidity...therefore she merits a/c but the others don't.

  43. It is extremely tiring that whenever something is posted about the Duggars, people find SOMETHING to disagree about or read into. Why do we have to find something to be contrary about? Why must there always be some motive or sinister meaning behind the family members' actions? Good gracious! God forbid if others used the same level of assumption, scrutiny and "nitpickiness" on you as some of you have used with the Duggars. Please just read the posts for what they are and don't add to them or question why "more information wasn't given".

    1. 9:02 you are so right. This idea of "everyone is entitled to their own opinion" is just a lame excuse for some people to act in a bullying manner. I think if we could see the person behind some of these comments we would see an angry,negative,unfriendly,self-serving personality. I pity them that they can't see things in a more positive way. What a miserable way to live!

    2. Bravo - well said.

    3. I agree. People are revealing their true selves with what they write.

    4. And that's why those negative people need prayer.

    5. I see some comments that are certainly rude. I see others that are legitimate questions criticism. No one gets immunity from having their actions questioned- sorry if that's news to you. They put themselves out there in a public way, and in this specific case, a sometimes controversial way, and so their actions will be scrutinized. As long as people refrain from name calling or comments that are rude for the sake of being rude, I don't see why it's such a big deal.

    6. You know, Regina, there are atheists that read this board and comment. They would not appreciate being told they are prayed for. Nor would prayers do any good. Nobody's listening.

  44. Please come home sooner than later and I think we'd all be happy if they didn't go back there after their son is born.

    1. Some of us would be happy if they did what the Lord wants them to do even if that means they go back to Central America.

  45. this is a reminder that we all need to pray for all God's children in dangerous areas. as far as id the "Christian" friend and the spin doctors on this blog using it to spin hate - i just really wish they would go to blogs of people they like and leave this one!

  46. Praying for all who are mourning the loss of their loved one. My deepest condolences, Derek and Jill.

  47. Why do all their newsletters have to include something they think is terrible or shocking? Whether it's spiders, wild cats, horrible living conditions (that are the norm in that area), "stinky feet," or this latest news, all they seem to talk about is what's wrong, or how they can't get used to life there. Don't they understand how haughty that makes them look, compared to the locals they are supposed to be helping? If it's so bad there and you have to constantly complain, then find another location to do your work. Acting a martyr gets you no bonus points with anyone, let alone The One you're supposedly there to teach about.

    1. 1:21 or if you don't like what they write,go to a different blog. You won't be too missed!

    2. Sometimes, I feel like they are trying to make us feel bad for them. Other times I feel it is bragging. Wow, look what we have to handle....

    3. Rude. I admire their bravery. Their explanations paints a picture of all they endure. That place does sound dangerous. People are murdered for the slightest things. How sad and scary! Jill and Derrick are selfless to be even in an area like that. They could have been sitting pretty in that mansion all comforttable and cozy. But they are missionaries sharing the love of the Lord.

    4. They let us know the what they are going through so that people will know to pray for them and the people they are ministering to.

    5. They don't sound haughty at all. They are just telling about the realities of their lives on the mission field which is the purpose of the newsletters. It helps those who pray to know specifically how to pray for them.

  48. The 2 that were murder were in the same family. Not 2 different families.

    Jill was lucky it wasn't Derek murder.

  49. I'm sorry for their loss of their friends. Prayers to the families involved.

  50. Derick looks so much healthier in this picture. I'm glad to see he doesn't look frail and sickly. I hope he's feeling better!

    1. They corrected his jaw and lining. He doesn't gag anymore in which now he gain weight properly. Also, he couldn't eat certain things when his jaw was still healing, so he had lost weight from that.

    2. Anon 8:29 - Where did you get that information? It does makes sense, but as far as I can tell, the Dillard's have never directly answered questions about Derrick's health.

  51. The headline of this post tells us that the Dillards are mourning the loss of friends who were murdered! Where is the compassion? If that's not something we can all agree is terrible and that this is one blog post that should forego the critical, judgmental words, then that speaks volumes about the hearts of those posting.

  52. I am so so sorry for y'all's loss. That can be so scary and I can't imagine the amount of grief you guys are going through. We are praying for you!

  53. Horrible! My grandparents are missionaries to Central America as well and have recently had something similar happen.

  54. So sorry for your loss. Rest In Peace. God Bless.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  55. Jill, please dress more modestly. Especially in a dangerous country. You shouldn't draw attwntion to yourself or your pregnancy by wearing tight clothing. I don't understand what you are thinking. Do you realize the sadistic, evil murderers in your country of ministry? You are not safer because you are a pregnant American missionary. If anything you stand out more and are more vulnerable. Please use your head.

    1. Good point. Modesty seems to go out the window when the Duggar girls are pregnant.

  56. I read the update on their blog and I have to say I hope that the information they provided does not put anyone in danger. If the family is already being threatened by gang violence, being linked so clearly to Westerners might put them in further danger. I hope the Dillards take their own safety, and the safety of others, as seriously as possible!!

    1. They were "linked" to that ministry long before Jill posted that news. They've been working with SOS for quite awhile. I get the feeling there's more to the story.

  57. El Salvador 🇸🇻

  58. To my fellow Christian sisters and brothers who are getting upset over the nasty comments,
    You all need to remember what Apostle Paul says in Ephesians 6:12 that our battle isn't against flesh and blood. And the verse goes on and in verse 13 he reminds us to put on our whole armor of God.
    This is a spiritual battle that is best won with prayer.

    1. I don't label any comments on this blog one way or the other, "nasty" or "nice." I find them all interesting. I wish there were more. I wish they weren't filtered, because I'm sure there are many more interesting remarks that go unpublished for some reason.

  59. Hopefully the Dillard & Duggar families can read this:
    To Jill: what would your life be like without Derick?
    Derick: what would your life be like without Jill?
    What your childred do without either or both of you.
    PLEASE come home and stay home.
    There is a lot of "God's work" you can do HERE.
    Think about your children.

    1. Something bad could happen to them back in the US, as well.

  60. Thanks for letting us know to pray for them and the mourning family.


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